Is it time for the next (unofficial) Mehrican Exchange?
9OK so SOME people (you know who you are) have been bugging me about this.
Below are three replies.
Click on one to vote
Please put all comments below the vote replies so people don’t have to hunt for them. Thanks.
EDIT - you sign up to send stuff and receive stuff, some choose just to send and not receive so those folks send to someone who gets ripped off by an asshat who receives but does not send, or sends total actual trash. If I don’t get locked out of edit mode before I find it I’ll a link to a past thread.
- 35 comments, 33 replies
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@Kidsandliz sure. I seem to have some crap, er stuff. Not too soon, still have to unbox and discover my FYB from @shahnm.
PS I blame @unclevinny, @pooltoywolf, and now @lichme because I’m so fucking tired and lazy. I may actually be taking as long to open it as it took to ship it out . Not intentional. Got sidetracked with other crap bags and boxes…
@Kidsandliz I’m so all for this! I have loads of crap…errr wonderful goodies I could stand to unload! Sign me up please!
@Kidsandliz yyyeeessssss please
I want to vote but not yes or no.
@Kidsandliz ideal would be late September or early October .
@CaptAmehrican Likely to end up then due to needing this thread to be up for a while to gauge interest, then a while to sign up and me to assign.
Here is another reveal thread
Also not all boxes that people send are created equal and that is ok. Some live with more limited circumstances than others do. The most common box size is a medium priority mail box. Stuff is used, new, a joke or something they might like based on what you can find out about the person you are sending to stalking them on meh or anywhere else you might find out information (or not - sometimes they have successfully hidden themselves pretty completely), random other stuff… no literal trash for example the 1998 computer camera someone was sent or busted popsicle sticks someone got, be careful with food, make sure there are at least a few things that are nice (although the receiver may or may not like them, they are objectively decent items)…
There will be more complete instructions posted enough people want to actually do this in the near future, a sign up form, etc.
@Kidsandliz if there was a way to sign up with someone that sends the same size box, I’d do it. I sent a medium box and felt like I didn’t send enough because so many people sent giant boxes.
@RiotDemon Good idea. I will add that to the sign up and then randomly assign within box size if people check off that this matters to them. BUT don’t feel like you need to send the moon. This shouldn’t get escalated until it looks like christmas morning or something. I only send medium boxes. I can’t afford more postage than that. Hmm come to think of it I’d be happy with a small box full of 24 ct gold bars if someone would send me that
But what if I WANTED to get @RiotDemon as a recipient though?
Obviously just using @RiotDemon as an example.
My point is, some mehmbers may not mind sending/receiving from people who send a different size box.
@PlacidPenguin @RiotDemon Right so I’ll have to figure out how to have check boxes such as “I don’t care” or “I feel guilty when I get bigger than I send and I plan to send X sized box”, or “Send me a bunch of extra boxes even if I don’t want to send any”
I have a bunch of “amazing” stuff to get rid off, so yes plz!
I would be interested in sending but not receiving. Maybe if someone in the exchange doesn’t get a box I could send them one.
@parodymandotcom You can do that. We have several who sign up that way and each exchange we have needed a couple of these folks to send to folks ripped off by others in the exchange (I ban those who rip others off).
@Kidsandliz maybe there needs to be a rule that the people are at least a little bit active on the forum? No newbies that have zero posts?
Better not kick me out because I don’t post much… Guess I’m not really a newbie to these though. I’m usually on time
How can I vote without leaving a star?
@PlacidPenguin whisper me
Oh hey, am I banned? It’s fine if I am, I screwed up and you’re the boss. I just want to know.
@mossygreen Did you only screw up once but sent other times? I don’t have the sheets open in front of me. Also you are far more active on the forums than most of the people who screw others over thus second chances are,
for a price, available for that bunch - with a public hanging if you do it again .@Kidsandliz I only screwed up once, but have historically been lackluster about posting pictures, so I may be a marginal case.
On the other hand, I recently found a box of zhip stands, so I’m basically ready to go.
@mossygreen OK. In you are, but please let me know if you need to back out as soon as you know so we can “fix” it.
@Kidsandliz Understood and agreed.
I’m good for late September or October. It was fun.
Have never done one but sounds fun, and have recently had enough stuff that could be fun.
Let’s do it!
Somewhat interested but I need to look at reveal threads and see if I have enough stuff to fill a medium box.
Yeah, I’m interested. I have random stuff so this would be a good way to free up space/boxes.
i’m in for one, just let me know if you need an extra box.
@mick there will be a signup sheet with full info and you can indicate your willingness there. thanks
Never done one, but I’m so excited at the idea of this!
I love mysteries!
And looking at reveal threads, a box of my stuff would fit right in
Exclamation points!!!
Im down for this
I don’t have anything to exchange but I could really use and irobot type device.
I’m in. This time I promise to post pictures and not let anyone get to it before me if I’m out of town in far away places bringing cable and Internet to the ungrateful masses.
So it looks like there might be enough people interested to do this. I will try to get my shit together to get the form up and running in the near future.
is this a trick question?
Did we decide not to do this? Just asking so I can do away with the crap on my dresser, lol.
/giphy I don’t have a problem
@tnhillbillygal I have a problem! But I don’t care.
Yeah, I’m still willing to participate too.
Oh, I’m in if your doing it
I’m in!!! I have.things!!!
I just moved - got here last night at 8:15pm. Drowning in boxes still. I should have internet in a couple of days (right now sitting outside a medical building using theirs) and then I will get the ball rolling.
@Kidsandliz I still have a meh sticker for you…
@mossygreen I am so glad you posted. I couldn’t remember who I was swapping with. I just moved so finishing unpacking will be what I need to do to find where I put the 4 valentine thing. I do remember putting it in a box in such a way that it wouldn’t get bent though. That has to count for something? Right?
@Kidsandliz It counts for EVERYTHING, probably! No rush; I don’t have the excuse of moving and haven’t yet looked to see if I have anything else shareable, so don’t worry.
do this exchange have an unofficial number? i’d like to suggest IV.9.ver03 if not…
The anticipation is killing me
/giphy anticipation
Oh, not quite right. Hmm…
/giphy anticipation tim curry
@boredashell Damn it! I give up. Or, wait, does this work?
Yeah! This is still happening! I moved last month and it was a fight with ye olde spouse NOT to get rid of all the glorious crap…err…stuff I’ve accumulated just for this occasion. If nothing else, I need to win this month-old argument!
@bramby2 From whom did you hear this valuable information that this is indeed happening? Do we have confirmation from @kidsandliz?
@Kidsandliz @readnj …I was just looking at her October 5th post… ???
Have I misread this post? Does “get the ball rolling” refer to an actual ball?
@bramby2 @readnj I moved. I had to deal with “stuff”. My kid had a baby. I will get my shit together in the next few days to get the form up so people can sign up.
@Kidsandliz life happens! We are just so happy you are willing to coordinate this crazy exchange! Thank you!!
Forgotten again I see. I have assembled 3 boxes in which I intend to exchange. Just let me know when
@boredashell I apologize. Good thing I have already been goated or I’m sure I’d be on that shit list. My life, for the last 6 weeks, has had a lot in common with that curse “may you have an interesting life”. I can’t do anything about it tomorrow as I have a cat that is likely dying as I write this (litter mate of my cat who died 2 months ago) - I nearly took him to the emergency vet tonight except they want $300 to just walk in the door and do basic blood work and I already have over $1000 on my credit card with vet bills. The odds are high he is in the beginning stages of dying (he is 17.5 and is in stage 4 kidney failure) and that I’ll need to euthanize him Monday if he even lives through the night. I have a grading deadline of Monday night as well and I am behind on that due to my poor kitty.
@Kidsandliz let me stop you right there, do not apologize for that. I feel your pain and know that suffering to well. I recently had to get my Himalayan treatment for liver failure and pancreatitis, poor buddy is only 4 years old and just quit being himself. The vet told us either we put $1000 down or they could put him down for 30, but no guarantee he could pull through if we tried. Ended up costing the lady and I about $3000 in the end but 2 months later his bloodwork is perfect and back to being our happy little fur baby. I hope your fur baby pulls through and forget this exchange for all i care. Take care of you