Internet Rule #34: Of Course Someone Shot a Porn Video in a Tesla Driving on Autopilot Jenn
6"Rule 34: If it exists there is porn of it. No exceptions*
Linked Image (NSFW)
From Gizmodo:
Of Course Someone Shot a Porn Video in a Tesla Driving on Autopilot
It was only a matter of time of course. There’s now a porn video of two people having sex in a Tesla while it was driving on Autopilot.
In the video, a man driving a Tesla picks up adult actress Taylor Jackson for a “Tinder date” but about 45 seconds into the rendezvous, the pair decide to have sex in the Tesla. The driver manages to keep a hand on the wheel for some of the initial heavy petting and oral sex, but for much of the three minutes of copulation, the software is in control.
And so forth: more info is in the linked article.
Butofcourse. 🥺
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Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled. (Image NSFW)
I did not think the mages themselves were NSFW.
I found the story - and the images - on a standard smartphone news app (either Apple News or Google News, I forget which) that does not allow adult content, or transmit adult content.
The images appeared (to me) to show two persons fully clothed at the time the shots were taken.
To me, the salacious aspect was knowing of the participants’ intent to go further.
However, tastes vary.
Someone with editing powers decided otherwise, and edited these without leaving me a note.
To that person; or to anyone who might have the powers of topic deletion:
Please delete the topic.
@f00l I believe one of those fully dressed people has his pants down around his ankles. The photos are still clickable you just have to want to see them.
Perhaps I didn’t study the photos sufficiently.
For which, apologies. I’m viewing on a very small screen.
I still would like the topic to be deleted. Hope one of TPTB does so.
@f00l I thought it was funny- thanks for posting it.
@f00l The photos were dicey at best. I made the call to edit them out and leave the links. I found the story super funny. Rule 34 is an amazing concept to me. I met a woman who worked in the adult entertainment industry (start-up CEO, not talent, he felt the need the qualify) and she had an amazing Rule 34 tattoo that was mind-blowing to me as a 25 year old.
@f00l @sammydog01 And the female has a skirt on, but nothing underneath it. Or so I’ve been told…
@f00l That was an very tame pic. It is only suggestive in nature, showing nothing. I am baffled about the mod’ing on this one. I guess the pic along with the title was enough.
@mfladd Did you check out the first photo on a big screen? Plus I expect the word porn in big letters and the porn hub tag might be a problem at work even if it was a kitten photo. It’s definitely worth checking out at home though.
@sammydog01 I did. There is nothing showing at all - suggestive only. But I agree, it was everything together which prompted a link addition.
I laughed. Not deleting
Disappointed. No mention of butt plugs.
@JnKL Tesla is electric. It doesn’t have plugs…
Oh. Oh.
@2many2no @JnKL
@mfladd? Butt plugs?
/giphy Tesla plug

@f00l @JnKL @mfladd Tha’sa sparky plug!
@2many2no @f00l @JnKL Don’t worry. Just because a butt plug is not visible does not mean it is not being securely stowed
No mention of earlier influences involving drones with attached toys and a go pro.
@mike808 link?
Truly a seminal work in the genre.
@mike808 I saw what you did there…
So, research is just a thing I like to do. It turns out she has at least three Tesla videos.
In the other two, she is (mostly) in the driver’s seat. She and her passenger have a lot of faith in the autopilot system. A lot.
I wonder what autopilot does if given a wacky input from the driver. Say you had a stray ankle or butt cheek exert a force on the wheel that would send the vehicle out of the lane of travel. Would it obey that command or override it and stay in the lane?
I don’t wish anything bad on her but the news stories about the autopilot crash in her future will be interesting. I wonder if the porn company/distributor could be charged with vehicular manslaughter or something in a situation like that?
I would not recommend people “try this out”.
I would think that, if an accident happened, the vehicle operator could be charged. But what do I know? Not a lawyer.
She seems to have found a notable and somewhat novel means (as the video is intended for public release) to promote her career and image. Hope no one gets hurt along the way.
Plot twist: Someone gets rear-ended in the next video.