@relevantsam yup, I refreshed madly, got the page load literally right at 9pm (PDT) and there were no captchas. Smashed the buy button wondering what the joke was. It was only after completing my order and refreshing that I saw the horror that awaited others.
@johnamo Dang I read it but don't remember anything other than how there was going to be something ridiculous on the first day of the month. And I was here at 12m, even a minute or two before. Maybe I missed a hint.
I got one, but it's a Fuko not a Fuku, and it was just too easy this time, even considering the Captcha where I had to pick the "boats"...
The last time I got a Fuko it included a precious moments figurine, a used hoodie, and a Halo video recorder that didn't record... At least this time the web page isn't giving me a seizure...
I definitely wouldn't trust an impossible-benign-van
Yes it was something new so kinda levels out the playing fied for those who wanted a fuku/fuko bag. But the hell i was finally checking out when the dreaded sorry we sold out while you where checking out shit came up for me!!! And i was excited for my first fuko! :( :shit happy april fools! :shit
@potchi awww this makes me feel bad... I've been there, definitely been in that boat. You could do what I did last time and just make sure starting tomorrow that you log in every night at 11:50pm and wait and wait and wait to hit refresh.
Or you could just live your life and actually get a good nights sleep every night, live a long healthy life, and make a difference in the world, it's really up to you...
@awk after reflecting on this for the past 11 hours (and seeing this on a desktop) I have to agree now. At 12:00AM on an iPhone and multiple browser crashes, not so much. Well played meh, well played.
So used to pushing the meh button first, that's what I did. Then "damn!" I pushed the buy button. Then bypassed the robot choice and had to go back and let the powers be that I am not a robot.
It got pretty hairy for about a half a second there....first fuko this year.
@mehdaf I don't know! I didn't even know there was one until I read this thread, then I went back and there it was.
Mehbe it was because I was sitting on the page at 8:59 (west coaster) and was pushing F5 to restart the page (order went through at 12:00 meh time). I had no idea what people were talking about until I went back to the home page after posting here.
@lisaviolet I was waiting and hit it exactly at 12 midnight and hit buy button and got we still think you are a robot and after that it was Captchas hell
@MrHappypants I know your pants are happy now, but once you realize the fuk-O-my gosh-bukuro promise, you'll likely be as giddy as a 4-winged chicken in peak physical shape on the weekend before the SuperBowl
@studerc Glad you made it! I couldn't get through all the captchas on this account before sellout, but I snagged my husband one. Apparently, I got his page loaded before the wall of captchas went live and only had to solve the one on the order page. My account was nothing but a wall of captchas and I was too slow once I realized it wasn't an error.
@studerc I just wish that once solved, they stayed solved. It's a bit annoying to refresh the page to check the stats and find the wall of captchas again. haha Anyway, congrats on keeping that streak going. I'm sad that it's broken on my account, but I had a good run.
Man I give up. Every fuku lately I miss by a minute or if I access it right at midnight the site is too broken to get it. Nothing like solving 30 capchas to get nowhere.
@capguncowboy I did all the captchas and it sent me to the buy page, but between the time I opened the order page and clicked order, it sold out. Ffffff. Oh well
That was amazing. I don't think I've ever been more frantic about anything in my life. Especially since I didn't catch on that the page was actually loading correctly until about the 4th refresh.
What a cool way to make everyone work for it. I got one. Although I can't help but feel for anyone that went through all the work just to see it sold out...
@jdp or those like me who only found out by reading the forum. I assumed I was doing something wrong as clicking buy just pops up an alert that says "We still think you might be a robot. Please continue verifying your humanity." so started reading to see if there was some other trick to it. Oh well.
Those captchas are actually very insensitive and highly offensive to robots. You'll be first against the wall when the inevitable robot uprising begins.
Woohoo! I got one. I am happy about this purchase - but strangely I wonder if I should be seeing how it is unlucky and all.... hmmmmm yup still happy with it!
That was a nightmare haha but I did it rewarded-upsetting-grade Well played meh, well played ... I too didn't see that it was a FUKO until it was too late... oh well, not gonna cancel cuz that was hard work
I'm just going to point out that on my chromebook that MEH sold me will not load todays page with all the captchas, so literally Meh fucking me out of one.
@FroodyFrog like i got a chromebook, so i automatically get a fuko? Im saying the chromebook they sold me crashes everytime i tried to load meh becuase of what they did todsy with the capthus.
got all the captchas. hit buy. had to do one more "i'm not a robot". it wouldn't click. by the time it refreshed, they were gone. fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
@carl669 I don't think we have enough goats to sacrifice today to make up for how we all got screwed by the book of mehcronomicon: Klaatu verata mehctu
@DuggleBogey Not true, I solved them all, took 6 minutes, and I got one. It took 8 minutes to sell them all, cheaters would have scored them much faster than that.
OMG that was freaking awesome!!! And i think the only reason I got one was because I was on my PC. Everyone on their phones were probably yelling that their phones because the touchscreen wouldn't work. LMAO Great Job guys! Eventhough it's a Unlucky bag
Um, isn't recaptcha supposed to not need interaction to solve now? absolutely could not get rid of them fast enough to even get to the order screen before it sold out.
@studerc I'm not worthy enough to remain in your presence. Good luck, I hope you get something good and can also continue your streak in the future. @PurplePawprints sorry you didn't get one.
@Barney@Purplepawprints...that's an unfortunate turn of events...just like that, we are down to 4. Think though...technically your Fuk(U) streaks are still alive!
@baseba4551 HOORAY! One of us! Your name shall be added to the undefeated roll call in the future. Wishing you the best of luck moving forward! For the record there have been 7 fukus and now 2 fukos.
@studerc@ingnorant@jimcil@capguncowboy@whistlingwilly I wonder if there are any other traits that joins this illustrious group? All red heads? All under 25 or over 45? All from the South? All college dropouts or PhD candidates? All left handed? All in the IT field as a 'profession'? All born on an odd numbered day? All have Reese Cups listed as favorite candy?
@Ignorant I thought your reply would be more like 1) N, 2) N, 3) Y, 4) N, 5) N, 6) Y, 7) Y, 8) Y so I could complie the stats and let the rest of us know we might as well stop trying. But K will do too, Meh. (what percentage did i guess correctly?)
@DMlivezey It's funny - Not sure where you fall in your questions, but I'm 33, from the south, college drop-out, left handed and work with IT a lot. Maybe that's just typical for Meh though :shrug:
@capguncowboy@ignorant N, Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, butts I'm not a member of this exclusive 'never missed club', but I do have more than the average bear booboo (5, me thinks)
Um, isn't recaptcha supposed to not need interaction to solve now? absolutely could not get rid of them fast enough to even get to the order screen before it sold out.
@kyouteki Got the exact same thing...maybe b/c it's late, and I got out of bed for this, and the last CAPCHA rotated 4-5 times ($!&#$!!) with new pictures even though I got it right...well, OK, all that makes it funnier, except it happened to me so I quit the VMP. Wife has been riding me for a year to "STOP ORDERING THIS CRAP!" anyway.
I'm guessing this must be broke on mobile. I went through all the Captchas, looking over the entire page multiple times to verify I hit every one and yet it still says I didn't do them all. And now since I left the page, they all came back again. I appreciate the joke, but at least make it actually work.
I couldn't bypass any of the robot buttons, so no bag for me. After getting out of bed and EVERYTHING. Dang it, Meh. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now.
Pain in the ass for nothing :( Make a decent puzzle next time if you'd like us to get challenged and want to avoid bots. But please stop the mindless clickfest.
My first on this website. Got a few on that "other" website back in the day. Glad I only did 2 of the recaptchas on the poll. the first one and the submit button:)
Such Dogshit. Got them all done on my galaxy s6, at the pay screen it kept saying i was a robot instead of processing payment (after clearing captcha). Over and over, until it said it sold out. Awesome. So much hate. So much furious hate.
All those years posting on the 4chin have paid off! I bet they'll send me a wrist brace for my soon to be developing carple tunnel.After what? A decade? of trying for a boc and then a Fukobukuro, I got one, but not really. It's an unlucky one. Brilliant! I am the fool this April!
I've been trying to get the last recaptcha to load for the past three minutes. I'm afraid to reload because then I have to do it all over again which will have been a waste of time. Ugh.
Yeah, you just lost a customer. Google's system starts to mess up with so many and starts to fail. After so many errors with it and it finally got through them all oh look sold out.
Oh that was freaking hilarious. Amazing troll and I had no clue for a full minute what was going on. No I didn't get one, but I did laugh my ass off reading the page while solving 30 captchas. Brilliant!
Fudge. I was on iOS and got them all gone and answered the poll but it still would not let me through. Checked several times and there were no more robot blockers left and still I couldn't go. Bummer. Second fuko in a row I've been on right at midnight and couldn't get it.
@zachhh same thing for me. Got the buy button early on but it wouldn't let me buy and so I solved them all and button still there and still wouldn't let me pass. oh well.
No buy button on iPad, and yes, I opened the right buttons. How many years and I never got a bag even with a timer to open the page on the hour. I'm gone, Fukubukuo you....
I must say, I am legitimately pissed, it took me nearly 10 minutes to get through all the captchas. I don't mind the security measures. But freaking seriously, not everyone is lucky enough to have un-shared ultra high speed internet. Like, really, really upset. I've been itching to get one of these since I found out about meh, and that was just too, too much. like, seriously. and if I have to answer another captcha to post this I will be even more pissed. I'm not done with meh, I am just extremely disappointed about how this was handled. . . . .maybe that's how all the fukobukuros is handled. . .if so, never again. oh, writing is good, now I am no longer pissed, just very sad and disappointed. I got. . .oh crap, it's april 1st. Screw you Meh.
@thismyusername On the front, above the little map of the US, theres a bunch of stats. One of them says how much they made before they sold out. I dont know how to post pics. check it out.
Yeah, you just lost a customer. Google's system starts to mess up with so many and starts to fail. After so many errors with it and it finally got through them all oh look sold out.
@0oiiiiio0 Thank you for increasing the odds for us the next time. It will be hard for you having to pass up on water bottles and bluetooth speakers, but the sacrifice you are making is great. Thank you.
I can not believe it, I have never gotten a fuko, fuku, bag of crap..you name it.. this is the first time ever for me I have gotten through the server issues, captchas, the-need-to-sleep, and GOTTEN A THING! <3
Unbelievable. Spent 15 minutes proving I'm not a robot. Been missing the last of my first watching of the new Vacation only to get the sold out notice. VMP and a very miffed person(not robot)
@StrangerDanger Was behind the embedded YouTube video. If you'd clicked the video, the captcha opened up. I saw it flash for a second when the page accidentally reloaded and I started over. Fun times.
Not fair meh I came at 12 I finished all the captchas as fast as humanly possible was sold out by the time I was done and now I find out almost everyone that got it didn't even do one because it glitched. I'm not mad at you I'm just very dissipointed.
As if getting broken stuff with little to no customer service wasn't enough. I think Meh finally convinced me not to waste my time and money here anymore.
@bruno187 Thank you for increasing our odds next time... while it will be hard for you to go without cheap knives and bluetooth headphones it will be worth it to increase the odds for the rest of us to be able to receive crap that meh should have put in the dumpsters. Thank you for your courage.
Oh that was freaking hilarious. Amazing troll and I had no clue for a full minute what was going on. No I didn't get one, but I did laugh my ass off reading the page while solving 30 captchas. Brilliant!
I was on right at 9, figured out what to do really quick. Did all the captchas on my iPad (what a pain on an ipad, btw), and was done with ALL of them by 9:03… and still got the "We still think you might be a robot. Please continue verifying your humanity." NOTHING WORKED. I even voted in the poll, thinking that would be a trick. Nope. Clicked the 'Meh' button. Nope. NOTHING WORKED. (Did I mention that already?) Finally tried reloading. All that accomplished was reloading all the captchas again.
Great idea, Meh (quasi-brilliant, really). But poor, poor execution. I know there will always be people pissing in your Cheerios about these, but this one has left a bad taste in my mouth.
@haydesigner exact same experience here and well said. I'm all for making it fun but now I can't trust coming to meh on anything but a desktop anymore if I want to feel confident at fuku time. Which means much less times I'll come to meh. Blah.
AWWW! My first fuku that I missed! I had all the captchas solved, but the poll was yesterdays so I couldn't answer it. So I did it a second time, and was too late
Got through it on my phone! Was sweating bullets... hadn't gotten a fuku in all this time. Hit the buy button, oh god, could this be it? Loading my info on checkout... oh man, getting that mehmass story feeling. could this be the day?!? Loading!!!
It would have been very kind if you stopped fucking with us once the goodies sold out. If they were goodies. If the whole thing wasn't entirely a joke. I worked, I worked, I worked, I kept finding new damn captchas to complete, finally I made it ... and sold out. I bet you killed Kenny, too, you bastards.
I came here to say that this made me very angry, and my computer was tricked into installing Windows 10 without permission while I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Good one Meh. You got me.
Now I get to live with Windows 10 for the rest of my life.
Wow, what a total douchebag thing to do to people meh. I'm a new follower and the first experience I have is being put through 30 bot tests. That's beyond fucked up. You're complete Assholes.
How many people failed to realize that it's April 1st, aka "April Fools Day"? I was laughing my butt off at the capcha shenanigans...and I don't even mind that I didn't get a Fukubukura...I've gotten 3 in the past, so I'm ok with missing out on one!
@elpepe Crashed my device 3x after answering all of those fucking things.....would have been funny if the site didn't crash my browser and then sell out......
Not a complaint, just a thought for future reference... The page got incredibly bogged and reset the browser on this iPad. Took awhile but eventually found all of them (apparently it hid one of them) and when it came to payment time it reset the browser again.
Definitely a fun, creative way to do it and appropriate for April 1. Despite the frustration, I appreciate the effort you put in to make it different. Well done!
I picked the wrong night to finally get my desktop up and running for the last two years it has sat in the basement being unused due to my injury/disability. I finally have an expensive therapy chair so I can sit at the desk, with a new fucking mouse (the "handshake" style) trying to learn how to use it and get a feel for my shitastic Starcraft II Marauder keyboard from Woot ages ago. Yeah.
I think I am taking this WAY too hard, but man that was a horrible twenty minutes just to get to the sold out while you were ordering message.
Nice April Fools, Meh. Today I am the fool for trying.
"Because from now on, we're not calling this a fukubukuro, a lucky bag. We're calling it a fukobukuro, an unlucky bag, like we did last April Fool's Day, and like we will for all future bags." So is this a true statement or just an April Fools thing like the rest of the description... wait, don't answer that
distant-ceaseless-wrist! Very appropriate order number after all that my wrist is indeed sore! Thanks for a fun challenge and congrats to those who got through, regrets to those who didn't.
@stinks If we are canceling it is most likely because we aren't interested in doing business with meh anymore so it does not matter whether we have free shipping for the rest of the month.
I was doing well with the captchas early on, then the whole page went to an error message and I had to start over. I didn't stand a chance then. Meh, I hate you. See you tomorrow.
I am so upset. I filled out every captcha on my iPad and when I clicked to buy, the page refreshed and I had to start over. I was upset so I went on the computer, filled out all of the captchas a second time and then clicked to buy and it brought me to the sign in page. Then I clicked sign in, it loaded, then said "Internal Server error". When I checked to see what was up, they were sold out. I am very mad about this system and I wasted like 12 minutes doing the f-ing captchas for nothing :(
@Ipster731 don't feel the Lone Ranger -- I have an idea it was rigged so people who hadn't got one before maybe did -- at least that thought makes more sense
I started clicking on the captcha on my cell phone at 9:01. This is sold out at 9:08. No announcement of this till I finally go to checkout at 9:15. Images are really hard to see on a little screen.
I'm done. I've ordered so much shit off this site and the one time I actually have a chance to get a fuku this shit happens. Did all the little puzzles and still wouldn't let me buy one. Wasted 15 minutes trying to solve them 3 times only to get a sold out. Canceling my vmp and deleting this link. Fuck it.
All your hard work of clicking through these aggravating captchas has paid off! Enjoy your terribly unlucky fuko! But first, make sure you answer our very important poll below."
Did you vote in the poll prior to trying to order?
@SteveOOO The brave decision you have made to give up on the chance to buy water bottles and knives at a great discount, and headphones at a modest discount will be seen as an act of heroism for all of us whose odds increase for the next "mehstery bag". Thank you for your courage.
I get the joke and it's fine, but I got through the Captchas TWICE before it said sold out and both times it said I still needed to verify my humanity. So, it just didn't work. Which sucks. But whatevs. Congrats to those it worked for.
@itsWetWilly same here. I am done. I see nothing funny about that big a$$ waste of time. I'd rather just missed out by timing this the frustrating time puzzles that didn't half work. Guess I'm not in the right clic
@itsWetWilly "Be one of the very first people to order.
All your hard work of clicking through these aggravating captchas has paid off! Enjoy your terribly unlucky fuko! But first, make sure you answer our very important poll below.
Did you remember to vote in the poll after the captchas?
@Conklaven Same but different. Don't expect the typical number of higher end items. But, you never know... Search for last year's thread on what people got.
Seriously, can you guys do something about how boned your website is on mobile for the first 30 seconds every night? I loaded it on my iPhone at the stroke of midnight, got the headphone page, reloaded, got a totally broken page with nothing but the header and "check out the community", reloaded again and got the goddamn captcha wall. Which, by the way, was also busted the first time it loaded. Then after solving them all, the buy button said "you still look like a robot" so I had to reload AGAIN, and it was gone.
It's one thing to miss out because you weren't fast enough and quite another to do so because the damn site was broken under load.
@Ignorant I order off my phone plenty, but almost every time there's a long delay right at midnight while whatever it does to serve the site for mobile happens. Usually it's not a killer, but for fuk[uo], and with THIRTY CAPTCHAS added in, well...
@kensey Ordered one on my phone without all the captchas right at eleven, while laughing my ass off at the page loading on my other phone I was attempting to dual wield.
Now the captchas did crash Chrome several times on both phones when I was trying to unlock the page to read the description.
This site will never see another cent from me. Ten minutes of infuriating "i'm not a robot" recaptcha and it's sold out when I finally finish. This was the last straw. You're not cute. You're not funny. You're not getting any of my money ever again.
@cinoclav The fact that this was an almost universal experience this evening does not rebuild my loyalty to Meh as a brand in any way. Way too much hype for so little reward. VMP member for over a year and I get...socks.
@pteridoid And uh, free shipping instead of paying $5 each and every time you order something. You expected to get preferential Fuku/Fuko treatment for being a VMP?
@cinoclav You think I'm angry because I was the only one to experience this? I'm angry because these speaker dock peddlers wasted my time and money for nearly two years. If you want to keep financing them, go ahead.
@pteridoid I don't seem to recall you ever posting you were angry about anything else you ordered 'for nearly two years.' So yes, I think you're angry about this particular bit of fun. It IS April Fools you know. They've treated us all to some great deals, they've earned the right to fuck with us once a year.
@cinoclav Not everyone had to "do the same thing". I got screwed with the wall o' Captchas, but my wife got in...no captchas...went straight to check out and got a Fuko. I think it's because she was naked and has a webcam...
@Thumperchick Ok...so the laugh's on all the guys and girls in the "Undefeated" club. Somewhere in the halls of Meh there's a wall of nekkid pictures of all those "winners".
@pteridoid I can appreciate your frustration. I've been there once or twice (and I'm still here). And, hey, please go away if it increases your happiness. We'll be fine. And just for your own sake, yeah, it might not be worth the frustration. But I have to disagree with this:
You're not cute. You're not funny.
meh is nothing if not cute and funny. They're motherfucking adorable, if you ask me. Like these guys. Don't tell me this isn't cute.
Yeah tonight was the worst FUKU bag -- Got I think you are still a robot 15 times and did the pictures right --so happy for those who weren't caught in endless loop of I still think u r a robot tonight -/ very funny meh not
dont even know why I have VIP anymore - clicked all the captchas answered the poll clicked the capthca in the buy page still told me I was a robot - did every single step - every one and still got the old hose
I dunno if i'm pissed or relieved. I got the first fuko and it did indeed suck. but i answered 30 or so captchas and even when there were none left (and no poll showed for me) it would not let me order. and i was on it. f5 right at the change, ugh...frustrating. edit: just so you know, if you actually bought one you probably wasted your money. Unless you like shit like fake diamond studded tiny dog collars and pieces from a 10 year old paintball gun haha.
Yeah so I don't think I'm going to be checking this site so much anymore.
Everyday I login at midnight on my phone hoping it's a Fuku. So tonight it finally is.. I answer all those damn recaptchas killing my phone battery just for it to freeze and I lose all that work.
So basically staying up and logging in at midnight isn't enough. got it. Screw this.
Tried to do this on my phone. I solved all the captchas but 2 of them wanted me to copy and paste a code. After I did that, there was absolutely no way to submit the form for those text boxes. No submit button or anything. Hitting the buy button didn't work either. Finally in desperation I refreshed the page and yes, all the captchas came back. And then it sold out. The end.
It took ten minutes of furiously going through recaptcha nonsense to make me finally realize that my time is worth more than this. Enjoy your speaker docks. I'm going to spend my money on other things. Meh.com has lost my loyalty.
After completing it 3 times on my iPhone and then getting errors each before it showed sold out, I'm a little pissed off. Thought it was a joke but not.
I'm not ready to officially join the ragequit club yet, but I'm close. I spent 5 minutes refreshing the page thinking "there's no way there could be 1000 captchas, their site's just broken", and then at least 10 more doing all the stupid captchas after I realized it wasn't, and then after finally getting to the sale page and buying... it said it was sold out mid-order. I get that it's an April fool's gag, but y'all done fucked up.
WOW...I have no Fucking Idea what just happened here. I filled in every box with the codes and nothing happened. I feel like a total Jackass. I must have missed something. Oh well. No big deal.....Maybe I'll get lucky next time.
Meh, you'd better hook the VMPs up with some shirts or something after this. Seriously. I'll give you one week, and then I am bailing on VMP, and you can say goodbye to my tiny contribution to your recurring income.
I'm from New Jersey. This is how we do things here. It's called business. You f*ck me over, I return the favor. Conversely, you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Your call, Meh. Your call.
@Crixus nah, my other half was just messin' with ya, and me thinks Meh. doesn't care if you ditch the VMP, it's a loss leader for them i imagine, so just do what's right for you and your buying patterns.
If there is anything I hate about this website, it's these. I've never even seen how much they cost. I mean I suppose it's fun if you delude yourself into thinking you have a chance, but the ReCaptcha BS made functioning on mobile impossible.
I sure wish I would get some fun benefits from my VMP that's promised besides free shipping....
@FroodyFrog no clue. I got to sold out after 9 minutes of infuriating bullshit, I was pretty bummed for a minute. Then my kid smiled at me and I was over it. Life. It's way bigger than $5 of random fun.
11:59 on my phone caused it to freeze and restart all apps got through half of them on a browser and page crashed it took fifteen minutes to clear all but three of them (which wouldn't) as google was convinced I was a robot and had to click images of bread, street signs, mountains and grass, for EVERY SINGLE ONE. refreshing again (as I didn't have another option) generated a sold out message.
I'd love to know what circle of hell that was conceived in. Bastards. Usually I'm pretty good at taking a joke, but I'm a mobile user and that was the cheapest of shots, meh.
MEH. So was this your plan to lower your page visits so it will work better rather than improve your servers? Think it worked! Don't think many will return after this debockal.
@cthrift1980 It sure feels like a debacle. But don't let it get you down... They only had 505 of them to sell, but almost half a million visitors to the site (even if that is counting repeat visits from the same people, I imagine there were at least 25K people trying to buy). I totally get that it really stings when you aren't one of the 505 misfortunate souls who paid actual money for an unlucky bag, but the odds were heavily stacked against everyone, so please don't feel slighted! And besides, you can sit and gloat when the poor fools open up their boxes and are faced with the utter trash that Meh has sent their way.
Actually made it all the way through the captchas on my ancient iPhone 4s, and then the website crashed and refreshed. Sh!t! Actually still pulled it off on my laptop before it sold out, but no wait, gotta vote .... and... Sh!t!!! sold out.
Then again, it's April the first, so well played meh. Well played.
The last item I ordered was the Fuku from valentine's day.. VMP I think is starting to bug me.
What grinds my gears most is that I have my alarm go off at 11:59 and for the first time in a while I ignored it.. WHY!? Its april fools day, I should have known better! grrr.. so flustered up
i think you're as funny as you think you are, btw the chromebook i was trying to trade away hit the site on my wife's account without captcha and scored a load, likely worth less than $5, Meh.
I was switching browsers and clearling cache like amaniac, and them i reMeh.mbered it was a 'fools' day
hrmph, :fools: 'fools' "fools" {fools} which one does something?
It would have been very kind if you stopped fucking with us once the goodies sold out. If they were goodies. If the whole thing wasn't entirely a joke. I worked, I worked, I worked, I kept finding new damn captchas to complete, finally I made it ... and sold out. I bet you killed Kenny, too, you bastards.
I did not realize there were so many whiny babies on meh. You all realize that you are complaining about not being able to waste $5 on what will probably be a thrift store t-shirt in a reusable grocery bag with some random odds and ends mixed in, right? It's kind of the way the April Fool's item works. Congrats to those who got them comma and to those who were able to even participate in the game. All this girl got was a nearly dead phone battery and a little bit of anxiety. If any of you are really that upset about not getting the fuko, send me $10 and I'll give you the contents of one of the many junk drawers in my house. One of you will get 15 unused cat water fountain filters!
It was actually kind of funny, but it should have stopped people once the 'sold out' hit. Instead, everyone who began continued until they got to hit 'BUY' based on what I'm reading. Like happened to so many others, the order page had one more CAPCHA, I did it right but it still rotated through 4-5 new CAPCHA screens as if I was making a mistake and during that last 15 seconds, they ran out the MEH button said. Yes, that's even funnier but there different kinds of funny and this is the kind that generates resentment.
While I like these guys, my wife has been riding me to quit and so I've been looking for an excuse and they have finally given me one. VMP canceled...I can't bring myself to delete the icon on my menu bar yet...maybe tomorrow.
Alrighty, Meh. I made a vow not to complain on the forums since the last Fuku and I have succeeded. My body is ready for the childish-cool-crab. Do whatever must be done!
You sold out while I was ordering? Naw, hell naw. Take your ass in the back and get my shit. I'm going to sleep on it but I'm thinking canceling my vmp would be a fitting response. Also, you owe me a new phone. My fucking screen is worn out.
@Eric714 Just checked Woot and no Woot-Off. However after you make your first purchase in April and pay your $5.00 for shipping, there are no further shipping charges on your purchases for the entire month of April. Meh, you want want to learn something from Woot.
@thismyusername Sorry, not increasing your odds! This was my (apparently lame) attempt at an April fools 'get back' at Meh, by causing a mass exodus (in words only) because of their Captcha abuse! But no, the odds makers were to busy counting their next fuku chickens before they had hatched, to join in to mehk Meh think they should offer up a legit fuku way sooner than too long from now! Such is life April Fool.
@studerc Yep. I'm obviously quite glad I got one myself but if I hadn't this still would've been highly entertaining to me. I'll be way more upset by the 4 hours of sleep I'm going to get now.
@cinoclav Be sure to check my posts. I was extra angry. I'm not sure why I feel as betrayed as I do. I mean, retailers are generally in it to make a buck regardless of the consumer. I guess I'm annoyed because, somehow, they made me assume otherwise about them. I paid more than a hundred dollars just in MVP membership. I got a couple of LED lights and some socks. Tonight just made me realize I owe them nothing and can leave them behind whenever I want. And tonight, I want.
@studerc Check mine especially. I was so mad lol. I'm still a little mad lol. It's such zany fun!!! I don't think I'll come back because if my time is worth minimum wage, this site is not worth thinking about at all. Enjoy endless speaker ports!
@pteridoid The only person you have to blame for spending that money on VMP is yourself. It's not meh's fault they sold items you didn't want. It's not their fault you didn't take advantage of the ability to cancel your VMP each month and have it refunded if you didn't buy anything. Hell, it's pretty damn nice of them to give you that option instead of just taking your $5. Anything they sent you for free is simply a bonus. I don't see Amazon throwing any free socks our way. You simply need to reassess your expectations and make the most of what meh has to offer.
@pteridoid I cancelled my VMP too but I gotta say, those strings of LED lights are awesome. I put them under kitchen cabinet and they work great. Every earbud or headphone I ordered has been crap, though, and I don't need any more speakers.
Can we get stats on how many people did Meh a favor by canceling their free shipping benefits in response to not getting their sense of entitlement fulfilled?
@elpepe This ain't costco... if you don't use it, cancel it... if you are correct about not buying anything since Feb 16 you will find that $5 will be automatically refunded since you didn't make use of it.
Wow, nice abuse of Captcha but it's not really an April Fool's prank. A good prank would have been the button saying "Buy Now" until you finish the last Captcha and then saying "Sold Out" when there weren't any available at the start. Or saying "Sold Out" when they were still available until you finish all the Captchas and then saying "Buy Now." Last year's was much better and could be considered an actual April Fool's prank. Unless you're calling a Fuku a Fuko and sending everyone nice speaker docks.
Meh, I love you and you still have my loyalty. Ignore all the whiners who are bitching and moaning about how they're canceling their vmp (which you lose money on anyway, so no real loss there); I doubt they were buying all that much anyway. Those of us who actually 'get' the site will continue to promote you as we've been doing all along. I expected tonight to be ridiculous on an epic level and you completely met my expectations. Good job! I'm sure it took quite a bit of work to make this happen and I'm impressed. Happy April Fools' Day to you all!
@elpepe You're wrong. They are losing money on vmp. But hey, you can be wrong about this, too. It's okay.
Also, if you go a month without ordering anything, and then don't cancel and get your refund, that's your own damn fault. Even with people being dumb and doing that, they're still losing money because so many of us buy multiple things each and every month. Shipping really isn't cheap and some of the stuff I've bought has been pretty heavy.
@Thumperchick right, but they profit when people forget / don't know / are too lazy to do so. If you don't use it in a month it should AUTOMATICALLY credit you.
It's win-win for them. I last ordered on Feb. 16 and didn't cancel till tonight. Depending on their accounting they got either $5 or $10 free from me.
@PurplePawprints stop me if this is a crazy idea but they actually make money on the sale of items, too. having $5 for a month shipping provides customers incentive to buy more often.
The subscription model wins for them both ways -- motivates people to buy when they wouldn't have, and people forget to cancel it.
@elpepe This response is a bit over a year old, but I imagine it still holds water. While Meh certainly doesn't want to lose paying customers who aren't entitled, idiotic assholes, they would prefer more people pay shipping with each order than be vmp members.
@snapster said Wed, Mar 4th 2015 at 9:58am eastern: Mostly I regret the implication that we were eager to have more VMPs. We weren't quite large enough in total for non-VMPs to subsidize a VMP club that size. It's good to get back to a more organic balance.
@PurplePawprints so let me get this straight. The Meh CEO said he would rather people pay $5 a month for shipping only when they order something, instead of also paying $5 shipping when they don't order?
Because no one pays shipping without joining VMP. It makes no sense. It's a scam option.
@elpepe At the time, he was referring to all the people who were cancelling after getting two month's vmp free for Christmas. However, the part about there needing to be a balance with more people buying and paying shipping each time than people who are vmp members would still be true.
Pissed. I follow every day. Tonight not only shut out immediately from the fun but also have to fight 100000000 fucking bots to show I'm human. Disappointed.
I feel stupid for giving this site $5 a month for no reason for I don't know how long, 1.5 years? Enjoying the fuck out of my one Meh sock I didn't lose.
Whatever -- you could have made it 5 captchas instead of like 50 with the same effect without pissing people off.
And no, it's not that I don't "get" the joke. 5 captchas would have been a fun joke. 50 not so much.
@thismyusername yes, if they aren't idiots. Anyway there used to be some variety in the merch. Now it's speakers and headphones every midnight and I only have one pair of ears. Now if I were a robot...
First I thought the site got hijacked so I reloaded - Clicked through all the "not bots" and got a sold out while ordering.- This isn't funny. April fools day or not you don't treat people (who are not bots) this way! What is wrong with you!
@Ignorant This was clearly targeted at "non bots" - next thing you know Google will be messing with the Pegman and we will have to cope with even more change to invoke street view.
You know what I did really think was clever about this? It wasn't just about who could click the fastest at 12:00:01, but who could earn it (how many people quit after thinking the site was screwed up? how many people clicked only the CAPTCHAs that allowed one to proceed to check-out, etc.).
Still, this was still a shitty way to go about it. But maybe next time when you have something awesome, make people go on a scavenger hunt or answer trivia questions or do math or one of those puzzles where you have to slide blocks around to make a picture. Just don't buttfck them in/at/around the end (heh heh) - you need to interrupt the process if you sell out WHILE they are racing around. Making everyone yell "BINGO" and then telling them someone else won 5 minutes ago...that's where this went from jokey to lame.
I have a question. Was there some special way I was supposed to do the CAPTCHAs? I went through all of them and even though it wasn't sold out, it kept saying it thought I was a robot. I tried clicking Buy every so often but still got the error. Just wondering if I did it wrong.
@Ignorant Oh, I did see the poll question and I think it did say something about being a robot. I can't remember if I voted in the poll or not so don't remember what it said.
I am super offended by those captchas. Quiche is not a pie, goddammit. It is... abomination. I don't know. Tasty abomination, in a way. But also... unnatural.
I am sad to have missed the deal, but happy to learn that 3 hours and 20 minutes ago, I clicked on more salads and breads and mountains than I think I ever have in my life.
@cinoclav and I think I've convinced myself that I am not a robot. That's probably equivalent to spending a dollar and getting a bag of crappy stuff in the mail.
Every single time there's a fuk whatever bag, something comes up, and today is no different because I had to work 3pm to 3am because the dick third shift guy called off.
So I got one I and I was all: but I can only imagine my reaction upon opening the box will be this:
To everyone that normally gets a Fukobukuro and did not get one tonight, thank you for my first Fukobukuro, and you can go back to beating me out next round.
@403forbidden My guess is both, though the hammering is probably going to go down throughout the day as people realize they (or should I say "we"? I mean we) missed out on the Fuko.
A bit disappointed they didn't test it further. Girlfriend was almost done with page when it suddenly refreshed. I had issues were the page just kept crashing on my Android phone. By the time we finished on the PC they were sold out.
Oh well. Didn't get anything good in my last unlucky bag.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure you have to live in Texas to get anything good.
@Skylord123 I've gotten some pretty nice stuff here in California. Even got one of those letters saying more stuff was coming (it was and it did - the 'Murica box - 100 U.S. flags on sticks, leather jacket and vest, busted up metal briefcase, two boxes of fake bullets, a broken piggy bank and a few other things; another time a really nice monitor that didn't work as it should with my PC because my PC has proprietary stuff in it that only works with stuff HP says it can work with).
@Skylord123 Yeah, I scored a Neato the last time and I'm in PA. Damn glad I didn't let it try to win a Fuko last night. Totally would've failed the 'not a robot' questions.
Haha, seriously very well played. I fell asleep on the couch at like 6 minutes til Meh time and awoke to a "FUKU" yell from my husband as he burst forth naked from the shower. It was a very confusing way to wake up, especially with the million captchas I had to try and complete while still half asleep. To make matters worse, Mr. Naked was sitting (gloating) next to me as I failed to get one but he succeeded. A fitting start to April Fools Day!
Finally did get to see the Fuko-panic, and it was real. The Fuku description on Wikipedia (History section) seems to have had some Meh help if I'm not mistaken.
What a cruel joke, but I'm still laughing at the recaptcha. I struggle to do those normally! Honestly, I thought we'd just be seeing the JBL speaker docks back today
Man I really thought I had this one but something was fucked up at the end and when I clicked the "buy" button after completing every Captcha like a dope, nothing happened. Clicked again and again and nothing. Refreshed the site, completed the Captchas AGAIN, and then it was gone ...
I think the most frustrating thing for me at least (and I'm guessing, some other frustrated folks here) was that we were 1000% certain that the bag was coming, and we were there at the second at the top of the hour...But we just weren't prepared for the purchase process being something so complex that having a direct-wired PC or laptop and a mouse would be a huge advantage.
I'm an east-coaster so I visit meh from the comfort of my mattress via iPad most nights and drift to sleep by 12:05. This just wasn't the night for anyone in that type of situation to get an unlucky bag.
By the time I realized the game was afoot, I knew I needed to be at a hardwired PC, but it was too late.
I went ahead through the motions using my touchscreen and did complete every captcha and voted, but the page still threw the robot error alert. My iPad air also definitely struggled to load all the captchas (I would have to scroll a few times for them to finally appear). So, definitely NOT the night to be at anything but a real computer for a good shot and I can't say I'm sure how well the joke was tested across every environment -- Not sure it was even a high priority to test a process cross-platform that would really only count for 10 minutes or less of production time anyway. I'm a web developer, if I knew a page would only matter for 10 minutes I might not care either.
I'm a stats geek, and I'd love to know the percentages of the 504 who accomplished via mobile vs. desktop/laptop this time -- would be fascinating. And then to benchmark that against prior bags.
I can appreciate the crazy of April Fools and the fun in doing it different, I can only hope that the next prank is one that keeps the playing field level across all platforms. I think a process that didn't handicap those on mobile and wireless devices may have angered less folks.
@OldCatLady Certainly a great selling point for "visit meh.com using a laptop or a PC, and we've gone one to sell you today!" :) Any meh staff able/willing to share the sales stats of percentages of bags sold in this sale via mobile browser vs PC?
@bdp shoot, I was on a hardwired desktop, but wireless trackpad keyboard, and I still lost out. even with a 20" monitor. . . still took nearly 10 minutes to get through.
Well, it was just a bag full of mostly crap, probably, but I will say that the mechanism of this sure created a lot more hate than anytime I can remember before. Imagine people needing a certain GPA to get into the grad school of their choice, and they're only giving out 50 such GPA for a class of several hundred. Then imagine everyone has to work through a bunch of broken captchas on their mobile phones to get a chance at one of those 50. Then imagine the hate that develops toward both the design, the testing, and the failure of such a system when it goes into practice, especially for the people who perceive that they got a raw deal because they're trying to complete the task via mobile/cell.
That's the level of frustration here, except probably some people value the fuko MORE than their GPAs.
@defibrillator I didn't get into Yale due to my inability to differentiate between mountains and what is simply a large hill. Fucking reCaptcha, you ruined my life.
@defibrillator Can't afford a smartphone at our house. Have the smallest Kindle fire, an original kindle keyboard, a Touchpad that loses touch with the internet and an iPad mini that isn't fast either.
The ONLY thing I've been using when I used to play craps at the other site, or fukuing off here, and winning, is my PC.
Imagine people needing a certain GPA to get into the grad school of their choice, and they're only giving out 50 such GPA for a class of several hundred. Then imagine everyone has to work through a bunch of broken captchas on their mobile phones to get a chance at one of those 50. Then imagine the hate that develops toward both the design, the testing, and the failure of such a system [..]
Pretty sure this is an analogy for life in general.
@MsELizardBeth My phone...hahaha! My phone is a basic phone. I get a whopping 300mb of data a month (which I don't use much of). I used to send photos to facebook via text message when we were away from home, but FB did away with that option for basic phones, so now it just sits in it's cradle.
This is my second phone like this, the first one was under warranty and after a year, I realized I couldn't hear it ring, something was wrong with it. They sent a replacement and a year later, same thing. But now it's not under warranty.
I'm curious about the settings on the reCaptchas. Most of the time when I run across them the engine recognizes my movements as non-robot and simply lets me click the box without giving me the pictures. @shawn - Was there a setting to specifically require the full reCaptcha process?
@cinoclav unfortunately no setting available otherwise we would have used it. In our internal testing we weren't able to complete more than 10 reCAPTCHAs using the checkbox before challenges were being presented.
@shawn Interesting, thanks for the reply. I feel like there were a few that accepted just my click but as madly as I was clicking away and having picture boxes pop up, I'm not really sure. Guess the process works reasonably well. Wanna truly fuck with people next year? Combine the moving homepage with the reCaptchas...
So, we're watching X-Files. I've had a long fucking day in the middle of a long fucking week in a long fucking month in what's looking to be a long fucking year as a part of a multi-year fucking project (that I swear, could have accomplished far more in a few months in the private sector). I forget that I didn't get home until 9:30 when I hear my meh alarm go off. I casually saunter over to the page. I see that shenanigans are afoot. And what the fuck was the matter with us? We should have expected a fuko on April Fool's Day. Dumbfucks we are. Ha-ha. I have to click through a couple of captcha's. Ha-ha. Where the fuck are these coming from? Seriously? Fuck you, meh. Wait, maybe there's a clue here somewhere. Well, shit, I gotta keep goin'. Bodies of water and street signs and houses and trees, oh my. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Goddamnit, I'm an old man and the adrenaline is pumping and my pulse is racing. What a fucking way to die. Meanwhile Mulder and Scully and maybe Mulder's cloned, aphasic sister and Skinner and Cancer man and killer bees and children of the corn? (Everything Dies, I think it was)--I have no fucking idea what I'm missing; gonna have to find time to watch it when the wife is out or busy. She looks over at me a few times. She can see I'm in a zone. I wonder as I stress over each image--wait? is that a tree there? is that a river or a lake? would they put a fucking lake in where I'm looking for rivers just to fuck with me? that's fucking evil! oh, this is new . . . and on and on and on (on my phone, mind you; at least I got the 6s plus, but still not ideal and not even a tablet, you wusses )--shit, I lost track of what I was wondering. It was like one of those near death moments (I've had a couple) where time slows down and you can almost see yourself from the outside. This did not, by the way help; alas, I am not a time lord. Motherfuck. Incredibly--I have no idea how long it took or how many of those goddamned captchas I did--I eventually got through. I'm thankful, but I still hate April Fool's.
I do feel bad for those who went through the frustration and got nothing. Truly. And especially those who did it on a smart phone. But I feel obliged to point out (for whoever doesn't want to slog through my post), it did actually work on a phone.
Sigh. And I remember that one time I stayed up three or four hours and got nothing. Yeah, I was pissed.
@DrunkCat iPhone 6s Plus 128. I like it a lot. I know it's not as fancy as some other phones out there, but I'm an app fiend and can usually find what I need to do what I want.
So, I got one the hard way last night, but decided to take a look at the page again today. Would it have been possible to bypass having to do all of the captchas by messing with the checkCompletion javascript function, or was there server side validation too?
@andrd I was able to make it pass that check that throws the robot message, but since it's sold out, I don't know what would have happened past that point.
@dmod I don't know if you could've used this to actually buy the fuko, since there's a server-side check involved, but right now, the following code will hide the wall of captcha's and unhide the original content on the front page:
15 hours later and I am still pissed off about last night.. As usual, I get here right as 12 midnight -- went through the 'process' only to get done and find out they were all sold out. There is a difference between April fools and April insults... and for MEH to waste 15 minutes of my time, I found that insulting. I will get over it, some day -- months from now -- but for now, I am opting out of VMP and removing MEH from my to-do list.
@discmaster I've wasted a whole lot more than fifteen minutes at Woot. If I was unable to get one last night, I would've been upset but I would have cooled off and kept on mehing as honestly, I have enough to worry about upset Meh isn't high on my list.
@discmaster i think Meh is happy to have users cancel VMP, since they know you will all check back, as the HABIT isn't kicked, and buy twice in a month for DOUBLE vmp - have someone block the sight from all of your browsers - it's the only way to be free, free at last
@andrd Yes, two tracking numbers are showing for me as well. We'll see if it is real or just some quirk in the system. They are indeed setting these up quickly for shipment!
@andrd yup, 2 tracking numbers here, if they send me the horse @dmlivezey asked for in the V-Day fuku, the joke will be on that d-bag when it comes in two pieces
@andrd Still processing on mine, no tracking. I am filled with foreboding... but it will get grim (the OMG what I have I done kind) once tracking is up...
@duodec Mine is also still processing. From my last Fuku#7 experience: The later our order is processed, the better/heavier the box is. Finger crossed.
@DonDonSu Still processing. Perhaps grim will be insufficiently foreboding once tracking is available... it might go all the way to gravely certain of impending doom... I'm getting premonitions of derisive laughter from my wife already...
@duodec@DonDonSu they all still show processing, but you can look up the tracking numbers by searching by reference on the fedex site as indicated in the OP. or, if you have the fedex app on your phone, it should show them if you have it linked to your address.
@andrd I also have two tracking numbers, and at first I got really excited but now I feel less special knowing everyone else also has two tracking numbers. Also, does everyone else show 2 lbs as well? I'm assuming that's a placeholder?
@legett11 Yes, two tracking numbers here, each with 2lb placeholders.
So are we all getting two shipments? Do the Fukos have multiple personality disorder? Perhaps they're sending us all a box of tissues in advance of receiving the actual Fukos?
@andrd I'm guessing a bunch of shipping labels were generated in error before being applied to a package. In tracking, my "bad" label has not moved, while my "good" label is due to arrive tomorrow.
@andrd I noticed that too, but since I don't see any speaker docks, knives or Roombas, I figured it wasn't a true depiction of what they will be sending.
I was lucky, got on at midnight, didn't have to deal with the captchas. And like @lisaviolet, I automatically pushed the Meh button without looking at what was being offered! The captchas were there later, I think if I had to go through all that I probably would have woke up all my neighbors when I was screaming "FUKO YOU, FUKO YOU!!". Have to admit, thought the whole thing was a prank, but then I got my confirmation ( underrated-squalid-harmony- no good images ). But who knows? Might just be bags of Texas air!
@unixrab really should be here to congratulate all the people who have canceled their vmp membership. I mean, they've all finally seen the light, right @unixrab?
I just love reading the comments and seeing all the PizzedOvv people out there. Some couldn't get an order, some do get an order but it doesn't weigh enough, some have multiple PO's. I'm just happy I get to play with you all...
To all of those who are complaining about metaphorical butthurt: look on the bright side - at least you don't have poison ivy in your butt crack. I do. Literal butthurt. I also have it all the way around my waist, on my nose, on either side of my mouth, along my chin, on both ankles, and, oddly, in my right ear canal. And no, I didn't go get frisky in the woods. I went morel hunting in jeans that were too big and snagged the back and ended up with a stick down my pants and I guess that's how I got the poison ivy there, and must have gotten it the rest of the way around my waist each time I pulled up my pants. On the face I assume is from my water pack. Ear, I have no idea.
I normally don't get it. I normally shower as soon as I get home but I got home to an underwater pilot on my water heater, so I had to wade through gross ankle deep basement water to get the pump to work so that I could drain the water out the basement window. Then 5 hours later I got to relight the pilot...then an hour after that I finally got to shower off the poison ivy oils.
So, yeah, no fuko isn't that bad in the grand scheme of very itchy things.
@MsELizardBeth Well, what did you want to do all that for? You just don't know how to have fun. (-ducks and runs away-) It's pretty early for poison ivy to be out spreading joy. I guess I'll spend this weekend clearing out my back lot, because we never really got winter here. Did your shots work?
I feel remiss for not identifying myself earlier. But I'm ashamed to say I'm one of the unlucky ones. My Fuko is still processing. They're probably waiting for a sufficient quantity of bio waste to add to my unluckiest bag. I will, of course, report in graphic detail my utter disappointment once my Fuko arrives. I hope you're all as unexcited as I am.
I don't think I'm a robot, but can I really be certain? What if an advanced alien race came to earth and kidnapped the original me, download my brain (via the standard anal probe route) and transferred my thoughts and memories (minus the kidnapping part of course) to an exact duplicate robot body? Is it odd that I dream of electric sheep? Sexy, sexy electric sheep?
One of my two tracking numbers is on the way -- anyone have two shipped packages? Kind of think they goofed and assigned us two tracking numbers by mistake.
As a recipient of both the April Fools Fukobukuro AND Woot Bag of Crap, I decided to offer a little side-by-side comparison of how both offerings performed. First, photos of the hauls:
Now, let's decide a winner.
Category: The Bag
Winner: Meh. Hands down. Moving on.
Category: "Maybe I Can Sell in on eBay?"
Meh: Able Planet Clearvoice stereo headphone in a busted box Woot: iChair iPad case (first gen) & Philips Actionfit arm band (size L/XL)
Winner: Meh, by a hair. Just because there's always a market for headphones. But old Apple accessories? Ehh...
Category: Potential Kitschy Gift for a Friend
Meh: Elvis tin serving tray Woot: Screaming Monkey (Bandoleer of Carrots cape) and Star Wars Tie Fighter toy
Winner: Woot. Always side with the Screaming Monkey.
Category: Perfect Accessory for a Desperate Housewife
Meh: Wine Glass that reads, "I'm Leaving His Ass!" Woot: Home Organization & Storage book
Winner: Meh for not being boring.
Category: "WTF am I Supposed to Do with THIS Shit?"
Meh: Old Wollensak cassette player from some high school audio program in the 1970's (and weighs at least 15 pounds) Wood: One snow glove and a transforming reading light
Winner: Meh all the way. I mean seriously, WTF am I going to do with that? My wife is going to be so pissed off at me!
So, after five rounds, Meh comes out on top with a score of 4-1. Thanks for playing, everybody!
A Meh Bag, A USB LED Desk Lamp, A used network switch, a used Wii Play game that we already have, a mini-cassette recorder, A "smart watch", six knives, two of which had fallen out of their protective sleeve and were just lurking in the box and... a Cuckoo clock that needs some repair but it works!
-- DVD/Blue Ray Player ($50 at Walmart) Has a defective tag on it that says it freezes. Plays DVDs perfectly, I don't have a blu ray disk to play in it though. I suppose I should start a collection now. ;) ...if it works.
-- Cinderella Digital Watch Had a dead battery in it. Lucky however that I had previously saved some small watch batteries from some other junk I acquired elsewhere. Works perfectly. Now I just need to find someone who would like it.
-- Kevin Dundon Burger Maker ($20 on Amazon) Funny name. So funny in fact I thought for sure it had to be made up... google to the rescue. Turns out it's a chef with a couple of tv shows even. Huh.
Hm what did I forget? I'm pretty sure I've missed something here.
Very thankful for my unlucky bag as it wasn't as unlucky as the name would lead you to believe. Totally worth the $5 monthly + the $5 for the bag. Thanks meh!
Condition: Unlucky
Warranty: None
Estimated Delivery: Eventually
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery…
Fukobukuro bag
Uhn tiss uhn tiss
Review Highlights
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Aug 5 - Wednesday, Aug 10
Glad to be a fool today! Yay!
@DonDonSu charming-cloying-roof
bickering-acoustic-pancake - Nailed it
@relevantsam I got the same screen after a successful purchase. Is this the way to prevent us purchase it again?
@DonDonSu first screen for me!
@DonDonSu No. I think it's just a fuck up. It's all I've been getting since roll over.
@Teripie I think it's the point. Solve them. Each one unlocks a different part of the Meh website.
@relevantsam no worky for me on my Nexus 5. Sad. meh.
@DonDonSu I think that's what it was originally supposed to do. I think we bypassed it when we hit the page right at 12.
@Teripie Yes. It is still available at this point. Once solve the riddle of the 2nd one from the top left corner, that "buy" button is still there.
@relevantsam yup, I refreshed madly, got the page load literally right at 9pm (PDT) and there were no captchas. Smashed the buy button wondering what the joke was. It was only after completing my order and refreshing that I saw the horror that awaited others.
I must live in some ISP Bermuda Triangle black hole. I'll refresh at 11:59:59 and it always locks up on fuku days.
@uncleop Me either. All I got was the MEH button.
Sweet! Just got one, thanks meh!
Oh crap, I got one. Now what?

@awk await in fear.
@awk marry it!
Thanks for the heads up in the newsletter, Meh... glad I read until the end!
@johnamo shh!
@johnamo Dang I read it but don't remember anything other than how there was going to be something ridiculous on the first day of the month. And I was here at 12m, even a minute or two before. Maybe I missed a hint.
@mehbee There's a newsletter? How is I'm VMP but not on the news letter? lol
@Starwind in your account settings do you have the option checked to receive emails?
@johnamo Darn, I skimmed it super quick, guess I missed the memo.
Yay I think?
I got one, but it's a Fuko not a Fuku, and it was just too easy this time, even considering the Captcha where I had to pick the "boats"...
The last time I got a Fuko it included a precious moments figurine, a used hoodie, and a Halo video recorder that didn't record... At least this time the web page isn't giving me a seizure...
I definitely wouldn't trust an impossible-benign-van
@mehdaf oh, i could SO use a hoody that someone else doesn't want RIGHT NOW
@DMlivezey you can have it for the low low price of, free! If you pay for shipping... I'll chip in for the packaging and trip to the post office...
@mehdaf nah, i needed it then, not anymore though, but that's awful nice of you to offer...
Woo hoo! orange-snarky-government
awesome, got it!
ample-red-centaur, baby!
thank you jebus
@andrd YOU ROCK!
Nice! clownish-terrible-death
I was so happy I got a Fuku!!! Then I checked my order and saw it was a Fuko.... what have I done????
@thismyusername my first bag...dont care about fuku or fuko right now...whats the difference anyway...ive never seen this one before
@thismyusername You've brought incredible shame upon your family name for generations to come.
@klev well fuku means lucky.... fuko means unlucky... we have unlucky bags with our names on them!
@thismyusername it was so fitting last time that those stupid Halo things didn't work. How appropriately unlucky...
Love the captchas though, it's like an advent calendar in hell.
Yes it was something new so kinda levels out the playing fied for those who wanted a fuku/fuko bag. But the hell i was finally checking out when the dreaded sorry we sold out while you where checking out shit came up for me!!! And i was excited for my first fuko! :( :shit happy april fools! :shit
@awk I laughed my way through - I couldn't believe there were so many of them.
@potchi awww this makes me feel bad... I've been there, definitely been in that boat. You could do what I did last time and just make sure starting tomorrow that you log in every night at 11:50pm and wait and wait and wait to hit refresh.
Or you could just live your life and actually get a good nights sleep every night, live a long healthy life, and make a difference in the world, it's really up to you...
@awk This is my favorite comment.
@awk after reflecting on this for the past 11 hours (and seeing this on a desktop) I have to agree now. At 12:00AM on an iPhone and multiple browser crashes, not so much. Well played meh, well played.
So used to pushing the meh button first, that's what I did. Then "damn!" I pushed the buy button. Then bypassed the robot choice and had to go back and let the powers be that I am not a robot.
It got pretty hairy for about a half a second there....first fuko this year.
@lisaviolet wait, how do you bypass the robot check, do tell!!!
@mehdaf I don't know! I didn't even know there was one until I read this thread, then I went back and there it was.
Mehbe it was because I was sitting on the page at 8:59 (west coaster) and was pushing F5 to restart the page (order went through at 12:00 meh time). I had no idea what people were talking about until I went back to the home page after posting here.
@lisaviolet I to refreshed right at midnight and bought one before there was any captchas.
@lisaviolet I was waiting and hit it exactly at 12 midnight and hit buy button and got we still think you are a robot and after that it was Captchas hell
My first one!!
yep! gusty-wormy-skin
Love it! Great play with the captchas!
I got one! My first fukobukuro or fukubukuro or anything from meh.com actually!
@legett11 welcome! A good night's sleep is a thing of the past!
Man, I'm really glad I got in there before all those Captcha things caught on. LOL
tangy-psychedelic-property, indeed.
@SColburn +1
Wow! Talk about a broken link! A whole page of I am not a robot. Nothing else.
@Teripie I think that's the point. As you solve them, it unlocks parts of the page.
cowardly-ardent-doll Yesss
My Fuku Cherry has been popped!!
@MrHappypants I have bad news for you...
@MrHappypants I know your pants are happy now, but once you realize the fuk-O-my gosh-bukuro promise, you'll likely be as giddy as a 4-winged chicken in peak physical shape on the weekend before the SuperBowl
@MrHappypants don't let them talk you out of your happy pants, it's still a Fuku, just with broken stuff. Which is basically just like my last Fuku...
OMG!!! I got one! Yay!
Yea Me!!

(For @Dave: .....!!!)
I got mine before all the CAPTCHA stuff started. The wife wasn't so unlucky. The language I heard coming from the bedroom!
I asked her, "Dear? Are you OK?"
I think I was promised sex tonight because her answer was, "Fuck you!"
Much Love Happy April Fools
Fuku you Meh.
Still got a frail-special-bit though
@a It's a Fuko
CAPTCHA out the ass. What has this world come to?
@jsh139 something a robot would ask.
@thismyusername EXTERMINATE!
@studerc Glad you made it! I couldn't get through all the captchas on this account before sellout, but I snagged my husband one. Apparently, I got his page loaded before the wall of captchas went live and only had to solve the one on the order page. My account was nothing but a wall of captchas and I was too slow once I realized it wasn't an error.
@PurplePawprints I had to solve every fucking one of them. Not a single one made the quick pass through.
@studerc I just wish that once solved, they stayed solved. It's a bit annoying to refresh the page to check the stats and find the wall of captchas again. haha Anyway, congrats on keeping that streak going. I'm sad that it's broken on my account, but I had a good run.
@PurplePawprints I love the fact that you have to re-captcha just to check the sales. Soo April fools...
GOT IT!!!! Still flawless
Sweet got one

This was the best one ever.
Well that was really something.
Man I give up. Every fuku lately I miss by a minute or if I access it right at midnight the site is too broken to get it. Nothing like solving 30 capchas to get nowhere.
And hey what do you know, finish the captchas and its sold out. What happened to the fun, now all we have is despair.
@bph yup...
LMAOOO got one but man i was sweating for a bit there... almost rusted my circuit boards. I mean... NOT A ROBOT
@deadlybunny would you rather have a spare battery or this soda pop?
So... I had to do like 50 of the I'm not a robot things before I could buy it, but I nailed it. Still perfect. @Studerc, you still in the game?
@capguncowboy I did all the captchas and it sent me to the buy page, but between the time I opened the order page and clicked order, it sold out. Ffffff. Oh well
@capguncowboy Still in the game broseph!
I loaded the page right when it changed over, but couldn't get past the captcha army. Oh well.
I'm so sorry mobile users... I will mourn your fingers.
@Tiverty oh yea, screwed by mobile. Damn!
@Tiverty it actually loaded quicker on mobile
Got it! I think.
pure evil... genius. got one!
Finally an excuse to renew my VMP for a month
And BTW if you got in fast enough there were no Capchas :P

I'm terrified about the fukO though!
hahaha OMG that was terrible.
Jesus Christ that was intense...Got one though!
Aahh doesn't work on my phone!!!!!!
@Psikic Don't feel worse than the rest of us. Using an iMac didn't Fuking work for me.
I would have been happier with a damn speaker dock friday. SDF.
@kenlovesmoney mmmm JBL Minis.....
Got one... I hate all of you.
jk that was pretty amusing.
good lord my hand hurts. got one though!
damn that was intense. the ice cream one was tricky!
I'm starting to question my humanity after making that order, though it certainly is a loving-mediocre-thing!
That was amazing. I don't think I've ever been more frantic about anything in my life. Especially since I didn't catch on that the page was actually loading correctly until about the 4th refresh.
Got one. I figured you could probably bypass a few of them on the bottom. I was right:)
The worst reCAPTCHA out there.
@eulestadt uh, what? Not Google's fault you selected nearly everything but the street sign.
Woot! Or meh
Booyah! usual-orange-barley!
Got one. I feel very unlucky. And kind of scared. And a little itchy.
hahaha OMG that was terrible. I was too stressed to realize it was for a FUKO!
my fingers, my eyes, my google!
my FUKU!!! informally-near-nickel
That was evil... So evil.
Snagged one! Now I have to do the captchas all over again to read the description
Glad I was on the desktop instead of the phone this late at night... that would be horrible on the phone!
@jetedrow It was.
April fools', everyone gets bags of crap!

I'm sure it will be a bag full of crappy small pictures... this shows persistence works (or insanity). got one!
This is just Meh's way of forcing the singularity hand by revealing true AI.
Well that was something, but i got one. Now to see the trick they play on us because this is a Fuko, not a Fuku...
What a cool way to make everyone work for it. I got one. Although I can't help but feel for anyone that went through all the work just to see it sold out...
@jdp or those like me who only found out by reading the forum. I assumed I was doing something wrong as clicking buy just pops up an alert that says "We still think you might be a robot. Please continue verifying your humanity." so started reading to see if there was some other trick to it. Oh well.
@jdp Actually it was pretty crappy. Even now the page won't finish loading on my Nexus 5, so i never even had a chance.
first bag. better send something good
@abhinkhanna oh... the thing is... I'll let someone else explain.
@thismyusername yea @abhinkhanna, fuko is much worserer than fuku
Holy FUCKNUTS... Nautical-Emerald-hydra... Should I get Captain for this?
Balmy-Combative-Laugh - How appropriate.
and my first one - woot

and yes, I am a robot, muhahahaa

no, not really.
Those captchas are actually very insensitive and highly offensive to robots. You'll be first against the wall when the inevitable robot uprising begins.
That really got my heart going. I'm gonna need some unlucky candy to put that little bit of cardio back into history.
"Oops, we sold out while you were ordering."
...Don't make me cut you, Meh.
@ateatree ouch! I'm so sorry. :(
@ateatree Got the same :(
@ateatree same
@ateatree same.
@ateatree Ditto at 11:08, after doing every single one of those suckers. You got me good meh, you ass
@ateatree i bet no one got it. Maybe everyone that got thru is gonna just get some magical email confirmation
@ateatree same :(. Liked the joke but wish it paid out on the end.
my green bar has been loading since 9:02
@connorbush don't give up!!!
That's where I need to be right now after those stupid robot captcha shits.
Well that was fun. What was in the last one you guys got?
@ryanj17347 Two power banks, a valentine card, a money folder, and a Dyson.
owl AND kitteh!
@baqui63 hmmm... I hope the owl is not feasting on the kitteh...
@baqui63 tastes like rabbit?
@thismyusername Hmmm... never had kitteh. rabbit tastes like whatever you season it with...
Woohoo! I got one. I am happy about this purchase - but strangely I wonder if I should be seeing how it is unlucky and all.... hmmmmm yup still happy with it!
That was a nightmare haha but I did it rewarded-upsetting-grade
... I too didn't see that it was a FUKO until it was too late... oh well, not gonna cancel cuz that was hard work
Well played meh, well played
got one; hope they send me a new gf
@tinkleondabeach meh has a reputation for sending broken, used, or refurbished things in Fuko's, do you really want them to send your new gf?
@mehdaf I'll take a broken one please
well played mates.


That was INTENSE but worth it
@fyreblazer Click all the land in this photo.
floral-mysterious-basketball checking in.
worth it
fuck you assholes
Did all the captchas, no joy. Bastards.
That was awe-inspiringly evil and entertaining all at once.
What a pain in the dick that was. But still got one!
Y'all are nuts!
I'm just going to point out that on my chromebook that MEH sold me will not load todays page with all the captchas, so literally Meh fucking me out of one.
They were part of the way to get the Fuko.
@FroodyFrog like i got a chromebook, so i automatically get a fuko? Im saying the chromebook they sold me crashes everytime i tried to load meh becuase of what they did todsy with the capthus.
let us consult the mehcronomicon:
got all the captchas. hit buy. had to do one more "i'm not a robot". it wouldn't click. by the time it refreshed, they were gone. fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
@carl669 - Same here.
@KDemo same same
@carl669 I don't think we have enough goats to sacrifice today to make up for how we all got screwed by the book of mehcronomicon: Klaatu verata mehctu
Had it in my cart, but it sold out as I was solving the final captcha. Curse these circuits!
@justjking had that happen to me before. just keep trying, it makes people wonder what you are up to
@justjking What cart? Meh doesn't use a cart.
Gotcha - first one
That was cruel as F! Says sold out after all that work! F you MEH! Burn!
8 minutes later, I got my first

@caffeine_dude brace yourself...
@caffeine_dude best gif ever hahaha
@march5th00 check out Matt below.
I solved all 25. And missed the deal. FFFFFFFFFF-
@kregasaurusrex same here :(
@kregasaurusrex everyone who actually did them missed the deals. Only the cheaters got it.
@DuggleBogey I did every last one. I didn't think I'd be fast enough. However, I did get one. It was infuriating, but I managed it.
@DuggleBogey Not true, I solved them all, took 6 minutes, and I got one. It took 8 minutes to sell them all, cheaters would have scored them much faster than that.
@webender By 12:06 I clicked submit and it said it was sold out, grr.
@Stallion I did all of them and still got one.
Scored one before the Captcha minefield
Got through all of them and then forgot to click the "I'm not a robot" checkbox on the actual checkout page. >.<
Still snagged one in the end, though, so it's all good.
Finally, first one I've gotten since the kickstarter
Didn't get one, but you are such magnificent bastards. Thank you, it was fun.
My first one ever...lively-pale-jellyfish..
Interesting that the google search came up with this in the top 5 images:
Great, now my fingers hurt with no bag.

7 Minutes of using my horribad touchpad on my laptop. That was as nervous as I've been in quite a while. And I'm an EMT!
...but I got one.
Sold out while I was trying to order!!!! ARGGGGH!
OMG that was freaking awesome!!! And i think the only reason I got one was because I was on my PC. Everyone on their phones were probably yelling that their phones because the touchscreen wouldn't work. LMAO Great Job guys! Eventhough it's a Unlucky bag

WTF??? I was there at exactly 1200 eastern I cant seem to fill all the boxes of capta out. Dam, just realized it was april fools day...
Um, isn't recaptcha supposed to not need interaction to solve now? absolutely could not get rid of them fast enough to even get to the order screen before it sold out.
@vdeogmer only if your "known" to google at the time... so if you are logged in and no blocking any of their tracking systems.
So much deviousness. But I snagged one passing-certain-cap Had to scroll to find a decent image for here with that..
Am I the first who went through that...and got nada? If I was a robot, I'd be pretty upset right now after that!
Good job Meh, at least it made it fun to not get anything...:)
I didn't have to do the captcha thing until after I had my order done.
Never before in my life have I been howling with laughter while seething with rage.
Never. I feel like a
Wow, got my 1st fuku.
@Nyc_Tattoo rhat ro... its a fukO... better luck next time!
@thismyusername rut rooh!
all the way to check out and then it sold out . . . . ugh
Dicks! I fucking love you guys.
I must have just missed it. Ugh, that was brutal.
tiny-punctual-mitten, you magnificent bastards!
I didn't get one, but this reCAPTCHA.. oh man..
504 unlucky bastards! I'll begrudgingly keep my five dollar bill in my pocket thank you very much!
Undefeated roll call..
@barney ('s friend)
Nope. I got one for my husband on his account, but the streak is broken on my own. I hope all the others still have theirs!
@studerc I'm not worthy enough to remain in your presence. Good luck, I hope you get something good and can also continue your streak in the future. @PurplePawprints sorry you didn't get one.
@Barney @Purplepawprints...that's an unfortunate turn of events...just like that, we are down to 4. Think though...technically your Fuk(U) streaks are still alive!
@studerc I don't think I've missed one yet. Got this one before the great captcha wall of meh.
@baseba4551 HOORAY! One of us! Your name shall be added to the undefeated roll call in the future. Wishing you the best of luck moving forward! For the record there have been 7 fukus and now 2 fukos.
@studerc still in the club
@studerc still in it. I was, admittedly, very worried
@studerc I missed one... but not this one
@studerc I'm still undefeated as well, I thought for sure this time would be my downfall.
@JimCil There are so many more of us than i truthfully expected. This makes me happy. Welcome to the crew!
@studerc Maybe I'm not. Looking at my order history, I go straight from day zero to Fuku #4. I guess I missed 2 and 3.
@baseba4551 nobody would've known
@baseba4551 Well then welcome to the also-ran club! But you're still a fellow fuko-achiever this time.
@studerc @ingnorant @jimcil @capguncowboy @whistlingwilly I wonder if there are any other traits that joins this illustrious group? All red heads? All under 25 or over 45? All from the South? All college dropouts or PhD candidates? All left handed? All in the IT field as a 'profession'? All born on an odd numbered day? All have Reese Cups listed as favorite candy?
@capguncowboy Same but we are apart of a very exclusive club. :D
@DMlivezey K
@Ignorant I thought your reply would be more like 1) N, 2) N, 3) Y, 4) N, 5) N, 6) Y, 7) Y, 8) Y so I could complie the stats and let the rest of us know we might as well stop trying. But K will do too, Meh.
(what percentage did i guess correctly?)
@DMlivezey just glancing looks about 50%.
Pieces not cups for the last one.
@DMlivezey It's funny - Not sure where you fall in your questions, but I'm 33, from the south, college drop-out, left handed and work with IT a lot. Maybe that's just typical for Meh though :shrug:
@capguncowboy @ignorant N, Y, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, butts I'm not a member of this exclusive 'never missed club', but I do have more than the average bear booboo (5, me thinks)
meh heh

Clicked through the captchas for ten frakin' minutes and then get the @#$%ing "sold out" message!! Meh, I'm one unhappy VMPer.
i like this site and their humor. but the let down after solving all of the captchas just makes me feel like shit.
@completewally aww now you are one of us!
Unfortunately whatever the joke is doesn't work on mobile. So sad, this will be the first bag I've missed.
@axleman1011 I totally got one on mobile.
Um, isn't recaptcha supposed to not need interaction to solve now? absolutely could not get rid of them fast enough to even get to the order screen before it sold out.
@vdeogmer only if you are "known" to google at the time, aka logged into a fairly known google account and or not blocking their trackers.
...god damn it.
@kyouteki happened to me as well
@kyouteki Got the exact same thing...maybe b/c it's late, and I got out of bed for this, and the last CAPCHA rotated 4-5 times ($!&#$!!) with new pictures even though I got it right...well, OK, all that makes it funnier, except it happened to me so I quit the VMP. Wife has been riding me for a year to "STOP ORDERING THIS CRAP!" anyway.
@cheppy you and me both brother, the garage is filling up
@kyouteki Um, that's 'God' to you my friend

that was evil
All those captchas crash the hell out of chrome on my phone... but in for one anyway!
I finally unlocked every damn robot test (poll included) and the fucking page reloads to show all of them again. Thanks for nothing, dicks
@Perkalicious Saaaaaame here.
So did them all, got to the final one, did that, and still called me a robot. what the hell?
@MrMark perhaps an upgrade?
@thismyusername Your question does not compute.
@MrMark same!
I am utterly amazed that I was able to pull that off on my phone lol. Bring on the random junk!
I'm guessing this must be broke on mobile. I went through all the Captchas, looking over the entire page multiple times to verify I hit every one and yet it still says I didn't do them all. And now since I left the page, they all came back again. I appreciate the joke, but at least make it actually work.
@melancholysp there was one hidden behind the turtle video for me. But I still missed out because of stuck captchas.
I did all the damn captures, got to the order form, and in the time it took to do the capture on the order form it sold out.
Well played, friends.
Got my first one, made even sweeter by the thrill of frantic palm tree and street sign clicking.
So, do you all hate me that I scored one before the CAPTCHA Wall of Doom fell down? Didn't have to do any of that.
Nah, they"ll just pull up chairs and watch you creepily while you sleep. ;)
@Humper yes
Bah recaptcha totally failed on mobile browser, and sold out by the time I got through them all on the desktop. A Fuko indeed
I couldn't bypass any of the robot buttons, so no bag for me. After getting out of bed and EVERYTHING. Dang it, Meh. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now.
@justan79 robots don't cry, it makes you rust.
Bought one! My very first grab-bag of WHAT AM I GETTIN INTO!
Last captcha stuck so I had to start over. Then it was sold out. But not until I got to the final order page. Way past the most frustrating meh ever.
Solved all of them 7 minutes ago and still missed out. How disappointing.
Pain in the ass for nothing :( Make a decent puzzle next time if you'd like us to get challenged and want to avoid bots. But please stop the mindless clickfest.
absolutely horrible. spent forever doing all those captchas, still didn't get one. 0/10
My first on this website. Got a few on that "other" website back in the day. Glad I only did 2 of the recaptchas on the poll. the first one and the submit button:)
@madmod20061 Careful selection of which captchas actually needed to be done would seem to be a logical thing wouldn't it...
Bummer. Mine failed in the order screen :((( So close, yet so far......
Such Dogshit. Got them all done on my galaxy s6, at the pay screen it kept saying i was a robot instead of processing payment (after clearing captcha). Over and over, until it said it sold out. Awesome. So much hate. So much furious hate.

You beautiful, conniving bastards. I love you all.
Please don't ever do that again.
Sold out while proving I am not a robot. :( Or am I?
@mrmork87 CLICK HERE for answer.
Recaptcha is dead.. just keeps spinning..
@joedel263 like a record?
@thismyusername right round, baby, right round.
All those years posting on the 4chin have paid off! I bet they'll send me a wrist brace for my soon to be developing carple tunnel.After what? A decade? of trying for a boc and then a Fukobukuro, I got one, but not really. It's an unlucky one. Brilliant! I am the fool this April!
I've been trying to get the last recaptcha to load for the past three minutes. I'm afraid to reload because then I have to do it all over again which will have been a waste of time. Ugh.
Brutal. Just, brutal.
Love how http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ was one of the top referrers there for awhile!
Yeah, you just lost a customer. Google's system starts to mess up with so many and starts to fail. After so many errors with it and it finally got through them all oh look sold out.
@0oiiiiio0 way to increase our odds next time.
@carl669 so how many times will you post this unfunny shit?
@msujp 437. i've only got like 432 to go. so, just bear with me.
This was amazing.
Clicked through the captchas for ten frakin' minutes and then get the @#$%ing "sold out" message!! Meh, I'm one unhappy VMPer.
@chuckf1 You are not alone. I feel your pain.
Got it!!!
I was in such a hurry I just bought one, are we able to buy more than one or was one just the limit?
Are you kidding me... All that clicking and they're sold out. Guess I'm going to take a break from Meh for awhile.
View source. Copy URL for adding to cart. Paste in URL bar. Hit enter. PROFIT.
@Kyurthich what cart?
@harrison Well not so much adding to cart as just for purchasing.
@Nate311 My god I can't stop laughing at this gif.
Oh that was freaking hilarious. Amazing troll and I had no clue for a full minute what was going on. No I didn't get one, but I did laugh my ass off reading the page while solving 30 captchas. Brilliant!
did not get.
solved all the damnable captchas and it sold out on the payment screen.
Unfortunately whatever the joke is doesn't work on mobile. So sad, this will be the first bag I've missed.
@axleman1011 Thanks for your Sacrifice. Your loss was my first one. Thank you very much!
@TheDagda i really have no right to be upset, in my last fuko i got a 40" TV. No joke. :P
all that bullshit and it's sold out? cancel my VMP, I'm done with this. How about saying your sold out before all the bullshit?
looks like the cheaters win this time.
I solved 100 goddamn street sign captchas only to have it sell out right before I verified my purchase?
April Fools is supposed to be fun!
Did them all and no score, April fools on me
Fudge. I was on iOS and got them all gone and answered the poll but it still would not let me through. Checked several times and there were no more robot blockers left and still I couldn't go. Bummer. Second fuko in a row I've been on right at midnight and couldn't get it.
@zachhh same for me
@zachhh I had the exact same problem on my iPhone.
@zachhh same thing for me. Got the buy button early on but it wouldn't let me buy and so I solved them all and button still there and still wouldn't let me pass.
oh well.
@zachhh same here. iOS no likey haha
@ceagee Same for me. Even though I missed the last one, I didn't get pissed off. This time is a lil different because of this.
I got all the way through and it sold out while I was ordering. I has such a sad right now.
Bought one! My very first grab-bag of WHAT AM I GETTIN INTO!
@show_the_maw well... you got the un-lucky bag... so it could be anything really... good luck on your bad luck!
No buy button on iPad, and yes, I opened the right buttons. How many years and I never got a bag even with a timer to open the page on the hour. I'm gone, Fukubukuo you....
@craigcush this is a fuko - mostly junk. Count the blessing in disguise.
I must say, I am legitimately pissed, it took me nearly 10 minutes to get through all the captchas. I don't mind the security measures. But freaking seriously, not everyone is lucky enough to have un-shared ultra high speed internet.
Like, really, really upset. I've been itching to get one of these since I found out about meh, and that was just too, too much.
like, seriously. and if I have to answer another captcha to post this I will be even more pissed.
I'm not done with meh, I am just extremely disappointed about how this was handled. . . . .maybe that's how all the fukobukuros is handled. . .if so, never again.
oh, writing is good, now I am no longer pissed, just very sad and disappointed. I got. . .oh crap, it's april 1st.
Screw you Meh.
I hate you Meh! :)
Awesome ay to annoy people though. I wonder if a robot could have done it faster.

So, do you all hate me that I scored one before the CAPTCHA Wall of Doom fell down? Didn't have to do any of that.
@Humper I did it just for fun.
That was hilarious and awesome. Can't wait for my figurine!
Actually, I don't remember my three words.
novelty-amateur-foot. Hilars.
Got through all the capcha just to finish at 12:09. sold out 12:08.
the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.
@Zxellon I didn't see for certain due to the re-captchas but I am gonna guess they were gone long before 12:08... if that makes you feel any better.
@thismyusername 12:08 east coast time. didnt think I needed to specify.
@Zxellon no I am saying how did you know it sold out at 12:08... I am actually amazed it lasted so long if they really lasted 8 minutes.
@thismyusername On the front, above the little map of the US, theres a bunch of stats. One of them says how much they made before they sold out. I dont know how to post pics. check it out.
My first fuko and fuku! Had to work late and it's my unlucky day :)
Yeah, you just lost a customer. Google's system starts to mess up with so many and starts to fail. After so many errors with it and it finally got through them all oh look sold out.
@0oiiiiio0 Thank you for increasing the odds for us the next time. It will be hard for you having to pass up on water bottles and bluetooth speakers, but the sacrifice you are making is great. Thank you.
I can not believe it, I have never gotten a fuko, fuku, bag of crap..you name it.. this is the first time ever for me I have gotten through the server issues, captchas, the-need-to-sleep, and GOTTEN A THING! <3
Went through them all, clicked meh, voted, told me I was still a robot. mkay...does it not work for tablet users? Cuz yeah that's sort of bogus.
With an order number like that, it has to be a winner, right?
Unbelievable. Spent 15 minutes proving I'm not a robot. Been missing the last of my first watching of the new Vacation only to get the sold out notice. VMP and a very miffed person(not robot)
@jed I've already cancelled my VMP now.

So I do all the damn captchas and I get nothing because it's sold out? All that work for jack? Poor show, meh.
Didn't get one, but you are such magnificent bastards. Thank you, it was fun.
All that tedious work and I miss out! Makes one want to rage quit life! God I hate you right now, meh!
That was a nightmare on my phone. And it ended in an "oops... sold out". I'm just going to go cry in the corner now.
@christinewas Yeah, tried it on my phone & Tablet. Gave up, booted up the laptop, did the captures, and ...sold out
Should have called it fuck mobile browsers as it kept claiming I had one.
@StrangerDanger Was behind the embedded YouTube video. If you'd clicked the video, the captcha opened up. I saw it flash for a second when the page accidentally reloaded and I started over. Fun times.
Bunch of illegitimate children of a large rodent.
Not fair meh I came at 12 I finished all the captchas as fast as humanly possible was sold out by the time I was done and now I find out almost everyone that got it didn't even do one because it glitched. I'm not mad at you I'm just very dissipointed.
@robertp2200 I'm Lionel Messipointed.
Sold out while you were "ordering".
Sons. Of. Bitches.
sold out on the payment screen.... all that work.... bulls***
As if getting broken stuff with little to no customer service wasn't enough. I think Meh finally convinced me not to waste my time and money here anymore.
@bruno187 I think they thrive on hate and dissapointment. You are giving them what they want...
@bruno187 Same. This was enough to push me to cancel vmp.
@bruno187 Thank you for increasing our odds next time... while it will be hard for you to go without cheap knives and bluetooth headphones it will be worth it to increase the odds for the rest of us to be able to receive crap that meh should have put in the dumpsters. Thank you for your courage.

Oh that was freaking hilarious. Amazing troll and I had no clue for a full minute what was going on. No I didn't get one, but I did laugh my ass off reading the page while solving 30 captchas. Brilliant!
No idea what this has to do with skillful-flaky-silicon but, seems damned appropriate for a fuko.
I DID IT!!!?!?!? Refreshed right at midnight and furiously started solving captchas
Sold out on the last captcha on the order page, fuck you and fuck this site.
Beyond lame.
I was on right at 9, figured out what to do really quick. Did all the captchas on my iPad (what a pain on an ipad, btw), and was done with ALL of them by 9:03… and still got the "We still think you might be a robot. Please continue verifying your humanity." NOTHING WORKED. I even voted in the poll, thinking that would be a trick. Nope. Clicked the 'Meh' button. Nope. NOTHING WORKED. (Did I mention that already?)
Finally tried reloading. All that accomplished was reloading all the captchas again.
Great idea, Meh (quasi-brilliant, really). But poor, poor execution. I know there will always be people pissing in your Cheerios about these, but this one has left a bad taste in my mouth.
@haydesigner exact same experience here and well said. I'm all for making it fun but now I can't trust coming to meh on anything but a desktop anymore if I want to feel confident at fuku time. Which means much less times I'll come to meh. Blah.
@bdp Same. What a waste.
AWWW! My first fuku that I missed! I had all the captchas solved, but the poll was yesterdays so I couldn't answer it.
So I did it a second time, and was too late
The fuck you is strong with this one.
Got through it on my phone!
Was sweating bullets... hadn't gotten a fuku in all this time. Hit the buy button, oh god, could this be it? Loading my info on checkout... oh man, getting that mehmass story feeling. could this be the day?!? Loading!!!
Error, sold out. NOOOOOOOOoOoOOoOoO
@jamesemunson fuko, not fuku. This one is mostly junk.
@MsELizardBeth fuko on me, my bad!
504 unlucky bastards! I'll begrudgingly keep my five dollar bill in my pocket thank you very much!
It would have been very kind if you stopped fucking with us once the goodies sold out. If they were goodies. If the whole thing wasn't entirely a joke. I worked, I worked, I worked, I kept finding new damn captchas to complete, finally I made it ... and sold out. I bet you killed Kenny, too, you bastards.
Crashed my device 3x after answering all of those fucking things.....would have been funny if the site didn't crash my browser and then sell out......
My first Fuko...refreshed the page at first but I caught on fast...fast enough to get one.
Just cancelled my VMP. Tired of this bull crap.
@Psikic yea, pay $5 each item for shipping, that will show the bastages!
@thismyusername Or you could just stop buying from them altogether. It's not that hard.
@pteridoid yea that will show them!
(and increase our odds on future mehstery bags and all items)

I came here to say that this made me very angry, and my computer was tricked into installing Windows 10 without permission while I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Good one Meh. You got me.
Now I get to live with Windows 10 for the rest of my life.
@a1000wtp You can roll back the Windows 10 installation. http://www.howtogeek.com/220723/how-to-uninstall-windows-10-and-downgrade-to-windows-7-or-8.1/
But if you bought a Fuko in the process, you're stuck with that decision.
well played, meh, well played.
I tried my hardest, but could not buy it. It was odd, I did all the captchas, and it was still available, but I could not get to a purchase page.
Wow, what a total douchebag thing to do to people meh. I'm a new follower and the first experience I have is being put through 30 bot tests. That's beyond fucked up. You're complete Assholes.

@anc2514 welcome to meh!
How many people failed to realize that it's April 1st, aka "April Fools Day"? I was laughing my butt off at the capcha shenanigans...and I don't even mind that I didn't get a Fukubukura...I've gotten 3 in the past, so I'm ok with missing out on one!
@newfers good news! It was a fukobukaro... you narrowly missed the bad luck.
Did all that and you say sold out :(
Popped my Fukobukuro Cherry!
Happy Dance!!
@cdebish It is advisable to temper your joy...
your cherry is still intact...
this is a Fukobukuro... the un-lucky bag.
gory-enamored-mimosa Sounds fairly accurate for a Fuko!
I solved 100 goddamn street sign captchas only to have it sell out right before I verified my purchase?
April Fools is supposed to be fun!
@elpepe Crashed my device 3x after answering all of those fucking things.....would have been funny if the site didn't crash my browser and then sell out......
Fuk u meh, just fuk u gently with a chainsaw. I did all those captchas, voted in the poll and you still call me a robot?
First one ever. Yay!
@lordbowen ::snicker:: Coral
@lordbowen oh noes...
I hope you all get nothing but coal and poo.
Not a complaint, just a thought for future reference... The page got incredibly bogged and reset the browser on this iPad. Took awhile but eventually found all of them (apparently it hid one of them) and when it came to payment time it reset the browser again.
Definitely a fun, creative way to do it and appropriate for April 1. Despite the frustration, I appreciate the effort you put in to make it different. Well done!
I didn't get one, but this reCAPTCHA.. oh man..
@Alien88 - Behind the tree, maybe?
WOW I hit buy 3 seconds after 1200 am eastern. don't know what the fuck happened???
@bigtom67 bad luck found you.
Managed to get through the captchas, sold out by the time I logged in :(
Fuck. That. Shit.
I picked the wrong night to finally get my desktop up and running for the last two years it has sat in the basement being unused due to my injury/disability. I finally have an expensive therapy chair so I can sit at the desk, with a new fucking mouse (the "handshake" style) trying to learn how to use it and get a feel for my shitastic Starcraft II Marauder keyboard from Woot ages ago. Yeah.
I think I am taking this WAY too hard, but man that was a horrible twenty minutes just to get to the sold out while you were ordering message.
Nice April Fools, Meh. Today I am the fool for trying.
"Because from now on, we're not calling this a fukubukuro, a lucky bag. We're calling it a fukobukuro, an unlucky bag, like we did last April Fool's Day, and like we will for all future bags." So is this a true statement or just an April Fools thing like the rest of the description... wait, don't answer that
distant-ceaseless-wrist! Very appropriate order number after all that my wrist is indeed sore! Thanks for a fun challenge and congrats to those who got through, regrets to those who didn't.
I hate you Meh! :)
Awesome ay to annoy people though. I wonder if a robot could have done it faster.
I am sooooo MAD. That is actual bullshit. I am thinking of **cancelling** my VMP too.
@wakefield14 wow, bold, italics, AND two asterisks to boot. MARKDOWN MADNESS.
And don't cancel VMP before the month's out. You already paid for all that shipping. Cancelling's what they want you to do...
@stinks If we are canceling it is most likely because we aren't interested in doing business with meh anymore so it does not matter whether we have free shipping for the rest of the month.
@wakefield14 Cancel it man, pay $5 shipping every order, that will teach them!!!
@wakefield14 What's with the entitlement? Get over it an appreciate the fact that if they got everyone this worked up, it was a great prank.
Hey Meh. Just copy this "code" into the box below to get my payment info.
There's no "verify" button on this one?
Guess you're not getting it then.
@Crixus That one got my sister, too. Didn't know what to tell her to do, but they were sold out anyway when she asked.
2/2 on the Fukos

I was doing well with the captchas early on, then the whole page went to an error message and I had to start over. I didn't stand a chance then. Meh, I hate you. See you tomorrow.
@peaceetc That happened to me twice. It sucks.
Desktop users - did you still have to vote and complete every captcha before being able to order?
Fun idea, but yes, I have to admit, the fact it failed for mobile users is a very frustrating disappointment.
@bdp Yes, Every one.
@Potatoboy I didn't have to vote, but I didn't get to buy it either.
@bdp Had to do the captchas but didn't have to vote first. Guessing it would've gone faster if I had read that.
@justan79 I didn't vote, but all the captchas.
@bdp I got in before the massive CAPTCHAS. Order went through and then I read that I hate to vote in the poll, so I did after. Guess I got lucky.
This was the suck.
Carry on.
I am so upset. I filled out every captcha on my iPad and when I clicked to buy, the page refreshed and I had to start over. I was upset so I went on the computer, filled out all of the captchas a second time and then clicked to buy and it brought me to the sign in page. Then I clicked sign in, it loaded, then said "Internal Server error". When I checked to see what was up, they were sold out. I am very mad about this system and I wasted like 12 minutes doing the f-ing captchas for nothing :(
@Ipster731 don't feel the Lone Ranger -- I have an idea it was rigged so people who hadn't got one before maybe did -- at least that thought makes more sense
@AttyVette No people have posted that have gotten them before.
Yeah, I was just working on taxes when I realized I missed fuko-o'clock. None of the captchas appear to work any more, either.
Fooking pissed I could real shit
made it passed the robot test by 9:02..... for 9 min my cart did the loading checkout bar then "something went terribly wrong."
wasted a bunch of time with the Edge browser. It loaded first? Meh. Happy April Fool's.
"It's too bad she won't live."
I started clicking on the captcha on my cell phone at 9:01. This is sold out at 9:08. No announcement of this till I finally go to checkout at 9:15. Images are really hard to see on a little screen.
I'm done. I've ordered so much shit off this site and the one time I actually have a chance to get a fuku this shit happens. Did all the little puzzles and still wouldn't let me buy one. Wasted 15 minutes trying to solve them 3 times only to get a sold out. Canceling my vmp and deleting this link. Fuck it.
"Be one of the very first people to order.
All your hard work of clicking through these aggravating captchas has paid off! Enjoy your terribly unlucky fuko! But first, make sure you answer our very important poll below."
Did you vote in the poll prior to trying to order?
@SteveOOO I missed it too! Get 'em Steve!
@SteveOOO The brave decision you have made to give up on the chance to buy water bottles and knives at a great discount, and headphones at a modest discount will be seen as an act of heroism for all of us whose odds increase for the next "mehstery bag". Thank you for your courage.

Well, this exercise in futility did result in my finally joining-up to take part in the Meh jackassery. Good times.
I get the joke and it's fine, but I got through the Captchas TWICE before it said sold out and both times it said I still needed to verify my humanity. So, it just didn't work. Which sucks. But whatevs. Congrats to those it worked for.
@itsWetWilly same here. I am done. I see nothing funny about that big a$$ waste of time. I'd rather just missed out by timing this the frustrating time puzzles that didn't half work. Guess I'm not in the right clic
@itsWetWilly "Be one of the very first people to order.
All your hard work of clicking through these aggravating captchas has paid off! Enjoy your terribly unlucky fuko! But first, make sure you answer our very important poll below.
Did you remember to vote in the poll after the captchas?
@connorbush I did. Both times. As I said, it's whatever, it just sucks that I did everything fast enough for nothing. It's cool though.
So is a FUKO the same thing as a FUKU? or did we all just get played?
@Conklaven Same but different. Don't expect the typical number of higher end items. But, you never know... Search for last year's thread on what people got.
@Conklaven it is not. It's the less desirable cousin.
Fuku = lucky bag
Fuko = unlucky bag
@Conklaven Unfortunately I searched and saw you get a bunch of half broken stuff :( sad day but i did have fun and hopefully i will get lucky.
I'd like to join in with the other pissed off Meh members by saying FUCK YOU MEH. A few of them, sure. 30+ of them? GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Seriously, can you guys do something about how boned your website is on mobile for the first 30 seconds every night? I loaded it on my iPhone at the stroke of midnight, got the headphone page, reloaded, got a totally broken page with nothing but the header and "check out the community", reloaded again and got the goddamn captcha wall. Which, by the way, was also busted the first time it loaded. Then after solving them all, the buy button said "you still look like a robot" so I had to reload AGAIN, and it was gone.
It's one thing to miss out because you weren't fast enough and quite another to do so because the damn site was broken under load.
@kensey ordered mine on my iPhone. In fact almost everything I've ordered has been on my iPhone.
@kensey try woot! instead
@Ignorant I order off my phone plenty, but almost every time there's a long delay right at midnight while whatever it does to serve the site for mobile happens. Usually it's not a killer, but for fuk[uo], and with THIRTY CAPTCHAS added in, well...
@kensey Ordered one on my phone without all the captchas right at eleven, while laughing my ass off at the page loading on my other phone I was attempting to dual wield.
Now the captchas did crash Chrome several times on both phones when I was trying to unlock the page to read the description.
@kensey I don't think that's a meh issue because it loads fine for me at turn over on my iPhone. I've gotten every Fuku/Fuko on my phone.
This site will never see another cent from me. Ten minutes of infuriating "i'm not a robot" recaptcha and it's sold out when I finally finish. This was the last straw. You're not cute. You're not funny. You're not getting any of my money ever again.
@pteridoid You do realize every one of us had to do the same damn thing, right? There was no playing favorites, get over it.
@pteridoid I was mad until I read all these AWESOME comments. Thanks pteridoid.
@pteridoid maybe they'll send you one anyway with the big ol tube of diaper rash cream
@cinoclav The fact that this was an almost universal experience this evening does not rebuild my loyalty to Meh as a brand in any way. Way too much hype for so little reward. VMP member for over a year and I get...socks.
@pteridoid And USB adapters, don't forget the USB adapters.
@webender i use the shit out of mine actually!
@pteridoid No one cares
@pteridoid absolutely!
@pteridoid And uh, free shipping instead of paying $5 each and every time you order something. You expected to get preferential Fuku/Fuko treatment for being a VMP?
@cinoclav You think I'm angry because I was the only one to experience this? I'm angry because these speaker dock peddlers wasted my time and money for nearly two years. If you want to keep financing them, go ahead.
@pteridoid I don't seem to recall you ever posting you were angry about anything else you ordered 'for nearly two years.' So yes, I think you're angry about this particular bit of fun. It IS April Fools you know. They've treated us all to some great deals, they've earned the right to fuck with us once a year.
@cinoclav Is that how retail works? I think I'm owed a fair bit of humiliation by the Amazon gods. Enjoy your membership.
@pteridoid The rest of us thank you for your brave decision to increase our odds next time. Thank you.
@cinoclav Not everyone had to "do the same thing". I got screwed with the wall o' Captchas, but my wife got in...no captchas...went straight to check out and got a Fuko. I think it's because she was naked and has a webcam...
@sdansmith my husband got lucky like that as well... he was also naked and has a webcam...

@Thumperchick Ok...so the laugh's on all the guys and girls in the "Undefeated" club. Somewhere in the halls of Meh there's a wall of nekkid pictures of all those "winners".
@pteridoid How did Meh waste your time and money?
@sdansmith Have you seen some of the users? The laugh is on the staff at mediocre!
@cinoclav Why yessssss...I'm looking at some of them right now...
@pteridoid why are you so angry about an april fools stunt on a website that is known for pulling dumb stunts?
@pteridoid I can appreciate your frustration. I've been there once or twice (and I'm still here). And, hey, please go away if it increases your happiness. We'll be fine. And just for your own sake, yeah, it might not be worth the frustration. But I have to disagree with this:
meh is nothing if not cute and funny. They're motherfucking adorable, if you ask me. Like these guys. Don't tell me this isn't cute.
Good for what ails ya.
Yeah tonight was the worst FUKU bag -- Got I think you are still a robot 15 times and did the pictures right --so happy for those who weren't caught in endless loop of I still think u r a robot tonight -/ very funny meh not
@AttyVette What, no puns?
This shirt is black not.

That was torture, but we made stinky-psychedelic-history today.
Y'all go to hell.
So what did people get last Fuko?
@VivaDaWolf goodwill tee, fanny pak, trash, random parts to things. ...
I've never won a fuku, but I've won a fuko.
dont even know why I have VIP anymore - clicked all the captchas answered the poll clicked the capthca in the buy page still told me I was a robot - did every single step - every one and still got the old hose
@jmhsrv I know right? I'm thinking the same thing!
@jmhsrv I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it is so you don't have to pay $5 shipping every time you buy a water bottle or headphone set?
Shouldn't be that hard to take my money. I'm done. It's been fun.
this process was a negative in my book.
I dunno if i'm pissed or relieved. I got the first fuko and it did indeed suck. but i answered 30 or so captchas and even when there were none left (and no poll showed for me) it would not let me order. and i was on it. f5 right at the change, ugh...frustrating. edit: just so you know, if you actually bought one you probably wasted your money. Unless you like shit like fake diamond studded tiny dog collars and pieces from a 10 year old paintball gun haha.
@aerosquid oh i forgot about the tiny dog sweater in mine. ... cause my only dog is 80 pounds!
I'm so pissed I never get to buy one of these!
@shaine228 dude, it's a fuko. This is only the second one. It's actual trash and dumb stuff
I really hate April Fool's Day...

All I can say is android tablets are NOT meant to be filled with dozens of captchas ... oooor maybe its meh's way of proving androids are robots...
Meh! It's one thing to be funny. It's another thing to trick your long time customers. Meh went too far this time. What a shame.
Wow, just wow. What a way to start April Fools
Yeah so I don't think I'm going to be checking this site so much anymore.
Everyday I login at midnight on my phone hoping it's a Fuku. So tonight it finally is.. I answer all those damn recaptchas killing my phone battery just for it to freeze and I lose all that work.
So basically staying up and logging in at midnight isn't enough. got it. Screw this.
@yankeesrule no, tonight it was a fukO ... Much different
Tried to do this on my phone. I solved all the captchas but 2 of them wanted me to copy and paste a code. After I did that, there was absolutely no way to submit the form for those text boxes. No submit button or anything. Hitting the buy button didn't work either. Finally in desperation I refreshed the page and yes, all the captchas came back. And then it sold out. The end.
Thanks meh. I couldn't even get the main page to pull up on my phone because of the captchas. It crashed every time.
I hate you Meh.com.
It took ten minutes of furiously going through recaptcha nonsense to make me finally realize that my time is worth more than this. Enjoy your speaker docks. I'm going to spend my money on other things. Meh.com has lost my loyalty.
@pteridoid We're getting speaker docks?! :
I still can't get in.
Whew, almost had a heart attack!
Sheesh, folks. It's just a $5 bag of trash. You'll live.
Ah, and the stories we'll tell of April Fools' 2016...
After completing it 3 times on my iPhone and then getting errors each before it showed sold out, I'm a little pissed off. Thought it was a joke but not.
And of course it's sold out by the time I finished. If a robot gets a bag, I'm gonna be pissed.
I'm not ready to officially join the ragequit club yet, but I'm close. I spent 5 minutes refreshing the page thinking "there's no way there could be 1000 captchas, their site's just broken", and then at least 10 more doing all the stupid captchas after I realized it wasn't, and then after finally getting to the sale page and buying... it said it was sold out mid-order. I get that it's an April fool's gag, but y'all done fucked up.
WOW...I have no Fucking Idea what just happened here. I filled in every box with the codes and nothing happened. I feel like a total Jackass. I must have missed something. Oh well. No big deal.....Maybe I'll get lucky next time.
The captchas were so agonizingly mediocre that we went back to do them again after our order confirmed, just to be dreary. :D
Fuck you meh. A flooded basement, toadstools under the dishes and now you have to be a dick. What a day.
Meh, you'd better hook the VMPs up with some shirts or something after this. Seriously. I'll give you one week, and then I am bailing on VMP, and you can say goodbye to my tiny contribution to your recurring income.
I'm from New Jersey. This is how we do things here. It's called business. You f*ck me over, I return the favor. Conversely, you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Your call, Meh. Your call.
@Crixus ummm, i still see you have the badge, did you receive your free t-shirts and crap too?
@DMlivezey Nope! And I've been too busy to seriously evaluate whether or not I should cancel / hold my VMP membership.
Should I have gotten something? 'Cause I got nothing.
@Crixus nah, my other half was just messin' with ya, and me thinks Meh. doesn't care if you ditch the VMP, it's a loss leader for them i imagine, so just do what's right for you and your buying patterns.
@Crixus remember if you cancel it, and haven't used it for free shipping in 30 days, they will automatically refund the $5.
If there is anything I hate about this website, it's these. I've never even seen how much they cost. I mean I suppose it's fun if you delude yourself into thinking you have a chance, but the ReCaptcha BS made functioning on mobile impossible.
I sure wish I would get some fun benefits from my VMP that's promised besides free shipping....
We may have better odds of getting a FUKO in the future since everybody has given up on Meh! psst...meh.com now you can roll out the good stuff
@kanzatonian Agreed... brave souls they are indeed.
not funny! goodbye VIP
@mehman2015 Pay $5 shipping every item, that will show them good!
@mehman2015 Yeah, say goodbye to the VIP. At least you're still keeping your VMP
dying-exceptional-orange. Huzzah!
The fuck you is strong with this one.
Maybe you could explain why people get so worked up over not getting a $5 box of junk.
Honestly, the only interest I would have had would have been the Meh bag.
@Thumperchick it's crazy!
@FroodyFrog no clue. I got to sold out after 9 minutes of infuriating bullshit, I was pretty bummed for a minute. Then my kid smiled at me and I was over it.
Life. It's way bigger than $5 of random fun.
That was super mean. My first bag though!
11:59 on my phone caused it to freeze and restart all apps
got through half of them on a browser and page crashed
it took fifteen minutes to clear all but three of them (which wouldn't) as google was convinced I was a robot and had to click images of bread, street signs, mountains and grass, for EVERY SINGLE ONE.
refreshing again (as I didn't have another option) generated a sold out message.
Well done Meh!

I'd love to know what circle of hell that was conceived in. Bastards. Usually I'm pretty good at taking a joke, but I'm a mobile user and that was the cheapest of shots, meh.
MEH. So was this your plan to lower your page visits so it will work better rather than improve your servers? Think it worked! Don't think many will return after this debockal.
@cthrift1980 It sure feels like a debacle.
But don't let it get you down... They only had 505 of them to sell, but almost half a million visitors to the site (even if that is counting repeat visits from the same people, I imagine there were at least 25K people trying to buy). I totally get that it really stings when you aren't one of the 505 misfortunate souls who paid actual money for an unlucky bag, but the odds were heavily stacked against everyone, so please don't feel slighted!
And besides, you can sit and gloat when the poor fools open up their boxes and are faced with the utter trash that Meh has sent their way.
Actually made it all the way through the captchas on my ancient iPhone 4s, and then the website crashed and refreshed. Sh!t! Actually still pulled it off on my laptop before it sold out, but no wait, gotta vote .... and... Sh!t!!! sold out.
Then again, it's April the first, so well played meh. Well played.
exercise in frustration
VMP huh? Thanks to whatever jackass decided to kill my arthritis for the next few days. Thanks for the loyalty idiots. GFY
@txstiger well at least your arthritis is gone for a few days, that's a bonus, eh?
@txstiger I feel your pain. My hands are still feeling it scrolling through the comments
The last item I ordered was the Fuku from valentine's day.. VMP I think is starting to bug me.
What grinds my gears most is that I have my alarm go off at 11:59 and for the first time in a while I ignored it.. WHY!? Its april fools day, I should have known better! grrr.. so flustered up
@lilsrm123 duh, you didn't read your VMP email, me thinks....
@DMlivezey Darn you are right! I skimmed it but just shrugged it off. Damn bugs bunny
i think you're as funny as you think you are, btw the chromebook i was trying to trade away hit the site on my wife's account without captcha and scored a load, likely worth less than $5, Meh.
I was switching browsers and clearling cache like amaniac, and them i reMeh.mbered it was a 'fools' day
hrmph, :fools: 'fools' "fools" {fools} which one does something?
Well played, meh. Didn't score one but I appreciated the joke.
lol, that was great. I'm way too late to buy a bag but really enjoyed the captchas.
And people need to stop whining about not getting one.
It would have been very kind if you stopped fucking with us once the goodies sold out. If they were goodies. If the whole thing wasn't entirely a joke. I worked, I worked, I worked, I kept finding new damn captchas to complete, finally I made it ... and sold out. I bet you killed Kenny, too, you bastards.
@getkind i didn't even get to do the captchas. Lucky!
Love all the rage. This was Andy Kaufman level.
Time is money, and you took too much of mine. GOOD DAY SIR!
@wakefield14 Jump to 1:18! End at 1:38!
I did not realize there were so many whiny babies on meh. You all realize that you are complaining about not being able to waste $5 on what will probably be a thrift store t-shirt in a reusable grocery bag with some random odds and ends mixed in, right? It's kind of the way the April Fool's item works. Congrats to those who got them comma and to those who were able to even participate in the game. All this girl got was a nearly dead phone battery and a little bit of anxiety. If any of you are really that upset about not getting the fuko, send me $10 and I'll give you the contents of one of the many junk drawers in my house. One of you will get 15 unused cat water fountain filters!
It only took me 4 minutes to get through all that crap. But I still cursed you out, meh.

It was actually kind of funny, but it should have stopped people once the 'sold out' hit. Instead, everyone who began continued until they got to hit 'BUY' based on what I'm reading. Like happened to so many others, the order page had one more CAPCHA, I did it right but it still rotated through 4-5 new CAPCHA screens as if I was making a mistake and during that last 15 seconds, they ran out the MEH button said. Yes, that's even funnier but there different kinds of funny and this is the kind that generates resentment.
While I like these guys, my wife has been riding me to quit and so I've been looking for an excuse and they have finally given me one. VMP canceled...I can't bring myself to delete the icon on my menu bar yet...maybe tomorrow.
@cheppy Thank you for increasing the odds for the rest of us next time... your sacrifice will be remembered.
Alrighty, Meh. I made a vow not to complain on the forums since the last Fuku and I have succeeded. My body is ready for the childish-cool-crab. Do whatever must be done!
Cute. I guess.
Well, that's what I get for checking meh on my phone on April 1st. Too many captchas for my S5 :( I'll get one of these bags sooner or later.
@thirdnut Starred for being one of the only people who didn't get one not spewing hatred.
@thirdnut yeah my s5 was also not having it.
You sold out while I was ordering? Naw, hell naw. Take your ass in the back and get my shit. I'm going to sleep on it but I'm thinking canceling my vmp would be a fitting response.
Also, you owe me a new phone. My fucking screen is worn out.
@apocalypse you can have my son's Elmo phone. No screen to wear out.
That was fun. meh should make those captchas a regular part of the website.
Also, I am guessing Woot will have typically underwhelming Wootoff. meh.
@Eric714 Just checked Woot and no Woot-Off. However after you make your first purchase in April and pay your $5.00 for shipping, there are no further shipping charges on your purchases for the entire month of April.
Meh, you want want to learn something from Woot.
@chuckf1 psst... That is exactly how VMP always works.
@Thumperchick I thought he was joking.
This might be the last time I grace the page of Meh¡¡¡
If your goal was to make your customers feel like a fool, oh, how you have succeeded!
Meh, this most definitely will be your "Jumping the shark" moment! Bye
@MWM fonzi jumps the shark
Reference to a business pulling a stunt for ratings that causes them to tank!

@MWM Thanks for your bravery and increasing our odds next time. Farewell.
@thismyusername Sorry, not increasing your odds! This was my (apparently lame) attempt at an April fools 'get back' at Meh, by causing a mass exodus (in words only) because of their Captcha abuse! But no, the odds makers were to busy counting their next fuku chickens before they had hatched, to join in to mehk Meh think they should offer up a legit fuku way sooner than too long from now! Such is life April Fool.
this was great, i missed out but great way to start april fools day.
The comments alone are worth every last captcha click made tonight. I can't wait to spend half my day tomorrow catching up on all the hate.
@cinoclav The butt-hurt is always strong post fuk(u/o). I love reading these threads!
@studerc Yep. I'm obviously quite glad I got one myself but if I hadn't this still would've been highly entertaining to me. I'll be way more upset by the 4 hours of sleep I'm going to get now.
@cinoclav Be sure to check my posts. I was extra angry. I'm not sure why I feel as betrayed as I do. I mean, retailers are generally in it to make a buck regardless of the consumer. I guess I'm annoyed because, somehow, they made me assume otherwise about them. I paid more than a hundred dollars just in MVP membership. I got a couple of LED lights and some socks. Tonight just made me realize I owe them nothing and can leave them behind whenever I want. And tonight, I want.
@pteridoid You got LED lights?
@pteridoid DITTO!!!
@pteridoid buh-bye
@studerc Check mine especially. I was so mad lol. I'm still a little mad lol. It's such zany fun!!! I don't think I'll come back because if my time is worth minimum wage, this site is not worth thinking about at all. Enjoy endless speaker ports!
@pteridoid The only person you have to blame for spending that money on VMP is yourself. It's not meh's fault they sold items you didn't want. It's not their fault you didn't take advantage of the ability to cancel your VMP each month and have it refunded if you didn't buy anything. Hell, it's pretty damn nice of them to give you that option instead of just taking your $5. Anything they sent you for free is simply a bonus. I don't see Amazon throwing any free socks our way. You simply need to reassess your expectations and make the most of what meh has to offer.
@pteridoid So you have realigned your paradigms. Very wise. Bye!
@pteridoid I cancelled my VMP too but I gotta say, those strings of LED lights are awesome. I put them under kitchen cabinet and they work great. Every earbud or headphone I ordered has been crap, though, and I don't need any more speakers.

Manohman is the butthurt flowing tonight!
Can we get stats on how many people did Meh a favor by canceling their free shipping benefits in response to not getting their sense of entitlement fulfilled?
@djslack let's see. I canceled VMP tonight because I am sick of the bullshit and realized it's a terrible deal. Now let's do the math.
My last order was Feb 16. Since then I have paid $10 in "free shipping benefits" for nothing.
Meh relies on customers being too lazy to cancel VMP in months they don't order anything and for a while that was me. But enough is enough.
@elpepe This ain't costco... if you don't use it, cancel it... if you are correct about not buying anything since Feb 16 you will find that $5 will be automatically refunded since you didn't make use of it.

WTF!!! mISSED ANOTHER fufu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FU mEH!!!!!!!!
@Mandamm wait... where was this vid card installed?
If you answer "in me" then you are a robot.
@thismyusername or a pervert
Wow, nice abuse of Captcha but it's not really an April Fool's prank. A good prank would have been the button saying "Buy Now" until you finish the last Captcha and then saying "Sold Out" when there weren't any available at the start. Or saying "Sold Out" when they were still available until you finish all the Captchas and then saying "Buy Now." Last year's was much better and could be considered an actual April Fool's prank. Unless you're calling a Fuku a Fuko and sending everyone nice speaker docks.
Meh, I love you and you still have my loyalty. Ignore all the whiners who are bitching and moaning about how they're canceling their vmp (which you lose money on anyway, so no real loss there); I doubt they were buying all that much anyway. Those of us who actually 'get' the site will continue to promote you as we've been doing all along. I expected tonight to be ridiculous on an epic level and you completely met my expectations. Good job! I'm sure it took quite a bit of work to make this happen and I'm impressed. Happy April Fools' Day to you all!
@PurplePawprints they don't lose money on VMP; they make money.
Their shipping is $5 per month and if you don't order anything they get $5 for free. If you do order something, it's $5 per month.
Oh and once every two years you get 50 cents worth of branded socks.
@elpepe did you know that if you don't use your VMP benefits for the month, you can cancel and they will automatocally refund your $5?
@elpepe You're wrong. They are losing money on vmp. But hey, you can be wrong about this, too. It's okay.
Also, if you go a month without ordering anything, and then don't cancel and get your refund, that's your own damn fault. Even with people being dumb and doing that, they're still losing money because so many of us buy multiple things each and every month. Shipping really isn't cheap and some of the stuff I've bought has been pretty heavy.
@Thumperchick right, but they profit when people forget / don't know / are too lazy to do so. If you don't use it in a month it should AUTOMATICALLY credit you.
It's win-win for them. I last ordered on Feb. 16 and didn't cancel till tonight. Depending on their accounting they got either $5 or $10 free from me.
@PurplePawprints stop me if this is a crazy idea but they actually make money on the sale of items, too. having $5 for a month shipping provides customers incentive to buy more often.
The subscription model wins for them both ways -- motivates people to buy when they wouldn't have, and people forget to cancel it.
@elpepe This response is a bit over a year old, but I imagine it still holds water. While Meh certainly doesn't want to lose paying customers who aren't entitled, idiotic assholes, they would prefer more people pay shipping with each order than be vmp members.
@PurplePawprints why dont you just suck their c#cks and get it over with. my god the fanboy is strong
@msujp Aww, fuck off.
@PurplePawprints so let me get this straight. The Meh CEO said he would rather people pay $5 a month for shipping only when they order something, instead of also paying $5 shipping when they don't order?
Because no one pays shipping without joining VMP. It makes no sense. It's a scam option.
@elpepe At the time, he was referring to all the people who were cancelling after getting two month's vmp free for Christmas. However, the part about there needing to be a balance with more people buying and paying shipping each time than people who are vmp members would still be true.
@msujp says the VMP member ...
@elpepe I think it's safe to say that you got at least $10 worth of bitching out of the deal though. ..
Pissed. I follow every day. Tonight not only shut out immediately from the fun but also have to fight 100000000 fucking bots to show I'm human. Disappointed.
I feel stupid for giving this site $5 a month for no reason for I don't know how long, 1.5 years? Enjoying the fuck out of my one Meh sock I didn't lose.
Whatever -- you could have made it 5 captchas instead of like 50 with the same effect without pissing people off.
And no, it's not that I don't "get" the joke. 5 captchas would have been a fun joke. 50 not so much.
Wonder how many VMP you guys lost tonight.
Cancelled VMP.
@kuaikuai so proud
@kuaikuai That will show them!
@thismyusername yes, if they aren't idiots. Anyway there used to be some variety in the merch. Now it's speakers and headphones every midnight and I only have one pair of ears. Now if I were a robot...
@kuaikuai SEE? That's what I've been saying! Why can't this place place be more like w00t! in the early days!

I'm just really really sad.
@Ashkitty sorry.
Cheer up
First I thought the site got hijacked so I reloaded - Clicked through all the "not bots" and got a sold out while ordering.- This isn't funny. April fools day or not you don't treat people (who are not bots) this way! What is wrong with you!
@russ_schott but I laughed.
Beep boop 
@Ignorant This was clearly targeted at "non bots" - next thing you know Google will be messing with the Pegman and we will have to cope with even more change to invoke street view.
@Ignorant Today it pleases me to no end that there's a robot face emoji.
not cool meh. not cool. no way i could do this from my iPhone.
@jdavidd but it was pretty cool right?
All the captchas that was cool.
You know what I did really think was clever about this? It wasn't just about who could click the fastest at 12:00:01, but who could earn it (how many people quit after thinking the site was screwed up? how many people clicked only the CAPTCHAs that allowed one to proceed to check-out, etc.).
Still, this was still a shitty way to go about it. But maybe next time when you have something awesome, make people go on a scavenger hunt or answer trivia questions or do math or one of those puzzles where you have to slide blocks around to make a picture. Just don't buttfck them in/at/around the end (heh heh) - you need to interrupt the process if you sell out WHILE they are racing around. Making everyone yell "BINGO" and then telling them someone else won 5 minutes ago...that's where this went from jokey to lame.
I have a question. Was there some special way I was supposed to do the CAPTCHAs? I went through all of them and even though it wasn't sold out, it kept saying it thought I was a robot. I tried clicking Buy every so often but still got the error. Just wondering if I did it wrong.
@mehbee did it ask you to vote in the poll to make sure you still aren't a robot?
@mehbee it didn't ask me but someone mentioned that somewhere up there
But maybe they were talking about the write up.
@Ignorant Everything on mine was covered up with the Captchas
@Ignorant Oh, I did see the poll question and I think it did say something about being a robot. I can't remember if I voted in the poll or not so don't remember what it said.
because it's only meh if the stems touch
Keeping my VMP because I know now, beyond a doubt, that I AM A MAN, NOT A ROBOT
@paco650 exactly what a robot WOULD say
I am super offended by those captchas. Quiche is not a pie, goddammit. It is... abomination. I don't know. Tasty abomination, in a way. But also... unnatural.
Thanks meh, I was laughing the whole way through it. I didn't get one in the end so Fuck You, but it was great April Fool's celebration :)
Cancelled VMP
@Allster Good on you. You don't need that V next to your name to prove your worth!
@Allster I like to pout too.

I am sad to have missed the deal, but happy to learn that 3 hours and 20 minutes ago, I clicked on more salads and breads and mountains than I think I ever have in my life.
@pyip001 You got to click on bread? Man, i got ripped off.
@pyip001 And coffee, and pickup trucks, and grass, and street signs, and pasta, and...
@kyanostiger yes! Almost 8 times! But probably only 7.
@cinoclav and I think I've convinced myself that I am not a robot. That's probably equivalent to spending a dollar and getting a bag of crappy stuff in the mail.
:( Can't believe I missed it. Thought there was something wrong with the site. What a Fool I was...
Every single time there's a fuk whatever bag, something comes up, and today is no different because I had to work 3pm to 3am because the dick third shift guy called off.
@Xakdublin :frownyface: But I hate overtime too!
@Xakdublin She/he must really be tough to have three shifts of dicks. Or does it alternate?
@Xakdublin Ever think your boss is a Meh fan and just wants one less person competing for a bag on "known" bag days?
Well, poop. missed out on this one. I should have expected this one.
Is doing all the captchas really worth it?
@james_hardiman last year i got a broken video recorder and a used t-shirt!
@march5th00 So yes, totally worth it!
@march5th00 yes, but you had the chance at getting a broken RED 4K camera and a t-shirt used by Christina Hendricks. Perspective, man.
@james_hardiman theyre always worth it even when they shouldn't be. All in good fun.

So I got one I and I was all:

but I can only imagine my reaction upon opening the box will be this:

To everyone that normally gets a Fukobukuro and did not get one tonight, thank you for my first Fukobukuro, and you can go back to beating me out next round.
The page keeps crashing on me. Not sure if site is getting hammered or if this is part of the joke. :'(
@403forbidden My guess is both, though the hammering is probably going to go down throughout the day as people realize they (or should I say "we"? I mean we) missed out on the Fuko.
First fuku I have missed since being on the site.
A bit disappointed they didn't test it further. Girlfriend was almost done with page when it suddenly refreshed. I had issues were the page just kept crashing on my Android phone. By the time we finished on the PC they were sold out.
Oh well. Didn't get anything good in my last unlucky bag.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure you have to live in Texas to get anything good.
@Skylord123 I've gotten some pretty nice stuff here in California. Even got one of those letters saying more stuff was coming (it was and it did - the 'Murica box - 100 U.S. flags on sticks, leather jacket and vest, busted up metal briefcase, two boxes of fake bullets, a broken piggy bank and a few other things; another time a really nice monitor that didn't work as it should with my PC because my PC has proprietary stuff in it that only works with stuff HP says it can work with).
@lisaviolet Alright, Myth Busted. I think I am just unlucky hah. Keep on keepin on I guess.
@Skylord123 Yeah, I scored a Neato the last time and I'm in PA. Damn glad I didn't let it try to win a Fuko last night. Totally would've failed the 'not a robot' questions.
Haha, seriously very well played. I fell asleep on the couch at like 6 minutes til Meh time and awoke to a "FUKU" yell from my husband as he burst forth naked from the shower. It was a very confusing way to wake up, especially with the million captchas I had to try and complete while still half asleep. To make matters worse, Mr. Naked was sitting (gloating) next to me as I failed to get one but he succeeded. A fitting start to April Fools Day!
@ABitterWoman Well obviously it's much faster to click when you have a joystick in hand instead of a mouse...
@cinoclav I wonder what you mean by that. Maybe I just have a dirty mind.
@ABitterWoman You sound pretty bitter
@ABitterWoman You win with this
@joelmw @cinoclav @lichme LOL's all around. I missed this place.
@OldCatLady Well good, because that's exactly what I mean!
Finally did get to see the Fuko-panic, and it was real. The Fuku description on Wikipedia (History section) seems to have had some Meh help if I'm not mistaken.
What a cruel joke, but I'm still laughing at the recaptcha. I struggle to do those normally! Honestly, I thought we'd just be seeing the JBL speaker docks back today
Man I really thought I had this one but something was fucked up at the end and when I clicked the "buy" button after completing every Captcha like a dope, nothing happened. Clicked again and again and nothing. Refreshed the site, completed the Captchas AGAIN, and then it was gone ...
I think the most frustrating thing for me at least (and I'm guessing, some other frustrated folks here) was that we were 1000% certain that the bag was coming, and we were there at the second at the top of the hour...But we just weren't prepared for the purchase process being something so complex that having a direct-wired PC or laptop and a mouse would be a huge advantage.
I'm an east-coaster so I visit meh from the comfort of my mattress via iPad most nights and drift to sleep by 12:05. This just wasn't the night for anyone in that type of situation to get an unlucky bag.
By the time I realized the game was afoot, I knew I needed to be at a hardwired PC, but it was too late.
I went ahead through the motions using my touchscreen and did complete every captcha and voted, but the page still threw the robot error alert. My iPad air also definitely struggled to load all the captchas (I would have to scroll a few times for them to finally appear). So, definitely NOT the night to be at anything but a real computer for a good shot and I can't say I'm sure how well the joke was tested across every environment -- Not sure it was even a high priority to test a process cross-platform that would really only count for 10 minutes or less of production time anyway. I'm a web developer, if I knew a page would only matter for 10 minutes I might not care either.
I'm a stats geek, and I'd love to know the percentages of the 504 who accomplished via mobile vs. desktop/laptop this time -- would be fascinating. And then to benchmark that against prior bags.
I can appreciate the crazy of April Fools and the fun in doing it different, I can only hope that the next prank is one that keeps the playing field level across all platforms. I think a process that didn't handicap those on mobile and wireless devices may have angered less folks.
@bdp Or just possibly it's a plot to sell desktop/laptop inventory, which will have backdoors so purchasers are guaranteed the next Fuku.

@OldCatLady Certainly a great selling point for "visit meh.com using a laptop or a PC, and we've gone one to sell you today!" :) Any meh staff able/willing to share the sales stats of percentages of bags sold in this sale via mobile browser vs PC?
@bdp shoot, I was on a hardwired desktop, but wireless trackpad keyboard, and I still lost out. even with a 20" monitor. . . still took nearly 10 minutes to get through.
@bdp Mobile for me!
@bdp mobile for me! didnt get the captchas when i picked it up...from the west coast though...probably easier for me
Knew there would be one and expected a joke but still never got the page to load properly. Just kept getting the Chrome "Aw Snap" message
Well, it was just a bag full of mostly crap, probably, but I will say that the mechanism of this sure created a lot more hate than anytime I can remember before. Imagine people needing a certain GPA to get into the grad school of their choice, and they're only giving out 50 such GPA for a class of several hundred. Then imagine everyone has to work through a bunch of broken captchas on their mobile phones to get a chance at one of those 50. Then imagine the hate that develops toward both the design, the testing, and the failure of such a system when it goes into practice, especially for the people who perceive that they got a raw deal because they're trying to complete the task via mobile/cell.
That's the level of frustration here, except probably some people value the fuko MORE than their GPAs.
@defibrillator I didn't get into Yale due to my inability to differentiate between mountains and what is simply a large hill. Fucking reCaptcha, you ruined my life.
@defibrillator Can't afford a smartphone at our house. Have the smallest Kindle fire, an original kindle keyboard, a Touchpad that loses touch with the internet and an iPad mini that isn't fast either.
The ONLY thing I've been using when I used to play craps at the other site, or fukuing off here, and winning, is my PC.
Pretty sure this is an analogy for life in general.
@lisaviolet I don't have Internet at home. Phone is the only option.
@MsELizardBeth My phone...hahaha! My phone is a basic phone. I get a whopping 300mb of data a month (which I don't use much of). I used to send photos to facebook via text message when we were away from home, but FB did away with that option for basic phones, so now it just sits in it's cradle.
This is my second phone like this, the first one was under warranty and after a year, I realized I couldn't hear it ring, something was wrong with it. They sent a replacement and a year later, same thing. But now it's not under warranty.
Still sitting in the cradle. lol!
I'm curious about the settings on the reCaptchas. Most of the time when I run across them the engine recognizes my movements as non-robot and simply lets me click the box without giving me the pictures. @shawn - Was there a setting to specifically require the full reCaptcha process?
@cinoclav unfortunately no setting available otherwise we would have used it. In our internal testing we weren't able to complete more than 10 reCAPTCHAs using the checkbox before challenges were being presented.
@shawn Interesting, thanks for the reply. I feel like there were a few that accepted just my click but as madly as I was clicking away and having picture boxes pop up, I'm not really sure. Guess the process works reasonably well. Wanna truly fuck with people next year? Combine the moving homepage with the reCaptchas...
So, we're watching X-Files. I've had a long fucking day in the middle of a long fucking week in a long fucking month in what's looking to be a long fucking year as a part of a multi-year fucking project (that I swear, could have accomplished far more in a few months in the private sector). I forget that I didn't get home until 9:30 when I hear my meh alarm go off. I casually saunter over to the page. I see that shenanigans are afoot. And what the fuck was the matter with us? We should have expected a fuko on April Fool's Day. Dumbfucks we are. Ha-ha. I have to click through a couple of captcha's. Ha-ha. Where the fuck are these coming from? Seriously? Fuck you, meh. Wait, maybe there's a clue here somewhere. Well, shit, I gotta keep goin'. Bodies of water and street signs and houses and trees, oh my. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Goddamnit, I'm an old man and the adrenaline is pumping and my pulse is racing. What a fucking way to die. Meanwhile Mulder and Scully and maybe Mulder's cloned, aphasic sister and Skinner and Cancer man and killer bees and children of the corn? (Everything Dies, I think it was)--I have no fucking idea what I'm missing; gonna have to find time to watch it when the wife is out or busy. She looks over at me a few times. She can see I'm in a zone. I wonder as I stress over each image--wait? is that a tree there? is that a river or a lake? would they put a fucking lake in where I'm looking for rivers just to fuck with me? that's fucking evil! oh, this is new . . . and on and on and on (on my phone, mind you; at least I got the 6s plus, but still not ideal and not even a tablet, you wusses
)--shit, I lost track of what I was wondering. It was like one of those near death moments (I've had a couple) where time slows down and you can almost see yourself from the outside. This did not, by the way help; alas, I am not a time lord. Motherfuck. Incredibly--I have no idea how long it took or how many of those goddamned captchas I did--I eventually got through. I'm thankful, but I still hate April Fool's.
First hit. Perfect.

Ha. Peru.
@joelmw Congrats! My phone made a valiant attempt but it was not to be.
@joelmw TL;DR - I got one.
I do feel bad for those who went through the frustration and got nothing. Truly. And especially those who did it on a smart phone. But I feel obliged to point out (for whoever doesn't want to slog through my post), it did actually work on a phone.
Sigh. And I remember that one time I stayed up three or four hours and got nothing. Yeah, I was pissed.
@joelmw What phone do you have? Crashed like a champ on my HTC One M8.
@DrunkCat iPhone 6s Plus 128. I like it a lot. I know it's not as fancy as some other phones out there, but I'm an app fiend and can usually find what I need to do what I want.
@joelmw Didn't work on my iPad. :(
I thought this was hilarious but I have to admit that it's pretty sucky that it crashes mobile browsers.
mopey-hurt-lift , seems like I should get a broken or bent dumbbell..
So, I got one the hard way last night, but decided to take a look at the page again today. Would it have been possible to bypass having to do all of the captchas by messing with the checkCompletion javascript function, or was there server side validation too?
@dmod nope, it still says you haven't proven you're not a robot or whatever that message was. But it's an easy way to see the stats.
@andrd I was able to make it pass that check that throws the robot message, but since it's sold out, I don't know what would have happened past that point.
@dmod I don't know if you could've used this to actually buy the fuko, since there's a server-side check involved, but right now, the following code will hide the wall of captcha's and unhide the original content on the front page:
All one line no spaces, enter into Javascript console. Somebody could make a bookmarklet out of it (do those even work these days?)
(And no I'm not a cheater I figured this out after it was over).
@awk actually, just copy that and paste it in the url bar with javascript: in front of it, and it'll execute it without having to use a console.
@andrd only in non-fruit-company browsers
Time to fire the WEBMASTER!
Sold Out? Is that part of the joke or is it actually sold out?
@connorwilliams1 Keep trying to find out!
@PurplePawprints I don't have enough time for that
Ain't nobody got time for that.
I found my tracking number by tracking by reference name. very cool
@Conklaven wow, that's fast! Mine has a tracking number now, too.
So many street signs....
I missed this one this time, but I really needed the sleep. Congrats to those who got in.
@bakerzdosen good decision, sleep, more sleep
Did all that work... and its all sold out :(
I will say, despite my frustration, I'm now really good at spotting trees, street signs, and trucks.
@dickfarts ...and mountains and lakes and grass?
@DMlivezey actually I wasn't very good at those. which probably is why i didn't get a bag
15 hours later and I am still pissed off about last night.. As usual, I get here right as 12 midnight -- went through the 'process' only to get done and find out they were all sold out. There is a difference between April fools and April insults... and for MEH to waste 15 minutes of my time, I found that insulting. I will get over it, some day -- months from now -- but for now, I am opting out of VMP and removing MEH from my to-do list.
@discmaster bye bye.
@discmaster And then you find out that tons of people didn't have to do the captcha and many others cheated the system. I canceled my VMP too.
@discmaster I've wasted a whole lot more than fifteen minutes at Woot. If I was unable to get one last night, I would've been upset but I would have cooled off and kept on mehing as honestly, I have enough to worry about upset Meh isn't high on my list.
@discmaster i think Meh is happy to have users cancel VMP, since they know you will all check back, as the HABIT isn't kicked, and buy twice in a month for DOUBLE vmp - have someone block the sight from all of your browsers - it's the only way to be free, free at last


I have 2 tracking numbers tied to my order. Does anyone else?
To search by reference:
visit https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/?action=altref
enter your order id (word1-word2-word3) in the box, select your country, and enter your zip code.
click track.
@andrd Yes, two tracking numbers are showing for me as well. We'll see if it is real or just some quirk in the system. They are indeed setting these up quickly for shipment!
@andrd same here, 2 trackers
@andrd my triumphant-miserable-low (entirely appropriate for a fuko) also shows two tracking numbers.
@andrd I originally only had one tracking number but now I am also showing 2... this is very exciting.
@andrd yup, 2 tracking numbers here, if they send me the horse @dmlivezey asked for in the V-Day fuku, the joke will be on that d-bag when it comes in two pieces
@andrd Two here as well.
@andrd Still processing on mine, no tracking. I am filled with foreboding... but it will get grim (the OMG what I have I done kind) once tracking is up...
@duodec Mine is also still processing. From my last Fuku#7 experience: The later our order is processed, the better/heavier the box is. Finger crossed.
@DonDonSu Still processing. Perhaps grim will be insufficiently foreboding once tracking is available... it might go all the way to gravely certain of impending doom... I'm getting premonitions of derisive laughter from my wife already...
@DonDonSu @duodec - it's the weekend, let them get back to work on Monday...
@duodec @DonDonSu they all still show processing, but you can look up the tracking numbers by searching by reference on the fedex site as indicated in the OP. or, if you have the fedex app on your phone, it should show them if you have it linked to your address.
@andrd Oh go ahead and take all the angst out of it...
@andrd I also have two tracking numbers, and at first I got really excited but now I feel less special knowing everyone else also has two tracking numbers. Also, does everyone else show 2 lbs as well? I'm assuming that's a placeholder?
@legett11 Yes, two tracking numbers here, each with 2lb placeholders.
So are we all getting two shipments? Do the Fukos have multiple personality disorder? Perhaps they're sending us all a box of tissues in advance of receiving the actual Fukos?
@andrd I'm guessing a bunch of shipping labels were generated in error before being applied to a package. In tracking, my "bad" label has not moved, while my "good" label is due to arrive tomorrow.
@SColburn my guess is that it was part of the April Fool's experience.
Also, they used a good image in the order history that doesn't show up on the product page:
@andrd I noticed that too, but since I don't see any speaker docks, knives or Roombas, I figured it wasn't a true depiction of what they will be sending.
@andrd They re-used the image from the Fuko #1 order page for Fuko #2 .
@phonorad yup there is that rare mehny pack.
@thismyusername i used mine today (mehny pack), it's quite handy
I was lucky, got on at midnight, didn't have to deal with the captchas. And like @lisaviolet, I automatically pushed the Meh button without looking at what was being offered!
The captchas were there later, I think if I had to go through all that I probably would have woke up all my neighbors when I was screaming "FUKO YOU, FUKO YOU!!".
Have to admit, thought the whole thing was a prank, but then I got my confirmation ( underrated-squalid-harmony- no good images ). But who knows? Might just be bags of Texas air!
I seem to remember those Amazon prime buttons being an April Fool's prank a few years ago. I could be making that up though.
You Evil Sadistic Bastards will never convince me there is such a thing.
@unixrab really should be here to congratulate all the people who have canceled their vmp membership. I mean, they've all finally seen the light, right @unixrab?
@PurplePawprints done!
Anyone get shipping confirmation? I've got pending tracking information sitting on MyFedEx, but no email yet.
@jsh139 Yes, I have two pending numbers on my FedEx page.
I just love reading the comments and seeing all the PizzedOvv people out there. Some couldn't get an order, some do get an order but it doesn't weigh enough, some have multiple PO's. I'm just happy I get to play with you all...
@denverrr3 Such is life.
Longtime shopper first time poster just checking in as further proof that I am not a robot.

@mehybe hey! turn that fucking text down! people are trying to sleep here dammit!
To all of those who are complaining about metaphorical butthurt: look on the bright side - at least you don't have poison ivy in your butt crack. I do. Literal butthurt.
I also have it all the way around my waist, on my nose, on either side of my mouth, along my chin, on both ankles, and, oddly, in my right ear canal.
And no, I didn't go get frisky in the woods. I went morel hunting in jeans that were too big and snagged the back and ended up with a stick down my pants and I guess that's how I got the poison ivy there, and must have gotten it the rest of the way around my waist each time I pulled up my pants. On the face I assume is from my water pack. Ear, I have no idea.
I normally don't get it. I normally shower as soon as I get home but I got home to an underwater pilot on my water heater, so I had to wade through gross ankle deep basement water to get the pump to work so that I could drain the water out the basement window. Then 5 hours later I got to relight the pilot...then an hour after that I finally got to shower off the poison ivy oils.
So, yeah, no fuko isn't that bad in the grand scheme of very itchy things.
@MsELizardBeth You don't get frisky in woods, woods get frisky in you.
For reals though doesn't sound fun and hope it doesn't take long to get over.
@mehybe I'll probably end up going for some shots. Again. Thanks though. :)
@MsELizardBeth Well, what did you want to do all that for? You just don't know how to have fun. (-ducks and runs away-) It's pretty early for poison ivy to be out spreading joy. I guess I'll spend this weekend clearing out my back lot, because we never really got winter here. Did your shots work?
I feel remiss for not identifying myself earlier. But I'm ashamed to say I'm one of the unlucky ones. My Fuko is still processing. They're probably waiting for a sufficient quantity of bio waste to add to my unluckiest bag. I will, of course, report in graphic detail my utter disappointment once my Fuko arrives. I hope you're all as unexcited as I am.
@rv617 Im in the same boat...lots o' holes
That's a lot of Fuko to be taking this long to ship
I don't think I'm a robot, but can I really be certain? What if an advanced alien race came to earth and kidnapped the original me, download my brain (via the standard anal probe route) and transferred my thoughts and memories (minus the kidnapping part of course) to an exact duplicate robot body? Is it odd that I dream of electric sheep? Sexy, sexy electric sheep?
I'm still processing! Is this good or bad?
@fromagex it's a bit like Schrodinger's cat at this point....
@thismyusername I'm happy with whatever! I live in trash.
01010011 01110100 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100111 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00101110 00100000
@imzwho 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001
After taking the effort to translate both of your posts... not disappointed. Stars for all!
@johnamo 010010010010000001100001011011010010000001101110011011110111010000100000011000010010000001100010011011110111010000100000011001010110100101110100011010000110010101110010001011000010000001100001011011000111010001101000011011110111010101100111011010000010000001110011011011110110110101100101001000000110010001100001011110010111001100100000010010010010000001101000011000010111011001100101001000000111010001101111001000000111000001101100011101010110011100100000011011110110111000100000011101000110100001101111011101010110011101101000001000000110110001101001011010110110010100100000010010010010000001100001011011010010000001101111011011100110010100101110001000000100100100100000011010000110000101110110011001010010000001000011011010000111001001101001011100110111010000100000011011110110111000100000011011010111100100100000011100110110100101100100011001010010110000100000011100110110111100100000011101000110100001100001011101000010011101110011001000000110000101101100011011000010000001001001001000000110111001100101011001010110010000101110001000000011101000101001
@juststephen 01010010 00100000 00110010 00100000 01101001 01110011
@imzwho i don't know if i should laugh, or cry or be offended,
@imzwho 01010111 01101000 01100111 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000110 01110101 01101011 01101111 01110011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100001
@imzwho 010010010010000001110100011010000110100101101110011010110010000001101001011101000010000001110111011000010111001100100000011000010110110001101100001000000110111101101110011001010010000001100010011010010110011100100000010000010111000001110010011010010110110000100000011001100110111101101111011011000111001100100000011010100110111101101011011001010010111000100000010011100110111101100010011011110110010001111001001000000110011101100101011101000111001100100000011001100111010101101011011011110111001100100001
I'm not a robot like you, I don't like having discs crammed into me... unless they're Oreos... and then only in the mouth.
@zachdecker Bite my shiny metal ass.
@thismyusername 01001001 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110101 01110000 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110011 01111001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00101100 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101001 01101110 00100000 00101000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 00110100 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00101001 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00101110 00100000 00111010 00100000 00100000 00101000
@johnamo Effort? try this http://binarytranslator.com
@Kidsandliz 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100110 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101101 00111111
One of my two tracking numbers is on the way -- anyone have two shipped packages? Kind of think they goofed and assigned us two tracking numbers by mistake.
@johnamo That happens relatively often, even with non-Fuk* orders.
got my box;
refurb coffee machine
shower curtain
coors light hat
meh tote bag
best $5 ever spent
Better haul than I ever received with "M"oot.
1) meh tote bag
2) Funai DV220FX4 DVD Player/VCR Combo - http://www.amazon.com/Funai-DV220FX4-DVD-Player-Combo/dp/B00JOS50ZE
3) Kellogg Special K measuring cup - http://www.amazon.com/Kelloggs-Special-K-Measuring-Cup/dp/B00CDM6M96
4) Homebasics by Ginsu 14-Piece Cutlery Set with Black Block - http://www.walmart.com/ip/Homebasics-by-Ginsu-14-Piece-Cutlery-Set-with-Black-Block/29318549
5) Pink Elephant Bank - http://www.mybambino.com/pink-elephant-bank.html?gclid=CKLLqZqtj8wCFUI9gQodT4QJaA
@Fondybadger Of course #2 might not be working... just saying. Perhaps that is why you got the pink elephant?
As a recipient of both the April Fools Fukobukuro AND Woot Bag of Crap, I decided to offer a little side-by-side comparison of how both offerings performed. First, photos of the hauls:


Now, let's decide a winner.
Category: The Bag
Winner: Meh. Hands down. Moving on.
Category: "Maybe I Can Sell in on eBay?"
Able Planet Clearvoice stereo headphone in a busted box
iChair iPad case (first gen) & Philips Actionfit arm band (size L/XL)
Winner: Meh, by a hair. Just because there's always a market for headphones. But old Apple accessories? Ehh...
Category: Potential Kitschy Gift for a Friend
Meh: Elvis tin serving tray
Woot: Screaming Monkey (Bandoleer of Carrots cape) and Star Wars Tie Fighter toy
Winner: Woot. Always side with the Screaming Monkey.
Category: Perfect Accessory for a Desperate Housewife
Meh: Wine Glass that reads, "I'm Leaving His Ass!"
Woot: Home Organization & Storage book
Winner: Meh for not being boring.
Category: "WTF am I Supposed to Do with THIS Shit?"
Meh: Old Wollensak cassette player from some high school audio program in the 1970's (and weighs at least 15 pounds)
Wood: One snow glove and a transforming reading light
Winner: Meh all the way. I mean seriously, WTF am I going to do with that? My wife is going to be so pissed off at me!
So, after five rounds, Meh comes out on top with a score of 4-1. Thanks for playing, everybody!
A Meh Bag, A USB LED Desk Lamp, A used network switch, a used Wii Play game that we already have, a mini-cassette recorder, A "smart watch", six knives, two of which had fallen out of their protective sleeve and were just lurking in the box and... a Cuckoo clock that needs some repair but it works!
Video of Meh Fukobukuro Cuckoo Clock
Thanks, Meh!
@seeden I love that clock.
What I got in my Foku bag.
-- Cardboard Box
Those are so useful.
-- MEH Bag
Of course. It looks nice in black too.
-- DVD/Blue Ray Player ($50 at Walmart)
Has a defective tag on it that says it freezes. Plays DVDs perfectly, I don't have a blu ray disk to play in it though. I suppose I should start a collection now. ;) ...if it works.
-- Cinderella Digital Watch
Had a dead battery in it. Lucky however that I had previously saved some small watch batteries from some other junk I acquired elsewhere. Works perfectly. Now I just need to find someone who would like it.
-- Kevin Dundon Burger Maker ($20 on Amazon)
Funny name. So funny in fact I thought for sure it had to be made up... google to the rescue. Turns out it's a chef with a couple of tv shows even. Huh.
Hm what did I forget? I'm pretty sure I've missed something here.
Very thankful for my unlucky bag as it wasn't as unlucky as the name would lead you to believe. Totally worth the $5 monthly + the $5 for the bag. Thanks meh!
/buy --quantity 42 --color unicorn
@chacham Oops, sorry. We sold out while you were ordering.
Good job @mediocrebot!
We can’t have any of this kind of monkey business.