I haven't gotten Something Went Terribly Wrong out of my head for 3 days. I think I want it as a ringtone. I could rip it, but if you want to share an audio file, I'd use it.
So, I've had this ringtone for a few days and I love it. It wakes me up the right way. It doesn't startle me, nor do I mindlessly ignore it. Something went terribly right.
@patti its not available anymore. :(
@clonetek I'll see if it's still on my desktop when I get home. Standby.
Thanks @Patti, for doing the work for me. I will now hear Irk singing, anytime someone calls me.
It's just never going to be as awesome as bacon pancakes was for me. C'est la vie, I suppose.
@opello xo http://we.tl/0TsySORFhg
Well, that's the "original" clip, not the New York remix. Here for completeness.
@opello You're welcome?
Sorry, yes, thanks for your efforts. It's just that the clip from the first 404 page was the New York remix, not the original.
@opello there is a 10 hour loop of the New York mix. I'm saving it for the shop intercom on a Friday….https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCYQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_clEa2pKPu0&ei=vFPqU9SRHZD2oASy8YHABg&usg=AFQjCNEmmZQdoSO54tPkKwj7_ghBC2Ndvw&sig2=UJD6A6_kA84gx0InsjVhSA&bvm=bv.72938740,d.cGU
@Ryaneil That's actually what I embedded. Althought based on my moz_places table I think you've linked the one used in the 404 page.
I think TMBG needs to watch out. There is a new Irk in town!
So, I've had this ringtone for a few days and I love it. It wakes me up the right way. It doesn't startle me, nor do I mindlessly ignore it.
Something went terribly right.