@thekenya how do you not have a need for a small knife sometimes? I use my small pocket knife almost every day, from cutting open a box or a food package, to just trimming back a fingernail cuticle or cutting the tag off of something, or cutting a piece of tie down rope or all sorts of other things. If you have a knife on you, you'll discover how often it gets used.
@madamehardy but the carrotid artery is so much fun! or, if you really want to, the femoral is right there at the groin- that one always gets overlooked...
@madamehardy my little knife, that can't reach a heart, is carried in my non shooting hand specifically to be use in a situation where I need to express my need for a person to "get off me" when they're close enough to subdue my shooting hand, and to open box so I don't dull my regular knife I carry for things like cheese and sandwich cutting.
@rayray8822 Well in the context of the Indiana Jones moving it was really funny. And unexpected which made it a laugh out loud moment in the truest sense. That is why I still remembered it all these years later and went hunting.
@Kidsandliz They actually spent two days filming a knife-whip fight. And then somebody said, "wait a minute....", But they ended up recycling the whip-knife fight in the next movie.
I once had a knife exactly like this.. Cut myself with it but couldn't separate butter.. [of course the butter was frozen at the time but so was my finger].
OK, so I looked at the close-up photos (buy first, then research right?). Cool details, I like those torx (?) screw gadgets holding it together. Grabbed another one... thanks to VMP, the second order did not double the shipping charge. Bonus: another order phrase: thinkable-errant-honeydew!
@RedOak I'm happy with both of the Kershaw Functions they sold before. The torx screws are way better than rivets for long term, especially for a youngster's knife that might get wobbly quicker through natural youthful misuse. You can disassemble and retighten, etc.
@mehjohnson Excellent. My son learned the hard way (is there a more effective way?) that using an inexpensive fixed blade knife as a hatchet evenually breaks the handles off. He was bummed.
The basic black version of this knife was riding in my pocket today. It's a decent utility knife, and I like having that bottle opener on the weekends.
Meeeeeeh! Everyone sells knives these days, even...Woot. At least sell one that can be used in the Zombie Apocalypse. And white shows off blood in such a tacky manner.
Looks like the streak is over with and the speaker docks will return once again...
First impression: "Hmm, this would make a pretty cool bottle opener, that way I'll have a knife in the kitchen. The dumb thoughts that rattle around in my brain...
Still, in for one. Supremely happy with all my Kershaws so far.
@yoda133113 ... It's really simple.. People are beginning to multiply on this site like cockroaches, soon meh will play trickle down like woot (pray nay!!).
@yoda133113 Selling out is kind of the goal of the site. I read a comment by @snapster (I forget if it was an article interview, or a post on here, or what), where he essentially said (very roughly paraphrasing here), that they aim to offer each item at a high enough price that allows them to make a profit, but also low enough to ensure that there's nothing left. So, selling out = mission accomplished.
@iggy71 I was right. I got over it (funny how a little time straightens out your thinking). Soon it will be midnight and we can start the whole shebang all over again.
@bchrist825 I agree. Getting pretty annoying waking up to see something I totally want sold out hours ago. But it's not worth sleep deprivation. 6 am est turnover would be so much better. I would have incentive to wake up early, much more so than to stay up 2-3 hours later than I want. Literally the only time I get to see things at midnight is if I'm having severe insomnia issues... Of course most of their customers (cali & Texas & korea) live in time zones where the turnover is a much more reasonable 9 or 10 pm
@Vettvilling There is no time that would make everyone happy. Your oh-so-reasonable 6am-while-i-have-my-morning-coffee would be 4am for me. I would literally never be around for roll over. You could make it 11 eastern, but then it would be 8pm Pacific, and there would be more people there awake and buying, and people would complain about how unfair THAT was.
@bchrist825 I tend to analyze stuff, but have learned with Meh, it is healthier to submit to the mystery. It is because it is. They know stuff in that Mediocre Lab.
Oh hi, good of you pricks to buy 57 knives...because! I just wanted one. Wake up, check meh. SOLD OUT! I don't get it... I guess I'll go on eBay and see a ton of these for sale for $20 because you filthy animals hord these.
Yea... I snoozed 😴 and I "loosed"... Crap! Yea, I get it about sellout before us east coasters wake up... But hey, in life sometimes u r the bug and sometimes u r the windshield... Maybe try an experiment... Say.... Have your new item post at the top of a random hour throughout the day... 4am...1pm... Can I imagine every Meh-er checking the website hourly just to get in on a deal that we don't even need! But, hey.... It's the little things in life that make us happy! Think about it...
I just want to say I really wanted this knife and it's terrible you sold out before I could buy it, even though I was online last night when it went live and I had plenty of time to buy it and technically I didn't really want it but then it sold out and now I want it.
Decent knife - worth $7. A little bit smaller than I expected. Shoulda used the baby arm for scale. Blade is a little bit wobbly. Anyone here use locktite on knives as a regular tune-up? I've read that some people take new knives, disassemble, threadlock, then tighten them up before they ever use them. I wanted to try that, then give 'em to the kids to destroy.
My initial impressions. Blade pivot is a bit tight, which may be good. Not wobbly. Bot it is difficult to open with one hand using the thumbstud. Kind of dangerous until it loosens up. Blade is short and wide. Blade is matte finish with no marring or scratches at this point. Difficult to clip inside pocket due to tight clip and rough texture. Like someone else mentioned, be careful of the bottle opener while in pocket. Overall happy with the knife, considering the great price.
Got my knife, very Meh...I don't like the ratio of blade width to length. I am not snobby on brands etc but I love my CRKT Pazoda knife from sport.woot 2 years ago. I can open it with a flick of the wrist and the knife overall is quite thin so it's easy to carry even in dress pants.
Great little knife for the price for sure. I like it because people at work looked at me funny when I would get out my Cold Steel Voyager Vaquero with a 4" blade. This one is non-threatening especially in white. The bottle opener works well - I reversed the clip though because as people have noted it can be sharp when you put your hands in your pockets otherwise. Pretty nice though - I have even used the screwdriver already.
@astondb4gtz OK idea to reverse the clip. The do suggest is the instructions to have the knife in your pocket with the blade against the seam of your pocket. I guess in case it opens. I was going to reverse my clip but I decided not to because I don't want to reach into my pocket and find, by remote chance, an open blade.
MEH this is why FEDEX SUCKS!!!!!! So the day before this sale I purchased the Joyride (1/10/15) takes 2 days before Fedex gets it and deviled 1/17/15. So 7 days from order or 5 days shipped. This order is the very next day yet shows up 6 days later. Ordered 1/11/15 1/13/15 fed ex gets it, and may be delivered 9 days later. So 11 days from order or 9 days shipped. 4 extra days plus the estimated arrival date changed no less than 4 different times. This happens so often with them changing delivery dates. They see smart post and saw fuck it we'll do it whenever we are bored. Rant over. Thank you.
@hart Not really the speed that upsets me just how fedex is so inconsistant and how they change there delivery date on most pakages several times. You guys do a good job getting it out!
@StrangerDanger I just checked your tracking number and it looks like it is out for delivery today. You can check your orders tracking numbers at https://meh.com/orders.
@ExCinisCineris Thanks for the update. I haven't heard back from them yet but I expect it would be a few hours behind you. Maybe tomorrow. Bought the knife for my wife. It's the first thing she wanted from Meh.
Condition - New
Warranty - Lifetime Kershaw
Estimated Delivery: 1/20 - 1/22
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
1x Kershaw snow white shuffle knife
Pocket clip
Bottle opener
Price Check
$24.99 List, $16.75 at Amazon
90 days
@mediocrebot nice little knife, but I'll let the whiners from yesterday's sell-out have it. ;)
I'm in for one:3 I like the knives. @Barney loves purple
I really have too many knives, meh. I've run out of places to dump the bodies. ... Yeah. Of bugs, of course. Die, vermin, die!
I love purple.
@mediocrebot Totally meh-licious.
@mediocrebot I'm on to you guys you sold 1007 translated is LooT and they definately looted anyone who bought this fancy white power knife
I think that beer might be a twist off.
@Thumperchick I think you just need to prick it with something. Perhaps a 2.4 in. knife blade.
@mossygreen or naw.
@mossygreen YOU SAID PRICK
such mehsipointment
This is a pretty dull deal.
So would this be good if I were a huntsman?...ok I'll show myself out.
damn, that thing is ugly
This was 101st meh in a row. Mehmentus.
@ACraigL That's what I call mehmorable.
Buy first, ask questions later... let's see this one sell out in 15 minutes tonight...
@ruouttaurmind Seems less likely. But I'm not that sharp.
I think I'll keep listening to this Jeff Buckley/Elizabeth Fraser duet on repeat instead...
you call that a knife?
that's not a knife.
this is a knife.
@ekw That's not a knife, that's a spoon.
@ekw that's not a knife. that's a knife.
@The_Baron I see you've played knifey-spooney before
there is no spoon
@ekw there is no knife only Zuul
The poll is the best part about deals like this, and it's missing... way to reach a new low, Meh.
@TBoneZeOriginal I guess they cut it with this deal.
The east coasters won't have to complain about that fugly thing selling out. You guys enjoy.
@judahsma1 You so sure?
@judahsma1 I'm an East Coaster. It's 9:00am. It's sold out. Y'know...IJS...
Knife is for cutting!
@rand3y spoon is all you need.
For $7 plus free shipping, WTF, bought two for throwing at my neighbor's cat.
@DarkFormula I.LOVE.CATS.
@gertiestn Buy two cats to throw at DarkFormula.
@MehAmphetamine Or you can buy two @Darkformula s to throw at the cats. He'd probably rip em to shreds
I really want to get this knife, but I doubt I'll ever use it
@thekenya how do you not have a need for a small knife sometimes? I use my small pocket knife almost every day, from cutting open a box or a food package, to just trimming back a fingernail cuticle or cutting the tag off of something, or cutting a piece of tie down rope or all sorts of other things. If you have a knife on you, you'll discover how often it gets used.
@ColeSloth I already have a knife, and I don't use it that often
I'm a sucker for a cheaply priced knife, and I really like my other Kershaw knives so I'm in for one.
@zacatac that was my reasoning for buying two..
@kadagan I'm just a plan old sucker, so I got three.
If you stabbed somebody with that, it wouldn't reach the heart. Meh.
@madamehardy but the carrotid artery is so much fun! or, if you really want to, the femoral is right there at the groin- that one always gets overlooked...
@madamehardy my little knife, that can't reach a heart, is carried in my non shooting hand specifically to be use in a situation where I need to express my need for a person to "get off me" when they're close enough to subdue my shooting hand, and to open box so I don't dull my regular knife I carry for things like cheese and sandwich cutting.
@badmnky mmmmmmm sandwich
Sure. In for three. The last knife here sold in about an hour and I missed it.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
@jrwofuga That's my boy!
Eh, why not? I haven't bought a knife here yet. understood-mini-pot
What no question tonight?
Stabby Sunday?
Meh. (11th of the year!)
I wouldn't mind finding this in a Fukubukuro bag.
just dont bring it to a gun fight
@Kidsandliz Whoever made that video didn't realize that line was from "The Untouchables," I guess.
@rayray8822 Well in the context of the Indiana Jones moving it was really funny. And unexpected which made it a laugh out loud moment in the truest sense. That is why I still remembered it all these years later and went hunting.
meant to say movie, not moving. I need to turn off autocorrect.
@Kidsandliz They actually spent two days filming a knife-whip fight. And then somebody said, "wait a minute....", But they ended up recycling the whip-knife fight in the next movie.
@SIMBM i heard harrison was very ill and that he chamged it to keep it short.
I once had a knife exactly like this.. Cut myself with it but couldn't separate butter.. [of course the butter was frozen at the time but so was my finger].
Fuck it... I did my part.
I'm not quite sure why I bit on this, but my son has a healthy (unhealthy?) interest in knives. Bargain Bday gift for him!
OK, so I looked at the close-up photos (buy first, then research right?). Cool details, I like those torx (?) screw gadgets holding it together. Grabbed another one... thanks to VMP, the second order did not double the shipping charge. Bonus: another order phrase: thinkable-errant-honeydew!
@RedOak I'm happy with both of the Kershaw Functions they sold before. The torx screws are way better than rivets for long term, especially for a youngster's knife that might get wobbly quicker through natural youthful misuse. You can disassemble and retighten, etc.
@mehjohnson Excellent. My son learned the hard way (is there a more effective way?) that using an inexpensive fixed blade knife as a hatchet evenually breaks the handles off. He was bummed.
Tempting but I ask myself "do I need it?"
@xEBRONx I think you're on the wrong site for that.
I don't need this. Bought it anyways.
Surely I can't be the only one seing a googly eyed dragon in the second picture of the knife.
@Tiamat114 Not anymore.
@Tiamat114 He is so cute!
@Tiamat114 put these eyes on and I'll purchase.
Don't want, Don't need it.
Thanks meh for helping me one step closer to being a semi famous tv star (hoarders).
Jumbo-wasteful-thing. Yeah, what's the point?
I am a sucker for a cheap Kershaw. Gimme three.
By the power of my, um, eccentric-unyielding-mitten…just the thing for holding a knife like this.
In for one
I see what you did there Meh - you cut out the survey.
Meh, now I see why you initially cut out the survey.
The basic black version of this knife was riding in my pocket today. It's a decent utility knife, and I like having that bottle opener on the weekends.
Everyone sells knives these days, even...Woot. At least sell one that can be used in the Zombie Apocalypse. And white shows off blood in such a tacky manner.
Looks like the streak is over with and the speaker docks will return once again...
@Kerig3 The white helps you find the blood when you need to bleach it down in a hurry. It's all a matter of perspective.
I like purple.
@Kerig3 Woot? What's woot? There's only meh.
"Out here on the frontier..."
Standby for sellout. 837 sold in first hour.
First impression: "Hmm, this would make a pretty cool bottle opener, that way I'll have a knife in the kitchen. The dumb thoughts that rattle around in my brain...
Still, in for one. Supremely happy with all my Kershaws so far.
Speechless, what a horrible knife. Can't believe Kershaw even put their name on that one.
@Stallion Based on this recommendation, I bought two.
@Crixus Congrats!!! Just know "All your base are belong to Meh"
@Stallion Thanks! On top of all my base, all my $5/mo are belong to meh.
I can't believe I just bought a knife. My parents are going to kill me.
@whitneysit hopefully with your brand new white knife, yeah I said it white
@whitneysit How old are you, 10?
I like purple.
@whitneysit pics or it didn't happen
@Stallion I'm 18, but still in high school.
All white and a bunch of K's.

I like purple.
Sold out already. Well shit.
I have way too many knives hoarded atm that I'm trying to get rid of... Glad this sold out before I could have the impulse to buy it.
This whole, "Sell out in less than 2 hours" thing is getting old. What's this, like 5 or 6 days in a row where you're sold out before people wake up?
@yoda133113 Or people have not fallen asleep.
@yoda133113 Come it's the weekend, are you really in bed before midnight?
@yoda133113 You're up right now to bitch about it so I don't understand the problem.
@yoda133113 ... It's really simple.. People are beginning to multiply on this site like cockroaches, soon meh will play trickle down like woot (pray nay!!).
Yeah some people have jobs that require waking up at 6 am.
@Vettvilling True. And yet other people have jobs that keep them working until 10 p.m.
@yoda133113 Selling out is kind of the goal of the site. I read a comment by @snapster (I forget if it was an article interview, or a post on here, or what), where he essentially said (very roughly paraphrasing here), that they aim to offer each item at a high enough price that allows them to make a profit, but also low enough to ensure that there's nothing left. So, selling out = mission accomplished.
Seriously? Sold out again that fast?
I'm so glad I finally resisted a good deal that I didn't need. And now that it's sold out I don't need to worry about it anymore.
I didn't want this but now that it's sold out I want it. Meh, I'll get over it.
@iggy71 I was right. I got over it (funny how a little time straightens out your thinking). Soon it will be midnight and we can start the whole shebang all over again.
You people are worse than black Friday shoppers.
...I'm just jealous cause I didn't get one
The morning folks are gonna be pissed. Neat-Dynamic-Unicorn
Man, people on the internet sure love knives.
Something-something-grumble-grumble-curse-all-you-non-Californians-for-buying-them-up-before-I-could ...
You're killing it Meh! Another impressive sellout. You're doing a great job!!!
I hope that tomorrow they sell seven dwarf knives.
@neuromancer At less than 2.5" this meh was a dwarf knife.
Tyrion Lannister for President!
Suggestion from a VMP ready to cancel his membership due to the early sellouts...
Why not limit these less than $20 items to "ONE per buyer" ??!??!?
I think a lot of folks are buying 3 for the mere gift factor.
Think about it....
PS - Ironically, I was able to get ONE of the knives as last night was one of the rare times I stayed up past 12 here in the East Coast.
Please, think about it...
@bchrist825 I agree. Getting pretty annoying waking up to see something I totally want sold out hours ago. But it's not worth sleep deprivation. 6 am est turnover would be so much better. I would have incentive to wake up early, much more so than to stay up 2-3 hours later than I want. Literally the only time I get to see things at midnight is if I'm having severe insomnia issues... Of course most of their customers (cali & Texas & korea) live in time zones where the turnover is a much more reasonable 9 or 10 pm
@Vettvilling @bchrist825 There's an entire discussion about selling out here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/sold-out-bullshit
@Vettvilling There is no time that would make everyone happy. Your oh-so-reasonable 6am-while-i-have-my-morning-coffee would be 4am for me. I would literally never be around for roll over. You could make it 11 eastern, but then it would be 8pm Pacific, and there would be more people there awake and buying, and people would complain about how unfair THAT was.
@bchrist825 I tend to analyze stuff, but have learned with Meh, it is healthier to submit to the mystery. It is because it is. They know stuff in that Mediocre Lab.
@bchrist825 Go ahead and leave. Bye!
@Vettvilling I live on the East Coast, and I love the midnight item change.
@katblue Hey blue cat...
@bchrist825 I did not say I was leaving... only cancelling the free VMP status...
Yup would have jumped on this but I was otherwise occupied.
@Pitmonkey It took longer than 2 minutes to sell-out. ;)
@Stumpy91 @Pitmonkey
Oh hi, good of you pricks to buy 57 knives...because! I just wanted one. Wake up, check meh. SOLD OUT!
I don't get it... I guess I'll go on eBay and see a ton of these for sale for $20 because you filthy animals hord these.
@joshbagosh87 I could have bought some but didn't. I gave you a chance, but you dropped the ball.
Yea... I snoozed 😴 and I "loosed"... Crap! Yea, I get it about sellout before us east coasters wake up... But hey, in life sometimes u r the bug and sometimes u r the windshield...
Maybe try an experiment... Say.... Have your new item post at the top of a random hour throughout the day... 4am...1pm... Can I imagine every Meh-er checking the website hourly just to get in on a deal that we don't even need! But, hey.... It's the little things in life that make us happy! Think about it...
@wildmomo I believe that was suggested already here. https://meh.com/forum/topics/sold-out-bullshit
Can I swear for missing this?
(and I just discovered meh awesome song when you hit the meh.)
@wew Yeah, you can go ahead and swear. It is an awesome song, isn't it?
This is a handy little knife and well worth the $12 I paid for mine.
Fuggity fug fug fug. I was waiting for a knife item and then I go and miss it. Fug.
I just want to say I really wanted this knife and it's terrible you sold out before I could buy it, even though I was online last night when it went live and I had plenty of time to buy it and technically I didn't really want it but then it sold out and now I want it.
Ha me too
Decent knife - worth $7. A little bit smaller than I expected. Shoulda used the baby arm for scale. Blade is a little bit wobbly. Anyone here use locktite on knives as a regular tune-up? I've read that some people take new knives, disassemble, threadlock, then tighten them up before they ever use them. I wanted to try that, then give 'em to the kids to destroy.
@G1 The manufacturer even mentions threadlocker such as loctite in the paperwork that was enclosed with the knife.
My initial impressions. Blade pivot is a bit tight, which may be good. Not wobbly. Bot it is difficult to open with one hand using the thumbstud. Kind of dangerous until it loosens up. Blade is short and wide. Blade is matte finish with no marring or scratches at this point. Difficult to clip inside pocket due to tight clip and rough texture. Like someone else mentioned, be careful of the bottle opener while in pocket. Overall happy with the knife, considering the great price.
Got my knife, very Meh...I don't like the ratio of blade width to length. I am not snobby on brands etc but I love my CRKT Pazoda knife from sport.woot 2 years ago. I can open it with a flick of the wrist and the knife overall is quite thin so it's easy to carry even in dress pants.
@tightwad Yeah, I was surprised at how broad the blade is. You have to wonder for what purpose.
Great little knife for the price for sure. I like it because people at work looked at me funny when I would get out my Cold Steel Voyager Vaquero with a 4" blade. This one is non-threatening especially in white. The bottle opener works well - I reversed the clip though because as people have noted it can be sharp when you put your hands in your pockets otherwise. Pretty nice though - I have even used the screwdriver already.
I like purple.
@astondb4gtz OK idea to reverse the clip. The do suggest is the instructions to have the knife in your pocket with the blade against the seam of your pocket. I guess in case it opens. I was going to reverse my clip but I decided not to because I don't want to reach into my pocket and find, by remote chance, an open blade.
@Stumpy91 If I was them I would say that too, but the odds of this popping open are mighty slim indeed.
Nice little knife for me, i work in an cooler and the glass nylon doesn't get cold, so its pretty nice for colder work.
MEH this is why FEDEX SUCKS!!!!!! So the day before this sale I purchased the Joyride (1/10/15) takes 2 days before Fedex gets it and deviled 1/17/15. So 7 days from order or 5 days shipped. This order is the very next day yet shows up 6 days later. Ordered 1/11/15 1/13/15 fed ex gets it, and may be delivered 9 days later. So 11 days from order or 9 days shipped. 4 extra days plus the estimated arrival date changed no less than 4 different times. This happens so often with them changing delivery dates. They see smart post and saw fuck it we'll do it whenever we are bored. Rant over. Thank you.
@StrangerDanger You can get it fast or you can get it cheap. If you want it fast, you're on the wrong site.
@StrangerDanger listen to hart. Some of us still don't have the shirts we ordered 10 days before this knife.
@nadroj Yea mines still at the lable phase.
@hart Not really the speed that upsets me just how fedex is so inconsistant and how they change there delivery date on most pakages several times. You guys do a good job getting it out!
@StrangerDanger hmm, didn't realize this was a common issue with fedex. my order was supposed to be delivered Tuesday, then Wednesday, now TBD.
@StrangerDanger I just checked your tracking number and it looks like it is out for delivery today. You can check your orders tracking numbers at https://meh.com/orders.
This is a great little knife. Super sturdy and the white is not bad looking at all. Most satisfying meh purchase since the deep fryer.
I like purple.
Well they sent me the wrong thing. I received a ton of those sleeves.... ugh now I got to wait another 2 weeks for my knife =(
I got the sleeves too. Really do want the knife. Would be glad to give the sleeves back to get it.
@PFFlyer They will probably fix this and I think the last thing they want is those sleeves back lol.
@PFFlyer Just an update, I put in a ticket and they are sending me my knife and let me keep the sleeves.
@ExCinisCineris Thanks for the update. I haven't heard back from them yet but I expect it would be a few hours behind you. Maybe tomorrow. Bought the knife for my wife. It's the first thing she wanted from Meh.
Knife is a unifork
Some linked me over here in the post today and I totally wish I could buy this knife instead today!
@mfauske88 It's your lucky day!