I've left a departure message on a forum before. I was probably the most active member and many members started resorting to name calling and it wasn't fun any longer. I announced my departure with suggestions to the administrator on how to improve the site for the people that remain behind. I still think I did the right thing so people don't start wondering what happened to me and they know that I purposely left and didn't die or end up in the hospital.
Have to agree with Irk on this one. If you are done, end it quietly. This will probably attract more attention to your legacy of comments in that particular forum than any rant could. Rants are wasted when aimed at the foolish!
So I guess it's not better to flameout than to rust away, Irk? I'm not done, bitter or leaving, just entertained. And I still want my plush freakin Irk doll.
Does this apply to jobs too? An unannounced departure seems more satisfying than giving two weeks notice, enduring goodbye happy hours or lunches, and so on.
@nadroj Sure. Most states seem to be 'at-will' these days and employers can let you go for absolutely no reason. It's only fair that you can do the same in return.
@tightwad@nadroj I think that all depends on the job and just how much you want to screw them over... I worked for a guy for a few days once that was such an asshole that I simply didn't show up the next week. I called and told him how awful he treated me and that I didn't need a job badly enough to deal with his shit. While that's not my nature, it sure felt good.
@cinoclav It depends if you want your former employer to be a reference for your new job. Besides, the higher up you are in a company, the more notice you give. If you are a burger flipper, you give a day's notice. If you are a bank teller, 2 weeks. If you are an executive, you give a couple months. I worked for a company where the CEO was leaving and we knew a year in advance. He stayed behind for the new CEO to shadow him.
@cinoclav I fully agree with that. If you can be terminated at any time for any reason, you sure as hell can quit at any time for any reason. (I may or may not have dreams about jumping out of an aircraft like the JetBlue guy)
@cengland0 Well, sure, if somebody has stock grants/options and a golden parachute and such, they're a helluva lot more likely to care about a smooth transition. Much to lose. However, for an employee without those sweet perquisites, who perhaps got a cost of living increase that doesn't even cover their increased living expenses, a quiet exit seems more mature than a "take this job and shove it" analog to the forum drama queens which Irk discussed.
In general, I agree with Irk. If one is leaving out of dissatisfaction or disagreement, just leave. But if you are going completely off-the-grid because you are going to be a third-world missionary or something similar, and you just want to say bye to some "friends" (i.e. online-only friends), I think that is okay.
@DrWorm Yeah. The worst experience I ever had was when I just stopped hanging out on one forum, and got texts, e-mails, and calls wondering if I was mad at someone or there was some problem. No, I just needed a break. A quick "taking a break, have fun" would have saved me that.
I'd like to announce that I'm staying. I'll be lingering intermittently and half-assedly, interjecting irrelevant comments, amusing mostly myself, as I am wont. I know I have a reputation for inexplicably and inappropriately long-winded comments, but, ironically, I'm too lazy to construct a manifesto, so I won't.
Oh, you're gonna regret this. I'm sure many of you already do.
@joelmw OK, I won't have baited breath or anything like that, but I'll look forward to it in a lackadaisical way. And you could just borrow another manifesto online if you really just feel like phoning it in.
It's been a brief time on here, but I'm announcing my retirement... No more stabbing for me... Hopefully the forum can continue on without me knowing that you're slightly more secure that there will be no stabbings from Stabley anymore.
@Kidsandliz I'm not really leaving, just enjoying the summer. Don't fret everybody, I'll come back when I've got nothing else to do and be the forum savior again.
Whatever @Irk, if that is your real name... I put up with a lot around here and never get the recognition and love I DESERVE. I contribute more than anyone else and I'm tired of not getting the stars and replies I earn with bitingly witty and original content!!!!!1
This will be my last post on this "community". It used to be great but it's certainly gone downhill in the last less-than-a-year. Now it's full to the brim with sycophants, deviants, and losers. All anybody talks about is interesting personal topics that make me feel connected to the community and other relevant and fun content. WHATEVER.
Well you won't have old @JonT to punch around anymore so I hope you're happy. I used to love this place and believe in it, it was a huge part of my life…but now I'm leaving and you'll be sorry that I'm gone. You'll ALL BE SORRY!
@SSteve He did, but I'll be honest, he's still my favorite of Republican presidents in my lifetime. He was brilliant and did some actual good. But, yeah, a little sick in the head.
I love the Grand Exit posts on discussion boards! Since the person who made the Grand Exit is likely still reading the board to see the reaction, it is just so much fun to mess with them. 1. Refer to their position in prior posts while deliberately misstating what they said and the position they took. 2. Wait to see how long it takes for them to reappear "just to set the record straight." 3. Ignore the "corrections" and keep misstating what they said in the past. 4. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Been on the interwebs since August 1, 1996. Seen a lot of drama queens flouncing out the forum door. Never made sense, the flouncing and announcing because those people always came back.
Someplace I even posted my thoughts on this, back in the dark ages. If you're going to leave, then just leave. If you need a break, take a break and don't announce it. Come back when you're ready. If people miss you, you'll find out one way or the other.
My husband posts on a couple of tractor forums and he sees a fair amount of flouncers. One flouncer, who did nothing but complain about everything in his life, did the Great Announcement (love the capital letters) thing and left. Three or four months back, he was posting again. At first, he was okay, but within a week or two, he was back to whining.
Someone said to him "I thought you left". He left. Quietly this time. And hasn't been back.
@katylava Yep, I came online to get help on getting a feral cat out of our rafters. No one was able to give me advice (it would be way different now). After a year of climbing a ladder to feed him, give him water and clean his litter box, he finally came down on his own. He was a great kitty. tamed up nicely; a blood clot ended his life (he had to be euthanised).
You know what bothers me more than it should... People posting long winded forum replies to forum replies. I mean, a person replies to a forum post to give his or her opinion on something, probably jokingly, and it starts a long chain of responses from people taking him or her a little too seriously. then you get a few more people responding to that person and it all steam rolls from there. Pretty soon we're having a philosophical argument about how to quit your job. Heck with this I'm done with forums. You guys suck, stop picking on me. I'm done with life I'm going to end it all now. aaaggggghhhhhhh (cough) (cough)
I need to let you all know that I am leaving the forum for 45 minutes.

@thismyusername This had me giggling long before it got to the end. :-D (and bit after)
@thismyusername ok I was wrong, I am back now, I forgive you all.
Irk just gave us a new video to post in the weekly "I'm quitting Meh" thread.
This was so great!

I've left a departure message on a forum before. I was probably the most active member and many members started resorting to name calling and it wasn't fun any longer. I announced my departure with suggestions to the administrator on how to improve the site for the people that remain behind. I still think I did the right thing so people don't start wondering what happened to me and they know that I purposely left and didn't die or end up in the hospital.
Wait... you don't hang out in the womb anymore? You don't get a slicker and galoshes on and say I'm going "home!"
I feel like I must have missed an amazing flame-out. Either that or I'm introducing extra subtext. I'm pretty ok with it either way.
@sinless I know! I almost want to [google]search the forums.
Have to agree with Irk on this one. If you are done, end it quietly. This will probably attract more attention to your legacy of comments in that particular forum than any rant could. Rants are wasted when aimed at the foolish!
@emt305 Well no, quietly disappearing does NOT attract as much attention than a parting rant, thus the reason parting rants are so ubiquitous.
So I guess it's not better to flameout than to rust away, Irk? I'm not done, bitter or leaving, just entertained. And I still want my plush freakin Irk doll.
@irishbyblood Meh two! (one for home, one to sit trolling my office).
@irishbyblood There's only one plush Irk. But he could be yours with the right Irk napping plan.
@denboy That sounds like a proposal for when Irk sleeps. ;-)
@joelmw If it happens it's your fault
@denboy Oh man, we were told to be patient.
Once again, Irk coming atcha with the hard truths.
@birdspanker cuttin' through the fat and slappin' down the lean entree for you to chew on.
Does this apply to jobs too? An unannounced departure seems more satisfying than giving two weeks notice, enduring goodbye happy hours or lunches, and so on.
@nadroj Sure. Most states seem to be 'at-will' these days and employers can let you go for absolutely no reason. It's only fair that you can do the same in return.
@nadroj @cinoclav I don't care about notice but at least tell them you are quitting so they don't have to expend effort worrying etc
@tightwad @nadroj I think that all depends on the job and just how much you want to screw them over... I worked for a guy for a few days once that was such an asshole that I simply didn't show up the next week. I called and told him how awful he treated me and that I didn't need a job badly enough to deal with his shit. While that's not my nature, it sure felt good.
@cinoclav It depends if you want your former employer to be a reference for your new job. Besides, the higher up you are in a company, the more notice you give. If you are a burger flipper, you give a day's notice. If you are a bank teller, 2 weeks. If you are an executive, you give a couple months. I worked for a company where the CEO was leaving and we knew a year in advance. He stayed behind for the new CEO to shadow him.
@cengland0 If you're willing to say ef it and just walk on a job, you're certainly not worried about a reference.
@cinoclav I fully agree with that. If you can be terminated at any time for any reason, you sure as hell can quit at any time for any reason. (I may or may not have dreams about jumping out of an aircraft like the JetBlue guy)
@Collin1000 Lol - Forgot about him until I read that. He is a freaking hero.
@cengland0 Well, sure, if somebody has stock grants/options and a golden parachute and such, they're a helluva lot more likely to care about a smooth transition. Much to lose. However, for an employee without those sweet perquisites, who perhaps got a cost of living increase that doesn't even cover their increased living expenses, a quiet exit seems more mature than a "take this job and shove it" analog to the forum drama queens which Irk discussed.
Irk for president!
In general, I agree with Irk. If one is leaving out of dissatisfaction or disagreement, just leave. But if you are going completely off-the-grid because you are going to be a third-world missionary or something similar, and you just want to say bye to some "friends" (i.e. online-only friends), I think that is okay.
@DrWorm Yeah. The worst experience I ever had was when I just stopped hanging out on one forum, and got texts, e-mails, and calls wondering if I was mad at someone or there was some problem. No, I just needed a break. A quick "taking a break, have fun" would have saved me that.
I'd like to announce that I'm staying. I'll be lingering intermittently and half-assedly, interjecting irrelevant comments, amusing mostly myself, as I am wont. I know I have a reputation for inexplicably and inappropriately long-winded comments, but, ironically, I'm too lazy to construct a manifesto, so I won't.
Oh, you're gonna regret this. I'm sure many of you already do.
@joelmw You're denying us a flameout! That just ain't right man.
@irishbyblood Not necessarily. I may be building up to an even bigger flameout.
@joelmw OK, I won't have baited breath or anything like that, but I'll look forward to it in a lackadaisical way. And you could just borrow another manifesto online if you really just feel like phoning it in.
@irishbyblood Oh, I've written manifestos. Here's one I kinda like: https://joelmw.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/my-half-assed-manifesto/
Note that it's also about allegedly staying and is self-professedly half-assed.
This isn't 'Nam, @joelmw. There are rules!
@DaveInSoCal Hell yeah. And they're meant to be broken.
so long and thanks for all the fish!
It's been a brief time on here, but I'm announcing my retirement... No more stabbing for me... Hopefully the forum can continue on without me knowing that you're slightly more secure that there will be no stabbings from Stabley anymore.
@Kevin you do know you ruined that thought by posting that...
@Kidsandliz I'm not really leaving, just enjoying the summer. Don't fret everybody, I'll come back when I've got nothing else to do and be the forum savior again.
Whatever @Irk, if that is your real name... I put up with a lot around here and never get the recognition and love I DESERVE. I contribute more than anyone else and I'm tired of not getting the stars and replies I earn with bitingly witty and original content!!!!!1
This will be my last post on this "community". It used to be great but it's certainly gone downhill in the last less-than-a-year. Now it's full to the brim with sycophants, deviants, and losers. All anybody talks about is interesting personal topics that make me feel connected to the community and other relevant and fun content. WHATEVER.
Well you won't have old @JonT to punch around anymore so I hope you're happy. I used to love this place and believe in it, it was a huge part of my life…but now I'm leaving and you'll be sorry that I'm gone. You'll ALL BE SORRY!
@JonT Screw you. I was going to post this same thing. How dare you share a similar thought parody as me. I'm outta here.... Wanna get a beer?
@JonT You may not get stars and replies, but you do get one benefit from these forums the rest of us don't: a paycheck. We know you'll be back.
@joelmw That guy really had some personal issues.
@SSteve He did, but I'll be honest, he's still my favorite of Republican presidents in my lifetime. He was brilliant and did some actual good. But, yeah, a little sick in the head.
@joelmw The Vulcans have a saying: "Only Nixon could go to China."

I am so finished with you Irk. I am not going to be around to watch your videos anymore--at least until your next video.
but I am DEFINITELY not going to buy your never-to-be-released plushy likeness - so there!!!!!
I love the Grand Exit posts on discussion boards! Since the person who made the Grand Exit is likely still reading the board to see the reaction, it is just so much fun to mess with them.
1. Refer to their position in prior posts while deliberately misstating what they said and the position they took.
2. Wait to see how long it takes for them to reappear "just to set the record straight."
3. Ignore the "corrections" and keep misstating what they said in the past.
4. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Been on the interwebs since August 1, 1996. Seen a lot of drama queens flouncing out the forum door. Never made sense, the flouncing and announcing because those people always came back.
Someplace I even posted my thoughts on this, back in the dark ages. If you're going to leave, then just leave. If you need a break, take a break and don't announce it. Come back when you're ready. If people miss you, you'll find out one way or the other.
My husband posts on a couple of tractor forums and he sees a fair amount of flouncers. One flouncer, who did nothing but complain about everything in his life, did the Great Announcement (love the capital letters) thing and left. Three or four months back, he was posting again. At first, he was okay, but within a week or two, he was back to whining.
Someone said to him "I thought you left". He left. Quietly this time. And hasn't been back.
@lisaviolet you know your internet birthday? i wish i knew mine.
@katylava Yep, I came online to get help on getting a feral cat out of our rafters. No one was able to give me advice (it would be way different now). After a year of climbing a ladder to feed him, give him water and clean his litter box, he finally came down on his own. He was a great kitty. tamed up nicely; a blood clot ended his life (he had to be euthanised).
Does this apply to Snapster's "So long and thanks for all the fish" post from Deals.Woot?
@marklog Bravo!!
You know what bothers me more than it should... People posting long winded forum replies to forum replies. I mean, a person replies to a forum post to give his or her opinion on something, probably jokingly, and it starts a long chain of responses from people taking him or her a little too seriously. then you get a few more people responding to that person and it all steam rolls from there. Pretty soon we're having a philosophical argument about how to quit your job. Heck with this I'm done with forums. You guys suck, stop picking on me. I'm done with life I'm going to end it all now. aaaggggghhhhhhh (cough) (cough)
I really miss the fantastic flounces from Regretsy.

but but but how will any of you ever notice I'm gone if I don't make a giant flouncy ranting post that I'm leaving?
@sublimosa Ummm...because you don't post anymore???