Our Volunteer Moderator Family Has Grown!
47We’ve added a new volmod to torture help out here at meh. Not because you’re all incorrigible (which we encourage) but because they’re pretty dang helpful.
Please harass welcome @RiotDemon and congrats on the new medkit!
We tried get RD to make a speech and they ran away. Something about “you can’t make me.”
Our full volunteer moderator team now includes:
@narfcake & @RiotDemon
@ignorant (also helps out at meh sometimes)
- 28 comments, 55 replies
- Comment

/giphy Nelson ha ha

Oops. I mean congratulations.
@dave I must not be odd enough.
@dave @narfcake nope. Your name is totally normal.
/giphy narf cake

@dave @RiotDemon That /giphy seems to be lacking in the “narf” aspect.
/youtube just say narf
@narfcake the image option had neither.
@RiotDemon I don’t mind that. Nowadays, /image for catshirtswoot is stuck showing
my neighbor’s catthe cat that shirt.woot sent me./image catshirtswoot
@dave @narfcake I was stationed at NARF Pensacola. Rotary Wing Flight Check. Somebody had to fly the helicopters after the civilians put them back together.

/image NARF Pensacola
@Mehrocco_Mole Always makes me smile to see the ol’ hometown pop up, especially the base. Beaches are beautiful, and it has pockets of nice places to live, but it kinda breaks my heart seeing the crime & drug rate continue to climb. Crackheads and crackwhores everywhere.
Sigh. I still get a craving for Marchello’s eggplant caponata every now & then.
There is a YouTube command? This I have to try.
/youtube this I have to try

/giphy good work!
@RiotDemon now I have to see what else will work:
/bank deposit $1,000,000.25
/alexa set timer for 5 minutes
/wife put on something sexy
@LaVikinga It’s worse than you think. Marchello’s closed years ago. That’s where 27 years ago we told the wife’s parents we were getting married. NAS Pensacola has really changed with most of the buildings near the pier and along the seaplane ramps taken out by Hurricane Ivan. Downtown has been cleaned up some what. The News Journal building was torn down for high-end Condos and shops. A new YMCA was built and repriced beyond the reach of most residents. A new ball park across from city hall. All built by the same person to the advantage of those with means and the disadvantage of those in the surrounding neighborhoods. In other words the Bubba Government is still here.
@Mehrocco_Mole I go home about every 18 months or so. My Dad & sister still live in the Beach Haven/Warrington area just off of Bayou Grande right in the flight pattern. Oy! I had forgotten how impossible it was to sit on the patio and talk on the phone while the Blues were practicing.
It’s a jolt to the system to go in the back gate and drive past Sherman Cove. Each time I keep expecting to see the old building there & the covered boat slips. My husband’s twilight tour was at Schools Command. He was instrumental getting much of the artwork and displays returned to building 633 during his years there. He discovered so many things had been discarded in storage rooms starting around Ivan’s destruction, going forward. By the time he left it looked much like it did when I was a sweet young thing attending the Regimental Balls. It’s sad to know AOCS is now in Newport. No more Rose Garden. No more hearing the jodies while sunning myself on the beach near the “O” Course. We actually have a piece of one of the climbing walls from the “O” Course that was found right after Ivan. My husband had a small brass plaque made for it and it hangs in a place of honor in his “shop.”
We visit the museum when time allows. My husband and I were the very first couple to actual get married in the museum back in the early days when the space capsule was dead center of the ground floor and CAPT Rasmussen was director.
Lots of great memories for us in that town. My sister is STILL looking for a place that can replicate the Cashew Chicken from The House of Chong. I’m surprised their Springfield-style Cashew Chicken isn’t more popular!
@LaVikinga Sounds like you were there after I was. I worked/flew out of Bldg 627 on Chevalier Field (Closest hanger to the water along the mosquito wall) before the Schools Command moved in from Millington. And do I ever remember that damned “O” course! I was one of the first Aircrew classes there in the late 70’s. Used to sit on the barracks porch laughing at the silver helmets as they were abused by their Marine DIs. Years later when I was stationed at NARF (later known as NADEP) we got used to getting saluted by the cadets when we were out and about in our flight suits.
@Mehrocco_Mole I’m ancient, too! Both grandfathers were in the Navy. My mom’s dad was a flight instructor in the late thirties out at Cory and one of the original Langley pilots–you should see the names in his Log Book. Holy hold back fittings! My husband drools over them!
I was born at the Navy Hospital while it was still aboard NAS behind the wall. Heck, so was my Navy Nurse mom. (Back in her day, once you got pregnant they processed you out. She was pretty darned proud she managed to reach her 5th month before someone caught on.)
We cycled in and out of Pensacola over the years. My dad was Assistant Director of Survival Training back in the late 70’s when I was finishing up high school (yeah, I realize I’m potentially doxxing myself). Eye Candy Central! So many men in short PT shorts! I turned 18 while he was still attached to NASC and got roped into the Regimental Balls, day sails on the schooner, etc., and then I met my husband while he was in Flight Training. Falling in love with a jet jockey was NOT in my plan, but sea water runs in my veins.
Guess you could say I was skirting it pretty darned close to being a Pensacola Deb.
@LaVikinga Sail days on schooners??? I’m envious. Which schooners? Do you remember?
@Kidsandliz Probably not the type schooners you’re familiar with.
@LaVikinga I remember the survival training. The mile swims in full flight gear, trolling for sharks out from the seaplane ramps and you’re the bait. Para-sailing before it was a thing. Did your Dad run those field trips out to Eglin AFB? Or the Dilbert Dunker? Or my personal favorite, the Helo Dunker?
/youtube Helo Dunker
@Kidsandliz It 'belonged" to Naval Aviation Schools Command, and was captained by an adorable older gentleman named “Robbie.” I’ve spent the better part of an hour trying to find an image of it online, but no joy.
@Mehrocco_Mole As Assistant Director, I guess that made him XO of the whole shooting match. He offered me the opportunity to go through the Dunkers. Nope. Oh, hell nope. I discovered that while I love the water, my brain demands I stay on the surface or as close to the surface as possible. Tried several times to learn to scuba dive, but the panicky feelings were stronger than my drive to overcome it. It’s all tied up with my dislike of deep dark waters, and very high bridges (and underwater tunnels).
@LaVikinga Thanks for looking
Congrats to @RiotDemon!

/giphy let’s try this out!
Congrats @RiotDemon. I didn’t wanna be a mod anyways, jerks.
@lichme I withdrew myself from consideration. Not that I was being considered, but still.

/giphy withdrawn
Best of luck to all involved. I sure hope this turns out ok.
@medz your enthusiasm is overwhelming
Congratulations @RiotDemon!

I think @RiotDemon’s first assignment should be the poopourri thread.
@sammydog01 I’m not sure if my powers will let me set the thread on fire.

/giphy watch it burn
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 Yeah, there’s no “burn the thread down” button.

@RiotDemon Umm I think your power is supposed to be put out the thread fire that is already burning? I am sure the community would be glad to help set that thread on fire for you though if you’d like
PS Congrats!!!
awww, RD, that is so cool! I am not totally sure what a vol mod does but it sounds wonderful! I know the word volunteer is in the word, but I’m still wondering if you get paid at all? With IRK’s or something?
@moonhat Volmods get paid with the satisfaction that the forums stay cleaner and mehmbers get that extra
snarkhelp that they sometimes need.I need a volunteer moderator to get me a beer.
Now, please. With nachos. Thank You.
@daveinwarsh beer and nachos are on the way via FedEx smartpost. Did you need the tracking number?
@daveinwarsh me too! Send moar of both up to us in WA. Thanks
Congrats @RiotDemon!!
This gif seems apropos for Riot Demon…
@shahnm I look a little pale. I need more vitamins.
@RiotDemon @shahnm More riot
So @RiotDemon, did you volunteer or were you voluntold?
/giphy voluntold

@jst1ofknd I was able to say no, lol.
Ask for more money
@Cerridwyn At least double what they offered.
@Cerridwyn @sammydog01 Triple!
What’s the best perk of being a vol mod? The groupies?
@medz I think the little med kit icon is the best part.
@medz @RiotDemon the Swiss army man-bag?
@medz @RiotDemon the clubhouse is pretty cool too. One time narf let me out of the MorningSave basement into the main flagship Meh house and it was amazing.
@Ignorant @medz lucky!
Thanks to everyone that came by to comment and @Thumperchick for the announcement.
Hopefully my name doesn’t scare anyone away that needs help.
/giphy smile

@RiotDemon I recall some comments from mehmbers way back in the days about disliking how they were “ignorant”. No, @ignorant was just being helpful!
Yay @RiotDemon!
I know you’ll be great because demo is in your name.
/giphy demo

@kdemo I happened upon this gif while listening to the Billy Preston tune @Cerridwyn posted above. I highly recommend doing that.
Wha…wha…what?! Congrats?

@mfladd I have powers now.
/giphy muahaha

@RiotDemon You must also hold yourself to a modicum of meh staff professionalism(?). Something I am in no way tethered down with. Your new powers (and that med bag) are both a blessing and a curse, me thinks.

So how ya like them fucking apples?
But alas, I am not as eViL as I once was. I wish you luck in your newly appointed position
@mfladd what fucking professionalism? I was told no such thing.
Thanks, you old soft goat.
@RiotDemon Thank the mehcronomicon for that. I just want my Riot Demon to continue being slightly evil and moderately depraved.
soft!? You wound me!
@mfladd good. I’m still doing something right.
@lordbowen haha, thanks!
/giphy rioting demon

/giphy demon headbanger

/giphy heavy metal dessage

What the hell. Have another one!
/giphy dressage

Ok that was good.
/giphy dressage

Rock on!
I see @jst1ofknd’s new goal…
@amehzinggrace I have to believe that you are correct…
@amehzinggrace @therealjrn
Don’t get me wrong. I briefly considered it, but that sounds like work.
@amehzinggrace @jst1ofknd @therealjrn
That would be his opening — future Goat for Life for sure.
You poor schmuck.
@lseeber hahaha… Oh.
/giphy proud


/giphy happy wiggle
/giphy Congrats!


/giphy thanks!
I’m late to this, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say we demand a speech!
@ELUNO no speech!