@werehatrack they said whenever they sell an irk we get an irk. When I did my ink I was in the second round of allowance. So I assume that’s still the case.
If it works great! If not, I’m not out anything but a little time
That being said, I’m still waiting on FedEx to figure out what the heck they did with my last irk. @thumperchick
Also I fat fingered your screen name twice… thumperchIRK and thumperchuck
Alrighty, maybe ya need to just back the fuck up and get a sense of humor? It was clearly a joke, see: the gif.
I’m merely here showing support for my fellow inked mediocre bretheren. I also thought it only applied to the 'thons.
You can only cancel within one hour of placing an order and I didn’t even see your post until after it was over…so, you can just fuck off with that accusatory selfish nonsense.
They don’t allow you to get two from the same site…only if the other IRK is on one of the sister sites does that work and they’re very good about ensuring the rules are followed.
To be honest, I’m perfectly okay paying the 1337 pricing… however, I’m sure if @gogrrl were to reach out to the support staff that they’d happily honor inked pricing for their existing order.
Love that you do this.
Does that work outside of a 'thon?
@werehatrack they said whenever they sell an irk we get an irk. When I did my ink I was in the second round of allowance. So I assume that’s still the case.
Please and thank you!
If it works great! If not, I’m not out anything but a little time

That being said, I’m still waiting on FedEx to figure out what the heck they did with my last irk.
Also I fat fingered your screen name twice… thumperchIRK and thumperchuck
@mbersiam mine came last night so this is nice surprise
This was surprising!

Oops…was able to buy one this morning. Thought the ink was only good for Mehrathon IRKs.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on meh. Still have a meh sticker on my car from 3 years ago.
Am I understanding that if I get a meh tattoo, I can get an irk? Cause that’s a no brainer since I’m already tattooed.
@davidaddor It’s not open for new people right now. Keep an eye out?
… … … … … … …(>")>
@PHRoG Were you able to cancel the one you ordered?
/giphy snitches get stitches

@PHRoG If you had answered soon enough, you might have saved @gogrrl some money, but no, it turns out you were just being selfish.
So… One IRK isn’t enough for you?
@barnabee Yikes!
Alrighty, maybe ya need to just back the fuck up and get a sense of humor? It was clearly a joke, see: the gif.
I’m merely here showing support for my fellow inked mediocre bretheren. I also thought it only applied to the 'thons.
You can only cancel within one hour of placing an order and I didn’t even see your post until after it was over…so, you can just fuck off with that accusatory selfish nonsense.
They don’t allow you to get two from the same site…only if the other IRK is on one of the sister sites does that work and they’re very good about ensuring the rules are followed.
To be honest, I’m perfectly okay paying the 1337 pricing… however, I’m sure if @gogrrl were to reach out to the support staff that they’d happily honor inked pricing for their existing order.
@PHRoG So you are allowed to cheat because you will be caught?
Good to know.
/giphy the more you know

No idea why I seem to always wait until the last minute to get around to doing this.
Here in time! I’m getting better.
Thanks for posting the thread! I got everyone’s in this morning.

/giphy thank you

/giphy you’re awesome
@Thumperchick Thank you verra much!
@Thumperchick you rock! Thank you!
@Thumperchick Thanks!