@JonT STOP wasting your money on me!

PilotJim went on a bit of a rant said

@JonT : Stop wasting your money on me. It makes me feel a little guilty. Just a little though. I tend to often pull the trigger on an additional 2 or 3 of whatever you are selling, but after purchasing a quantity of 1. As a VMP since the beginning, you are loosing a lot of money in shipping with me when I do this, because the orders go out separately for each order placed, causing the items to ship independently, at a higher cost to Meh. It seems there should be a simple program that could be coded to match orders from the same VMP buyer for a given day, so the multiple orders for the up-to-three items can be shipped together. Take the light string sale. I think I placed an new order at least 4 times through the day (damn you and your meh lights. WTF am I going to do with $200 worth of light strings?? Seriously. I have no clue.). That will be 4 different packages you are paying shipping on, instead of one. I imagine this happens a lot. It seems like there would be a simple fix for this, equating to a meh-ish savings for Meh. Money for an extra fuku for me. Because I really wanted one today. Non sequitur: Have you seen the Martian yet? 'effing good movie!