It's all goat (January 2023 Scapegoat Blame Thread)
8So what happened was…meh. I won’t write up an excuse. You can just get straight to the blaming and let the scapegoat know how badly they messed up by causing whatever calamity was the real reason this thread wasn’t even up on the 1st.
Do me a favor though, don’t put that on @CharlieDoggo. In good boy fashion, he’s resting after much blame acceptance. No, it’s time for someone else to handle what it means to be the goat and so let’s get our pointer fingers fixed on @speediedelivery. Maybe the goatest of 2023. At least so far, anyway.
*sidegoat: These AI-generated goats are still on point so I’ll just keep with 'em. Good luck to all of you in 2023…except you @speediedelivery, you know what you did.
- 33 comments, 239 replies
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I mean it’s entirely possible they don’t know what they did. It’s been a few months.
@unksol I did did say I was a ghost so there should not be any high expectations
@speediedelivery @unksol
Oh, true - you DID!
@speediedelivery @unksol
Yes, and you seemed to ghost very well! Lol
@speediedelivery yes I think you can blame @kidsandliz for that just linking where it started lol ghost<>goat until it does
@speediedelivery @unksol Nope can’t blame me. I’m not the goat this month. I paid my dues even after posting a death certificate several years ago.
Speeling is important.
@werehatrack Tubgoat! So much cleaner than TubGirl.
@werehatrack That is the cutest tugboat I have ever seen.
First blame for the new year goat? Day 10 and counting of mostly no water in this town. Please fill your goat tugboat with water and send it my direction. We do not have bathtubs in our apartments to fill with water the few times we have a trickle.
@Kidsandliz Sounds like Charlie did not win over the water gods for you. I doubt I can do better. He is cuter and much more lovable. I will send my tugboat but I get motion sick so it will have to float down to you. Keep your eyes out, it should be there soon.
/showme speedie goat in the style of Tron
@mediocrebot Close enough!
@capnjb Almost looks like my car except mine is black.
Blame, because I’ve not won the lottery and I have to go back to work tomorrow. Those two weeks off were glorious
@tinamarie1974 Charlie needs more treats and someone needs to pay since he is now retired as goat. I was hopeful he would choose to be the forever goat to keep the PB coming
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Of course the big question is whether or not you
put a match to your moneybought tickets or not…@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery one or two, yes. Sometimes I win, sometimes I loose. But you cant win if you dont play
And before someone asks, I figure I am ahead from the $1,000 PB winner I got a few years ago!
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Cool you won $1000 once.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery yup, plus the random totals under $10 here and there. Point is I am still ahead.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 If you drive at least 15 minutes to get your lottery ticket, you have a higher statistical chance of being killed in an accident than winning the prize.
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 You have, so far, beaten the odds for sure!
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @speediedelivery what if the station is 5 min away just past the entrance to my subdivision?
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Then I think you just get injured with a months-long recovery and, if it involves a traffic circle, an enduring limp.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @speediedelivery
/giphy giggle
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 I find it weird that the comparisons to illustrate how unlikely you are to win the lottery are always to things you’d never want to have happen. Like being struck by lightning or a falling meteorite. Why not “more unlikely than finding a diamond” or “than hitting three hole-in-ones in a week” or whatever!
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 They probably don’t know the odds of some of those things.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Well, there’s probably stuff they do know the odds for that aren’t horrible catastrophes, but they never cite those positve things, is my point!
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Likely they never cite the positive things because “they” are trying to prevent people from doing what my old neighbor, a retired plumber was doing… spending $400/week in lottery tickets and then struggling to make ends meet.
Back when the Virginia lottery was 1 in 7.1 million odds or something like that I tried to explain to him what that meant in odds (his wife asked me to). Making an assumption you can’t make (but have to do to the math) that a different combination of numbers would win each time (pulling the results of that from memory as it was years ago and I don’t feel like making the marginal effort to do the math again) I told him it would take over 62,000 years to guarantee that his number would come up. If he wanted it to come up in 20 years (at the time the payout was over 20 years) he’d have to spend over $7000 a week; if he had that to spend he didn’t need to play the lottery to increase what he had to live on in retirement. He then told me, “If I feel lucky that changes the odds.”. Sigh.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 But that’s the whole point - the lottery is a tax on people who can’t do math.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Although some people do know the odds are high they are throwing that money away and budget for burning those dollars in the line item in their budget called the: “amount of money I am willing to waste on stuff I don’t need”. Of course many people don’t look at it this way.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery Such shaming, why? Folks work hard for their money and it is their perogative to use it as they see fit, whether someone agrees or not. And I am suprised that you are the one doing this given the fights you have had with others on this site in the past regarding your personal choices.
For me, not that it is anyones business, but I spend less than $50/year on lotto tickets. It is entertainment. I could win a few bucks (and I have) and there is always the statistical anomaly that I could hit it big. Do I understand the math, yup!
Do I play anyway, yup when the pot is big enough.
Pretty sure my yearly outlay is far less than some spend on coffee in a week!
Hey lets talk about how much money people waste on coffee or tips, my gosh that is a fun topic. Why is it the consumers responsibilty to ensure that an employee of an establishment we are paying to frequent has money in their pocket at the end of the day? My customers do not pay me for my 8 hrs, my company does; it comes out of their profits! Do I tip, yes, I tip well. Should it be necessary, no! Companies should pay their employees a living wage for goodness sake.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Yeah, I think tips should be the way they are in Europe; just a small token of appreciation for good service, not a necessary part of someone’s income. And now the push to make everyone tip for counter service and in non-restaurants - it’s gotten out of control!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery , I was actually thinking about Europe when I typed my last message. Somehow in Europe wait staff are paid a living wage AND restaurant prices are not really out of line.
@tinamarie1974 Who was the shaming message directed at? Me? I wasn’t shaming anyone . At least that is not how I meant what I said. Smart people know how much they can afford for each category of their budget and generally stick with that. The plumber did not and his wife as in a panic over how much of their retirement money was gone.
If people spend on lottery tickets and its within their budget to do that I don’t see how that is an issue. If it was my post you were offended by I am sorry. It wasn’t meant as an attack on you and wasn’t about you. I was more thinking about the plumber in my comments.
Personally I view buying tickets as wasting money as I know and understand odds and my choice is not to spend money on a mostly losing proposition. Of course someone has to win and “beat the odds”, I just don’t have enough discretionary funds to buy a few tickets now and again AND have money left for chocolate and ice cream (my choice of how to waste money)
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Tipping: My understanding is that in Australia and New Zealand you don’t tip (and if you do it is for very exceptional service and 10% is the max). Instead employees get paid a living wage. We once had an interesting discussion in class once when I had several exchange students from those countries in my class. Opened the eyes of the USA students just how different cultural expectations are.
Well. I guess it was bound to happen eventually. I think this is my third nomination. The first was lost in a wave of voting for a much better candidate. The second was a narrow miss also to a better candidate. It was harder to avoid without another nomination. I have intentionally lurked rather than comment often to avoid this rather dubious achievement.
So no plan or fun posts planned. I will be totally winging it and making up rules as we go. Charliedoggo is a hard act to follow. My bribe to continue as goat seems to have been rejected after working for a day.
@speediedelivery Winging it is the way to go
@speediedelivery Oh… since there wasn’t an instruction manual when I was goat, I started one. Feel free to add to it.
Step 1: Wing it
Step 2: ??
Step 3: ??
Step 4: Profit!
@capnjb @speediedelivery Get all the treats!!!
@speediedelivery Your contest winning 2 headed goat post is why I nominated you (although I had been unaware you had been nominated before). I mean you’d likely be the only one ever on this site who has dressed up that way and so you needed the badge here to recognize your achievement.
@speediedelivery Just to keep you from being too bummed about it, here’s a big unblame - my sister gave me a beautiful handmade quilt for Christmas! I got her okay to post a picture. She’s incredibly good at patchwork piecing (she has simeone else do the actual quilting part) and I’ve been hinting for years that she should make me one. Well, last year she evidently got all inspired and made one each for me, our brother, and a few of her friends; all the same basic design with varied fabrics.
@Kyeh well that is absolutely bookiful, I mean beautiful! Definately a gift to cherish!
@tinamarie1974 I definitely will! She added fun details too - the backing is that soft Minky fleece with a pattern of a girl in a library.
And for the top of the pages she used fabric with text that matched the cover patterns!
@Kyeh that is adorable
@Kyeh Wow. Your sister is talented! She really put extra thought and planning when she designed that quilt.
@speediedelivery Thanks!
She loves doing this sort of thing.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
That’s beautiful! I’m loving the details she thought to include, the text on top of the pages and the print on the back is fantastic! Extremely creative! A piece to be cherished for sure!
@Kyeh As someone who has sewn professionally for decades, I appreciate the time and effort that went into that work of art! A few years ago I set out to learn patchwork piecing just for fun, it is very time consuming but I learned things that carried over to my work too.
@Kyeh My wife (a librarian and avid quilter) gives this two thumbs up!
@callow @macromeh
I’m passing all the compliments along to her and she’s very flattered by them!
@Kyeh Handmade, personal gifts like that are certainly meaningful!
Cool - you have a great start! The main meh page is loading as a white page at 11pm central. Congrats you managed to pull off a big one!!
PS since it is some weird snake oil - unblame.
Blame-pretty much the worst and most stressful car buying experience ever.
My goal was to trade in two cars and get a new car practically free since in FL they deduct the trade-in value before computing the sales tax on the balance left.
Been waiting for a loaded hybrid to come in and since they are in demand no discount-only sticker.
Call me and said the car I put down 1k for them to hold for me had come in late Friday.
Spent the week end cleaning up the cars and took took the more expensive one in for them to appraise on Monday after getting an online quote at CArMax for both.
They wanted to give me 5k less than CarMax for the one car-probably less than 7k or more for both.
But were pushing me to buy the car that day or they would sell it-couldn’t wait one day for me to sell both to CarMax to pay cash.
So took out a loan for almost 46k and $ 900 a month to seal the deal.
Took both cars into CarMax today and to my surprise since everything had been going south-they saw the cars in person and confirmed the amts of 27k for the 2019 one with 19,600 miles and for the 2014 one with 31k miles.
Picked up my car today.
@Felton10 glad it worked out and shame on the dealer
@tinamarie1974 Can’t wait to get a survey from Hyundai like my son did when he bought his Ioniq. Mine was a Tuscon.
@tinamarie1974 Sorry 15k for the 2014 one.
@Felton10 I didn’t mess up the new car, did I? I hate buying a vehicle.
So can you show all the transactions on your tax returns and get your tax money refunded? Is there a penalty if you pay off the stupid loan early or can you refinance it for the smaller amount?
I am not thinking nice words about the sales department not holding the paperwork for a day then not allowing you to have the car for almost a week. Yes, I know holiday and all but really. How much of a year end bonus did they get for hassling you? Do you miss any green rebates that start in January?
Now you have me going.
@Felton10 @speediedelivery wow that sounds stressful and awful. It’s hard to personally relate since I have a 2004 Pontiac and it’s worth scrap only, and my last car died by turning over and then spitting out engine parts underneath it, thus allowing all its oil to drain in a CVS parking lot at 4 am (my roommates were awake but would not pick me up so I walked home, last time I ever go get one of them after a concert where they learn their car was towed)
So there will be no trade in. I have savings for it though.
Glad everything worked out in the end. We dealt with that same BS back in April, Hyundai dealership as well! Internet gave a trade-in of 6k and we were given 3k at the dealership. (I was happy with that because I knew of the intermittent cold weather problem which was the reason for trading it in, 2009 vehicle was going down south to auction anyway) I couldn’t believe they wouldn’t even let us pay cash! There was no penalty for paying it off in 2-3 months but my dad was super pissed about having to pay even a couple hundred bucks in finance charges. Thank goodness ALL the interest wasn’t in the first few payments, that’s what he was worried about. I’ll say the dealership was shady as ever so some things just don’t change!
@speediedelivery No real loss of anything in having to pay off the loan a couple of days after taking it out other than the inconvenience. Didn’t really lose anything (rebates or deductions) by doing it that way. Only thing was the extra 3k I had to pay for the car by them not meeting CarMax’s pricing and letting me trade the cars in.
After we sold the cars yesterday had to have a friend come and pick us up and drive us to the dealer to pick up our new car.
Went to pay off car on Thursday and the bank said all the paperwork hadn’t been completed so called up the dealer and asked if I could come in with a ck for the car (since I had sold my other two cars to carmax for what they quoted on line, they paid me on the spot and the cks were in the bank) and them cancel the loan and they said yes and I did.
Blame for my husband snoring. It pisses me off immediately and way out of proportion. Glad YOU’RE sleeping soundly. Jackass. (I had a music headset instead of ear plugs. I’m sized like a child. A child with the exhaustion and lines of someone my age.)
Incidentally, I also blame you for not being big enough to comfortably wear ear plugs.
@sunshineparadox On a more serious note maybe he should have a sleep study to find out if he needs a cpap machine?
@Kidsandliz he doesn’t have sleep apnea it’s a deviated septum. I suspected that to begin with because even when we were skinny from poverty he snored every night like a fucking freight train.
@sunshineparadox Presuming not a ton of other medical issues, isn’t that fixable? Might be worth it - at least for you although he may not think about it this way.
@Kidsandliz it is fixable but I have buckets of medical issues from long COVID so we have medical costs up the butt … just not his. And I had to be stopped from dying like four times this year. This is unfortunately not a joke and two of them got caught on our own security cams.
@sunshineparadox This is not good. Boo. You need some good restful sleep somehow.
I will send good quiet vibes your way.
Blame… I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow and this morning my credit card gets hacked.
Unblame, at least I have a backup credit card and it’s going to be a great vacation!
@ironcheftoni Have fun on your vacation!
@ironcheftoni I told them to leave that card alone but nobody listens anymore.
Yay vacation. I hope you are still relaxing and no worries.
Unblame. We finally have water. Well not full pressure and we still can’t drink it but it has survived an entire day without going out and we can flush our toilets!!! It went out Dec 24 and for most of the time we have had none at all.
@Kidsandliz Almost any water is better than none. Hopefully it will continue to get better.
Blame. This
I went to get a pizza and this. Now in fairness it is a 26 year old triton v2 with 210K miles. And it will still run in limp mode. And bank 2 used to be irrelevant. Bank 1 and cylinder 7 went last night. And I bought it with only 4 cylinders firing 3.5 years ago and fixed it. But I’m 99% sure something has broken lose on the exhaust of bank 1. And it’s cold up here. Lol
@unksol Bummer. Pile-on blame:
My daughter called saying her car wouldn’t start (20 year old Corolla with ~200K miles). Normally, I do the work on her car, but now she’s 1300 miles away in Colorado (in -15F weather!), so I coached her on the phone through some basic troubleshooting. No joy. She had to have the car towed to a mechanic ($100) to have it checked out (another $85). Verdict: timing chain jumped, valves bent, pistons probably damaged. R&R w/ (used) engine, parts and labor est: $4500.
Rather than throwing money into an old car, she went shopping for a replacement. And that turned into yet another cluster fuck (and a whole 'nother story).
So, yeah - shit…
@macromeh well interference engines are a bitch with a timing chain jumps. I would absolutely agree with finding a “new” car.
If looking used you know how some dealers are… She might need to have you send in a male friend with the correct info, then come back with the quote, then demand no dealer add-ons. Dealers are…pretty not good. At least used prices have gone down. Or do the whole email thing get a best price unseen and tell her to not pay more. Period
This. I’m… ok with? Ish? When I bought it for $400 only 4 cylinders fired. They have some sort of limp mode when cylinders do it but it shaked like hell . Number of other problems. But new offbrand COPs fixed that 3 years ago. Maybe c7 needs one.
But the exhaust on bank 1 has been getting louder and louder and it clearly lost something the other day to cause this because only bank 2 used to show a og sensor
I suspect the exhaust but it’s the exhaust block to engine bolts that rust out and are hell to replace… it is probably a goner.
@macromeh well and I assume you hunted a good mechanic in range to do an inspection. I always just get a test drive then get under them.
But the acceptable level of wear and condition obviously changes from what can I fix, what can I fix while she’s home and is it safe to drive it here, ok we can talk them down on price and get it fixed there, and nope you can not drive that
@unksol @macromeh Has she looked into going through AAA? I got my car that way and it was great. You don’t have to be a member!
@unksol Well look at all those pretty colors on that report. It looks like your vehicle wants to take over as goat. It is good that you can access the information and interpret it.
@macromeh Timing is everything. I dislike vehicles in general right now. Expensive without breaking but necessary.
@speediedelivery it’s showing open loop on the fuel due to system failure, flat on all O2 sensors and flat on fuel trim. Lol. It runs but you can smell the gas it’s dumping in. I backed it in to the garage and Mondays a holiday. I would not e surprised if the exhaust completely broke loose
Also blame for me doing
Instead of
When rewiring the rj45 cause cats just break shit
@unksol Yup. They do. My iphone cord eating cat (only the lightening end) has discovered how to get at where I keep my glasses (this is new, they had been safe for like 4 years) and chewed the ear pieces. I had to sand away the rough parts. Fucking cat. He knew he was in doing something he shouldn’t too. I glared at him and he jumped down ASAP before I even had a chance to yell “no”.
@unksol This was just fun to imagine watching the cats help. There should be video.
I have 2 cats right now and they are too many sometimes. Good for you keeping your troops but I would be exhausted.
@speediedelivery well the rewiring was because they jump on everything and broke it in the first place but I really should get the jacks installed. The RJ45 was always meant to be temporary after I pulled the cable but I just ran it too a switch.
Took forever to figure out because the work computer on the same switch was better.
Then rewiring it twice. Then the asshats played mountain climber in the closet and broke the case I’ve used for my network connectors/crimper for idk. 20 years? Cheap Plano stuff. Fine. They break stuff.
Except they think RJ45 connectors skidding across the concrete or wood floors are the BEST thing EVER… That is surprisingly loud, I’ve been taking them away from them since. I think I got three today
UNBLAME - some charity ran a free get your pets vaccinated and get other stuff (toys - but they only had dog toys, food). I went. Waited in line 1 hour 50 min. Totally worth it even through the car used a bit more than a half a gallon of gas idling away. Cats got their shots and I was given 6 boxes (4 cats) of cat litter (these are around 14 pound boxes) and 60 pounds of cat food (in 10 pound bags). Hopefully they like the food. Good deal!!! Worth getting scratched when dragging a cat out from under the bed to put her in the cage with the others. Of course one cat puked on the head of another cat while in the cage. The vet said she had never seen that before so had to clean that up without them escaping the cage while in the car waiting. All things considered a morning well spent.
@Kidsandliz lol they get a little squirrelly when you start rounding them up especially as soon as one starts crying about it. Once that starts you better have them contained in a room. Chasing across the entire house is hell. The newer carriers with the top door help since you can just scruff and drop in
Id take free shots etc. But there will not/cannot be more cats so I’m not too worried about vaccines. They’re all already got it or they don’t. They will never be outside. So it is what it is
@unksol I try to contain them in the bedroom prior to taking the cage out of the closet (that causes all of them to run the second they hear the rattle of the cage door). Still can be time consuming to catch all of them even when in one room as they run under the bed and out which ever side you aren’t on.
@Kidsandliz I leave the carriers out with beds in so they are used to them. Some sleep in them on and off. But still best to round them up to a bedroom the day before. Still someone always ends up hiding under the bed where you can’t quiet reach and round and round you go.
Then there is the crying in the car on the way to the vet lol. Warning this will wake them all up
@unksol I’ve got one cat puking on the other cats in the carrier, this time on another cat’s head.
@Kidsandliz @unksol Definitely a good program and worth the time. Mine are due for flea meds and I am not looking forward to chasing them down to do it. They smell it when I get it out. It does not take too long but it can be interesting. I usually do it before work so the is some time to forgive me while I am gone.
@Kidsandliz @unksol I played that Meow mix vid for Toby but he just stared at it and put his ears back and finally turned away. Not impressed.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol One of mine glared at the first sound then ignored the rest.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @unksol
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @unksol
You said, “I usually do it before work so there is some time to forgive me while I am gone”
Well my guy Tuc REMEMBERS FOR WEEKS! He FLY’S off my lap (like the scaredy cat he is) if he happens to hear ANYTHING even remotely similar to the crinkling package of flea treatment! The circle of trust needs to be found.
@Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol Open it outside like 2 days prior to using it.
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery maybe they don’t care if they have been loaners? Or older/smarter. Coco might lift her head at best these days. My sincere apologies for the disappointment.
It’s the first 10-15 seconds that jolts all the annoying youngesters up. Then it’s just annoying
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol Yeah, older and wiser, I think. Blasé.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery well especially if they were loaners and not loners. Lol. Fail
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol
I did wonder about that.
Other things like this - the first time one of my former cats saw a mirror he was all fascinated, but soon decided it was a bust. Same thing with the TV - he would jump up and look behind it if an animal was shown, and then run to the sliding patio door nearby. But he gave up on that after a couple of times too.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery I did only say it would wake them up
With 5 of them in the back seat it does actually start sounding like the last half.
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol I did have one cat who watched TV. He also played the piano in a very deliberate way of putting his paws down on keys, lifting his paw and moving it to another one… Do it for him and he leaves. Leave him alone and he played the piano. I’ve currently got a cat who is enamored with the cards bouncing around the screen after I win a solitaire game. He can watch that very intently for a long time. And for one of them goldfish (they are very smart fish) was cat TV. He’d interact with them and they’d interact back. He could do that for hours. Beta fish on the other hand didn’t interact at all.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @speediedelivery @unksol One of our two cats will watch images of animals on the TV, the other doesn’t care. Unless it’s birds, then both of them get excited and will jump up on the TV stand. They also get really excited (and annoyed) when I whistle, especially so if I do bird calls.
Unblame, mom got me a new soft, fluffy blankie! I even wore it around the house for a while tonight to break it in. I really like it!!!
@CharlieDoggo Nice!!! It matches your velvet couch, doesn’t it?
@CharlieDoggo @Kyeh kind of. The doggo couch is black and grey and his blamket is like a royal blue. But his blanket is for upstairs in bed. For some reason he wont get under the covers when he is cold so he has his own blanket to cover up. His previous one is one he chewed on as a pup and it is full of holes. But since he is now a big boy and doesnt chew on random stuff he gets a nice new one!!
@CharlieDoggo So handsome and royal looking there.
Oh I am in trouble, so who can I blame? Uh, I was so busy being Goat and winning extra PB treats that 4got today is moms birdday!!!HER BIRDDAY!!! I do not have a present for her, what do I do???
Think she would like a PB treat? I would share with her!!!
@CharlieDoggo I bet it you just give her lots of cuddles and nose bumps she’ll like that! I hope your grandparents and auntie help you celebrate! Here’s a card you can give her!
@CharlieDoggo I am sure she would settle for a leg hump.
@MrSquawkington oh no, mom does not allow THAT
I was EXTRA sweet today and she ate it up!!! I think she even forgot I didnt have a present for her!!
@kyeh thanks for that advice IT WORKED!!!
@CharlieDoggo @Kyeh thank you!!! We all got together and mom made a yummy lasagna dinner w cannolis for dessert. I am stuffed
@CharlieDoggo @tinamarie1974 Yay! Sounds like a great birthday!
@CharlieDoggo @Kyeh @MrSquawkington Yay Kyeh’s advice worked. Moms always like extra snuggles with furbabies.
MrSquawkington you are sounding like a troublemaker . CharlieDoggo is a good boi
@tinamarie1974 Happy Birthday
Lasagna sounds delicious right now.
@speediedelivery come on over, there are leftovers and thank you for the bday wishes
@CharlieDoggo @MrSquawkington @speediedelivery From what we’ve heard about how MrSquawkington is treating his dad, I wouldn’t trust his advice at all.
@tinamarie1974 On my way. Will bring PB treats to share with Charliedoggo
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974
Happy Birthday… Hope it’s a great one.
@CharlieDoggo tell your mom I am sorry I am a day late but hope she had
/giphy best birthday ever
@chienfou @kidsandliz. Many thanks! Family was seen, games were played, presents were given and lasagna and cannolis were devoured. It was a good evening
@CharlieDoggo Sounds like your mom was thrilled with your birthday lovens, mom’s are special like that!
@tinamarie1974 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you had a nice day with your family!
Unblame sitting outside in shorts and a tshirt while Charlie plays in the yard/barks at walkers. It is 55 and beautiful #CrazyJanuaryWeather
@tinamarie1974 Dang, that sounds nice! We supposedly have temps in the 50s but it was so windy that it wasn’t nice to be outside.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
I can remember when there were always a string of days in Jan/Feb that were super nice weather in Boulder. T-shirt/shorts weather, then chinook winds that would knock you down on your ass when you came to end of a building!
@tinamarie1974 Trade? Just over half that here. It is pretty nice here but white weekend is forecast.
@speediedelivery I am ok with it, not sure how @Charliedoggo would feel about the trade after that last cold snap
Blame. The 12yo dishwasher is broken (motor & OWI sensor) to the tune of $400+; pump works but sends lukewarm water thru spray arms that don’t spin, and dry cycle is non-existent.
The replacement machine I’d like (we prefer utensil basket on the door) is $800-900 and performance / reliability is lacking per Consumer Reports.
Probably will have to settle for low-end Bosch for $650.
First-world problems
No. Just no. It is supposed to freeze again tonight and tomorrow night. Cross your fingers for me that we still have water in the morning. We only just got it back and have it drinkable. I just took a shower and did the dishes just in case. Sigh.
@Kidsandliz Did the water stay on?
@speediedelivery Yes. Pressure was down which meant the hot water heater on the roof didn’t fill but at least we had water and it has recovered. Thanks for asking.
Blame. This secret shirt deal on the other site.
@heartny I like it. It should be unblame
Blame mom has left me two days in a row and I ended up in jail. This is very upsetting
@CharlieDoggo sneak some toys into jail and if she isn’t looking grab some crunchy frogs and hide them under the blanket.
@Kidsandliz crunchy frogs sound good! She puts a bone and three PB treats in there. But it is still jail and I worry she wont come back!
@CharlieDoggo Oh no! Why would your mom jail a good boi like you? And then leave, this just is not right. Do you get extra nose bumps when she finally gets home?
@speediedelivery she was gone for a long time. She said sorry, but why didnt she take me? I wonder if she is with a DIFFERENT doggo? Something smells funny and it is not her feet!! Oh and my feet smell like fritos!!
@CharlieDoggo @speediedelivery
Charlie, don’t be jealous - she’d never hang out with some other dog, she’s crazy about you! You’re a very handsome fellow, you know.
@Kyeh @speediedelivery aaawww thank you frien! You are so nice, extra nose bumps for you
Sigh @CharlieDoggo I went to the office for four hours! You are so dramatic!!
@CharlieDoggo Think of it as 4 hours where you can sleep and be lazy.
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz I wish he would do that! I mean if I was home he would be on the couch . I checked on him every once in a while w my security cameras and he wouldnt sleep. Barking, whining, drooling, it was terrible and that was with both his meds and calming suppliments.
@CharlieDoggo Other doggies wish they had your Mom. Why do your feet smell like Fritos? PB would be better!
@CharlieDoggo @tinamarie1974 Any hope as he gets older he will calm down?
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz I hope. Wish I knew why this is so difficult for him.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 He needs his emotional support person. Mom should be available at ALL times Poor Charliedoggo
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery seriously at this point I worry so much I think we are codependant. I have joked to my mom that I am his emotional support human. Think I can get a red vest to wear when I go out and take him with me? Lol
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Get one for each of you and put velcro on it. Then you can be joined at the hip.
Seriously though I hope as he gets older he becomes more secure. I wonder if him being used to you being around all the time due to working at home is behind the issue. Animals aren’t very fond of change in their pack and I’d imagine you are the head dog of his pack of two dogs. Would he be better with a dog buddy? You ought to borrow the dog he plays with and see how they/he behave(s) together when you are gone.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery I would say yes and no. He arrived to me under weight, under fed and tramatized from something. He was always fearful of many things including men. And men to the point that my trainer took me asside to question me if there was doggy abuse in my house - clearly not the case. Early on he injured himself (sprained his front leg/paw) trying to escape from the crate. That and several other incidents is why the vet and I decided to put him on prozac
Now that said, yes studies show that dogs do develop SAD if their humans work from home and then leave for some reason b/c they are use to us being there.
So, honestly, I think it is a little of both. I just hope he settles down as he ages. Im clearly not leaving him, he always has food in his bowl when he wants it (that was a real concern of his early on) and he is loved. He just needs to get there.
@speediedelivery I dont know, but they smell so good I just HAVE to lick them. Then mom yells at me to stop. Sometimes she is no fun!! Also, PB toes. I may ask for that on my birdday!!! Yes, good idea goat!!!
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 I had an abused abandoned cat I picked up on campus where she had been dumped. She was missing teeth, there was rot at the gum line and she had a number of bone chips in her jaw. She has turned into a major love bug but it took at least two years before she wouldn’t flinch if I tried to pet her on the head with my hand coming in front of her. I had to pet her head from behind. Now she lets me do anything to her, but it took her a very long time to trust me.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 That would be an awesome t-shirt:
“I am my dogs emotional support person”
@acraigl? @jasneno?
/giphy I’d buy that!
@ACraigL @Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @ybmuG that would be SWEET
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
Oh wow, poor CharlieDoggo! I didn’t realize that you had such anxiety issues! Have you tried that doggy CBD or melatonin?
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
You mean like this?
@ACraigL @Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @ybmuG
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer he takes Paxil and the dr has him on herbal suppliments called composure pro. The fear w CBD is that it is not regulated and potency could vary by batch.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Not mine, but a good one!
@ACraigL @Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 I should have figured it wasn’t an original idea. Every time I think I have one I find out sometime else already came up with it ages ago.
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 Sounds like the best stress reducer is mom. You really DO need that shirt!
@CharlieDoggo @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @ybmuG guess what is on sale TODAY for $12 on that other site!!
WTF-when did operating a new car become so complicated. And trying to figure out how to set the memory on the seats for me and my wife and pulled out the car instruction manuals. Almost got a hernia in lifting them. One book is 693 pages and the one for the hybrid is 321-for a total of 1,014 pages and this doesn’t include all the pamphlets.
@Felton10 Sounds too fancy for me
I am surprised you got them instead of a paper with directions to the website.
@speediedelivery There isn’t even a knob or dial for volume control. Everything is push button or an app on the screen. It is unbelievable how complicated cars are these days. And all we got is 15 minutes of instruction at the dealership. When we turn on the turn signal, a camera on the dash comes on to show us what is on that side of the car. No need to look in the side view mirror beside you because if there is a car beside you, it won’t let you steer into that lane.
@Felton10 @speediedelivery
What kind of car?
@Kyeh @speediedelivery Hyundai Tuscon Hybrid Limited. Sticker with delivery was over 40k. My plan was to go down to one car from two. So I wanted to trade in my wife 2014 ATS with 31,500 and my 2019 XT4 with 19,500 miles. Took them to carmax and they offered me 15k and 27k respectively which would have basically covered the cost of the car I was buying so I would have owed no sale taxes since that is computed on cost of the car less trade ins. But they would only give me 22k for my car so had to sell both to car max. So cost me 3k more than I hoped for.
BTW-carmax just sold my wife’s car for 21k and has mine listed for 31k-a 10k profit for them.
But would highly recommend them-they gave me an estimate on line and confirmed it when I brought the cars in for a visual inspection. Took less than 2 hours to dispose of 2 cars. Only problem is no way to get home (a friend did pick me and my wife up and take us to the dealership to pick up our new car).
@Felton10 @speediedelivery
Geez. Well, I hope you figure it out.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @speediedelivery
Hyundai Tuscon Hybrid Limited
Well, there it is - right in the name. Why did you go for the Limited Usability model?
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery Well it had all the features we wanted and needed as the top of the line trim and in going from two Caddys to a Hyundai we were used to those type of features.
This wasn’t our first experience with Hyundai-bought a 2011 Sonata Limited so we were familiar with that trim level.
But the most interesting one I bought was a 1989 Sonata-the first year it was sold in the US. Really was a poorly made car as the A/C broke when I drove it out of the dealership the day I bought it. Interesting thing was that everything that broke was when it was under warranty and nothing thereafter. Was never so glad to get rid of it as I was convinced that Hyundai would never make it in the US.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery IIRC, the '89 Sonata had the infamous Mitsubishi 3.0L engine that Chrysler fitted to the Dodge Caravan that year. and the Hyundai used the Chrysler transmission. Neither of those was a particularly prized unit. I used to see loads of Sonatas at the self-service junkyards in the late '90s.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @werehatrack Even back then I had a tendency to want to buy cars on the spur of the moment (bought 2 in the past 10 years when I brought one car in for repairs and another time for an oil change and that time looked at a new model and asked for sky and the moon and was given everything I asked for) so I thought why not go to a dealership to look at a car which I knew I wouldn’t buy. But was so captivated by the price of under 10k (2k less than the Grand Prix I was also looking at) and the querky seat belt contraption which wrapped the belt around you automatically via a track that closed when you turned on the car) that I bought it.
BTW-bought our current house same way-wife dragged me into a development I had heard about but never been in before and 5 hours later left having bought a new house.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @werehatrack good to hear I am not the only one who does this!!!
@Felton10 @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
I never do that on big ticket stuff but small stuff, yes - that’s how Meh gets me.
Oh, except I have to admit I once bought two printing presses impulsively when I’d only planned to buy one.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack The proof of the pudding is how many boxes and/shipping envelopes do you have from meh that haven’t even been opened. Hope my wife doesn’t read this but I have over 10.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @werehatrack Ive done it with new cars on two seperate occasions.
As far as unopened boxes there is just one. Its an under sink organizer and Im waiting till sat to open, put together and clean out my MBedroom sink area!!
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack Depressing as it may sound and at my age, there is a distinct possibility that this might be the last car we might ever buy given that it has a 5 year bumper to bumper warranty and a ten year warranty on the power train and we drive less than 6k miles a year together.
Of course, I said that about the car I bought 4 year ago, but it had a weird shift pattern which my wife could never get the hang of so she never drove it out of the parking lot near our house.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack Look on the bright side - it could always get stolen!
@Felton10 @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack I drive very seldom so I’ve only had 3 cars in my life so far! My current one is almost 10 years old and has less than 14,000 miles on it.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
And I was thinking the same thing TinaMarie, at least I’m not the only one who’s that impulsive! Lol
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
Unopened boxes and shipping envelopes, I’m in for at least 10!! It’s like Christmas all over again now that we’re moving back to the condo and coming across all those unopened treasures!
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack
my current is a 97 Ford expedition I bought for $400. Has 210K miles but only 10K are mine. Replaced COP7 today due to misfires. 4 others when I bought it, starter, radiator, trailing arms etc.
The 99 Saturn I took from 100K to 250K over probably 16 years. She was a good girl. RIP
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack Not sure I ever get attached to my cars like that or refer to them as humans, but maybe it is because I don’t keep them as long as you. Longest we have kept any car was the 2014 ATX which we had for a little over 8 years.
Did feel a twinge when I left both my cars at carmax-technically being carless for an hour until I picked up my new car.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack I still have my (bright red) Porsche that I bought a couple weeks after the divorce from my first marriage was final in 1989. It is currently stored in my barn and not running, but now that the kids are up and out and I am retired, I intend to get it driveable and back on the road again. A lot of good memories are associated with that car.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack Some cars are classics that are meant to be kept. Have a friend that has two cars that he takes to cars shows-a Olds 442 (like the one from demolition man) and an older corvette stingray. He also has a bright yellow 2017 corvette which you can see a mile away but is having trouble getting in and out of it and wants to trade it in for a CT5V Blackwing.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack lots of people don’t work on their cars. Or rotate through them which is fine. And can have great memories with one regardless.
There is a sort of thing when you work on one… And have slammed your knuckles into the firewall getting a bolt loose. There’s some blood sweat and tears there lol. Mostly blood and cursing. But it’s very… Satisfying
@Felton10 @Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack
Oh, so you had to change the (faulty from the factory) intake gasket on your Saturn, too! BTDT
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack the Saturn actually made it all the way with the 1.9L SOHC and was fun to drive. I did take the transmission out through the wheel well and get it dropped on my thumb. That stupid single roll pin they used to hold in the differential main pin that could grind right through a transmission… Ffs use a double roll pin…
But it had a bad rod bearing and was drivable… Then the rear break line blew… Just was not up for going under her with all the other damage/issues. A small manual is super fun though. Never mind 40 mpg
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack Maybe it would mean something to me if your explanation were in English. LOL.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @unksol @werehatrack Hmm the ghetto van died after 25 years and 3 mo. It was so named by my kid due to what the paint was doing, was a grand caravan. She swore she’d never drive it. Ha! That opinion changed and I had to get an ancient ignition kill fixed. She told me one morning the car was broken. I asked her, “And how would you know that?”. Told on herself
@Felton10 @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack if that was directed at me I think the only acronym out of scope could de SOCH. I.e. single over head cam. I’m sure you are familiar with ffs and mpg.
Admittely should have been “brake line” not “break line”
New rule: Anyone who is about to design a shredder bin must empty one first. The mess I just made would give James Dyson nightmares.
Also, while I’m grumpy is not a good time to read about Amazon cancelling the AmazonSmile program. Double dammit, Goat.
@walarney They did??! Did they say why?
@Kyeh Not really. They felt it was better to give all those small charities nothing than to continue on with a program that “has not grown to create the impact that we had originally hoped.”
Ugh. They keep getting worse.
@walarney Agreed. By the goat power that is mine this month, I decree - Anyone who designs or sells shedders must show video of themselves emptying a full bin.
Will Amazon be putting frowns on the boxes now? I am not a big customer but put my 2 cents in the program. I am not smiling
@Kyeh @walarney I got that email today and was really frustrated. The Leukemia and Lymphoma society has gotten over 1.7M from them total over the years (my donation via smile has been pennies) and while that may not seem significant to Amazon, it has been significant to LLS. Pissed me off to see they were bailing from allowing our money to go to a charity of our choice and now deciding to only donate to a very limited number of groups who do a very limited number of things.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh Turns out the purpose of AmazonSmile was to force people to go directly to Amazon’s site rather than arrive via Google. Instead of paying Google commissions, they gave a somewhat lesser amount to charity instead. Maybe more people are now using the app. Even if not entirely altruistic, still a bummer that it’s going away.
@Kidsandliz @walarney Huh, I didn’t know that. I think the amount that went to my chosen teensy little nonprofit was probably pennies, but still. Shopping on Amazon has become so unpleasant now with all the intrusive promoted products that often aren’t anything like what you’re looking for! As a result I’m using Google more to find stuff than I used to!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @walarney I mean… It’s Amazon. They of course had an alternative motivation. All companies do. I guess smile may have been slightly better than Walmart where they pressure you at the counter if you want to donate then probably claim it.
And they could use it for PR but. You have to know there was no altruism in it. It’s Amazon
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol @walarney And if they hadn’t been such fucking idiots about it, they could have just offered Amazon customers the option of donating half of their Amazon credit card reward points to the charity of their choice. Amazon would not have been out one cent more than the cost of the accounting, which is probably pretty damn trivial since it’s all done by their data processing system in an automated manner anyway, and they would still have gotten some good press for at least managing the donations. But no, they have to be control freaks. Screw us customers - who the hell cares what we want? If Amazon did, they’d have a better freaking search engine.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @walarney @werehatrack You can donate your money wherever you want. I doubt most people have Amazon credit cards? At least I hope not since you can get way better cashback buying Amazon gift cards at grocery stores.
Regardless Amazon was at one point donating some amount to get you to go through a direct link vs an advertisement link they would have to pay so it cost them less.
When it ceased to cost them less they stopped. Very basic corporate stuff. Again it is Amazon.
Not sure if this is a blame or unblame but very stressful none the less. I mentioned before that over 75% of the birds at the rescue place I got snowflake were cockatoos.
Now I know why.
These birds are the noisiest birds you can get by far. My wife has told me numerous times he has got to go. And I completely understand with all that is going on with her medical issues that a squawking bird that makes her hide out in the bedroom is that last thing with which she should have to deal.
But I hate the thought of returning him to the shelter and the effect that it might have on him. He hasn’t warmed up to me enough to get on my arm (has bitten me twice) but does let me pet him after he says “give me a kiss” and bobs his head.
We have tried numerous things-the last being moving his cage so he can see me in my office so he doesn’t squawk when I disappear from view. Last 4 days have been tolerable, but he still squawks when we leave his sight, he hears the doorbell ring, wants to get petted or when he gets hungry.
Every day is a new challenge that he will stay quiet enough that is acceptable to my wife.
Awww, man - that’s a real shame. But yeah, your wife’s health certainly has to come first.
Oh boy, that’s a bummer and such a dilemma! Sounds like you’ve given 150%! When all else fails, Sorry Snowflake, Mrs. Felton and her health comes first!
@Kyeh Well he seems to have gotten less vocal since we moved him so he can see me in my office(our den) so I am keeping my fingers crossed that his level of squawkeness will continue as this level as it seems to be acceptable to my wife. The amount of toys he goes through every day to keep him occupied in unbelievable. Just wonder how much attention his previous owners gave him as he seems to want constant attention either though interaction with us or shredding some toy.
@Felton10 Does he chew up boxes the way Walter did? You can give him all your Meh boxes - some incentive to open them up!
@Kyeh Doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in boxes-cardboard in toys-somewhat. You see what he did to the cup in the above pic. Not sure I would trust him on the floor alone.
@Felton10 Just scrolling a bit I saw advice that says they can be trained to scream less, but it sounds like a lot of work.
@Kyeh We have read that also, but we have several things going against us. We have no idea how much he was allowed to scream by his previous owner and since screaming is inbred to the species he may have habits that will be hard to break. He does seem to be satisfied when he can see one of us (me more than my wife) and that minimizes his screaming. So we might be on the right track to controlling it enough to allow him to remain part of our family. But he is a handful-much more so than Walter ever was.
@Felton10 I hope he calms down once he realizes that he’s safe. It took my cat a while to get really comfortable here, and my brother’s cat is still learning that nobody’s out to do her any harm. Good luck !
@Felton10 @Kyeh this may be a stretch. But if you had a spare tablet laying around I’d be tempted to try streaming a webcam to it. Just to see if it would help when out of sight.
Then again that may just be enabling bad behavior instead of breaking the habit. Would a parent monitor work on a bird? Maybe he has anxiety/abandonment issues if that’s a thing?
You know if his previous owner forgot to feed him or could not feed him for a couple days…?
@Kyeh @unksol Have had contact with previous owner, but haven’t gotten much useful input that would help us with Snowflake. Snowflake is very stubborn and lets us know in no uncertain terms what he likes and doesn’t like.
Not getting on a stick or my arm is a problem as we really can’t move him around or show him around the house. The door to his cage is open from morning to night so he has free access to go in and out of the cage at will which he and all birds love.
The biggest problem is having to abandon the great room from 8 to 9 at night so he can get his beauty sleep. Walter we kept up till midnight but with him were told he needed at full 12 hours of quiet time. Would love to be able to move him into another room into a sleep cage, but until we have a way to move him that is impossible.
So it is all still a work in process.
I guess @speediedelivery is at fault for no one bending the knee to this year’s Meh fantasy football champion. Sources tell me that the champion is disappointed by such action, or rather, inaction.
@njfan I guess it is my fault. You might be lucky someone didn’t surprise you with a dagger at the end.
Blame. My mom has covid. A pile of residents in her nursing home have it. Employee likely gave it to them all.
@Kidsandliz That is awful. I will send healing thoughts that way.
@Kidsandliz sorry, that is terrible
@Kidsandliz How is she doing?
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 @Kyeh Thank you all for your well wishes. To say that I am concerned is an understatement - especially since most of the people dying from covid right now are the elderly.
So far she is doing ok and not super sick. Of course it has only been 2 days since she tested positive. I have my fingers crossed her exposure wasn’t all that much since she generally chooses to eat her meals in her room so wouldn’t have been around other sick residents, just sick staff. She has had all 4 vaccinations, but her variant one was late Sept and that is kind of far away for full immunity to still be in effect.
As of today 11 residents in the part of the nursing home she is in have it (that is most of them) and 3 staff there. I am sure it was a staff member that infected everyone since they are all coming down with it right on top of each other. When I was there over thanksgiving many staff were careless about how they wore their masks (eg under the chin, under the nose…).
I had been headed there for her birthday next week (1000 miles, 2 day drive) but now I don’t know what I am doing since I won’t be allowed to see her while she is sick and likely not even allowed inside since so many on her hall are sick…
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 I’m sorry she’s sick and you can’t even be there with her. Hope she gets better fast.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @speediedelivery sorry K&L, that is terrible. Saying prayers everything turns out ok. Is it possible to do a zoom type call with her for her big day? I know it is not the same, but you would at least be able to see her.
@Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Thanks. Mom has no anything to do that with and when residents are pos the “help” stays in their rooms for as short a time as possible. I am going to suggest that the facility buy a tablet to use with zoom calls under these kinds of circumstances for patients who have no technology (all rooms have free internet). I have no idea if they will take my suggestion but it is worth a try. I am hoping she will be OK and test negative with enough time for me to get there by her birthday. Haven’t heard yet how she is today.
@Kyeh @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 Fortunately mom hasn’t gotten all that sick but I won’t be allowed to see her on her birthday as they aren’t letting anyone in there as so many are sick and people are still getting sick. Sigh.
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 I’m glad it hasn’t hit her too hard! I hope you get to go for a belated birthday celebration with her.
@chienfou @speedydelivery DOUBLE BLAME: as the official DOG goat, why am I not the official canine face? Mom swears I am a handsome boi! She would not lie, would she?
@chienfou @speedydelivery
But do you know how to type?
@chienfou @Kyeh well, I sent this. So I guess so. But it takes a while because no thumbs!!!
@CharlieDoggo @chienfou Hah. Good point. The dog in their giphy has HANDS!
@chienfou @Kyeh very strange doggo, do not trust!
@CharlieDoggo @chienfou @Kyeh I just couldn’t help myself. It was too quiet here so I played over there.
Combo! Blame because Chewy sent me a card today that I did not win the Santa Chewy contest. No free PB treats or crunchy frogs for me!! But I have lots, because mom!!
Unblame, because it said they sent dog food and supplies to pets in need IN MY NAME!!! WOHA!!! That is so cool. I use to be a hungry doggo, so this is important!!
@CharlieDoggo Yay for donations. Not every doggo has a nice Mom to give them PB treats.
I never really blame but today I am. I had a small surgery today and it hurts pretty fucking bad. I can’t get comfortable, I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep
@Star2236 They are supposed to give good drugs when they do that. I don’t know what I was thinking. I will send healing thoughts and hope it helps
@speediedelivery @Star2236 Yeah, didn’t they prescribe anything for you?
@Kyeh @speediedelivery
They don’t give you drugs anymore unless you’re having a major surgery done bc of the opioid epidemic. My aunt broke her leg and ribs last year (2 separate occasions and all she got was Motrin), I can’t take any of that stuff bc I’m on blood thinners. I also have a very high tolerance to pain medication and lower tolerance to pain. From dealing with it all the time, if I start to get in to much pain I get nauseas.
@Kyeh @speediedelivery @Star2236 Not nice that they didn’t give you adequate pain meds. Hope you start feeling better soon.
@speediedelivery @Star2236
Awful. I hope you recover soon.
@Kyeh @speediedelivery @Star2236 That really sucks.
That was the practice when I busted up my foot back in 1993. I was in intense pain for weeks and they would only dispense enough painkiller meds for about a day and a half at a time. I had to call the Dr. office to get them to OK a refill at the pharmacy each time. Of course, the Dr. only did the OKs for refills at the end of his day (5PM), so many days I was watching the clock, sweating it out and wondering if I would get my next fix for the night (i.e., get any sleep vs. be awake and in agony).
Then things loosened up for a while and it seemed like they went back to prescribing painkillers in reasonable amounts. Remembering past experience, when I got a prescription, I just took the minimum I needed for pain and squirreled away the few I didn’t use.
Now things have swung back again. I wrenched my lower back a couple years ago and was in intense pain. When I went to “urgent care” ( a misnomer if there ever was one), they would not prescribe any meds and recommended OTC that barely touched the pain. I was glad that I had my stash to fall back on for the worst of it.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery
They did give me some pain meds. And bc of my high tolerance to pain meds I really try to take the least amount so if I was in severe pain from something serious the pain meds would work. It’s just a very different world we live in today compared to 5 years ago.
@Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @Star2236 WIth urgent care places make sure they have an MD there (most don’t) because otherwise they are very limited in what they can prescribe - including no prescribing of controlled substances.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery
Last time I went to an urgent care the dr (or whoever was treating me) asked me what I had lol. Needless to that was time I went to one. If I wanted to know what I had, Id look on the internet, not pay money to go to the urgent care.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @Star2236 idk how this should have broke down but when I snapped my ankle in 2010 I was on workman’s comp. Right before I went into surgery this guy showed up asking if he could install some sort of local anesthetic pump that would make there be no pain…
A. is workmams comp going to cover this special thing?
B. Why? No coherent answer.
Now he may have just been offering a “better” option. When I came out of surgery I needed additional pain killers on top of what was in the IV. Having a few screws driven into your bones is not pleasant.
But what they prescribed me was like 30 days of the high strength and 60 of the low and it was not that complicated to determine when I would need to use them or when I could break one in half. So. Not much impact to me.
Obviously there will have been significant changes due to the opiod epedemic but there’s actually coronation of benefit agreements now. If you’re being over prescribed they will know for your safety. Or if it looks like medically unlikely.
PCP might be deferred to from prescribing like they used to willy nllly. But it you need it they should make a judgment call
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @speediedelivery @Star2236 *correlation *deterred
Complacency is making the process of picking the replacement GOAT anticlimactic.
@chienfou Huh?
@chienfou yup! Very frustrating
@chienfou @tinamarie1974
But why complacency?
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
(noun) a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better.
As in “someone else will make this happen, why should I bother.”
There seems to be a move toward letting goadhood die a natural death…
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 Oh. That’s what I think about the Mehtizens’ exchange - it reminds me of the Tale of Chicken Little. Everyone wants one to happen but nobody wants to run it!
Bad News-it appears Snowflake aka Mr Squawkington’s days in our house can be counted on one hand-two fingers to be exact. We thought he had made it over the hump last week when we moved his cage in front of the entrance to our den/my office where he could basically see me most of the time. But over the weekend, he started to squawk for no apparent reason and nothing we could do would keep him quiet.
My wife moved into the bedroom to watch TV and basically told me it was either her or the bird. So now I had to things squawking at me. The thought of returning him to the rescue place really tore me up inside. Tried to pet him a couple of times which he accepted and then tried to bite me. Well today he told me he wanted to be petted by saying “give me a kiss” and just soon as I touched the top of his head he bit my finger-blood was everywhere as I ran to the sink and held my finger over my head to stop the bleeding.
That was the turning point for me. So unless we have an earthquake or Florida washes into the sea, he unfortunately is going back-probably on Wed.
There are a couple of other options to replace him-he is a smart bird but too stupid to realize until it is too late how good he had it with us.
@Felton10 Ohhh - that’s a shame, but you did try really hard to make it work. It sounds like the shelter is pretty good so at least he’ll be okay there, right?
@Kyeh As shelters go, he will be well taken care of but won’t have the freedom or individual attention he got from us.
@Felton10 That is a pity. He is going to be harder and harder to place but that isn’t something you can do anything about. I guess there were good reasons why he was given up to begin with. Hope you find a bird that fits your family.
@Kidsandliz Well the women who owns the rescue place told me she has 7 cockatoos as pets in her house, so she well knows their quirks and idiosyncrasies and if there was anything we could have done to quiet him down she would have told us to do it. As I said there is a reason why over 75% of her adoptable pets are this type of bird and it isn’t because they aren’t smart, lovable and cute-it is because they are LOUD and dusty.
@Felton10 Not good all around. Hate to hear it didn’t work out but it sounds like returning him is best for all.
Do you plan to look for a different bird or take a break and then decide?
@speediedelivery Thanks for your best wishes. I hope the bird isn’t too upset being returned-sure it will be a surprise to him.
They have a couple of other birds we can look at when we return Snowflake. Based on our interaction with those birds, we will decide if we want to take a break or get one of those right away after visiting him/her a couple of times. Issue is if there is bird that interests us and we take a break someone else may adopt them in the meantime. So there is that.
Blame! I woke up at 4am with a splitting headache. It is now an hour later (of course reading meh and email is not advised in the middle of the night) and I still have one. I almost get headaches so am whining about it (and yes it adds to the sympathy I feel when I hear about someone with migraines. Makes me feel lucky I rarely get headaches)…
@Kidsandliz oh so sorry, they are horrible. What are you doing to fight it? For me I take extra magnesium and excedrine or my emergency meds depending on how bad it is. I put a hot pad under my neck/back of my head and lay down with a weighted eye mask over my eyes.
Anyway, I truly hope you feel better soon, headaches/migraines suck!!!
@Kidsandliz Hope you are feeling better.
@tinamarie1974 Doing nothing - well in the middle of the night anyway wasn’t. Since I almost never get headaches I don’t even have aspirin or tylenol in the apartment. Now at nearly noon I will finally get around to dragging myself to the store to buy some since it hasn’t gone away yet. Don’t own a hot pad. Maybe a cat will work? LOL
@speediedelivery It’s a bit better 8 hours later. Don’t seem to be getting sick so hopefully when it is gone I’ll be fine. I can’t even remember the last time I had a headache - thus the whining. My sympathies to those with migraines and frequently headaches!!
@Kidsandliz @speediedelivery if you ever need a hot pad you can always microwave a moist towel or put rice in a sock and warm it up
@speediedelivery @tinamarie1974 That’s a thought. Damp warm towels are quiet - they don’t purr either.