@therealjrn Am I the only one who thinks, “oh, this is easily in the top five gifs for these words; I’ll just slash-giphy, edit, save and repeat; it’ll come up in no time” only to be deeply disappointed because, no, giphy is fucked up? I couldn’t even find the fucking thing. Lots of image. No gif. Sigh. Also, I forgot to go sideways again.
@therealjrn Consistently among my favorites, frequently #1 (occasionally displaced by other quality flicks, partly depending on my season of life and my mood), always in the top ten (probably top five), long-standing #1 favorite family movie. Also most quotable and most quoted (though The Holy Grail and Life of Brian are up there too).
I feel like we need to bring @christinewas into this conversation, so she can talk about how great her parents were to saturate her in it (hey, we did one or two things right).
I’m mostly delinquent these days (I say that in the present tense and not in any of the perfect tenses—I should probably have used the imperfect, “I am being delinquent”—because I have no intentions of repenting), for which I half-assedly apologize, my fellow Mehicans (a label all the more attractive, given the condition of my shithole country and shithole state of residence).
But this box that just arrived is in at least a few ways remarkable. And it seems to confirm my suspicions that the good mediocretans (ha, “cretans”: how had I never noticed that? TIL) of Mediocre are specific and intentional and very, very kind (for the most part; my next most recent few fukos have been pretty damned mediocre, which of course means okayish, but not great). The first that caught my eye is that it may be the smallest of its ilk (going back to the launch fuku) I’ve yet received. It’s an economical 14”x10”x10”. It’s also apparently stinky, by my cat’s assessment. And it’s one of my better recent hauls.
Ima put my photos and list in the replies, partly because I can’t figure how the fuck to post photos anymore. That’s what happens when I go AWOL.
@joelmw The cat was on this box for several minutes, I swear. Hmmm, “on this box” sounds like more than I meant to say. He wasn’t that. He was just sniffing it aggressively.
@sammydog01 It is a speaker dock. Warms my heart cockles, it does. Also, it’s obsolete, nigh unto useless. I’m not sure if my old 3GS is still functional. And I’d have to alter it to accept my old iPad.
The fancy curling iron with built-in brushes thing that my wife thinks is potentially cool, but she has probably a nearly identical device that her mom recently gave her. The thing seems new and individual components were in sealed plastic, but not in the original box and sort of scattered amongst other stuff. Which is weird, but that’s par and what I expect and like. I imagine there was a method to the disbursement, but I didn’t think to pay attention and it’s probably just my imagination anyway.
Aforementioned speaker dock, all the better for its being a 30-pin anachronism. It’s like it’s there strictly for nostalgia. I appreciate that, meh. And I shall never forget (it’s a figure of speech; inevitably I will forget, or die—not sure which is worse).
It does have the micro connector. But wires themselves are relics of a bygone era.
These feel cheap and plastic, and I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for them, but I happily accept them, they charged, and I’d probably have paid $5–and I’d probably not be completely pissed if they were the best thing in the box. Further testing necessary, but so far so good.
These are the way classier cousin of that other pair, feel super solid, look all high-tech spy gear and shit. I admit to being excited to try them and anticipate feeling all badass and wealthy when I wear them in public. Like the others, they’re completely unwired Bluetooth buds that charge in their case. These are magnetic though, and the case is like lipstick (but slightly bigger and more metallic).
I’ve been wanting to check out this general category and have no doubt that meh has made a calculated ploy here, knowing I will inevitably drop more cash once I’m hooked. Bastards.
Note that these also appear to be charging. Yay! They also have more appearance of being new. Both boxes might have been opened. I don’t give a fuck, for an IRK.
Finally (I know, right? I am chatty and overexplaining af), the Key Smart Tile keychain thingy. I actually purchased a couple of these for my wife and I for Christmas and I really like them (even though they’re kinda big). I think they’re awesome. And the wife had within the course of a month or so managed to seriously lose her keys three times, necessitating in one instance a friend who lives several miles away driving over to let her in the house. Seriously, she is constantly losing her keys. I lose my keys too, but she does it epically [sic: not a typo for “especially; I have to say this because of all of my goddamned typos]. Well worth it. Now we have one in white; I’ll either use it for my work keys or we’ll figure out another thing we can attach it to.
Btw, it also charged. Haven’t connected yet, but I’ll do that presently.
Besides, it’s not about need. We don’t need most of this shit. That’s what makes it so great. Who taught you to be a consumer? Sheesh.
Interestingly, now that we have a Google Home Mini in two rooms and a GH device with a screen in the kitchen (two of the devices were cheap Black Friday and one was free from Spotify; and we all know that Alexa is the preferred platform for folks with money), I rarely use the multitude of speaker docks meh has bequeathed to me (the majority–all?–from fukos, fukus, the inaugural I.R.K). Actually I was always more of a BT speaker (vs. dock) guy anyway. I still use my Jam Splash with some regularity (required accessory for travel and periodically joins me in the shower).
I can’t get the cheapo ear buds to work. I probably haven’t completely given up, but I’m not sure how much effort they’re worth.
The fancier ear buds work and sound great, though they suffer the characteristic tendency of their ilk in that one side will cut out if I don’t hold my head just right. I still like them. So there.
The KeySmart says that it’s been activated (and therefore I cannot activate it; a reasonable, if contextually annoying, precaution). I reached out to meh support. I may contact Tile for help. I may go to the dark web.
@joelmw@Kidsandliz My son got a new monitor and didn’t have room for his computer speakers. Yesterday he asked if I had a small speaker with an aux in- I handed him a JBL Mini and told him he could also use it as a pencil tray. He’s happy.
@Kidsandliz@sammydog01 Until we put the GHM in the bedroom, I was regularly using the best speaker dock as a radio, because it has the regular AM/FM functionality and conveniently includes a remote. Apparently I can attach external speakers (or connect via BT), so I may do a similar thing with one or more of my artifacts, especially if they deliver better sound.
@joelmw put the rowkin in with the blinky light oriented up and it drops out much less (the button is horizontal). I love the pair I bought for $29 and read about it on that thread
@joelmw Good. Been pretty busy and don’t have time to lurk in forums anymore. Heck it took me 3 days before I had time to take a picture of my IRK, all while my wife was teasing me about a box full of makeup brushes.
@Odi I empathize with the busy. I only drop in occasionally. Of course I can’t help spewing words when I do.
And, yeah, still clashing. The group might be less than half mehicans now. But Holl came back, so that’s nice. It’s a decent crowd, we have fun. I miss you though. Maybe I’ll drop some more words later; still need coffee and I think they expect me to work here too.
I’ll post the bag separately, so we can all comment on its genius separate from unique contents.
It seems sturdier than the fuku/fuko bags, and is wider. I think they actually believe that we’ll use these in public. Which of course, pathetic fuckers like me happily will. Well played, meh, well played.
This is the second time in a row (and I carefully checked this time) that I tried to put two uploaded images in a post and they turned identical. What’s up with that? Correctable both times.
I’ve been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my IRK all day, and it is finally here!
First off, I LOVE the bag – it’s huge - 20 inches wide. And a lovely bright yellow that makes me wish I still had my yellow Mini – they would have made a lovely pair. The rest of the haul:
A gray/white hand towel
Sports bra
Batman socks complete with tiny capes!
D24K instant lift cream (listed online for a hilarious $425). Looks like it’s been used, so I won’t be putting this on my face.
And a box within a box, from Monster to Walmart. Some cool headphones, perhaps?
Um, no. Just a six-pack of usb cables. Sigh.
Thanks anyway, I had fun playing, and I really do love the bag!
I got (starting with the bag at the top and moving clockwise) the awesome yellow bag, a fuzzy bathrobe, a big box of makeup brushes, an alarm clock speaker dock (for Android), some women’s underwear which looks uncomfortable to wear and a dish towel.
@Kawa Not being a robe person, I didn’t take it out of the package. But it looks soft and very fleece-like. I’m pretty sure if I did take it out of the package my cats would immediately claim it as their own like they do with every other fleece-like thing that enters my home.
If you’re interested, I’d be willing to trade you for something or send it to you for the cost of shipping (my cats have more than enough fleece things and also a crocheted blanket my mom made specifically for one of my cats for Christmas).
So my box arrived today, and I was stoked as always. Dimensions were as follows: 18"x18”x18" and 16ish lbs.
However after opening, I came to realize that this was my most fuko box to date…
My IRK contained just three items, four if you count the customary bag.
I received:
one of these kick-ass foodsavers, irreparably broken(trust me, I tore it down to troubleshoot, and this thing is an ex-parrot).
A cordless shiatsu massager currently charging.
And this glorious, beautiful thing, which would be so bad-ass if only I was not currently in the middle of a months long fight with my flatmate on the virtues of me getting a cat. We rescued a cat at Thanksgiving and after fostering it in our greenhouse for a few days the shelter picked him up, but time is going by quick and I don’t know how much longer my little buddy has if he doesn’t get adopted soon. I think we should take him in, but my flatmate, who hasn’t owned a cat since before the dawn of the litterbox insists that cats are smelly noxious creatures that have magic urine the smell of which cannot be removed except by Divine intervention. For the uninitiated this device is a cat backpack, and your cat can ride inside and look out through the bubble.
All in all the shiatsu massager is really the only thing here that I’m likely going to get any use out of, compared to my last fuko where there were 15-20 items and I got great enjoyment and value out of everything but the handful of screen protectors for obscure early smartphones.
@Barney I wish, my flatmate thought the bag was super cool when I showed it to them, but the discussion quickly turned back into an argument. As much as I might like Mr. Cat, it wouldn’t do him any good if I got kicked out of my house.
@hugh0spaz Oh how I hope I get one of these. I would thoroughly enjoy taking my cat on adventures that I am sure she would love and not think I am torturing her during.
@therealjrn lol it’d work even better for that purpose using the included black plastic vented screen that is designed to be swappable with the clear plastic dome. CatPack incognito.
@tnhillbillygal I think that if your cat is comfortable with being transported in a crate, it would probably be just fine with this. After all this does have some serious benefits over a crate, namely it’s higher up, and it lets you share body heat with your cat.
It’s seriously taking so much willpower not to be sad with the CatPack sitting in the corner of my room.
@hugh0spaz just a quick update, the massager works okay, it doesn’t seem to have a function to let you know when its finished charging, the charging light just keeps up a steady rhythm regardless of how long you charge it.
Also worth noting that the CatPack seems to have a slight cigarette odor. its not something you can smell from far away, but if you are holding it, its pretty obvious.
@hugh0spaz I recently bought a carry-on suitcase with offer-up. I didn’t realize until I got it in the car that it reeked of cigarettes. I should have known by the lady’s deep scratchy voice, but still, I looked it up and read that if you spritz it with vinegar the odor is absorbed. Smells a little like vinegar for a while but that doesn’t stick around for long.
@hugh0spaz On my gosh I hope you can save that cat!! Maybe call around and find a no kill shelter? I have serious envy over that cat carrier. Maybe you can convince your roommate to do a trial run?
@hugh0spaz So did you convince your roommate to do a trial run with the kitty (I sure hope so!!)? If not can I trade you something for that kitty backpack (I’ll pay postage)?
Behold my first IRK! Many apologies in advance for likely screwing up the image upload format. Pls do not let that deter you from leaving a mean reply anyway.
The lot: Super old charger/speaker dock, makeup brushes, contour applicator brush, a really long dish towel, (3) M-L Spanx-like corsets, a slim power bank, a wallet.
A dock in the box
Travel back in time to 2008 and charge that iPod Nano!
Some kind of RFID Hack-proof wallet, I guess.
My wife is a huge Zoe Ayla fan as of receiving this IRK.
@reddinghill MEH sold an iLive Bluetooth old school adapter that would work perfectly with your dock. Somehow I have probably 3 more lying around her somewhere.
Mine arrived this morning… TENS unit for back, 24 makeup brushes, light up dog leash and collar, old speaker dock, cheap purse (zipper broke the first time opening it), and traditional new IRK bag (which as stated before, is AWESOME!). THANK YOU MEH!
@opivp99 I got the exact same bundle, except replace dog leash and collar with a porcelain soap dispenser. And correct, the new IRK bag and bag size are clutch!
1 Yellow MEH IRK bag 5 stars
1 iPhone 6 battery case - I actually use an iPhone 6 so 5 stars
1 Slim Pogo Power bank 3 stars
1 Gabba Qi charger - My son has an iPhone 8 so 5 stars
1 Star Wars X-wing toy 3 stars
That’s about it… oh yea, in the bottom of the box was a NEW Pioneer Elite Home Theatre receiver, with all remotes and cables, and it powers on! New list price $399. 5 stars
@Ignorant@Kidsandliz@therealsutano wired mine up today. Everything works… except the HDMI video out is bad. My regret was not instant, but is flows over me now like a veil, and wraps me in sour discontent.
@Ignorant@Kidsandliz@therealsutano UPDATE! I didn’t give up on the Pioneer receiver. I work at a video production co. and had only tried it on a finicky 6 year-old Sony HDTV. We pulled it out of the box again to see if we could use it as an audio-only amplifier… and it worked perfectly with a different HDTV monitor. Then tried other HDTV’s and it worked with all but the original Sony.
All regret has vanished, and I am left with an IAK Instant Awesome Kit!
Thanks Meh! You sent me what you thought was crap, and it wasn’t!!! HA! Joke’s on you!
1 - awesome bag
1 - iLive speaker dock - may use it with my iP4s as a surveillance camera.
1 - PCH TENS unit - New - with 3 sets of pads and slippers to electrocute my feet!
1 - 24 piece makup brush set
6 pack Angelina sports bra
Looks like MorningSave is cleaning out it’s part of the warehouse… Not a completely regrettable purchase though. Thanks Meh!
Looks like @crow and I scored about the same!! I also rec’d a working Pioneer Elite 7.2 Channel Home Theatre receiver (model # VSX-90) but mine appears slightly used. Haven’t hooked it up to speakers yet but sounds great thru headphones! Also, I rec’d an awesome I.R.K. bag; a Striiv Fusion Activity Tracker (charged it & appears to work!!); a LUXHD450 5-in-1 Clip Lens kit (looks new); a POGO 3200 mAh Power Bank for iPhone 5 thru 6 Plus (new); and a pair of Batman socks with capes! To quote Ol’ Blue Eyes: “Regrets, I’ve had a few; but then again, too few to mention”. Thanks Meh!!
Longtime lurker, first time poster! Here’s my haul:
1 IRK Bag
1 Extreme Womens Bamboo Slimming Bodysuit
1 LED fidget spinner (with at least one working light intact)
1 Pogo Super Slim Powerbank
1 Wireless Airbuds
1 Pioneer Elite VSX-90 AV Receiver (used, possibly a return based on the stickers on the shipping box)
Now I gotta drag out my speakers from my old AIWA receiver from more than a decade ago and see if this thing is more than just a awkward paperweight, so… regrets TBD.
2x AquaSonic Black Series Ultra Sonic Toothbrushes (good for in case my Quips never come)
2x Zoë Ayla 24 Piece Makeup Brush Set (wife doesn’t use makeup so this is a bust)
3x Gabba Goods Pink wireless charging pads (or as Apple would call it, ‘Rose Gold’)
1x Cozy Select standard size memory foam pillow
2x generic dollar-store-type sunglasses
1x 3-in-1 cell phone lens clip (which is actually only a 2-in-1 because a lens is missing)
1x XtremePro 1080p Sports Cam (super excited about this, it’s new in the box so I hope it works)
1x Pop Sonic Ionic Infuser with 1.5oz bottle of Youth Serum (no idea what this is. Looks, sounds, and vibrates like a sex toy. No current plans to use as such)
1x Strii Fusion Activity Tracker (opened and poorly repackaged, guessing it probably doesn’t work)
3x Strii Fusion Wrist Bands
1x Dirty Laundry Minx socks
1x AMU monster socks
3x Bioworld Batman Socks (with an age rating of 14+ on the back. I didn’t know that some socks could be considered too extreme for young children)
1x IRK bag (ironically the only item in the box I’m likely to never regret)
I didn’t know that some socks could be considered too extreme for young children)
@melancholysp Clothing that’s intended for children have to be certified to comply with CPSIA rules. The escape that some manufacturers use is that “it’s not for children”.
I too received a Pioneer Elite VSX-90 – However mine is NOT working… It has a flashing blue light, even after a forced reset, which forums say is either: 1) a cold solder joint; or 2) one of four blown transistors.
Shoved into the package were also: some leggings, some running socks, a power bank, an iphone 6+ battery case, and the really big IRK bag.
IRK Bag - Nice and Big
Twin Comforter - New
Green Hand Towel
Lash & Brow Enhancer
Zoe Ayla Makeup Brush Set
Bra - New with tag
Dura-Wallet - Actually like this crappy thing’s thinness
Speaker Dock!
No Roomba or Pioneer Elite but Love It Anyway!
Thanks Meh!
My father called and asked did I buy another computer? No, I insist and race home at the speed limit to see what it could be. I assume that it’s just the box that Meh used.
I get home and it’s a box that has an ancient Android all in one system, with a whopping 1gb of ram and 8gb of storage space. It does have full 1080 display… Android 4.0
@juststephen The screen is in great shape - if there was any way to even get it to turn on and somehow use it as a display via HDMI at least it’d be useful.
Dang!! Really worked the “regret” angle this time. LOL Won’t even bother with pictures… The bright yellow bag was the high point!!
2 small sports bras.
An entire box of obsolete USB cables
2 iPhone 6 covers
and a plastic measuring cup.
Husband’s comment/question “And you PAID for that?”
24 piece makeup brush kit (The pic is an empty box. The wife jumped all over this too)
Elemis Hydra-Nourish Night Cream (Wife again… $69 @ Amazon)
Two iPhone 6 cases. (I honestly thought the clear one was a shrink wrapped empty box. Goodwill bound)
Fat burning sculpting latex abdomen waist trainer (Size medium. The wife surely does NOT need this. [yes, she’s watching me…])
Two girdles (Has everyone picked up on the wife theme yet? She says one is too large. No further comments from me)
An articulated power strip (FINALLY! Something for me!)
A PoGo Powerbank (already in the son’s room being charged up)
An iLive speaker dock (OMG THE DOCKS ARE BACK!! But the joke’s on Meh. The wife still uses her iPod Nano and her Touch so I guess this goes to her too)
Bottom line, I got an articulated power strip. The wife got a pretty good haul.
So, for once, the regret is very real, and very instant. I got an iLive speaker (don’t own any apple devices) a set of makeup brushes (I don’t wear makeup), a corset and two pairs of off and Spanx (all too small and I don’t wear them anyways). I guess I still have that awesome irk bag, though, so there’s that still.
@ConradHilton what I need is a girlfriend who’s already tiny, but simultaneously self conscious about her weight. That’s the target demographic for the size of the garments I got.
@tonylegrone I received that humidifier in a previous Fuko, and it is awesome! Great haul! I love the fact that it has a UV bulb in it that nukes any potential bacteria in the water before it becomes mist. And on the low setting, it’s quiet enough to sleep with it on all night.
My I.R.K. Arrived today and it has:
1 Pioneer VSX-45 Receiver New
1 open set of wireless earbuds possibly used one side looks questionable with possible earwax
1 iPhone 6+ case
1 new Keysmart
1 pair Batman sock
0 I.R.K. Bag- My Kit is incomplete so hopefully my CS is nice and sends me a bag or@Chadp feel free to send me a bag and I will provide you with a Panda haiku
Sorry I do not have real live pix for you, but it’s too cold outside to go and take some decent pictures.
Here it is,
along with this lovely pamphlet.
(The blender looks new and unused, but I’ll find out more later.)
So, I guess meh is telling me to give up my pizza and get serious with my New Year’s diet? Thank you, meh, for your help.
I also received the beautiful, new and improved I.R.K bag, along with 4 fidget spinners that were carefully tucked along the sides of the box. These are my first meh fidget spinners. The first are always the best, right?
@Barney I received the same thing (but only two spinners, so should I be jealous?). Shred appears new and unopened… Very cool, as it will actually make AND heat soup/sauces, or make AND freeze ice cream! Can’t complain for $5!
@andrewkl I admit I haven’t taken a good look at it yet. So… I can make AND freeze ice cream with it? Nice! My New Year’s diet is looking better and better.
@Barney Yes… And soups/sauces… they’ll come out piping hot. We used ours this weekend for soup and fruit juices. This guy retails for between $135-$165, so call this one a real win… No regrets
@jrbw3 Hydra Nourish? Nourishment? Food? Skull Eating Bacon? … Breakfast Octopus.
Guys. We’re all in trouble. @snapster has wrangled us into an evil organization.
Wow nice to see these are finally showing up. Mine is set to show on Saturday…
From the looks of the reveals so far, I’d say the I.R.K. bag is better than Fuku’s of the past (Those receivers look legit!)…but I’m sure they will go MEH as expected in no time. Fingers crossed I get something worthy.
Yes I instantly regret this
4 Ashley Choice iPhone 6 cases. (PM me if interested)
6 HP USB Printer cables ( I’ll keep one but ditto)
1 plug in white thing I have no idea what it is… Help to ID appreciated…
1 Measuring cup
1 pair Airbuds- I had bought 3 as gifts but not for myself so if it works… Score!
@readnj that white thing looks like the beta Alexa, smart mic with no speaker. Plug it in and it just relays your conversations straight to the NSA and Jeff Bezos.
@sammydog01,@djslack I finally figured it out. I looked up the FCC # on the back. It is called the “Blue Spectrum Beacon” /. It is a base station of sorts for a wireless pet collar buckle Iphone App out of California. So that is that.
8 - yes, count them, 8 HP usb printer cables.
1 measuring cup
1 Tend secure lynx indoor intelligent, effortless video security with facial recognition technology - has been opened so no idea if it works and since it’s indoor, no idea why I would want it.
1 super bag that I don’t regret at all
Some really mehtacular hauls so far! The theme seems to be rock out, if you can’t shred it suck it in, paint it till ya fake it and the show stopper has to be the bag design! Mine comes tomorrow and anything in addition to my Irk bag is a win.
Oh the regret! Worst bag EV - ER!!!
1 Speaker dock
2 or old lady girdle panties- What are they trying to say!!
1 Waist trimmer/corset. Again, smh
1 power bank
1 iphone6 cover
2 Easter bonnets
1 make up brush kit - this is good
And of course a much improved bag
My I.R.K. arrived a day later than the tracking info said, and the FedEx page still shows it is a 1lb 7x7x7 box, however here is what I got:
1 slim power bank
2 girdle-like panties
1 poop emoji pillow
1 IRK bag
and a sweet Onkyo receiver that appears to work but I haven’t connected it to anything yet.
My faith in the VMP club has been restored!
Spoke too soon. After painstakingly disconnecting my current receiver and putting the “new” Onkyo in place, it started up in AMP diag mode… then emitted a loud pop with a blue arc shooting out the top.
Apparently the poop emoji was a clue as to what I was getting.
Well, started out interesting then got really weird then sad.
Star Wars Hot Wheels vehicle (good)
Qi Wireless Charging Pad in damaged box (okay)
Kuhn Rikon Measuring Cup (okay)
3-in-1 Universal Clio Lens in torn up box, broken & missing pieces (sad)
Box of 6 HP USB cables (okay)
Weird navy blue box that says “Derma LED Sonic” on it, damaged box, really crazy looking device in it. Accessories box has a charging cord (looks used), a black Velcro & elastic strap, and a transparent “O” ring in it. I was thinking the worst (& that I really needed to wash my hands!) when I read the first line in the booklet in the box. “Thank you for purchasing our new Personal Anti-Aging Device ——5 in 1 Photon Galvanic Rejuvenation System. MEH sent me some kind of Photon Time Altering device! (Cool!)
-No IRK bag. (Sad)
P.S. - The Velcro elastic strap PT thingturned out to be a cool mask! (Good)
My 17X14X14 box showed up today, one day earlier than estimated. It contained:
1 Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier
1 Püre Ultra Sonic Diffuser with 6 therapeutic 100% pure essential oils
1 pack of 3 Unsimply Stitched socks
1 Fashion Design Fashion Leggings
1 IJOY Qi Wireless Charging Pad
1 Yellow IRK bag!!
The humidifier is the 2nd I’ve received in an IRK/Fuko and this one appears to be new. It even came with coupons that expired in 2012.
The oil diffuser seems to be used and even if new I have no use for, so that’ll be donated.
Qi charging pad also looks to be used but seems to be working.
IRK bag and socks are always needed, leggings not so much.
My 22 pound TIRK arrived in a Pioneer receiver box. Made me smirk because I had mentioned needing a 7.1 Dolby Atmos HDCP 2.2 compliant receiver as a forum prize. I see now practically everyone is getting receivers.
This was an RMA from 2016 and lacks the key features I need. (already bought a new receiver anyhow) Assuming it works, I can use it in the garage or something to power some speakers out yonder.
Inside the box, I have a few extra items including a $50 watch, fidget spinner, wireless ear buds (box re-taped, but no signs of ear wax), and a dog collar that uses TrackR and a website to find lost doggies.
Awesome Batman socks, a fidget spinner, wireless headphones, all claimed by the kids. I’m stealing the socks back first laundry. That’ll teach him to fold his own crap. Power bank, claimed by the wife
I guess that leaves me this VSX-90. It powers on but I don’t have any way to test it without disconnecting existing stuff so it’ll have to wait until I borrow some from work tomorrow.
Also, the bag is awesome. Great size for shoving stuff in for a family outing. No regrets here!
Got me a Power bank, O2 Hair spray, Ashley Chloe iPhone case, pack of USB cables, 3 sets of Date rape drug detector cards (20 per set), and the lovely IRK bag.
I got a pretty good haul this time around! My second Vicks humidifier, 3 pack of Tend 1080p cameras, another Tend camera, cheap QI charger, cheap clip on lens for phone, a IRK bag, and the most interesting things, a bunch of random Marvel comics from late 80s to early 2010s.
My box was…extremely mediocre. No pic because i already forcibly regifted some of it to people at my board gaming group. Yay!
1 x fabulous yellow IRK bag
1 wireless old school headphones - not yet tested, but i just got some razer headphones for xmas
1 ipod/iphone speaker dock - i have no apple products
1 iphone wireless charger - see above
2 x elastic underoos/spanx things in xxl - too big for me
And 3x kitchen towels in a nice green check
@Kessilari If you’re interested in the underwear/shaper I’d suggest opening the package and eyeballing the size. I’m pretty sure the sizes are Asian sizes based on the one I received.
Finally snagging a bag
Me: It’s going to be fantastically awful!
Wife: Why did you buy that?
Package arrives with all feminine products
Me: It’s awful…
Wife: It’s fantastic!
Got mine. No AV receiver for me. Got 4 green fidget spinners, iPhone 6 charge case, I.R.K. bag, and an “emulsifier” aka blender that I am going to give to my mom, as last year I bought a Ninja blender/food processor for the wife.
I avoided checking the tracking deets for my IRK, and didn’t read the IRK topics because I wanted it to be a surprise when it arrived. It showed up Thursday afternoon.
Enormous IRK bag in awesome “Burn Your Retinas” yellow
Fugly blue and black SARI handbag
Zoe Ayla 24 piece makeup brush kit
Adrienne Vittadini phone purse with integrated battery
This might be the most meh box I’ve gotten in a long while, so it’s definitely setting proper expectations for the new IRKs for me. I received:
-Weird measuring cup that looks like it will be super fun to use, wash thoroughly, and dry.
-Emergency power supply for iPhones. (Android-only family here)
-iPhone 6 case (again, no Apple products here)
-6 HP power cables that I’m guessing are obsolete.
-pair of shaper underwear in XXL (Asian sizing though)
-IRK bag
When I saw the shaper my first thought was that I could have used it six months ago before I lost 50 lbs. After opening it and realizing it’s not a true XXL and might fit, I’m not really sure I’d even want to wear one now.
As I was examining my pretty new IRK bag and marveling over its really weird and impractical size (super long and narrow) I noticed mine already had holes from the printing process. I’m not sure I’d trust it for use as I can imagine it splitting pretty easily with any weight or stress. So yeah, lots of regret from this round, but it won’t stop me from trying again next time. Thanks, Meh!
I think ours lands right about in the “could be better, could be worse” category.
We got:
A Simply Beautiful Pore Cleanser
A NuovaWhite Tooth Whitening System that was just all combined in a bag and possibly already tested.
A pair of women’s exercise pants that won’t fit over my butt, but did fit my boyfriend. He said, “Well, I can’t say they’re not comfortable.” I could post pictures of him doing yoga poses in them, but no one needs to see that.
A Dash Cam that the boyfriend is interested in trying out
I’ll post mine later even though it consists of the same things already shared. Just wanted to add, for anyone (and almost everyone) who received the speaker dock and can’t use it because it’s the old 30 pin, you should have bought the bluetooth adapters sold here a while back. This was definitely planning ahead as they’re even the same brand! If you didn’t, you can buy similar ones for less than $5. Turn that speaker dock into something useful!
@cinoclav I’m pretty sure I received one in a previous Fuk. Just have to turn it out. Somewhere in the enormous pile of “stuff I’m going to do something with. Someday” in my spare bedroom.
@cinoclav I just posted about this in response to someone else. I think I have maybe 3 of these lying around somewhere. I used one with a creative labs speaker.
@mehrrychristmas I took the speaker/adapter to work with me. Sounds good enough to play some background music for my patients. They’re often on my table for a long period of time and I’ve had many requests for some music to occupy the time.
Socks that for a split second I thought were Glen socks. Nope. Just eyeballs and an open mouth with teeth. Gray and purple striped.
Apple phone and ipod speaker dock (looks new but haven’t tested it yet)
Used (opened and not packed correctly) bluetooth ear buds which at least light up when trying to charge it. We will see if they work in 1.5 hours. Plan to clean the earbuds before I try them out.
cooling towel - looks new
irk bag - nice it is bigger. Hopefully it won’t rip if filled up.
makeup brushes - looks new.
For 5 bucks a decent meh haul. I do have envy over the cat backpack in particular and the receivers some are getting. Photo will have to come later.
Spanx, 2 things of them
iLive speaker dock
iPhone 5 power bank
iPhone 6 case
Makeup brushes (maybe I can repurpose for some sort of crafting?)
Power strip
IRK bag
My box was hefty, nearly ten pounds. Along with the bag, mine had…
An articulated power strip. I’m going on my first cruise for my birthday in a few months, so this was a tasteful and appropriate gift.
Light-up leash. I take the dog out for night walks, so again, thank you.
Makeup brushes. Meh.
The speaker dock. Good nostalgia for when I bought one from Woot eons ago and still use it thanks to a 30-pin Bluetooth adapter.
And the grand prize… A severely dented tub of Canadian fidget spinners. Almost all of the spinners are still intact.
No picture needed as others have everything I got. Next time someone remind me not to look at reveal thread so I don’t get my hopes up for items such as the reciever lol!
Got my bag today. No photo since it’s all repeats:
Knee pillow.
Stinky makeup brushes that I hope I can air out.
ilive speaker. At least it has a 3.5mm input.
Green chevron hand towel.
Knockoff air pods where one loses signal. The charging case also has a power button that does nothing and the book doesn’t explain it. Don’t know if you’re supposed to be able to charge them on the go, but it definitely doesn’t work.
I should of avoided the reveal thread because I assumed I’d get a few of these things due to the weight.
I’m still pleased that my items will be of some use.
@RiotDemon I could smell the brushes before I opened the box. I’m not sure if I should try to salvage them for the intended use, or use them for art things.
@Mehrocco_Mole it says that I can pair them individually. I’ll test them later and see if the left works ok without the right. When the pair was connected, the left went out when I moved my head. I think they send the signal to the other ear.
1x onesize fits all yuna legwear
1x chill luxe California king bed sheet set
1x tea light
1x rapid charge wireless Qi charger
1x pediatric germ free humidifier
1x Nicole Miller New York tote bag
Not at all bad. Not the best one I have gotten but not the worst either.
Kids just got sick and dr told us to buy a humidifier so this is a win. Wife gets purse and leggings we get new sheets for our bed so it’s a great day
1x iLIVE speaker doc from a bygone era
1x 24 pack of makeup brushes
1x latex waist shaper (women’s medium)
1x spandex bodyshaper of some sort (women’s XXL)
and ofc
1x IRK bag
I literally clapped when I opened by box. The last (and only other) mixed bag I received had (maybe?) 5 items of Dollar Store quality items, plus the bag.
This time I received:
(1) Smelly 24-piece makeup brush set
(2) Dura Wallets
(1) DoorJammer
(2) WiFi cameras (Pilot and FDT brands)
(1) iLive speaker system
(1) Fitness Tracker
(1) Large lemon colored reusable tote, adorned with adorable Meh advertising
I haven’t tested anything (the only thing that appears to be previously opened in the tracker), but I’m still going on record to I have zero regrets (re: the bag… I can’t say the same about any of the other decisions I’ve made in life).
So the first view on the porch, a beat up, upside down Reciever (AVR) box with completely un-taped (in fairness, completely worn thru tape) bottom flaps!?! A true test of FedEx/Postal carrier curiosity unless they saw Meh was the shipper, in which case they’d simply duck and pass it along…
My concern of course was “would any of the priceless IRK contents have inadvertently fallen out?”(Would anybody bother to steal anything from a Meh shipment?)
Thankfully the non-AVR contents appeared to be safely tucked in the top of the box, now underneath and protected by the AVR.
Batman cape socks
Fortify Gummy Probiotic 2-pack
Gabba Goods Wireless Charging pad
Seraphy iPhone 6 power case (would it work on a 6s? A friend has one of those).
Pioneer Elite VSX-90 AVR
The sun-colored IRK bag
So is the, even in new condition, mediocre-rated (3.5 star on Amazon) Pioneeer AVR a curb-hugger? I know not, but it does work great as a tuner driving headphones! A good start.
1 Big-ass as-seen-on-TV blender (thankfully, it appears to be new)
4 fidget spinners
1 IRK bag
Possibly of greater value than any of the Fukos I’ve gotten over the years, but I kinda miss the days when something like a rusty old antique gas canister with spiders in it would show up on my doorstep. Not totally filled with spiders, mind you–just a few random arachnids who made the trip from Texas.
Still, some of the best fun you can have for $5. Thanks, Meh!
Shred Emulsifier shipping box containing a Shred Emulsifier retail box containing a (new?) Shred Emulsifier. 1500 watt, $129 on Amazon with a 4.1 rating. Not bad. IRK bag on top of blender inside retail box. Pull the blender out of the box and a Gabba Goods Wireless charger disc falls out. No box, missing a rubber footpad, only 1amp output. Very Meh. Inside the pitcher there are a few more little things. One pack of Teenymates Series 2 WWE figures (Rick Flair and Brock Lesnar… No Andre the giant, but at least I know who they are). One green gimickless fidget spinner (no batteries. I don’t have to keep it in the fridge!). And a ring in a Rachel Glauber bag (shiny… The ring, that is, not the bag). Assuming it’s actually a Rachel Glauber ring, her website looks mostly like it’s silver and zirconia jewelry retailing around $100. So… Not bad. Nothing for my pupper, though, so no pictures.
I won’t bother with pictures as so many others before me have, because I had most of the same stuff (I suppose nobody wanted to buy the iPod docks or makeup brushes…)
1 irk bag
1 thing of makeup brushes
1 iPod dock
1 Dr. Cool cooling towel
1 Gabba goods dashcam
Looking at the dash cam it records in 720p at 30 fps… And uses a mini USB, not micro, or USB c, but mini… So I’m not sure how old or cheap these things are, but I’ll check it out for what I paid.
All in all this box lived up to its name better than the fukos, which usually had something I thought was cool in them. But, can’t complain, it’s always fun to get one of these!
1 very nice yellow Irk bag.
1 hair dryer
1 curling iron
1 women’s martian smart watch (pretty)
2 cheap plasticky RFID wallets
1 makeup brushes set
1 plug adapter with USB ports
1 generic Fitbit that I haven’t been able to get to work yet.
And… 1video doorbell. Which ironically i have been looking to buy.
Not sure if any of these things work but worth the 5 bucks if they do.
Regret was not instantaneous but reading some others’ hauls can lead to more heartburn. At the same time, I got one! Vive le IRK!
1x electrotherapy stimulator
1x 30-pin speaker dock
1x makeup brush set
1x LED dog collar/leash (blue)
3x spandex girdle things (M/L)
1x nice sized IRK bag
Excited to see the box on the porch, often the top and see the new yellow IRK bag, then came the realization that meh wasn’t playing this time.
1 hand towel, grey and white(or is it blue and yellow? )
A blue Angelina bra of some sort. L/XL, maybe my new year’s resolution i didn’t make to be more in touch with my feminine side will happen.
2 Ashley chloe iPhone 6 (4.7") cases. One slim protect, the other sport fit, both red.
A vanity planet face and body brush system… I’m seeing a trend here.
In a box that must have fell off a truck in Canada, 6, count them 6 hp Monster 7ft. USB cables…I now regret living in a wireless house, I now know regret.
@djslack the car behind it is the Car Craft dream rod. It was built by Bill Cushenbery in 1963 for championship auto shows. I did a restoration on it about 10 years ago, It was an AMT model kit and also was in the original issue of hot wheels as the python
I usually only lurk. Here’s the haul from my first IRK:
3 pair Batman socks with capes
Pink wall surge protector
Generic air buds
Pacific pearls necklace and earrings (but the wife is not a pearls girl)
1 fidget spinner
1 polar FT7 activity tracker
1 humidifier
1 bright yellow IRK bag!
prolly, yeah
but since, well California, I have nice ones that hold about 50 lbs each and I’ve used for several years. Doesn’t mean I don’t use my meh ones, but more selectively
@Cerridwyn You have been lucky then. I have had several really, really crappy fukos in the past, including one empty box (was barely taped) where, when they sent a replacement I got a bag, some stickers,and something or other broken. When this (i.r.k.) has finished I will be running the mechrican exchange. Sign up and send all that junk on. Maybe you will get better stuff for the cost of postage.
well the full working Ninja system in the last one, and a foodsaver in the free one were the best, but have always gotten at least one thing that was useful, even if in a funny or stupid way (we had fun with the star wars dolls for example) (got rulers one time, that people walked around measuring things with)
but all these chinese girdles, they musta bought a palate for a buck and that was what was in all the boxes.
I received mine today and it included the following:
yellow IRK bag
Meshare wireless camera
unbranded Wireless AirBuds
5-in-1 Universal Clip Lens (clip on camera phone lenses)
Gabba Goods Dash Cam Witness
case of 6 Monster 7’ USB cables (USB A to USB B connection)
Bamboo Slimming Bodysuit
Angelina sports bra
My box sucks big time.
Irk bag, bath towel, 3 iphone 6 cases and 5 useless printer cables. . So disappointed when others got some fancy items. Well its irk
Looks like I ended up with a receiver that came from meh knows where. All set to break out my soldering supplies and…it turned on without a problem?! The rest of the items (claimed by my wife) included:
1.)One size fits all leggings
2.) fidget spinner
3.) anti-aging cream (she doesn’t need)
4.) wireless charger
Thanks Meh! Now I just need to get stuff to hook up to it!
@RedOak@seraphimcaduto I tested mine today for the third time, VSX-45. 5.1 speakers watching two movies and having utilized every HDMI spot available, and it works like a charm. So its to the garage for the old receiver. Meh might not have been completely MEH on this, but I still want my IRK bag that they did not send.
Mine arrived last bite
1 pioneer receiver
1 fidget spinner
1 iPhone rechargeable battery case
1 clip on lenses kit for cell phone
1 meh bag
Thanks meh it was loads of fun
I can’t test the receiver until later I have to buy speakers first
@tnhillbillygal Care to part with one pair of those socks? Now that I don’t wear ties anymore, I wear wild socks to work… Every day, one of my co-workers will lift my pant leg to see what outrageousness I have donned…
1-spiffy irk bag
2- makeup brushes
3- brown liquid eyeliner
4- wireless charger
5- a brush hairdryer
6-tend lynx indoor cameras. Was opened but tested one of 3 that it came with and it is working so score. Going to use one as a baby monitor and one at my front door
7- Vick’s humidifier. Was a return but it is still new.
1- IRK bag
1- Ipad holder/power bank
1- iLive iPhone speaker
1- led dog collar and leash
2- 24 pc makeup brush sets
1- total glow bronzing moisturizer
2- black girdles size M/L (not going to fit me )
So happy I didn’t get candy corn or fidget spinners, thanks Meh!!
1 IRK bag
1 Adrienne Vittadini charging wallet
1 genuine Chinese knockoff Apple Wireless Airbuds (!)
1 set of two magnetic lashes
1 XL sports bra
1 Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 case
Mine arrived in a Pioneer box with no padding.
1 Batman Sock (pair)
1 iPhone wireless charging case with glass protector (no cable)
1 universal cell phone lens kit (doent fit my note
1 dog collar with pet Id. (I have a cat and this would weigh her down.)
1 pioneer receiver SC-1223 with banged up speaker Jacks (probably from not being in original packaging and not necessarily the reason for the RMA.) Came with remote, instructions, batteries, and antenna but no power cord. Can’t test until I find one. It’s not the same as my Yamaha receiver or my PC plug (no ground).
Not a bad box but the only thing usable was the socks for cycling and the bag. Still, it was fun even if it took forever to ship.
1 bamboo pillow that is currently puffing out
the makeup brush thing
knock-off airbuds - how the hell do you put these things in your ears? do they only work for people with dumbo sized earholes??
2 charging cases for iphone 6
cutting board
wireless charging pad
irk bag
random usb charging cable that doesn’t go with anything in the box
1 black girdles size M/L
1 black girdles size XL/XXL
1 HP Monster USB 3.0 cable
1 Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 case
1 Kuhn Rikon measuring cup
1 Cozy Homes hand towel
2 POGO 2600 mAh powerbank
1 Powrtabs mobile charger
1 IRK bag
-HP 23-g013w AIO PC! (Both used and refurbished! This is awesome!)
-Iphone 6S Power Case
-Fitness tracker
-Watch for the fairer sex
-Big green yoga pants
-Broken fidget spinner
-IRK bag
I must say you have let me down as I do not regret this one bit. Thanks for the awesome surprise!
(1) 6-Pack + (1) pair “Ladies” socks “Monser Bash 3D Anklets”
(1) 24-piece makeup brush kit that SMELLS LIKE MOTH BALLS!
(1) 3-pack replacement bands for some sort of health band
(1) “Speaker System” for 40-pin iPod & iPhone
(2) Universal Clip Lens things that are NOT actually Universal. Did not fit my Galaxy Note 8 with case when I had one
(1) meh IRK bag
@daveinwarsh ditto. 4.8lbs 16x12x11and I already left California from my Christmas trip, so my daughter and son-in-law get to open it up for me. If it is a bunch of girdles I will never live it down. snort
Here’s my IRK:
We’ve got generic spandex (I think)
Hale Android clock dock
Professional makeup kit
PressDome food sealers
Smartphone camera zoom kit
Hand towel
IRK bag
@ConAndLibrarian It varies. A lot. One time I got three things: bag, sticker, broken item. Another time I got an empty box (not taped well) and was sent later a bag, a couple of stickers and a meh puck. Then I got lucky and got a shark floor steamer in another one. Hopefully you will get a better one at some time in the future.
Well heck. I don’t know how to post pictures, but the pictured receiver was in the box (haven’t tested) with accessories - and other meh trinkets. I’m honestly bummed I didn’t get IRK socks, but Batman socks instead
Meh - you really made me laugh and yell, in the best of ways. Thank you for that. I did a live video in a small Facebook “group for deals” that I post often about you in. I hope that the word of mouth (word of keyboard) proves beneficial to your marketing endeavors. Thanks again.
My I.R.K. arrived today and I am actually quite pleased with the content. Everything appears to be new, however the humidifier box is damaged. Haven’t opened it to see if the content is OK, but I do hear some rattling when I move the box. Here’s my I.R.K. haul:
• Vicks Pediatric Cool Moisture Humidifier (smashed box)
• Chill-Lux Sheet Set – California King
• Rapid Charge Wireless Pad
• Glossmetrics Make-Up Brush Cleaner And Dryer
• Autosmith 8,000mAh Jump Starter Power Bank
• 1 Red Horoscope Fidget Spinner
• Bright Yellow I.R.K Bag
I don’t have a Cal King bed, so I’ll be finding a new home for that. I wonder if Mediocre is spying on me, as I had the make-up brush cleaner in my Morning Save cart a few times, but never bought it. I can always use another jump starter and wireless charger, especially if it is really rapid charge. Can’t have enough of those.
I Instantly Regret this purchase so much, My dog could only look upon me with a mix of puzzlement and shame. “Why do you waste your money on such frivolous things, when you could be spending it on delicious treats for me?” she says with her eyes.
The ultimate fur-beast disappointing haul:
1x Yellow I.R.K. bag
1x Electric toothbrush w/ UV light sanitizer, new
1x personal blender; was returned and box is beat to hell, but opened up and everything is new and unused! As a bonus I already have one of these, but it’s probably my most used Meh purchase, so I now have extra parts/bottles for when the first one breaks down!
1x cozy select memory foam pillow
2x Iphone 6 cases/battery backups
1x Iphone 8 wireless charging station
(of course, I have an Iphone 7 still)
1x Makeup brushes
@ACraigL even if the base is older, all the sensors are backwards compatible. Should you get a modern simplisafe system in the future you can use those sensors.
@ACraigL@OnionSoup That is great. I was going based on the customer service responses from SimpliSafe… guess they want to sell new, and imply that they are not compatible.
Big Regret here:
IRK Bag. Bigger than the Meh bag
Mehake up brush set
Mehake up brush cleaner
Lynx indoor CaMehra
SMehkar system for iPod (the ancient type)
Now, looking out for the next regret kit. Mehny Thanks
Anyone who got the Pioneer receiver: I initially tried mine on a Sony HDTV, and the video output was flickering. But tried it on other TV’s, and it works. If you have a bad output, try a different TV before you succumb to regret
A truly mediocre haul:
A very ugly pair of socks with strange highlighted toes and heels.
A very bland hand towel.
Two obsolete Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 cases.
A sports bra (sports bro? sports manzier?).
And the box of HP by Monster “900” USB 3 A-B cables (sadly next to nothing uses the B connector anymore).
Plus the bag.
Got my IRK and had two other Mehtizens come over for a reveal party:
(one BoC for the person that couldn’t be IRK’d)
My contents:
Awesome new design bag
Tend wifi cam - looks decent but so far picture is super blurry
Motorola wifi cam - have from previous fuko’s and are decent
Phone charging wristlet - GF like it she thinks and nifty with battery
Vicks Humidifier - GF is happy, not sure how much we will use it, but in box that looks damaged but product looks brand new
some “one size” tights that certainly doesn’t mean one size fits all
Fellow Mehtizens contents:
Qi Charger
Power Strip
Speaker thing
Ugly purse
Irk Bag
3rd Mehtizen we didn’t end up with pic
7 USB A-B cables - useless
2 waist trainers (not to be used)
1 2600mAh battery pack - saving grace
Irk Bag - yay
Whoops, didn’t see the reveal thread. (maybe make it sticky?) So I posted in the shipping thread and it’s too late for me to delete… Anyway…
Got my IRK bag. Loving the larger size!
5 identical pairs of “Dirty Laundry” socks, which also match a pair I bought before.
1 pair of “Almost, Maybe, Understood” knock-off Glen socks. Cool!
1 blue “Adrienne Vittadini” charging wallet just like the two I sprung for here a few months ago for some reason.
1 “Zoë Ayla” 24 piece makeup brush set to add to my collection of unopened makeup brush sets.
1 completely unbranded set of wireless airbuds w/charging case. Box a little beat up but everything seems to be there and a blue light came on when I opened the case.
an “iLive” iPod/iPhone speaker dock! Hahaha! Totally useless for me as an Android user, and judging from the “iPod” compatibility, it probably has a 30-pin connector making it useless for most Apple users… but truly a “meh-worthy” item which brought a smile to my face… Only thing that could have made it better (short of something I could really use or easily flip on eBay) would have been a knife of some sort and a random neoprene case to round out the meh sampler!
@cinoclav@RiotDemon Negative on that. Google did away with the headphone jack on the Pixel 2 and later after giving Apple grief about the same when they released the first Pixel phone…
So I got mine the other day. It’s an Acer DA220HQL 21.5" Media All In One display. It was missing the power cord and the wireless keyboard. I bought the power cord online. Plugged it in. It works! But I can only get to the lock screen which is password protected. I don’t have the password. I can’t find a workaround online. So it may go in the trash. I also got an IRK bag and 8 fidget spinners.
Add one more to the receiver line… mine was the non-Elite, Pioneer VSX-524-K model. The packing slip and an email between Mediocre Labs and Newegg was also included. Appears the unit is defective based on the emails. Will know better when I actually set up my home theater system.
@tnhillbillygal I know, right?! Ironically, earlier today I just ordered 9 tumblers from Rtic in their end of season clearance sale…I will have insulated cups coming out of my ears.
Vicks humidifier (box banged up but product looks new, seems to work)
Sharper Image “Heated Acupressure Eye Massager” (not sure if it holds a charge but even if it does, I’m not sure I’m brave enough to strap it to my face and give it a try)
Funny thing is, we were recently thinking of getting a humidifier, but today’s deal was too rich for my blood. Well-timed IRK.
-Giant all in one tablet thing with mouse and keyboard
-extra mouse, smashed with leaking battery
-Kodak video monitor
-IRK bag
-fidget spinner, green
And that is a photo of all the contents- no styrofoam, peanuts, bubble wrap, air pockets, or newspaper. This thing rattled big time. It arrived at the post office this morning and should have been delivered tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure they said “Shit- you don’t want to meet the home owner. Sneak out there, make sure no is looking, drop it, and RUN!”
There wasn’t a power adapter but my kid said maybe the one from my JBL mini will work. And it did! He’s booting it up now.
I have a feeling that if this thing had some bubble wrap or maybe a bath mat in there the touchscreen wouldn’t have those big gouges in it and it wouldn’t rattle when you shake it. But somehow that makes me love Meh more.
@sammydog01 That’s pretty cool! I remember when those Acer thingies were first released. Maybe five years ago or so. Price was something like $489ish. Super fun bit of tech that I actually considered buying for about a minute. I’m jelly!
@ruouttaurmind The camera works! I have a few few security cameras around but have never tried to hook one up before. It is supposed to save motion activated events for 24 hours. And according to the manual I can watch my cats when I’m away. I should get some cats.
@mike808 I’m with @Kidsandliz on this, one of the buds isn’t working, and grey eyeliner doesn’t look good on a guy like me. The charging pad is great though, and who doesn’t love having an IRK bag?
Mine arrived today! Over 2,000 miles away since I already flew home from my visit, but none-the-less, my kids benefitted. Good thing there are so many things for girls!
IRK bag
24 pc makeup brush set
Facial cleanser
another makeup brush
very thin wallet
outdated speaker system thing
All in all, it is a great bag! Thanks Meh for my first bag of Meh.
@moonhat hey, where’d my words go? I swear I listed my box of fun and said more than “my first”. Well, you can tell what I got. Love it!! Thank you meh!
@Kyser_Soze 2 hand towels
1 iphone case
1 clip on phone zoom lens
1 headphones
1 set make up brushes
1 sound shine LED flood light/bluetooth speaker
1 Get more sleep Speaker Dock-It turns your phone into an alarm clock
2 kids jewelry items
1 Large IRK bag to put it all in to carry out to the hole I dug in the back yard to bury it . Thanks meh!
Received my already opened box which FedEx marked “Relabel”. While once again opened it did not arrive mostly empty and 20lbs lighter like last time.
2 pairs of black spanks
1 Shredded memory foam pillow (that unbricked)
1 Zenlogic small bluetooth speaker and powerbank.
1 Hair Rage hair straitening heated brush (working, tho slightly damaged)
1 wifi camera
and a True & Tidy Multi Surface Steam Mop. Box torn opened and mop pad a bit dirty but works.
The IRK bag, which is awesome.
iLive ancient dock speaker - hello garage sale!
Makeup brush kit that was instantly claimed.
Some face lift cream called “Snake Venom” (half of a P&R joke in there somewhere).
A decent women’s watch.
3 pairs of wireless air buds. They’re definitely plastic-y airpod knock offs but:
A.) they kinda work surprisingly well
B.) they’re way thicker so they look like tampons hanging out of your ear.
Posted this in the wrong thread… Sorry, I’m new at this!
Finally shipped, and I suppose it’s everything I could have hoped for. The regret is real.
1 IRK bag - I’m a big fan
1 RIMINI waist slimming belt and 1 “Sculpting latex abdomen-wait trainer cincher shaper corset” - You jerks trying to tell me something??
1 Tech2 earbuds w/mic
1 (very opened) Gabba goods “Neckbeats” stereo headset
1 (probably refurb but box in much better condition) Motorola wi-fi home camera with Smart Tag - I don’t have anything like this, so it could be kinda fun!
My IRK arrived yesterday.
Hmmm… Not too bad. Some stuff usable & some crap.
A Box of 6 nice printer-type cables. I’ll keep 1 or 2 of them.
Two different hairbrushes, one is folding. My wife says they are OK. Great. She can have 'em.
A Make-up brush cleaner. What? It twirls a brush in a plastic bowl or something. May something I can ‘re-purpose’.
A cordless phone charger thingy. It’s charging my cell phone right now. I’ll check it later that it isn’t gonna melt my phone or anything.
A ‘pore cleaner’. My pores are doing pretty good for now, but I may rip into it and see if it’s good for anything else.
A very large bright yellow IRK bag. A useful item.
It’s all good enough stuff! No regrets today for me.
IRK bag
case of 6 HP/Monster USB 3 cables
2 girly iphone 6 cases
3 packs of date rape drug test kits
2 large packs of Everready heavy duty industrial AA batteries, one of which spilled out into the box and made an interesting rattling sound
I got my first IRK (or any grab bag) while out of town. It was waiting with an assortment of other packages that came while I was gone. I opened it first.
Face mask with 24k gold, so I guess I get to be a Bond girl.
Two of these hair curlers. The packaging is different but they look to be the same product. Looks kind of scary for my waist length hair, seems more likely to snatch ms baldheaded than curl my hair, but we’ll give it a cautious try later. If it works the second one will become a gift.
A lower end knife block set, but welcome as my steak knives are sadly in need of replacement.
@moonhat Thanks. A lot of those little packages contained gorgeous jewelry I bought for resale along with my hand made stuff at a show I have coming up in February.
XL sports bra
iPhone case
60 date rape drug test strips (seems like overkill)
Wireless airbuds (haven’t tested)
Random cords
USB 3.0 cable
And a mystery box of…6 more USB 3.0 cables… nicely played there meh!
But no bag (will contact support)
1x IRK bag
1x Milan purse (or handbag)
1x iPhone6 case (who has an iPhone 6 still, or an iPhone for that matter, yuck)
1x nuckees phonegrip thingy
1x cheap feeling and sounding motive bluetooth headset (unused from what I can tell)
2x Adventure time drinking classes
Overall worth the $5 but also instantly regrettable, well job meh!
1 iphone 6 case. okay - gifted away
1 irk bag. fine. use for groceries
1 training bra size toddler. meh.
6 monster usb 3.0 to ??? camera? - gabagge
1 empty box for abs flex shocker. WTF! YOU GUYS SUCK. I wouldn’t be mad if it sucked but you fuckers literally sent me your trash. an EMPTY FUCKING BOX. GFY.
My IRK and I were finally in the same place, so I had time to go through it and for a post.
List of contents:
I.R.K. Bag
Biovaj Toner and Moisturizer
Pursonic vibrating thing that came in a cut apart box
Bliss bulb (never heard of it, but the kids liked it!)
Empty jewelry bag and silver box with a hole in it
Round power bank with a trippy design
Silk Pillowcase
The Wand wine filter (a sign I spend too much at casemates, perhaps?)
Misc jewelry
Adventure Time glass set (x2)
When my wife heard it was from the same people that do MorningSave, she was excited. It appears the daytime TV marketing is working. Think her excitement was justified after looking at everything. As much as I maintained my instant regret (other than the Adventure Time glasses!), it was fun. I’ll definitely try for another some day!
@djslack That’s an excellent question given the questionable branding choice in naming the product. According to the side of the box it’s for head, neck, and cleavage.
@thechilipepper0 I don’t remember one being offered in January, either. Perhaps this is the one from December and people are still posting about it? And OP’s title is misleading?
1 pink iphone 6 case (not my color)
1 irk bag (will get use)
6 monster usb 3.0
1 generic air pods (looking forward to trying these out)
1 sports bra size l/xl (too big for my man boobs) and
1 hair dryer/brush combo (gave to the girlfriend <humblebrag>)
Better than the first one I got, but knew I was destined to receive the monster USB cords once I started seeing what everyone else got.
Got crap in your IRK, missed out on an IRK? Well we have a deal (unofficial) for you.
Sign up for the merichan exchange (run 7 times before, this is time and I can guarantee you will get something, likely a medium priority box full of something. And if you get stiffed by the person sending to you, we have people willing to pick up that slack so you WILL get something.
1/21 is the last day to sign up (unless I am running behind in which case you can sign up later - I’ll lock the sign up when it becomes too late). Go to this thread for the link to sign up. As of right now we have 24 folks singed up. Generally there are 40-50 or so.
@medz No murders or stalking so far. This will be the 8th exchange. We do make sure that people have been forum members longer than, say, yesterday. Most of the people who sign up have posted on the forums, some really frequently. You can skip putting your real name if the post office will deliver something to your address with just your meh user name as the recipient. A few folks have their boxes sent to their work address.
@medz Have it sent to a cousin, sibling, enemy friend, @kittysprinkles (she decided she is playing in the exchange sandbox this time around) and have her forward it on … (smirk).
@KittySprinkles@medz hopefully taxidermy approved. Right? In 12th grade biology (bio 2) we had to collect a road kill squirrel to stuff. Mom had a fit when she opened the freezer and saw mine sitting there in a clear plastic bag.
@Kidsandliz@medz It’s a sorta taxidermied weasel. Years ago a friend of mine whose husband was a taxidermist was given a few flattened weasels. The giver thought he would be able to make a stole or some such thing from them. He could not. But what he did do was put googly eyes on them and preserve them and she sent me one as a gift. No one knew it was coming and when my then husband opened the box, it was hilarious. My current husband detests the thing and I can’t even bring it out of storage. His (weasel, not husband) name is WanWan, after Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
You want another mystery box? Then sign up for the (unofficial mehrican exchange).
Due to the generosity of two people we now have an added special component to this exchange - several of you will receive a mystery box as a bonus present. If you are signed up for the exchange you are automatically entered to be a possible winner. I am in conversation with the donors on how they’d like to proceed (I figure their boxes, their money, their choice).
If you have signed up and DON’T want to be part of this, please let me know.
So far the odds of winning one of these boxes is far higher than the odds of getting a fuko/I.R.K. So sign up and join the fun!!!
OK, I know I’m late to the party, but an email today from morningsave includes a familiar-looking set of red-and-white, chevron-design towels. Which reminded me, my IRK contained a full-sized bath towel in that self-same pattern. I’m happy to pass it along to whoever’s interested. Just whisper me.
1 x used/returned IN STYLER auto curler complete with hair!
1 x used/returned 360 Fly HD missing mounts. Definitely interesting!
1 x possibly used/returned advanced facial cleansing brush. Ummm…
1 x Foster Grant sunglasses hmm… no retail packaging. Hope no gets pink eye from them!
1 x 6 outlet with USB surge protector Useful!
1 x Universal clip lens for cell phones. Now I can throw away the Nikon!
1 x Qi wireless charging pad. I wonder if Scrabble will stop allowing the word qi because now it’s a name?
1 x Gabba Goods 3 piece gift set. The power bank might be useful but pink just isn’t my color.
1 x QVC Air Crawler drone. In a sealed package!!! Will be useful on those days when I can’t fly the real thing outside.
1 x Rowkin wireless earbuds. For those days when you just HAVE to irradiate both sides of your brain with blue tooth radio waves!
1 x screaming yellow I.R.K. bag!
Very meh! But infinitely regrettable because I will always wonder what was in that other I.R.K…
My IRK arrived without the yellow bag. Contacted CS who sent one out to me. It arrived today and is super cool. One of my cats appears mesmerized by it and keeps trying to get it. Not sure if said cat wants to climb in it or kill it, but is definitely fixated on it.
So, reveal already.
(Is that supposed to say 2019-01?)
@sammydog01 Damnit.
Yes. Let that be a lesson to me. But I shan’t learn. I’ll just say it. I’m doomed. The typos from me lately. Sigh.
Aw, someone at meh fixed my embarrassing typo. Y’all are sweet. Truly. It probably means more to me than it should.
/giphy verklempt

No shit @joelw Show us the goods you got from 2018-01
/giphy you’re very smart shut up

@therealjrn Am I the only one who thinks, “oh, this is easily in the top five gifs for these words; I’ll just slash-giphy, edit, save and repeat; it’ll come up in no time” only to be deeply disappointed because, no, giphy is fucked up? I couldn’t even find the fucking thing. Lots of image. No gif. Sigh. Also, I forgot to go sideways again.
@therealjrn Ha. So there. I showed you.

@joelmw My favorite movie!
@therealjrn Consistently among my favorites, frequently #1 (occasionally displaced by other quality flicks, partly depending on my season of life and my mood), always in the top ten (probably top five), long-standing #1 favorite family movie. Also most quotable and most quoted (though The Holy Grail and Life of Brian are up there too).
I feel like we need to bring @christinewas into this conversation, so she can talk about how great her parents were to saturate her in it (hey, we did one or two things right).
@joelmw You are so screwed up.
/giphy at your service

I thought the first person to get one would actually make the reveal?
I’m mostly delinquent these days (I say that in the present tense and not in any of the perfect tenses—I should probably have used the imperfect, “I am being delinquent”—because I have no intentions of repenting), for which I half-assedly apologize, my fellow Mehicans (a label all the more attractive, given the condition of my shithole country and shithole state of residence).
But this box that just arrived is in at least a few ways remarkable. And it seems to confirm my suspicions that the good mediocretans (ha, “cretans”: how had I never noticed that? TIL) of Mediocre are specific and intentional and very, very kind (for the most part; my next most recent few fukos have been pretty damned mediocre, which of course means okayish, but not great). The first that caught my eye is that it may be the smallest of its ilk (going back to the launch fuku) I’ve yet received. It’s an economical 14”x10”x10”. It’s also apparently stinky, by my cat’s assessment. And it’s one of my better recent hauls.
Ima put my photos and list in the replies, partly because I can’t figure how the fuck to post photos anymore. That’s what happens when I go AWOL.
@joelmw turn your phone sideways to get the menu to pop up before you click the text box.
@RiotDemon You’re a mensch. Thank you.
@joelmw The cat was on this box for several minutes, I swear. Hmmm, “on this box” sounds like more than I meant to say. He wasn’t that. He was just sniffing it aggressively.
@joelmw The contents:
@joelmw Is that a speaker dock? THAT’S A SPEAKER DOCK!
@joelmw Nice!
@sammydog01 It is a speaker dock. Warms my heart cockles, it does. Also, it’s obsolete, nigh unto useless. I’m not sure if my old 3GS is still functional. And I’d have to alter it to accept my old iPad.
BTW, I have more photos coming.
The fancy curling iron with built-in brushes thing that my wife thinks is potentially cool, but she has probably a nearly identical device that her mom recently gave her. The thing seems new and individual components were in sealed plastic, but not in the original box and sort of scattered amongst other stuff. Which is weird, but that’s par and what I expect and like. I imagine there was a method to the disbursement, but I didn’t think to pay attention and it’s probably just my imagination anyway.
Makeup brushes, which my wife was legit excited about, even though she doesn’t use much makeup. Appears to be new.
Aforementioned speaker dock, all the better for its being a 30-pin anachronism. It’s like it’s there strictly for nostalgia. I appreciate that, meh. And I shall never forget (it’s a figure of speech; inevitably I will forget, or die—not sure which is worse).
It does have the micro connector. But wires themselves are relics of a bygone era.
@joelmw Nice haul, sir! The bag is everything I’d hoped for as well.
These feel cheap and plastic, and I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for them, but I happily accept them, they charged, and I’d probably have paid $5–and I’d probably not be completely pissed if they were the best thing in the box. Further testing necessary, but so far so good.
@joelmw Read the reviews for similar products and adjust your low expectations accordingly.
These are the way classier cousin of that other pair, feel super solid, look all high-tech spy gear and shit. I admit to being excited to try them and anticipate feeling all badass and wealthy when I wear them in public. Like the others, they’re completely unwired Bluetooth buds that charge in their case. These are magnetic though, and the case is like lipstick (but slightly bigger and more metallic).
I’ve been wanting to check out this general category and have no doubt that meh has made a calculated ploy here, knowing I will inevitably drop more cash once I’m hooked. Bastards.
Note that these also appear to be charging. Yay! They also have more appearance of being new. Both boxes might have been opened. I don’t give a fuck, for an IRK.
A photo of the case taken apart, but still magnetically joined. The longer side is where the case gets plugged in to charge.
A shot of everything apart. The magnets are strong, so, yeah, staged together, the pieces will always be touching like this. And you’ll like it.
Finally (I know, right? I am chatty and overexplaining af), the Key Smart Tile keychain thingy. I actually purchased a couple of these for my wife and I for Christmas and I really like them (even though they’re kinda big). I think they’re awesome. And the wife had within the course of a month or so managed to seriously lose her keys three times, necessitating in one instance a friend who lives several miles away driving over to let her in the house. Seriously, she is constantly losing her keys. I lose my keys too, but she does it epically [sic: not a typo for “especially; I have to say this because of all of my goddamned typos].
Well worth it. Now we have one in white; I’ll either use it for my work keys or we’ll figure out another thing we can attach it to.
Btw, it also charged. Haven’t connected yet, but I’ll do that presently.
So that’s it. A fun collection. I love you, meh. And apparently you still love me. 🥰
Yeah, reviews are part of what kept me away. I’m hoping they don’t totally suck. We’ll see. An IRK was the perfect way to find out.
@sammydog01 You need a speaker dock?
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01
Who doesn’t need a speaker dock?
Besides, it’s not about need. We don’t need most of this shit. That’s what makes it so great. Who taught you to be a consumer? Sheesh.
Interestingly, now that we have a Google Home Mini in two rooms and a GH device with a screen in the kitchen (two of the devices were cheap Black Friday and one was free from Spotify; and we all know that Alexa is the preferred platform for folks with money), I rarely use the multitude of speaker docks meh has bequeathed to me (the majority–all?–from fukos, fukus, the inaugural I.R.K). Actually I was always more of a BT speaker (vs. dock) guy anyway. I still use my Jam Splash with some regularity (required accessory for travel and periodically joins me in the shower).
@joelmw @Kidsandliz My son got a new monitor and didn’t have room for his computer speakers. Yesterday he asked if I had a small speaker with an aux in- I handed him a JBL Mini and told him he could also use it as a pencil tray. He’s happy.
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 Until we put the GHM in the bedroom, I was regularly using the best speaker dock as a radio, because it has the regular AM/FM functionality and conveniently includes a remote. Apparently I can attach external speakers (or connect via BT), so I may do a similar thing with one or more of my artifacts, especially if they deliver better sound.
@joelmw What? No Mpulse headphones in that bad boy? So sorry
@joelmw put the rowkin in with the blinky light oriented up and it drops out much less (the button is horizontal). I love the pair I bought for $29 and read about it on that thread
@Odi Thanks. Hey, how you doing?
@joelmw Good. Been pretty busy and don’t have time to lurk in forums anymore. Heck it took me 3 days before I had time to take a picture of my IRK, all while my wife was teasing me about a box full of makeup brushes.
How’ve you been? Still playing CoC?
@Odi I empathize with the busy. I only drop in occasionally. Of course I can’t help spewing words when I do.
And, yeah, still clashing. The group might be less than half mehicans now. But Holl came back, so that’s nice. It’s a decent crowd, we have fun. I miss you though. Maybe I’ll drop some more words later; still need coffee and I think they expect me to work here too.
I’ll post the bag separately, so we can all comment on its genius separate from unique contents.
It seems sturdier than the fuku/fuko bags, and is wider. I think they actually believe that we’ll use these in public. Which of course, pathetic fuckers like me happily will. Well played, meh, well played.
@joelmw It’s beautiful!
@therealjrn I like it too. They’re kind of endangering the whole “mediocre” thing.
This is the second time in a row (and I carefully checked this time) that I tried to put two uploaded images in a post and they turned identical. What’s up with that? Correctable both times.
@joelmw @therealjrn Whoever designed this deserves a raise.
@sammydog01 @therealjrn I’m liking the whole Rube Goldberg theme they’ve been working lately. I hope it persists.
@joelmw @sammydog01 @therealjrn Whoever designed this should immediately stop drinking, smoking, and using all drugs.
@Barney @joelmw @sammydog01 @therealjrn
I dunno. I’m thinking some more drinking/smoking/drugs wouldn’t hurt, actually.
As much as I adore and respect you, @sammydog01 @therealjrn @narfcake and @joelmw are right about this. Take my word for it.
/giphy you’re wrong

@joelmw That design is magnificent.
Topic has been updated.

/giphy I love you

I’ve been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my IRK all day, and it is finally here!
First off, I LOVE the bag – it’s huge - 20 inches wide. And a lovely bright yellow that makes me wish I still had my yellow Mini – they would have made a lovely pair. The rest of the haul:
A gray/white hand towel

Sports bra
Batman socks complete with tiny capes!
D24K instant lift cream (listed online for a hilarious $425). Looks like it’s been used, so I won’t be putting this on my face.
And a box within a box, from Monster to Walmart. Some cool headphones, perhaps?
Um, no. Just a six-pack of usb cables. Sigh.
Thanks anyway, I had fun playing, and I really do love the bag!
@Trillian Good thing that bag is worth five bucks. Does the bra fit?
@sammydog01 No, it is too small. The socks are cool, I just have to find a Batman fan who will love them.
My very first IRK is still in processing.
@moondrake I hope this means that you are getting something good.
@Barney Thanks, me too.
My first IRK finally came in and for $5 it did not disappoint.
@charlenana Oh! A knee support pillow! I bet that would be a great thing to have after hip replacement surgery! (Adds to growing list.)
I just want an Irk plushie.
@Bretterson here here!
I got (starting with the bag at the top and moving clockwise) the awesome yellow bag, a fuzzy bathrobe, a big box of makeup brushes, an alarm clock speaker dock (for Android), some women’s underwear which looks uncomfortable to wear and a dish towel.
@gt0163c Jealous of the bathrobe! How’s the fabric?
@Kawa Not being a robe person, I didn’t take it out of the package. But it looks soft and very fleece-like. I’m pretty sure if I did take it out of the package my cats would immediately claim it as their own like they do with every other fleece-like thing that enters my home.
If you’re interested, I’d be willing to trade you for something or send it to you for the cost of shipping (my cats have more than enough fleece things and also a crocheted blanket my mom made specifically for one of my cats for Christmas).
So my box arrived today, and I was stoked as always. Dimensions were as follows: 18"x18”x18" and 16ish lbs.
However after opening, I came to realize that this was my most fuko box to date…
My IRK contained just three items, four if you count the customary bag.

I received:
one of these kick-ass foodsavers, irreparably broken(trust me, I tore it down to troubleshoot, and this thing is an ex-parrot).
A cordless shiatsu massager currently charging.

And this glorious, beautiful thing, which would be so bad-ass if only I was not currently in the middle of a months long fight with my flatmate on the virtues of me getting a cat. We rescued a cat at Thanksgiving and after fostering it in our greenhouse for a few days the shelter picked him up, but time is going by quick and I don’t know how much longer my little buddy has if he doesn’t get adopted soon. I think we should take him in, but my flatmate, who hasn’t owned a cat since before the dawn of the litterbox insists that cats are smelly noxious creatures that have magic urine the smell of which cannot be removed except by Divine intervention. For the uninitiated this device is a cat backpack, and your cat can ride inside and look out through the bubble.

All in all the shiatsu massager is really the only thing here that I’m likely going to get any use out of, compared to my last fuko where there were 15-20 items and I got great enjoyment and value out of everything but the handful of screen protectors for obscure early smartphones.
@hugh0spaz It’s an omen. Go and save the kitty cat!
@Barney I wish, my flatmate thought the bag was super cool when I showed it to them, but the discussion quickly turned back into an argument. As much as I might like Mr. Cat, it wouldn’t do him any good if I got kicked out of my house.
@hugh0spaz That’s sad. Maybe your flatmate will have a change of heart. I hope so.
@Barney @hugh0spaz That looks like a perfect cat smuggling device.
@hugh0spaz Oh how I hope I get one of these. I would thoroughly enjoy taking my cat on adventures that I am sure she would love and not think I am torturing her during.
@therealjrn lol it’d work even better for that purpose using the included black plastic vented screen that is designed to be swappable with the clear plastic dome. CatPack incognito.
@tnhillbillygal I think that if your cat is comfortable with being transported in a crate, it would probably be just fine with this. After all this does have some serious benefits over a crate, namely it’s higher up, and it lets you share body heat with your cat.
It’s seriously taking so much willpower not to be sad with the CatPack sitting in the corner of my room.
@hugh0spaz wow! Those cat spaceship backpacks aren’t cheap.
@hugh0spaz just a quick update, the massager works okay, it doesn’t seem to have a function to let you know when its finished charging, the charging light just keeps up a steady rhythm regardless of how long you charge it.
Also worth noting that the CatPack seems to have a slight cigarette odor. its not something you can smell from far away, but if you are holding it, its pretty obvious.
@hugh0spaz Now that’s just not right! I’d never let Mr Whiskers smoke cigarettes!
@hugh0spaz Haha, holy shit, my wife and I were just talking about cat packs, that’s hilarious!
And you totally need to go pick up your new buddy, little broski deserves the love you will offer him!
@hugh0spaz I recently bought a carry-on suitcase with offer-up. I didn’t realize until I got it in the car that it reeked of cigarettes. I should have known by the lady’s deep scratchy voice, but still, I looked it up and read that if you spritz it with vinegar the odor is absorbed. Smells a little like vinegar for a while but that doesn’t stick around for long.
@Dakini nice, I’ll give it a shot.
@hugh0spaz On my gosh I hope you can save that cat!! Maybe call around and find a no kill shelter? I have serious envy over that cat carrier. Maybe you can convince your roommate to do a trial run?
@hugh0spaz …oooooh… I want a kitty backpack. Lucky.
@hugh0spaz So did you convince your roommate to do a trial run with the kitty (I sure hope so!!)? If not can I trade you something for that kitty backpack (I’ll pay postage)?
Behold my first IRK! Many apologies in advance for likely screwing up the image upload format. Pls do not let that deter you from leaving a mean reply anyway.
The lot: Super old charger/speaker dock, makeup brushes, contour applicator brush, a really long dish towel, (3) M-L Spanx-like corsets, a slim power bank, a wallet.
A dock in the box
Travel back in time to 2008 and charge that iPod Nano!
Some kind of RFID Hack-proof wallet, I guess.
My wife is a huge Zoe Ayla fan as of receiving this IRK.
@reddinghill Nice job with the image format!
@reddinghill Hey! My iPhone 4s would work perfectly with that speaker dock…

/giphy i did it!
@reddinghill nice haul!
@reddinghill MEH sold an iLive Bluetooth old school adapter that would work perfectly with your dock. Somehow I have probably 3 more lying around her somewhere.
My box twin! (except 2 of the shaping underwear are XL/XXL) Even the towel is the same color.
Hi @Odi! Missed you at fantasy football season!
@sammydog01 I’ve been swamped at work and also busy with my 8 and 5 year olds at home.
9.5lbs in a 16x12x11 inch box arriving Saturday.
Looking at the items in this thread people have received so far, I’m hoping for a kitty backpack
Mine arrived this morning… TENS unit for back, 24 makeup brushes, light up dog leash and collar, old speaker dock, cheap purse (zipper broke the first time opening it), and traditional new IRK bag (which as stated before, is AWESOME!). THANK YOU MEH!

@opivp99 I got the exact same bundle, except replace dog leash and collar with a porcelain soap dispenser. And correct, the new IRK bag and bag size are clutch!
My IRK just arrived:
1 Yellow MEH IRK bag 5 stars
1 iPhone 6 battery case - I actually use an iPhone 6 so 5 stars
1 Slim Pogo Power bank 3 stars
1 Gabba Qi charger - My son has an iPhone 8 so 5 stars
1 Star Wars X-wing toy 3 stars
That’s about it… oh yea, in the bottom of the box was a NEW Pioneer Elite Home Theatre receiver, with all remotes and cables, and it powers on! New list price $399. 5 stars
My most valuable haul yet. Thanks MEH!
@crow well where the hell is all the regret
@crow @Ignorant It’s when it is hooked up and doesn’t work properly then it is regret for that reason.
@crow nothing Meh about that
@crow @Ignorant @Kidsandliz got a receiver in my IRK and it doesn’t work. Test it before you wire it up.
@Ignorant @Kidsandliz @therealsutano wired mine up today. Everything works… except the HDMI video out is bad. My regret was not instant, but is flows over me now like a veil, and wraps me in sour discontent.
@crow @Kidsandliz @therealsutano

@Ignorant @Kidsandliz @therealsutano UPDATE! I didn’t give up on the Pioneer receiver. I work at a video production co. and had only tried it on a finicky 6 year-old Sony HDTV. We pulled it out of the box again to see if we could use it as an audio-only amplifier… and it worked perfectly with a different HDTV monitor. Then tried other HDTV’s and it worked with all but the original Sony.
All regret has vanished, and I am left with an IAK Instant Awesome Kit!
Thanks Meh! You sent me what you thought was crap, and it wasn’t!!! HA! Joke’s on you!
@crow @Kidsandliz @therealsutano

I regret not getting this a couple of years ago
IRK arrived a day early.
1 - awesome bag
1 - iLive speaker dock - may use it with my iP4s as a surveillance camera.
1 - PCH TENS unit - New - with 3 sets of pads and slippers to electrocute my feet!
1 - 24 piece makup brush set
6 pack Angelina sports bra
Looks like MorningSave is cleaning out it’s part of the warehouse… Not a completely regrettable purchase though. Thanks Meh!
@bluebeatpete Weird, my pic disappeared from the original post
Looks like @crow and I scored about the same!!
I also rec’d a working Pioneer Elite 7.2 Channel Home Theatre receiver (model # VSX-90) but mine appears slightly used. Haven’t hooked it up to speakers yet but sounds great thru headphones! Also, I rec’d an awesome I.R.K. bag; a Striiv Fusion Activity Tracker (charged it & appears to work!!); a LUXHD450 5-in-1 Clip Lens kit (looks new); a POGO 3200 mAh Power Bank for iPhone 5 thru 6 Plus (new); and a pair of Batman socks with capes!
To quote Ol’ Blue Eyes: “Regrets, I’ve had a few; but then again, too few to mention”. Thanks Meh!!

Longtime lurker, first time poster! Here’s my haul:
1 IRK Bag
1 Extreme Womens Bamboo Slimming Bodysuit
1 LED fidget spinner (with at least one working light intact)
1 Pogo Super Slim Powerbank
1 Wireless Airbuds
1 Pioneer Elite VSX-90 AV Receiver (used, possibly a return based on the stickers on the shipping box)
Now I gotta drag out my speakers from my old AIWA receiver from more than a decade ago and see if this thing is more than just a awkward paperweight, so… regrets TBD.

/giphy Welcome!
@xedrothi I love your ginger!
@moonhat Thanks, that’s Bacon, and he was compelled to inspect every item that came from the box.
Got my IRK. Here’s what we got:
2x AquaSonic Black Series Ultra Sonic Toothbrushes (good for in case my Quips never come)
2x Zoë Ayla 24 Piece Makeup Brush Set (wife doesn’t use makeup so this is a bust)
3x Gabba Goods Pink wireless charging pads (or as Apple would call it, ‘Rose Gold’)
1x Cozy Select standard size memory foam pillow
2x generic dollar-store-type sunglasses
1x 3-in-1 cell phone lens clip (which is actually only a 2-in-1 because a lens is missing)
1x XtremePro 1080p Sports Cam (super excited about this, it’s new in the box so I hope it works)
1x Pop Sonic Ionic Infuser with 1.5oz bottle of Youth Serum (no idea what this is. Looks, sounds, and vibrates like a sex toy. No current plans to use as such)
1x Strii Fusion Activity Tracker (opened and poorly repackaged, guessing it probably doesn’t work)
3x Strii Fusion Wrist Bands
1x Dirty Laundry Minx socks
1x AMU monster socks
3x Bioworld Batman Socks (with an age rating of 14+ on the back. I didn’t know that some socks could be considered too extreme for young children)
1x IRK bag (ironically the only item in the box I’m likely to never regret)
@melancholysp Clothing that’s intended for children have to be certified to comply with CPSIA rules. The escape that some manufacturers use is that “it’s not for children”.
I too received a Pioneer Elite VSX-90 – However mine is NOT working… It has a flashing blue light, even after a forced reset, which forums say is either: 1) a cold solder joint; or 2) one of four blown transistors.

Shoved into the package were also: some leggings, some running socks, a power bank, an iphone 6+ battery case, and the really big IRK bag.
@liz are you going to try to get the receiver fixed?
@tonylegrone I may open it up and see how complicated it will be to DIY. I’m not sure it’s worth spending ~$100 to have a professional take a look.
Received mine today. It all came in one receiver box, but stuffed inside were a few other things.
1 - Onkyo receiver (plugged it in and it seems to work)
2x - powerbanks
2x - iPhone 6 cases
1 - Meh IRK bag
Now I have to figure out how to use a receiver, as I never considered paying hundreds of dollars for one. Thanks Meh!
@neerak You may have won the internet today with that haul.
IRK Bag - Nice and Big
Twin Comforter - New
Green Hand Towel
Lash & Brow Enhancer
Zoe Ayla Makeup Brush Set
Bra - New with tag
Dura-Wallet - Actually like this crappy thing’s thinness
Speaker Dock!
No Roomba or Pioneer Elite but Love It Anyway!
Thanks Meh!
My father called and asked did I buy another computer? No, I insist and race home at the speed limit to see what it could be. I assume that it’s just the box that Meh used.
I get home and it’s a box that has an ancient Android all in one system, with a whopping 1gb of ram and 8gb of storage space. It does have full 1080 display… Android 4.0
I plug it in and of course, it won’t turn on.
Acer DA220HQL
Also five fidget spinners.
@juststephen The screen is in great shape - if there was any way to even get it to turn on and somehow use it as a display via HDMI at least it’d be useful.
@juststephen Also, if you can get it working, that would be make a great kegbot display interface
@hanzov69 @juststephen I just learned what a kegbot is.
Dang!! Really worked the “regret” angle this time. LOL Won’t even bother with pictures… The bright yellow bag was the high point!!
2 small sports bras.
An entire box of obsolete USB cables
2 iPhone 6 covers
and a plastic measuring cup.
Husband’s comment/question “And you PAID for that?”
Ordered last year, due Saturday, arrived today.
Bottom line, I got an articulated power strip. The wife got a pretty good haul.
@Mehrocco_Mole Thank you dear. This is Karma for not telling me you got one. (I missed out)
@Mehrocco_Mole my IRK box had the exact same haul. No reason to repost.
So, for once, the regret is very real, and very instant. I got an iLive speaker (don’t own any apple devices) a set of makeup brushes (I don’t wear makeup), a corset and two pairs of off and Spanx (all too small and I don’t wear them anyways). I guess I still have that awesome irk bag, though, so there’s that still.
@ConradHilton what I need is a girlfriend who’s already tiny, but simultaneously self conscious about her weight. That’s the target demographic for the size of the garments I got.
This sounds like what I got, but I got no regret. I expected a mediocre package and getting nothing I need fits the bill perfectly.
I do plan on giving the iPhone speaker thing to my dad and my daughter wants the makeup.
I spent the day tiling. I’ll try to take a picture tomorrow…
@ConradHilton hey at least you got an irk. I would have loved a new set of make up brushes
Sorry for the lazy setup for the photo.
Vielen dank, Herr Irk!
@djslack I love purple.
@djslack For those who need a translation, he said: “Thank you very much, Mr. Irk”
6 lbs and 16x12x11 in. delivering today (one day early), color me excited!!!
23lbs, 21x17x9in, out for delivery. I’m betting stereo receiver, which might be perfect since one of mine died last month.
@hanzov69 curses, foiled by fedex again. Delivery is now set for tomorrow
A humidifier, a purse, a charger, and a pack of weird arch supports that looks like Scrooge McDuck’s spats. At least I got an IRK bag!
@tonylegrone I received that humidifier in a previous Fuko, and it is awesome! Great haul! I love the fact that it has a UV bulb in it that nukes any potential bacteria in the water before it becomes mist. And on the low setting, it’s quiet enough to sleep with it on all night.

My I.R.K. Arrived today and it has:
1 Pioneer VSX-45 Receiver New
1 open set of wireless earbuds possibly used one side looks questionable with possible earwax
1 iPhone 6+ case
1 new Keysmart
1 pair Batman sock
0 I.R.K. Bag- My Kit is incomplete so hopefully my CS is nice and sends me a bag or@Chadp feel free to send me a bag and I will provide you with a Panda haiku
@bleedmichigan Nice!
@Barney yeah I do not regret the purchase I do regret not getting the Bag though. Hopefully CS has one or @chadp will trade one for a Panda haiku
@bleedmichigan Oh, I didn’t see that you have no bag. I’m pretty sure that can be corrected. I hope.
@bleedmichigan contact support.
@Kidsandliz already done but they are backed up
Mine just arrived and I have mixed feelings.
Sorry I do not have real live pix for you, but it’s too cold outside to go and take some decent pictures.
Here it is,
along with this lovely pamphlet.

(The blender looks new and unused, but I’ll find out more later.)
So, I guess meh is telling me to give up my pizza and get serious with my New Year’s diet? Thank you, meh, for your help.
I also received the beautiful, new and improved I.R.K bag, along with 4 fidget spinners that were carefully tucked along the sides of the box. These are my first meh fidget spinners. The first are always the best, right?
Thanks, meh, it was fun.
(I really have to go on a diet?)

/giphy shred it up
@reg036 You’re no help.

/giphy purple shred
That better? LOL
@reg036 Haha, nope.
@Barney here’s a solution for you. Burn the book to keep warm while you cool off drinking a milkshake that you made in your new blender.
@RiotDemon That’s the best suggestion I’ve heard so far.
@Barney Nice haul! Mine is rescheduled to be delivered tomorrow/Saturday. Excited, not excited.
@Barney I received the same thing (but only two spinners, so should I be jealous?). Shred appears new and unopened… Very cool, as it will actually make AND heat soup/sauces, or make AND freeze ice cream! Can’t complain for $5!
@andrewkl I admit I haven’t taken a good look at it yet. So… I can make AND freeze ice cream with it? Nice! My New Year’s diet is looking better and better.
@Barney Yes… And soups/sauces… they’ll come out piping hot. We used ours this weekend for soup and fruit juices. This guy retails for between $135-$165, so call this one a real win… No regrets
I would catalogue what I got, but meh.
The empty bag in the second to last picture is my favorite item.
Truly amazing. First, the bag is great. Then…
@jrbw3 Hydra Nourish? Nourishment? Food? Skull Eating Bacon? … Breakfast Octopus.
Guys. We’re all in trouble. @snapster has wrangled us into an evil organization.
Wow nice to see these are finally showing up. Mine is set to show on Saturday…
From the looks of the reveals so far, I’d say the I.R.K. bag is better than Fuku’s of the past (Those receivers look legit!)…but I’m sure they will go MEH as expected in no time. Fingers crossed I get something worthy.
Yes I instantly regret this
4 Ashley Choice iPhone 6 cases. (PM me if interested)
6 HP USB Printer cables ( I’ll keep one but ditto)
1 plug in white thing I have no idea what it is… Help to ID appreciated…
1 Measuring cup
1 pair Airbuds- I had bought 3 as gifts but not for myself so if it works… Score!
@readnj that white thing looks like the beta Alexa, smart mic with no speaker. Plug it in and it just relays your conversations straight to the NSA and Jeff Bezos.
@readnj hi-tech whoopee cushion?
@readnj A very simplified USB planetarium? Wildly inaccurate, do not use for navigation purposes.
@readnj A Bluetooth pillow speaker?
@carl669 I like this. Is it Bluetooth? I hope in the app you can choose buttons from “polite toot” to “who brought spare underwear?”
@carl669 @djslack Unfortunately plugging it in does not appear to do anything, so even though those are great answers, the mystery continues
@readnj Can we get some more photos please?
@sammydog01 That’s it. Nothing else on side or back and no indicator light.
@readnj Did the wall wart come with it? Any clues there?
@sammydog01 I’m away for a week but will check and report back. Good suggestion! Thanks
@sammydog01,@djslack I finally figured it out. I looked up the FCC # on the back. It is called the “Blue Spectrum Beacon” /. It is a base station of sorts for a wireless pet collar buckle Iphone App out of California. So that is that.
@djslack @readnj

8 - yes, count them, 8 HP usb printer cables.
1 measuring cup
1 Tend secure lynx indoor intelligent, effortless video security with facial recognition technology - has been opened so no idea if it works and since it’s indoor, no idea why I would want it.
1 super bag that I don’t regret at all
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8?
@djslack LOL - yes
Some really mehtacular hauls so far! The theme seems to be rock out, if you can’t shred it suck it in, paint it till ya fake it and the show stopper has to be the bag design! Mine comes tomorrow and anything in addition to my Irk bag is a win.
Oh the regret! Worst bag EV - ER!!!
1 Speaker dock
2 or old lady girdle panties- What are they trying to say!!
1 Waist trimmer/corset. Again, smh
1 power bank
1 iphone6 cover
2 Easter bonnets
1 make up brush kit - this is good
And of course a much improved bag
@tinamarie1974 I think they were trying to say that even old ladies don’t wear those anymore and they couldn’t sell them.
@sammydog01 ooohhh I thought damn, I know I am overweight but I am shedding the pounds. Lmao
My I.R.K. arrived a day later than the tracking info said, and the FedEx page still shows it is a 1lb 7x7x7 box, however here is what I got:

1 slim power bank
2 girdle-like panties
1 poop emoji pillow
1 IRK bag
and a sweet Onkyo receiver that appears to work but I haven’t connected it to anything yet.
My faith in the VMP club has been restored!
Spoke too soon. After painstakingly disconnecting my current receiver and putting the “new” Onkyo in place, it started up in AMP diag mode… then emitted a loud pop with a blue arc shooting out the top.
Apparently the poop emoji was a clue as to what I was getting.
Move along. Not much to see here.
@guavablueses what’s the green thing on the right?
@RiotDemon There is a comforter wrapped in plastic and some kind of sports bra.
Got mine!! Thanks Meh!!!
Worth mentioning that this was a brand new sealed box. Only the receiver and its peripherals inside. No IRK bag or anything else. But, I’ll take it!!
@jsh139 email support and let them know you didn’t get a bag. Looks like you were one of the winners in the i.r.k. lottery though.
@Kidsandliz Probably not worth my trouble. Wondering though if anyone else just got a sealed up box of goodness like me?
No need for pictures
I received my irk box today…
2 power banks
2 iPhone6 cases
1 canon Pixma ip2820 printer
IRK bag
Printer appears to be brand new.
It’s a $50 printer, so I consider this a win!!
Thank you meh shippers and packers…
I received the same IRK yesterday, though with only one lightning-cable power bank.
My printer didn’t come with any ink, though the printer also appears to be new.
Got Mine! Contents include:
So, overall, very meh. I was disappointed there wasn’t more meh to it
@alacercogitatus 150W 19.5V power supply? Circular opening?
@seraphimcaduto yep. Ordered from amazon after a quick lookup from hp
@alacercogitatus sad thing is that I didn’t look it up, just worked on too many HP machines over the years.
Mine arrived today!
Big win in my book, was planning on buying a new receiver soon, looks like I didn’t have to wait!
Be careful where you put the Onkyo TX-NR545. After being on for a minute, mine shot a blue electric arc out the top.
@PnkFld Well crap, mine has no sound output. Damn, now I’m sad.
Curse you IRK! I shall have my revenge!
@PnkFld @therealsutano I guess that’s better than burning your house down.
I was all emotionally prepared to fully rewire my entertainment center… and it end up DOA.
So naturally, I’m rewiring it anyway. IRK, look what you’ve made me do
Irk bag
Light up dog collar and leash
Make up brushes (wife is very happy)
Speaker dock
Foscam camera
Some weird spandex underwear stuff LOL
THANKS MEH! looking forward to more regret this year.
Well, started out interesting then got really weird then sad.
-No IRK bag. (Sad)
P.S. - The Velcro elastic strap PT thingturned out to be a cool mask! (Good)
My 17X14X14 box showed up today, one day earlier than estimated. It contained:
The humidifier is the 2nd I’ve received in an IRK/Fuko and this one appears to be new. It even came with coupons that expired in 2012.
The oil diffuser seems to be used and even if new I have no use for, so that’ll be donated.
Qi charging pad also looks to be used but seems to be working.
IRK bag and socks are always needed, leggings not so much.
Thanks Meh, let’s do it again sometime.
@Ignorant cute socks
My 22 pound TIRK arrived in a Pioneer receiver box. Made me smirk because I had mentioned needing a 7.1 Dolby Atmos HDCP 2.2 compliant receiver as a forum prize. I see now practically everyone is getting receivers.
This was an RMA from 2016 and lacks the key features I need. (already bought a new receiver anyhow) Assuming it works, I can use it in the garage or something to power some speakers out yonder.
Inside the box, I have a few extra items including a $50 watch, fidget spinner, wireless ear buds (box re-taped, but no signs of ear wax), and a dog collar that uses TrackR and a website to find lost doggies.
Thanks, meh.
meh support later sent me a yellow baggie thus completing this TIRK.
Awesome Batman socks, a fidget spinner, wireless headphones, all claimed by the kids. I’m stealing the socks back first laundry. That’ll teach him to fold his own crap. Power bank, claimed by the wife
I guess that leaves me this VSX-90. It powers on but I don’t have any way to test it without disconnecting existing stuff so it’ll have to wait until I borrow some from work tomorrow.
Also, the bag is awesome. Great size for shoving stuff in for a family outing. No regrets here!
Or, maybe this awesome VSX-90
Got me a Power bank, O2 Hair spray, Ashley Chloe iPhone case, pack of USB cables, 3 sets of Date rape drug detector cards (20 per set), and the lovely IRK bag.
I got a pretty good haul this time around! My second Vicks humidifier, 3 pack of Tend 1080p cameras, another Tend camera, cheap QI charger, cheap clip on lens for phone, a IRK bag, and the most interesting things, a bunch of random Marvel comics from late 80s to early 2010s.
@kel great haul congrats
Looks good. Good Luck, I hope everything works.
My box was…extremely mediocre. No pic because i already forcibly regifted some of it to people at my board gaming group. Yay!
1 x fabulous yellow IRK bag
1 wireless old school headphones - not yet tested, but i just got some razer headphones for xmas
1 ipod/iphone speaker dock - i have no apple products
1 iphone wireless charger - see above
2 x elastic underoos/spanx things in xxl - too big for me
And 3x kitchen towels in a nice green check
@Kessilari If you’re interested in the underwear/shaper I’d suggest opening the package and eyeballing the size. I’m pretty sure the sizes are Asian sizes based on the one I received.
@Kessilari @lisaviolet OMG That video is great! At least I know now not to try on the Spanx myself!!!
Finally snagging a bag
Me: It’s going to be fantastically awful!
Wife: Why did you buy that?
Package arrives with all feminine products
Me: It’s awful…
Wife: It’s fantastic!
Picture not worth it

/image feminine products
@medz Might not be reality but that’s essentially what I perceived
@vponce Look at the bright side dude: You won’t get much flak from the wife about the next one you snag.
Got mine. No AV receiver for me. Got 4 green fidget spinners, iPhone 6 charge case, I.R.K. bag, and an “emulsifier” aka blender that I am going to give to my mom, as last year I bought a Ninja blender/food processor for the wife.
I avoided checking the tracking deets for my IRK, and didn’t read the IRK topics because I wanted it to be a surprise when it arrived. It showed up Thursday afternoon.
Good fun, meh. Thanks for the kicks!
@ruouttaurmind Did your brushes smell strongly of gasoline?
@aasawick I guess I have no idea? I’m a guy, so inspecting the girly stuff wasn’t high on my list of priorities.
/giphy coodies

Cripes. That only took 20 edits to get a result which didn’t feature “cookies”.
Never change giphy. Never change.
@aasawick mine do. It’s typical of fake leather. I’m going to air mine out and wash the brushes.
@ruouttaurmind probably easier if you spell it
/giphy cooties

Edit: Maybe not.
@ruouttaurmind I could smell them before I opened the box.
This might be the most meh box I’ve gotten in a long while, so it’s definitely setting proper expectations for the new IRKs for me. I received:
-Weird measuring cup that looks like it will be super fun to use, wash thoroughly, and dry.
-Emergency power supply for iPhones. (Android-only family here)
-iPhone 6 case (again, no Apple products here)
-6 HP power cables that I’m guessing are obsolete.
-pair of shaper underwear in XXL (Asian sizing though)
-IRK bag
When I saw the shaper my first thought was that I could have used it six months ago before I lost 50 lbs. After opening it and realizing it’s not a true XXL and might fit, I’m not really sure I’d even want to wear one now.
As I was examining my pretty new IRK bag and marveling over its really weird and impractical size (super long and narrow) I noticed mine already had holes from the printing process. I’m not sure I’d trust it for use as I can imagine it splitting pretty easily with any weight or stress. So yeah, lots of regret from this round, but it won’t stop me from trying again next time. Thanks, Meh!
@PurplePawprints That’s a USB cable, and still very current for devices like printers and such. And 7 the foot length is pretty handy too.
I think ours lands right about in the “could be better, could be worse” category.
We got:
Thanks Meh!!
[The Haul]

I’ll post mine later even though it consists of the same things already shared. Just wanted to add, for anyone (and almost everyone) who received the speaker dock and can’t use it because it’s the old 30 pin, you should have bought the bluetooth adapters sold here a while back. This was definitely planning ahead as they’re even the same brand! If you didn’t, you can buy similar ones for less than $5. Turn that speaker dock into something useful!
@cinoclav I’m pretty sure I received one in a previous Fuk. Just have to turn it out. Somewhere in the enormous pile of “stuff I’m going to do something with. Someday” in my spare bedroom.
@ruouttaurmind I own your pile’s evil twin.
@cinoclav I just posted about this in response to someone else. I think I have maybe 3 of these lying around somewhere. I used one with a creative labs speaker.
@mehrrychristmas I took the speaker/adapter to work with me. Sounds good enough to play some background music for my patients. They’re often on my table for a long period of time and I’ve had many requests for some music to occupy the time.
Mine came.
For 5 bucks a
decentmeh haul. I do have envy over the cat backpack in particular and the receivers some are getting. Photo will have to come later.Truly regrettable.
Spanx, 2 things of them
iLive speaker dock
iPhone 5 power bank
iPhone 6 case
Makeup brushes (maybe I can repurpose for some sort of crafting?)
Power strip
IRK bag
My box was hefty, nearly ten pounds. Along with the bag, mine had…
An articulated power strip. I’m going on my first cruise for my birthday in a few months, so this was a tasteful and appropriate gift.
Light-up leash. I take the dog out for night walks, so again, thank you.
Makeup brushes. Meh.
The speaker dock. Good nostalgia for when I bought one from Woot eons ago and still use it thanks to a 30-pin Bluetooth adapter.
And the grand prize… A severely dented tub of Canadian fidget spinners. Almost all of the spinners are still intact.
Thank you for the amusement.
I dont think I have a receiver in mine since its only 4 pounds. Waiting anxiously tonight to open it.
Regret, regret, regret!
No picture needed as others have everything I got. Next time someone remind me not to look at reveal thread so I don’t get my hopes up for items such as the reciever lol!
Got my bag today. No photo since it’s all repeats:
Knee pillow.
Stinky makeup brushes that I hope I can air out.
ilive speaker. At least it has a 3.5mm input.
Green chevron hand towel.
Knockoff air pods where one loses signal. The charging case also has a power button that does nothing and the book doesn’t explain it. Don’t know if you’re supposed to be able to charge them on the go, but it definitely doesn’t work.
I should of avoided the reveal thread because I assumed I’d get a few of these things due to the weight.
I’m still pleased that my items will be of some use.
@RiotDemon I could smell the brushes before I opened the box. I’m not sure if I should try to salvage them for the intended use, or use them for art things.
@aasawick I’m sure once the brushes are away from the brush roll and washed with some mild shampoo, they’ll be ok.
@RiotDemon I’m 100% deaf in my right ear. If the left ear is the one working and you want to get it to a new home…
@Mehrocco_Mole it says that I can pair them individually. I’ll test them later and see if the left works ok without the right. When the pair was connected, the left went out when I moved my head. I think they send the signal to the other ear.
A note: The flashlight doesn’t work. I guess it’s easier to send it off to someone than to dispose of it and it’s battery properly.
Well I have very little regret…
1x onesize fits all yuna legwear
1x chill luxe California king bed sheet set
1x tea light
1x rapid charge wireless Qi charger
1x pediatric germ free humidifier
1x Nicole Miller New York tote bag
Not at all bad. Not the best one I have gotten but not the worst either.
Kids just got sick and dr told us to buy a humidifier so this is a win. Wife gets purse and leggings we get new sheets for our bed so it’s a great day
Thanks meh!
@communist thanks. I couldn’t figure out how to post an image.
In this case, the IRK is well named…
1x iLIVE speaker doc from a bygone era
1x 24 pack of makeup brushes
1x latex waist shaper (women’s medium)
1x spandex bodyshaper of some sort (women’s XXL)
and ofc
1x IRK bag
At least the new bag is kinda nice.
I literally clapped when I opened by box. The last (and only other) mixed bag I received had (maybe?) 5 items of Dollar Store quality items, plus the bag.
This time I received:
(1) Smelly 24-piece makeup brush set
(2) Dura Wallets
(1) DoorJammer
(2) WiFi cameras (Pilot and FDT brands)
(1) iLive speaker system
(1) Fitness Tracker
(1) Large lemon colored reusable tote, adorned with adorable Meh advertising
I haven’t tested anything (the only thing that appears to be previously opened in the tracker), but I’m still going on record to I have zero regrets (re: the bag… I can’t say the same about any of the other decisions I’ve made in life).
My haul… not regretting it!

So the first view on the porch, a beat up, upside down Reciever (AVR) box with completely un-taped (in fairness, completely worn thru tape) bottom flaps!?! A true test of FedEx/Postal carrier curiosity unless they saw Meh was the shipper, in which case they’d simply duck and pass it along…
My concern of course was “would any of the priceless IRK contents have inadvertently fallen out?” (Would anybody bother to steal anything from a Meh shipment?)
Thankfully the non-AVR contents appeared to be safely tucked in the top of the box, now underneath and protected by the AVR.
So is the, even in new condition, mediocre-rated (3.5 star on Amazon) Pioneeer AVR a curb-hugger? I know not, but it does work great as a tuner driving headphones! A good start.
I should add, the timing of that AVR, assuming it is more functional than simply in the Tuner section, is fortuitous.
The right front channel on our 1990’s SONY ES-800 AVR is getting wonky.
@RedOak Did the gummy probiotics expire last month?
@aasawick I’ll have to ask my spouse, who eagerly grabbed them and promptly downed a couple gummies just as I snapped the photo!
Edit: yep, expired 12/20/2018. Does that mean all the probioitc critters have died?
@RedOak Depends, did you let them see a current calendar?
@RedOak That was my guess. I purchased that deal when they offered it, and I now have a couple expired bottles in the medicine cabinet.
I haven’t posted here in forever, but thought I’d make an appearance to reveal my IRK.
I got exactly the same thing as @Barney.
Possibly of greater value than any of the Fukos I’ve gotten over the years, but I kinda miss the days when something like a rusty old antique gas canister with spiders in it would show up on my doorstep. Not totally filled with spiders, mind you–just a few random arachnids who made the trip from Texas.
Still, some of the best fun you can have for $5. Thanks, Meh!
I got a ton of stuff in my IRK!
No instant regret here!
Wife was happy with the IRK…so that’s a win.
Then stuff I’ll giveaway at work
5) Iphone/pod dock
6) iPhone case
7) fitness tracker
Overall one of my most successful bags. Thanks.
Shred Emulsifier shipping box containing a Shred Emulsifier retail box containing a (new?) Shred Emulsifier. 1500 watt, $129 on Amazon with a 4.1 rating. Not bad. IRK bag on top of blender inside retail box. Pull the blender out of the box and a Gabba Goods Wireless charger disc falls out. No box, missing a rubber footpad, only 1amp output. Very Meh. Inside the pitcher there are a few more little things. One pack of Teenymates Series 2 WWE figures (Rick Flair and Brock Lesnar… No Andre the giant, but at least I know who they are). One green gimickless fidget spinner (no batteries. I don’t have to keep it in the fridge!). And a ring in a Rachel Glauber bag (shiny… The ring, that is, not the bag). Assuming it’s actually a Rachel Glauber ring, her website looks mostly like it’s silver and zirconia jewelry retailing around $100. So… Not bad. Nothing for my pupper, though, so no pictures.
I won’t bother with pictures as so many others before me have, because I had most of the same stuff (I suppose nobody wanted to buy the iPod docks or makeup brushes…)
1 irk bag
1 thing of makeup brushes
1 iPod dock
1 Dr. Cool cooling towel
1 Gabba goods dashcam
Looking at the dash cam it records in 720p at 30 fps… And uses a mini USB, not micro, or USB c, but mini… So I’m not sure how old or cheap these things are, but I’ll check it out for what I paid.
All in all this box lived up to its name better than the fukos, which usually had something I thought was cool in them. But, can’t complain, it’s always fun to get one of these!
1 very nice yellow Irk bag.
1 hair dryer
1 curling iron
1 women’s martian smart watch (pretty)
2 cheap plasticky RFID wallets
1 makeup brushes set
1 plug adapter with USB ports
1 generic Fitbit that I haven’t been able to get to work yet.
And… 1video doorbell. Which ironically i have been looking to buy.
Not sure if any of these things work but worth the 5 bucks if they do.
No regrets
Regret was not instantaneous but reading some others’ hauls can lead to more heartburn. At the same time, I got one! Vive le IRK!
1x electrotherapy stimulator
1x 30-pin speaker dock
1x makeup brush set
1x LED dog collar/leash (blue)
3x spandex girdle things (M/L)
1x nice sized IRK bag
Excited to see the box on the porch, often the top and see the new yellow IRK bag, then came the realization that meh wasn’t playing this time.
Thanks Meh!
got my highly anticipated IRK today, a whole day early
I got
all in all prettydarned good. thanks Meh!!
@futurian nice ride! We need more pics of the hot rod and the interesting looking thing behind it
@futurian man… You got a car in your box. FedEx driver is probably in traction now after carrying it to your door.
@djslack the car is a clone of Ed Big Daddy Roth’s outlaw that I built a few years back. It is in my living room. ![enter image description here][1]
@djslack the car behind it is the Car Craft dream rod. It was built by Bill Cushenbery in 1963 for championship auto shows. I did a restoration on it about 10 years ago, It was an AMT model kit and also was in the original issue of hot wheels as the python
@futurian Oy! Another hot rod guy! Super sweet rides.
@futurian awesome! Thanks for obliging. Those are some world class rides for sure.
(Also: living room? That’s my kind of decorating! My wife would make me sleep in it if I did that, though.)
I usually only lurk. Here’s the haul from my first IRK:
3 pair Batman socks with capes
Pink wall surge protector
Generic air buds
Pacific pearls necklace and earrings (but the wife is not a pearls girl)
1 fidget spinner
1 polar FT7 activity tracker
1 humidifier
1 bright yellow IRK bag!
Thanks Meh!

/giphy Drop by more often!
@stevcruise you did well.
No pictures
too many girdle thingies
too much make up/girlee froo-froo things
too much ancient tech things
very very meh, not a thing worth keeping
first time that has ever happened
well, except the bag
@Cerridwyn the bag alone is better than the reusable shopping bags grocery stores sell for a buck or two each.
prolly, yeah
but since, well California, I have nice ones that hold about 50 lbs each and I’ve used for several years. Doesn’t mean I don’t use my meh ones, but more selectively
@Cerridwyn You have been lucky then. I have had several really, really crappy fukos in the past, including one empty box (was barely taped) where, when they sent a replacement I got a bag, some stickers,and something or other broken. When this (i.r.k.) has finished I will be running the mechrican exchange. Sign up and send all that junk on. Maybe you will get better stuff for the cost of postage.
well the full working Ninja system in the last one, and a foodsaver in the free one were the best, but have always gotten at least one thing that was useful, even if in a funny or stupid way (we had fun with the star wars dolls for example) (got rulers one time, that people walked around measuring things with)
but all these chinese girdles, they musta bought a palate for a buck and that was what was in all the boxes.
I received mine today and it included the following:
yellow IRK bag
Meshare wireless camera
unbranded Wireless AirBuds
5-in-1 Universal Clip Lens (clip on camera phone lenses)
Gabba Goods Dash Cam Witness
case of 6 Monster 7’ USB cables (USB A to USB B connection)
Bamboo Slimming Bodysuit
Angelina sports bra
My box sucks big time.
. So disappointed when others got some fancy items. Well its irk
Irk bag, bath towel, 3 iphone 6 cases and 5 useless printer cables.
@erhanuyar That’s the story of my life.
@erhanuyar my last one was truly crappy. IRK owed me.
@RedOak last one i got was a robotic vacuum. So i can call it even
My IRK came in today:

Looks like I ended up with a receiver that came from meh knows where. All set to break out my soldering supplies and…it turned on without a problem?! The rest of the items (claimed by my wife) included:
1.)One size fits all leggings
2.) fidget spinner
3.) anti-aging cream (she doesn’t need)
4.) wireless charger
Thanks Meh! Now I just need to get stuff to hook up to it!
Yah, my IRK-AVR also turned on fine. And it played OTA radio thru headphones fine as well.
But a small voice tells me Meh had condition unknown returned AVRs by the pallet load.
Whether they were buyers remorse returns or actual buggy units… perhaps we’ll soon see.
I’ll wait until I’ve fully tested the HDMI functionality and high level amps before going into full celebration mode.
@RedOak @seraphimcaduto I tested mine today for the third time, VSX-45. 5.1 speakers watching two movies and having utilized every HDMI spot available, and it works like a charm. So its to the garage for the old receiver. Meh might not have been completely MEH on this, but I still want my IRK bag that they did not send.
1 Hand towel
1 Bra
1 Instant face lift kit
1 Bag
Plus not six but…
eight hp printer cables.
This time won the Meh lottery.
Mine included
two bottles of expired probiotics
one I phone 6 battery case
Beautiful Irk bag
fidget spinner
and possibly the greatest thing I have seen in a bag
A refirbished hp all in one pc. 23 imch touch screen and a intel i5
Best thing ever it works
@imzwho Wowza!
@imzwho Cool that it actually works!! The odds were not in your favor.
Mine arrived last bite
1 pioneer receiver
1 fidget spinner
1 iPhone rechargeable battery case
1 clip on lenses kit for cell phone
1 meh bag
Thanks meh it was loads of fun
I can’t test the receiver until later I have to buy speakers first
Here’s my box contents:
Speaker dock for iphone
Makeup Brushes
Makeup Brush cleaner
Bunch of socks
Cooling Towel
and a handy dandy IRK bag
@tnhillbillygal you can use the brush cleaner to clean the stinky brushes.
@tnhillbillygal Care to part with one pair of those socks? Now that I don’t wear ties anymore, I wear wild socks to work… Every day, one of my co-workers will lift my pant leg to see what outrageousness I have donned…
@andrewkl lol, sure if you really want one. My kids didn’t seem too interested in wearing them.
@andrewkl @tnhillbillygal make sure you have small feet.
@tnhillbillygal Lucky! I hope I get a million socks, which guarantees that I will not get socks.
@tnhillbillygal Those are the socks I got but just one pair. Now I don’t need to take a photo. Thanks!
They are small though. Perhaps kid sized?
@Kidsandliz I haven’t tried a pair on yet, lol
@Kidsandliz @tnhillbillygal my mom managed get them on her 10.5 size feet.
@RiotDemon @tnhillbillygal They must really stretch a lot then. I set them next to a pair of socks that fit me and they looked on the small side.
@Kidsandliz @tnhillbillygal I wear a 12/13. They do not fit me.
Love my IRK. I can set up the cameras to suspiciously watch each other for signs of hacking!
Not sure how to do pictures
1-spiffy irk bag
2- makeup brushes
3- brown liquid eyeliner
4- wireless charger
5- a brush hairdryer
6-tend lynx indoor cameras. Was opened but tested one of 3 that it came with and it is working so score. Going to use one as a baby monitor and one at my front door
7- Vick’s humidifier. Was a return but it is still new.
Love what I got from it.
My favorite bag to date (I’m easily pleased)
1- IRK bag
1- Ipad holder/power bank
1- iLive iPhone speaker
1- led dog collar and leash
2- 24 pc makeup brush sets
1- total glow bronzing moisturizer
2- black girdles size M/L (not going to fit me
So happy I didn’t get candy corn or fidget spinners, thanks Meh!!
1 IRK bag
1 Adrienne Vittadini charging wallet
1 genuine Chinese knockoff Apple Wireless Airbuds (!)
1 set of two magnetic lashes
1 XL sports bra
1 Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 case
And a sealed box of 6 HP Monster USB 3.0 cables
Very happy. Thanks Meh
Mine arrived in a Pioneer box with no padding.
1 Batman Sock (pair)
1 iPhone wireless charging case with glass protector (no cable)
1 universal cell phone lens kit (doent fit my note
1 dog collar with pet Id. (I have a cat and this would weigh her down.)
1 pioneer receiver SC-1223 with banged up speaker Jacks (probably from not being in original packaging and not necessarily the reason for the RMA.) Came with remote, instructions, batteries, and antenna but no power cord. Can’t test until I find one. It’s not the same as my Yamaha receiver or my PC plug (no ground).
Not a bad box but the only thing usable was the socks for cycling and the bag. Still, it was fun even if it took forever to ship.
got mine. contents:
1 bamboo pillow that is currently puffing out
the makeup brush thing
knock-off airbuds - how the hell do you put these things in your ears? do they only work for people with dumbo sized earholes??
2 charging cases for iphone 6
cutting board
wireless charging pad
irk bag
random usb charging cable that doesn’t go with anything in the box
1 black girdles size M/L
1 black girdles size XL/XXL
1 HP Monster USB 3.0 cable
1 Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 case
1 Kuhn Rikon measuring cup
1 Cozy Homes hand towel
2 POGO 2600 mAh powerbank
1 Powrtabs mobile charger
1 IRK bag
Thanks for the fun
Thank you Meh. This was a good score. I always got something that I could use. This time it was many somethings.
The haul arrived today!
Everything looks brand new. Thanks Meh! Apologies in advance for the sideways photo.

Thanks Meh!
-HP 23-g013w AIO PC! (Both used and refurbished! This is awesome!)
-Iphone 6S Power Case
-Fitness tracker
-Watch for the fairer sex
-Big green yoga pants
-Broken fidget spinner
-IRK bag
I must say you have let me down as I do not regret this one bit.
Thanks for the awesome surprise!
(1) 6-Pack + (1) pair “Ladies” socks “Monser Bash 3D Anklets”
(1) 24-piece makeup brush kit that SMELLS LIKE MOTH BALLS!
(1) 3-pack replacement bands for some sort of health band
(1) “Speaker System” for 40-pin iPod & iPhone
(2) Universal Clip Lens things that are NOT actually Universal. Did not fit my Galaxy Note 8 with case when I had one
(1) meh IRK bag
Same as what i got but without the clips.
/image patiently waiting

Scheduled delivery: Wednesday 1/09/2019 by end of day
4.8 lb placeholder weight still.
@daveinwarsh placeholder weight is 1lb. 4.8 sounds like the final weight.
@daveinwarsh ditto. 4.8lbs 16x12x11and I already left California from my Christmas trip, so my daughter and son-in-law get to open it up for me. If it is a bunch of girdles I will never live it down. snort
Here’s my IRK:

We’ve got generic spandex (I think)
Hale Android clock dock
Professional makeup kit
PressDome food sealers
Smartphone camera zoom kit
Hand towel
IRK bag
Well, the I.R.K., Avocado Goat edition arrived today.
TBH, more “meh” than “regret”.

Shoutout to @Thumperchick.
@mike808 6 pack of cups???
@RiotDemon Yes, the

$5 12oz insulated SS tumblers from Meh on Feb 8, 2016
P.S. whisper me if you want a deal. I don’t need 6.
Found the purse. It is the

Milan handbag from Dec 4, 2018. It’s missing the strap, because it is Meh, of course.
Apparently, the corn gluten in the Rat-X turns off the rat’s “thirsty” senses and it dehydrates itself to death. Who knew?
@mike808 I did. I haven’t been thirsty for days.
@mike808 I was also honored with a six pack! Whatcha gonna do with them? I’ve never had so much mediocrity in my life.
… well, that’s a lie, I’ve got like 8 meh pillows, and four meh t-shirts… meh.
How many items should be in the box? Mine seems very light, a curling iron, IRK bag and USB cable. Does this sound right?
@ConAndLibrarian It varies. A lot. One time I got three things: bag, sticker, broken item. Another time I got an empty box (not taped well) and was sent later a bag, a couple of stickers and a meh puck. Then I got lucky and got a shark floor steamer in another one. Hopefully you will get a better one at some time in the future.
I uh.
Just got my box.
It’s heavy.
And has markings on the outside
@thechinglish imma open it after dinner
Well heck. I don’t know how to post pictures, but the pictured receiver was in the box (haven’t tested) with accessories - and other meh trinkets. I’m honestly bummed I didn’t get IRK socks, but Batman socks instead
Meh - you really made me laugh and yell, in the best of ways. Thank you for that. I did a live video in a small Facebook “group for deals” that I post often about you in. I hope that the word of mouth (word of keyboard) proves beneficial to your marketing endeavors. Thanks again.
My I.R.K. arrived today and I am actually quite pleased with the content. Everything appears to be new, however the humidifier box is damaged. Haven’t opened it to see if the content is OK, but I do hear some rattling when I move the box. Here’s my I.R.K. haul:
• Vicks Pediatric Cool Moisture Humidifier (smashed box)
• Chill-Lux Sheet Set – California King
• Rapid Charge Wireless Pad
• Glossmetrics Make-Up Brush Cleaner And Dryer
• Autosmith 8,000mAh Jump Starter Power Bank
• 1 Red Horoscope Fidget Spinner
• Bright Yellow I.R.K Bag
I don’t have a Cal King bed, so I’ll be finding a new home for that. I wonder if Mediocre is spying on me, as I had the make-up brush cleaner in my Morning Save cart a few times, but never bought it. I can always use another jump starter and wireless charger, especially if it is really rapid charge. Can’t have enough of those.
No regrets here.
I Instantly Regret this purchase so much, My dog could only look upon me with a mix of puzzlement and shame. “Why do you waste your money on such frivolous things, when you could be spending it on delicious treats for me?” she says with her eyes.
The ultimate fur-beast disappointing haul:
1x Yellow I.R.K. bag
1x Electric toothbrush w/ UV light sanitizer, new
1x personal blender; was returned and box is beat to hell, but opened up and everything is new and unused! As a bonus I already have one of these, but it’s probably my most used Meh purchase, so I now have extra parts/bottles for when the first one breaks down!
1x cozy select memory foam pillow
2x Iphone 6 cases/battery backups
1x Iphone 8 wireless charging station
(of course, I have an Iphone 7 still)
1x Makeup brushes
Oh hey, it’s Mehster Bubz
(@misterbubz on Instagram)
I got a Pioneer Receiver, IRK bag, Batman Socks and a fidget spinner.
My box was big and heavy, to my surprise it only a few things in it.
1x SimpliSafe Security System
1x Humidifier
1x iPhone power bank
1x Xtreme wireless ear buds
1x Beverly Hills Liquid Eyeliner
Crowning jewel is the security system. Seems like an older model but sells for about $150 even on ebay. Nice!
Thanks Meh!
@ACraigL even if the base is older, all the sensors are backwards compatible. Should you get a modern simplisafe system in the future you can use those sensors.
@ACraigL @OnionSoup They are not backward compatible.
@ACraigL @todaresq we have mostly first generation sensors with a second generation base and it works fine.
@ACraigL @OnionSoup That is great. I was going based on the customer service responses from SimpliSafe… guess they want to sell new, and imply that they are not compatible.
Sold the security system on ebay for $90, so thanks meh! Decent $5 investment.
Big Regret here:
IRK Bag. Bigger than the Meh bag
Mehake up brush set
Mehake up brush cleaner
Lynx indoor CaMehra
SMehkar system for iPod (the ancient type)
Now, looking out for the next regret kit. Mehny Thanks
@nmadhuusa the lynx cameras are pretty good.
Anyone who got the Pioneer receiver: I initially tried mine on a Sony HDTV, and the video output was flickering. But tried it on other TV’s, and it works. If you have a bad output, try a different TV before you succumb to regret
A truly mediocre haul:

A very ugly pair of socks with strange highlighted toes and heels.
A very bland hand towel.
Two obsolete Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 cases.
A sports bra (sports bro? sports manzier?).
And the box of HP by Monster “900” USB 3 A-B cables (sadly next to nothing uses the B connector anymore).
Plus the bag.
Got my IRK and had two other Mehtizens come over for a reveal party:

(one BoC for the person that couldn’t be IRK’d)
My contents:

Awesome new design bag
Tend wifi cam - looks decent but so far picture is super blurry
Motorola wifi cam - have from previous fuko’s and are decent
Phone charging wristlet - GF like it she thinks and nifty with battery
Vicks Humidifier - GF is happy, not sure how much we will use it, but in box that looks damaged but product looks brand new
some “one size” tights that certainly doesn’t mean one size fits all
Fellow Mehtizens contents:

Qi Charger
Power Strip
Speaker thing
Ugly purse
Irk Bag
3rd Mehtizen we didn’t end up with pic
7 USB A-B cables - useless
2 waist trainers (not to be used)
1 2600mAh battery pack - saving grace
Irk Bag - yay
Whoops, didn’t see the reveal thread. (maybe make it sticky?) So I posted in the shipping thread and it’s too late for me to delete… Anyway…
Got my IRK bag. Loving the larger size!
5 identical pairs of “Dirty Laundry” socks, which also match a pair I bought before.
1 pair of “Almost, Maybe, Understood” knock-off Glen socks. Cool!
1 blue “Adrienne Vittadini” charging wallet just like the two I sprung for here a few months ago for some reason.
1 “Zoë Ayla” 24 piece makeup brush set to add to my collection of unopened makeup brush sets.
1 completely unbranded set of wireless airbuds w/charging case. Box a little beat up but everything seems to be there and a blue light came on when I opened the case.
an “iLive” iPod/iPhone speaker dock! Hahaha! Totally useless for me as an Android user, and judging from the “iPod” compatibility, it probably has a 30-pin connector making it useless for most Apple users… but truly a “meh-worthy” item which brought a smile to my face… Only thing that could have made it better (short of something I could really use or easily flip on eBay) would have been a knife of some sort and a random neoprene case to round out the meh sampler!
@ciabelle Just like we’ve mentioned above, you can buy a bluetooth adapter for the 30 pin dock and make it usable.
@cinoclav That requires far more effort than just using the bluetooth speaker I bought over three years ago from here:
@ciabelle @cinoclav those speakers have an audio cable for input. As long as you can still use wired headphones with your phone, it’ll work.
@cinoclav @RiotDemon Negative on that. Google did away with the headphone jack on the Pixel 2 and later after giving Apple grief about the same when they released the first Pixel phone…
@ciabelle @cinoclav @RiotDemon You need one of those bluetooth adapter things.

Mine isn’t even worth a picture. It’s probably the worst I’ve ever gotten from here or from Woot. At least it was only $5 (unlike Woot).
-1 IRK bag
-1 Ashley Chloe iPhone 6 clear phone case
-1 box of HP USB A-B cables (5 or 6 included)
I do love the new bag though!
So I got mine the other day. It’s an Acer DA220HQL 21.5" Media All In One display. It was missing the power cord and the wireless keyboard. I bought the power cord online. Plugged it in. It works! But I can only get to the lock screen which is password protected. I don’t have the password. I can’t find a workaround online. So it may go in the trash. I also got an IRK bag and 8 fidget spinners.
@opshannon do not trash that, it is recoverable somehow. It appears to be the same as a ViewSonic model and there are flash tools available for it.
If it’s more of a project than you want, there are a couple of people on here who may buy it from you if they want to hack on it.
@djslack I’ll keep it if you or someone else can point me in the right direction.
@opshannon here’s a starting place: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2164736&page=3
When did speakers become so expensive? Times like these I miss Radio Shack
I’m sad that I didn’t get a bag of any kind in my TIRK. I looked over the specs and there was no promise of a bag, so I guess I can’t sue them.
@medz I think the bag is a given so contact support (which I am sure you have already done).
@Kidsandliz I didn’t contact them. No cause for that. If the listing promised it, then maybe I would.
Add one more to the receiver line… mine was the non-Elite, Pioneer VSX-524-K model. The packing slip and an email between Mediocre Labs and Newegg was also included. Appears the unit is defective based on the emails. Will know better when I actually set up my home theater system.
Also included was:
My first IRK and I have to say I am sadly not regretting my purchase!
Overall I am VERY not Meh. Only 1 of the items has been stolen from me by kids…I am sure more will be shortly.
@cbilyak 6 MEH cups??? Jackpot!!!
@tnhillbillygal I know, right?! Ironically, earlier today I just ordered 9 tumblers from Rtic in their end of season clearance sale…I will have insulated cups coming out of my ears.
@cbilyak what a nice IRK! is the red purse cute?
@moonhat it is cute…I think my daughter may try and steal it.
@cbilyak I hope the stolen item by the kids isn’t the date rape drug test strips.
@cinoclav LOL!!! Nope, I did not even let them see those! Good one
Mine finally came today (Seattle area).
Funny thing is, we were recently thinking of getting a humidifier, but today’s deal was too rich for my blood. Well-timed IRK.
Thanks, Meh!
@The_Tim those eye massagers Rock big time if you have a headache!!! Love mine
@cbilyak @The_Tim ooooh that eye massager looks nice. My IRK (Seattle area also) is on my front porch. So excited!
IT CAME! Here’s the box:
And the contents:
-Giant all in one tablet thing with mouse and keyboard
-extra mouse, smashed with leaking battery
-Kodak video monitor
-IRK bag
-fidget spinner, green
And that is a photo of all the contents- no styrofoam, peanuts, bubble wrap, air pockets, or newspaper. This thing rattled big time. It arrived at the post office this morning and should have been delivered tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure they said “Shit- you don’t want to meet the home owner. Sneak out there, make sure no is looking, drop it, and RUN!”
There wasn’t a power adapter but my kid said maybe the one from my JBL mini will work. And it did! He’s booting it up now.
I have a feeling that if this thing had some bubble wrap or maybe a bath mat in there the touchscreen wouldn’t have those big gouges in it and it wouldn’t rattle when you shake it. But somehow that makes me love Meh more.
@sammydog01 That’s pretty cool! I remember when those Acer thingies were first released. Maybe five years ago or so. Price was something like $489ish. Super fun bit of tech that I actually considered buying for about a minute. I’m jelly!
@ruouttaurmind My son asked if he could have it if he got it running. I said yes because I didn’t think it would. Now I’m jelly too.
@sammydog01 Maybe he’ll give it back when he realizes it’s got ICS and he won’t be able to use it for much?
@ruouttaurmind I don’t know what that means but he plans on using it as an extra monitor. He only has 2.
@ruouttaurmind The camera works! I have a few few security cameras around but have never tried to hook one up before. It is supposed to save motion activated events for 24 hours. And according to the manual I can watch my cats when I’m away. I should get some cats.
@sammydog01 You could use it to watch your puppies too. Get puppies. They care more.
@ruouttaurmind I have a dog. He sleeps all day.
@sammydog01 I have two stray cats I can give you. They are sweeties.
Finally arrived.
Shred emulsifier…looks new…nice!
Fashion leggings…meh.
3 fidget spinners…bleh.
IRK bag…big.
Zero makeup brushes…great.
Thanks Meh!
Striiv Fusion activity tracker
Xtreme True Wireless Stereo Air Buds
3-in-1 Universal Clip Lens (I already bought a couple of these, guess I have more!)
iLive super dated iPod/iPhone speaker dock
Liquid Eye-liner from Beverly Hills Method
24pc Pro Make Up Brush Set
Gabba Goods Wireless Charging Pad
And of course the IRK bag.
Question: Are these returns or something? Because they’ve all been opened already.
@Talidan They’ve been checked for quality.
@mike808 @Talidan To make sure they have none. Right? (
@mike808 I’m with @Kidsandliz on this, one of the buds isn’t working, and grey eyeliner doesn’t look good on a guy like me. The charging pad is great though, and who doesn’t love having an IRK bag?
Mine arrived today! Over 2,000 miles away since I already flew home from my visit, but none-the-less, my kids benefitted. Good thing there are so many things for girls!
IRK bag
24 pc makeup brush set
Facial cleanser
another makeup brush
very thin wallet
outdated speaker system thing
All in all, it is a great bag! Thanks Meh for my first bag of Meh.
My first
@moonhat hey, where’d my words go? I swear I listed my box of fun and said more than “my first”. Well, you can tell what I got. Love it!! Thank you meh!
@Kyser_Soze 2 hand towels
. Thanks meh!
1 iphone case
1 clip on phone zoom lens
1 headphones
1 set make up brushes
1 sound shine LED flood light/bluetooth speaker
1 Get more sleep Speaker Dock-It turns your phone into an alarm clock
2 kids jewelry items
1 Large IRK bag to put it all in to carry out to the hole I dug in the back yard to bury it
Received my already opened box which FedEx marked “Relabel”. While once again opened it did not arrive mostly empty and 20lbs lighter like last time.
2 pairs of black spanks
1 Shredded memory foam pillow (that unbricked)
1 Zenlogic small bluetooth speaker and powerbank.
1 Hair Rage hair straitening heated brush (working, tho slightly damaged)
1 wifi camera
and a True & Tidy Multi Surface Steam Mop. Box torn opened and mop pad a bit dirty but works.
It did not include the IRK bag
@Raider no irk bag? I’d regret that. Best item in the IRK.
@OnionSoup Yea, pretty disappointed but guess just an unlucky one. Hopefully able to get one in the future.
@OnionSoup @Raider You might check in with CS about that- it’s the one thing in an IRK they night fix for you.
@OnionSoup @Raider @sammydog01
But they day not… Still wouldn’t hurt to check.
@OnionSoup @Raider @sammydog01
Come on. 10 hours and one like?
That was a great pun on what @sammydog01 said that CS “night” help.
High quality, I’m gagged.
1 Irk Bag
Second row, Left to Right:
1 Goes-On-A-Plate-And-Keeps-Fresh thingie
1 Remote to some sort of lighting system (not included)
6 Pearl insulated Meh drinking cups
Third Row:
1 MotiveHook Bluetooth Headset
1 Wristwatch with five optional bands
1 Ashley Chloe Iphone 6 clear case
Got a great little bag!
The IRK bag, which is awesome.
iLive ancient dock speaker - hello garage sale!
Makeup brush kit that was instantly claimed.
Some face lift cream called “Snake Venom” (half of a P&R joke in there somewhere).
A decent women’s watch.
3 pairs of wireless air buds. They’re definitely plastic-y airpod knock offs but:
A.) they kinda work surprisingly well
B.) they’re way thicker so they look like tampons hanging out of your ear.
@Zachary too funny!

/giphy ear tampons
@moonhat That gif is frickin’ mesmerizing
Received my 7lb IRK yesterday:
Yellow bag
striped bath towel
pair of kids ankle socks
Milan handbag
2 iPhone 6 cases
2 sets of Adventuretime pint glasses (4 glasses total)
Thanks, meh!
Posted this in the wrong thread… Sorry, I’m new at this!
Finally shipped, and I suppose it’s everything I could have hoped for. The regret is real.
1 IRK bag - I’m a big fan
1 RIMINI waist slimming belt and 1 “Sculpting latex abdomen-wait trainer cincher shaper corset” - You jerks trying to tell me something??
1 Tech2 earbuds w/mic
1 (very opened) Gabba goods “Neckbeats” stereo headset
1 (probably refurb but box in much better condition) Motorola wi-fi home camera with Smart Tag - I don’t have anything like this, so it could be kinda fun!
Overall worth the 5 bucks, I guess. Thanks Meh!
My IRK arrived yesterday.
Hmmm… Not too bad. Some stuff usable & some crap.
It’s all good enough stuff! No regrets today for me.

@daveinwarsh edit: The wireless phone charger only charges my phone to 68%. Oh well.
My IRK arrived today and contained:
Pillow with reversible color bits
Zoe Ayla makeup brush set
Xtreme Pro Sports Cam
Brown clutch bag
ILive speaker system
These are all great, but there was NO IRK bag. My heart is broken!
@lordbowen contact support
@Kidsandliz Thanks. I have now done that.
Just got mine:
1 makeup brush set
1 ice ball mold
1 cooling towel
1 iPhone/iPod speaker dock that’s too old for my iPhone
1 big yellow IRK bag.
I am suitably underwhelmed.
IRK bag
case of 6 HP/Monster USB 3 cables
2 girly iphone 6 cases
3 packs of date rape drug test kits
2 large packs of Everready heavy duty industrial AA batteries, one of which spilled out into the box and made an interesting rattling sound
and a pair of sunglasses.
(Vmod edited to add in the photo)
Well would be the worst Meh order I’ve ever had but the bag charmed me as well.
XL Sports bra
Hand Towel
Two Pink iPhone cases
6 Printer Cables
I tried very hard to not look forward to this and failed. Oh well. I regret it!
I got my first IRK (or any grab bag) while out of town. It was waiting with an assortment of other packages that came while I was gone. I opened it first.

Face mask with 24k gold, so I guess I get to be a Bond girl.
Two of these hair curlers. The packaging is different but they look to be the same product. Looks kind of scary for my waist length hair, seems more likely to snatch ms baldheaded than curl my hair, but we’ll give it a cautious try later. If it works the second one will become a gift.
A lower end knife block set, but welcome as my steak knives are sadly in need of replacement.
@moondrake different size barrels on the curlers.
@moondrake More importantly, what did you get from Penzeys?
@moondrake wow, good stuff! And look at all the other packages! FUN!
@moonhat Thanks. A lot of those little packages contained gorgeous jewelry I bought for resale along with my hand made stuff at a show I have coming up in February.

@sammydog01 The one on the left is for me, the one on the right is a wedding gift.

@moondrake very pretty stuff!
@moondrake @moonhat I love that blue and green bracelet!
XL sports bra
(will contact support)
iPhone case
60 date rape drug test strips (seems like overkill)
Wireless airbuds (haven’t tested)
Random cords
USB 3.0 cable
And a mystery box of…6 more USB 3.0 cables… nicely played there meh!
But no bag
@jksquared Take those test strips to your local teen outreach center.
@moondrake thanks for the idea!
You win some, you lose some. It’s fun either way! Thanks meh!
FedEx Shipping info:
Est. Del.: 1/7
Weight: 4.0 lbs
Dimensions: 14x11x11 in.
0 x Texas air
1 x yellow irk bag
2 x ashley chloe iphone 6 cases
3 x drink guard date rape drug detector
6 x hp monster usb 3.0 cable 900
Better late than never:
1x IRK bag
1x Milan purse (or handbag)
1x iPhone6 case (who has an iPhone 6 still, or an iPhone for that matter, yuck)
1x nuckees phonegrip thingy
1x cheap feeling and sounding motive bluetooth headset (unused from what I can tell)
2x Adventure time drinking classes
Overall worth the $5 but also instantly regrettable, well job meh!
1 iphone 6 case. okay - gifted away
1 irk bag. fine. use for groceries
1 training bra size toddler. meh.
6 monster usb 3.0 to ??? camera? - gabagge
1 empty box for abs flex shocker. WTF! YOU GUYS SUCK. I wouldn’t be mad if it sucked but you fuckers literally sent me your trash. an EMPTY FUCKING BOX. GFY.
My IRK and I were finally in the same place, so I had time to go through it and for a post.
List of contents:
I.R.K. Bag
Biovaj Toner and Moisturizer
Pursonic vibrating thing that came in a cut apart box
Bliss bulb (never heard of it, but the kids liked it!)
Empty jewelry bag and silver box with a hole in it
Round power bank with a trippy design
Silk Pillowcase
The Wand wine filter (a sign I spend too much at casemates, perhaps?)
Misc jewelry
Adventure Time glass set (x2)
When my wife heard it was from the same people that do MorningSave, she was excited. It appears the daytime TV marketing is working. Think her excitement was justified after looking at everything. As much as I maintained my instant regret (other than the Adventure Time glasses!), it was fun. I’ll definitely try for another some day!
@chellinsky What parts are the Biovaj products supposed to tone and moisturize, exactly?
@djslack That’s an excellent question given the questionable branding choice in naming the product. According to the side of the box it’s for head, neck, and cleavage.
Pretty Good I.R.K. items include
How did y’all purchase this? I don’t remember seeing this for sale
@thechilipepper0 I don’t remember one being offered in January, either. Perhaps this is the one from December and people are still posting about it? And OP’s title is misleading?
@thechilipepper0 @Willijs3 They were offered at the Mehrathon in December but most weren’t received until January. That’s what he meant by the title.
@sammydog01 @Willijs3
That’s what I was getting at. I more or less missed the mehrathon so I never saw it for sale
@thechilipepper0 @Willijs3
1 pink iphone 6 case (not my color)
1 irk bag (will get use)
6 monster usb 3.0
1 generic air pods (looking forward to trying these out)
1 sports bra size l/xl (too big for my man boobs) and
1 hair dryer/brush combo (gave to the girlfriend <humblebrag>)
Better than the first one I got, but knew I was destined to receive the monster USB cords once I started seeing what everyone else got.
@gpbeatty Congrats on the girlfriend!
Got crap in your IRK, missed out on an IRK? Well we have a deal (unofficial) for you.
Sign up for the merichan exchange (run 7 times before, this is time
and I can guarantee you will get something, likely a medium priority box full of something. And if you get stiffed by the person sending to you, we have people willing to pick up that slack so you WILL get something.
1/21 is the last day to sign up (unless I am running behind in which case you can sign up later - I’ll lock the sign up when it becomes too late). Go to this thread for the link to sign up. As of right now we have 24 folks singed up. Generally there are 40-50 or so.
I believe this entails giving your shipping address to some rando on the internet, so…be careful out there.
@medz No murders or stalking so far. This will be the 8th exchange. We do make sure that people have been forum members longer than, say, yesterday. Most of the people who sign up have posted on the forums, some really frequently. You can skip putting your real name if the post office will deliver something to your address with just your meh user name as the recipient. A few folks have their boxes sent to their work address.
@Kidsandliz Oh I bet you’d just LOVE to know where I work…nice try.
@medz Have it sent to a cousin, sibling,
enemyfriend, @kittysprinkles (she decided she is playing in the exchange sandbox this time around) and have her forward it on … (smirk).@Kidsandliz @medz I’d finally have a place to send that dead weasel!!
@KittySprinkles @medz hopefully taxidermy approved. Right?
In 12th grade biology (bio 2) we had to collect a road kill squirrel to stuff. Mom had a fit when she opened the freezer and saw mine sitting there in a clear plastic bag.
@KittySprinkles @medz PS no dead skunk?
@Kidsandliz @medz It’s a sorta taxidermied weasel. Years ago a friend of mine whose husband was a taxidermist was given a few flattened weasels. The giver thought he would be able to make a stole or some such thing from them. He could not. But what he did do was put googly eyes on them and preserve them and she sent me one as a gift. No one knew it was coming and when my then husband opened the box, it was hilarious. My current husband detests the thing and I can’t even bring it out of storage. His (weasel, not husband) name is WanWan, after Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
You want another mystery box? Then sign up for the (unofficial mehrican exchange).
Due to the generosity of two people we now have an added special component to this exchange - several of you will receive a mystery box as a bonus present. If you are signed up for the exchange you are automatically entered to be a possible winner. I am in conversation with the donors on how they’d like to proceed (I figure their boxes, their money, their choice).
If you have signed up and DON’T want to be part of this, please let me know.
So far the odds of winning one of these boxes is far higher than the odds of getting a fuko/I.R.K. So sign up and join the fun!!!
See all the information here:
OK, I know I’m late to the party, but an email today from morningsave includes a familiar-looking set of red-and-white, chevron-design towels. Which reminded me, my IRK contained a full-sized bath towel in that self-same pattern. I’m happy to pass it along to whoever’s interested. Just whisper me.
Finally got my replacement.
1 x used/returned IN STYLER auto curler complete with hair!
1 x used/returned 360 Fly HD missing mounts. Definitely interesting!
1 x possibly used/returned advanced facial cleansing brush. Ummm…
1 x Foster Grant sunglasses hmm… no retail packaging. Hope no gets pink eye from them!
1 x 6 outlet with USB surge protector Useful!
1 x Universal clip lens for cell phones. Now I can throw away the Nikon!
1 x Qi wireless charging pad. I wonder if Scrabble will stop allowing the word qi because now it’s a name?
1 x Gabba Goods 3 piece gift set. The power bank might be useful but pink just isn’t my color.
1 x QVC Air Crawler drone. In a sealed package!!! Will be useful on those days when I can’t fly the real thing outside.
1 x Rowkin wireless earbuds. For those days when you just HAVE to irradiate both sides of your brain with blue tooth radio waves!
1 x screaming yellow I.R.K. bag!
Very meh! But infinitely regrettable because I will always wonder what was in that other I.R.K…
My IRK arrived without the yellow bag. Contacted CS who sent one out to me. It arrived today and is super cool. One of my cats appears mesmerized by it and keeps trying to get it. Not sure if said cat wants to climb in it or kill it, but is definitely fixated on it.
Thanks, Meh for sending the bag/cat toy!
My bounty