Not for nothing, but I don’t think I’d want a refurbished anything someone else put in their ear…I’d just be afraid of germs and such even though I’m sure they’ve been thoroughly cleaned!
@mehcuda67 oh. Now there’s an idea I didn’t think of. Maybe I’ll make the cats lick it first to be sure! Cause. Ew. But, the cats will try to eat/lick pretty much anything
@savvysapphire An “Eargel” (the part that collects ear cooties) is listed as an ‘in the box’ item. I would expect it to be a new, replacement part (which would probably be cheaper for them than cleaning the old).
Thanks for the rant against idiots holding their phones whilst driving.
The ultimate Darwinism? Most new cars have built in Bluetooth, don’t they? Why the hell not use it?
It is especially disgusting to see someone in a luxury car even ten years old holding a phone. Why pay the big bucks if you’re not gonna use the basic tech like Bluethooth. Those salespeople are trained to demo the features, even including pairing your phone to the car. But your laziness is far more important than the safety of others.
I love this writeup. Thanks, Meh. Asshole drivers on their phone boggle the mind.
Texting while driving gets me even more, because I literally do not understand how any human has ever sent a text while driving without crashing. I’ve never tried, because there’s no way I could do it. Occasionally I activate Siri without looking at my phone and have her send messages, hoping they say something even remotely similar to what I want to convey. Haven’t accidentally said something outrageously offensive so far.
I once grabbed my sister’s phone out of her hand when she was trying to text a friend while driving 65mph on the highway. Made me so angry. She’s 40 and should know better, not some dumb kid. Her friend was having some sort of crisis, and I guess she was trying to calm him down, but not at the expense of my life, thanks.
@currawong “My friend’s having a crisis? Better send a text, that’ll really turn their mood around. Might as well do it while I’m operating a thousand-pound machine that is literally carrying my life”
@currawong You should try snagging a Fuko in traffic for the 8am release. Multi-tasking! Do more with less time! Check your portfolio at the market open, swivel the rear view mirror around to do makeup, read the fake news full of alternative facts, while ordering up a half-caf, half-decaf no-fat salted caramel frap no whip on Starbucks mobile app.
What’s not to like about this so-called jabra the hut bluetooth hands-free headset?
I’ve been driving while holding a phone to my ear for 21 years and have never even had anything remotely close to an incident. I’ve found drinking a coffee while driving to be substantially more dangerous. Driving distracted or otherwise impaired is one of the stupidest things a human can do, but if holding a phone to your ear with one hand is impairing your ability to drive, I wish you’d just stay off the road anyway. Because the problem isn’t the phone, it’s you not understanding how to prioritize while driving. Learn to ignore a conversation and then come back a few seconds later and say “Hey, sorry, some douche just cut me off. What was that again?” It’s not that hard to do… /flamesuit
Oh and if anyone points to the Mythbusters episode where they did complex math while trying to drive an autocross course as proof, I won’t even acknowledge that. If you’re on the phone doing complex math and driving, then an autocross course suddenly appears, just say “Hang on one sec, doing an autocross really quick.” Set the phone down and focus on the autocross. Then when it’s done politely ask them to repeat the math problem.
Still, hands free is nice so you can play 2048 while on the phone in the bathroom.
@the_inevitable I’m not justifying my part of the problem, I’m explaining the misunderstanding of the problem. I will continue to drive within the law.
Careful on that horse btw. Looks like a long way down from there.
@westownsend if your habits only had the potential to hurt you, by all means, continue. But you’re doing something that is dangerous and can hurt other people. So sorry for judging you because you endanger people’s lives. I’m a really a-hole.
@the_inevitable It is not dangerous. That is my entire point. You are making the assumption it is dangerous because it seems to be a community consensus and not because you have any real information.
If you never learned how to prioritize driving, and therefore need to deprive yourself of things to ensure you don’t get distracted, then definitely, do not use a phone while you’re driving. But just because you are not capable of that does not mean you need to enforce it on others that are more than capable of it.
However, if it becomes enough of a problem that the only way to stop the less-capable from killing innocent people is to make a law preventing anyone from driving with a phone to their head, then so be it. I’ll follow that law. I also know that I can safely do other things that are against the law and I don’t do them because there is a law. That’s the world we live in and I understand that. But I will never believe that I’m a danger to anyone because I’m holding a phone to my head.
You’re not judging me because I’m endangering people’s lives. You’re judging me because you perceive I’m endangering people’s lives. And that is kinda an a-hole thing to do, ya.
@westownsend Of course you’re right. Because you’re just better than everyone else. It’s not that your fucking oblivious, “superior,” narcissistic brain is too distracted to notice that you’re distracted. That’s the kind of problem other people have.
That’s really the crux of your argument, oh exalted one. You’re just so goddamned talented and (I think you think) level-headed. And, see, based on the evidence of your arrogant, self-important rants, it’s somewhat difficult to buy into that premise.
The data do indeed show that driving while talking on the phone is a hazard. Maybe you’re the kind of guy who calls that “fake news.”
Driving while drinking a cup of coffee is a problem. Okay. Is anyone here advocating driving while holding a cup of coffee?
The data also show that people overestimate their own skills and immunity to problems that plague us all.
But you wanna know how I’m sure you’re an idiot? You think that there’s meaningful moral force to the “argument” that you’re “within the law.”
If you wanted to argue that driving while conversing hands-free is just as dangerous, that’d be reasonable. But you’re not doing that. You’re saying that because you’re so damned great and others don’t have their shit together and your behavior is “within the law,” you should be able to do whatever you damn well please.
Even if you were as amazing as you think you are, it’d be difficult for a rational person to argue or accept that you drive as well with the phone as without it. Driving while you hold the phone is still an impairment. That’s the point; along with a fundamental acknowledgment that your choices and behavior affect others. Maybe you can drive while drunk or with both arms tied behind your back or carefully sipping a hot cup of coffee, but that doesn’t mean you should. And only an absolute ass places his whims and his need to assert his self-perceived awesomeness above the safety of others.
@westownsend Ah, I see the confusion here. Here’s the problem: driving a car is dangerous. Fact. People die while doing it. There’s no opinion or community consensus, it’s just dangerous. When you add a distraction, you make it MORE dangerous. Your job while driving is to drive and ensure the safety of yourself and others. Putting your hand up to your face with a phone in it does not make you a safe driver. It adds danger. I have no doubt you’re probably better at it than other people, but arguing that it’s perfectly fine and safe is just willful ignorance.
You’re making the same argument that drunk drivers make… “Oh, yeah, I’m good a driving with a few beers in me, other people aren’t, but I am.” Just because you have not killed someone yet doesn’t make it OK and right. I’m thrilled for you that right now, in your state, you are within the bounds of the law, but that does not make it right.
And I am judging you for endangering people… AND for wholeheartedly believing that you’re in the right for adding danger to yourself and everybody around you by your actions. You’re an irresponsible, arrogant person with no regard for other people. That’s worth judging.
@the_inevitable Wow, just wow. Believe what you want, it obviously make you feel better about yourselves.
I agree, driving is dangerous, and distracted driving if abhorrent. What constitutes distracted driving seems to be whatever you guys want it to be though.
I am in no way distracted when I’m on the phone any more than I am when I listen to a sports talk show that is making a point that interests me. Maybe I should take the radio out of my car as well. Oh wait, no, if it’s hands free then it’s okay, even though the distraction is exactly the same, but for some reason we’re all okay with that but not any other way. ARBITRARY REALITY FTW!
@westownsend I never said hands free was any better. Ideally (and this is what I do), when you get in the car, you put your phone on do not disturb and put it in the glove box. No phone call is worth someone’s life. If you have to call, pull over and complete your call. It’s not that hard and we’d all be a lot safer… but by all means, keep believing that you’re somehow immune to distraction when you’re driving. Here’s some good info for you:
@mike808 wait, because I’m using facts instead of feeling? Because I think dangerous behavior should be made illegal? That’s not very Republican of me…
@the_inevitable My bad. Wrong attribution. The winner for “Best snowflake tautology” is @westownsend. He sounds like one of those clowns that thinks that black Dodge Charger R/Ts shouldn’t have to obey “stupid” speed limits, so that we can tell the “special” drivers from the “regular” drivers, and that just happens to be what he drives.
@mike808 Alright, ya, just put words in my mouth. To think all drivers have the same skill level is ignorant. That said, if there is a law made that says we have to obey something regardless of skill level, I’m perfectly fine with it. Where I live, there is no such law about talking on a cell phone.
and @the_inevitable again, I completely agree, and probably feel more strongly than you do about it that distracted driving is horrible. However, the disagreement is what constitutes distracted driving. I have a lot of respect for people like you who do not even consider allowing a potential distraction around them when they drive. I’ve never found the need to go to that extreme, as talking on my phone for me is no different than talking to someone in the passenger seat. My focus is always on the road whether I’m talking to someone or not, it makes very little difference. If anything of any concern happens on the road, then the conversation is ignored. If you really think that what I’m doing is dangerous, I don’t believe you understand what it is that I’m doing. But, in the case you do understand what I’m doing and still believe it is dangerous, that’s your prerogative of course. I completely disagree and until it’s a law I will continue to do it.
Both of you need to learn to have a civilized conversations. Yes, I invited it by bringing up a controversial position, but, to go there, I believe it’s people like you that put Trump in the WH inadvertently. I despise Trump, but most supporters of his that I do know are tired of people telling them what to say, think and how to live. They don’t like the self-righteous self-assured attitudes of the liberals. The problem of course is a lot of times those liberals are right, but when a liberal doesn’t really understand a situation, but wants to tell someone how to live, it’s extremely off-putting and can put someone into a defiant position in a case where they otherwise didn’t care. I.e. if I wasn’t aware of the situation, I may take contrary positions to you in all your positions just because of the way I was attacked in this disagreement. Even though I may have otherwise agreed with your positions before, or had no vested interest, the desire to be defiant would exist.
Again, I’m about the furthest thing from a Trump supporter you will find, but I do understand some of the ones I know from a psychological perspective. I’m also not a liberal, as I believe any label will push you to believe, support, defend something just because it associates with your label, and I don’t want to be bound by such a thing. I won’t be revisiting this thread, so if you’re stuck on just making me look bad, get some classic zingers in now cause it’ll totally look like you shut me down.
@westownsend It’s not that I don’t believe you can multi-task with the best of 'em. It’s just that I don’t have any way to objectively evaluate your personal self-evaluation of your abilities when driving alongside you, and to me, you look like another incompetent distracted driver.
You offer no solution for me to evaluate the safety of sharing the road with you or any other driver in an easy to interpret testable, objective, and verifiable manner.
It is in the absence of that, I object on principle, to the notion that other drivers should put the phone down and that you alone, through a self-determined invisible manner, should be allowed an exception.
For the record, politically, we’re more similar than you might assume. So when is your exercise date and how much did you put on the option for a vacancy in the white house due to resignation, impeachment, or other condition resulting in the US being #unpresidented ? To call it a “wager” or “bet” is just, … well, … gauche.
Considering all the research shows that there’s little difference between hands free and handheld impairment, I’d just as soon people used their hands. At least I can see that they’re holding the stupid box to their head, and know that they’re worse than a drunk driver.
@joelmw wtf, the current White House is my fault because I feel people should reserve judgement of me when I do something legal? Wow. There’s not a word invented yet for a leap of that distance.
Also, I’d like to note I take offense to being called an asshole in this context.
Which do you prefer more, pointing fingers or making bold claims and not backing them up? You seem really good at both.
@westownsend Hey, shithead, like the guy in the White House, you clearly don’t pay attention to what other people say.
I didn’t blame anyone here for putting him there. What I said is that that’s the same kind of thinking that put him there. It’s a not-very-subtle difference. Do I need to draw you a fucking diagram.
That remark wasn’t directed at you in the first place, fuckwit. Jesus, you really do think the world revolves around you, don’t you?
Thank you for acknowledging that you take offense. But, um, please take offense where it’s intended, okay, asshole?
@westownsend There’s one study cited here already that shows that talking on a cell phone is dangerous. And frankly, given my experience with condescending dipshits like you, I’m not inclined to do research to try to convince your lazy ass, because you’re rarely ever convinced, you’ve always got an excuse and I’ve simply got better things to do with my time.
You’re simply not worth it. My main hope is that when you go up in a ball of flame no one else is hurt.
@joelmw The fact you can call someone else a condescending dipshit shows the bubble that you live in. I’d love to see you in a debate with yourself, it’d devolve into screaming random insulting names so fast lol
@westownsend I have very little tolerance for assholes like you who lead into a conversation by saying what’s wrong with everyone else and how we’d all be better off if we were more like them, but then are apparently too sensitive to take any kind of pushback.
Hell, I’ll at least own that I’m an asshole. And ask anyone here, they’ll tell you it’s true.
You on the other hand started out by saying that you’re superior and have spent every comment since defending yourself. At the very least, that’s boring. And it’s certainly not endearing or the least bit impressive. If you’d done it with any kind of humor or self-effacement, that would have been one thing, but you didn’t. I like to think we have standards around here, as mediocre as we may be, and you failed to live up to them.
Normally I’d be quite happy to ignore you, but I kind of have this thing about public safety and the fact that there are too many shits like you who are mostly indifferent to it. But then you had to go and double down and get all defiant etc.
@joelmw I would definitely prefer if everyone that was on the road had the same level of awareness I have on the road. Most don’t. Most find driving to be a secondary task, and will prioritize their phone. Those same people will prioritize many other things besides their phone too.
Also, you’re the one that tagged me in the thread. You could have said my name without tagging me and I would’ve never even known. But don’t tag me and then claim I’m self centered for noticing. I virtually never post here so any mention of my name is easily noticed as the notification is in my face.
Like I said in the other thread though, I’m not revisiting this topic, so make sure you pat yourself on the back really well in your next post, as you’ll look like the internet champion that you are.
Also, I’m a better driver than you in every way you could test it.
Jabra is not a good manufacturer of headsets. I’ve had every brand and they are as bad as the no names. Now if this was a Plantronics headset, I’d be all over it.
Meh for this headset, but YAY for the best. Write-up. Ever. I hardly ever buy anything, but I pay 5 bucks a month to be a VMP in your goofy club. You guys must be business geniuses…
FWIW, inevitable and joel come off like douche bags to me, so I’m not sure they are really with the ‘consensus’. I think there is a disconnect between people who remember what America was all about (freedom) and those who have forgotten (whiners) or were born too recently (snowflakes). One thing is for sure, I have been overestimating the danger of driving drunk if talking on the cell is more dangerous.
Had to check out the reference site just to see who would pay $50 for one of these this decade. Favorite review was:
“I like the product. Did what I wanted it too. Only trouble was with my ears. After about 3-4 hours of wearing this, my ears hurt so much I had to take them out.”
1st question…he had to takes his EARS out?
2nd question…assuming that it was just his grammar and not actually his ears…still, them? He’s wearing TWO of these?
I received this headset. On page two of the connection instructions, it provides information on changing eargels. I received no eargels in the package with the headset. I assume there should be two, one larger and one small.
worst purchase ever. stopped working with in a couple weeks. I only used it while working in my yard. I like to listen to audio books, and its easier to have this in one ear and no cords to get in the way. what a waste of money!!
What’s in the Box?
1x Headset
1x Eargel
1x Charing cable
Ear side
In use
Ear side again
Hand for scale
Price Comparison
$49.99 (new) at Amazon
The linked price comps are to new (not refurbished) items.
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
A deal.meh thread has been started. If you have a great deal you have found online would you please stop by and share it with us. Thank you!
I have had one of these in the past and they work great!
Is there anyone that uses these things anymore? I never see people wearing them.
@Spork i just came to the comments specifically to ask the same question.
@Spork I use one whenever I have to make a long call or wait on hold. Mostly at home or at work, though, since I rarely take it with me.
@Spork my husband is a trucker. He has to use them.
@jnicholson0619 JN, tell ‘thanks!’ (considering that he’s driving 20K tons +/-); appreciated.
“Jabra Style?” - I’m not certain I want the actual Jabra let alone the “Jabra Style” knockoff.
@norman8 This does seem to be an actual Jabra. “Style” appears to be the model name. Unless that’s your joke?
@SirLouie I thought it was a knock off, also.
@norman8 I was afraid that joke was too obvious.
Not for nothing, but I don’t think I’d want a refurbished anything someone else put in their ear…I’d just be afraid of germs and such even though I’m sure they’ve been thoroughly cleaned!
@savvysapphire Just give 'em a quick lick first to see if there’s any earwax.
@mehcuda67 oh. Now there’s an idea I didn’t think of. Maybe I’ll make the cats lick it first to be sure! Cause. Ew. But, the cats will try to eat/lick pretty much anything
@savvysapphire Have you met a dog?
@savvysapphire An “Eargel” (the part that collects ear cooties) is listed as an ‘in the box’ item. I would expect it to be a new, replacement part (which would probably be cheaper for them than cleaning the old).
@mike808 oh god! My dog would have swallowed it whole!
@rpstrong ah. That is a valid point. Still not sure how I feel about it though. Of course, is probably never use it anyway!
I had to buy 2 to wear at once for the ultimate epitome of douche-bagery.
@SoftAsFur prolly not necessary for you
Ready , head (set) go
IDK, I think i’ll pass on someone else’s ear wax
Today I sit fully ensconced in the AirPods universe but loved my Jabra bluetooth earpiece of this type and a few of their others besides.
Cool- you can pretend you work the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant.
@sammydog01 Why pretend?
@norman8 Habit. Pudzner replaced us with robots. Slave robots. MAGA through slavery, Jim Crow, Seperate But Equal, and robots.
Only the poor will suffer, and they’re used to it. – Ronald Reagan on supply side economics.
@mike808 Don’t worry so much. TRUMP will make America great again.
Write up is spot on, but not nearly harsh enough.
Jabra-style? Can I pay with life-like currency?
@huja It seems Jabra named this particular model the “Style.” Oy.
@huja … another kind of “style”
@RedOak You beat me by 6 minutes
@ML aw! Style has memories; unfortunately not for me
Interesting looking knife you have here, can’t find the blade though. Oh well, at least it has Bluetooth.
“Please use something better for gaming, movies, and music”
Thanks for saving me $13, Meh.
Thanks for the rant against idiots holding their phones whilst driving.
The ultimate Darwinism? Most new cars have built in Bluetooth, don’t they? Why the hell not use it?
It is especially disgusting to see someone in a luxury car even ten years old holding a phone. Why pay the big bucks if you’re not gonna use the basic tech like Bluethooth. Those salespeople are trained to demo the features, even including pairing your phone to the car. But your laziness is far more important than the safety of others.
I love this writeup. Thanks, Meh. Asshole drivers on their phone boggle the mind.
Texting while driving gets me even more, because I literally do not understand how any human has ever sent a text while driving without crashing. I’ve never tried, because there’s no way I could do it. Occasionally I activate Siri without looking at my phone and have her send messages, hoping they say something even remotely similar to what I want to convey. Haven’t accidentally said something outrageously offensive so far.
I once grabbed my sister’s phone out of her hand when she was trying to text a friend while driving 65mph on the highway. Made me so angry. She’s 40 and should know better, not some dumb kid. Her friend was having some sort of crisis, and I guess she was trying to calm him down, but not at the expense of my life, thanks.
@currawong “My friend’s having a crisis? Better send a text, that’ll really turn their mood around. Might as well do it while I’m operating a thousand-pound machine that is literally carrying my life”
@currawong You should try snagging a Fuko in traffic for the 8am release. Multi-tasking! Do more with less time! Check your portfolio at the market open, swivel the rear view mirror around to do makeup, read the fake news full of alternative facts, while ordering up a half-caf, half-decaf no-fat salted caramel frap no whip on Starbucks mobile app.
What’s not to like about this so-called jabra the hut bluetooth hands-free headset?
@revoked A thousand pounds? Worse than that - it’s probably more like three thousand pounds and up.
Best Meh Writeup -
@mehcuda67 it’s ‘write’ up there.
I just want to know what a charing cable is used for? Is that to pair it with a BBQ?
@kingu ditto
@kingu got 2b an error. That’s a misspell of a Samsung S7 feature; their ‘charring’ cable
No noise-cancelling? That’s it. I’m out.
/giphy Mouchette
I’ve been driving while holding a phone to my ear for 21 years and have never even had anything remotely close to an incident. I’ve found drinking a coffee while driving to be substantially more dangerous. Driving distracted or otherwise impaired is one of the stupidest things a human can do, but if holding a phone to your ear with one hand is impairing your ability to drive, I wish you’d just stay off the road anyway. Because the problem isn’t the phone, it’s you not understanding how to prioritize while driving. Learn to ignore a conversation and then come back a few seconds later and say “Hey, sorry, some douche just cut me off. What was that again?” It’s not that hard to do… /flamesuit
Oh and if anyone points to the Mythbusters episode where they did complex math while trying to drive an autocross course as proof, I won’t even acknowledge that. If you’re on the phone doing complex math and driving, then an autocross course suddenly appears, just say “Hang on one sec, doing an autocross really quick.” Set the phone down and focus on the autocross. Then when it’s done politely ask them to repeat the math problem.
Still, hands free is nice so you can play 2048 while on the phone in the bathroom.
@westownsend You shouldn’t drink and drive 'cuz you might hit a bump and spill it.
@westownsend heeey, look who’s justifying their part of the problem. Put your damn phone down when you’re driving.
@the_inevitable I’m not justifying my part of the problem, I’m explaining the misunderstanding of the problem. I will continue to drive within the law.
Careful on that horse btw. Looks like a long way down from there.
@westownsend if your habits only had the potential to hurt you, by all means, continue. But you’re doing something that is dangerous and can hurt other people. So sorry for judging you because you endanger people’s lives. I’m a really a-hole.
@the_inevitable It is not dangerous. That is my entire point. You are making the assumption it is dangerous because it seems to be a community consensus and not because you have any real information.
If you never learned how to prioritize driving, and therefore need to deprive yourself of things to ensure you don’t get distracted, then definitely, do not use a phone while you’re driving. But just because you are not capable of that does not mean you need to enforce it on others that are more than capable of it.
However, if it becomes enough of a problem that the only way to stop the less-capable from killing innocent people is to make a law preventing anyone from driving with a phone to their head, then so be it. I’ll follow that law. I also know that I can safely do other things that are against the law and I don’t do them because there is a law. That’s the world we live in and I understand that. But I will never believe that I’m a danger to anyone because I’m holding a phone to my head.
You’re not judging me because I’m endangering people’s lives. You’re judging me because you perceive I’m endangering people’s lives. And that is kinda an a-hole thing to do, ya.
@westownsend Of course you’re right. Because you’re just better than everyone else. It’s not that your fucking oblivious, “superior,” narcissistic brain is too distracted to notice that you’re distracted. That’s the kind of problem other people have.
That’s really the crux of your argument, oh exalted one. You’re just so goddamned talented and (I think you think) level-headed. And, see, based on the evidence of your arrogant, self-important rants, it’s somewhat difficult to buy into that premise.
The data do indeed show that driving while talking on the phone is a hazard. Maybe you’re the kind of guy who calls that “fake news.”
Driving while drinking a cup of coffee is a problem. Okay. Is anyone here advocating driving while holding a cup of coffee?
The data also show that people overestimate their own skills and immunity to problems that plague us all.
But you wanna know how I’m sure you’re an idiot? You think that there’s meaningful moral force to the “argument” that you’re “within the law.”
If you wanted to argue that driving while conversing hands-free is just as dangerous, that’d be reasonable. But you’re not doing that. You’re saying that because you’re so damned great and others don’t have their shit together and your behavior is “within the law,” you should be able to do whatever you damn well please.
Even if you were as amazing as you think you are, it’d be difficult for a rational person to argue or accept that you drive as well with the phone as without it. Driving while you hold the phone is still an impairment. That’s the point; along with a fundamental acknowledgment that your choices and behavior affect others. Maybe you can drive while drunk or with both arms tied behind your back or carefully sipping a hot cup of coffee, but that doesn’t mean you should. And only an absolute ass places his whims and his need to assert his self-perceived awesomeness above the safety of others.
(How’s that, @f00l?)
@westownsend Ah, I see the confusion here. Here’s the problem: driving a car is dangerous. Fact. People die while doing it. There’s no opinion or community consensus, it’s just dangerous. When you add a distraction, you make it MORE dangerous. Your job while driving is to drive and ensure the safety of yourself and others. Putting your hand up to your face with a phone in it does not make you a safe driver. It adds danger. I have no doubt you’re probably better at it than other people, but arguing that it’s perfectly fine and safe is just willful ignorance.
You’re making the same argument that drunk drivers make… “Oh, yeah, I’m good a driving with a few beers in me, other people aren’t, but I am.” Just because you have not killed someone yet doesn’t make it OK and right. I’m thrilled for you that right now, in your state, you are within the bounds of the law, but that does not make it right.
And I am judging you for endangering people… AND for wholeheartedly believing that you’re in the right for adding danger to yourself and everybody around you by your actions. You’re an irresponsible, arrogant person with no regard for other people. That’s worth judging.
/giphy this
@the_inevitable Wow, just wow. Believe what you want, it obviously make you feel better about yourselves.
I agree, driving is dangerous, and distracted driving if abhorrent. What constitutes distracted driving seems to be whatever you guys want it to be though.
I am in no way distracted when I’m on the phone any more than I am when I listen to a sports talk show that is making a point that interests me. Maybe I should take the radio out of my car as well. Oh wait, no, if it’s hands free then it’s okay, even though the distraction is exactly the same, but for some reason we’re all okay with that but not any other way. ARBITRARY REALITY FTW!
@joelmw Uh, is the guy in that gif OK or did he get his nose cut off?
@the_inevitable You sound like Republican congresscritters and the Trump administration.
@sammydog01 a piece of his nose got cut off. it was baaaad.
@westownsend I never said hands free was any better. Ideally (and this is what I do), when you get in the car, you put your phone on do not disturb and put it in the glove box. No phone call is worth someone’s life. If you have to call, pull over and complete your call. It’s not that hard and we’d all be a lot safer… but by all means, keep believing that you’re somehow immune to distraction when you’re driving. Here’s some good info for you:
@mike808 wait, because I’m using facts instead of feeling? Because I think dangerous behavior should be made illegal? That’s not very Republican of me…
@the_inevitable My bad. Wrong attribution. The winner for “Best snowflake tautology” is @westownsend. He sounds like one of those clowns that thinks that black Dodge Charger R/Ts shouldn’t have to obey “stupid” speed limits, so that we can tell the “special” drivers from the “regular” drivers, and that just happens to be what he drives.
@mike808 Alright, ya, just put words in my mouth. To think all drivers have the same skill level is ignorant. That said, if there is a law made that says we have to obey something regardless of skill level, I’m perfectly fine with it. Where I live, there is no such law about talking on a cell phone.
and @the_inevitable again, I completely agree, and probably feel more strongly than you do about it that distracted driving is horrible. However, the disagreement is what constitutes distracted driving. I have a lot of respect for people like you who do not even consider allowing a potential distraction around them when they drive. I’ve never found the need to go to that extreme, as talking on my phone for me is no different than talking to someone in the passenger seat. My focus is always on the road whether I’m talking to someone or not, it makes very little difference. If anything of any concern happens on the road, then the conversation is ignored. If you really think that what I’m doing is dangerous, I don’t believe you understand what it is that I’m doing. But, in the case you do understand what I’m doing and still believe it is dangerous, that’s your prerogative of course. I completely disagree and until it’s a law I will continue to do it.
Both of you need to learn to have a civilized conversations. Yes, I invited it by bringing up a controversial position, but, to go there, I believe it’s people like you that put Trump in the WH inadvertently. I despise Trump, but most supporters of his that I do know are tired of people telling them what to say, think and how to live. They don’t like the self-righteous self-assured attitudes of the liberals. The problem of course is a lot of times those liberals are right, but when a liberal doesn’t really understand a situation, but wants to tell someone how to live, it’s extremely off-putting and can put someone into a defiant position in a case where they otherwise didn’t care. I.e. if I wasn’t aware of the situation, I may take contrary positions to you in all your positions just because of the way I was attacked in this disagreement. Even though I may have otherwise agreed with your positions before, or had no vested interest, the desire to be defiant would exist.
Again, I’m about the furthest thing from a Trump supporter you will find, but I do understand some of the ones I know from a psychological perspective. I’m also not a liberal, as I believe any label will push you to believe, support, defend something just because it associates with your label, and I don’t want to be bound by such a thing. I won’t be revisiting this thread, so if you’re stuck on just making me look bad, get some classic zingers in now cause it’ll totally look like you shut me down.
@westownsend It’s not that I don’t believe you can multi-task with the best of 'em. It’s just that I don’t have any way to objectively evaluate your personal self-evaluation of your abilities when driving alongside you, and to me, you look like another incompetent distracted driver.
You offer no solution for me to evaluate the safety of sharing the road with you or any other driver in an easy to interpret testable, objective, and verifiable manner.
It is in the absence of that, I object on principle, to the notion that other drivers should put the phone down and that you alone, through a self-determined invisible manner, should be allowed an exception.
For the record, politically, we’re more similar than you might assume. So when is your exercise date and how much did you put on the option for a vacancy in the white house due to resignation, impeachment, or other condition resulting in the US being #unpresidented ? To call it a “wager” or “bet” is just, … well, … gauche.
I almost bought this exact model on the clearance shelf at sams club on saturday. it was $20. Looks like $13 is my number. Well played…
*edit - why didn’t i have to prove that i’m not a robot? this seems like a sale lots of robots would be wanting to get in on.
Considering all the research shows that there’s little difference between hands free and handheld impairment, I’d just as soon people used their hands. At least I can see that they’re holding the stupid box to their head, and know that they’re worse than a drunk driver.
@blaineg Now you’re just encouraging assholes like @westownsend.
Both are a problem.
Yours is the kind of “logic” that helped elect the current White House occupant.
@joelmw wtf, the current White House is my fault because I feel people should reserve judgement of me when I do something legal? Wow. There’s not a word invented yet for a leap of that distance.
Also, I’d like to note I take offense to being called an asshole in this context.
Which do you prefer more, pointing fingers or making bold claims and not backing them up? You seem really good at both.
@westownsend Hey, shithead, like the guy in the White House, you clearly don’t pay attention to what other people say.
@westownsend There’s one study cited here already that shows that talking on a cell phone is dangerous. And frankly, given my experience with condescending dipshits like you, I’m not inclined to do research to try to convince your lazy ass, because you’re rarely ever convinced, you’ve always got an excuse and I’ve simply got better things to do with my time.
You’re simply not worth it. My main hope is that when you go up in a ball of flame no one else is hurt.
@joelmw The fact you can call someone else a condescending dipshit shows the bubble that you live in. I’d love to see you in a debate with yourself, it’d devolve into screaming random insulting names so fast lol
@joelmw Are you from the internet?
@joelmw just a bit over the top. Partner didn’t put out last night?
@RedOak If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. It was perhaps over the top, but I enjoyed every word of it.
@westownsend I have very little tolerance for assholes like you who lead into a conversation by saying what’s wrong with everyone else and how we’d all be better off if we were more like them, but then are apparently too sensitive to take any kind of pushback.
Hell, I’ll at least own that I’m an asshole. And ask anyone here, they’ll tell you it’s true.
You on the other hand started out by saying that you’re superior and have spent every comment since defending yourself. At the very least, that’s boring. And it’s certainly not endearing or the least bit impressive. If you’d done it with any kind of humor or self-effacement, that would have been one thing, but you didn’t. I like to think we have standards around here, as mediocre as we may be, and you failed to live up to them.
Normally I’d be quite happy to ignore you, but I kind of have this thing about public safety and the fact that there are too many shits like you who are mostly indifferent to it. But then you had to go and double down and get all defiant etc.
So, yeah, I’m bored with this now.
@joelmw I would definitely prefer if everyone that was on the road had the same level of awareness I have on the road. Most don’t. Most find driving to be a secondary task, and will prioritize their phone. Those same people will prioritize many other things besides their phone too.
Also, you’re the one that tagged me in the thread. You could have said my name without tagging me and I would’ve never even known. But don’t tag me and then claim I’m self centered for noticing. I virtually never post here so any mention of my name is easily noticed as the notification is in my face.
Like I said in the other thread though, I’m not revisiting this topic, so make sure you pat yourself on the back really well in your next post, as you’ll look like the internet champion that you are.
Also, I’m a better driver than you in every way you could test it.
Jabra is not a good manufacturer of headsets. I’ve had every brand and they are as bad as the no names. Now if this was a Plantronics headset, I’d be all over it.
Meh for this headset, but YAY for the best. Write-up. Ever. I hardly ever buy anything, but I pay 5 bucks a month to be a VMP in your goofy club. You guys must be business geniuses…
FWIW, inevitable and joel come off like douche bags to me, so I’m not sure they are really with the ‘consensus’. I think there is a disconnect between people who remember what America was all about (freedom) and those who have forgotten (whiners) or were born too recently (snowflakes). One thing is for sure, I have been overestimating the danger of driving drunk if talking on the cell is more dangerous.
Had to check out the reference site just to see who would pay $50 for one of these this decade. Favorite review was:
“I like the product. Did what I wanted it too. Only trouble was with my ears. After about 3-4 hours of wearing this, my ears hurt so much I had to take them out.”
1st question…he had to takes his EARS out?
2nd question…assuming that it was just his grammar and not actually his ears…still, them? He’s wearing TWO of these?
Received mine in the mail today and, contrary to the item description, no charging cable was included in the packaging.
There was, however, an extra headset.
Is this karma apologizing for sending me a gross used motorcycle helmet in a fuk*bukuro?
@actionjbone do you have an extra set of ear gels? (see below)
@thismyusername Nope. Just the one pre-attached “gel” came with each.
I received this headset. On page two of the connection instructions, it provides information on changing eargels. I received no eargels in the package with the headset. I assume there should be two, one larger and one small.
@SVScudder I didn’t order this but…
if there is a plastic insert in the box that the ear piece sits in, check under it… I find that is where they sometimes hide the extra ear gels.
@SVScudder I believe the pre-attached soft rubber piece is what counts as a “gel.”
I received mine but no eargels either. It was just in a small plastic bag. I tried to contact Meh but still have not heard back from them. Sigh.
Tese are really nice. People I talk to on the phone hear me very clearly. I use them everyday.
worst purchase ever. stopped working with in a couple weeks. I only used it while working in my yard. I like to listen to audio books, and its easier to have this in one ear and no cords to get in the way. what a waste of money!!