Hey, you! Wanna click a button to scroll through unread replies?
26Well, you're in luck! I was inspired by @TaRDy 's MehTools and spent a few hours yesterday coding up a Chrome extension that will scroll through the list of unread replies in a thread. If you want to test it, go here and follow the install instructions: https://github.com/jsh139/Extensions/releases
I spent a few hours yesterday and this morning testing it, and it seems to work pretty well. I'm going to put it on the Chrome Web Store if I get enough positive comments. Although, I have a weird feeling that the mediocre forum coders are going to put something similar into the forum software eventually since a bunch of us have asked for it. So, it'll probably be obsolete in a few weeks. I'm going to see if I can do a Firefox version, too since it was pretty simple.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed. This is my first browser extension, so don't be too disappointed if it doesn't work. YMMV, no warranties or guarantee it won't crash your browser, lol. I tested it in Chrome v37. Hope you guys like it!
- 32 comments, 86 replies
- Comment
Whoohoo! I'm using Firefox 25.0.1 if you need a beta tester. (Though... aren't we all beta testers?)
@editorkid We sure are!
@editorkid Just so you know, you're 7 versions behind. (Currently running 32.0.1)
@harrison Yup, and I'm going to stay 7 versions behind, until I'm 8 and 9 and 10 and so on versions behind. I have no use for feature bloat or over-aggressive update schedules. I think I went straight to 25 from, like, 7 or so.
@editorkid nobody would mistake me for an Alpha, I can say that for dang-old sure.
@DaveInSoCal @editorkid firefox has problems with my mac too. Two days ago when I clicked a message in my email instead of taking me to the meh message in the forums it told me the server can’t be found. WTF? Does this 100% of the time now. So I copy/paste the link into safari and it works fine. WTF again!
Firefox version now available! Just choose the Firefox edition.
Note: This add-on only works with FF v29 and higher. I will try and make one that works with older versions, but since I don't have a firm handle on these add-ons, it might not happen.
Sweet! I inspired someone! @jsh139, it looks cool.
You may want to consider using Page Action over Browser Action, that way it isn't visible on all web pages.
@TaRDy Thanks, I couldn't quite figure out how to get it to only look at meh.com/forum/*. What I was trying wasn't working so I just left it that way. I'll look into this.
@jsh139, you should look into using jQuery in your code too, it will simplify grabbing the unread comments by giving you an array of all unread elements just by calling:
You can try it right now in the dev console and see the object it returns.
@TaRDy Yeah, I had thought about that, but I wasn't sure what all was involved in using jQuery. I didn't know if I had to compile it into the extension, or if it was just available on the site. Plus, admittedly, I haven't used it that much, but I'm trying to learn!
@jsh139 You can always look at what I have on my repo for some ideas, they may not be the best commented though: https://github.com/TaRDy/MehTools
@jsh139 If I get some free time between work, grad school class and Destiny addiction, I will look into adding this feature somehow into mine too, I didn't realize all unread comments had that tag.
@TaRDy Cool, thanks! Yup, I did some digging and found it. No idea how long it'll stay that way, but I figured why not give it a shot?
@jsh139 this one is pretty cool too: $('.unread').css('background-color','wheat') , I'm not sure why they don't have something like this by default on here.
Just a plea for the humble apple 4s user utilizing Voice Over. When the MEH staff does include such a wonderful feature in the site itself can you try to make it work with the VO on iPhone? Please
Based on past experience, I'm pretty sure if it doesn't come through the Store, Chrome will disable it for me. :-(
@joelmw Yes, it will upon browser restart. If I get enough people to test it and it proves to be useful, I'll upload it to the Store.
@joelmw perhaps we can start a kickstarter to get @jsh139 and myself chrome extension developer licenses (@$5 each haha)
@TaRDy I don't mind coughing up the 5 bucks, but I wanna be sure that people will at least use it, lol. Oh, and if it helps anyone, Firefox doesn't disable the extension. It has no problem with it not coming from the AMO :)
@TaRDy Okay, but I want awesome pledge gifts. ;-)
@jsh139 I'll try to remember to give it a shot in the morning. Thanks for the feedback. Oh, wait, you're saying it will disable. yeah, when I tried one of the others, it didn't even require a restart. But I'll try it anyway. :-)
@joelmw It won't require a restart to install, but if you close your browser and then reopen it, chrome will disable it automatically (on windows, anyway).
Just in case somebody doesn't scroll through to see this, it's in the Chrome store now. Yay!
@joelmw And who's fault is that? I mean, really? Who's fault is that?
@lisaviolet That it's in the Chrome story? Dang, I'll take the blame for that. :-)
I'll just use the page down button
win! so much win!
now i'm going to try it. hopefully I wont retract my happiness.
edit: it's awesome. one, tiny suggestion. the unread ends up at the very top of the page. is there a way to make the unread hang out in the middle of the page? that way you get context without having to scroll around. either way, gold star for you, bub.
@marklog Thanks, man. Glad you like it. I'll play around with it and see what I can do. No promises, though!
Yay! Thanks so much for doing this!
Is this one of those extensions that can "read all the data on websites I visit"? Hard pass!
@medz If you are really concerned, you can see the source code that created the extension and realize that it doesn't do any horrible things with your data. I agree he should limit the sites it activates on to meh.com domain only, but other than that it NEEDS to have access to your website data to manipulate it and give you the feature you desire.
@medz there is a caveat about "reading the source code", he could always publish the source for the safe version and then publish the malicious extension and pose it as one built by the source he provided. The way to beat that paranoia is to just enable developer tools on your browser and install the unpacked version of the extension (the folder with the source code)
@joelmw Yup, for FF that just means that you can't 'click to install'. You have to save it to your hard drive first, and then open it via the browser.
@joelmw Whoops, just realized that was a Chrome error message, and not FF. Either way, it's officially on the Chrome store now. Hope you like it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unofficial-mehcom-forum-u/klpmjcpadmaanbiehibhppmehkpcalbl
@jsh139 Sweet. Installed and in use. Nicely done. I like that it even tells me there are no unread replies. I also like that the icon is in the address bar, 'cause I've got a shitload of extensions (most of which I use fairly regularly). I'll be looking for other meh madness in the Chrome store in the days ahead. Thanks!
@joelmw Glad you like it! I'm going to release an update later today. Nothing major, just some style tweaks.
Just released v1.1 for Chrome. Firefox is unchanged (for now).
1. Changed button to only appear when you are on meh's forum.
2. The scroller now works with the master thread list at https://meh.com/forum as well.
3. Cleaned up the code a bit.
I'm going to sign up for a Chrome developer license today. So, hopefully I can get it added to the Web Store in the near future. Not sure if anyone is using it, but I'd appreciate some feedback, positive or negative!
OK, ignore the previous comment for Chrome. This has now been uploaded to the Chrome Web Store. Didn't realize the process would be so easy!
Happy scrolling!
@jsh139 way to guilt trip me into putting mine into the chrome store...I'll look into it over the weekend and just buy 1 less beer (Sunday morning, me 1 beer less hung over will thank you)
@TaRDy Haha, peer pressure is a bitch, huh?
Version 1.2 released to Chrome store yesterday. No major changes, just some tweaks and new notification bubbles (instead of the dialog box).
@jsh139 Thanks a bunch. I usually use Safari but for long threads I will pop over to Chrome and use your tool.
@SSteve You're welcome. Hope you like it. Hmm, Safari...I guess I could try and port it over as a Safari extension too? I'll look into it.
Version 1.3 released to Chrome Web store today.
Firefox version here: https://github.com/jsh139/Extensions/releases
1. Now supports https://mediocre.com/forum
2. Support for the TL;DR button (archived replies). The TL;DR button will be clicked for you when you click the 'm' button if there are unread items in the thread. This way, if there are unread items that are hidden, you won't miss reading them.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy!
@jsh139 Question: The extension was disabled because it required more permissions and when I went to re-enable it, it said that one of the permissions was reading my browsing history. I assume there is an explanation of why this is necessary to make the extension work, I'm just curious about what that reason is.
@PurplePawprints hmm, I guess it was disabled because I added mediocre.com to the URL list so you can use it on the main mediocre forum as well. As far as browser history is concerned I think that's a standard thing that Chrome puts in there when an extension modifies the tab window (in this case to scroll it). I assure you, there is no browser history that the extension is looking at, storing, or sending anywhere! All it does is look for those little gray lines next to the unread posts and scroll to them when the 'm' button is clicked. But I'm glad that you brought this up so that others can read and hopefully feel at ease.
@jsh139 And that's mostly why I asked. I didn't actually think you had nefarious intentions, but Chrome popped up with 'scary' warnings when I tried to re-enable the extension. Anyway, I'm a risk-taker and had already re-enabled it before you responded. ;-)
@PurplePawprints Yeah, browsers always give you the scary warnings. The permissions for the extension haven't changed in the newest release except for adding mediocre.com/forum support. But since Chrome updates extensions automatically, it makes sure to let you know of any permissions changes so that something isn't running on your browser without your knowledge.
@jsh139 Great, now you know all about those websites I go to...

I just installed it on FireFox 32.0.3 on CentOS 6, and it seems to work well. Thanks!
@kadagan You're welcome ;)
@jsh139 Works like a charm on Firefox 34 on Kubuntu!
@dashcloud nice! Wish I could get it to work mobile-ly.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I figured I'd upload this to the AMO site. It's still being reviewed, but you can download it while it's in the review process:
@jsh139 I don't see that there's any need to apologize. I think others should know of this awesome utility. I just wish I had a similar something that I could use on my iOS devices.
@joelmw me too!
@jsh139, any chance you can extend this to the drone.horse domain? Please?
@SIMBM If you use FireFox it will already work (since it is not domain specific). But, yeah, I can try updating the Chrome version.
@SIMBM done! It should auto-update, or you can manually update from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unofficial-mehcom-forum-u/klpmjcpadmaanbiehibhppmehkpcalbl?hl=en-US&gl=US
@jsh139 Well, now I don't see it on the regular meh.com forums...
@jsh139 Ha. I had to reenable it because it's asking for moar permissions. Once I did that, it's working. Thank you!
@SIMBM No problem. I was confused at first because I know I tested it!
@jsh139 So, you got a tip jar thingy for the app? One of the most used and useful apps I have, and I don't use many. Dead simple, and Just Works.
@SIMBM glad you like it! Nah, no tip jar. It wasn't all that complicated and I'm happy to help out the community. But thanks for the offer! :)
@jsh139 Remember that we're willing to pay if you consider adding new features or creating new apps and aren't sure you can justify it. I'd certainly throw a few bucks your way. :-)
Actually, I'd rather have someone come and take these 150+ trip glasses off my hands. I dont know what to do with them and my wife gets annoyed every time she sees them in the garage :D
@jsh139 Halloween instead of candy
@Kidsandliz Haha, good idea!
@jsh139 The kids will love it. Of course then it means no left over candy in the house to eat (figuring that it will be left over so you eat it before you run out LOL).
@jsh139 The threads are no longer automatically expanding when you click the 'next unread' button with the new forum update. If you manually expand the thread, the button works as it should. And, if you keep clicking the button without expanding the thread, it will eventually take you to the first shown new comment, but it's still counting all the hidden ones, just not expanding to show them. Anyway, if my convoluted explanation makes any sense to you, maybe you can take a look at it.
@PurplePawprints thanks for the heads up. Makes sense. They probably changed the css class name for the button. I'll try to fix it tomorrow.
@jsh139 - I downloaded the Chrome version only recently - it's awesome! Thanks so much!
@jsh139 Thanks! I'd be lost in the forums without your extension.
@KDemo You're welcome!
@PurplePawprints I have a fix for this ready to go, but I am going to wait an hour or so to release it because they are actively updating the forum code. I don't want to release something that's going to break in 15 minutes :)
I keep trying to install each new version in hopes it will work.

@hallmike I haven't updated the github code in a while since the extensions are now published on AMO and the Chrome store. I'll upload the latest code and you can try it. I have no experience with Pale Moon, though, and I don't know what I could do to get it to work on there.
@jsh139 Thanks! I'm not asking you to spend any time working on a fix for my particular situation. I understand I'm using a non-standard browser and accept the consequences of that choice. I just read all the good things people say about your extension and was wanting to give it a try.
That said, if of your own volition you wish to make it compatible with Pale Moon, this link may help: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5440
@purplepawprints The updated version is live on the Chrome Store. You should receive the update automatically within the next day. If you want to manually update go into the Menu, click More Tools > Extensions and click the "Update extensions now" button.
Firefox version is still being reviewed but should be updated on AMO soon...
@jsh139 Great! Thank you!
@PurplePawprints you're welcome!
Firefox version has been updated on the AMO site.
@JonT, when you get a chance, can you add these links to the original post? That way people won't need to go through github to find them. Thanks.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unofficial-mehcom-forum-u/klpmjcpadmaanbiehibhppmehkpcalbl
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/unofficial-mehcom-forum-unread/
@jsh139 I blame @Mfladd for not having an ios version. I also blame @mfladd for not having an apple watch version oh and I blame @mfladd for apple not allowing this kind of thing from working on iphone. @Jsh139, Thank you!
@sohmageek you're welcome!
Any chance this might work on android chrome or ff?
@f00l I don't think that it'll work as-is. I'm not sure what all is involved in making extensions for FF mobile but I will check it out. I don't have an android device to test it out on but I'll see what I can do. Chrome for android doesn't support mobile extensions...yet.
I'm no longer even seeing the little button in the address bar. I are sad.
Halp me, @jsh139; you're my only hope.
(It's possible that it's somehow blocked on our network. They're always fucking with shit. Bastards.)
(BTW, I just searched "halp!" and this was the second hit:
@jsh139 I uninstalled, then reinstalled and there's a regular button (not in the address bar). And it seems to work.
@joelmw I haven't made changes to the extension in quite some time. I think Google changed something. The button shows up all the time in Chrome now. If you click it when you're outside of the Meh/Mediocre/Drone.Horse forums it behaves as if you right-clicked it and it brings up a little menu. Weird. Glad it's working, though.
@jsh139 @joelmw This is a really irritating change on Google's part. A lot of my extensions were tucked neatly away in the URL bar; now suddenly a giant mess of buttons is eating up my real estate. One thing you can do for less-used extensions, however, is push them into the hamburger menu, by right-clicking the button in question and selecting 'Hide in Chrome menu'.
@joelmw @brhfl - Was wondering why this moved and how I could return it to the URL field. Guess we're SOL.
@jsh139 - I'd be lost without it though. Kudos.
@KDemo @brhfl @jsh139 I'd noticed the move with other extensions and even wondered before I did the uninstall and reinstall. I'm not sure why it should have affected this the way it did, but I'm just happy to have it back. And, yeah, @brhfl, halfway through your email I was going to suggest what you eventually said.
I actually don't mind it generally. It helps me keep track of my extensions (I actually stumbled onto some spamware recently and cleared out probably 80% of what I used to have, most of which are hidden still).
@joelmw Your bar puts my bar to shame, that's for sure!
@brhfl Well, some have suggested that I'm the one who should be ashamed.
This actually prompted me to trim some things and tidy up a little. Just a little. And there's always something just out of sight that's ready to pop back in.
@joelmw @brhfl @kdemo Here are discussions highlighting the extension changes and the justification by the Chrome product team behind them:
@joelmw holy crap, could I offer you a littler browser with your extensions?
@jbartus It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I more-or-less know where everything I need is too.
Bumping this thread for the new people.

@dashcloud wrong species
@jsh139 Any chance we could get this updated for the new casemates.com forum? Please?
@JOATMON yeah I should hopefully be able to update it for Chrome and Firefox this weekend.
The extension has been updated to work with casemates.com and mediocritee.com. Chrome and Firefox versions are updated in their respective stores.
Luckily (?!) there hasn’t been much action on Mediocritee so I’ve managed to bumble along without your extension there. However, with Casemates getting so much buzz, it would be near impossible to keep up without your good work! I was excited to see the update come through on Chromium and I thank you very much!
@gio you’re welcome! Glad you’re getting use out of it.
@jsh139 Are you still out there? Any chance we could get the chrome version updated for the new pastadrop.com forum? Please?
@JOATMON I am. I haven’t updated it in a while. Hopefully it’s not out of compliance with their extension standards. I’ll try to get to it soon.
The Chrome version of the extension has been updated to work with pastadrop.com!
@jsh139 Thank you!
@JOATMON Anytime!
Good thing they’re getting ready to add this to the forums any day now. /s
/giphy bump

/giphy please and thank you

@joelmw It was discussed and instead of ignoring/blocking, they made one thread and said “keep the discussion here”.
It would be nice to have a conversation without the uncontrolled children butting in.
@joelmw Making some sort of block/ignore option would be cool. I don’t really have the time to do it, though
If someone wants to work on it and create a pull request via https://github.com/jsh139/Extensions I’m all for it. I am still able to publish to the Chrome web store (and presumably FireFox AMO).