If you just keep it clean it really doesn’t smell at all. Once you flush the gremlin the scent usually fades pretty quick. This isn’t college anymore. Scrub your damn toilets people and clean up that puddle of pee off to the side.
@robson Several years ago, my wife’s coworker walked out of the restroom and said with a grin “Smells like roses in there”, which was followed a couple seconds later by a horrific stench (even with the door closed). So that phrase has been our code word ever since.
When we were little kids these kids from down the street would come over and play baseball, tag, capture the flag, Zelda, anything we needed extra people for. And it seemed like every time they had to go to the bathroom it was always to take a shit and they never ran home to do it they used our house. They never flushed the toilet paper, they always put it in garbage can and the neighbor kids and us always said the craziest shit bc we never understood it. Turns out the house they lived in wasn’t really a house at all, it was a big garage converted into a tiny house with no septic system (and rented out). Their mom always told them to poop at school or other peoples houses if they had the chance bc of it. The house was torn down probably a decade ago bc it was so gross.
there are many places in the world were septic/sewer systems suck and putting your TP in the trash can is required. I can remember several places we stayed in over the years in Chile, Argentina, Belize, Uruguay, and the Carib Islands among others where this was/is the case.
Yeah, sadly there are places even in the US (such as rural AL) where a septic tank is unaffordable for people so they use a straight pipe to discharge ‘gray’ and ‘black’ water directly onto the ground.
Seriously, try this. It’s phenomenal and a little goes a long way.
I get it from our local co-op grocery but it looks to be available lots of places. I have no idea if Walmart and Amazon are selling the real thing. I don’t shop at either of those retailers.
A large bonfire. Preferably fueled with vast amounts of the souls of the unrighteous, uneducated and Trump crazed loonies who believe anything he says. Nothing removes the poo stench as well as this ……
Keep a small piece of rotting meat hidden somewhere outside the bathroom door, so that coming into the bathroom is actually a massive relief by comparison.
I’m amazed Incense is an option, which is what I use. I’m the only one I think. My bathrooms fan is broken, incense works really well. Though I’d prefer the fan work.
Mostly, I leave it as a surprise for the wife. In truly dire cases I will turn on the vent fan. I hate fragrances intended to mask the odor, they tend to be even more offensive than the poo.
Exhaust fan.
@andyw DINGDINGDING! Number one answer!
@andyw @werehatrack Actually it is the number 2 answer.
I poop at work.
@yakkoTDI ewww!
Oh, wait, there’s a bathroom there, right?
Still …
@yakkoTDI So YOU’RE the one!

@stolicat Yes but I wish they would put the toilet paper next to the urinal so I don’t have to use paper towels.
@ircon96 You’re welcome.

If you just keep it clean it really doesn’t smell at all. Once you flush the gremlin the scent usually fades pretty quick. This isn’t college anymore. Scrub your damn toilets people and clean up that puddle of pee off to the side.
Well, I can tell you how I odorize it.
An open window for fresh air!
@Evansdoor No bathroom window is one thing I hate about my condo.
@Evansdoor @yakkoTDI
I live in a 3 bed 2 bath house and no window bath either.
I pinch a loaf and enjoy the aroma.
Exhaust fan
One more for “exhaust fan”.
My main bathroom is so drafty it clears itself out pretty quickly. So it’s a mixed blessing, I guess.

I don’t! It’s to share with everyone
@robson Several years ago, my wife’s coworker walked out of the restroom and said with a grin “Smells like roses in there”, which was followed a couple seconds later by a horrific stench (even with the door closed). So that phrase has been our code word ever since.
I use the toilet for number one AND number two. It also helps a lot if you flush the toilet paper instead of putting it in the trash can.
When we were little kids these kids from down the street would come over and play baseball, tag, capture the flag, Zelda, anything we needed extra people for. And it seemed like every time they had to go to the bathroom it was always to take a shit and they never ran home to do it they used our house. They never flushed the toilet paper, they always put it in garbage can and the neighbor kids and us always said the craziest shit bc we never understood it. Turns out the house they lived in wasn’t really a house at all, it was a big garage converted into a tiny house with no septic system (and rented out). Their mom always told them to poop at school or other peoples houses if they had the chance bc of it. The house was torn down probably a decade ago bc it was so gross.
@brennyn @Star2236
there are many places in the world were septic/sewer systems suck and putting your TP in the trash can is required. I can remember several places we stayed in over the years in Chile, Argentina, Belize, Uruguay, and the Carib Islands among others where this was/is the case.
@brennyn @chienfou
I understand that now that I’m an adult but as a child it very different from the norm that I grew in.
@brennyn @Star2236
Yeah, sadly there are places even in the US (such as rural AL) where a septic tank is unaffordable for people so they use a straight pipe to discharge ‘gray’ and ‘black’ water directly onto the ground.
Seriously, try this. It’s phenomenal and a little goes a long way.

I get it from our local co-op grocery but it looks to be available lots of places. I have no idea if Walmart and Amazon are selling the real thing. I don’t shop at either of those retailers.
Light a match
@heartny for the fat blunt?
My shit don’t stink.
@gjrupert and I bet you think it’s lily white and smells like roses? lol
I have an “open door” policy.
If a turd drops in my toilet and no one is there to smell it, does it have a scent?
@Goofmont only if your toilet is in the forest. Right beside that tree everyone asks about…
A large bonfire. Preferably fueled with vast amounts of the souls of the unrighteous, uneducated and Trump crazed loonies who believe anything he says. Nothing removes the poo stench as well as this ……

@IndifferentDude a matter of opinion.
i use prespray, post spray, candles, air diffusers, vent… anything possible. we got some nasty stuff goin on back there
@dlogue65, sounds like you need a healthier diet.
@dlogue65 @kittykat9180 Or a doctor.
I live alone and once I leave the bathroom, I smell nothing.
@RiotDemon Interesting. I live alone too and when I leave the bathroom, all I smell is shame.
@njfan @RiotDemon This makes sense. You’re the goat. Your job is to accept shame.
Just turn the fan on for a minute or two.
@brumagem Ours has timer.
Keep a small piece of rotting meat hidden somewhere outside the bathroom door, so that coming into the bathroom is actually a massive relief by comparison.
/image raid

turn on the vent fan.
Do nothing so my kids are grossed out and I can laugh.
I’m amazed Incense is an option, which is what I use. I’m the only one I think. My bathrooms fan is broken, incense works really well. Though I’d prefer the fan work.
@Fuzzalini I love incense. I use it in my house because it burns for such a short time and I don’t worry about my house burning down, lol
/youtube you are not alone
@njfan I don’t want Michael Jackson in my bathroom.
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon I used to be able to find incense matches, which were really handy! Haven’t seen them in quite a while.
@Kyeh @RiotDemon Those were cool. Used to get them in head shops. Haven’t been in one is those in a while.
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon
What do you know - they’re still being made!
@Fuzzalini @Kyeh @RiotDemon

/image head shop
The fans are not too hard to fix or replace, if it is your place. If it is a rental, try the landlord.
Mostly, I leave it as a surprise for the wife. In truly dire cases I will turn on the vent fan. I hate fragrances intended to mask the odor, they tend to be even more offensive than the poo.
I have my own bathroom so I don’t worry about it. But there’s a fan in both the bathroom and the water closet.
@er1c legal or illegal ones?