I hope Meh has some larger quantities of some decent stuff coming our way. If the daily site visitor count has climbed, then they need to have higher quantities, otherwise there is a good percentage of folks that will stop visiting. Then, sales would drop on the days when there are more units available.
There will always be the hardcore contingent that is hovering at their browsers at flip time, but with @snapster 's actions to bring in more daily visitors, there has to be quantities available to satisfy them. Sellouts are great, but not after only a few hours for days in a row before the non-hardcore folks even have a chance.
Sell out by noon? I would think that is better than selling out at o dark-thirty, but hey I don't run successive successful ecommerce sites!
@Pamtha except they are finding little pockets of unsold merchandise around the globe...(OK Korea) and buying it wholesale and then offering (lol) it to us for cheap. @snapster has really never said this is supposed to be a successful for-profit venture.... only that it's an "experiment" So far... he's right.
I agree with Pantha. Something that is likley to sell out should be listed for a limited number per hour...see how those left coasters like that with their above smart-ass mouths.
@packer oh sheesh.... now youse guies want ecommerce socialism. ...so lemme get this straight: Those people willing to stay up late and forego sleep to find mediocre deals should be penalized because you want to get your 8.5 hours sleep, have your $10-a-pack smoke, some bitter coffee, flip open the Times and THEN after MSNBC tells you how miserable you are, THEN AND ONLY THEN you want to be able to lazily login to your computer and browse meh.com because they've limited the sales per hour so you know for sure there will be product left by the time you grace us with your presence..... NO!
@unixrab@saysaythings Holy shit! That was damned near brilliant, @unixrab. Don't forget that most of what you say isn't. An attaboy to you, my frenemy.
@kr1sk A "Deal-A-Day" site changes when it's a new day. 12am EST is the earliest declaration of a new day in the US (which just so happens to be their intended customer base). Stay up late. Set an alarm. Deal with it.
@Willijs3 The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the US (so saith Wiki P.) They're on Atlantic Standard time, which is to say 1 hour ahead of EST. I'd settle for an 11 p.m. Eastern turnover!
@Willijs3 I mean, it was just a suggestion. There's no unwritten internet rule that says deal-a-day has to match any particular time zone. I'm sure Meh/Mediocre wouldn't mind breaking it if it did exist, anyway. But I guess they could go to Atlantic Time if they're as concerned about the details as you seem to think they are. As for staying/getting up for a sale? It's not really a top priority. But maybe you should try to go to bed before the sale starts yourself. It might help with the grumpiness.
@The_Baron Sounds kinda like Noon EST to me, but if you wanna call it that then sure. I'd also be fine with midnight PST (less west coasters still up to kind of balance out us sleeping on the {superior coast}). Or how about 9am EST?
@Willijs3 Not that I care because I'm west coast but if they really don't like it, move west. Actually don't - too many of you east coast transplants out here already with your weird east coast ideas. tl;dr suck it up buttercup.
@kr1sk keep complaining and watch them switch it at midnight west coast time. Then we'll get to stay up until 3am to get good deals. TL;DR shut up already.
@wisenekt At least then I'd have a chance. I feel worse about the camera yesterday than I do about these meh headphones today. I most cases I didn't even know I wanted it, so no big deal, but I will ALWAYS miss out on the good stuff. Boo hoo me.
Exactly, it is sad to login at 5 est and see an item i would have bought three of (3 kids) already sold out. But alas I'm not going to wake up at midnight to look. I'm on call and usually get to sleep between 10 and 5 and not missing my chance.
Newegg and Amazon is selling some Sennheiser HD 202 II for a decent price. Not bluetooth but probably would sound better and last longer than these TOCCS headphones.
@TheAlmighty1 What about all the people that work during that time and can't shop on meh because of firewall blocking or disapproval from the boss? You may get more sleep but with a 12pm EST rollover, a lot more people might be unemployed.
@wisenekt Do you have a smartphone with a data plan and no thick walls or building blocking your internet access or/and download a free VPN app? Just throwing out suggestions.
@gommiebears Personally I work in a SCIF that doesn't allow in anything that sends out a signal. But there are also people that have jobs where they can't sit on their phones. Main point is that regardless of when they would move it to, there are always people that are going to miss out on the deal. It is what it is.
Guys, Meh is a daily deal site. If you can't stay up till 12 to see what the new deal is for the day then that just sucks for you. They don't HAVE to put an item out daily at a nice price, but they do it anyway. So stop complaining.
@Chrissyx3 but remember this is merely an experiment. So in an experiment you will always have negative and positive. And it's only works if you get both.
@brdubb you don't have to keep testing the ph of 30% HCl to know it's gonna be a low number... You don't need to have a negative and a positive. experiments aren't about being fair. What you need is a testable hypothesis and repeatable results...
@Headly I'm not all that into science other than if the computer variety. But in a business experiment it's always great to get any and all feedback. Regardless of validity.
@aardWolf I understand, but my point is more that people will complain about the time no matter what time it is. No time is going to be convenient for everyone.
I missed out too...but I'm not complaining because I love MEH's concept, I am entertained every morning for free, and sometimes I get to bag a bargain! or...., um,...meh.
I was mad, then I read all these comments that say the flip time is 12 AM EST and I'm no longer mad. I will absolutely check at midnight from now on though.
I'm not mad, but it is kind of dumb to log on at 6:30 AM CST and see something sold out.
Maybe release half the stock at flip, and then half the stock 12 hours later. That way it's still a daily deal, but everyone has a chance and everyone knows the timing.
Everyone is awake at 12 PM EST, not so much at 12 AM EST.
Anyway, not mad, but if things are sold out by the time I get to work every morning, I'll eventually stop coming.
@cengland0 When I was in college I spent a summer working for a brewing comany on monthly rotating shifts, either 7am-7pm or 7pm-7am so I feel the pain.
@BourbonGhost Because if they only have 2000 items available, but only sell 1000 at midnight there is a greater chance the first 1000 will sell out before the person checking at 2am gets there. They're penalized for coming to the site earlier than the people checking at noon when the 2nd batch of 1000 is offered.
@BourbonGhost Your plan would have them turn away a guaranteed sale at 3am in exchange for a potential sale after noon. How does that benefit a company trying to get this crap out of their warehouse? :D
Did everyone get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? If you don't want to miss an item, check it at 12am Est. If you don't care enough to check it at 12am Est, then don't be upset by a sell out. Its called a sale, not entitlement. Geeze.
@The_Baron Then keep your iPads on the table next to the bed - I'm west coast but I get up really early and I'm usually in bed by 10PM. That's what I do. A cheap ass android tablet works too...
If it started at 9:00 I would be first in line. How about Jan-June, midnight EST and July-Dec 3:00a.m.EST? Oh, and to Unixrab, staying up until 9:00 shouldn't forgo anyone's sleep. I dont think you understand time zones and you sound like your from the Bronx. So I am not surp=rised.
People who put forth **more** effort (IN ANYTHING) will get farther than those who do NOT.
Read that again: **The more effort you put into something the more success you will have.**
Your priorities govern your behavior. The start time doesn't need to be changed, the sales do not need to be limited to a per-hour or a 1/2 now 1/2 at noon model. All that needs to happen is that you show up when it's available or you don't.
HOWEVER: I do have a formula so that you can MAKE meh.com offer a deal ANYTIME YOU WANT... here we go:
You want to visit at noon and get first shot at the daily deal... you need to buy a house in Jakarta, Indonesia. You like 9pm? Move to any of the following states: California, Oregon, (Northern)Idaho, Washington, Nevada, the West Coast of Canada, or Baja Mexico. Depending on your level of commitment - you can have the new daily deal at ANY TIME YOU WANT. You just have to find (and move to) the right timezone - or .... or..... make yourself be here at Midnight EST.
@neuromancer@YahSa15 is correct but if you like volcanoes and earthquakes, grab a house on the Aleutian Islands west of 169.30° West, but I'd personally recommend French Polynesia over Alaska... Just sayin...
i can't get cheap plastic crap cheap enough and am too lazy to start my own warehousing business/website that is specifically tailored to my schedule. it must be somebody else's fault!
@denboy@weinerman I'd like to point out that even God and celebrities wait to be invoked. Otherwise we'd just be meddling busybodies. I'm anything but a busybody.
@denboy@weinerman And having been invoked, I'm not sure I have anything to add (which is to say, good job, everyone). But I'll stand and take my beating if that's what's needed. And I'm sure I'll come up with a useless response.
HEY.............. @snapster !! Giving you this idea for free:
VVVVVVVVVMP program: $20/month automated emailbot sends advanced notice of what's going to be sold at midnight EST. Sale still happens at the same time, but the VVVVVVVVVMP members can decide if they want to stay up!
@unixrab I don't like that either. There are too many VMP members (not you of course). If a FUKU is offered, that would make everyone prepare way ahead of time and there's already too much competition for them.
I think rollover should be at random times. Imagine the fun of having to park your ass at Meh while you wait for the new deal that could pop up any time of the day or night. Imagine all the unhinged fury that would ensue here in the forum. Fun times!
@sarahtarah no. being VMP requires only that you pay your monthly fee for the icon next to your name. Do that, and you can be VMP perpetually. VMP bedtimes are entirely up to the VMP.
@aardWolf an email with the item perhaps, but not the cost...or hell maybe the cost but not the item (to make things a little difficult). But never both. Too many VMPs now to really have the full spread be sent out early and it'll get posted quickly around the web for all to see. But if it's just let say a price point, it really doesn't do much good without the item. (and a fun guessing game). I mean i'd rather the item than the price, but for the sake of experimenting....
@Kleineleh Another easy one. That is clearly a reptilian in late adolescence. From the coloration of the nictating membranes I would say it's either Feinstein or Jeb Bush.
East coast got fucked? Hey buddy next time you're on the Meh homepage why don't you scroll to the bottom? See that big jumble of shapes and lines of various shades? That's called a map. And according to this map someone from literally every state on the east coast was able to buy these headphones. It's not meh's fault you're lazy.
@unixrab I lived there for 10 years. There were around 500,000 residents at the time, meaning cows and antelope handily outnumbered the hairless apes. Also accepted, 'Non Greenies'.
@Mavyn always wanted to visit... maybe retire there. Just need to find a piece of land with a nice water source and a moderate hill to bury my house into the side of a-la Bag End.
Anything decent is sold out anything that is garbage is available. Just stop checking this pos site and let them depend on California to buy their junk.
@bstauver Truth be told it's all garbage. @snapster pulls it out of the trash of businesses around 10-11pm EST and then posts it an hour later. He gets most of it boxed up before the company comes in and notices their bins have been emptied.
@bstauver What do you expect? OF COURSE the good stuff is going to sell out right away. Because people come here at midnight and buy it. And so can you if you want to.
I do think maybe just maybe Meh could offer a second deal if the first one sells out within an hour or two. (Someone else suggested that in a different thread a while back but I don't know who.)
But fuck making everything fair. This isn't gradeschool. Everyone doesn't win a prize just to make it fair.
I say Meh don't change a thing. On the flip side, they will sell something so sh!tactular folks will bitch and moan about staying up late for something "lame" like an open box of cotton balls.
I'm on the east coast and I know to check at midnight. As long as there are sell outs, their model is working. No matter what time they do rollover, someone will bitch.
MAYBE YOU CAN STAY UP UNTIL MIDNIGHT GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Or meh, and every other site doing something similar can change their entire business model for you. While we're at it when a concert or sporting event sells out they should build extra seats just so everyone that wants to go can go! And when there is too much traffic you get a free helicopter ride! We'll fix this shitty world for you, don't worry
@brdubb@Teripie@mzoltek My daughter likes to chide me in front of friends and family about never letting her win at games or arguments. Which isn't entirely true; I'd typically handicap myself (sometimes substantially; e.g., clearing out most of my back row in a game of chess) and I'd be a little reckless. But in fairness I didn't do that typical thing that parents do where they roll over for their kids and just don't take things seriously. And no, I didn't let here win. More than anything I wanted her to be challenged, to learn and to grow. When she won, she'd earned it. Today, she's not only competitive (and usually quite successful) but she enjoys it. She also respects other people's accomplishments and skill. And she certainly knows that she's not entitled to a victory that she hasn't worked for. And, re the arguments, she learned logic and how to debate. She was in fact a very argumentative child, respectful, but suspicious of and constantly questioning authority. Mine most of all (and, really, she'd question but be polite to a fault with others), and I encouraged it. When the wife would see us arguing about every little thing, she'd mock me--"you asked for this"--and I did, and have always been very proud of her. As an adult, she still questions and stands up to authority. She's often been in situations surrounded by sheep who would have happily followed a misguided leader to their destruction. More times than I can count, she's the lone voice of dissent. That's my girl. To me, it's all the same package. Face the facts, don't expect the game to be tilted in your favor (indeed, understand that the odds are usually against you), fight hard, win. Or lose and learn from it. Then get back up and try again.
@joelmw I constantly get my wife looking at me saying how do you like arguing with yourself (when my daughter finds a loophole) and I laugh. But it's a push to be your best always. When I was little and got a 99 on a test. My dad never said good job, he just asked why i didn't get a 100. It pushed me never to settle. And I do the same with my kids. Some don't like the way it's approached but it worked for me.
@brdubb Well, I've always been one to praise less than perfect--but still admirable--accomplishments and effort. In fact, I don't remember pushing her as hard as she claims I did (academically and whatnot), but I did always expect her to be the best and she usually was (at the important things). But for instance she was salutatorian and not valedictorian of her class and I was virtually bursting with pride. She might not have had the higher GPA, but she gave the better speech. :-) I've never been good at hiding my feelings or otherwise lying. I did develop a skill for appreciating goofy little shit (so that I'd have something nice to say to people I didn't otherwise like very much). On the 99, I think I would have praised her for it, but then asked if she understood what she got wrong and if she had a handle on it now. But, as I'm sure you know, at a certain point we don't have to do that anymore because they're already on it.
@joelmw granted I'm sure as a kid I only viewed the times he pushed. I think it became more of a joke the older I got. So probably really only got just the where are all the points in high school. (And of course only in subjects I excelled ie math). But alas there was some certain benefit to it
As someone on the west coast, I can vouch to missing deals too. Did I blame east coasters for staying up too late? No. I missed it, it's my fault, end of story.
TIME ZONES ARE SO UNFAIR! And why do some people have to have jobs that start early in the morning and other people get to have jobs that start later? And why do some people make more money than me? And why won't they let me see what Meh is selling before everyone else (because I need my beauty rest)?
@unixrab I like you. You started out like a wart on the palm of my hand. Sure you were annoying and you got between me and my fun, but now that I've gotten used to you being here, I would miss you if you weren't.
Woot goes live at 1am Eastern (and always did and NEVER changed) - meh 12am EST - its one whole hour earlier, so we gained an hour with meh - its not gonna change more than that folks ;)
@ilovereality When Meh gets a huge reputation, there will be imitators. Competing at the same time would be hard on the newcomers. The smart ones will choose another time somewhat before Meh, so the crowd that is early for Meh can gawk at the the upstart's merchandize.
@ilovereality was going to say, I suspect meh goes live at midnight eastern because of all the bitching and moaning about woot being midnight central and how that was too late for the east coast. Some people are never happy.
Heh, I was working late and saw this deal, decided to grab it when I got off work. By the time I did, it was sold out. That's OK though, I was only going to buy them because I like reviewing Bluetooth Headphones. I have plenty of others to use. Currently waiting for my Wearhaus Arc headphones to be finished/delivered.
How has no one asked what time Korea would like for the new product to be dropped? Since they are 14 hours ahead of EST, maybe they don't like the refresh of 2pm in the afternoon over there.
@bstauver : While @christinerenee is being extremely generous by using the adjective "good," meh.com operates on a few fundamental, immutable truths:
In any given group of people, a certain percentage of them are idiots. The larger the group, the more idiots (here at meh.com we designate those people as very mediocre people or VMP's for short.)
The key is finding that percentage based on your total audience. This is CRUCIAL. If meh.com is wrong on the percentage of idiots visiting the site, they end up with surplus merchindise... and that's bad. So they keep a LOT of stats.
Once an educated guess at the idiot ratio has been made, meh.com procurement agents can scour Korea for product lots that match the idiot ratio as closely as possible with a target of selling out. Right now, my own research has set this number at about 1600 - 2000 idiots:totalmeh.com community. What THIS means is that our intrepid procurement agents are ideally looking for product that come in lots of 1500-2000 pieces. When they find one, they can reasonably project that those lots will sell out with not many (if any) leftover unsold.
Right now, meh.com is averaging about 50,000 visitors per day and I believe that they've settled on about a 125:4 idiot ratio which gets us to about 1600 idiots per day
It would be unwise for meh.com to procure a product lot of MORE than the idiot ratio EVEN IF IT IS AT A GOOD PRICE because only 4 out of every 125 meh customers is an idiot and if you do not respect your idiot ratio, you end up with UNSOLD PRODUCT and that...
To sum up:
If you want a shot at some very mediocre products, you'll have to visit at 00:00 EST, because meh.com is ever-honing it's idiot identification ratio and are realistically only going to offer around 1600-2000 pieces of crud per day. When the projected community rises to say 100,000 visits per day, you may see that the number of product for sale will be around 4000 or so and so on.
CAVEAT: if a product is NOT a piece of junk, meh.com most likely will allow the procurement agents to purchase larger lots because a non-idiotic meh.com visitor will of course jump on an actual good deal... (a very rare occurance)
SO! @bstauver I hope this helps you snag some crap and encourages you to help bump up the idiot ratio.
@unixrab Very nice presentation. I just want to add that I'm sure sometimes Meh is unable to procure the desired number of good items (aka Not Pieces of Junk) to satisfy the predicted number of idiots and non-idiots who want to buy them. But it's really in Meh's best interest to have early sellouts fairly regularly in order to train us to come back at the proper time each night.
@unixrab But wait - if the demand is far outstripping the supply, then that is lost revenue. so if 2,000 are selling out by 2 am ET, and I know this is not linear, but perhaps 4,000 would last until 6 am. In other words, i WANT to give Meh my money, but i am not willing to cut my sleep down or move. I hope that we get a nice long stretch of products that sellout, but do so after sunrise. I am up at 5 am, so sunrise gives the layer sleepers a chance.
That's true, but can Woot handle the extra volume and still keep the quality of deals at an acceptable level? (I don't know the answer. I'm just asking.)
@christinerenee Not in my opinion. I've purchased more in the past couple of months at Meh than I have at Woot in the last couple of years, and I'm one of the early Wooters that actually received one of the certificates. Ever since Amazon took them over, their pricing have been less than stellar.
@unixrab i found a fatal flaw in your math and assumptions, which is not surprising. The visitor counter doesn't stop tabulating when the item sells out, thus your idiot ratio is misstated on every day where a sellout has occurred.
@ACraigL I just now image searched this. I thought those were peas. And I'm like, "what the fuck do bitter peas have to do with anything?" In retrospect, I can't account for why I thought peas should be clustered like that.
There's no winning this situation. If they sell something of limited stock for a fantastic price, it's going to sell out...fast, and people are going to bitch. If they sell something of plentiful stock for a really good price, people bitch about speaker dock Friday.
At the end of the day, it's just stuff. You probably have enough of it already. You always want what you can't have. Meh is doing us a favor by offering these products at the prices they do and while I may have missed out on this one, I'm sure I'll catch a great one soon!
@Kevin whoaaaa there! SLOOOOOOOW DOWN.. that's a slippery slope... now we gotta double the warehouse space, double the product finders, double the servers ... next thing you know we're Amazon flying drones all willynilly into your roof!
To those wanting the deals to flip at a different time, it sounds like you should create a deal a day site and happily flip the product at whatever time your heart desires.
IF it were my site, I'd have a backup item ready to go if the original item is gone by noon.
For those who want to create their own site, may I recommend middling.com for all your fulfillment needs. Amazingly, the people that work there know as much about running a daily sales site as the people at Meh.
@christinerenee It is a different part of Mediocre.com. @Snapster doesn't mind competition. Many people complain about how they choose products, set prices, the website, set sale hours, and customer support response time. So @Snapster lets them do all that themselves, and lets Mediocre handle the logistics (for a fee). This makes it more affordable to set up specialty sale a day type sites. For example, I know a gonzo knitter. Most of her non-work, non-sleep hours are spent doing knitting related stuff. Small producers make exotic yarns, and when they run out, there is no more until the llamas or the bunnies grow more fur. Likewise knitters are constantly inventing new types of needles and other tools. The rest of the days could just be patterns. There isn't enough business in that niche to support Meh, but it could probably support her and a few other gonzo knitters.
@christinerenee She is in Cincinnati and raises angora rabbits for the fur. I don't know if she is interested in starting such a business, just that if she did she would probably be good at the product choices and writing the descriptions.
I recant my rude comment. Do not wish to be counted among the harsh bullies populating some of the threads. @joelmw - wish the goat could get this place back on track.
@joelmw - That's what I was missing! Sorry your term in office is mired in animosity. I knew you could get a handle on it, though. At least you made me laugh again. You're a serious contender for the Best Goat award.
@KDemo I'm not sure I can go quite that far- @lisaviolet did a fabulous job. Some more pictures like that will go a long way to putting him over the top.
@dashcloud Agreed, actually, all the goats have been outstanding (in their fields), but @joelmw has unfortunately had to deal with global thermonuclear war.
@KDemo@dashcloud I'm truly (sincerely) humbled to be mentioned even in the same breath as the old goats. @lisaviolet likes it when I call her old goat. Anyway, yeah, que sera sera.
@cengland0 -No, you were (are) clever and responsive and everything that can be expected of a goat. And you're great at disparaging that "u" guy. Wonder about the history between the two of you, though.
@KDemo We used to work together in the same department of an organization. We had different views on things you probably shouldn't discuss at work and we debated that nearly every day at work. We are both strong in our opinions on the matter and neither of us will change. He's a nice guy most of the time but he doesn't use logic when making life decisions.
@cengland0 - Aha. I used to work next to a guy like that. We had seriously opposing views and never missed a chance to push each other's hot buttons. You're way more clever and amusing, though.
@cengland0 What @KDemo said. But, yaknow, really, in this context, saying that you're the "worst" is a form of boasting. I aspire to be the worst. I don't think I'm that good.
Yeah, I'm getting tired of the meh being sold out every day. I cannot be awake from 12am- 2am. I just can't. And I would have bought the IP camera and this charger. probably not the headphones, but only because I have something similar already. I would love it if the new deal refreshed at 6 am ET or something like that. I know, It's not as clean as midnight, but it seems totally doable, and pretty fair. I'm likely to quit checking the site daily if it's just sold out every time I check it and there was something worth buying.
@smokeandlights The ooma wasn't sold out all day yesterday so your first sentence fails pretty hard. If you're going to bitch about something at least do so with truth. Stay up or don't, your life will likely still go on just fine without a charger and IP camera. If these two purchases were life altering events you should probably rethink some life choices. 6am ET would probably be about the worst time possible but I'm guessing it works great for you which is why you suggested it. You have people either just waking for work or still in bed at 3am for westcoasters. Exactly who does 6am cater to besides maybe you and the handful of east coast people up with nothing better to do (like get ready for work) at 6am?
So I think the takeaway here is that if you don't like the way Meh does something, there is probably a better place to be. Or if there isn't, then feel free to start your own. Because there are clearly enough people for whom it does work that they sell out of whatever particular polished turd is up on display quite regularly. Heck, I buy quite a few of them just because vmp.
I was sick, went to bed early, missed the cobra (kai) charger today. Do I think they should have waited until 8:37 AM central as the best particular time for me? Hellz no. I'll check back tonight. If I feel like it. If I don't, I don't in any way feel it is my right to bitch at anyone about how they should run their business differently. That's ridiculous.
Meh. It's just we east-coasters think it's unfair that midnight happens at 9pm pacific. Boo physics and whatever. New years 3 hours in front, bitches! East coast rules. Or not. I dunno. We have New York, so there's that.
Maybe it's just me (E coast time wise) but this is just stuff. Stuff I doubt most of us NEED. Get over it. Go to sleep and take your chances, be overtired or go elsewhere and pay some more. Or just dont have so much stuff.
Do you think people bitch this much when concert tickets go on sale at inconvenient times? Does Ticketmaster have forums full of people freaking out like this?
@christinerenee Im not asking for the site refresh time to be changed. I am asking that, with all the additional visitors that Meh has gotten as they have aged, that deal quantities go up. Mix it up a little. Other than the Ooma (which i already own), it has been a LOT of sellouts, and a bunch of people are questioning their return on investment by checking the site every day at whatever time floats their boat. Maybe this is a one time surge cause of the Christmas VMP, but it will be interesting to see how many Christmas VMP cancel before 2/24. If Meh has the same amount of product available, why try to find new customers? They could sell out 1000-2000 products with the pre-Christmas visitor count. I was here before Christmas and enjoyed seeing things like the deep fryers sell out so quickly, but my post-Christmas experience has been disappointing.
@Pamtha I agree. I was a paying VMP member before the free offering. I have a professional job that unfortunately I am asleep at 12. But that was fine before. I could get up at 5, check meh and make a purchase if I wanted. Now every morning is sold out. Good thing VMP is free now, but come Feb I will be canceling if this sellout trend continues. Good things dont last forever I guess.
Oh East Coast, you're so silly. Quit getting so upset and about the sellout of "Big Lots!" store level merchandise and go watch your TV shows 3 hours early.
I couldn't agree more. I think mediocre labs should consider a floating sell time. Keep it midnight east for a portion of the time, then maybe drop it to 9pm Eastern time. This way people like me, with a new baby actually stand a chance to get some of these awesome deals. With said baby I can't even set an alarm to pop up and check because it'd wake everyone up.
I was able to snatch a Foscam for $33 because I stayed up late working one night and happened to glance at the clock at 12:01am and though to reload the always open in a tab meh.com page. Glad I did.
I agree with @Pamtha though. I only found out about meh because my cousin told me about it and the free VMP deal at Christmas time. I guess if I only end up getting the Foscam and the 4 tumblers I still consider it a win.
I love that Matt has gone back to his roots. Way to go Rutledge.
I wonder if Meh or the people of Meh would go for a system that sent out a nightly text of the daily offering. Maybe even for a buck a month. Personally even though I get up and check each night anyways I would be interested in that.
Yes I know I could just look at twitter on the phone, but a text sent would inform everyone equally. Then again probably a bad idea. I have lots of bad ideas, but every now and then usually around full moon, I have a decent one.
@Outofmymind You don't even need to be a Twitter member. Text "follow wearemeh" to 40404. Then reply to their message with "on wearemeh" --- you should get a reply that says "Welcome to Twitter! You're now following @WeAreMeh and you'll receive their Tweets on your phone. "
@Collin1000 Hmm didn't know that. Then again I think I only have about 40 tweets on my account. I'll try that if I can figure it out, will save me from getting out of bed some nights
@Outofmymind This isn't actually my response to this particular idea, but I love that so many meh users have names that can be seen as commentary on their contributions. ;-)
@unixrab One of those are counterfeit. Truly this is why making suggestions on this forum is viable however, as I learned something but I suspect others may have as well who can now utilize that idea and we didn't even have to pay for it. Oh and good post on another thread I can't remember now, nor remember what you posted. It was good however, whatever it was and well thought out.
@joelmw I have never claimed to be sane, or even normal. I always appreciated that both are considered normal and just average however. I tend to think people in extremes are more interesting as long as they are not extremists.
Fucking California bought up all the god damn fukubukuros... i wonder if all them hippies would have time to sit at their computers if any of them had jobs!
this is obviously sarcasm. please put away your stones.
@capguncowboy I work very hard! At hitting F5 for 2 hours just to get a fuku, lol. This Californian will be relying on Starbucks to get me through tomorrow's workday.
@capguncowboy It is kind of funny that Meh has gotten a lot of complaints over the past week about selling things that sell out within the hour and so they choose to sell the one thing that historically sells out within minutes.
@neuromancer ironically, that thing took 2 hours to sell out! They were due. I actually said to my wife at dinner that Meh would be selling a Fuku tonight. The Newsletter was the giveaway
@capguncowboy It took two hours to sell out because the site was broken. How many people spent the two hours hitting refresh and fighting the captchas. If everything worked properly it would have sold out in like 30 minutes.
@neuromancer probably less than 10 minutes. I remember before Woot started spreading them out throughout the woot-offs, the BOCs would sell out in a matter of minutes. 2-3 most times
@capguncowboy Do you actually think less than 1000 people check Meh at product roll over time? I'm guessing it would be more like 3 seconds IF everything worked properly, unless they think only robots can solve captchas that fast.
@capguncowboy Newsletters were clues with woot's BOCs too. Another clue for me was that they were in a sell-out trend and they had some leftover speaker docks from the previous day. I suspect everyone will be getting speaker docks in their FUKU.
@capguncowboy I live in California, but for this week I am in the EST zone. I did stay up late, and I guess I did snag a Fuku. So, does that prove or disprove your point?
To those of you that argue CA buys the most because it has more people...look at todays woot and you will see that the majority of purchases come from the LA area. Does that mean there are more people in LA then in any other state? The East Coast?
I wanted a Bamboo pillow from today's sale but it was SOLD OUT at 9 AM Eastern Time this morning. This is not unusual. Thanks Meh for coqblocking my pillow. Please stock more item quantity now that you are very popular. -Sincerely, someone with a ratty old pillow.
@merman777 even if they had more, they may still have been sold out by the time you checked. what you're really requesting is, "hey Meh, read my mind and save me one item so i can buy it later".
@cranky1950 Some people can select when they are in bed and can even set an alarm to wake up at midnight but they do not have the choice on when they are supposed to be at work.
So for me, I would rather the daily switchover be at a time I'm not working because I actually do real work and might not have the ability to do something personal at that time.
@cranky1950 My sleep is broken throughout the day. I get to bed around 12:30a and wake up at 3:55a. I always take a nap around 3p to 5p. I try to take an hour between 6:30a and 7:30a but not always possible depending on work obligations.
All this because of Meh and my priorities in life. If it wasn't for Meh, I could go to bed much earlier but it's a decision I made and others can do the same if they care enough.
Snooze -> lose
@khunjeff i snost -> i lost
Move west -> be happy(ier)
@kuoh west coast = best coast
@goodrichb Left Coast Best Coast
@Saffer49 east coast = least coast
Tough kitties.
On the cheap beats knock-off "headphones"? R U joking? I'd say we're the only ones that didn't get fukd. lol
@iggy71 speaks truth
I hope Meh has some larger quantities of some decent stuff coming our way. If the daily site visitor count has climbed, then they need to have higher quantities, otherwise there is a good percentage of folks that will stop visiting. Then, sales would drop on the days when there are more units available.
There will always be the hardcore contingent that is hovering at their browsers at flip time, but with @snapster 's actions to bring in more daily visitors, there has to be quantities available to satisfy them. Sellouts are great, but not after only a few hours for days in a row before the non-hardcore folks even have a chance.
Sell out by noon? I would think that is better than selling out at o dark-thirty, but hey I don't run successive successful ecommerce sites!
@Pamtha except they are finding little pockets of unsold merchandise around the globe...(OK Korea) and buying it wholesale and then offering (lol) it to us for cheap. @snapster has really never said this is supposed to be a successful for-profit venture.... only that it's an "experiment" So far... he's right.
@unixrab You finally said something constructive on this site. Congratulations. +1 from me for the first time.
I agree with Pantha. Something that is likley to sell out should be listed for a limited number per hour...see how those left coasters like that with their above smart-ass mouths.
@packer oh sheesh.... now youse guies want ecommerce socialism. ...so lemme get this straight: Those people willing to stay up late and forego sleep to find mediocre deals should be penalized because you want to get your 8.5 hours sleep, have your $10-a-pack smoke, some bitter coffee, flip open the Times and THEN after MSNBC tells you how miserable you are, THEN AND ONLY THEN you want to be able to lazily login to your computer and browse meh.com because they've limited the sales per hour so you know for sure there will be product left by the time you grace us with your presence..... NO!
@unixrab This is so good I printed it
@unixrab I concur. I am in the north east and sometimes check meh at midnight. Because, if there is a good deal, it's going to be gone by morning.
@saysaythings shhhh... you're gonna ruin my reputation around here!!!
@unixrab @saysaythings Holy shit! That was damned near brilliant, @unixrab. Don't forget that most of what you say isn't. An attaboy to you, my frenemy.
@joelmw I know I know... I reprimanded @saysaythings - all is back to good
@unixrab I think you've just broken me. You actually wrote something I agree with. What the hell is going on here?
@PurplePawprints I apologize. Things will be back to normal soon. This subject is near and dear to my heart. ;-) Ignore this thread.
@PurplePawprints look out your window. What do you see?
@unixrab Well, as long as it's just this once. @Headly I see snow (I'm a non-complaining East Coaster who stays awake for the deals.) Why?
@PurplePawprints I was wondering if you saw a certain type of swine like creature flying through the air...
@Headly haha Yeah, they were definitely out there earlier.
@unixrab Amen you raging asshole. I like you, I ever tell you that?
@PurplePawprints That snow is hell freezing over.
I didn't want this, or that other thing that I already forgot about, but I do think a midnight turnover is kind of silly. Maybe 9pm instead.
@kr1sk A "Deal-A-Day" site changes when it's a new day. 12am EST is the earliest declaration of a new day in the US (which just so happens to be their intended customer base). Stay up late. Set an alarm. Deal with it.
@Willijs3 Musician's Friend flips theirs at 9AM. Not like it's a law.
@Willijs3 well woot was a daily deal site to and they changed at 1am EST. So the hypothesis you have laid out is unfounded.
@Willijs3 The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the US (so saith Wiki P.) They're on Atlantic Standard time, which is to say 1 hour ahead of EST. I'd settle for an 11 p.m. Eastern turnover!
@Willijs3 I mean, it was just a suggestion. There's no unwritten internet rule that says deal-a-day has to match any particular time zone. I'm sure Meh/Mediocre wouldn't mind breaking it if it did exist, anyway. But I guess they could go to Atlantic Time if they're as concerned about the details as you seem to think they are.
As for staying/getting up for a sale? It's not really a top priority. But maybe you should try to go to bed before the sale starts yourself. It might help with the grumpiness.
@kr1sk @Willijs3 @brdubb @infrom @nottooloud :
you all need to move to the proper time zones. All of this can be fixed that easily. kr1sk to west coast @infrom to Central. Problem solved.
@kr1sk Ok, how about 9am PST?
@unixrab At this time of year I think I'll take San Juan over Chicago, thanks.
@The_Baron Sounds kinda like Noon EST to me, but if you wanna call it that then sure. I'd also be fine with midnight PST (less west coasters still up to kind of balance out us sleeping on the {superior coast}). Or how about 9am EST?
@kr1sk Sorry, I messed up being a jerk. I ment 9pm PST.
@Willijs3 Not that I care because I'm west coast but if they really don't like it, move west. Actually don't - too many of you east coast transplants out here already with your weird east coast ideas. tl;dr suck it up buttercup.
@kr1sk keep complaining and watch them switch it at midnight west coast time. Then we'll get to stay up until 3am to get good deals. TL;DR shut up already.
@VeeDubTDI clearly, cause I said I would prefer that.
@brdubb Woot flips at midnight Central Time, the timezone in which they are based.
@jqubed really????? did you know meh is based in Central too????
@brdubb Yeah, but somewhere around here, maybe in a FAQ, they said something about being old now and not wanting to stay up until midnight themselves.
And another miss. Grrr.
What if they sold half the inventory at 9pm EST, then the other half at PST? That would assure everyone has a fighting chance.
Then again, Meh probably doesn't give a shit who gets them. A sellout is a sellout.
@ACraigL Then all the West coasters would be at their computers at 6 to see what it is and then again at 9 if they missed it the first time.
@wisenekt At least then I'd have a chance. I feel worse about the camera yesterday than I do about these meh headphones today. I most cases I didn't even know I wanted it, so no big deal, but I will ALWAYS miss out on the good stuff. Boo hoo me.
Exactly, it is sad to login at 5 est and see an item i would have bought three of (3 kids) already sold out. But alas I'm not going to wake up at midnight to look. I'm on call and usually get to sleep between 10 and 5 and not missing my chance.
Newegg and Amazon is selling some Sennheiser HD 202 II for a decent price. Not bluetooth but probably would sound better and last longer than these TOCCS headphones.
Flip time should be moved to 12 noon EST. I'd get a lot more sleep that way anyhow...
@TheAlmighty1 What about all the people that work during that time and can't shop on meh because of firewall blocking or disapproval from the boss? You may get more sleep but with a 12pm EST rollover, a lot more people might be unemployed.
@wisenekt Do you have a smartphone with a data plan and no thick walls or building blocking your internet access or/and download a free VPN app? Just throwing out suggestions.
@gommiebears Personally I work in a SCIF that doesn't allow in anything that sends out a signal. But there are also people that have jobs where they can't sit on their phones. Main point is that regardless of when they would move it to, there are always people that are going to miss out on the deal. It is what it is.
@TheAlmighty1 It's all a plot to only sell to Korea anyway...
Guys, Meh is a daily deal site. If you can't stay up till 12 to see what the new deal is for the day then that just sucks for you. They don't HAVE to put an item out daily at a nice price, but they do it anyway. So stop complaining.
edit: I also live on the east coast.
@Chrissyx3 but remember this is merely an experiment. So in an experiment you will always have negative and positive. And it's only works if you get both.
@Chrissyx3 It can still be a daily deal site if they switch over at noon, can't it?
@brdubb you don't have to keep testing the ph of 30% HCl to know it's gonna be a low number... You don't need to have a negative and a positive. experiments aren't about being fair. What you need is a testable hypothesis and repeatable results...
@Headly I'm not all that into science other than if the computer variety. But in a business experiment it's always great to get any and all feedback. Regardless of validity.
@brdubb THe point is that you collect all valid feedback. You don't have to have some good and some bad. That's all.
@aardWolf if they switched at noon, that would be super unfair to the people who work graveyard. What about those folks? Hmm?
@VeeDubTDI It would also be unfair to people that worked during the day in Malaysia... but which group of customers is largest?
@aardWolf if it's that much of an issue, Woot and Groupon both have "deals" all day, every day.
@VeeDubTDI I was just making a suggestion. You disagree with me and tell me to "go away"? How old are you, 12?
@aardWolf I understand, but my point is more that people will complain about the time no matter what time it is. No time is going to be convenient for everyone.
I figure the EST deal goes both ways...EST peeps get to see TV shows earlier
But both coasts get to see the program. Here, we get Ziltch
@GreenMt Yeah but the East coast can spoil it for the West coast.
@wisenekt i don't watch it until the next day usually, so both coasts ruin it for me!
I missed out too...but I'm not complaining because I love MEH's concept, I am entertained every morning for free, and sometimes I get to bag a bargain! or...., um,...meh.
You snooze you lose, remember when deal a days came out at 1am east coast time.
@rileyper You beat me to it.
I was mad, then I read all these comments that say the flip time is 12 AM EST and I'm no longer mad. I will absolutely check at midnight from now on though.
@zack This makes me happy.
I'm not mad, but it is kind of dumb to log on at 6:30 AM CST and see something sold out.
Maybe release half the stock at flip, and then half the stock 12 hours later. That way it's still a daily deal, but everyone has a chance and everyone knows the timing.
Everyone is awake at 12 PM EST, not so much at 12 AM EST.
Anyway, not mad, but if things are sold out by the time I get to work every morning, I'll eventually stop coming.
@BourbonGhost Nope. If you check at 2am, you would have less chance than a person checking at noon. That's not fair.
@BourbonGhost So I take it you have never heard of a night shift where people like deals too?
@medz How so? If it's available at both times?
@wisenekt What has that got to do with anything? The deal would still be there for them. It would just be there 12 hours later too.
@BourbonGhost It was more of the reaction to the belief that everyone is awake at 12pm EST.
@wisenekt I used to work 3rd shift and I wouldn't have been awake at noon.
@cengland0 When I was in college I spent a summer working for a brewing comany on monthly rotating shifts, either 7am-7pm or 7pm-7am so I feel the pain.
@BourbonGhost Because if they only have 2000 items available, but only sell 1000 at midnight there is a greater chance the first 1000 will sell out before the person checking at 2am gets there. They're penalized for coming to the site earlier than the people checking at noon when the 2nd batch of 1000 is offered.
@cengland0 I used to work third shift and wasn't awake for either midnight or noon. (Work was really slow).
@BourbonGhost Your plan would have them turn away a guaranteed sale at 3am in exchange for a potential sale after noon. How does that benefit a company trying to get this crap out of their warehouse? :D
@mauisean If I have to curse.... well... this is one of my favorites
@mauisean bullshit > horseshit
Did everyone get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? If you don't want to miss an item, check it at 12am Est. If you don't care enough to check it at 12am Est, then don't be upset by a sell out. Its called a sale, not entitlement. Geeze.
@unoriginal26 I think it's all the cold on the east. (8°F here) That makes people super cranky.
@The_Baron True, it was -4 when I started my car this morning. I could have scraped my car off with my nipples.
@unoriginal26 Thank you for not posting a picture of that. Guy or girl, that is not something people need to see.
@The_Baron Then keep your iPads on the table next to the bed - I'm west coast but I get up really early and I'm usually in bed by 10PM. That's what I do. A cheap ass android tablet works too...
@unixrab @medz
If it started at 9:00 I would be first in line. How about Jan-June, midnight EST and July-Dec 3:00a.m.EST? Oh, and to Unixrab, staying up until 9:00 shouldn't forgo anyone's sleep. I dont think you understand time zones and you sound like your from the Bronx. So I am not surp=rised.
@The_Baron Shhh.... Don't say his name or he may come.
Life isn't fair!
People who put forth **more** effort (IN ANYTHING) will get farther than those who do NOT.
Read that again: **The more effort you put into something the more success you will have.**
Your priorities govern your behavior. The start time doesn't need to be changed, the sales do not need to be limited to a per-hour or a 1/2 now 1/2 at noon model. All that needs to happen is that you show up when it's available or you don't.
HOWEVER: I do have a formula so that you can MAKE meh.com offer a deal ANYTIME YOU WANT... here we go:
You want to visit at noon and get first shot at the daily deal... you need to buy a house in Jakarta, Indonesia. You like 9pm? Move to any of the following states: California, Oregon, (Northern)Idaho, Washington, Nevada, the West Coast of Canada, or Baja Mexico. Depending on your level of commitment - you can have the new daily deal at ANY TIME YOU WANT. You just have to find (and move to) the right timezone - or .... or..... make yourself be here at Midnight EST.
@unixrab I don't mean to be font-normative, but your letters are very large.
@InnocuousFarmer Yes I wanted to use unfair font sizes for unfair attention to my post. It was harder work though...so I earned it.
@InnocuousFarmer This comment is amazing, I hope to see more of you around here.
@unixrab where can i move to if i want the deal to start at 8pm?
@neuromancer Anchorage.
@neuromancer @YahSa15 is correct but if you like volcanoes and earthquakes, grab a house on the Aleutian Islands west of 169.30° West, but I'd personally recommend French Polynesia over Alaska... Just sayin...
i can't get cheap plastic crap cheap enough and am too lazy to start my own warehousing business/website that is specifically tailored to my schedule. it must be somebody else's fault!
@weinerman Hey @joelmw, you wanna step in here and take your lumps like a proper goat?
@denboy @joelmw where are my manners...
@denboy @weinerman I'd like to point out that even God and celebrities wait to be invoked. Otherwise we'd just be meddling busybodies. I'm anything but a busybody.
@denboy @weinerman And having been invoked, I'm not sure I have anything to add (which is to say, good job, everyone). But I'll stand and take my beating if that's what's needed. And I'm sure I'll come up with a useless response.
@denboy @weinerman
@joelmw You are going to be creamed then when you take the beating...
@Kidsandliz Actually, I'm pretty sure, but . . .
@joelmw Puns... dirty minded child... puns
@Kidsandliz . . . don't want none unless she got puns, hun . . .
I loved that it's at midnight for me. Easiest hour for me to remember when to pop in here.
Then again, I never really sleep. I'm the kinda weirdo that can go to bed at 3-4am and wake up at 8am feeling rested.
Confucius say: Sold Out = Deal
HEY.............. @snapster !! Giving you this idea for free:
VVVVVVVVVMP program: $20/month automated emailbot sends advanced notice of what's going to be sold at midnight EST. Sale still happens at the same time, but the VVVVVVVVVMP members can decide if they want to stay up!
@unixrab I think that would be the Very Entitled Person program. Different website. ;)
@unixrab I would not like that at all.
@christinerenee :-)
@Mavyn synonyms?
@unixrab Very Synonym Person? That doesn't make much sense at all.
@Mavyn no no... VVVVVVVVVMP is synonymous to VEP ...and it was a question. ;-)
@unixrab Very Victoriously Vicious Viscous Vibrant Vociferous Venerated Vulnerable Vitriolic Meh Person doesn't really roll off the tongue, though.
@Mavyn it's actual pronunciation would be akin to a race car with someone spitting a watermelon seed at the end.
@unixrab I don't like that either. There are too many VMP members (not you of course). If a FUKU is offered, that would make everyone prepare way ahead of time and there's already too much competition for them.
Does this mean my complaint that no one will sell me a flying walrus is valid?
@Mavyn goo goo g'joob.
@Mavyn I have it on good authority that, for "the right price " you can have
The Flying Walrus
@unixrab But that is not an actual flying walrus. I want a living winged Odobenus rosmarus. It's non-existence is no excuse!
@Mavyn dammit. you had to say "living" . In THAT case... your complaint is !valid
@unixrab But I'm not even being picky about which of the 3 sub-species!
I think rollover should be at random times. Imagine the fun of having to park your ass at Meh while you wait for the new deal that could pop up any time of the day or night.
Imagine all the unhinged fury that would ensue here in the forum.
Fun times!
@Teripie has a plan if you want to buy a boatload of crap.
So being VMP means I have to stay up past midnight every night? I call BS
Then cancel your VMP. Nobody is making you do anything.
@sarahtarah no. being VMP requires only that you pay your monthly fee for the icon next to your name. Do that, and you can be VMP perpetually. VMP bedtimes are entirely up to the VMP.
@sarahtarah Maybe they could send VMPs a heads-up email (or at least a hint) about what is coming, so we can determine if it's worth it staying up.
@aardWolf an email with the item perhaps, but not the cost...or hell maybe the cost but not the item (to make things a little difficult). But never both. Too many VMPs now to really have the full spread be sent out early and it'll get posted quickly around the web for all to see. But if it's just let say a price point, it really doesn't do much good without the item. (and a fun guessing game). I mean i'd rather the item than the price, but for the sake of experimenting....
@brdubb Or just an extreme closeup of the item (ala National Geographic kids magazines) so you still don't know what they're selling
@Kleineleh That's a octopus. You can see it's eyes.
@Kleineleh Another easy one. That is clearly a reptilian in late adolescence. From the coloration of the nictating membranes I would say it's either Feinstein or Jeb Bush.
@givemeyoursoul actually just more octopus eyes, but close enough. I would try for harder pictures but googling for "closeups" is kinda tricky...
East coast got fucked? Hey buddy next time you're on the Meh homepage why don't you scroll to the bottom? See that big jumble of shapes and lines of various shades? That's called a map. And according to this map someone from literally every state on the east coast was able to buy these headphones. It's not meh's fault you're lazy.
@Mofongo Not literally. Wyoming apparently got screwed.
@Mavyn Wyyyyyyyyyy??? -oming.
@Mavyn I said "on the east coast." Wyoming barely qualifies as a state, but it's boundaries are in the midwest.
@Mofongo Ooops, right. Sorry. And it's not 'midwest'. It's 'Rocky Mountains'. :)
@Mofongo lol... guess we'll see how many Wyomingites we have here on the boards. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I had to look that up.)
@unixrab I lived there for 10 years. There were around 500,000 residents at the time, meaning cows and antelope handily outnumbered the hairless apes. Also accepted, 'Non Greenies'.
cows and antelope? them's good eatin'!
@nadroj I prefer moose, tbh.
@Mavyn always wanted to visit... maybe retire there. Just need to find a piece of land with a nice water source and a moderate hill to bury my house into the side of a-la Bag End.
@unixrab Meeteetse, Wyoming is my favorite place ever.
@Mavyn I wanna buy Howell Mountain ;-)
@unixrab I don't think they sell them by the mountain. :P That said...grizzlies and wolves and goats, oh my! :)
Anything decent is sold out anything that is garbage is available. Just stop checking this pos site and let them depend on California to buy their junk.
@bstauver Truth be told it's all garbage. @snapster pulls it out of the trash of businesses around 10-11pm EST and then posts it an hour later. He gets most of it boxed up before the company comes in and notices their bins have been emptied.
@bstauver What do you expect? OF COURSE the good stuff is going to sell out right away. Because people come here at midnight and buy it. And so can you if you want to.
while @christinerenee is being extremely generous by using the adjective "good,
@unixrab Maybe so, but if it's not even good then why all the bitching and moaning about not getting any?
@christinerenee True... I had to address some of that further below, because I needed some editing tools.. enjoy!
@unixrab all that is for me? I feel so special.
@christinerenee you AND @bstauver - you are both, however, special.
I do think maybe just maybe Meh could offer a second deal if the first one sells out within an hour or two. (Someone else suggested that in a different thread a while back but I don't know who.)
But fuck making everything fair. This isn't gradeschool. Everyone doesn't win a prize just to make it fair.
@christinerenee that's where this whole mindset starts... /smh
@christinerenee I do think there are other sites that do that and I hope meh doesn't abandon the deal a day model to follow the lemmings.
I may or may not agree with what you're saying, but I fully affirm your right to say it. You go.
I say Meh don't change a thing. On the flip side, they will sell something so sh!tactular folks will bitch and moan about staying up late for something "lame" like an open box of cotton balls.
@IBMgrunt - as a side note: Is your username inspired by the Tech company or a bowel issue?
@unixrab that would be IBSgrunt
@cengland0 or Igrunt(when I make)BM
@medz @cengland : it would be (sorta caveman talk) "I BM grunt."
@unixrab He's a retired IBM employee
@capguncowboy got it. Never know these days - kidz and their crzy Us3rnamez144
I'm on the east coast and I know to check at midnight. As long as there are sell outs, their model is working. No matter what time they do rollover, someone will bitch.
@Thumperchick clear and concise as always. :-)
@editorkid TWSS?
MAYBE YOU CAN STAY UP UNTIL MIDNIGHT GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Or meh, and every other site doing something similar can change their entire business model for you. While we're at it when a concert or sporting event sells out they should build extra seats just so everyone that wants to go can go! And when there is too much traffic you get a free helicopter ride! We'll fix this shitty world for you, don't worry
@mzoltek aaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go
@unixrab :-D
@mzoltek And even when you lose we'll take you to Pizza Hut to celebrate, and you can run wild though the place like little heathens!
@Teripie damn, if we get to try less and still go to pizza hut... what is the point of trying?
@mzoltek Just pointing out another possibility for those who need their shitty world righted.
@Teripie haha I just really wanted an easier way to get pizza hut...
@Teripie i make sure my kids realize when they lose, sometimes i gloat a little bit. my wife calls me an ass i say it's building character!
@brdubb that's the way to do it... honestly if you don't build your own children's character now a days, nobody will
@brdubb LOL! You just made my day!
@brdubb @Teripie @mzoltek My daughter likes to chide me in front of friends and family about never letting her win at games or arguments. Which isn't entirely true; I'd typically handicap myself (sometimes substantially; e.g., clearing out most of my back row in a game of chess) and I'd be a little reckless. But in fairness I didn't do that typical thing that parents do where they roll over for their kids and just don't take things seriously. And no, I didn't let here win. More than anything I wanted her to be challenged, to learn and to grow. When she won, she'd earned it. Today, she's not only competitive (and usually quite successful) but she enjoys it. She also respects other people's accomplishments and skill. And she certainly knows that she's not entitled to a victory that she hasn't worked for. And, re the arguments, she learned logic and how to debate. She was in fact a very argumentative child, respectful, but suspicious of and constantly questioning authority. Mine most of all (and, really, she'd question but be polite to a fault with others), and I encouraged it. When the wife would see us arguing about every little thing, she'd mock me--"you asked for this"--and I did, and have always been very proud of her. As an adult, she still questions and stands up to authority. She's often been in situations surrounded by sheep who would have happily followed a misguided leader to their destruction. More times than I can count, she's the lone voice of dissent. That's my girl. To me, it's all the same package. Face the facts, don't expect the game to be tilted in your favor (indeed, understand that the odds are usually against you), fight hard, win. Or lose and learn from it. Then get back up and try again.
@joelmw I constantly get my wife looking at me saying how do you like arguing with yourself (when my daughter finds a loophole) and I laugh. But it's a push to be your best always. When I was little and got a 99 on a test. My dad never said good job, he just asked why i didn't get a 100. It pushed me never to settle. And I do the same with my kids. Some don't like the way it's approached but it worked for me.
@brdubb Well, I've always been one to praise less than perfect--but still admirable--accomplishments and effort. In fact, I don't remember pushing her as hard as she claims I did (academically and whatnot), but I did always expect her to be the best and she usually was (at the important things). But for instance she was salutatorian and not valedictorian of her class and I was virtually bursting with pride. She might not have had the higher GPA, but she gave the better speech. :-) I've never been good at hiding my feelings or otherwise lying. I did develop a skill for appreciating goofy little shit (so that I'd have something nice to say to people I didn't otherwise like very much). On the 99, I think I would have praised her for it, but then asked if she understood what she got wrong and if she had a handle on it now. But, as I'm sure you know, at a certain point we don't have to do that anymore because they're already on it.
@joelmw granted I'm sure as a kid I only viewed the times he pushed. I think it became more of a joke the older I got. So probably really only got just the where are all the points in high school. (And of course only in subjects I excelled ie math). But alas there was some certain benefit to it
@IBMgrunt lol U mad bro? I mean, U mad, Dad?
As someone on the west coast, I can vouch to missing deals too. Did I blame east coasters for staying up too late? No. I missed it, it's my fault, end of story.
Own up, folks.
@narfcake oh you, with your big-boy pants on....Ha! :)
@Mavyn What pants? The sign only says "No shoes. No shirt. No service." Nothing about pants ...
@narfcake Those aren't pants? You, sir, are densely hirsute.
TIME ZONES ARE SO UNFAIR! And why do some people have to have jobs that start early in the morning and other people get to have jobs that start later? And why do some people make more money than me? And why won't they let me see what Meh is selling before everyone else (because I need my beauty rest)?
@christinerenee Why do I have to DRIVE TOWARDS THE RISING SUN to get to work?!? That's not fair.
No Way!!!
No one said it yet?????
"Cheer Up Sucka!"
@silverqueen I see what you did there
This entire thread is too unifying. I'm getting antsy. Quick! @cengland0 say something stupid ... @lisaviolet (lisaviolence)... hit me!
@unixrab I like you. You started out like a wart on the palm of my hand. Sure you were annoying and you got between me and my fun, but now that I've gotten used to you being here, I would miss you if you weren't.
@unixrab No need for me to say something stupid because the readers can get plenty of that from reading your posts.
ahhhh ... thank you.
@unixrab Wow, that looks like a SAO Cosplay video...
@kazriko I think that was from Conair
@cengland0 is correct. Nick Cage in Conair @kazriko
@cengland0 I'm referring to the first video in the thread.
Woot goes live at 1am Eastern (and always did and NEVER changed) - meh 12am EST - its one whole hour earlier, so we gained an hour with meh - its not gonna change more than that folks ;)
@ilovereality this is true.... the brutal early years.
@ilovereality When Meh gets a huge reputation, there will be imitators. Competing at the same time would be hard on the newcomers. The smart ones will choose another time somewhat before Meh, so the crowd that is early for Meh can gawk at the the upstart's merchandize.
@ilovereality was going to say, I suspect meh goes live at midnight eastern because of all the bitching and moaning about woot being midnight central and how that was too late for the east coast. Some people are never happy.
Heh, I was working late and saw this deal, decided to grab it when I got off work. By the time I did, it was sold out. That's OK though, I was only going to buy them because I like reviewing Bluetooth Headphones. I have plenty of others to use. Currently waiting for my Wearhaus Arc headphones to be finished/delivered.
@kazriko You could have been the internet's first and last interviewer of this product :(
How has no one asked what time Korea would like for the new product to be dropped? Since they are 14 hours ahead of EST, maybe they don't like the refresh of 2pm in the afternoon over there.
@wisenekt They're living in the future. They see the deals before Meh even decides what they'll sell that day. It's magic!
@bstauver : While @christinerenee is being extremely generous by using the adjective "good," meh.com operates on a few fundamental, immutable truths:
To sum up:
If you want a shot at some very mediocre products, you'll have to visit at 00:00 EST, because meh.com is ever-honing it's idiot identification ratio and are realistically only going to offer around 1600-2000 pieces of crud per day. When the projected community rises to say 100,000 visits per day, you may see that the number of product for sale will be around 4000 or so and so on.CAVEAT: if a product is NOT a piece of junk, meh.com most likely will allow the procurement agents to purchase larger lots because a non-idiotic meh.com visitor will of course jump on an actual good deal... (a very rare occurance)
SO! @bstauver I hope this helps you snag some crap and encourages you to help bump up the idiot ratio.
Good Day Sir/Madam
@unixrab Very nice presentation. I just want to add that I'm sure sometimes Meh is unable to procure the desired number of good items (aka Not Pieces of Junk) to satisfy the predicted number of idiots and non-idiots who want to buy them. But it's really in Meh's best interest to have early sellouts fairly regularly in order to train us to come back at the proper time each night.
@christinerenee most assuredly
@unixrab But wait - if the demand is far outstripping the supply, then that is lost revenue. so if 2,000 are selling out by 2 am ET, and I know this is not linear, but perhaps 4,000 would last until 6 am. In other words, i WANT to give Meh my money, but i am not willing to cut my sleep down or move. I hope that we get a nice long stretch of products that sellout, but do so after sunrise. I am up at 5 am, so sunrise gives the layer sleepers a chance.
@unixrab Your pie chart shows 51,600 visitors per day. Argument declared void. Good Day to You, Sir.
@unixrab unsold product = fuku YEA!
@SSteve I stand 3.1% corrected
@Kidsandliz trudat
@Pamtha U R right;... not linear
That's true, but can Woot handle the extra volume and still keep the quality of deals at an acceptable level? (I don't know the answer. I'm just asking.)
@christinerenee Not in my opinion. I've purchased more in the past couple of months at Meh than I have at Woot in the last couple of years, and I'm one of the early Wooters that actually received one of the certificates. Ever since Amazon took them over, their pricing have been less than stellar.
@christinerenee Woot sucks, that's why we are all here.
@unixrab i found a fatal flaw in your math and assumptions, which is not surprising. The visitor counter doesn't stop tabulating when the item sells out, thus your idiot ratio is misstated on every day where a sellout has occurred.
@tightwad ok u win .....by ..uh...whatever that percentage is.... that's how much you win...
.............. really? It took you that long.... ? I'm right. so.... uh... there. :-)@wisenekt Word.
@ACraigL I just now image searched this. I thought those were peas. And I'm like, "what the fuck do bitter peas have to do with anything?" In retrospect, I can't account for why I thought peas should be clustered like that.
@joelmw I will say that bitter peas is a way funnier expression than sour grapes. For that alone, I say thank you.
@ACraigL Well you're welcome. :-)
@ACraigL I've heard that sour grapes make bitter pee.
There's no winning this situation. If they sell something of limited stock for a fantastic price, it's going to sell out...fast, and people are going to bitch. If they sell something of plentiful stock for a really good price, people bitch about speaker dock Friday.
At the end of the day, it's just stuff. You probably have enough of it already. You always want what you can't have. Meh is doing us a favor by offering these products at the prices they do and while I may have missed out on this one, I'm sure I'll catch a great one soon!
They should sell two things a day, double the revenue!
@Kevin whoaaaa there! SLOOOOOOOW DOWN.. that's a slippery slope... now we gotta double the warehouse space, double the product finders, double the servers ... next thing you know we're Amazon flying drones all willynilly into your roof!
@unixrab "we"? "we're"… an employee? a plant? a snapster?… an independent variable?
@Kidsandliz nooooo I just like speaking in the first person.
To those wanting the deals to flip at a different time, it sounds like you should create a deal a day site and happily flip the product at whatever time your heart desires.
IF it were my site, I'd have a backup item ready to go if the original item is gone by noon.
You're welcome, meh.
For your site, you should copy the woot-off model and don't sell a new item until the old one is sold out!
For those who want to create their own site, may I recommend middling.com for all your fulfillment needs. Amazingly, the people that work there know as much about running a daily sales site as the people at Meh.
@hamjudo ROTFLMAO…
@hamjudo that's a real thing?
@christinerenee It is a real thing that we do.
@christinerenee It is a different part of Mediocre.com. @Snapster doesn't mind competition. Many people complain about how they choose products, set prices, the website, set sale hours, and customer support response time. So @Snapster lets them do all that themselves, and lets Mediocre handle the logistics (for a fee). This makes it more affordable to set up specialty sale a day type sites. For example, I know a gonzo knitter. Most of her non-work, non-sleep hours are spent doing knitting related stuff. Small producers make exotic yarns, and when they run out, there is no more until the llamas or the bunnies grow more fur. Likewise knitters are constantly inventing new types of needles and other tools. The rest of the days could just be patterns. There isn't enough business in that niche to support Meh, but it could probably support her and a few other gonzo knitters.
@hamjudo That is so cool!!
@hamjudo In the context of e-commerce experiments, it's like they're giving him a grant to do more research. :D
@hamjudo who is this gonzo knitter you speak of? I want to know more.
@christinerenee She is in Cincinnati and raises angora rabbits for the fur. I don't know if she is interested in starting such a business, just that if she did she would probably be good at the product choices and writing the descriptions.
@hamjudo I see. I misunderstood. I thought she was already doing that. Still interesting though.
@christinerenee My bad. Sorry it was unclear. If I could edit it now, I would clarify that it was hypothetical.
Am the only one on the east coast that got them? Guess I wont look like everyone else atleast
If you can't stay up until midnight to wait out the new meh then you do not really understand meh or the original Woot!
So what you're saying is they should have sold this at a higher price. Then it wouldn't sell out so quickly.
@TerriblyHuang shhhh Don't let meh hear you.
@christinerenee Why? Do you think it would still sell out so quick? I assume the demand is elastic but maybe not.
@TerriblyHuang I think you are right but I don't want them to know it or they'll raise the prices.
On the East coast and bought 2. Suck it crybabies!
yep! east coast right now and i stayed up tonight to see a... ooma telo bundle........... sonofabitch.
@outz that'll teach you!
I figured it out. The OP is mogwai, so staying up past midnight opens some scary doors.
Me...I'm off to get a snack. 12:23 EST.
@Mavyn I am also awake and didn't explode.
@The_Baron Just don't get wet!
Wake-up calls! Meh could set up a system to call those who choose a little before midnight. You could go to sleep and still not miss the deal.
Or set your own damn alarm.
I recant my rude comment. Do not wish to be counted among the harsh bullies populating some of the threads. @joelmw - wish the goat could get this place back on track.
@joelmw - That's what I was missing! Sorry your term in office is mired in animosity. I knew you could get a handle on it, though. At least you made me laugh again. You're a serious contender for the Best Goat award.
@KDemo I'm not sure I can go quite that far- @lisaviolet did a fabulous job. Some more pictures like that will go a long way to putting him over the top.
@dashcloud Agreed, actually, all the goats have been outstanding (in their fields), but @joelmw has unfortunately had to deal with global thermonuclear war.
@KDemo @dashcloud I'm truly (sincerely) humbled to be mentioned even in the same breath as the old goats. @lisaviolet likes it when I call her old goat. Anyway, yeah, que sera sera.
@KDemo Except that @cengland0 fellow -- he was the worst.
@lisaviolet That is a whole lot of awesome right there
@cengland0 -No, you were (are) clever and responsive and everything that can be expected of a goat. And you're great at disparaging that "u" guy. Wonder about the history between the two of you, though.
@KDemo We used to work together in the same department of an organization. We had different views on things you probably shouldn't discuss at work and we debated that nearly every day at work. We are both strong in our opinions on the matter and neither of us will change. He's a nice guy most of the time but he doesn't use logic when making life decisions.
@cengland0 - Aha. I used to work next to a guy like that. We had seriously opposing views and never missed a chance to push each other's hot buttons. You're way more clever and amusing, though.
@cengland0 What @KDemo said. But, yaknow, really, in this context, saying that you're the "worst" is a form of boasting. I aspire to be the worst. I don't think I'm that good.
@lisaviolet I'm glad you're still doing that thing you do. :-)
@joelmw Real life is kinda rough right now, trying to muddle through things.
@lisaviolet I hate that life gets like that. :-( I hope it gets better for you soon.
Yeah, I'm getting tired of the meh being sold out every day. I cannot be awake from 12am- 2am. I just can't. And I would have bought the IP camera and this charger. probably not the headphones, but only because I have something similar already. I would love it if the new deal refreshed at 6 am ET or something like that. I know, It's not as clean as midnight, but it seems totally doable, and pretty fair. I'm likely to quit checking the site daily if it's just sold out every time I check it and there was something worth buying.
@smokeandlights nobody is awake that early.
@smokeandlights I think everything should go on sale when it's most convenient for me, concert tickets, comic con, meh items.
@smokeandlights The ooma wasn't sold out all day yesterday so your first sentence fails pretty hard. If you're going to bitch about something at least do so with truth. Stay up or don't, your life will likely still go on just fine without a charger and IP camera. If these two purchases were life altering events you should probably rethink some life choices. 6am ET would probably be about the worst time possible but I'm guessing it works great for you which is why you suggested it. You have people either just waking for work or still in bed at 3am for westcoasters. Exactly who does 6am cater to besides maybe you and the handful of east coast people up with nothing better to do (like get ready for work) at 6am?
Do people actually come here intending to buy stuff? I thought we were all here to read the comments.
So I think the takeaway here is that if you don't like the way Meh does something, there is probably a better place to be. Or if there isn't, then feel free to start your own. Because there are clearly enough people for whom it does work that they sell out of whatever particular polished turd is up on display quite regularly. Heck, I buy quite a few of them just because vmp.
I was sick, went to bed early, missed the cobra (kai) charger today. Do I think they should have waited until 8:37 AM central as the best particular time for me? Hellz no. I'll check back tonight. If I feel like it. If I don't, I don't in any way feel it is my right to bitch at anyone about how they should run their business differently. That's ridiculous.
Meh. It's just we east-coasters think it's unfair that midnight happens at 9pm pacific. Boo physics and whatever. New years 3 hours in front, bitches! East coast rules. Or not. I dunno. We have New York, so there's that.
Maybe it's just me (E coast time wise) but this is just stuff. Stuff I doubt most of us NEED. Get over it. Go to sleep and take your chances, be overtired or go elsewhere and pay some more. Or just dont have so much stuff.
Do you think people bitch this much when concert tickets go on sale at inconvenient times? Does Ticketmaster have forums full of people freaking out like this?
@christinerenee Im not asking for the site refresh time to be changed. I am asking that, with all the additional visitors that Meh has gotten as they have aged, that deal quantities go up. Mix it up a little. Other than the Ooma (which i already own), it has been a LOT of sellouts, and a bunch of people are questioning their return on investment by checking the site every day at whatever time floats their boat. Maybe this is a one time surge cause of the Christmas VMP, but it will be interesting to see how many Christmas VMP cancel before 2/24. If Meh has the same amount of product available, why try to find new customers? They could sell out 1000-2000 products with the pre-Christmas visitor count. I was here before Christmas and enjoyed seeing things like the deep fryers sell out so quickly, but my post-Christmas experience has been disappointing.
@Pamtha if they are selling out wverything they are offering, then why do they need more customers?
@Pamtha I agree. I was a paying VMP member before the free offering. I have a professional job that unfortunately I am asleep at 12. But that was fine before. I could get up at 5, check meh and make a purchase if I wanted. Now every morning is sold out. Good thing VMP is free now, but come Feb I will be canceling if this sellout trend continues. Good things dont last forever I guess.
@derek17j Perhaps everything is selling out more BECAUSE there are more VMPs, who don't have to factor in that pesky shipping cost? Just a thought.
@Dash That's exactly what I assume to be the case.
Oh East Coast, you're so silly. Quit getting so upset and about the sellout of "Big Lots!" store level merchandise and go watch your TV shows 3 hours early.
I couldn't agree more. I think mediocre labs should consider a floating sell time. Keep it midnight east for a portion of the time, then maybe drop it to 9pm Eastern time. This way people like me, with a new baby actually stand a chance to get some of these awesome deals. With said baby I can't even set an alarm to pop up and check because it'd wake everyone up.
I was able to snatch a Foscam for $33 because I stayed up late working one night and happened to glance at the clock at 12:01am and though to reload the always open in a tab meh.com page. Glad I did.
I agree with @Pamtha though. I only found out about meh because my cousin told me about it and the free VMP deal at Christmas time. I guess if I only end up getting the Foscam and the 4 tumblers I still consider it a win.
I love that Matt has gone back to his roots. Way to go Rutledge.
Fug me, fug you, fug everybody!
@bayportbob pug you

I wonder if Meh or the people of Meh would go for a system that sent out a nightly text of the daily offering. Maybe even for a buck a month. Personally even though I get up and check each night anyways I would be interested in that.
Yes I know I could just look at twitter on the phone, but a text sent would inform everyone equally. Then again probably a bad idea. I have lots of bad ideas, but every now and then usually around full moon, I have a decent one.
@Outofmymind You can subscribe to twitter's SMS alerts. I get an SMS message every night with Meh's deal.
@Outofmymind You don't even need to be a Twitter member. Text "follow wearemeh" to 40404. Then reply to their message with "on wearemeh" --- you should get a reply that says "Welcome to Twitter! You're now following @WeAreMeh and you'll receive their Tweets on your phone. "
@Collin1000 Hmm didn't know that. Then again I think I only have about 40 tweets on my account. I'll try that if I can figure it out, will save me from getting out of bed some nights
@Outofmymind That info is easily worth $20/month. ... maybe a hunnerd
@Outofmymind This isn't actually my response to this particular idea, but I love that so many meh users have names that can be seen as commentary on their contributions. ;-)
@unixrab One of those are counterfeit. Truly this is why making suggestions on this forum is viable however, as I learned something but I suspect others may have as well who can now utilize that idea and we didn't even have to pay for it. Oh and good post on another thread I can't remember now, nor remember what you posted. It was good however, whatever it was and well thought out.
@joelmw I have never claimed to be sane, or even normal. I always appreciated that both are considered normal and just average however. I tend to think people in extremes are more interesting as long as they are not extremists.
When do the bars close in NYC?
Meh, it'd be nice if they had enough stock that I could get deals after I arrive at work at 8:00AM on the west coast.
But, you know... Meh...
Fucking California bought up all the god damn fukubukuros... i wonder if all them hippies would have time to sit at their computers if any of them had jobs!
@capguncowboy I work very hard! At hitting F5 for 2 hours just to get a fuku, lol. This Californian will be relying on Starbucks to get me through tomorrow's workday.
@capguncowboy It is kind of funny that Meh has gotten a lot of complaints over the past week about selling things that sell out within the hour and so they choose to sell the one thing that historically sells out within minutes.
@neuromancer ironically, that thing took 2 hours to sell out! They were due. I actually said to my wife at dinner that Meh would be selling a Fuku tonight. The Newsletter was the giveaway
@capguncowboy It took two hours to sell out because the site was broken. How many people spent the two hours hitting refresh and fighting the captchas. If everything worked properly it would have sold out in like 30 minutes.
@neuromancer probably less than 10 minutes. I remember before Woot started spreading them out throughout the woot-offs, the BOCs would sell out in a matter of minutes. 2-3 most times
@capguncowboy Do you actually think less than 1000 people check Meh at product roll over time? I'm guessing it would be more like 3 seconds IF everything worked properly, unless they think only robots can solve captchas that fast.
@capguncowboy Newsletters were clues with woot's BOCs too. Another clue for me was that they were in a sell-out trend and they had some leftover speaker docks from the previous day. I suspect everyone will be getting speaker docks in their FUKU.
@cengland0 And tomorrow Meh will be selling refurb iphones for those new speaker dock owners.
@cengland0 Speaker docks rock. I have proof.
@capguncowboy I live in California, but for this week I am in the EST zone. I did stay up late, and I guess I did snag a Fuku. So, does that prove or disprove your point?
@kuoh Tomorrow?? Tomorrow is gonna be another FUKU just to FUKU with everyone!
To those of you that argue CA buys the most because it has more people...look at todays woot and you will see that the majority of purchases come from the LA area. Does that mean there are more people in LA then in any other state? The East Coast?
@packer http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4439611
I wanted a Bamboo pillow from today's sale but it was SOLD OUT at 9 AM Eastern Time this morning. This is not unusual. Thanks Meh for coqblocking my pillow. Please stock more item quantity now that you are very popular. -Sincerely, someone with a ratty old pillow.
@merman777 even if they had more, they may still have been sold out by the time you checked. what you're really requesting is, "hey Meh, read my mind and save me one item so i can buy it later".
Actually 12Am est is bullshit, the day begins at 12 am gmt which is 7pm est which would be fine with me.
@cranky1950 4pm Pacific? Excellent timing! - folks still at work on a computer with great connection speeds will have an even better chance!
@narfcake Yeah so, a† leåst I won't be in bed and no† have any chance at all.
@cranky1950 Some people can select when they are in bed and can even set an alarm to wake up at midnight but they do not have the choice on when they are supposed to be at work.
So for me, I would rather the daily switchover be at a time I'm not working because I actually do real work and might not have the ability to do something personal at that time.
@cengland0 Yeah well others get 5 hours a nite if they're in bed by 11
@cranky1950 My sleep is broken throughout the day. I get to bed around 12:30a and wake up at 3:55a. I always take a nap around 3p to 5p. I try to take an hour between 6:30a and 7:30a but not always possible depending on work obligations.
All this because of Meh and my priorities in life. If it wasn't for Meh, I could go to bed much earlier but it's a decision I made and others can do the same if they care enough.