Unofficial Mehrican Exchange Ver. 8.0 - Sign ups are now closed
15Having finally succumbed to the nagging… here below are the details for the next exchange…
Welcome to the Unofficial Mehrican Exchange Version 8.0 and let me start off by saying that I am sincerely sorry you all found your way here. This exchange stemmed from a small group of people on deals.woot frustrated with their inability to gain a Woot Bag of Crap. @studerc started it here and ran the first 4 exchanges (so regardless of who the goat is, this is all his fault!) and @Yoda_Daenerys volunteered to run exchange #5 (labeled 4.01a V.2 if you want to search for it). @kidsandliz was coerced into running #6, #7 and this one (#8). The basic premise of this exchange is simple:
You will have the opportunity to exchange a total of 3 boxes (typically they are medium priority mail size although you are not bound by that). Essentially how this will work is that for each box you agree to send out, you will get one in return, 2 for 2, 3 for 3. Pretty self explanatory stuff right there. It is pretty much up for whatever you want to do. Search the person you are sending to on old posts on meh, google them, whatever…(as long as it is legal). You will be the one paying for the shipping for each box you give out so it’s pretty much up to your wallet. Please review the following guidelines in ensure that each Mehrican is provided with an at least mediocre exchange experience.
Tread lightly with homemade or perishable food items. Furthermore all food items that are sent must be completely sealed. (this step was taken from the start in which multiple participants mentioned food allergies).
This does not follow the same guidelines as the Woot BOC, Fuku, Fuko or I.R.K. in terms of quantity of items. Glance at older exchanges to get an idea of what people have sent in the past. Don’t be THAT PERSON that sends a crappy box in hopes to get something decent in return. ALSO, there is no limit on the cost of your box, we all come from different socioeconomic statuses. Be respectful of that. Some will be able to send more, others will not. All part of the game. Who you send to and who sends to you is chosen randomly.
Please follow all posted mailing guidelines regarding sending explosives, alcohol, drugs - you know that bureaucratic stuff that will get people in “trouble”.
Do not send a box of broken objects, objects that could easily be broken in transit, things that could be considered trash, etc. Nobody wants a box like that and again, it’s just a terrible move. Plus people can get hurt.
Please keep in mind and follow all of the expectations regarding the send out dates and etc. Do not sign up for more than you can provide to the experience.
IF this is your first exchange, you will only be permitted to exchange one box (deal with it).
When shipping out your box, please include your username somewhere in or on the parcel. It makes it so much easier to recognize and thank someone that way!
When you get your box you need to post to the unofficial mehrican exchange 8.0 reveal thread. Preferably with photos. Preferably within 3 days of receiving it. It is disappointing for the sender if you do not do that. And if you do not I will nag you to post. Publically.
Please keep in mind, the point of this exchange is to be fun and community oriented. Don’t be THAT PERSON who goes and ruins the fun for everyone else. Likewise, keep in mind that I am human, I make mistakes and things may change along the way to create the best experience for everyone.
Oh - since each time at least one person is a selfish asshat and doesn’t send (which bans you from future exchanges if you pull that stunt), you do have the choice to send and not receive a box to someone who got stiffed. If you have boxes you’d like to randomly send as a “surprise” box to someone who won’t be expecting an extra box, let me know and we can have a private discussion about how you’d like this to happen.
You will need to sign into google to be able to fill out the sign up form.
I have set the form such that you can edit your answers up until the sign up date has passed.
There is a spot on the form to indicate any constraints you have, requests, etc. Also, new this time, is a place where you can indicate whether or not it is OK for me to give your email address to the person sending you a box (if you say yes this saves me from being the go between to let people know their box is being sent out).
Form is located here:
AFTER YOU SIGN UP SEND ME AN EMAIL AT (notice it says 6 and not 8 ) when you have signed up so that I know for sure I have your form. If you have any questions email me at this email address.
Enrollment: 1/13/19 - 1/21/19
Emails out on: 1/23 or 1/24/19
Boxes out from: 1/23-1/30/19 (ish) - Postage goes up on the 27th so keep that in mind.
If at all possible please post the stuff you got within 3 days of receiving it
PLEASE NOTE: Please have your box(es) ready to go when you sign up (or shortly thereafter) so you can mail them in a timely manner. If some reason you will not be home when your box(es) might arrive and want them sent to arrive later, please note that on the sign up sheet so that I can include that information when I send out your information.
Thanks to @studerc, the originator of this exchange, for allowing me to plagiarize his previous efforts. If you don’t like it blame either him or the goat!
- 69 comments, 62 replies
- Comment
@narfcake @thumperchick @riotdemon can someone please make this a broadcast so people notice it? Thanks!
I started reading the post and couldnt help but notice quite a few of my subtle writing mechanics and word combinations…then it dawned on me…those are MY words. Good times.
Excited for this!!!
Also…just because it’s not here…and it really NEEDS to be!
@studerc You did read the last paragraph right? Where I gave plagiarism credit and blame (
@Kidsandliz Of course. I was merely commenting on my adventure up until that point in time!
Signed up!
I had been waiting for this as I have a very good start on a box already in the basement.
Said box will most likely get a couple of better non-basement type items too before I ship it out.
I’m reaching deeeeeeeeep into my heart and finding the bravery to join a meh-exchange again, even though my gift box last time (that I put so much time and love into!) basically got ignored by the recipient. I’ve forgotten who it was, so…water under the bridge. Gonna learnnnnn to hooooope and truuuuust agaiiiiiiinnnnnnnn!
@UncleVinny oh that totally sucks! I’d be really sad too if that happened. I hope kidsandliz knows who it is.
@moonhat @UncleVinny If it happened under my watch I do know who it is. They won’t get to participate.
Technical google docs help needed - I set the form to “can edit responses”. Then saved. Yet when I am looking at responses it says “responses can not be edited”. Does that mean I can’t edit them or that the person who filled out the form can’t edit them? Thanks.
Well cool - 9 sign ups so far.
Hey this is happening
Yeah! Sign up complete!

I signed up
bump since this appears to no longer be in broadcast mode
Interesting. “Glance at older exchanges to get an idea of what people have sent in the past.”
How do I search for posts related to older exchanges?
@allergycheryl google search this “exchange” reveal
or go to the top of the page here, under community there is a search function and put: “exchange” reveal
@Kidsandliz thanks so much! Now I understand. I thought you had to send a medium flat rate box filled with things you bought on Meh. I kinda like my Meh purchases and didn’t want to part with them…but this is completely different!!!
@allergycheryl Nope doesn’t have to be anything you bought on meh, although things people got in fuku’s often do show up.
I signed up!
Totally in, don’t know how I’ve missed in previous years!
/image bump

We are up to 18 people. In the past there usually has been around 30 - 40 or so folks.
Also two of you didn’t put any name in your address. I take it that a package not addressed to anyone will actually be delivered and no one else in the house will open it? Should your user name here be the person the box is addressed to?
@Kidsandliz Username would work fine for me, assuming I’m one of the two idiots.
@zachdecker You win the second non-prize (grin). I’ll put that as your name in your address.
I am in!

/giphy let the fun begin!
/giphy OMG I can’t wait

/image cat bump

You people are really going to do this, huh? Welp, best of luck.
@medz Yeah this is a great idea. We can give out non-regret kits
@bleedmichigan Ok. #prayers
@medz The world is a good place, have faith. Even if the world is not a good place then at least Karma is a bitch.
@medz Join the party. You could have fun. I promise, if randomness gets @kittysprinkles or @riotdemon (well if they sign up) sending to you, I will shift the rows by one… See so it will be safe. Probably even G rated.

/image What could possibly go wrong?
@Kidsandliz Thanks, but I am unable to participate at this time.
@Kidsandliz @medz why wouldn’t @kittysprinkles or I be allowed to send to medz?
@Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles @RiotDemon
Wife might get mad depending what you send.
@KittySprinkles @RiotDemon Oh you’d be allowed - in fact it could be seriously entertaining were one of you to get him or vise versa - I was just saying that as a joke because of the “bantering” that has gone on in the past. I guess I left off the “
” to make it obvious. Sorry about that.
What I do is make it random, then check to make sure that people (at least from the records I have) haven’t sent to or received from (depending on what is relevant) to the same person they have in the past, or don’t end up sending to themselves. If that is the case I just swap with the one below them or shift the row by one if there are several caught that way. That is the beginning and the end of what I do.
@Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles @medz I’m only here to torture @mfladd. As far as I know, he doesn’t have a wife that would come murder me.
@KittySprinkles @medz @mfladd @RiotDemon Well in that case if both of you sign up I can have you send to each other?
@Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles @medz @RiotDemon if the last three listed want I will send them a super fabulous super magnificent meh-exchange box, no exchange needed.
@Kidsandliz @medz @mfladd @RiotDemon
Well hello there… Sorry to respond so late, work has been hell this week. What’s up, what’s going on, why am I dressed like this, who’s touching me???
For real though, you want me to do something?
@KittySprinkles sign up for the exchange and talk @medz, @mfladd and @RiotDemon into doing it too
@bleedmichigan @Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles @medz really? That’s super sweet.
@bleedmichigan @RiotDemon there is a second person who is interested in doing that too. That will be a cool addition to the exchange.
Why doesn’t @medz wanna play?
/giphy why do you hate us?

@moonhat I love y’all. I just don’t trust anybody.

/giphy trust issues
/giphy bump

24 signed up so far
@Kidsandliz nice!
@moonhat Hopefully we will have a last minute rush so that we get closer to the “usual” number.
@Kidsandliz yes sounds good
Can’t sign up from the office, but I’ll be in

/giphy I’m in
/giphy bump

Up to 26
Glad the nagging worked. Count me in I’ll be signing up later today
I’ve been doing Goodwill runs like crazy lately, but I kept some golden nuggets behind for the lucky recipients of my boxes. Now to decide how much I want to spend on shipping and box size
This is getting exciting
Fuck it, y’all, I’m in. @mfladd stop sadly masturbating while eating cold chili and sign up
@KittySprinkles sheesh. At least heat up the chili @mfladd.
@KittySprinkles LMAO!
@mfladd @RiotDemon if he does that it burns his wee wee.
@KittySprinkles @RiotDemon

Hey folks - due to the generosity of two people we now have an added special component to this exchange - several of you will receive a mystery box as a bonus present. If you are signed up for the exchange you are automatically entered to be a possible winner. I am in conversation with the donors on how they’d like to proceed (I figure their boxes, their money, their choice).
If you have signed up and DON’T want to be part of this, please let me know.
So far the odds of winning one of these boxes is far higher than the odds of getting a fuko/I.R.K. So sign up and join the fun!!!
@Kidsandliz how exciting! It’s like getting punched in the face by a stranger, but in reverse!
@Kidsandliz ummm… i would like to add i have been doing this every time i see it for the past couple years… i have never seen this
@boredashell No it is new this time. I had suggested to folks who only wanted to send to those that got screwed and not receive or wanted to send more than they got that they could do this if they wanted. Some wanted.
/giphy bump

Signed up for 2 boxes!
29 signed up so far
so many words, do not want…
/giphy sign me up to send to the one who was screwed

/youtube sign me up to send to the one who was screwed
/image sign me up to send to the one who was screwed

there is so much going on in that image. i cannot process it all…
Up to 30 folks and several folks willing to send to anyone who sends but does not receive. So if you are worried you won’t get stuff in return, rest assured there are good folks here willing to prevent that from happening.
/giphy bumpity bumpity bump

/giphy bump again

We are up to 32. Don’t be that straggler who misses the boat.

/giphy ship sails without you
/giphy bump to the top

@Kidsandliz balalalala
/image bumpity bumpity bumpity

Hum well I guess that is what you will do playing in that - bumpity bumpity bympity - however this is a stretch /image!!!
/giphy Captain Planet


/giphy captain Amehrican
Made it!
34 signed up so far. The deadline is the end of Monday the 21st.
/giphy bump to the top

@Kidsandliz my bumps, my bumps, my lovely meh-ly bumps.
The 21st is the last day to sign up.
To sign up you have to make a google account. Someone just requested access (which means editor access, not form access), I presume because they didn’t realize they needed to create a google account to sign up to access the form. If you don’t want to do that, email me and I will send you the information you need to give me and you can send it back by email.
/giphy last day!

In! Hope I can live up to MEHxpectations!
No form submission confirmation email?
@ruouttaurmind been otherwise occupied. I will send them out to the folks who have signed up the last couple of days.
@Kidsandliz No worries. I thought Google did a form submission confirmation.
38 signed up so far
We are up to 39. Sometime Tuesday evening or Wednesday I will get the emails out with whom you are sending to. If you sneak in your sign up before I have done this then you are still “in”.
@Kidsandliz yay! That sounds like a good amount.
@Kidsandliz i’m in! I’m in! (For one box)
I’m in o_O
Am I too late?!???
@ELUNO If you haven’t already, you might want to also follow up with an email to
Maybe you can head her off before she processes the rotation.
If it turns out you were too late, no worries! I’ll swap a box with you.
@ruouttaurmind i did email as well. Hopefully I am in! Thanks for your offer.
@ELUNO @ruouttaurmind Haven’t done it yet. Doing grading which will take me at least most of forever.
There are 41 people. Wednesday I have to drive 265 miles one way to two doctor apts. And then back. I likely will have some sitting around time there so will work on this sometime tomorrow so I can get the emails out so people can send before the 27th when postage goes up. Still grading but I’ll try to deal with this while I am waiting in the clinics.
@Kidsandliz is sign up closed now?
@RiotDemon Nope - I will close it (eg lock the sheet) when I download it to match people. So there is time. I am anticipating I’ll have enough time waiting tomorrow to get this done then. So please sign up!
@Kidsandliz you’re a saint! I hope the dr appts go well.
@Kidsandliz I can’t participate this time. I was asking so I could fix the title.
@RiotDemon -I’ll post when I lock it and flag you (and others) so you can change the title. Thanks for offering to do that.
@RiotDemon whoa! You are a mod now??
@ELUNO you should hang around more.
@RiotDemon I just locked the form so you can change the headline. Thanks!
Thus is getting exciting
Today is the day!!! I have been filling boxes with crap all weekend!
/giphy anticipation

I have matched everyone, checked to make sure your sender and who you are sending to aren’t sending to each other (nor to yourself), satisfied special requests for area of the country sending to (I presume for postage reasons if not using priority mail medium, or whatever, boxes), checked the list against known scammers (eg those who screw others by not sending) and am now creating the list I use to send out 41 emails with the information about who you are sending to. While I might get the emails out tonight (so far I have about 5 hours into this) I sort of doubt it as I am tired (drove 526 miles today and had 2 doctor apts) and so might have send the emails in the morning. Plan not to go to bed though until it is at least ready to go. Hopefully I won’t screw anything up.
@Kidsandliz thank you so much for doing this!
@djslack you forgot to put your address in the exchange form. I emailed you. Please email it back to me
@djslack got it
@mick @llangley I need the rest of your addresses please email this ASAP
@mick I also need a name of some sort unless your user name is enough
@Kidsandliz sent the email.
my apologies Liz.
@Cerridwyn need a name unless your user name is enough
@Tinamarie1974 need a name unless your user name is enoug
@Kidsandliz just responded via email. Thank you
this sounds like a full time job, a.k.a. pita
/youtube pita job
/image i am job

/8ball will i have a job?
Signs point to yes
74K3 7H15 J08 4ND 5H0V3 17
All you folks need to give me a name or tell me that your meh name is good enough for post office to deliver and the rest of your family/housemates/dog/cat/kid not to abscond with your box
Please email me
Amehzing - everyone responded with their information - I guess they want their boxes. Now if I could just get students to reply as promptly
I have an apt from 8-10 and then another one at 1-? so I will working on this while I am waiting for the apt and then as soon as I get back from it.
Almost ready to send the emails. Have to stop working on this and go to a 1pm doctor apt.
@Kidsandliz Hooray!
@ELUNO @Kidsandliz super excited . I have a box mostly packed
I’m interested to see how this plays out.

/giphy popkorn