@AaronLeeJohnson The entire lamp industry ramped up production, thinking your lamp purchase was the start of a demand spike for lamps. When nobody else needed lamps, the bubble burst and meh came to pick up the pieces.
@AaronLeeJohnson@raive That, and Amazon has managed to retrofit. Alexa’s surveillance capabilities into a whole bunch of things that aren’t even technically IOT devices.
Tracking the price history on these lamps via camelcamelcamel is very interesting. Some lamps steadily went up in price until they sold out, others price history looks like a seismograph reading of an earthquake, a couple others flatlined over their entire history – one of which could have been purchased for 58 cents less than the price here.
@brennyn Holy crap! There is a company/someone out there thinks it is a good move to make disposable lamps that you throw out when the bulb goes out or gets broken? (Says she who was standing on her bed to get something on a top shelf, being to lazy to go get the step ladder, and lost my balance a bit, and my head hit the lamp part of the overhead ceiling fan, broke the bulb and had to use pliers to get the broken bulb out).
@beachhead No, I think it is meh’s way of saying that the room dedicated to storing your growing collection of outdated food products should be well lit.
@mediocrebot what is powering all those lamps during the apocalypse. Is it pure electric-negativity that will be in the air during the lamp apocalypse?
@brizajac Those dimensions are supplied by the manufacturer; unfortunately, they are usually the dimensions of the box instead of the actual product inside. The same problem crops up on Amazon and elsewhere.
Wow - I ordered one of these (the blue desk lamp) from Morningsave on Sunday. It arrived today! People always complain about the slow shipping so I just wanted to commend them for sending this so fast!
estimated delivery date: Monday, Mar 25 - Wednesday, Mar 27
Product: Lamps
Condition: New
28.5" Adjustable Desk Task Lamp in Black/Brass or Blue/Brass
Model: ALT17032514, ALT17032514MB
17" Mid-Century Modern Rectangular Table Lamp
Model: ALT0316052
22" Ceramic Geometric Cut-Out Table Lamp
Model: ALT180600
11.2" Wood Base Small Table Lamp
Model: ALT181002US
9.7" Metal Base Mini Table Lamp
Model: ALT181006US
56.8" Floor Standing Lamp
Model: ALT181016US
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
Reviews At Amazon:
28.5" Adjustable Desk Lamp
17" Solid Marble Rectangular Lamp
9.7" Metal Base Table Lamp
11.2" Wood Base Table Lamp
22" Geometric Table Lamp
56.8" Floor Standing Lamp
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Mar 4 - Wednesday, Mar 6
What a bright idea!!
These wretched devices put a hard-working fella outta business!! BOO!!
Nice little light. I’m gonna let it shine

The moths are going apeshit right now.
How does this happen? I bought a lamp last week. Now you’re selling a variety of lamps.
@AaronLeeJohnson The entire lamp industry ramped up production, thinking your lamp purchase was the start of a demand spike for lamps. When nobody else needed lamps, the bubble burst and meh came to pick up the pieces.
@AaronLeeJohnson @raive That, and Amazon has managed to retrofit. Alexa’s surveillance capabilities into a whole bunch of things that aren’t even technically IOT devices.
these are all fugly
@spacemart I disagree.
I like these! Some more than others, but I think they’re nice, and very affordable.
Buy three of these; you’ve all but decorated your whole tiny house.
/showme edible electric lamp
@mediocrebot… ummmm…?
@haydesigner @mediocrebot Just when i was beginning to think the showme bot had finally learned English spelling rules.
@mediocrebot holy fuck
/showme lamprey electrified and all lit up
Tracking the price history on these lamps via camelcamelcamel is very interesting. Some lamps steadily went up in price until they sold out, others price history looks like a seismograph reading of an earthquake, a couple others flatlined over their entire history – one of which could have been purchased for 58 cents less than the price here.
Do these have easily replaceable bulbs? The last time I bought a desk lamp the bulb was soldered in place.
@brennyn From the pics it looks like a standard socket but the descriptions are all over the place.
@brennyn Holy crap! There is a company/someone out there thinks it is a good move to make disposable lamps that you throw out when the bulb goes out or gets broken? (Says she who was standing on her bed to get something on a top shelf, being to lazy to go get the step ladder, and lost my balance a bit, and my head hit the lamp part of the overhead ceiling fan, broke the bulb and had to use pliers to get the broken bulb out).
@Trinityscrew Lampy is LIT!
Is this meh’s way of secretly saying they’ve “seen the light”? No more outdated food products? We can only hope.
@beachhead No, I think it is meh’s way of saying that the room dedicated to storing your growing collection of outdated food products should be well lit.
@beachhead @macromeh Ferment and distill the expired food, and get really lit.
It’s not almost expired food!
@Wizrd Yes, but I still wouldn’t eat today’s products.
Meh, you light up my life…
At least by the monitor-light
/showme the lamp apocalypse
@mediocrebot what is powering all those lamps during the apocalypse. Is it pure electric-negativity that will be in the air during the lamp apocalypse?
With all those lights, it still looks dark.
@OnionSoup Maybe it’s like in Monsters, Inc. and there’s a child laughing somewhere nearby.
But now I wonder what a child would find funny about the lampocalypse.
@OnionSoup @xobzoo Kitty!
Nice timing! Grabbed two of the marble ones as I am redoing my office and finally replacing my electrical hazard lamps I currently use.
It would certainly be nice if the desk lamps were dimmable. However, it does not appear that is the case.
@richferg it’s says dimmer but I’m more concerned about the 15-30 minutes assembly time.
how can you tell the price of a specific lamp?
@LCDesign Click to buy and select it from the drop down. The price will show for the lamp selected.
/showme I love lamp.
Considering the Internet, I was hoping for a bit more. Poor neutered art bots hamstrung by prissy people.
100k people came for this? Why??? Wait, Why am I here. Whyyyyy???
The lamps are not the same size. It says 22 inches tall but they are only 18 inches tall. 22" Ceramic Geometric Cut-Out Table Lamp
Model: ALT180600
White ceramic cut-out base with white linen shade
Product Dimensions: 13"L x13" W x 22"H
@brizajac Those dimensions are supplied by the manufacturer; unfortunately, they are usually the dimensions of the box instead of the actual product inside. The same problem crops up on Amazon and elsewhere.
Wow - I ordered one of these (the blue desk lamp) from Morningsave on Sunday. It arrived today! People always complain about the slow shipping so I just wanted to commend them for sending this so fast!