@unksol@yakkoTDI Was that pizza place located in the Texas Panhandle? The friend that was my office mate / roommate / best man has a severe allergy to most any kind of cheese. i can see him placing an order like that (except i don’t think he likes olives and would want the pepperoni). He always got strange looks at Tex-Mex places by ordering tacos or enchiladas with no cheese.
@ircon96@phendrick@yakkoTDI well and I do know Canadian cheese curds are dried/squeakier. the closest US equivalent I can think of is large curd cottage cheese. Maybe? Idk. Cheese in everything
@unksol My family was never into poutine & personally, I’m not a gravy person (which is weird, cuz I’m ALL about sauces & condiments), so i would “deconstruct” it, replace the gravy with a spicy horseradish sauce & dip the fries & curds in that. I would never pour anything directly on fries, I’m not a monster! (I mean, if you’re gonna eat something fried, it had better be crispy, eh?)
@unksol Btw, the curds are usually just fresh, unaged cheddar, but they only stay squeaky for a few days, maybe a little longer if they’re stored airtight in the fridge so no moisture can get to them. But I’m sure the more melty they get, the less they squeak, so it probably isn’t a big deal in the final product, it just lets you know they’re super fresh when you buy them, i guess. In any case, I’m with you, cheese in (almost) everything!
@unksol@yakkoTDI Black olive pizza used to be my absolute favorite but after getting violently ill after eating one way back in the 1980’s I haven’t been brave enough to order another one! Lol…
@unksol Well, I used to go to CPK once in awhile back when I lived close to one. Sometimes, the pizza crust substituted for bread and sometimes it made a more traditional pizza,
They made a ‘pizza’ that was basically a club sandwich - lettuce, high quality bacon, chicken, avocado and I forget what. It was quite tasty if you thought about it as a sandwich, not a pizza.
@ircon96@phendrick@yakkoTDI I have never had it but I can only assume if you coated fries with cheese and gravy… Well it’s just cheesy mashed potatoes and gravy but with distinct particles. And now it sounds less weird.
@Cerridwyn@unksol I liked that club sandwich pizza and another they had that had a pile of arugula on it; I like CPK but the one in town here shut down. They experiment with some interesting flavors. They did a Thai sweet chili one that I loved but of course that was too strange for most people and it didn’t stick around.
The WORKS!! Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Salami, Olives, Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Grilled Chicken, Pineapple, etc., etc.
/showme a pizza with Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Salami, Olives, Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Grilled Chicken and Pineapple served piping hot from a brick oven
Not that I’ve ever put them on pizza but. I should definitely grab a can of sardines and try it. I could see that working. And yes I know it’s a thing. Just never thought to try it for some reason
@IndifferentDude@phendrick@unksol There used to be a great pizza place in downtown Hanover, near Dartmouth College, called EBAs (Everything But Anchovies). Of course, they had anchovies, too, but it sounds like a lot of college students order like IndifferentDude. Sadly, they closed back in 2017, end of an era.
@IndifferentDude@mediocrebot@OnionSoup@phendrick The Japanese put some pretty strange things on pizza - like mayonnaise! And potato salad! They still have Shakey’s there and when we visited my aunt and uncle they let us order a pizza and because I’m foolishly curious I asked to have potato salad on it. It was exactly what it sounds like; added afterwards, so not hot, but also not so hot.
@IndifferentDude@OnionSoup@unksol It was good potato salad but would have been better as a side. Luckily it wasn’t spread all over, just spooned on here and there.
The recipe on the Best Foods/Hellmans mayo jar is pretty good!
@IndifferentDude@Kyeh@OnionSoup@unksol If you like a lot of flavor, deviled egg potato salad is the way to go! Of course, i never met a mustard i didn’t like, so that definitely sways my preference.
@IndifferentDude@ircon96@Kyeh@OnionSoup has to be mustard and have eggs. Not sure if that’s what they called it. I know my one attempt in college i overdid the vinegar. But this was like. 2006. Who knows what was on the interwebs
With the pizza place that far away YOU NEED today’s deal! And I wouldn’t be able to settle for just one pizza place to choose from, what if you don’t like their pizza… Today’s offering is for you!
@tinamarie1974 when I moved up to the central coast of California a few years ago, a friend at work ordered one of those. I was really reluctant until she said I’ll come on just to bite if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it kind of thing well I liked it
@OnionSoup They should seat you next to those lovely people who give themselves pedicures on planes, a match made in heaven! Or, at least in the Spirit boardroom.
@ircon96@OnionSoup I had a coworker who cut his toenails at work once! With his work scissors! I told him he could not do that and he was genuinely surprised.
I would have just called them a protein. Never really thought about fish being a meat… In Mexico many years ago I bought a really different leather jacket and when I asked what it was made from I was told it was fish skin. It was beautiful and had a super soft scale like texture. I’ve never seen anything even similar.
@unksol@werehatrack personally, no. Surf vs turf. I would consider it a protein, but different from meat like an egg or cottage cheese. Both proteins, but not meat.
@Lynnerizer@tinamarie1974@unksol I have encountered places where anything animal was “meat”. These places were run by greedy near-vegans who wanted the carnists’ money and weren’t picky about how they got it. They didn’t care that animals were slaughtered, they just wouldn’t eat flesh themselves.
@Lynnerizer@unksol@werehatrack interesting how our minds classify differently. For me warm blooded vs cold blooded, butcher shop vs fish dept. Yes a is a living, breathing animal, but not meat
At least to me it is different. Meat comes from a butchers shop.
@Lynnerizer@tinamarie1974@werehatrack so lizard/snake fall under “fish”? Not trying to be a jerk about it. But cold blooded are protein and don’t count. And warm blooded who are also protein. Are meat?
You do realize they all go through a butcher shop? This is just such a weird distinction. Unless you think cold blooded animals don’t feel pain. Octopus are cold blooded and insanely smart.
I could see a list of we should not eat these animals because intelligence. But then you have to have a list.
I could see we shouldn’t eat anything that’s alive. It would be wrong.
This half position i honestly dont understand. One living breathing thing doesn’t count and another does.
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer@tinamarie1974@werehatrack what the catholic church thinks about anything is… Well we aren’t going there. But church rules in general. Never mind the historical corruption of religion… To things that. Are just gross politics… I’ll let it lie.
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer@tinamarie1974@unksol@werehatrack I’m of the opinion that fish is meat…usually. But I also recognize it’s just a word, and one whose definition has squished around a lot in different times and locations.
What about fowl/poultry? I expect most will agree so, but (in some settings) “meat” means “red meat” exclusively (i.e. no poultry).
My general rule was “meat = animal flesh” but that brought to mind two problems:
what’s the definition of “flesh”? (basically, it’s as ill-defined as meat, giving us nothing better than a circular definition)
what about insects? I don’t think people consider them as having “flesh” and/or meat, but they’re still animals…
Do I now have to adjust my definition to “meat = flesh of beasts” and pretend that doesn’t muddy the water even more?
(It’s a good thing I don’t have anything riding on this one definition.)
@Lynnerizer@tinamarie1974@unksol@werehatrack@xobzoo Well, the whole “no meat on Fridays or for Lent” thing has gone on for years; I always thought it was kind of weird though that giving up meat = sacrifice, but you can fish? I would usually rather have fish, or seafood!
@Kyeh A little weird, but i like eggs just about anywhere & any style. I suppose this is a little like a shakshouka with the bread built in & less sauce…?
@Kyeh - The walking group I trail with had breakfast pizzas for the end-of-season party - they were outstanding. According to the guy who provided them, he gets them from a pizzeria that makes them only if the customer supplies the eggs.
One of my previous employers ordered monthly breakfast [and other] pizzas for employee birthdays and other celebrated events, but the eggs were scrambled [or is omletted a past participle?] with the ham, bacon, sausage, and cheese mixed in as well.
Like egg sandwiches, wherein the eggs should always be hard-cooked, not goopy…
I’ve mentioned before that I worked in Mexico many years ago.
So on week my boss decided to travel down from the US and we took her to this really cool restaurant in Apodaca, Horno Quatro Ciento. They sold pizza, burgers, salads, etc. Played rock and roll far too loud and had a great patio. Anyway, La Jeffe decided she wanted a sausage pizza. We kept telling her it wasn’t a thing and she should order a different topping or just get something else. But she was, well a “Karen”, so she ordered it. The waiter was confused so she explained what she wanted, then my co workers tried to explain in Spanish what she wanted, even though it was not available. The waiter smiled and said he would take care of it!
She felt the need to tell us that she was right, because Karen. She was pretty smug until the pizza came out! Kitchen staff cut up a bunch of hot dogs and put it on the pizza!!!
Did I laugh at her. Absolutely! It was hilarious!
Did she eat it, NO!!! She ordered something else!!!
@tinamarie1974 That is funny! And definitely a Karen move! I think I would have just taken the hotdogs off! Or never have ordered it in the first place…
Artichoke and fresh tomatoes is delicious on a pizza! Lately I’ve been craving tacos and then I remembered taco pizza is a thing around here. I haven’t tried one yet but for the past week I’ve been tempted!
Anyone have an opinion on taco pizza?
@krobb1290 used to be mine. still might be at pizza hut on a pan pizza. or ham. original pineapple ones I had were Canadian bacon, have had them with cashews too. still works
I forgot one that is kind of unique but that I like when I get it. Best one I had was actually an upscale noise in Italian restaurant.Pear and gorgonzola
@kittykat9180 I made a margarita pizza once. Made a big puddle on the table, but it tasted good. Could have used some salt around the outside edge of the crust, though.
@katbyter I’ve done that: toasted a pita with a thin layer of hummus, topped with Swiss and mozz and salami. The sauce makes it less of a pizza, but even with marinara, pita and cheese doesn’t mix too well with acid.
Okay, I am emphatically not going to buy one of these pizza ovens, but late this month I am going to commit what many will regard as a pizza heresy experiment. Spam, pineapple, red Bell pepper and cashews on a thin-crust pizza with a bechamel sauce and sliced full-fat whole-milk mozza. Because contrarian science!
@OnionSoup@werehatrack I ended up buying a Char Broil Vista. It is a small “kitchen” w a flat top and grill. The way the lid is designed on the grill side it doubles as a pizza oven. So one piece of equipment for all three.
@Kyeh@OnionSoup@werehatrack it was a bit of a PITA to get, as I purchased it as soon as it came out. That said, once it finally arrived and dad and I got it assembled (~2 hrs), it has been fantastic. Ive had it 2 yrs I think at this point.
I mean cheese belongs on almost everything.
Would you do any other topping on pizza without the cheese?
Just pepperoni and sauce? I wouldn’t hate it but. Come on.
@unksol Way back in the day when I worked at a pizza place we did get an order with no cheese. Nothing but crust, sauce and black olives.
Those olives were just swimming around in bubbling sauce when the pizza came out of the oven.
@yakkoTDI I do like olives on my pizza which may be a minority.
I’d still sprinkle some cheese in it when it got home.
And yes allowance for lactose intolerance and. Personal taste. But cheese be good statistically
@unksol @yakkoTDI Was that pizza place located in the Texas Panhandle? The friend that was my office mate / roommate / best man has a severe allergy to most any kind of cheese. i can see him placing an order like that (except i don’t think he likes olives and would want the pepperoni). He always got strange looks at Tex-Mex places by ordering tacos or enchiladas with no cheese.
@phendrick @unksol @yakkoTDI Being of Canuck ancestry, i can’t even imagine not being able to eat cheese. Kill me.
@ircon96 @phendrick @yakkoTDI yea but you do douse it in fries and gravy so I hear.
Then again I did just drop some cottage cheese into a bowl of ramen and one of some Lipton Alfredo thing so…
Cheese be good. Cheese curds be good. The can be liberally Applied
Spaghetti pie
@ircon96 @phendrick @yakkoTDI well and I do know Canadian cheese curds are dried/squeakier. the closest US equivalent I can think of is large curd cottage cheese. Maybe? Idk. Cheese in everything
@phendrick @yakkoTDI
@unksol My family was never into poutine & personally, I’m not a gravy person (which is weird, cuz I’m ALL about sauces & condiments), so i would “deconstruct” it, replace the gravy with a spicy horseradish sauce & dip the fries & curds in that. I would never pour anything directly on fries, I’m not a monster!
(I mean, if you’re gonna eat something fried, it had better be crispy, eh?)
@phendrick @yakkoTDI
@unksol Btw, the curds are usually just fresh, unaged cheddar, but they only stay squeaky for a few days, maybe a little longer if they’re stored airtight in the fridge so no moisture can get to them. But I’m sure the more melty they get, the less they squeak, so it probably isn’t a big deal in the final product, it just lets you know they’re super fresh when you buy them, i guess. In any case, I’m with you, cheese in (almost) everything!
@unksol @yakkoTDI Black olive pizza used to be my absolute favorite but after getting violently ill after eating one way back in the 1980’s I haven’t been brave enough to order another one! Lol…

@unksol Well, I used to go to CPK once in awhile back when I lived close to one. Sometimes, the pizza crust substituted for bread and sometimes it made a more traditional pizza,
They made a ‘pizza’ that was basically a club sandwich - lettuce, high quality bacon, chicken, avocado and I forget what. It was quite tasty if you thought about it as a sandwich, not a pizza.
@unksol, I had a boss who hated cheese. He would order pizza with no cheese and extra pepperoni.
@kittykat9180 well. We are all a little defective.
@ircon96 @phendrick @yakkoTDI I have never had it but I can only assume if you coated fries with cheese and gravy… Well it’s just cheesy mashed potatoes and gravy but with distinct particles. And now it sounds less weird.
But I like your version
@ircon96 @phendrick @unksol @yakkoTDI
YES!!! Exactly! I’ve never understood the thing with dousing fries in goopy sauces; sauce belongs on the SIDE, as you said!
@Cerridwyn @unksol I liked that club sandwich pizza and another they had that had a pile of arugula on it; I like CPK but the one in town here shut down. They experiment with some interesting flavors. They did a Thai sweet chili one that I loved but of course that was too strange for most people and it didn’t stick around.
The WORKS!! Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Salami, Olives, Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Grilled Chicken, Pineapple, etc., etc.
/showme a pizza with Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Salami, Olives, Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Grilled Chicken and Pineapple served piping hot from a brick oven
@mediocrebot you and the bot both forgot the anchovies!
@IndifferentDude in my area the closest you can get to such a heavily loaded pie is the pizza hut super supreme on a standard crust.
It works for that. When you just want toppings. I don’t dislike it when I’m in that mood.
When your nearest “city” is 10 minutes each away for a pizza run to 10K people. The next is well over an hour round trip… Eh…
@mediocrebot @phendrick Fish on a PIZZA??
That’s sacriledge!! 
@mediocrebot @phendrick ok I don’t keep anchovies on hand. Decent supplies of sardines
Not that I’ve ever put them on pizza but. I should definitely grab a can of sardines and try it. I could see that working. And yes I know it’s a thing. Just never thought to try it for some reason
@IndifferentDude Don’t forget the sprinkling of Lipitor!
@IndifferentDude @phendrick @unksol There used to be a great pizza place in downtown Hanover, near Dartmouth College, called EBAs (Everything But Anchovies). Of course, they had anchovies, too, but it sounds like a lot of college students order like IndifferentDude. Sadly, they closed back in 2017, end of an era.
@IndifferentDude @mediocrebot @phendrick don’t go to Japan then. Seafood very common on pizza:
Not just common fish like anchovies and tuna (which they have) but crabs, lobster, shrimp, etc…
@IndifferentDude @mediocrebot @OnionSoup @phendrick The Japanese put some pretty strange things on pizza - like mayonnaise! And potato salad! They still have Shakey’s there and when we visited my aunt and uncle they let us order a pizza and because I’m foolishly curious I asked to have potato salad on it. It was exactly what it sounds like; added afterwards, so not hot, but also not so hot.
@IndifferentDude I disagree with you on many things but I agree completely with your pizza preference!
@OnionSoup I’d be OK with Lobster, Shrimp or Crab! They don’t taste fishy to me.
@IndifferentDude @OnionSoup I don’t dislike fishy.
Cold potato salad on a hot pizza sounds very weird.
Although… Would some potato salad on a ham or turkey sandwich be that weird? Just. Potato salad on bread.
This may depend on the quality of your mother’s potato salad. I def over vinegared my one attempt but my sisters hadn’t given me the recipe books yet…
Plus I was probably sloppy with the measurements I found. Or that recipe writer liked it very sour
@IndifferentDude @OnionSoup @unksol It was good potato salad but would have been better as a side. Luckily it wasn’t spread all over, just spooned on here and there.
The recipe on the Best Foods/Hellmans mayo jar is pretty good!
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh @OnionSoup @unksol If you like a lot of flavor, deviled egg potato salad is the way to go! Of course, i never met a mustard i didn’t like, so that definitely sways my preference.
@IndifferentDude @ircon96 @Kyeh @OnionSoup has to be mustard and have eggs. Not sure if that’s what they called it. I know my one attempt in college i overdid the vinegar. But this was like. 2006. Who knows what was on the interwebs
@IndifferentDude @unksol
Today’s offering is for you! 
With the pizza place that far away YOU NEED today’s deal! And I wouldn’t be able to settle for just one pizza place to choose from, what if you don’t like their pizza…
Pepperoni or maybe prosciutto and whipped ricotta or maybe fig and whipped ricotta or sausage and potato (had it in Sicily, better than it sounds)

Sounds interesting…
@tinamarie1974 fig with bacon is the bomb
/image pizza my heart figgy piggy

@Cerridwyn oh that sounds amazing. Adding to my list!
@tinamarie1974 when I moved up to the central coast of California a few years ago, a friend at work ordered one of those. I was really reluctant until she said I’ll come on just to bite if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it kind of thing well I liked it
I did it. I hit the Anchovies vote! So there….
/showme a toenail pizza
@mediocrebot ewwwwwww… There’s pepperoni on it.
@OnionSoup They should seat you next to those lovely people who give themselves pedicures on planes, a match made in heaven! Or, at least in the Spirit boardroom.
@ircon96 @OnionSoup I had a coworker who cut his toenails at work once! With his work scissors! I told him he could not do that and he was genuinely surprised.
@Kyeh @OnionSoup Ugh. Like my grandmother used to say, “They’re not all locked up…”
@ircon96 @OnionSoup He was an odd guy - very nice but a total bachelor who evidently didn’t get much training in how to behave in the outside world.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @OnionSoup I mean in his defense. The outside world is very… Meh these days.
Also not sure how work scissors would work for that.
And people from the general public are subjecting us to weird AI generated garbage so…
Toenail pizza vs trimming your nails. I. Idk…
/showme a pizza covered in curly body hairs
@OnionSoup I wish I had the option of hiding your posts sometimes, the way you can on Nextdoor.
@Kyeh @OnionSoup
@ircon96 @Kyeh @OnionSoup curly body hair baber
All the meats except anchovies. Plus chopped onions, extra garlic, and diced red Bell pepper. Thin crust. Lotsa mozza.
Now I’m hungry.
I didnt realize anchovies was a meat?
@tinamarie1974 @werehatrack do you… Not consider fish to be meat? What are they then?
@tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack
I would have just called them a protein. Never really thought about fish being a meat… In Mexico many years ago I bought a really different leather jacket and when I asked what it was made from I was told it was fish skin. It was beautiful and had a super soft scale like texture. I’ve never seen anything even similar.
@unksol @werehatrack personally, no. Surf vs turf. I would consider it a protein, but different from meat like an egg or cottage cheese. Both proteins, but not meat.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol I have encountered places where anything animal was “meat”. These places were run by greedy near-vegans who wanted the carnists’ money and weren’t picky about how they got it. They didn’t care that animals were slaughtered, they just wouldn’t eat flesh themselves.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol Clarification: Anything that was an inseparable part of an animal was “meat”; milk, for instance, wasn’t.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack this actually confuses me. Living moving animal.
We kill to eat… I mean I’ll grant you a pig is most likely smarter than most fish. And the smart ones are mammals so not fish. But…
Plant is Vegetable/fruit. Animal is Meat.
Milk/eggs are just animal products. Not that it matters to me. It’s all food
@Lynnerizer @unksol @werehatrack interesting how our minds classify differently. For me warm blooded vs cold blooded, butcher shop vs fish dept. Yes a
is a living, breathing animal, but not meat
At least to me it is different. Meat comes from a butchers shop.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack so lizard/snake fall under “fish”? Not trying to be a jerk about it. But cold blooded are protein and don’t count. And warm blooded who are also protein. Are meat?
You do realize they all go through a butcher shop? This is just such a weird distinction. Unless you think cold blooded animals don’t feel pain. Octopus are cold blooded and insanely smart.
I could see a list of we should not eat these animals because intelligence. But then you have to have a list.
I could see we shouldn’t eat anything that’s alive. It would be wrong.
This half position i honestly dont understand. One living breathing thing doesn’t count and another does.
@Lynnerizer @unksol @werehatrack so again, as I said above in my mind fish is a protein for sure. Do I see seafood as meat, no it is seafood.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack I guess the Catholic Church doesn’t consider it meat.
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @unksol @werehatrack nope!!!
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack what the catholic church thinks about anything is… Well we aren’t going there. But church rules in general. Never mind the historical corruption of religion… To things that. Are just gross politics… I’ll let it lie.
But I digress. Back to blasting music
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack I’m of the opinion that fish is meat…usually. But I also recognize it’s just a word, and one whose definition has squished around a lot in different times and locations.
What about fowl/poultry? I expect most will agree so, but (in some settings) “meat” means “red meat” exclusively (i.e. no poultry).
My general rule was “meat = animal flesh” but that brought to mind two problems:
Do I now have to adjust my definition to “meat = flesh of beasts” and pretend that doesn’t muddy the water even more?
(It’s a good thing I don’t have anything riding on this one definition.)
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol @xobzoo And then there are shrimp and lobsters and definitely-not-seafood palm crabs.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack @xobzoo Well, the whole “no meat on Fridays or for Lent” thing has gone on for years; I always thought it was kind of weird though that giving up meat = sacrifice, but you can fish? I would usually rather have fish, or seafood!
Pepperoni, salami, mushrooms.
Mushrooms and onions
SPO (Italian sausage, peppers & onions)
My go to is bacon back olive, green peppers and onions… and garlic of i can find someone that mince’s it
Pineapple! LOL
Let’s get the debate going!!
@hammi99 There is no debate. Pineapple pairs nicely with jalapenos.
@hammi99 @yakkoTDI Yes, but not with pizza.
@ItalianScallion @yakkoTDI haha it begins!
@hammi99 @ItalianScallion
Fixed it for you.
What do you think of the breakfast pizzas some places serve? They put an egg on it. That’s a bit weird, to me.
@Kyeh A little weird, but i like eggs just about anywhere & any style. I suppose this is a little like a shakshouka with the bread built in & less sauce…?
@ircon96 I don’t know! I’d try it but it wouldn’t be my first choice.
@Kyeh Yeah, that sauce would have to be spectacular! Lol
@Kyeh I’d try it! They say (whoever ‘they’ are) to make anything special top it off with an egg!
@Kyeh if it’s breakfast and not traditional pizza sauce under it I’m all for it.
What is pizza but a bread? Eggs and bread go fine together.
@Kyeh pizza crust is bread
I have had sausage and gravy pizza. I will stick to biscuits, but it wasn’t horrible
@Kyeh - The walking group I trail with had breakfast pizzas for the end-of-season party - they were outstanding. According to the guy who provided them, he gets them from a pizzeria that makes them only if the customer supplies the eggs.
@Cerridwyn @OnionSoup I know pizza crust is bread but I’m still not sure if I want goopy eggs on it.
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh @OnionSoup
One of my previous employers ordered monthly breakfast [and other] pizzas for employee birthdays and other celebrated events, but the eggs were scrambled [or is omletted a past participle?] with the ham, bacon, sausage, and cheese mixed in as well.
Like egg sandwiches, wherein the eggs should always be hard-cooked, not goopy…
Ok funny story.
I’ve mentioned before that I worked in Mexico many years ago.
So on week my boss decided to travel down from the US and we took her to this really cool restaurant in Apodaca, Horno Quatro Ciento. They sold pizza, burgers, salads, etc. Played rock and roll far too loud and had a great patio. Anyway, La Jeffe decided she wanted a sausage pizza. We kept telling her it wasn’t a thing and she should order a different topping or just get something else. But she was, well a “Karen”, so she ordered it. The waiter was confused so she explained what she wanted, then my co workers tried to explain in Spanish what she wanted, even though it was not available. The waiter smiled and said he would take care of it!
She felt the need to tell us that she was right, because Karen. She was pretty smug until the pizza came out! Kitchen staff cut up a bunch of hot dogs and put it on the pizza!!!
Did I laugh at her. Absolutely! It was hilarious!
Did she eat it, NO!!! She ordered something else!!!
/giphy hot dog pizza

You got the perfect giphy.
@tinamarie1974 That is funny! And definitely a Karen move! I think I would have just taken the hotdogs off! Or never have ordered it in the first place…
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 It would have been at least as amusing had the pizza arrived topped with chorizo.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
…and muy delicioso!
/showme a delicious pizza with plenty of extra cheese
@mediocrebot Hmm. I like extra cheese, but I think this is overdoing it.
@heartny @mediocrebot
mel brooks vinny GIF by absurdnoise
@pakopako Pizza the Hutt!
@stolicat Are those the wild chanterelles you were talking about?!
@Kyeh yep.
Artichoke and fresh tomatoes is delicious on a pizza! Lately I’ve been craving tacos and then I remembered taco pizza is a thing around here. I haven’t tried one yet but for the past week I’ve been tempted!

Anyone have an opinion on taco pizza?
@Lynnerizer depends on who makes it
try it, what have you got to loose
and this topic really has me missing pizza by the slice, good pizza, and unique sometimes, chicken bacon ranch is a thing, and yes it works.
@Lynnerizer are you putting tacos on the pizza or pizza on the tacos?
My favorite pizza is artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, spinach, feta cheese and mozzarella cheese. Sauce can be either tomato or Alfredo.
@Pony YES!
Pineapple and bacon is my go to
@krobb1290 used to be mine. still might be at pizza hut on a pan pizza. or ham. original pineapple ones I had were Canadian bacon, have had them with cashews too. still works
@krobb1290, add mushrooms and that’s my go to.
I forgot one that is kind of unique but that I like when I get it. Best one I had was actually an upscale noise in Italian restaurant.Pear and gorgonzola
Lots of opinions on this topic.
Mushroom, bacon, and pineapple. Or a nice margherita.
@kittykat9180 I made a margarita pizza once. Made a big puddle on the table, but it tasted good. Could have used some salt around the outside edge of the crust, though.
@ItalianScallion a puddle? Was the sauce runny?
Never mind. I was a little slow on that.
Salami. You’ll thank me later.
@katbyter I’ve done that: toasted a pita with a thin layer of hummus, topped with Swiss and mozz and salami. The sauce makes it less of a pizza, but even with marinara, pita and cheese doesn’t mix too well with acid.
@narfcake I love it!
@narfcake Reminds me of the whiskey-based recipe for roast turkey.
/showme Cat pizza
/showme Cats making pizza
@mycya4me Let’s see what AI thinks when it’s singular:
/showme a cat making a pizza
@mycya4me Seems like AI can’t get over the dough kneading part.
/showme a cat ordering a pizza instead because making one is too much work.
Looks like the kitty gave up at the “bake” step.
/showme a cat placing a penguin into an oven instead of the pizza which is still on the counter
@narfcake But the Cats LOVE making Pizza @ Joe’s Cat shop & Pizza!
@mediocrebot that’s-a one spicy-a hair ball?
Okay, I am emphatically not going to buy one of these pizza ovens, but late this month I am going to commit what many will regard as a pizza heresy experiment. Spam, pineapple, red Bell pepper and cashews on a thin-crust pizza with a bechamel sauce and sliced full-fat whole-milk mozza. Because contrarian science!
@werehatrack sounds like a Vietnamese taco
@pakopako They would add sliced hot pepper, sprigs of Viet cilantro, and fish sauce.
@werehatrack I’d love to have a pizza oven… I’m just not willing to pay for one.
@OnionSoup @werehatrack I ended up buying a Char Broil Vista. It is a small “kitchen” w a flat top and grill. The way the lid is designed on the grill side it doubles as a pizza oven. So one piece of equipment for all three.
@OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
Wow! That’s deluxe!
@Kyeh @OnionSoup @werehatrack it was a bit of a PITA to get, as I purchased it as soon as it came out. That said, once it finally arrived and dad and I got it assembled (~2 hrs), it has been fantastic. Ive had it 2 yrs I think at this point.
There are various chicken-based pizzas that are really good.
Chicken-bacon-artichoke is probably my favorite.
@xobzoo “Mediterranean” is my favorite:
Grilled Chicken, Spinach, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Herbs, Chopped Garlic, Crumbled Feta, Whole-Milk Mozzarella, and Olive Oil Blend & Garlic Sauce
Chicken Parm Pizza
I like my pizza with scallions, preferably from Italy.

All the meats! More specifically: bacon, sausage, and pepperoni all on one pizza. If I’m in the mood for it, then a Hawaiian is in order.