The “M” all over the bag is actually an upside-down W. For Woot!. Or some other deal place that sells this sort of thing that starts with the letter “W”.
@RiotDemon Coach, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Michael Kors have made lots of money doing just that! I agree though – fugly! Plus if you want me to advertise your brand, I expect to be compensated rather than paying for the “privilege”.
@ciabelle@RiotDemon Last time I was at the optometrist, I had a heck of a time finding frames that didn’t have a visible logo on them.
It makes me appreciate the cheap online glasses retailers even more.
@Limewater I’m not necessarily going to refuse a product because it features a logo/brand name. It’d be difficult, at best, to find a car or a pair of shoes without. But at least have some subtlety with the branding!
I can think of a good use for these! Got a toddler who wants moms bag, makeup, shoes, etc? This “wanna be bag” is a good present. Put a chapstick (or an actual lipstick in it if you hate the parents), and she’ll be thrilled.
Soooo I thought I ordered 4 (2 of each style in black and brown) but when they came in there was one of each style in the bag. Did I order wrong? Did I misunderstand something when I ordered?
@ivannabc On 2-for-tuesdays you used to have to order 2 of the same exact thing and people bitched. So now you have to order two but add them separately to the cart. So if you added two things to the cart you should get 2 total and not 2 of each. (This makes people bitch even more.)
@sammydog01 ok my total order was $22. So they were 2 for Tuesday but were $11 each then? Apparently I’m having a brain fart cuz I just can’t wrap my head around this lol
I thought damn $5.50 for a purse ok then sold!! I figured I probably didn’t understand something since I’ve never had any problems with an order before.
@ivannabc Unfortunately after a deal is over you can’t see the price so I can’t check for you and I don’t know how Mehstalker handles it. If the price listed on the front page was $22 you got what you ordered. If it was $11 they owe you some stuff.
The two for tuesday items now list separately, each for half the price of the offer for 2. So if you have two items on your order form you ordered two purses, not 2 deals.
@sammydog01 I went back and looked at the email. You’re right!I just misunderstood. I figured that was probably the case. Reading comprehension and all that lol
@eccco Click on “Account” then “Your Orders” then “I Need Help With This” on the purse order. That will get you the form you need. They don’t work weekends so be patient but they will get back to you.
By the way I’m pretty sure it was 2 for $22 plus $5 for shipping so $49 sounds like an order for 4 purses.
-Choose “a purchase” from the 1st drop-down
-Choose your order “number” from the 2nd drop-down (it will display the item title after selecting an order for verification)
-Paste in what you said above about the missing items (or retype it)
-Click the Send Email button
-Wait and pray for a timely response/resolution
Alternately from the alternatives…
You can pull up your order confirmation email you received minutes after your handbag purchase to verify what you actually ordered…hope this helps.
What’s in the Box?
2x Your choice of style handbag
2x Wristlet straps
2x Crossbody straps
Price Comparison
Lock & Chain: $29.99 at Amazon
Triple Zipper: $24.88 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Friday, July 17th
Meh “bag”
I feel like I’m at the swap meet.
The horoscopes are great, though. Taurus in particular is quite apt.
Put one on each hand and you have baghands
Those are as ugly as sin, and not the good kinds of sin, either. Those are as ugly as Sloth.
@madamehardy but sloths are cute.

/giphy cute sloth
You’re not trying to sell out to Amazon by co-opting their latest gimmick, are you?

/giphy history repeating itself
@lljk when they sold woot to Amazon and reformed as meh they flipped the W upside down.
It stands to reason when they sell Meh to Amazon and start their next company it must start with an E since that is an M rotated 90 degrees.
Woot was an expression of delight.
Meh is an expression of indifference.
Their next company will be an expression of disgust.
It is therefore my prediction that when Meh gets sold to Amazon the next company name they show up as will be.
@lljk @OnionSoup Would you believe is already registered to some kind of eCommerce company?
@lljk @therealjrn I knew it. It’s a front. Meh has already sold to Amazon and hasn’t announced it yet.
Well this isn’t an obvious Michael Kors knockoff or anything.
The “M” all over the bag is actually an upside-down W. For Woot!. Or some other deal place that sells this sort of thing that starts with the letter “W”.
You fancy huh? You fancy
On another note, just realized I passed a useless milestone.
1705 meh button clicks
1502 days in a row
longest streak: 1502
@cinoclav Nice. I missed a few here and there but made up for it during the mehrathons.
@cinoclav I missed the button on Sunday due to being extremely hungover and ruined my streak. I haven’t forgiven myself yet.
@akparker777 That pain will linger.
You can fit so many pop sockets in this.
My first thought: Meh is branding purses now.
Ugly. Do people really like having letters all over their bags?
@RiotDemon Coach, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Michael Kors have made lots of money doing just that! I agree though – fugly! Plus if you want me to advertise your brand, I expect to be compensated rather than paying for the “privilege”.
@ciabelle @RiotDemon Last time I was at the optometrist, I had a heck of a time finding frames that didn’t have a visible logo on them.
It makes me appreciate the cheap online glasses retailers even more.
@Limewater I’m not necessarily going to refuse a product because it features a logo/brand name. It’d be difficult, at best, to find a car or a pair of shoes without. But at least have some subtlety with the branding!
@ciabelle @Limewater I’m whatever about a brand on something. I just think the repeating letters on bags is tacky.
I don’t carry a purse so my opinion is pretty worthless.
Milan cookies: Yes!
Milan handbags: meh
What happened meh? Your dreams used to be so good, it’s hardly even worth checking anymore
@jordan7497 Ahhh nostalgia… makes you remember things as having been better than they ever really were!
Not to be confused with Woody Allen’s former squeeze.
@pcolachiller I believe his current squeeze was making purses before he adopted her. Nice guy.
3 inches high??
@Tadlem43 If they are laying on their backs on the table when measured, yes. Otherwise, it’s just the width and height swapped.
It’s not a purse…It’s European!
How many others were about to smash the buy button for Christmas and lucked out and realized these are NOT MICHAEL KORS!! but Shitty knockoff,…
Come on this is a new low…not even a good price on a counterfeit bag.
@msujp I honestly don’t think anyone mistook them for Michael Kors.
@msujp “What’s a Michael Kors?” asks the person who shops regularly at Meh.
@lasdeauna @msujp I mistook them immediately for Michael Kors because my wife points that brand out frequently.
These would have done well at a Walmart black Friday early bird event. Oversized, spandex clad women would have fought over them.
@richferg ha! yeah, fat people wanting to own things. Am I right? /s
These are filth. They make me want to vomit…not in a good way.
I can think of a good use for these! Got a toddler who wants moms bag, makeup, shoes, etc? This “wanna be bag” is a good present. Put a chapstick (or an actual lipstick in it if you hate the parents), and she’ll be thrilled.
@Sansoona or her candy cigarettes?
Soooooo…is this a gag gift for your girlfriend? Or are these the bags you put that breakup necklace into? Oohhh, double burn!
Your width & height measurements are reversed.
I picked 0.
Yes… even look sad
He’s in for three.
what’s everyone from whatever dumb midwestern state that is putting in all those bags they’re buying? other dumb midwestern states??
Soooo I thought I ordered 4 (2 of each style in black and brown) but when they came in there was one of each style in the bag. Did I order wrong? Did I misunderstand something when I ordered?
@ivannabc On 2-for-tuesdays you used to have to order 2 of the same exact thing and people bitched. So now you have to order two but add them separately to the cart. So if you added two things to the cart you should get 2 total and not 2 of each. (This makes people bitch even more.)
@sammydog01 ok my total order was $22. So they were 2 for Tuesday but were $11 each then? Apparently I’m having a brain fart cuz I just can’t wrap my head around this lol
I thought damn $5.50 for a purse ok then sold!! I figured I probably didn’t understand something since I’ve never had any problems with an order before.
@ivannabc Unfortunately after a deal is over you can’t see the price so I can’t check for you and I don’t know how Mehstalker handles it. If the price listed on the front page was $22 you got what you ordered. If it was $11 they owe you some stuff.
The two for tuesday items now list separately, each for half the price of the offer for 2. So if you have two items on your order form you ordered two purses, not 2 deals.
It confuses a lot of people.
@sammydog01 I went back and looked at the email. You’re right!I just misunderstood. I figured that was probably the case. Reading comprehension and all that lol
Thank you!
@ivannabc @sammydog01 the Twitter feed lists the price if you need to check in the future.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 thanks!!
I am shott two of these
I ordered 3 sets of thes from two for Tuesday and only received 4 total
@eccco did you contact support?
I am short two purses I otrdered 3 sets of 2 and only got 4.I paid $49 and $5 was shopping I still need Two more black ones
What is the number?
@eccco Click on “Account” then “Your Orders” then “I Need Help With This” on the purse order. That will get you the form you need. They don’t work weekends so be patient but they will get back to you.
By the way I’m pretty sure it was 2 for $22 plus $5 for shipping so $49 sounds like an order for 4 purses.
(I’m not an employee.)
@eccco @sammydog01
-Choose “a purchase” from the 1st drop-down
-Choose your order “number” from the 2nd drop-down (it will display the item title after selecting an order for verification)
-Paste in what you said above about the missing items (or retype it)
-Click the Send Email button
-Wait and pray for a timely response/resolution
@eccco @medz @sammydog01
Alternately from the alternatives…
You can pull up your order confirmation email you received minutes after your handbag purchase to verify what you actually ordered…hope this helps.
@sammydog01 @therealjrn OR they could change the way they do these crappy pick-your-own-two-pack deals.
I need help with this please I was expecting to get 6 handbags and got 4 It was 2/ Tuesday what happened
@eccco Hi. It would probably be best to contact them directly by clicking here: and telling them all about it.
My wife really likes these bags. Easy to carry her cellphone and small things. Ideal for shopping.