@mbills2223 ya; seems like speakers, headphones, and quad copters are about 80% of the merchandise the last couple of months. At least the speaker docks have gone away.
@mbills2223 i think if you forget to cancel and ask nicely, they (holly :) ) might consider refunding you for the months it did not benefit you, geez, i hope i don't get censored for that comment...
@hugh0spaz I would buy one immediately, but honestly it would hang in my closet next to the Cheap Trick jacket I don't wear. Note: that is a place of honor.
@sohmageek My SWMBO would love, love, love to have this permanently embedded in my visual fields- which again goes back to beauty is in the brain of the beholder- the eye is just the aperture we view it through. You say hoarding, I say, planning for my retirement career/hobbies- although TBH I am never likely to have enough $$ to retire, and I have no idea what hobbies or careers I could be saving for.
@sohmageek I have several already (from different mfrs, including Contigo) and I fully expect these 20s to fit as well. You have just about a RCH over 7.25 inches under the spout to work with.
I'm buying it just because it says 'meh'... that either makes me too loyal to a brand, or just plain nuts... or maybe just a compulsive "Meh" shopper... Either way, I'm buying!
@nadroj I don't understand your joke; however, I dislike the two -L spelling of canceled. It probably annoys me more than it should. I understand it is one of the correct spellings but why would someone add an extra letter when making cancel past tense? We don't do that when we use words like mail to mailed, seal to sealed, or kneel to kneeled.
In one of my SQL queries, I had to account for this multiple spelling of canceled because the source system has it listed both ways.
@RedOak And I fully accept the UK vs US spelling of words like colour/color, honour/honor, labour/labor, civilisation/civilization, aeroplane/airplane, aluminium/aluminum, kilometre/kilometer, litre/liter, realise/realize, but it beats the hell out of me why someone would add an extra L in canceled.
Says hand washing is "recommended." Got a stainless steel one, gonna dishwash, if the meh logo washes off then, well, I guess I got an unbranded cup for $5.
One of these days my wife is going to catch on that I keep buying Crap here instead of paying off the credit card bills, but for ten bucks? In for two. Reliable-creepy-grape.
i don't get it...did everyone buy the starry night colour because they thought it was the last photo w/ the art? because the actual colour looked the ugliest to me but i guess i might be weird. got a 16oz obsidian since there wasn't a 16oz stainless.
Got a couple of the 20's and a 16...one of the 20's about a year ago...use them daily, they'll keep coffee hot as long or longer than the Contigo or the Bubba. The top slips in with a silicon seal instead of screwing down...easy to refill quickly from the thermos. In for another 20 and a 16
I bought a 20 oz Bubba but it confuses the hell out of some coffee industry workers when I ask them to make a 12 oz latté in it. (I came close to losing my shit with an idiot at the Resort at Squaw Creek Starbucks last year.) The 12 oz defaced nocturnal-derelict-tulip mug should make life more predictable and pleasant for all involved.
@RedOak I don't care about the discount. I can't do that because I can't deal with all the resources that go in to making and transporting the paper cup just so that it can fulfill its purpose for fifteen seconds.
@SSteve that being the case, unless you're walking to the coffee shop, the sincere way to save resources would be to make it at home rather than driving/riding the bus/ubering.
(Add to that the resource-impact of the shop itself, the resources used by it's employees to get there, etc...)
Even if (we assume the shop will be there regardless of whether you patronize it) the shop is on the way to where you're headed, the resource-impact of parking and restarting your car still outweighs the paper cup resource-impact.
@RedOak Nine times out of ten I do make it at home. Every now and then I stop at a place on the way to work if I want a scone or something. And when I need to buy beans I get a latté at the place that roasts the beans. And I drive a Prius so restarting isn't a big deal.
@supichoo ya I wanted starry and even caved for a 12 oz starry then I was like... 12 oz of coffee isn't enough... so I canceled and got the pearl 20... meh.
These do keep your hot beverages hot, my burnt tongue can attest to that. However they totally leak if you tilt them. If they had the new leak proof lids I'd be in, as it is I'm staying away from any more of these. Here are some resting and leaky pictures for you all...
@cinoclav agreed -- I didn't bite this time for this reason. FWIW, of the ones I bought last time, one seem to hold in liquids when tipped a lot better than the other.
@cinoclav The problem with leak-proof lids is the mechanism that keeps the leaks in. Generally, an intricate design that gets really nasty unless you blast them often in a dishwasher. I have a cabinet full of Contigos that are almost unusable due to fossilized crud in the spring/seal. Notice I said ALMOST unusable?
@jaburg Seeing that the Bubbas work wonderfully and are incredibly easy to clean, it's no wonder the new style lids from PD are quite similar in design. I love the Contigos too but they do over-engineer their products, often making them difficult to clean.
@cbilyak Yep- we love our Bubba tumblers too. We have two 20-oz and four 24-oz and they just rock. I did buy one of these, because stick a Meh logo on something, and I have a hard time resisting, but if they did this with Bubbas I would totally buy several.
@OldCatLady Here's how I use my order number to find interesting pics. I replace the third word with "babe". You might replace it with "hunk". I know that's cheating, but I'm already mediocre, right?
Hmm, you might just add "babe" or "hunk" on the end, it looks like that works pretty well.
@cinoclav Baby Arm is kept under lock and key in the photography office so that it doesn't get misplaced or stolen. There are many Baby Arms, few like that one!!
Iwas gonna buy one out of loyalty to the brand but when I got to the page all the biguns were gone and I mean hell 12ozes don;t even wet my whistle y'know. So sometime living on the east coast works to your advantage.
I have one of these I bought on woot a while back. It meets my minimum requirement for a travel mug in that it is stainless steel on the inside (rather than plastic) and it keeps the coffee nice and hot. The lid is basically impossible to keep clean though. And it does not provide a perfect waterproof seal. I got me a Contigo now and love it. 2 for $20 at Costco.
Is there anybody who doesn't have 20 of these junk things using up an upper cabinet, that nobody ever uses? They always look like they are a good idea but never work. It's a testament to the Meh quality of your family of followers that you sell more than 6. I have enough junk. If your over 60 you don't buy more paperweights. The answer to your question, Did you think this particular piece was ruined by putting your logo on it. The answer is no. That was the only thing good about it. There is no price low enough for trash. But I have acquired my lifetime limit of junk. The young ones still need more junk. Have at it!
Love insulated tumblers, but have 10x too many. If this were a contigo or zojirushi or similar quality, i would get bunches of them. But no use for more inferior insulated stuff.
My 20 oz of mediocrity arrived in all of it's glory. It's well made. Solid. Nicely printed. I started to get my expectations up. Then....I tried to put it under the Keurig. No dice. Doesn't fit. So I brewed in a disposable cup (you're welcome, Earth) and poured it into my Meh tumbler. It does indeed keep hot stuff hot. It does leak coffee like a sieve when tipped over. So, it's about as advertized, but a little too large. Make whatever analogies you like. That's my experience with yet another Meh purchase that fell slightly below my expectations, as expected. (Try to follow that logic.)
Got it today. Glad the starry night has a black imprint, want completely sold on the white. But, your screen printers had one job (well, one per side):
No big deal, it kind of reinforces the statement of Meh. I'll happily represent with it and hope it works as well as the Bubba cups.
Mine just came in, wow, a lot nicer than I was expecting! How about putting up a refurbed vitamix so I can whip up some morning smoothies and put these to good use? (dreaming...) 😋
I am disappointed by how easily the printing comes off the panted ones. I can scratch it off with my fingernail and return it to the pristine pre-meh state. At least the plain stainless steel one doesn't scratch off as easily. I guess I will get out the sharpies and try to deface it better. (I would laser engrave it, but that seems too legit for meh.)
Meh very short has the time been that you have been in my life. With that being said. Please don't talk so down on yourself. Got my pearl 20oz meh cup and it is beautiful. Definitely worth the $5 i spent on it and would not take your face off of it for a anything. I love it
I ordered a 16 oz and a 12 oz version, but received two 12 oz. In the photo, the 16 oz has a different shape than the 12 oz, but both tumblers I received look identical.
At least they didn't send me a Foscam web cam instead of an insulated tumbler.
As much as it pains me to say it, I have to apologize to Meh. I thought they sent me two 12 oz tumblers because they looked tapered like in the photo. Upon further investigation (read: pouring 12 oz of water in them), it turns out they actually sent me two 16 oz tumblers.
I don't know if this means that someone ordered a 16 oz and received a 12 oz instead, or if they ran out of 12 oz and filled the rest of the orders with 16 oz.
Received my two 20oz yesterday, using one today. The pearl is ugly (I don't know what I was expecting, but bleccch, it looks tacky) and the steel is lovely. Was able to fill it with more than half the carafe from my Technivorm, thus happily stealing most of the tasty fresh coffee from the rest of the household. I dunno what you people do with your travel mugs that this isn't Good Enough. I'm not Mr. Magoo with my driving nor walking, so I don't need this thing to be utterly leak-proof. This thing is steel so stuff'll taste as it should, it held the coffee within it, kept it hot, did not spill anything down my chin nor drip onto my chest, the top is deep enough that my giant schnoz doesn't get smashed into the lid when I drink, it fits into my car's cupholder, fits my grip, and stays upright on flat surfaces. So, you know, everything I need in a cheap mug with which I travel to work and from which I drink/refill throughout the day (alternating between green tea and chemex-ed coffee) and end up forgetting in my car for weeks until I'm all out and need to run a dishwasher load of nothing but travel mugs. Cheers, yo.
I passed on it them changed my mind right before the next sale and had to settle for a smaller 16oz in a brown. Nice cup but what's the giant o-ring for? Seems like it will fall off in a week.
The any time drink feature doesn't always work well.
The cup has this great feature. Whether the splash guard is open or closed you can always satisfy your thirst. Or so I thought...
At least on my 16 ounce Flamingo (not purple, but at least it is purplish) I couldn't drink from the cup until I had twisted the splash guard during a walk in the cold. Fortunately, it was only temporary. After I got back into the warm house, I was able to drink again without wasting time twisting the splash guard.
The logo on my cup is scratched after one use. I'm trying to decide if I should try clear nail polish to protect it or just buy a bunch of black sharpies. Any suggestions?
Mine arrived yesterday. A nice solid mug, but not impressed with the slapdash paint job on mine - I'm not even talking about the meh logo which is fine, but how it appears they put the rubber seal on before flamingoizing it.
I know I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I made a revelation about these a few weeks ago. I discovered that not only are they good for hot beverages (coffee, tea), but they are also good for cold beverages.
I tried it with iced tea in the Keurig. 8 oz of ice plus 8 oz of tea K-cup fills the 16 oz tumbler to the fill line. Add the lid and you won't spill on yourself because it's too full. Oh, and the insulation properties help the hot tea cool down and stay colder longer.
Ditto with soda, although probably should keep the twisty spill guard open so carbonation does not build up inside. Keeps soda cold longer. Ice melts slower.
If these, or the 16 oz Bubbas, go on sale again, I'll get a couple more.
@therealjrn I’m looking for a 20…but beggars can’t be choosers! Still hoping someone might have a spare, but if not, what would you want for one of those?
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 2/18 - 2/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Stainless steel tumbler
1x Lid
20oz Starry Night
20oz Brushed Steel
20oz Pearl
16oz Obsidian
16os Mocha
16oz Green Tea
16oz Flamingo
16oz Pearl
16oz Starry Night
12oz Obsidian
12oz Green Tea
12oz Starry Night
12oz Mocha
12oz Pearl
12oz Brushed Steel
Price Comparison
12oz: $17.99 + $7.07 shipping at Amazon(5 reviews, sold by third party)
16oz: $18.99 at Amazon(15 reviews, fulfilled by Amazon)
20oz: $19.99 + $7.17 shipping at Amazon (7 reviews, sold by third party)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Meh defaced tumblers I'll drink to that
Well, they DO say "meh."
Meh thinks this deal tonight will "tumble" in sales
Does it just say "meh." or does it say "meh" dot com? I cannot see the back side in the photos.
@cengland0 just "meh."
@cengland0 I was wondering this as well
Edit: thanks kyle
@cengland0 just meh.
@medz Just out of curiosity, how did you know? You have the inside scoop on the merch or something?
@cengland0 I hate it when you can't see the backside in the photos.
@yakkoTDI Turn 'em over & they all look alike.
@Kylethephotoguy another shot to give an idea how the lid works wud've been nice, oh well, next time...
@DMlivezey If we sell these or similar in the future, I will see about putting an animated gif for that.
My order # seems appropriate: qualitative-provocative-steel.
Strongly considering cancelling my VMP :(
@mbills2223 that's funny, I was weakly considering restarting VMP. :)
@mbills2223 Yeah since I got mine I think I've only bought twice. :-(
@mbills2223 ya; seems like speakers, headphones, and quad copters are about 80% of the merchandise the last couple of months. At least the speaker docks have gone away.
Sad indeed.
@mbills2223 i think if you forget to cancel and ask nicely, they (holly :) ) might consider refunding you for the months it did not benefit you, geez, i hope i don't get censored for that comment...
As much as I love meh merch, my contigo mug serves me well. Plus it has a handle.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd pay quite a bit extra for that Starry Night mug.
You can stamp "meh" on actual crap and I would buy it. In for three.
@conandlibrarian Boy do I have a deal for you...
@Moose a deal-a-day?
Sold out of the green in two minutes. Meh.
I would have bought a purple one. As it is, I'll pass since I'm pretty happy with the all Bubba mugs I have.
@PurplePawprints I can't believe purple wasn't an option. What's up with that?
Flamingo, WTH?
@Barney Does that stand for "water turd happens" ?
@Kylethephotoguy I think I'll cancel my order.
I have absolutely no need for these. So naturally, I bought one. Just one, though. That's my infamous-steadfast-limit.
Dear Lord, I would buy (and use) the crap out of a meh jacket. Or a meh flashlight. I'm down for either.
@hugh0spaz I would buy one immediately, but honestly it would hang in my closet next to the Cheap Trick jacket I don't wear. Note: that is a place of honor.
@hugh0spaz A Meh zip-up hoodie would make me very happy.
In for two 20 flouncers. Partly because I am tired of paying for VMP for the past year and a half and not buying enough crap. I NEED CRAP!
Fuku is usually > Crap... Although Crap is easier to get these days...
@sohmageek My SWMBO would love, love, love to have this permanently embedded in my visual fields- which again goes back to beauty is in the brain of the beholder- the eye is just the aperture we view it through.
You say hoarding, I say, planning for my retirement career/hobbies- although TBH I am never likely to have enough $$ to retire, and I have no idea what hobbies or careers I could be saving for.
Baby arm!
@Pamela Baby Arm.
Any chance of getting the heights of these with the lids off?
Want to make sure they fit in the Keurigs and water dispenser at my office
@devyanks90 they will fit the Keurig, but you may have to remove the drain pan attachment thingy.
@jaburg I'd love to see a cup that would fit into cup holders and under the Keurig.. and 20 OZ would be nice...
@sohmageek I have several already (from different mfrs, including Contigo) and I fully expect these 20s to fit as well. You have just about a RCH over 7.25 inches under the spout to work with.
@jaburg OK, I get CH, but what's the R for?
@PhysAssist Red
@WINTERMUTE Yes, the thinnest kind. ;-)
@jaburg Anybody else who makes the mistake I did & Googles RCH will be just as thrilled as I am
@WINTERMUTE Ah- the dREDed Ginger!
Almost bought several of the 20oz starry night mugs before realizing there was a disclaimer :/
Barred-trashed-genie for me.
Are these Contigo's private labeled or just cheap Meh imitations?
@readnj no way these are contigo
@readnj cheap imitations
@readnj I think they're planetary something or other, out of Missoula, MT. I've seen the brand here and at Bed Bath and Beyond.
@christinewas @readnj Yeah, Planetary Design.
I'm buying it just because it says 'meh'... that either makes me too loyal to a brand, or just plain nuts... or maybe just a compulsive "Meh" shopper... Either way, I'm buying!
I like the curves of the 12oz but the capacity of the 20oz.. Decisions..
@chipt4 get BOTH! As a reward for saving five dollars by buying vmp
@legendornothing - I like this side of you.
@KDemo I do too. It feels... Freeing
Get back to me when you stamp your crappy logo on a Zojirushi.
Ya know how it says to hand wash to preserve the logo? My answer is A SCRUBBY PAD!
I did grab two of the 20s.

@morrdt Oooh, one of my local breweries! Good stuff there.
Personal-nefarious-puma sounds fast and dangerous, just like me with 20 oz of hot coffee in a stainless steel Meh tumbler.
@txag96 Had to post this one:
P-N-F it/she surely is!!
@txag96 Fast and dangerous. Hot coffee? Um, GTA much?
gimme 3... good for margaritas in a few months.
Some euro heavy metal band?
In for three, damn you VMP!
It looks like starry night was a very popular color.... Sold out!
Bought one -- "meh" arvolous purchase tonight...
I was all excited to buy three of each size, but alas the limit is three total so I settled for 3 20oz instead.
In for multiple
@somf69 seems their 'O' is missing an 'e'
@nadroj I don't understand your joke; however, I dislike the two -L spelling of canceled. It probably annoys me more than it should. I understand it is one of the correct spellings but why would someone add an extra letter when making cancel past tense? We don't do that when we use words like mail to mailed, seal to sealed, or kneel to kneeled.
In one of my SQL queries, I had to account for this multiple spelling of canceled because the source system has it listed both ways.
@cengland0 the English language sux does it not?
@RedOak And I fully accept the UK vs US spelling of words like colour/color, honour/honor, labour/labor, civilisation/civilization, aeroplane/airplane, aluminium/aluminum, kilometre/kilometer, litre/liter, realise/realize, but it beats the hell out of me why someone would add an extra L in canceled.
@cengland0 The battle between canceled and cancelled, according to Google Ngrams: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=canceled%2Ccancelled&year_start=1800&year_end=2010&corpus=5&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t1%3B%2Ccanceled%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Ccancelled%3B%2Cc0
@xerdkwa Awesome chart. Here it is for people that don't like to click on links (and so I can violate someone's copyright):

@cengland0 Also WTF is orientated? Those Brits. They gotta be rebels- oh wait that's us... [the rebels]
Bought one so I can do some destructive analysis.
Mine is going into the dishwasher. Not just once, but every single time it needs to be washed.
@hamjudo i just posted something with the exact same sentiment, immediately below
@hamjudo - For science. ;-)
@hamjudo I implied that very idea a few posts UP the page. ;-)
Says hand washing is "recommended." Got a stainless steel one, gonna dishwash, if the meh logo washes off then, well, I guess I got an unbranded cup for $5.
Just how I like my coffee
@riceatusc Per Robin Williams [GRHS] it's freshly ground and then right into the freezer...

In for 3. Brash-Merciful-Sycamore.

@UncleEdZed Beautiful
@cengland0 Someone spent a loooong time doing that, and the tree is amazing too!
Wanted a 20oz starry, watched Venture Brothers until commercial break, all I can get is a 12oz starry :(
Worth it.
@thismyusername Same here, except the part about watching Venture Brothers.
12 oz looks ugly,
16 oz looks really well designed
20 oz looks good because of how tall it is
@legendornothing agreed.
One of these days my wife is going to catch on that I keep buying Crap here instead of paying off the credit card bills, but for ten bucks? In for two. Reliable-creepy-grape.
@fuzzmanmatt good thing she doesn't know your ID so you can hide this crap in the hoard closet.
how well do they work?
I was only going to get one... Then I decided I wanted 20oz as well... Then I decided I wanted a stainless/brushed steel one as well.
Feel free to group my 3 separate orders in one box if it saves on your shipping.
Damn you for selling out of the 20oz brushed steel ones.
WHY DO I KEEP BUYING THERMOSES FROM HERE?!? Well, I mean honestly it is a pretty good deal.
@Nexar in my experience, they don't combine orders, even from the same day. Apparently the Shipping Department is paid by the box.
Sold out before 10pm PST? I envision an easy sell out.
@zahgrim Nah. Perhaps sell out of the 20 oz., but not any other size.
are these spill/leak proof?
@mk8nus good question. Are these the old version or the new ones? These are the old lids. The new ones screw on.
@Mellaine here is the link with the new lids.
@Mellaine Thanks!!
@mk8nus No. See my pictures below.
i don't get it...did everyone buy the starry night colour because they thought it was the last photo w/ the art? because the actual colour looked the ugliest to me but i guess i might be weird. got a 16oz obsidian since there wasn't a 16oz stainless.
@meh purple-ish duh.
@thismyusername Yep, as close to purple as I could get.
Got a couple of the 20's and a 16...one of the 20's about a year ago...use them daily, they'll keep coffee hot as long or longer than the Contigo or the Bubba. The top slips in with a silicon seal instead of screwing down...easy to refill quickly from the thermos. In for another 20 and a 16
That's a pretty tall order. We love our Bubbas - especially the 24's!
Your chance to create your own model numbers and nothing? Wasted opportunities.
@moregin My thoughts exactly! What, no mile-long model number and snarky comment about a mile-long model number for a simple product?!
I bought a 20 oz Bubba but it confuses the hell out of some coffee industry workers when I ask them to make a 12 oz latté in it. (I came close to losing my shit with an idiot at the Resort at Squaw Creek Starbucks last year.) The 12 oz defaced nocturnal-derelict-tulip mug should make life more predictable and pleasant for all involved.
@SSteve unless it's the 10 cent no-paper-cup discount you're after, order it in a cup and dump.
@RedOak I don't care about the discount. I can't do that because I can't deal with all the resources that go in to making and transporting the paper cup just so that it can fulfill its purpose for fifteen seconds.
@SSteve that being the case, unless you're walking to the coffee shop, the sincere way to save resources would be to make it at home rather than driving/riding the bus/ubering.
(Add to that the resource-impact of the shop itself, the resources used by it's employees to get there, etc...)
Even if (we assume the shop will be there regardless of whether you patronize it) the shop is on the way to where you're headed, the resource-impact of parking and restarting your car still outweighs the paper cup resource-impact.
@RedOak Nine times out of ten I do make it at home. Every now and then I stop at a place on the way to work if I want a scone or something. And when I need to buy beans I get a latté at the place that roasts the beans. And I drive a Prius so restarting isn't a big deal.
Anybody know the interior colors? Dark interiors make it hard to tell when I've added enough milk/cream to my tea.
@jqubed Stainless steel
@jqubed are you British?
In 20oz only the pearl is left. Meh, who wants pearl? I don't want pearl, you don't want pearl. The smaller ones may as well be meh shot glasses.
@supichoo ya I wanted starry and even caved for a 12 oz starry then I was like... 12 oz of coffee isn't enough... so I canceled and got the pearl 20... meh.
let us consult the mehcronomicon.
yep. sounds about right.
Stop dissing Arby's! Imagine if you have to grow up without Curly Fries.
Is the inside plastic or metal? If it's metal I'm in for a bazillion.
Don't want if plastic on inside.
double-wall metal, brushed stainless finish inside
These do keep your hot beverages hot, my burnt tongue can attest to that. However they totally leak if you tilt them. If they had the new leak proof lids I'd be in, as it is I'm staying away from any more of these. Here are some resting and leaky pictures for you all...

@cinoclav agreed -- I didn't bite this time for this reason. FWIW, of the ones I bought last time, one seem to hold in liquids when tipped a lot better than the other.
@cinoclav The problem with leak-proof lids is the mechanism that keeps the leaks in. Generally, an intricate design that gets really nasty unless you blast them often in a dishwasher. I have a cabinet full of Contigos that are almost unusable due to fossilized crud in the spring/seal.
Notice I said ALMOST unusable?
@jaburg Seeing that the Bubbas work wonderfully and are incredibly easy to clean, it's no wonder the new style lids from PD are quite similar in design. I love the Contigos too but they do over-engineer their products, often making them difficult to clean.
I am so spoiled with the Bubba tumblers I bought here I do not think I would be happy with another brand. Logo a Bubba and I am in for 3!
@cbilyak those Bubba's are indeed amazing. Not sure we can bring ourselves to deface them.
@snapster yah, I can't decide whether I like the sleek Bubba 20's or the lumberjack Bubba 24's better. Masterful industrial design.
@cbilyak Every road warrior on my gift list is thrilled with the Bubba, and now I have to top it for next year.
@cbilyak Yep- we love our Bubba tumblers too. We have two 20-oz and four 24-oz and they just rock. I did buy one of these, because stick a Meh logo on something, and I have a hard time resisting, but if they did this with Bubbas I would totally buy several.
There once was a 20 ounce tumbla
perfect for any old bubba.
With heat kept inside
it'll heat up your hide
when you spill it if you are a fumbla.
so these used to have faces and you ripped them off? cruel
@Lotsofgoats Yeah, who can we blame for that?
@sligett today? @dashcloud!
I'm getting a transparent-homely-mallard. Too tired to look for anything livelier; this is homely and transparent and sort of has a bill:

@OldCatLady Here's how I use my order number to find interesting pics. I replace the third word with "babe". You might replace it with "hunk". I know that's cheating, but I'm already mediocre, right?
Hmm, you might just add "babe" or "hunk" on the end, it looks like that works pretty well.
@sligett Thanks, and I'll use that in the future. Right now I'm hoarding images and gifs for my turn on the rotisserie of goatdom. I have a certain reputation to maintain. Can I get a witness, @teripie
@lisaviolet @mikibell @barney @jaremelz @beachbum @hollboll @teripie @LaVikinga @Foxborn ?
@OldCatLady And of course @sammydog01. I really am tired. Yesterday's party stuff is hard on old folks.
@OldCatLady there was a commercial on during superbowl..alll about hard abs...(maybe axe??) we hope you didn't miss it!
@OldCatLady I'm here to witness, but I don't see anything exciting.
@Barney I'm saving goodies until the 17th. I just didn't want anyone to think I was short on image ideas. Perish forfend. I'm reviewing all the SBL ads in case I missed a nuance. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/super-bowl-commercials-2016--grades-for-the-best-and-worst-ads-183849720.html has a good rating system.
@OldCatLady I'll defend your rep to the ends of the earth ...................or until we have to arm wrestle over some stud. :)
Yes!! Baby Arm!
@PurpleCave You're an employee - you could literally go to the office and play with the baby arm!
@cinoclav Baby Arm is kept under lock and key in the photography office so that it doesn't get misplaced or stolen. There are many Baby Arms, few like that one!!
@cinoclav thanks for planting that disturbing image in my brain.
@PurpleCave Holy crap, I misread that as "pornography office."
Iwas gonna buy one out of loyalty to the brand but when I got to the page all the biguns were gone and I mean hell 12ozes don;t even wet my whistle y'know. So sometime living on the east coast works to your advantage.
Are the model numbers on these Meh-Tum506AH2-KAPPA123 ?
We have too many coffee/tea/cocoa/misc tumblers already. And for that reason, I'm out.
I have one of these I bought on woot a while back. It meets my minimum requirement for a travel mug in that it is stainless steel on the inside (rather than plastic) and it keeps the coffee nice and hot. The lid is basically impossible to keep clean though. And it does not provide a perfect waterproof seal. I got me a Contigo now and love it. 2 for $20 at Costco.
My fiancee lost her mug last Friday, and what do I see on Monday!? Fantastic news, and with an awesome logo to boot!
In for 3. For when family/friends "borrow without intention to return".
In for 3.
With all the random purple love i expected purple meh cups.
@CaptAmehrican Me too.
Is there anybody who doesn't have 20 of these junk things using up an upper cabinet, that nobody ever uses? They always look like they are a good idea but never work. It's a testament to the Meh quality of your family of followers that you sell more than 6. I have enough junk. If your over 60 you don't buy more paperweights. The answer to your question, Did you think this particular piece was ruined by putting your logo on it. The answer is no. That was the only thing good about it. There is no price low enough for trash. But I have acquired my lifetime limit of junk. The young ones still need more junk. Have at it!

@Bkmack yard sale season will be starting soon; every yard sale has a dozen of these still left at noon in the free box.
Got here too late for a 20 oz starry night. Womp womp.
Hand wash? Nah.
Love insulated tumblers, but have 10x too many. If this were a contigo or zojirushi or similar quality, i would get bunches of them. But no use for more inferior insulated stuff.
My 20 oz of mediocrity arrived in all of it's glory. It's well made. Solid. Nicely printed. I started to get my expectations up. Then....I tried to put it under the Keurig. No dice. Doesn't fit. So I brewed in a disposable cup (you're welcome, Earth) and poured it into my Meh tumbler. It does indeed keep hot stuff hot. It does leak coffee like a sieve when tipped over. So, it's about as advertized, but a little too large. Make whatever analogies you like. That's my experience with yet another Meh purchase that fell slightly below my expectations, as expected. (Try to follow that logic.)
Got it today. Glad the starry night has a black imprint, want completely sold on the white. But, your screen printers had one job (well, one per side):

No big deal, it kind of reinforces the statement of Meh. I'll happily represent with it and hope it works as well as the Bubba cups.
Also, amazing shipping speed. Thanks Meh!
@djslack Had similar on my 20oz Pearl one.
@djslack Interesting. My 12oz starry night has white printing. Looks OK, I guess.
Mine just came in, wow, a lot nicer than I was expecting! How about putting up a refurbed vitamix so I can whip up some morning smoothies and put these to good use? (dreaming...) 😋
I am disappointed by how easily the printing comes off the panted ones. I can scratch it off with my fingernail and return it to the pristine pre-meh state. At least the plain stainless steel one doesn't scratch off as easily. I guess I will get out the sharpies and try to deface it better. (I would laser engrave it, but that seems too legit for meh.)
The item arrived and I opened it, My wife had snuck in behind me and asked me what I bought.
Well I panicked and said "Darn it you ruined your Valentine Day's surprise."
She looked at it and said "It is so CUTE! I love it!" (Thank God I bought the Flamingo Model, and it was much pinker than I thought it would be)
You cant beat that kind of luck.
@mdrcoast Ha! I bet she thinks it cost more than five bucks too.
I didn't "need" these but picked up a couple. The printing was black instead of the 'shopped white; whatever. No issue with the printing (yet).
I was hoping Flamingo was a bit more on the purple spectrum/less on the pink.
@narfcake I love purple.
Meh very short has the time been that you have been in my life. With that being said. Please don't talk so down on yourself. Got my pearl 20oz meh cup and it is beautiful. Definitely worth the $5 i spent on it and would not take your face off of it for a anything. I love it
@boredashell agreed! The pearl 20oz was my third choice and only got it being such a HUGE meh brand fan ... but this is really nice.
I don't really like "tumblers" much, being a cyclist and I got TWO of them.
Will keep one and gift the other.
wow. fastest order to door time ever! the mugs is beautiful. almost as beautiful as her...
I ordered a 16 oz and a 12 oz version, but received two 12 oz. In the photo, the 16 oz has a different shape than the 12 oz, but both tumblers I received look identical.
At least they didn't send me a Foscam web cam instead of an insulated tumbler.
@sjk3 I got a 12 oz and a 16 oz and they are different shapes. I wouldn't have minded two 12 oz ones though, they are easier to hold on to.
@sjk3 contact support, you know they will make it right.
@sjk3 To follow up on myself...
As much as it pains me to say it, I have to apologize to Meh. I thought they sent me two 12 oz tumblers because they looked tapered like in the photo. Upon further investigation (read: pouring 12 oz of water in them), it turns out they actually sent me two 16 oz tumblers.
I don't know if this means that someone ordered a 16 oz and received a 12 oz instead, or if they ran out of 12 oz and filled the rest of the orders with 16 oz.
I'm sorry, Meh.
Just came today on meh camo T day
@jml326 the quality of this picture perfectly reflects the meh level.
I didn't think my mediocre office coffee could get any worse, but that has been realized today. Meh coffee out of a meh mug....

Nice mugs, but the printing is not the advertised color. FYI.
@sammydog01 I just noticed that. I have my green 16 oz. on my desk as we speak, and indeed the writing is black instead of white.
Still pretty sweet though.
These other than the coolness of MEh... Are shit... Not the shit... but plain old shit. I wish I didn't buy 2 of them...
@sohmageek I took mine to the pool- I like it.
Received my two 20oz yesterday, using one today. The pearl is ugly (I don't know what I was expecting, but bleccch, it looks tacky) and the steel is lovely. Was able to fill it with more than half the carafe from my Technivorm, thus happily stealing most of the tasty fresh coffee from the rest of the household.
I dunno what you people do with your travel mugs that this isn't Good Enough. I'm not Mr. Magoo with my driving nor walking, so I don't need this thing to be utterly leak-proof. This thing is steel so stuff'll taste as it should, it held the coffee within it, kept it hot, did not spill anything down my chin nor drip onto my chest, the top is deep enough that my giant schnoz doesn't get smashed into the lid when I drink, it fits into my car's cupholder, fits my grip, and stays upright on flat surfaces. So, you know, everything I need in a cheap mug with which I travel to work and from which I drink/refill throughout the day (alternating between green tea and chemex-ed coffee) and end up forgetting in my car for weeks until I'm all out and need to run a dishwasher load of nothing but travel mugs.
Cheers, yo.
I passed on it them changed my mind right before the next sale and had to settle for a smaller 16oz in a brown. Nice cup but what's the giant o-ring for? Seems like it will fall off in a week.
@StrangerDanger So the cup doesn't make a metallic clink or rattle when it bounces against hard things in the cup holders of your ride.
The "h." in Meh. is smeared on mine. Works great though.
I've used it and works wonderfully. A great purchase. Waiting for my next item.
The any time drink feature doesn't always work well.
The cup has this great feature. Whether the splash guard is open or closed you can always satisfy your thirst. Or so I thought...
At least on my 16 ounce Flamingo (not purple, but at least it is purplish) I couldn't drink from the cup until I had twisted the splash guard during a walk in the cold. Fortunately, it was only temporary. After I got back into the warm house, I was able to drink again without wasting time twisting the splash guard.
The logo on my cup is scratched after one use. I'm trying to decide if I should try clear nail polish to protect it or just buy a bunch of black sharpies. Any suggestions?
@sammydog01 Third option - let the imprint live up to its name?
mine 20oz’s came in today, looks great BUT a press-on lid ! wish that had been mentioned, would have passed.
what good is a tumbler if it can’t take a tumble and keep all its stuff inside.
These things are amazing.
I made coffee during class at 7 pm. It was still hot at 11 pm
@MsELizardBeth They're good, but not as good as the Bubba cups - so the branding is truth in advertising.
Despite being more meh, these do have the advantage of being short enough not to be banged into every time I shift into 2nd, 4th, or reverse.
@narfcake i got the 20 oz. They kinda fit my Keurig. Kinda.
Mine arrived yesterday. A nice solid mug, but not impressed with the slapdash paint job on mine - I'm not even talking about the meh logo which is fine, but how it appears they put the rubber seal on before flamingoizing it.
I know I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I made a revelation about these a few weeks ago. I discovered that not only are they good for hot beverages (coffee, tea), but they are also good for cold beverages.
I tried it with iced tea in the Keurig. 8 oz of ice plus 8 oz of tea K-cup fills the 16 oz tumbler to the fill line. Add the lid and you won't spill on yourself because it's too full. Oh, and the insulation properties help the hot tea cool down and stay colder longer.
Ditto with soda, although probably should keep the twisty spill guard open so carbonation does not build up inside. Keeps soda cold longer. Ice melts slower.
If these, or the 16 oz Bubbas, go on sale again, I'll get a couple more.
I want more of these
I love them for cocktails.
Hate to bring up such a long dead thread…but does anyone have a spare 20oz tumbler? I am a big dummy and ran over mine with my car yesterday.
@mtbm33 I have two brown 16oz in a box somewhere. They were packed when I moved.
@therealjrn I’m looking for a 20…but beggars can’t be choosers! Still hoping someone might have a spare, but if not, what would you want for one of those?
@mtbm33 I would like to receive $20.53 each.
@therealjrn That’s an oddly specific amount!
@mtbm33 They’re in a box somewhere, I’ll have to find them first.
@therealjrn I think that’s a bit more than I wanted to spend on it.
It’s time for Meh to sell us more of these great defaced Planetary Design stainless coffee tumblers.
Mine is not looking so good after three years of daily use at Philz coffee. And after being dropped a few dozen times.
@garb I noticed quite a few IRKs this latest go around had the smaller tumbler of these.