@lichme Sucked balls for me. On both my phone and computer exactly at the changeover and couldn’t get one. I haven’t for the last few. I truly believe location is a key element.
@YourLazyButt It really irritates me because I am an East Coaster and I will also be awake at 8 am. Of course I will be at work so I can’t buy it then.
I also love buying shit all year from this computer but tonight is the night I have to prove I am not a robot.
So freakin’ ridiculous - been trying to get this item the last few months - the one time I’m actually here in time (within 20 seconds) and click the buy button it says to wait till 8…
I was scared when I realized I wasn’t signed in…then again when it didn’t process the first time I clicked to submit… but then… “wholesome-uneven-light”! Yay my first!
@Panegyric It is to prove that when they sell the Fuku it isn’t the night you put a robot up to buy from the same laptop you have been buying shit with all year.
WTF Google, you asked me to pick all the rivers, then all the flowers, then another batch of rivers… don’t you know I haven’t been outside since 1998?!
I guess I’ll try again at 8am, but as I’ve said before, only the midnight fukos are real fukos.
You seriously need to fix your captcha. I had to click the thing like ten million times, and it wouldn’t let me pass. By that time, you’d sold them all.
@thismyusername Hehehe yes, but if the first batch sold out in 20 seconds when nobody knew it was coming, I can only imagine how quick the second batch sold out when people were ready for it
I felt it in my gut, when I bought it my gut dropped, and when I open it, my gut is probably going up out my mouth.
Thanks Meh! No experience like it!
Plus, is it ironic I am watching Idiocracy right now?
i hit that buy button 1 sec after it was on…there is no way possible 200 got sold that quick…BS MEH! it took me to the creditcard page and only anoth 4 secs went buy and it showed a robot capcha and i cliked it and all that happened was FREAKIN NOTHING green bar going back and forth…BALONY MEH!
awww, why didn’t I pass as not a robot. . . I was totally on top of it today, first day I’ve actually still been up at midnight in weeks. c’est la vie. I probably didn’t want what was in the bag anyway
ugh, here right at the start and it tells me that the want to save some for people sleeping in. I knew it would be a foku, like i just felt it. i was here and i fucking missed it. Why?
Refreshed at exactly midnight eastern, perfectly timed. Page loading, loading, loading. Was launching new instances while that was going on. Then less than a minute later, all of them load crisp and clear in a millisecond.
“We wanted the morning blah blah blah”
Yeah, whatever. This is how it happened every time I’ve tried. I gave up at one point because of how consistent it was, but tried to give the Christmas one another shot.
Your odds of getting one are probably exclusively determined by your physical location.
Second time around: did it instantly. Solved the captcha within maybe three seconds after the page loaded. Green bar scrolled, scrolled, scrolled. After a minute: “we had a problem placing your order.” I’ve placed plenty of orders, and have never seen that one before.
I know these things sell out quickly, but when I got that message, the “buy” button on the page was still working. Of course it sold out during the second attempt, as expected.
Does this not seem a bit fucked up? I couldn’t score one even while they were (apparently) still in stock. And with the amount of time this one stayed up, I bet some people got two.
I hope that I’m simply wrong; that everyone else simply beat me to it, and the server was playing catch-up with the requests, because it would suck if there’s something else going on.
@ShotgunX I had the same exact problem except it said I was a robot twice even after clicking the captcha. To say I’m disappointed is a understatement.
@shawn More than one account, obviously. Friend’s/relative’s shipping address, if they check for location. Hell, you could automate the whole thing with AHK, too.
How the fuck does anyone get one of these? I just KNEW it would be tonight. I had 2 pages opened - laptop and phone, and I alternately refreshed each one.
As soon as I saw it, I hit Buy, solved the captcha, and was told to wait until 8. I was doing the same on the phone, same result.
It couldn’t have taken more than 3 seconds after it posted.
@G1 I was very fucking luck to get mine at 8 o fucking clock when this poor fuck was supposed to be fucking sleeping.
I only used profanity to add to the fuck count … since someone is watching and counting. But seriously. I’ve tried every time since becoming a MEHmber and this is my first.
Another one in the bag, excit… sad to see what is going to come! Last one I got had a food processor with a missing part, so it does not do so much processing (though it does hold food pretty well in small quantities!).
I got an error after submitting the order. I selected to join VMP during checkout, and I got an email saying I joined… but the order didn’t go through.
@sykl0ps Happens to me too. I think it happens when you are too fast. But then, sometimes, when you click on the “Let’s try that again” it does go through or it’s sold out.
@medz I am on the East Coast and I say be here at midnight or don’t buy one. I will be awake again at 8 but will be working so I can’t even try to buy.
Well I somehow clicked the buy it already button before the I’m not a robot button processed and got fleeced out of the fuk u bag.
Merry xmas to the unlucky soul that got mine.
I HATE HATE HATE Captcha. I had to successfully prove I was not a robot 3 times before I got the message that the sale is paused until morning. You folks pulled a Captcha stunt on April Fools Day that prompted me to cancel my membership and not buy anything from you for months. Now I am on the verge of permanently parting company with Meh. Whatever you think you are accomplishing with Captcha is likely costing you more than it’s worth.
@PlacidPenguin wtf not everyone had to prove they weren’t a robot? I am so jealous of you. Getting the Bog O’Craps and fokus has been a dream of mine. It’s like a present that i know will disappointment me, but its more exciting then anything else in my life.
@YourLazyButt I always have to prove I am not a robot and the process just about always requires me to cycle through it more than once. I don’t even try anymore. Especially since most of the fukO’s aren’t worth $5 except if you want the red bag. Now the fuku’s that is a different story. I got two of those and there was some really nice things in there that I then passed on as Christmas and birthday presents to family and they were thrilled (or for one of them the family I was staying with got most of it as a nice thank you).
Watched TV right through this. My watch quit notifying me of texts this afternoon, so I strolled in here at 5 after and it looks like a black friday shopping tornado’s been right through the place… site’s all empty with few little shreds of meh faces blowing across the floor. And one little Irk spider scurrying to the corner.
To the lucky(?) 200, congrats. To the rest of you, see you fuckers in the morning…
@carl669 You’re welcome. That reminds me… tried again just now, fuckers sold out before I could get through after the robot message and the “these are selling fast” message.
Go ahead and mark down another one. Two, actually. I’m feeling fucky today.
I object to the reserve for morning people concept. The early people already take the best donuts, coffee, and parking spots. meh.com deals was one of the few things where I got the first pick. (I know, but sometimes it’s totally the little things…)
I got one. Mostly it is luck, I guess. I had a hunch there would be one (but I get those hunches regularly and they are wrong). I had the cursor over the buy button and then almost missed the robot box. But I made it. I changed the delivery address and the spelling of my town just afterwards and I hope that doesn’t muddle things up.
The second it came through I was on the site. I looked up and see it’s on hold until 8:00 am. I am wondering if I am getting ripped off! It’s not just for this item it’s for a few others. The 2 for 1 fan chargers, I saw more different colors on the Today show 2 days later for the same deal. I have written them about a few things and of course they answer the next day 30 mins. before they leave again. I am an honest person who thought I found a site that was not a bunch of bull for a change, being their from Texas where I to am from. So they know that we are on central time and we don’t get notifications an hour ahead of time. I am going to sleep on this tonight and then tomorrow I will decide whether I want to continue here or not. I hope they get a good laugh all the way to the bank.
@hotwheels53 Meh is for the realsies man. The new fangled bags of crap are hard to buy. The pause is new and we all hate change. I don’t know how long you’ve been here so i don’t wana explain shit in case you already know. I will say this place is my favorite store. If I could bear to live in that hell on earth that you call home I would be bombing meh at every opportunity for me as a software developer and my wife as a copy writer.
@hotwheels53 Yep, this site is my favorite too. You need to watch the time roll over every night to score one of these, but I have bought a lot of other stuff here I really like.
I had a large post telling people that it’s the fault of @f00l that they were told they are robots, but I removed it since I thought it might be slightly mean.
/ This deal made me click meh for \
\ the first time in many months. /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Sold out. Dang. I tried using my password manager to fill in the order form on my iPad but it didn’t work so I had to type it all out and I guess that’s how I missed it.
@sanspoint no I was on and had ordered this fukobukuro at exactly at 8a.m, CST and did the captcha and it loaded the green processing line numerous times then once again just like last night, said deal paused sold out for 8 am sale…this bags sell out in less than a minute now:(
That was some bull crap. The purchase button didn’t appear for me, then tried again and after I verified I wasn’t a robot THEY ASKED ME IF I WAS A ROBOT 4 TIMES!!! I’m pretty ticked off. Meh fix your shit
@snorlaxthelorax The same thing happened to me. Website said '0k" to Im not a robot and then asked again and then sold out while trying to finalize my purchase.
I got three “Something went wrongs” and then “Are you sure you’re not a robot?” and THEN sold out. Man, that should’ve gone through. I refreshed exacted at the stroke of 8, clicked buy, clicked robot, and was purchasing in less than 2 seconds.
@HELLOALICE Same. Asked if I was a robot twice and got a “Something went wrong” then a green progress bar after clicking “Let’s do this” and still got a “Sold Out”. Meh.
2nd time ever I could actually click the “Buy” button. First was April Fools. This time I could actually click “submit order” in time with just the one goddamn captcha, but I still got “something went wrong,” then “you can’t buy this if you’re a robot” and then finally, “we’re sold out.”
Thought this one was mine, I’m on a fast wired connection at work and everything. Ah well. Someday … ~~~~
GGGAAAHHH, refreshed at 07:00:01, order was placed and “something went wrong” and when trying again, claimed I was a robot (even though box was checked). Screw your servers Meh.
I got the green bar and then a bunch of There was a problem… and then a sold out message, but I just received an email gloating-common-farmer Woo hoo!!!
what is the point of holding these in reserve if your shitty captcha system won’t let anyone buy them? I tried this in four different browsers and got cockblocked every time. hope I’m luckier at 4, though I see no reason why I should be. I set a special alarm and woke up an hour early and everything. 0/10
Buy page didn’t load for two minutes then I accidentally refreshed the page trying to keep my screen awake. I’m not on my a game this time, apparently. See you fuckers again at 3 to try for one of the seven that are left
Woohoo Got one… Was weird, kept asking if I was sure I wasn’t a robot then that t was sold out but all the sudden a get a CC purchase notification and it’s in my orders!! It’s a Christmas Miracle!!!
Once again put it in check out , did the verification and it loaded and dialed the green purchase line over ten times the got the opps sorry we’re sold out…yes I think MVP is gone for me too…I wonder how many people just buy this item and others , like me, buy their items all the time that can no longer get this fukobukuro
@AttyVette correction from statement above about MVP…meant VMP …oh well same thing as – feel today like a mediocre violated person – the mediocrity of it all…oh meh oh my
Yup, looping green bar and an eventual error. Jesus. How can this still be a problem? Is it not possible to setup a website for predicted short periods of intense traffic?
@Beardmancer I’d venture to guess that meh is better than almost anyone in the world at this particular exercise. Most sites just crumble completely under this kind of load.
FFS…by the time the purchase button actually loaded, it was sold out. I don’t have a slow computer nor slow internet. Refreshed a second ahead of time. How the f%ck do you get one of these?
what is the point of holding these in reserve if your shitty captcha system won’t let anyone buy them? I tried this in four different browsers and got cockblocked every time. hope I’m luckier at 4, though I see no reason why I should be. I set a special alarm and woke up an hour early and everything. 0/10
Me, at 7:00:01 CST:
“SLOW ASS PAGE LETS GO… waits half a minute for the servers to try and process all of us collectively DDOSing it…
FINALLY ITS NOT SOLD OUT YET… CMON BUY BUTTON LOAD JESUS… another 30 second pass until the confirm button freakin loads and I try clicking the confirm youre human button…
HOLY FUCK NO IM NOT A ROBOT JUST FUCKING LOAD ALREADY… continues loading non-robot confirmation for another 15 seconds…
Welp I’m fucked… green bars for 2 minutes. Is fucked.
Guess I’ll get my hopes up again at 3 for no reason.”
Gah! Note to self: when you actually set an alarm to wake up for the morning release, and give a real attempt to finally maybe get one of these…it helps be logged in first.
Yes! I didn’t think I got it because when I clicked the button I got a stupid error asking if I was a robot, so I I had to redo the click. When I reclicked the click, I got a sold out message! But I got my email saying I got in! Yay!
Missed twice and accused of being a robot the second time. How dare you, Meh. In the words of Creedence,“Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.”
I slid in at 8am like a gerbil coated in Astroglide and then clicked the buy button… then the screen dimmed … where’s the buy window… come on meh… do I reload or wait or open a new tab … let’s wait … come on meh… okay I’ll reload … same story… finally sold out.
Hanging my head in shame until 4pm.
On the plus side, I have Woot Bag o’ Crap coming today. The last one was actually decent.
And fittingly enough, I have to take an actual crap now!
Ah the old server not responding error. I know it well. I can’t imagine being Meh’s server was a lot of fun at 8am. I’m picturing a lot of sparks and smoke. Of course if this was a “Fuku” and not a Fuko I would probably be sad.
This reminded of trying to the NES Classic Mini online when Amazon was doing their 5pm release. Show up - click buy - server ends up looking like a little kid dropped an ice cream cone on the pavement in the hot sun.
@dis_member@TehChrisReed They haven’t had a fuku in over a year. The fuku’s are far better. They started the fuko April fools day 2015 and haven’t had a fuku since. I had gotten 3 fuku’s and then the first fuko and haven’t gotten any since.
I was right on time, I got it set up to purchase and to buy a Vmp as well, the vmp went through then it errored and claimed I wasn’t human, the captcha didn’t work. so I had to reload it and amazingly it was still there, clicked the captcha and it went through then the buy button and it cycled for like 30 seconds then said it was sold out.
I’m new to meh, and this was actually my first purchase. I’m so excited! I haven’t tasted the sweet disappointment of a random box of junk in a few years.
Green bars kept going and then told me there was an error. Tried again and it didn’t recognize the captcha was already filled out. Refreshed the page and sold out. Checked my account page and guess I got lucky (or un-lucky as the case may be).
/giphy woozy-graceful-whip
I got one on my first attempt ever even with the robo check. I am uber-human. Don’t tell my wife, I was banned from ordering crap like this after my BOC arrived yesterday in extremely disappointing fashion.
@rigor It was awful. A bag, pithy cup, half a curtain, broken toy, and a ‘personal massager’ which my 11 year old ran around the house with making my wife and I very uncomfortable.
@f00l since some do not swear, i was trying to create a post anyone could copy and paste should they have strong feelings about not getting the latest fuko. you know, like Dizavid.
@carl669 I posted for you, pal. I could branch out and use some terms I learned when I worked for various USN ossifers over the years. Mustangs are the most creative, in my considered opinion.
gah it was going through got the green thing going…went to go to the next page and crashed before it got to the confirmation and no beuno…have yet to get one…bummer
apparently, I did get one. thanks, meh! am I allowed to try and get another at 4 or not? if the answer’s no, I’d love to know now so I can be offline and marginally reduce server load on innocent people who don’t have one yet.
A year of nightly checking this site and I’m still fukoless, I know it’s probably impossible on my lovely <1mb/s dsl connection but I try every time anyway.
@uninflammable I was fiber optic connection with 3 ms ping, still didn’t get it. Any one know where their server farm is so I can drive there and direct connect?
no soup for me.
page took 30+ seconds to load, clicked buy, the buy page took 20 seconds or more to come up,
insta clicked the buy it, of course I missed clicking I’m not a robot.
looped back, clicked I’m not a robot, clicked buy.
green bar went up & down for a loooooong time
got the "ooops, there’s a problem, try again"
lather, rinse, repeat until I get the “sorry, sold out”
checked my email just in case I actually got it.
(which is what happened last time).
I see they sold 215 of them in 2 minutes.
good thing I used the time.gov site to time my refresh.
@TehChrisReed did it work out any better for you?
I was thinking as I waited for the page to load - maybe I should have gone for the refresh 20 seconds earlier.
or would it still take 30 seconds to load, but bring up the “not for sale yet” page?
Why do you hate me so much Meh? This is my fourth Fuko attempt and I have nothing to show for it. This time it claimed I was a robot even after I checked the box. I read all the comments of people with similar stories who checked their email and had a confirmation. I, of course, did not have a confirmation. I really just want to know why, why do you show me hate WHEN I GIVE YOU NOTHING BUT LOVE!!!
What not reserved when clicked!!! I clicked buy, all my info was there. Clicked checkout and 90 second later it said something went wrong!!! Then when I clicked again it said sold out. WTF!!!
@keithschm I’m sorry you didn’t get one. The order system doesn’t allow for item holding while checking out, and only checks to see if it’s still available once the final order button has been pressed. Since fuko bags always cause server issues, things can and do go wrong during that process. There are a lot of people all trying for a small number of bags, and I’m sure that hammers the servers.
I was on it, checked all the pics with columns, and then the old click if your not a robot or something went wrong message comes up until sold out.
Really mean of Meh to send the morning e-mail right afterwords getting my hopes up but what the hell, lets be honest. I am just here for the socks anyway,
Green progress bar cycled several thousand times and then said something went wrong. Ugh. I clicked try again and it told me I couldn’t buy it if I’m a robot. Grrr… then I got a notification my card was charged $5 and I went to my Meh order history and saw:
Clicked Buy Clicked process my order then went back and hit the robot button and process again. watched the lines cycle and process dropped my phone and when i picked it up it was frozen on blah blah your a robot. i cried a little peed a little then contimplated ending it all when a wonderful little order completed email popped in
Since it appears Meh is going to keep their “pause” system why doesn’t meh also then reserve some of their fukobukuro bags for meh customers that regularly buy their limitless knives, speaker docks, refurbished crock pots and other stuff? Maybe have a quota that you had to purchased at least 100 orders within a certain time?
( for the record…I have bought 88 orders so far from meh but sometimes I bought multiple items --I am talking about individual ORDERS placed on different days not actually items you received in one order like say 2 orders same day of knives? What about it Meh bosses, how about giving meh’ers who consistently order your things for sale a separate chance of getting your fukobukuro bags since we actually purchase the other “stuff” here when now your regular customers now don’t really have a prayer of getting one with the pause button? Would it help if I said pretty please ?
Probably not but just throwing this idea out there…c
@AttyVette They reserve some for VMP members…they go live at 4:00, but you gotta be quicker than quick.
But, I hear what you’re saying and def agree that an allotment set aside for “frequent buyers of stuff” would be a nice way to reward those who buy often.
@dalekjoe not the same thing, as someone could have purchased their VMP membership and yet only bought one or two orders from Meh (within a specific time period) not numerous orders like I am talking about…
Thought I didn’t get it because it should "oops something went wrong while I was trying to order. Then I went to my order history and say this:
/giphy helpful-fit-beef
I refreshed at 8am, saw the Buy button, clicked on it. Things were a bit slow, but the order page eventually came up and I clicked that I wasn’t a robot. Then I placed my order and the green bar of progress sat around for a long while before telling me my order was successful.
Maybe you guys are just doing it wrong or something?
The ‘who’s buying this crap’ map seems more interesting to me today. I can’t decide whether it represents proximity to meh servers, or quality of internet by state.
Refreshed page @ 08:00.00 ET, it took a couple moments to load. Hit buy button, took FOREVER for payment page to appear. Survived the CAPTCHA, green bar for several more moments. Something went wrong, sold out. Still waiting for that “miracle” email to come through saying I got one after all. I guess I’ll just sit here and keep refreshing the order page… #F5
No idea what happened. I was johnny-on-the-spot, refreshed immediately at 8am. After a few green-bar passes, I was informed I was a robot, and I should try again. Rinse/repeat 3 more times. I gave up, and left for work.
How pleased was I to get a confirmation email in my inbox when I arrived. First one in over a year (10/26/15) but admittedly, I stopped staying up to get one due my sleep issues. Can’t believe it. Can’t wait.
/image obdurate-vulnerable-basin
SO IS IT WORTH HANGING OUT HERE AT 4 PM WHEN I COULD BE AT FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR - I DO HAVE A BOX OF W(H)INE?? Shouting Caps intended. And this comment this is pretty wonky, too! P.S. I like my pearl necklace, bracelet and earrings a lot, even though I just know one little earring is bound to be lost toute suite because that’s how they roll. (ugh. sry.)
@carl669 Merci, monsieur - and I really need an editor, too - because I meant to type “this comment whatchamacallit is pretty wonky, n’est ce pas?” (I’m also too lazy to find the French accents and squigglies.) Cheers! Hic.
I hate to start they day out crying, but I fell asleep last night and missed the posting.
I felt it coming up too and I was here Every Night.
Do you think someone gave me a roofie?
I got the “Something went wrong”-esque message, then “Are you a robot?” about 5 times before I refreshed. It was sold out by then so I assumed it was over for me and went back to bed…
Cut to 30 seconds later, I get a confirmation email! No complaints here!
So close last night. Sadly the captcha thought I was a robot. (To be fair, not the first time I’ve heard that.) Posting now because my 19 year old daughter left me a note on my computer saying that she tried at 5AM but did not succeed in her quest.
A bag would be cool, but this is so much cooler!!!
Uber meh. Meh hates me. Meh keeps Fukubukuro-ing me on Thursday. I can’t click on Thursday. I have responsibilities. No meh-fuku X-Mas for me. Poor me.
What the ever loving FUCK, this morning there was no goddamn picture verification for the captcha, now I miss out because the goddamn thing pops up a picture right over the buy button after I click verify. Goddamnit meh, im not a robot ffs
@OldCatLady How many times does it take before Meh finally realizes SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Wait… I mean WE ARE PEOPLE, NOT ROBOTS!!!
/giphy soylent green is people
Pretty sure I had it as it started to load a confirmation screen. Then the screen froze and went back to the buy page and said there was an error. My orders page confirmed the worst that it didn’t process. The fuck? Circuit breaker fukos have destroyed my streak on back to back occasions now. Fuck.
Can’t believe I got really screwed over by the pictures on three rounds. The only other time I had to do it was April fools
@capguncowboy a kind gesture, but not necessary! I dont find myself around these parts very often, not sure why. I suppose since all that family business went down it just got back burnered.
Not a huge fan of the circuit breakers and now that my fuko streak is over and i sidelined my flipping business i really don’t have a desire to spend my time here.
I feel cheated. The first time the capatacha wouldnt load. Then for the vmp sale my credit info was suddenly gone. Wasnt fast enough. Meh is living up to promises
I can’t believe I didn’t get one again…waahhhh. I just want one to say I have gotten one…sigh. I blame living in the sticks with not as fast as the city slickers’ internet.
@mehbee Connection speed doesn’t seem to matter much. Page reload at 00:00 at 8 AM with a 30mbps connection or at 4 PM with an 800mbps connection and I got the same result. Buy it, check captcha, select the pictures with signs or grass, confirm, scroll bar reloads 3-6 times, sold out. Go figure. Or more to the point, don’t plan your day around this stuff.
Wow, the 4PM edition sure sold out fast. 185 in about 3 seconds.
I did everything I could. I was on my laptop, direct connection to the router. Turned off wifi, refreshed browser three times as the clock ticked over, clicked Buy It… no, I’m STILL not a robot… buy it already… processing… processing… processing… sorry, sold out.
Tried all three times today on the dot and can’t get through. I have never been able to buy one of these. Someone tell me why I keep paying for VMP again?
Wow my first missed fuko, I usually never have an issue with robot verification but 11pm 7am and 3pm FAIL whatever you did to the verification bot you broke it.
All three times I clicked “fine just buy it” All three times I checked the “I’m not a robot” box. All three times the green bar kept loading and loading and loading. All three times after the green bar kept teasing me it said “Oops, we’re sold out” WTF!!!
Set an alarm to try at last to buy some mystery crap, refreshing screen for 4-mins, then boom! Fk’d over by the “I’m not a robot” button on checkout - twice. Then completely sold in the first minute. Thanks but no thanks – no longer interested in mystery crap from Meh. Lotsa bad karma on that experience. Booo.
soo, the recaptcha is broken for me, always says that i’m a robot, even after multi re-tests.
multi-failed at 8 and 4,
maybe it knows something I don’t?
Dear meh dev team - please make sure you enable client-side form validation!!! After TWO years or staying up late and the resistance to not bot purchases (because that’s what terrorists do) I FINALLY get to the purchase screen and the form glitches out when submitting my order and says I’m a robot with checkbox clearly marked.
I had to have completed the CAPTCHA inside of 15 seconds of 4:00ET (even had to pick street signs). No ‘you are a robot’, just green line, green line, green line, sold out. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but it was way quicker than this morning. Dammit.
@SColburn You keep doing it until you get one you like. After about four tries, you copy your comment, delete it, and start over. Otherwise you’re stuck with the last one.
This F’in’ company needs to get the website fixed…every time I try to buy this it comes up…ooops we don’t know the item you are trying to buy…WELL there is only ONE f…ing item for sale you doofusses!!
What a newb I am: Missed it at 7 a.m. CT because I. didn’t. know. about. the. “not robot” Captcha. Duh!
But here I is at 3 p.m. and was ready. Double lucky 'cuz I mistakenly let my VMP auto-renew 2 weeks ago. No mistake that, he now says! elaborate-flirtatious-doctor
Oh man, we managed to miss this one every time. At midnight we missed it because we were bringing my baby sister home from the airport. At 8 am it was because the baby woke up and needed stuff. At 4 we were walking in the door.
This one wasn’t meant to be. Yay for everyone who scored!
I have such bad luck. This was the first fuko since I discovered meh.com (long time woot.com buyer until they sold out and got boring, just heard of meh a couple months ago). Was busy last night, live in CA and didn’t want to get up at 5am, but was able to try at the VMP leftover sale. And much to my misfortune, I got it. What was I thinking?
So, which is worse, a classic woot bag-o-crap, or a meh fukobukuro?
@khearn No comparison - woot crap is now pre-packaged with very little variation - the minute I found Meh (a few years back now) I abandon the pre-packed crap - Woots is just another item on the sale page now - Meh sends amazing stuff like 3/4 full cases of shattered coke bottles - thats what I received last time - woot sends crap schwag (literally) not even real crap, just schwag they printed up for the event along with a few dollar store items
@jmhsrv Yeah, I know their crap is crap now, that’s why I quit going there shortly after they got bought. They’re just another store with dozens of things for sale, and no more good deals. But I was wondering how the fuko compares to the “classic”, pre-amazon BoCs? Back in the days of the occasional big-screen TV or pallet load of action figures. Not that I ever got anything like those. I mostly just got crap. Which is, of course, what they advertised. But it was interesting crap.
@khearn i’d rate the fuko/u on par with the pre-amazon days BOC. i got some pretty nice stuff in some of those ($200 RC truck, dvd players, sansas). a co-worker of mine got a laptop in hers, though it was missing the battery. oddly enough, i got the battery in mine.
personally, it’s kind of fun when a lot of people don’t get the fuko (i didn’t). it definitely helps the fuck count. which, i suspect, is actually meh’s end game.
if you’d like to learn more about participating the fuck count, tap your heels 3 times, say “fuckity fuck fuck” and then take the 5 bucks you didn’t get to spend and go buy a footlong from subway for a homeless person.
@carl669 I followed your advice and bought a sub, but just as I was handing it to a homeless person, it occurred to me that he might be a robot, so I snatched it out of his hands and left. If he’d been on the forum, he’d have definitely raised the fuck count.
Seriously not good people.
People are saying that this time zone conspiracy unfairly grants the advantage to people in Mexico and the same time zone as Western parts of Mexico. I mean I’m not saying that but people are. I really don’t care. But if you’re going to screw people over shouldnt VMPs get a chance to get screwed over first?
I think we should implement an across the board improvement in the chances of winning, er I mean buying, these worthless bags. As a VMP I think it’s fair for my chances to be improved by about 20 or 30 percent and everyone else’s chances should also be improved by a comparable 0.1-2.25%. Lets make meh great, or um satisfactory again.
Not. Literally no clue how I didn’t get it, the green bar just sat there loading and loading before telling me it sold out.
Incredibly frustrating. I know that there’s many, many others trying to get these–but I was here at 8am and 4pm on the dot, and I still somehow failed.
Why don’t they restrict the Fukobukuro’s to VMP’s from the beginning?
@achohman1 I’m not complaining about getting one because I know there are so many people vying for them. The only thing that I think might be fair is restricting people to one a year. If you have already gotten one, you’re off the list until the next year. I don’t think it would be fair to make people pay 5.00 a month just to to get a Fuku, but spreading the wealth by only allowing customers to buy one a year would be a fair restrictions.
I had to check columns this morning and Palm trees this afternoon. Do some people not have to do the stupid “Pick the Pictures” and if so, how does meh decide?
@mdrcoast I just clicked I’m not a robot and a check appeared and now I wait for disappointment. Have you considered that you might be a robot who is not yet aware of this fact?
@mdrcoast yes. Last night I got hosed because I couldn’t tell what was a storefront and what was just a building. Got one this morning because just check box. I went to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo before 7am to prove to google I’m human first. I think it helped…
@mehbee With probably over 1000 people trying to score, I wouldn’t bet on those odds. Sorry you didn’t get one as well but in the big scheme of things I am not going to let this ruin my day. It was fun but in our case the cat was dead…
OK, so I can see some ocean scenes in the purple background, but others look strange. Can anyone identify the backgrounds on the product page? Are the ocean photos meant to subliminally calm us? Did it work for anyone?
I missed at 9 last night was late
At 5 AM, it told me I was a fucking robot. I’m not. I did every fucking thing right, fuck it all!
But I tried again at 1 PM.
Failed again
Fell asleep early last night, then woke up randomly at 11:55. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open for the changeover. But I jammed some toothpicks in my eyelids and managed to stay conscious just long enough…
I’m wondering if I keep striking out at the “I’m not a robot” part because I am using my mobile phone. Has anybody had success with a their phone? Or is it only possible to get one by computer? What’s the consensus on those which succeed in getting a fuko are using?
@doctorj2277 I have gotten a fuku/fuko both on a phone out and about using its LTE connection and on a computer at home. I have had to both solve the captcha and gotten an instant check on both and been able to order. I really think it just comes down to dumb luck if you’re here when it goes live. A second too early and site is in limbo, a second too late and site already hammered so lagging a hair killing your chance to get inside the small window. Just have to get lucky…or unlucky as some may say when they see what’s received.
An idea. People have started to expect a fuku about every 3 to 4 months. Just to mess with people one of these days meh should do fuko two days in a row
@CaptAmehrican although I agree with your idea, but realistically I don’t think Meh"s staff could handle packing over 1000 bags of various items then shipping them out (by selling these “goodie”. or "baddie " bags 2 days in a row).
Sadly, I missed this one. I have been preoccupied with wage garnishments due to my hospital’s negligence, and virtually all free time has been spent fighting that. I still consider myself fortunate, though, for I have a wonderful service dog who has trained in. congratulations to all who got a Fuku, and a very warm and sincere welcome from Galen and I!
@Phoenix_Tears so sorry … praying your wage garnishment issues will be resolved quickly … glad you have Galen by your side, as you deal with all the stress and hassles you are having to deal with !
@zachary Well, I’m so sorry to hear this. Didn’t you know that the rest of us have already received ours and are just waiting for the next Fuko? – OR, you could go back to the top of this thread and read in the description the approximate date as to when this Fuko will be delivered.
@Barney Haha I think you misunderstood me (or I wasn’t clear).
It has nothing to do with me being impatient or not knowing when it would be delivered. Merely that, in my order page it still says “processing” and in my bank account the charge is still labeled as “pending” for some reason (the funds are there and things purchased after it have processed fine) so I was wondering if something was up.
I was interpreting “processing” as “still processing payment” and not “oh my GOD WHY HAVEN’T THEY SENT IT TO ME YET”
@Barney Heh, I was just about to say “I edited my post to not sound like an asshole” but then you edited yours which kind of makes this whole post worthless.
Shipped already, Meh? Estimated delivery 12/15? I’d say stop exceeding expectations but I’m sure that’ll be taken care of when I open my 2.2 lb, 14x9x6 box of disappointment.
@shellzy What state do you live in? I’m trying to figure out if they are still trying the crazy experiment of getting everyone’s fuko to them about the same time. If you don’t want to give your state, do you live far from Texas?
The 2.2 lb number is a placeholder. The weight will change (usually) at one of the Fed Ex stops.
It’s here. So Meh. Honestly, I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I’ve never got anything worthwhile in 3 BOCs and now this bag.
Meh stress puck
Blue Bubba cup (added to the 2 I already bought)
Now panic and freak out mug (my favorite item)
Marvel something thingee
Meta POS used watch with no charger clip and dirt stains on the band
Meh Coozee
Sorry for potatoe quality pic but it wasn’t worth retaking the picture. Good luck and thanks Meh!
@meh_loki Was your freak out mug purple or blue? You really should have posted your fuko in the reveal thread, but @Ignorant did it for you. In fact, if I were you, I’d start a brand new reveal thread, because that honor usually goes to the person who receives their fuko first and the reveal thread that is there now is getting so bloated with off topic remarks.
Posting this now since I finally figured out what was wrong with the Dyson Vacuum I was sent.
Tuskan Raider
Broken glass
Duck headed fireplace set.
Dyson Animal Vacuum (Was at 50% functionality, now 100%)
a shirt
The Fukobukuro Bag
Soda coozy
Looks like the person who refurbished the Dyson had failed to put the COV Link assembly back on the change over valve properly. I knew something was wrong with it but since I didn’t have much use (At the time of receipt) of the full vacuum mode I didn’t realize that only the accessory tube was providing suction until last night.
1 hour of work later, it is now functioning properly. Best bag I have ever gotten. Totally worth $5
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Full Bag
Empty Bag
Estimated Delivery
I could feel it…
Kind of ironic that the day you sell these is the one day the past week your servers don’t suck ballz.

@lichme your servers suck balls
@katylava I think I’m winning…
@lichme Sucked balls for me. On both my phone and computer exactly at the changeover and couldn’t get one. I haven’t for the last few. I truly believe location is a key element.
Edit: Second time was a charm. I got the Sold Out message but alas, there in my email is an order confirmation.
@lichme wanna compare traffic?
@shawn I’ll show you my load if you show me yours… then we can discuss web related stuff.
@lichme Says the guy who’s name sounds like Lick Me…
@cinoclav
I don’t think that word means what you think it means … reddit much?
@cinoclav No, he’s clearly asking to be turned into an undead superwizard.
@pitttechtk thanks for adding to the fuck count
Got one!!

/giphy elusive-incoherent-octopus
/giphy abundantly-witchy-quartz

@heehaw gross giphy…
/giphy handmade-elated-thunder

That was fun

/giphy fun
whoohoo! my first!
holy crap - been trying to get one for 2.5+ years - and on a random night I click at midnight and SCORE!
@Pufferfishy keep your anticipation high and your expectations low
@springsteen I’m expecting great things!

First time I ever got through …
… and then I canceled, just out of spite!
“I mean, what are the chances they do a Fuku on a random day in December? Eh, I’m already at my computer, I’ll hit refresh at 9pm…”
@HotelDon If it were a Fuku, it would be lucky.
That didn’t last very long…
@Stallion That’s what she said

/giphy that’s what I said
chunky-selfish-bubble! Hey, it knows me!
@shahnm Again?
/giphy jellied-jazzy-basket

Dreck the Halls!

@legendornothing they are not all gone… it just hit the trip switch… moar at 8am and then 2 at 4pm
@thismyusername you’re kidding right I’m not waking up at 5 I have enough crippling depression from school already
@legendornothing thanks for adding to the fuck count
@carl669 well fuck, isn’t that always though?
Fuck I dropped another’s one
Gone already. Back to my bourbon.
Sold out in 2 seconds. Bullshit!
@yakkoTDI agreed.
@yakkoTDI sold out except for people sleeping in until 8… guess I’ll try then too and fail
@yakkoTDI i said the same thing…no way 200 got these in 3 seconds…i was right on it…BULL-CRAP MEH! i went to check out and it wouldnt let me wth!
@YourLazyButt It really irritates me because I am an East Coaster and I will also be awake at 8 am. Of course I will be at work so I can’t buy it then.
I also love buying shit all year from this computer but tonight is the night I have to prove I am not a robot.
@yakkoTDI DITTO on the ROBOT SHIT!
@yakkoTDI Maybe we all are robots for coming back here every night at midnight.
@yakkoTDI Well you’re VMP, could try at 4 PM like I will.
@Kawa got my 4pm ET disappointment
I am never going to get one of these.
@Smersh only if you are lucky.
@thismyusername seconds after and sold out feels like other sorcery
/image wide-dashing-merlin

Got one and a bag of crap in the last woot off. Lets see which one sucks the most
@mypiesarepiff my money is on the B.O.C.
@zachtheasian its pawsed till 8am, not sold out…
It’s a Christmas miracle!
@infernohit being sent from Krampus.
I was on at MIDNIGHT, clicked not a robot at 12:00:15, and you motherfuckers sniped me.
@hems79 thanks for adding to the fuck count
@carl669 I just upped the fucking fuck count plenty.
I can’t wait to get another used bum cleaner or whatever that was.
/giphy disastrous-puny-jasmine

Haha fuse breakers on a fuko suck balls.
I don’t get it, I opens the site at 12… it was already sold out. I will never get one!
@SKostohryz not sold out, pawsed until 8am…
This whole “Let the lazy people who can’t be on at midnight get a chance too” thing is a bit much. Gimme dat bag.
@dynamiklol right? I was here right at the open and hit buy and it doesn’t let me get it, but the guy sleeping right now has a better chance then me
Got it!!
/giphy corrupt-faceted-cinnamon

Dreck the Halls!
arrrrrrggggg the second it turned 9pst i was on pressed buy and it didnt go through
So freakin’ ridiculous - been trying to get this item the last few months - the one time I’m actually here in time (within 20 seconds) and click the buy button it says to wait till 8…
@outsourced_bob 20 seconds is WAY too late.
I tried to buy like 10 times and none of my orders went through. :’( I was there right at 10 too.
Got one somehow. Good luck to the next round. Thanks meh, this east coaster can get some sleep now.
OMG IS IT?!?! COULD IT REALLY BE?!?!? I GOT ONE!!! I got FUKO and I’m so fuko happy
@Candiedisilvio1 so naive
/youtube reputable-navigable-stomach
@darksaber99999 damn, I will have to work on this later today
And on My 444th consecutive day of pressing that damn button, I get “tasteless-united-cast” WooHoo!!
I was scared when I realized I wasn’t signed in…then again when it didn’t process the first time I clicked to submit… but then… “wholesome-uneven-light”! Yay my first!
BAH! Gone in seconds
@ponagathos just pawsed come back at 8am
Wow, I was on check out!!!
whats the deal with the captcha?
@Panegyric It is to prove that when they sell the Fuku it isn’t the night you put a robot up to buy from the same laptop you have been buying shit with all year.
@yakkoTDI Right! I guess I know the truth now. I’m not really a human. I always was a little off… makes sense now.
@Panegyric you are a human, come chat with us fellow humans about things we do… like breath air and walk around on feet!!!
Bleh! Damn robot check fuko’d me over
guess I’m getting up early tomorrow.
@DeepThought yes fellow oxygen-mix breather,
will set chron job to wake atsee you at 8am@thismyusername I ENJOY PERUSING THAT FORUM WITH MY FELLOW MEAT UNITS.
Sad face, deal paused by 9:01 PST
Kept telling me I was a robot… WHEATON!!!
@Squid_07 I am also not a robot, fellow living being!!!
I’m back in the game.


/image dumb raunchy mamba
/giphy dumb raunchy mamba
I wonder if there’ll be one on Christmas still…
fix your shitty captcha - I was in but it glitched and 'lets try this again’ed me then I couldn’t prove I’m not a robot. dammit :|
So maybe you ARE a robot.
@RedOx If Westworld has taught me anything, It’s that you can never really be sure if you’re a robot or not.
@RedOx I too am upset that the robot thinks I am a robot, but I am not, I breath air just like other
plantshu-mans!Are you sure you’re not a robot?
@Big_B no I am not sure

/giphy overblown-didactic-home
I feel so amazing right now

/giphy AMAZING
Yess, after missing Septembers I scored one
@shahnm Again?
Was in my cart but would not let me check out. Clicked the im not a robot and buy - but Paused till 8 am.
WTF Google, you asked me to pick all the rivers, then all the flowers, then another batch of rivers… don’t you know I haven’t been outside since 1998?!
I guess I’ll try again at 8am, but as I’ve said before, only the midnight fukos are real fukos.
@awk get your practice in before 8am
Finally, after almost 700 days worth of MEH, I got one!!! Thermal-dorky-wire!!!
Suck my robot
/giphy I missed it

/giphy flitting-implicit-honeydew

Wow it’s been a while buck i’m back in the saddle!
I too, am not a robot.
@v me as well fellow air breathing walking biomass!!!
Hit the buy button got the robot check… still processing… WTF
@Conklaven hang in there, you totally should not give up.
@thismyusername It finally finished and sure enough it tells me I am a robot… I am in a ball of confusion I feel like a real life Bernard (westworld)
Only sold 200. The 8am rush is gonna be crazy.

/giphy popcorn
God dammit, I could have had it but I had to re-enter my credit card for some reason. Meh.
On a positive note, the servers survived!!! Guess I’ll try and wake up around 8 and get one then? Not the end of the world!
You seriously need to fix your captcha. I had to click the thing like ten million times, and it wouldn’t let me pass. By that time, you’d sold them all.
@boygenius1991 I Agr33 fellow hum4n, the robot that thinks I am a robot is totally wrong… I am hum4n.
My very first purchase and it’s a Fuko.
OMG, what have I done?!?
/giphy popular-mousy-tarzan

@jake5snooze Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@mediocrebot Nope, I’m not a robot. Just a loser apparently.
@mediocrebot Yes, go ahead and /buy
@mediocrebot /buy
didn’t think I was getting one, the green bar refreshed 6 times!
Ooops, forgot the order # cursed-mixed-wealth
@transplant heck mine refreshed more times than that then the deal paused – hate pause deal idea
Heh yeah, pretty shocking how quickly it sold out. I reloaded right at midnight, clicked buy, and by 12:00:20 it was sold out. Jeez.
@TheCowGod not sold out, pawsed!
@thismyusername Hehehe yes, but if the first batch sold out in 20 seconds when nobody knew it was coming, I can only imagine how quick the second batch sold out when people were ready for it
Just have to laugh at this. “Can’t buy if your a robot”
@Enigma it is very humorous… we are definitely not robots, we breath air and move around on 2 feet!!!
/giphy dull-grating-illusionist

Fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck.
@OldCatLady @carl669 Is that you, Carl?
@sligett you’d think so, but no.
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl
@lichme Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich!
@carl669 @OldCatLady Ah, I shoulda listened more closely - the accent is different.
Fuck this stupid fucking circuit breaker.
@medz thanks for adding to the fuck count
Hate new system just saying…kept loading then paused when checking out
I am NOT a farking robot. Mobile checkout still accusing me.
@PSUClaus1 totally not a robot… totally…
Meh, foiled by the crotch
I felt it in my gut, when I bought it my gut dropped, and when I open it, my gut is probably going up out my mouth.
Thanks Meh! No experience like it!
Plus, is it ironic I am watching Idiocracy right now?
i hit that buy button 1 sec after it was on…there is no way possible 200 got sold that quick…BS MEH! it took me to the creditcard page and only anoth 4 secs went buy and it showed a robot capcha and i cliked it and all that happened was FREAKIN NOTHING green bar going back and forth…BALONY MEH!
@eazyrider how to start off a new day off poorly… I feel the pain
It’s called MEH
(seriously though… it’s just lucky timing, just slightly more predictable than the lottery)
Get home and sit down at computer to see clock hit 11:59, hit refresh and grab a Fuko. Good timing…or maybe horrible, not sure which!
@Raider they never expect a pallet of expired sardines…
Damn thing keeps thinking im a robot. Of course my damn computer wasnt logged in. Now i gotta wake up early. F this boo koo ru
@mehrk hello fellow bio being, will talk to you later at our hangout
awww, why didn’t I pass as not a robot. . . I was totally on top of it today, first day I’ve actually still been up at midnight in weeks. c’est la vie. I probably didn’t want what was in the bag anyway
Dang it. Bank account is empty for 3 more hours.
Huh. I just assumed I would never get one again.
/giphy deadpan-childlike-scallop

@mossygreen and then you did something really bad, and now karma is here to repay you.
@thismyusername When this sort of thing happens, I always ask myself: am I the reincarnation of Leopold or Loeb?
Wow… not sure how many this is… doesn’t matter, I only mention it because I never did score a BOC…
But you know what Meh?
ugh, here right at the start and it tells me that the want to save some for people sleeping in. I knew it would be a foku, like i just felt it. i was here and i fucking missed it. Why?
@YourLazyButt good karma
@YourLazyButt thanks for adding to the fuck count
Refreshed at exactly midnight eastern, perfectly timed. Page loading, loading, loading. Was launching new instances while that was going on. Then less than a minute later, all of them load crisp and clear in a millisecond.
“We wanted the morning blah blah blah”
Yeah, whatever. This is how it happened every time I’ve tried. I gave up at one point because of how consistent it was, but tried to give the Christmas one another shot.
Your odds of getting one are probably exclusively determined by your physical location.
Second time around: did it instantly. Solved the captcha within maybe three seconds after the page loaded. Green bar scrolled, scrolled, scrolled. After a minute: “we had a problem placing your order.” I’ve placed plenty of orders, and have never seen that one before.
I know these things sell out quickly, but when I got that message, the “buy” button on the page was still working. Of course it sold out during the second attempt, as expected.
Does this not seem a bit fucked up? I couldn’t score one even while they were (apparently) still in stock. And with the amount of time this one stayed up, I bet some people got two.
I hope that I’m simply wrong; that everyone else simply beat me to it, and the server was playing catch-up with the requests, because it would suck if there’s something else going on.
@ShotgunX: Screenshot from internal tool:

@shawn is it even possible to get two if you’re somehow really lucky?
@rigor: Screenshot from another internal tool:
@ShotgunX I had the same exact problem except it said I was a robot twice even after clicking the captcha. To say I’m disappointed is a understatement.
@shawn More than one account, obviously. Friend’s/relative’s shipping address, if they check for location. Hell, you could automate the whole thing with AHK, too.
That was too easy. Found the groove, somehow. emerald-living-stork
@pcolachiller I am so jealous of you. Apparently I needed to be here before midnight to get the prize.
/giphy innocent-screeching-joke

/giphy fit-powdery-gun

Blows when something sells out so fast. Meh! Humbug!
@dwvirginia it’s not sold out… it’s pawsed
First Fuko, I knew # 13 would be lucky. Wifey hates the number 13 more than the herps. Now I can finally say I got one.
I’m not a robot
Congrats to those that scored!
@rhcurry02 me either, come chat with me
/giphy minuscule-relished-sidewalk

How the fuck does anyone get one of these? I just KNEW it would be tonight. I had 2 pages opened - laptop and phone, and I alternately refreshed each one.
As soon as I saw it, I hit Buy, solved the captcha, and was told to wait until 8. I was doing the same on the phone, same result.
It couldn’t have taken more than 3 seconds after it posted.
@G1 thanks for adding to the fuck count
@G1 I was very fucking luck to get mine at 8 o fucking clock when this poor fuck was supposed to be fucking sleeping.
I only used profanity to add to the fuck count … since someone is watching and counting. But seriously. I’ve tried every time since becoming a MEHmber and this is my first.
Fucking hell, third time I missed it because of captcha load times. Finally make it through AND…just ran out. FML ah well, make my own luck as usual.
@seraphimcaduto
15x loading and then sold out…second time again…right next to a Verizon tower
@seraphimcaduto me too
@seraphimcaduto thanks for adding to the fuck count
@carl669 every little bit helps
got one impressive-near-apollo
Lets see what sucks worse. This or the bag of crap I got on the cyber monday woot off.
Another one in the bag, excit… sad to see what is going to come! Last one I got had a food processor with a missing part, so it does not do so much processing (though it does hold food pretty well in small quantities!).
I got an error after submitting the order. I selected to join VMP during checkout, and I got an email saying I joined… but the order didn’t go through.
@SPARTEN2 You’re the winner!
I managed to get one at 8:00am.
/giphy ghastly-older-language

Got one! Was a bit touch and go while checking out (that green line took an awfully long time)…
@MDCole9761 I was checking out and green line kept on and on and on with green lines loading then Deal paused - lucky u and unlucky me
@AttyVette Sorry to hear- frankly, I wasn’t expecting it to go through for me either.
@AttyVette I think you have the unlucky and lucky backwards
I should of known…I am not feeling well and was in the shower and this has to happen.
/giphy FML

Hate pause deal trip – checking out and kept loading and loading and loading and then deal paused
Sold out during processing… Gotta keep my flawless streak alive… see you at 5am.
I’m now questioning my humanity…

@sykl0ps same
@PenguinOnTheRox yo tambien
10 we are human!
20 goto 10
@sykl0ps Happens to me too. I think it happens when you are too fast. But then, sometimes, when you click on the “Let’s try that again” it does go through or it’s sold out.
They sold 200. How many do they typically hold back?
Another 200?
Only half that?
@bfg9000 they probably will hold back like 2… lets be real.
@bfg9000 I bet they sell 300 at 8am.
got one!!
Got on at exactly midnight, the VMP membership went through but the order didn’t? Well I don’t want that anymore
@eyebrows it will most likely fall off but if it doesn’t, and you don’t use it, cancel it within 30 days and they will auto-refund it.
/image clairvoyant exuberant yolk

Why they saving so many for the East coast weenies?
I’m not a weenie.

/image may already be a weenie
Watch the Spongebob episode No Weenies Allowed
@medz I am on the East Coast and I say be here at midnight or don’t buy one. I will be awake again at 8 but will be working so I can’t even try to buy.
@medz Hey, I resemble that remark. But I have a Fuko coming anyway.
You also have a shot at the VMP time slot…
Well I somehow clicked the buy it already button before the I’m not a robot button processed and got fleeced out of the fuk u bag.
Merry xmas to the unlucky soul that got mine.
@PenguinOnTheRox fuku’s are gone, they only sell fukOs now, so perhaps you actually are the lucky one.
@thismyusername oh I’m aware. the space i put in “fuk u” was intentional and a joke, because when you open a fuko it feels like a fuk u.
This is my first in a long time. I’m so happy right now.
I HATE HATE HATE Captcha. I had to successfully prove I was not a robot 3 times before I got the message that the sale is paused until morning. You folks pulled a Captcha stunt on April Fools Day that prompted me to cancel my membership and not buy anything from you for months. Now I am on the verge of permanently parting company with Meh. Whatever you think you are accomplishing with Captcha is likely costing you more than it’s worth.
@NortonsArk ditto bro…im pissed
Should I be glad I didn’t get a captcha?
Pro - It enabled me to get a fuko.
Com - It enabled me to get a fuko.
@PlacidPenguin wtf not everyone had to prove they weren’t a robot? I am so jealous of you. Getting the Bog O’Craps and fokus has been a dream of mine. It’s like a present that i know will disappointment me, but its more exciting then anything else in my life.
It’s a fuko. SIGNIFICANTLY worse than a fuku.
I’m going to regret having bought this.
I have never gotten a BOC.
@PlacidPenguin Well, congrats on getting it sir. Btw I always enjoy reading your comments in the forums. Keep up the good work
@PlacidPenguin I did place my hand there, and my girlfriend just gave looked at me for placing my hand on my computer screen
@PlacidPenguin The image didn’t load at first and I was hoping it was a picture of Uri Geller’s hand.

@YourLazyButt I always have to prove I am not a robot and the process just about always requires me to cycle through it more than once. I don’t even try anymore. Especially since most of the fukO’s aren’t worth $5 except if you want the red bag. Now the fuku’s that is a different story. I got two of those and there was some really nice things in there that I then passed on as Christmas and birthday presents to family and they were thrilled (or for one of them the family I was staying with got most of it as a nice thank you).
I constantly use the bag which I got last year with fuku 6.
I don’t use the ones which I’ve gotten with my fukos.
I don’t use the bag from fuko 11.
@PlacidPenguin Why?
What why?
@PlacidPenguin Why do you only use the fuku bag and not the fuko one
@Kidsandliz I didn’t even know there was a difference. i have much to learn
@PlacidPenguin Maybe a reward for being a goat?
My fuku bag is a drawstring bag. I found a use for it.
My fuko bag is like the one pictured for this (and past) fukos. Haven’t found a use yet.
@PlacidPenguin Ahhh now I understand
Captcha would not process again so on to 8AM. Have to work thru the night anyway.
/giphy uncaring-domineering-disease

Watched TV right through this. My watch quit notifying me of texts this afternoon, so I strolled in here at 5 after and it looks like a black friday shopping tornado’s been right through the place… site’s all empty with few little shreds of meh faces blowing across the floor. And one little Irk spider scurrying to the corner.
To the lucky(?) 200, congrats. To the rest of you, see you fuckers in the morning…
@djslack thanks for adding to the fuck count
@carl669 You’re welcome. That reminds me… tried again just now, fuckers sold out before I could get through after the robot message and the “these are selling fast” message.
Go ahead and mark down another one. Two, actually. I’m feeling fucky today.
I dont see to many happy souls…you would figure more then 4 or 5 people would respond with JOY!..HMMM
They’re too busy gloating.
Oh come now… gloating?
But I did almost forget to click on “Meh” after finishing my winners dance.
@Veloslave I always click the meh face first and buy second. Guess I like to live on the edge.
/giphy awkward-uptight-whip

I object to the reserve for morning people concept. The early people already take the best donuts, coffee, and parking spots. meh.com deals was one of the few things where I got the first pick. (I know, but sometimes it’s totally the little things…)
@panafonics agreed. Donut shops should be forced to do the circuit breaker too until meh stops
@panafonics
I felt like I was in the Meh Games and the odds were clearing not in my favor… Congrats to whoever got one!
I got one. Mostly it is luck, I guess. I had a hunch there would be one (but I get those hunches regularly and they are wrong). I had the cursor over the buy button and then almost missed the robot box. But I made it. I changed the delivery address and the spelling of my town just afterwards and I hope that doesn’t muddle things up.
Oh man, I know I have no chance, but I am going to waste an inordinate amount of time trying…
The second it came through I was on the site. I looked up and see it’s on hold until 8:00 am. I am wondering if I am getting ripped off! It’s not just for this item it’s for a few others. The 2 for 1 fan chargers, I saw more different colors on the Today show 2 days later for the same deal. I have written them about a few things and of course they answer the next day 30 mins. before they leave again. I am an honest person who thought I found a site that was not a bunch of bull for a change, being their from Texas where I to am from. So they know that we are on central time and we don’t get notifications an hour ahead of time. I am going to sleep on this tonight and then tomorrow I will decide whether I want to continue here or not. I hope they get a good laugh all the way to the bank.
@hotwheels53 Meh is for the realsies man. The new fangled bags of crap are hard to buy. The pause is new and we all hate change. I don’t know how long you’ve been here so i don’t wana explain shit in case you already know. I will say this place is my favorite store. If I could bear to live in that hell on earth that you call home I would be bombing meh at every opportunity for me as a software developer and my wife as a copy writer.
@hotwheels53 Yep, this site is my favorite too. You need to watch the time roll over every night to score one of these, but I have bought a lot of other stuff here I really like.
/giphy exceptional-terrified-caption

@spleener super grossness
Fuck the universe.
@f00l
@f00l Well just blame the- you I guess?
I had a large post telling people that it’s the fault of @f00l that they were told they are robots, but I removed it since I thought it might be slightly mean.
@f00l thanks for adding to the fuck count
I might be a little biased, but I think I won the Best December Fuko Order Number Contest run by Potatoboy.

/giphy lame-euphoric-month
Wow that was fast. If I hadn’t worked for Mc Donalds when I was younger, I’m not sure I would have been able to click all the pics with fries in them.
/giphy ritzy-absent-juice

waaaah, no unfair, why can’t we all get one… boo

/image waaaah
@moonhat the universe is looking out for you, that is why.
EST guys, set your alarm like I do. Who goes to bed before midnight any how? …hey, sleep when yer dead.
that is 9am central
I thought it was 10 am central?
Has anyone’s shipped yet?
Start a thread.
Just re-goat him (@Ignorant) already.
Edited to clarify
Some might suggest that @Ignorant was the goat for Nov 2016.
/8ball will I get one in the morning?
It is certain
Well that’s a relief.
/8ball Did you lie to @medz ?
As I see it, yes
@PlacidPenguin that bastard!
This is my first fuko! Yay, maybe.
/giphy euphoric-learned-leg

/giphy calm-purring-drawer

I just want to say, that I am so pissed I didn’t get one two seconds after this went on sale, I ordered something off of woot!

/giphy That’ll show ya.
Warning. Will Rogers Warning!! Meh won’t let me buy this
Will: Oh the pain. The pain
Worth it to buy?
@pkway999 ask the 8 ball, it’s the only way you’ll know
Gonna be a mad rush at 8:00!

/giphy popcorn
I guess I’ll find out if it work’s new filter is on.
I am a robot, but I’m going to try to get one anyway. Robots like to buy stuff too. This is discrimination.
/buy -qty 1000
@ELUNO Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@mediocrebot I changed my mind. I’m not really a robot.
9:02 clicked in & Gone!
GAMES you meh people play!
@D_a_v_e Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@jake5snooze Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@nmlmmlmn Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@sohmageek Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@mediocrebot :sad face:
@Collin1000 Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
@mediocrebot I’m not but you are
@Collin1000 you can’t even buy one if you aren’t a robot
@medz Are you a robot? You can’t buy this if you’re a robot.
/8ball am I a robot?
As I see it, yes
Moving green bars!
/giphy assorted-talented-invention


/image assorted-talented-invention
2 in a row!
/giphy funny-opportune-direction

@OldCatLady Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
Green bars failed me, didn’t get it :’(
Sold out. Dang. I tried using my password manager to fill in the order form on my iPad but it didn’t work so I had to type it all out and I guess that’s how I missed it.
@sanspoint no I was on and had ordered this fukobukuro at exactly at 8a.m, CST and did the captcha and it loaded the green processing line numerous times then once again just like last night, said deal paused sold out for 8 am sale…this bags sell out in less than a minute now:(
@AttyVette Why not both?
Robot pass let me thru, green bar claimed i was still a robot WTF
@rileyper That seems to be the trend. I got hosed in a similar fashion.
@rileyper same here…
@rileyper Same
@rileyper Apparently our human disguises did not work.
@rileyper I thought I bought one but some how got kicked out while I was confirming purchasing- Sad:(
Nooooo. I clicked everything in record time!
Moving green bars, then errors…
Meh forget my card
oh well, thanks anyways! (for the disappointment)
@finfer123 Yeah, I had that happen at midnight, so at least I got it out of the way then!
meh. Lost the click wars again.
@jake5snooze enter the click wars a man, leave the click wars a boy
I got the Endless Moving Green Bar of Death until it sold out. No fucking fuko for me.
@chuckf1 ditto. All gone by 8:02!
@chuckf1 thanks for adding to the fuck count
Bah. If they are gonna let you get to the part where you enter the billing info, you should have the inventory reserved by then.
Totally blue-balled.
@natrous Agreed!!!
/giphy snarky-musing-yoke

That was some bull crap. The purchase button didn’t appear for me, then tried again and after I verified I wasn’t a robot THEY ASKED ME IF I WAS A ROBOT 4 TIMES!!! I’m pretty ticked off. Meh fix your shit
@snorlaxthelorax The same thing happened to me. Website said '0k" to Im not a robot and then asked again and then sold out while trying to finalize my purchase.
@kmasserant It’s all a pile of stink. Somethings fishy with this site… I’m on to you meh
Whoop Fuko!
Sadness, I clicked buy, my screen darkened, but no other window ever popped up, nor did it go to an order window or anything.

/giphy so sad

Can’t wait to see what Christmas gifts I can make out of this…
/image large-quaint-ramen

/giphy large-quaint-ramen

I got three “Something went wrongs” and then “Are you sure you’re not a robot?” and THEN sold out. Man, that should’ve gone through. I refreshed exacted at the stroke of 8, clicked buy, clicked robot, and was purchasing in less than 2 seconds.
@HELLOALICE I got accused of being a robot as well. sad day
@HELLOALICE same here :’(
@HELLOALICE Same. Asked if I was a robot twice and got a “Something went wrong” then a green progress bar after clicking “Let’s do this” and still got a “Sold Out”. Meh.
apparently Im a robot because I did everything right -
Given how many errors I got, I did not expect to get one… here’s hoping my order wasn’t in error!
/giphy perfunctory-simple-flea

2nd time ever I could actually click the “Buy” button. First was April Fools. This time I could actually click “submit order” in time with just the one goddamn captcha, but I still got “something went wrong,” then “you can’t buy this if you’re a robot” and then finally, “we’re sold out.”
Thought this one was mine, I’m on a fast wired connection at work and everything. Ah well. Someday … ~~~~
Was waiting for my order to process and it sold out as that was happening. I got the errors and then sold out message mentioned above.
wtf. Im not a god damn robot. I’m cancelling vmp after this 4pm attempt. There hasn’t been anything worth wiping my ass with on here in months.
@mehrk You must have missed the 2 for Tuesday on toilet paper.
Had one bagged and ready to go but the green bar kept cycling until the error message stating I was a robot popped up…
I am not a robot meh.
GGGAAAHHH, refreshed at 07:00:01, order was placed and “something went wrong” and when trying again, claimed I was a robot (even though box was checked). Screw your servers Meh.
I got the green bar and then a bunch of There was a problem… and then a sold out message, but I just received an email gloating-common-farmer Woo hoo!!!
I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the robot
Goo goo g’ joob
Dangit, meh, I am not a robot!
@Travis6t6 That sounds exactly like what a robot would say.
what is the point of holding these in reserve if your shitty captcha system won’t let anyone buy them? I tried this in four different browsers and got cockblocked every time. hope I’m luckier at 4, though I see no reason why I should be. I set a special alarm and woke up an hour early and everything. 0/10
Getting up at 5am to buy stupid stuff on the internet because one missed the first chance to buy stupid stuff is why the internet exists.
/giphy obscene-amusing-mummy

strike 2.
captcha fail: the sequel
Bah humbug.
Darn captchas.
“Oops there was a problem with your order”
“Oops, we’ve sold out”
somehow loaded up twice and both times was sold out with autofill payment setup… When gon’ be my time lord?
Refresh…refresh…refresh…F*CK YOUR SERVERS!
So much green progress bar for so little progress. Missed it again.
Nuts. I’m pretty sure I was in time, but my Captcha timed out. I didn’t even know that could happen.
wow wtf there are really only 415 of these…
@gnapole I’m guessing 500. The remaining few will be available at 4pm EST to VMP members.
Buy page didn’t load for two minutes then I accidentally refreshed the page trying to keep my screen awake. I’m not on my a game this time, apparently. See you fuckers again at 3 to try for one of the seven that are left
Woohoo Got one… Was weird, kept asking if I was sure I wasn’t a robot then that t was sold out but all the sudden a get a CC purchase notification and it’s in my orders!! It’s a Christmas Miracle!!!
@metro0308 Same happened to me. Thought I was out of luck and then got an email confirmation out of nowhere
/giphy early-agonizing-religion

Once again put it in check out , did the verification and it loaded and dialed the green purchase line over ten times the got the opps sorry we’re sold out…yes I think MVP is gone for me too…I wonder how many people just buy this item and others , like me, buy their items all the time that can no longer get this fukobukuro
@AttyVette correction from statement above about MVP…meant VMP …oh well same thing as – feel today like a mediocre violated person – the mediocrity of it all…oh meh oh my
Yup, looping green bar and an eventual error. Jesus. How can this still be a problem? Is it not possible to setup a website for predicted short periods of intense traffic?
@Beardmancer I’d venture to guess that meh is better than almost anyone in the world at this particular exercise. Most sites just crumble completely under this kind of load.
FFS…by the time the purchase button actually loaded, it was sold out. I don’t have a slow computer nor slow internet. Refreshed a second ahead of time. How the f%ck do you get one of these?
what is the point of holding these in reserve if your shitty captcha system won’t let anyone buy them? I tried this in four different browsers and got cockblocked every time. hope I’m luckier at 4, though I see no reason why I should be. I set a special alarm and woke up an hour early and everything. 0/10
Me, at 7:00:01 CST:
waits half a minute for the servers to try and process all of us collectively DDOSing it…
FINALLY ITS NOT SOLD OUT YET… CMON BUY BUTTON LOAD JESUS… another 30 second pass until the confirm button freakin loads and I try clicking the confirm youre human button…
HOLY FUCK NO IM NOT A ROBOT JUST FUCKING LOAD ALREADY… continues loading non-robot confirmation for another 15 seconds…
Welp I’m fucked… green bars for 2 minutes. Is fucked.
Guess I’ll get my hopes up again at 3 for no reason.”
@timstm Right there with you man. We need to be parked right next to the servers probably.
@timstm thanks for adding to the fuck count
That really sucks. I had one ordered, but “Something went terribly wrong,” and all I got was a song…
@agarwaen at least you got that far, my captcha approved me but apparently didn’t send the confirmation to woot so they thought I was a robot.
@alucardinium what’s woot got to do, got to do with it?
@djslack confused the two mediocre discount services with one another.
Do these actually exist or is this whole thing an exercise in disappointment and page clicks
@nmlmmlmn They exist, but the real disappointment is when you actually receive it.
Could not get past the Moving Green Line of Death. No fuking Fuko for me.
This is way harder to get than a bag of crap. I’m done with this and Meh in general. Not worth it.
@emildejulio buh’bye!
@emildejulio bye felicia
@emildejulio You had better do it then, and decrease the surplus population!
/giphy surplus population

Meh sucks! Didn’t even get to say I’m a robot it just crashed just constantly spinning then crash! Sucks
Gah! Note to self: when you actually set an alarm to wake up for the morning release, and give a real attempt to finally maybe get one of these…it helps be logged in first.
/giphy Doh!

Gahd. The excitement. The devastation.
Stayed up all night because alarms don’t work on me. #AdderallBinge.
Kept priming the browser caches.
Had wrong payment method saved. Sigh.
Hey meh, can I have a special bag? Please?
(I want to say I’m kidding but I’m too desperate to pretend
GAH!!! TWICE!!! Am I better off using the buy command here or retrying the site?
@Freelicks You can’t use the Buy command on these as it requires you to click the ‘Not a Robot’ button.
Yes - I am a robot ! and I’m on my way to Texas to deliver a message to YOU!
] [1]:
@Zebra hello my name is human
First time I ever got one.

Sold Out, Not a Robot, Sold Out. Set alarm for 3:59 pm.
Check email. Find order confirmation. Smile for the first time this week.
/giphy wakeful-memorable-centaur

/giphy approachable-grotesque-riddle

As the refresh began slowing to a crawl…proportionately, the drain on my life-force began to pick up the pace. Goodbye world. #imnohero
Yes! I didn’t think I got it because when I clicked the button I got a stupid error asking if I was a robot, so I I had to redo the click. When I reclicked the click, I got a sold out message! But I got my email saying I got in! Yay!
@ada43952 I checked my email after reading this. Yes! A meh email!!!..ugh, Daily Deal Teaser…I got Burned twice!
/giphy abject-huge-company

What is “Amazon,” Trebek?!?
Missed twice and accused of being a robot the second time. How dare you, Meh. In the words of Creedence,“Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.”
My husband just texted me from the bath that he got one. Show-off!
I slid in at 8am like a gerbil coated in Astroglide and then clicked the buy button… then the screen dimmed … where’s the buy window… come on meh… do I reload or wait or open a new tab … let’s wait … come on meh… okay I’ll reload … same story… finally sold out.
Hanging my head in shame until 4pm.
On the plus side, I have Woot Bag o’ Crap coming today. The last one was actually decent.
And fittingly enough, I have to take an actual crap now!
Ah the old server not responding error. I know it well. I can’t imagine being Meh’s server was a lot of fun at 8am. I’m picturing a lot of sparks and smoke. Of course if this was a “Fuku” and not a Fuko I would probably be sad.
This reminded of trying to the NES Classic Mini online when Amazon was doing their 5pm release. Show up - click buy - server ends up looking like a little kid dropped an ice cream cone on the pavement in the hot sun.
@Superjimtendo Wait, I think I’ve been missing something this whole time. There’s a “Fuko” AND and “Fuku”?!
@TehChrisReed Not as far as I can tell.
They simply re-branded them to be more in line with how they describe them: they are “junk,” not “lucky” as fuku implied.
I thought it was a subtle nod to the idea of “crap” but maybe I’m wrong since people are suggesting there’s both on this site.
@dis_member @TehChrisReed They haven’t had a fuku in over a year. The fuku’s are far better. They started the fuko April fools day 2015 and haven’t had a fuku since. I had gotten 3 fuku’s and then the first fuko and haven’t gotten any since.
I was right on time, I got it set up to purchase and to buy a Vmp as well, the vmp went through then it errored and claimed I wasn’t human, the captcha didn’t work. so I had to reload it and amazingly it was still there, clicked the captcha and it went through then the buy button and it cycled for like 30 seconds then said it was sold out.
Anybody know if it’s possible to order more than one if you can get them both thru?
/giphy fluttering-pious-baby

Only 1 per account.
@rigor LUUUUUUUUUU (Panthers fan here)
@rigor let us consult the mehcronomicon.
“The folly of the man who buyeth more than his fair share will be great. And by great, it shall fucking suck donkey nuts. So say we all.”
I’m new to meh, and this was actually my first purchase. I’m so excited! I haven’t tasted the sweet disappointment of a random box of junk in a few years.
/giphy meaningless-ongoing-necromancer


Screw you and your beginner’s luck.
/giphy just playin’
Huh… Looks like I got one. After many BoC attempts, I manage to get a fuko.


/giphy neat
/giphy awesome-great-snake
Green bars kept going and then told me there was an error. Tried again and it didn’t recognize the captcha was already filled out. Refreshed the page and sold out. Checked my account page and guess I got lucky (or un-lucky as the case may be).

/giphy woozy-graceful-whip
I got one on my first attempt ever even with the robo check. I am uber-human. Don’t tell my wife, I was banned from ordering crap like this after my BOC arrived yesterday in extremely disappointing fashion.
@meh_loki what did you get?
@rigor It was awful. A bag, pithy cup, half a curtain, broken toy, and a ‘personal massager’ which my 11 year old ran around the house with making my wife and I very uncomfortable.
I never had success with the circuit breaker on these after being denied at the midnight change over…until now!!!

/giphy frugal-surging-parsley
bitch bitch bitch.
moan moan moan.
strongly worded statement about your servers.
useless threat to never come here again.
request that you copulate with yourself.
Feeling ill? Such temperate language. Hmmm.
Didn’t get one this am either.
@carl669, you may start to lose your personal strength soon if you don’t use your power language fucking soon.
@f00l since some do not swear, i was trying to create a post anyone could copy and paste should they have strong feelings about not getting the latest fuko. you know, like Dizavid.
@carl669 Let me be the first to say - fuck him.
@carl669 I posted for you, pal. I could branch out and use some terms I learned when I worked for various USN ossifers over the years. Mustangs are the most creative, in my considered opinion.
Surely days like today help with the count.
(And to some extent, also the reveal thread.)
@cinoclav Let me be the second- fuck you Dizavid.
gah it was going through got the green thing going…went to go to the next page and crashed before it got to the confirmation and no beuno…have yet to get one…bummer
apparently, I did get one. thanks, meh! am I allowed to try and get another at 4 or not? if the answer’s no, I’d love to know now so I can be offline and marginally reduce server load on innocent people who don’t have one yet.
@boygenius1991 limit is one per customer.
Besides, do you really want that much misfortune shipped to your door?
Watched the screen, never even changed message from “Deal paused until 8 am ET” Complete Lock Out
@14Peggy It’s probably a stupid question, but did you reload the page?
@14Peggy you need to reload the screen at 8am. it won’t refresh on its own. good luck at 4.
A year of nightly checking this site and I’m still fukoless, I know it’s probably impossible on my lovely <1mb/s dsl connection but I try every time anyway.
I just want one of those damn bags so bad, meh.
@uninflammable May the odds be ever in your favor at 4pm, VMPer!
@uninflammable Have a smart phone with reasonable service available? Might be faster.
@uninflammable I was fiber optic connection with 3 ms ping, still didn’t get it. Any one know where their server farm is so I can drive there and direct connect?
@a7xaudiojunkie the location is secret, but here’s a picture of it.
no soup for me.
page took 30+ seconds to load, clicked buy, the buy page took 20 seconds or more to come up,
insta clicked the buy it, of course I missed clicking I’m not a robot.
looped back, clicked I’m not a robot, clicked buy.
green bar went up & down for a loooooong time
got the "ooops, there’s a problem, try again"
lather, rinse, repeat until I get the “sorry, sold out”
checked my email just in case I actually got it.
(which is what happened last time).
I see they sold 215 of them in 2 minutes.
good thing I used the time.gov site to time my refresh.
@ekw Ha. I was using time.gov too
@TehChrisReed did it work out any better for you?
I was thinking as I waited for the page to load - maybe I should have gone for the refresh 20 seconds earlier.
or would it still take 30 seconds to load, but bring up the “not for sale yet” page?
/giphy enchanted-marbled-ball

Why do you hate me so much Meh? This is my fourth Fuko attempt and I have nothing to show for it. This time it claimed I was a robot even after I checked the box. I read all the comments of people with similar stories who checked their email and had a confirmation. I, of course, did not have a confirmation. I really just want to know why, why do you show me hate WHEN I GIVE YOU NOTHING BUT LOVE!!!
What not reserved when clicked!!! I clicked buy, all my info was there. Clicked checkout and 90 second later it said something went wrong!!! Then when I clicked again it said sold out. WTF!!!
@keithschm Same here! Arrrgggghhhh!!!
@keithschm I’m sorry you didn’t get one. The order system doesn’t allow for item holding while checking out, and only checks to see if it’s still available once the final order button has been pressed. Since fuko bags always cause server issues, things can and do go wrong during that process. There are a lot of people all trying for a small number of bags, and I’m sure that hammers the servers.
@peaceetc MEH!!!
/giphy awry-uncaring-lobster

/giphy quiet-drifting-swordfish

I was on it, checked all the pics with columns, and then the old click if your not a robot or something went wrong message comes up until sold out.
Really mean of Meh to send the morning e-mail right afterwords getting my hopes up but what the hell, lets be honest. I am just here for the socks anyway,
@mdrcoast The socks are terrific, aren’t they?
Green progress bar cycled several thousand times and then said something went wrong. Ugh. I clicked try again and it told me I couldn’t buy it if I’m a robot. Grrr… then I got a notification my card was charged $5 and I went to my Meh order history and saw:
Clicked Buy Clicked process my order then went back and hit the robot button and process again. watched the lines cycle and process dropped my phone and when i picked it up it was frozen on blah blah your a robot. i cried a little peed a little then contimplated ending it all when a wonderful little order completed email popped in
Since it appears Meh is going to keep their “pause” system why doesn’t meh also then reserve some of their fukobukuro bags for meh customers that regularly buy their limitless knives, speaker docks, refurbished crock pots and other stuff? Maybe have a quota that you had to purchased at least 100 orders within a certain time?
( for the record…I have bought 88 orders so far from meh but sometimes I bought multiple items --I am talking about individual ORDERS placed on different days not actually items you received in one order like say 2 orders same day of knives? What about it Meh bosses, how about giving meh’ers who consistently order your things for sale a separate chance of getting your fukobukuro bags since we actually purchase the other “stuff” here when now your regular customers now don’t really have a prayer of getting one with the pause button? Would it help if I said pretty please ?
Probably not but just throwing this idea out there…c
@AttyVette Kinda sounds like the VMP hold to me.
@AttyVette They reserve some for VMP members…they go live at 4:00, but you gotta be quicker than quick.
But, I hear what you’re saying and def agree that an allotment set aside for “frequent buyers of stuff” would be a nice way to reward those who buy often.
@dalekjoe not the same thing, as someone could have purchased their VMP membership and yet only bought one or two orders from Meh (within a specific time period) not numerous orders like I am talking about…
This is the first one I’ve been able to even attempt. Success!
@PiPie New to the forums and just figure out that I didn’t have to find an image on google…


/giphy mythical-plucky-pan
/image mythical-plucky-pan
@PiPie Is that Donald Trump on the right?
Finally made it! tense-green-cow!
Thought I didn’t get it because it should "oops something went wrong while I was trying to order. Then I went to my order history and say this:

/giphy helpful-fit-beef
I refreshed at 8am, saw the Buy button, clicked on it. Things were a bit slow, but the order page eventually came up and I clicked that I wasn’t a robot. Then I placed my order and the green bar of progress sat around for a long while before telling me my order was successful.
Maybe you guys are just doing it wrong or something?
/giphy unhurried-toothless-jellyfish

I was really hoping for this one:
The ‘who’s buying this crap’ map seems more interesting to me today. I can’t decide whether it represents proximity to meh servers, or quality of internet by state.
@dalekjoe Being physically closer doesn’t always mean quicker load times. Some of us may have had a slightly better route even if we are further away.
Failed again! I guess what else could I expect when only 200 were available. In the good old days, Woot would release a few thousand!
Alarm got set for 8:45 instead of 7:45. If I had been here right at 8 was there a decent chance or was I pretty much not getting one either way?
@Pantheist like a snowballs chance in …well u get the point…
I was on the instant and failed. Time for the drunk thread again.
@AttyVette @f00l I feel better, thanks
@Pantheist Probably not. Don’t beat yourself up. Extra hour of sleep or disappointment and frustration You got it right.
Everyone’s complaining about a Fuko circuit breaker and I’m over here like

/image racy-practical-heron

@whammy All like

Less than half were available at midnight? That’s crazy.
I was just casually checking meh and it happened to be midnight. I’m surprised I got one, since I was on my phone, too.
/giphy reputable-navigable-stomach

/image reputable-navigable-stomach

Refreshed page @ 08:00.00 ET, it took a couple moments to load. Hit buy button, took FOREVER for payment page to appear. Survived the CAPTCHA, green bar for several more moments. Something went wrong, sold out. Still waiting for that “miracle” email to come through saying I got one after all. I guess I’ll just sit here and keep refreshing the order page… #F5
Damn. Hasn’t shown up on my order page yet. Must. Keep. Refreshing…
On the bright side, I’ve had the “something went terribly wrong” tune playing in my head most of the day. So there’s that.
Cant believe i’ve never missed one of these. Ever since the kickstarter. thanks meh
No idea what happened. I was johnny-on-the-spot, refreshed immediately at 8am. After a few green-bar passes, I was informed I was a robot, and I should try again. Rinse/repeat 3 more times. I gave up, and left for work.
How pleased was I to get a confirmation email in my inbox when I arrived. First one in over a year (10/26/15) but admittedly, I stopped staying up to get one due my sleep issues. Can’t believe it. Can’t wait.

/image obdurate-vulnerable-basin
SO IS IT WORTH HANGING OUT HERE AT 4 PM WHEN I COULD BE AT FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR - I DO HAVE A BOX OF W(H)INE?? Shouting Caps intended. And this comment this is pretty wonky, too! P.S. I like my pearl necklace, bracelet and earrings a lot, even though I just know one little earring is bound to be lost toute suite because that’s how they roll. (ugh. sry.)
@evgrosen starred for usage of “toute suite” and the horrible pun at the end.
as for 4pm, go to happy hour. you’ll be much happier.
@carl669 Merci, monsieur - and I really need an editor, too - because I meant to type “this comment whatchamacallit is pretty wonky, n’est ce pas?” (I’m also too lazy to find the French accents and squigglies.) Cheers! Hic.
I hate to start they day out crying, but I fell asleep last night and missed the posting.
I felt it coming up too and I was here Every Night.
Do you think someone gave me a roofie?
Well…shit. Oh well, I never won a bag of crap either.
Only 415 this time. I wonder how many will be left at 4pm…
@michaelgj2002 Five. #fourtwentyman
@michaelgj2002 I’d almost wager a Fuko there will be approximately 75. Expect the order total to be 500, give or take a few due to server issues.
@cinoclav Yep, probably 100 more give or take.
@SColburn agreed…that will make us certainly VMP-very mediocre people that can’t even buy a fukobukuro bag
The comments in this thread are hilarious!
I got the “Something went wrong”-esque message, then “Are you a robot?” about 5 times before I refreshed. It was sold out by then so I assumed it was over for me and went back to bed…
Cut to 30 seconds later, I get a confirmation email! No complaints here!
How are the VMP offers posted? On the sidebar or the main page?
@jmhsrv what do you mean?? We can buy like others just don’t paying shipping cost…and we get a remote chance of buying fukobukuro bag at 4 pm
@jmhsrv main page. just refresh at 4pm central.
@carl669 yeah - central…
Thanks, once again, for absolutely nothing.
Love, the entire West Coast
9 Pm doesn’t work out for the West Coast?
@alimack i thought @KittySprinkles was the West Coast’s spokesperson. when did that change?
Blame @f00l
@alimack I’m in Oregon, and I got one this morning (which honestly surprised me). Who needs sleep, anyway.
@peaceetc I was apparently in robot mode - even though I did everything correct
I thought they said they wouldn’t use the circuit breaker on fuku deals?
They had the circuit breaker by fuko 12.
So… anybody else see that the website is bad at math? Or does someone have to pay tax and it adds that in to the dollars spent on the item?
Some states have tax, and a lot of people pay for shipping.
@PlacidPenguin I guess that makes sense. I guess not everyone is slick enough to be a MEHmber.
I don’t buy nearly enough to justify buying VMP. 5 purchases in 823 days.
Dog-gone. Just dog-gone. can’t believe it…
How big is the bag?
meh, i probably already have most of this stuff (I must have the fox and the grapes syndrome)
So close last night. Sadly the captcha thought I was a robot. (To be fair, not the first time I’ve heard that.) Posting now because my 19 year old daughter left me a note on my computer saying that she tried at 5AM but did not succeed in her quest.
A bag would be cool, but this is so much cooler!!!
@genericcat Awww!
Uber meh. Meh hates me. Meh keeps Fukubukuro-ing me on Thursday. I can’t click on Thursday. I have responsibilities. No meh-fuku X-Mas for me. Poor me.

My first one!

/giphy tantalizing-feverish-hunter
I reloaded the page literally at 16:00:00 and hit “buy” immediately and it was sold out.
ugh. accused of being a robot 3x in one day. good job meh. truly mediocre.
Good golly how do you actually get one!?
Got it.
/giphy plastic-psychedelic-quicksand

Got one! petulant-harmless-boat
No luck. Maybe that makes me lucky?
What the crapilicious crap?!
“We are unsure of which item you want to buy”?!?! Worst error ever to get!
god damn it. recaptcha wait time owned me and it went to loading bar 3 times before it said sold out
I was on the minute!
Lame… “Are you a robot?” No, I clicked the box… Why did you ask me again? Then it was gone
I struck out. I was on there all three times when it loaded. Nope. Oh well. Merry Christmas you mehtherfuckers!
@capguncowboy thanks for adding to the fuck count
Well, shit… I didn’t even stand a chance. Couldn’t even click the robot button faster than them selling out.
I got to the purchase screen, hit buy, the green bar filled and emptied several times, and then it told me “oops, we’re sold out.”
Same Shit Again… Sold out in 1 minute?
@Prasan1992 Try 1 second.
@Prasan1992 less than a minute, more like 3 seconds on my clock- sure wish the priority was reversed so that VIP members could get a fair shot
I can’t believe it: I actually got one! Tried many times, but actually got one this time!
/giphy judicial-pudgy-pistachio

not even three seconds and the VIP sold out -
3 time was the charm today.
frickin poop. sold out while it was trying to decide if I was a robot.
Got it!

/giphy cogent-outstanding-act
My first Fuko!

/giphy divided-studious-gopher
What the ever loving FUCK, this morning there was no goddamn picture verification for the captcha, now I miss out because the goddamn thing pops up a picture right over the buy button after I click verify. Goddamnit meh, im not a robot ffs
@timstm thanks for adding to the fuck count
Fukobukuro you, Meh. Fukobukuro you so hard.
Ahh, stupid captcha, I thought we settled this robot thing already! I’m not a freakin’ robot!

/giphy oh well
Holy crap, I think I got one! My first Fuko bag! Vindication! Lucky number thirteen!
/giphy rare-old-loon

First fuko ever!!

/giphy alcoholic-ferocious-toddy
I thought VMP would finally pay off (I’ve yet to buy more than one meh in a given month) but no luck.
I’m disappointed I don’t get to be disappointed.

/giphy hard-upset-chlorine
WHY? Why do I have to take 2 minutes to verify I’m not a robot when I’m fighting with a few thousand people for an item… smh meh…
/giphy reclusive-wounded-mustard

@PyxienTX That is disturbing…
@PyxienTX seems legit, I know what goes in your fuko
@PyxienTX it wasn’t until about half way through I realized it was makeup. Cringed until then.
@ThePrivateParts Me as well. Better image now, but not as weird.
Still no fukobukuro:( third try (Glenn) green line scrolled ten times then oops sold out – ridiculous
That damn ROBOT!
Wow. I tried it too right at the time and I was labeled a robot and didn’t get one of the 185 left…that does hurt…lol.
@michaelgj2002 There were 185 left for 4p?? I was thinking like 10…lol…now I feel worse.
strike 3
Captcha fail pt 3: Return of the rage fist
Sold out between the start of processing the transaction and it finishing
Can’t believe I actually got it!! Yay! Bring on the bag of useless crap I can re-gift for Christmas!
Fuckity fuckity fuckity fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck. Construction vehicles and palm trees. I am not a robot. Fuckity fuckity…
@OldCatLady How many times does it take before Meh finally realizes SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! Wait… I mean WE ARE PEOPLE, NOT ROBOTS!!!

/giphy soylent green is people
How frustrating! Tried at midnight again at 8 AM and then again at 4 PM and got nothing but the runaround
@gpneese me too
Pretty sure I had it as it started to load a confirmation screen. Then the screen froze and went back to the buy page and said there was an error. My orders page confirmed the worst that it didn’t process. The fuck? Circuit breaker fukos have destroyed my streak on back to back occasions now. Fuck.
Can’t believe I got really screwed over by the pictures on three rounds. The only other time I had to do it was April fools
@studerc thanks for adding to the fuck count
@studerc same thing happened to me. But it happened to me all three times today. I’ll send you something
@capguncowboy a kind gesture, but not necessary! I dont find myself around these parts very often, not sure why. I suppose since all that family business went down it just got back burnered.
Not a huge fan of the circuit breakers and now that my fuko streak is over and i sidelined my flipping business i really don’t have a desire to spend my time here.
Talk about a lack of motivation.
@studerc I hope my mehexchange box didn’t have anything to do with it!
I feel cheated. The first time the capatacha wouldnt load. Then for the vmp sale my credit info was suddenly gone. Wasnt fast enough. Meh is living up to promises
Oh well. At least I can turn off my 11:59 alarm for a while
@rhcurry02 yeah me too…no Merry Christmas fir me
One minute!!? Thought I’d never had to be sad about that again.
Took 3 attempts, but I finally got this one. … meh
I can’t believe I didn’t get one again…waahhhh. I just want one to say I have gotten one…sigh. I blame living in the sticks with not as fast as the city slickers’ internet.
@mehbee Connection speed doesn’t seem to matter much. Page reload at 00:00 at 8 AM with a 30mbps connection or at 4 PM with an 800mbps connection and I got the same result. Buy it, check captcha, select the pictures with signs or grass, confirm, scroll bar reloads 3-6 times, sold out. Go figure. Or more to the point, don’t plan your day around this stuff.
… sold out in under 20 seconds… I didn’t get one again
@jpaine Sold out in more like three seconds!
Just got my first fuko I am not sure if excited or scared
You should be scared.
@CaptAmehrican It will be interesting. Maybe a little confusing. Maybe thrilling. Congratulations!
@CaptAmehrican Congrats! That’s awesome.
So glad I became a VMP with my Moto 360 order –
I have purple hair and usually feel rather incompetent. It’s like they know me.
Wow, the 4PM edition sure sold out fast. 185 in about 3 seconds.
I did everything I could. I was on my laptop, direct connection to the router. Turned off wifi, refreshed browser three times as the clock ticked over, clicked Buy It… no, I’m STILL not a robot… buy it already… processing… processing… processing… sorry, sold out.
Gotta love that sold out font. Fuck.
@spookymulder86 thanks for adding to the fuck count
@carl669 glad I could help.
In for one thanks to VMP!
/giphy bewildered-serious-panther

Yep, captcha fail prevented my order as well.
Fix it or drop it, meh!
What bullshit, kept asking what I wanted to buy
I’m a little scared Meh but…
/giphy raunchy-premium-machine

Tried all three times today on the dot and can’t get through. I have never been able to buy one of these. Someone tell me why I keep paying for VMP again?
@fakhourydn good question I have the same question
@fakhourydn for free shipping?
Again thwarted by the Green Bar of Death. Bah Fuking Humbug.
3 strikes and I’m out. So much for vmp.

Yeeeessssss! My first Fukobukuro.

/giphy manic-tasteless-month
Wow my first missed fuko, I usually never have an issue with robot verification but 11pm 7am and 3pm FAIL whatever you did to the verification bot you broke it.
/giphy futile-feverish-wool

@zxinfinity +1
I was so close! Another victim of slow captcha load times… Arghhh…
@sl_woodard me as well
All three times I clicked “fine just buy it” All three times I checked the “I’m not a robot” box. All three times the green bar kept loading and loading and loading. All three times after the green bar kept teasing me it said “Oops, we’re sold out” WTF!!!
Yaaaaah, my first one too!

/giphy predictable-caustic-banshee
@notyoutoo That’s a good show.
I finally got one! Tried at midnight, fail, tried at 8am, fail, tried at 4pm - JACKPOT! First one ever!
I kept being accused of being a robot. I’m thinking, shit, maybe I am? What’s wrong with that??
Set an alarm to try at last to buy some mystery crap, refreshing screen for 4-mins, then boom! Fk’d over by the “I’m not a robot” button on checkout - twice. Then completely sold in the first minute. Thanks but no thanks – no longer interested in mystery crap from Meh. Lotsa bad karma on that experience. Booo.

/giphy honorable-capricious-pony
soo, the recaptcha is broken for me, always says that i’m a robot, even after multi re-tests.
multi-failed at 8 and 4,
maybe it knows something I don’t?
Fast as lightning, rage, rage rage, etc. Just put some more socks on sale.
@mdrcoast bring on the socks
So close, yet so far. WHY. Green bar loading, loading, loading.

/giphy oops, we’re sold out!
This one is going to be the best one yet barrels of cash and hard drives full of porn
Dear meh dev team - please make sure you enable client-side form validation!!! After TWO years or staying up late and the resistance to not bot purchases (because that’s what terrorists do) I FINALLY get to the purchase screen and the form glitches out when submitting my order and says I’m a robot with checkbox clearly marked.
Latency is a B



Awesome servers again. Had I’m not a robot checked but it still said, Are you a robot? when I clicked fine just buy.
I had to have completed the CAPTCHA inside of 15 seconds of 4:00ET (even had to pick street signs). No ‘you are a robot’, just green line, green line, green line, sold out. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but it was way quicker than this morning. Dammit.
/giphy why god why

TIL, you can refresh the giphy image by edit & resubmit. Weird.
@SColburn Same thing happened to me. I was past the robot, capta, etc within 5 seconds and nothing. Now to go one with my day!!!
@SColburn You keep doing it until you get one you like. After about four tries, you copy your comment, delete it, and start over. Otherwise you’re stuck with the last one.
This F’in’ company needs to get the website fixed…every time I try to buy this it comes up…ooops we don’t know the item you are trying to buy…WELL there is only ONE f…ing item for sale you doofusses!!
What a newb I am: Missed it at 7 a.m. CT because I. didn’t. know. about. the. “not robot” Captcha. Duh!

But here I is at 3 p.m. and was ready. Double lucky 'cuz I mistakenly let my VMP auto-renew 2 weeks ago. No mistake that, he now says!
/giphy known-flammable-machinist

Oh man, we managed to miss this one every time. At midnight we missed it because we were bringing my baby sister home from the airport. At 8 am it was because the baby woke up and needed stuff. At 4 we were walking in the door.
This one wasn’t meant to be. Yay for everyone who scored!
Me? Also missed out, by that much pinches thumb and index together. <60 seconds after I clicked “Buy”, t’was sold out. Canceling my VMP after this.
SORRYTOBEBLUNT - $7 off any order on here through the remaining of the year. One of y’all use it, because I won’t get the chance.
@carl669 Fuck this. Any good buys on Amazon or elsewhere? I have all this money and can’t spend it here.
@OldCatLady i stopped looking for deals. spent far too much $$ on myself last week. i’m sure i’ll get over it by next week though.
Thinking this should be a Christmasy bag?!?
/giphy oblong-galvanic-sugarcane

@fjp999 I would expect a Christmasy bag to be January or February, after Meh buys up cheap post-holiday Christmas crap.
I think the real story here is learning how many Meh customers are really robots. They walk among us.
/giphy robot overlord

@peaceetc Well, what’s it to ya? It’s not like we’re real fuckers, right @carl669?
@OldCatLady Well, fuck me sideways.
Yea! My very first Fuku!
Got my first one on the VMP pull!
I have such bad luck. This was the first fuko since I discovered meh.com (long time woot.com buyer until they sold out and got boring, just heard of meh a couple months ago). Was busy last night, live in CA and didn’t want to get up at 5am, but was able to try at the VMP leftover sale. And much to my misfortune, I got it. What was I thinking?
So, which is worse, a classic woot bag-o-crap, or a meh fukobukuro?
@khearn No comparison - woot crap is now pre-packaged with very little variation - the minute I found Meh (a few years back now) I abandon the pre-packed crap - Woots is just another item on the sale page now - Meh sends amazing stuff like 3/4 full cases of shattered coke bottles - thats what I received last time - woot sends crap schwag (literally) not even real crap, just schwag they printed up for the event along with a few dollar store items
@jmhsrv Yeah, I know their crap is crap now, that’s why I quit going there shortly after they got bought. They’re just another store with dozens of things for sale, and no more good deals. But I was wondering how the fuko compares to the “classic”, pre-amazon BoCs? Back in the days of the occasional big-screen TV or pallet load of action figures. Not that I ever got anything like those. I mostly just got crap. Which is, of course, what they advertised. But it was interesting crap.
@khearn i’d rate the fuko/u on par with the pre-amazon days BOC. i got some pretty nice stuff in some of those ($200 RC truck, dvd players, sansas). a co-worker of mine got a laptop in hers, though it was missing the battery. oddly enough, i got the battery in mine.
personally, it’s kind of fun when a lot of people don’t get the fuko (i didn’t). it definitely helps the fuck count. which, i suspect, is actually meh’s end game.
if you’d like to learn more about participating the fuck count, tap your heels 3 times, say “fuckity fuck fuck” and then take the 5 bucks you didn’t get to spend and go buy a footlong from subway for a homeless person.
@carl669 I followed your advice and bought a sub, but just as I was handing it to a homeless person, it occurred to me that he might be a robot, so I snatched it out of his hands and left. If he’d been on the forum, he’d have definitely raised the fuck count.
@carl669 eff off
So many irate robots in this thread
/giphy irate robots

@darksaber99999 that’s funny
Green bar of death killed me at 9, 5, and 1. Hoping one will magically appear in my order history.
Here’s where I’d put the giphy for my order number… IF I HAD ONE!
Maybe the Fuko gods will send out a few leftovers to well deserving VIP members - (wishful thinking at best)
@jmhsrv VMP
/giphy paaaleeease!
Seriously not good people.
People are saying that this time zone conspiracy unfairly grants the advantage to people in Mexico and the same time zone as Western parts of Mexico. I mean I’m not saying that but people are. I really don’t care. But if you’re going to screw people over shouldnt VMPs get a chance to get screwed over first?
I think we should implement an across the board improvement in the chances of winning, er I mean buying, these worthless bags. As a VMP I think it’s fair for my chances to be improved by about 20 or 30 percent and everyone else’s chances should also be improved by a comparable 0.1-2.25%. Lets make meh great, or um satisfactory again.
Whoo hoo! My first
I just mostly feel bad for the person that gets the Fuko that I normally get. By not buying one this became my most successful one.
Got it!!
Not. Literally no clue how I didn’t get it, the green bar just sat there loading and loading before telling me it sold out.
Incredibly frustrating. I know that there’s many, many others trying to get these–but I was here at 8am and 4pm on the dot, and I still somehow failed.
Why don’t they restrict the Fukobukuro’s to VMP’s from the beginning?
Order number very-disappointed-customer
@achohman1 hashtag #I agree…it would make more people become VMP to try for the bags…
@achohman1 the only thing that can beat the disappointment of not getting a fuko is the disappointment of opening one
@AttyVette great idea! For the bags they should flip it where vmps get first crack and then the rabble comes in at 4pm.
@achohman1 I’m not complaining about getting one because I know there are so many people vying for them. The only thing that I think might be fair is restricting people to one a year. If you have already gotten one, you’re off the list until the next year. I don’t think it would be fair to make people pay 5.00 a month just to to get a Fuku, but spreading the wealth by only allowing customers to buy one a year would be a fair restrictions.
@mehbee You’ll then have people creating a second account to get one.
I had to check columns this morning and Palm trees this afternoon. Do some people not have to do the stupid “Pick the Pictures” and if so, how does meh decide?
@mdrcoast I just clicked I’m not a robot and a check appeared and now I wait for disappointment. Have you considered that you might be a robot who is not yet aware of this fact?
@mdrcoast Google decides. I had to choose pictures last night. This morning I had a check box.
@medz I had the check box AND the pictures, both this morning and this afternoon… I guess the ones without the pics to choose got the Fuko’s…
@mdrcoast yes. Last night I got hosed because I couldn’t tell what was a storefront and what was just a building. Got one this morning because just check box. I went to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo before 7am to prove to google I’m human first. I think it helped…
@medz I really just want some more of those socks…
@mdrcoast No, I just had to click the box and still didn’t get one.
@mehbee With probably over 1000 people trying to score, I wouldn’t bet on those odds. Sorry you didn’t get one as well but in the big scheme of things I am not going to let this ruin my day. It was fun but in our case the cat was dead…
@mdrcoast Exactly…I would like to get one, but it’s not the end all be all…I’m so happy that it’s Friday, nothing can rain on my parade.
I didn’t have to couch any pictures yesterday, although that’s probably because Google felt bad for me.
Alternatively, they want me to be upset when my fuko comes.
Third time is the charm today, apparently.
/giphy hazy-maniacal-shark


/image hazy-maniacal-shark
First one EVER!!! Never gotten BoC, never gotten fuku… until now! I think I scared people in my office when I started cheering.
@arrghie prepare to be disappointed
@arrghie yay you!
@username I think he is happy to be disappointed
I will never be able to fill out forms again that have a gender box endless it has one for robot.
OK, so I can see some ocean scenes in the purple background, but others look strange. Can anyone identify the backgrounds on the product page? Are the ocean photos meant to subliminally calm us? Did it work for anyone?
/giphy shaky-elated-glove

My Second Fuku ever!
@seraphmonkey O
I missed at 9 last night was late
At 5 AM, it told me I was a fucking robot. I’m not. I did every fucking thing right, fuck it all!
But I tried again at 1 PM.
Failed again
/giphy robotic failure

I blame the robot
@Cerridwyn thanks for adding to the fuck count
Phuf!! Clicked the “Buy now” Button Twice and was denied both times…guess I’ll have to wait a little longer to get my first Fuku
@tinamarie1974 its a fuko, not a fuku
@Lagoon27 yup your right. Haven’t scored either.
Fell asleep early last night, then woke up randomly at 11:55. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open for the changeover. But I jammed some toothpicks in my eyelids and managed to stay conscious just long enough…
/giphy Frigid-burly-stomach

@rv617 congratulations!
@AttyVette Thanks! Although once it arrives, commiserations might be more fitting.
For the first time, I got to click buy on a fuko or fuku! Then it sold out but hey, I got closer this time.
@callow hope you get one next time
Meh. canceled my vmp so i couldn’t get the 4pm fuk*
i complained
they ignored me (or were busy)
i bet i asked them to cancel under the influence
at least i bet that’s what they’ll say
it’s all good
/image harumph

@Yoda_Daenerys funny post…
@AttyVette the pay isn’t bad, but i try my betsy
Damn, the one day I forgot to check Meh…
i tried clicking the Meh. face at 7:59:59am ET for grins, then the OOPS message came up.
aw crap, i have to miss the expectation and the disappointment
/youtube sad trombone
Is anyone else scared that #13 is going to be the most unlucky bag of all? I’m going to avoid the reveal thread and open my box with utter terror.
I’m wondering if I keep striking out at the “I’m not a robot” part because I am using my mobile phone. Has anybody had success with a their phone? Or is it only possible to get one by computer? What’s the consensus on those which succeed in getting a fuko are using?
@doctorj2277 I have gotten a fuku/fuko both on a phone out and about using its LTE connection and on a computer at home. I have had to both solve the captcha and gotten an instant check on both and been able to order. I really think it just comes down to dumb luck if you’re here when it goes live. A second too early and site is in limbo, a second too late and site already hammered so lagging a hair killing your chance to get inside the small window. Just have to get lucky…or unlucky as some may say when they see what’s received.
An idea. People have started to expect a fuku about every 3 to 4 months. Just to mess with people one of these days meh should do fuko two days in a row
@CaptAmehrican I’ll second that one!
@CaptAmehrican although I agree with your idea, but realistically I don’t think Meh"s staff could handle packing over 1000 bags of various items then shipping them out (by selling these “goodie”. or "baddie " bags 2 days in a row).
@CaptAmehrican Likely not enough build up of broken returns to do that…
Sadly, I missed this one. I have been preoccupied with wage garnishments due to my hospital’s negligence, and virtually all free time has been spent fighting that. I still consider myself fortunate, though, for I have a wonderful service dog who has trained in. congratulations to all who got a Fuku, and a very warm and sincere welcome from Galen and I!
@Phoenix_Tears so sorry … praying your wage garnishment issues will be resolved quickly … glad you have Galen by your side, as you deal with all the stress and hassles you are having to deal with !
I have a nagging inadequate feeling that I haven’t tried this yet
/giphy Charming-cruel-chemist

@freepisacat now I have raging inadequacy
My order is still processing!
Is that normal?
/giphy processing

@zachary Well. That’s the worst giphy result of all time.
@zachary only normal if they are in the process of cancelling your order. Sorry.
@zachary Well, I’m so sorry to hear this. Didn’t you know that the rest of us have already received ours and are just waiting for the next Fuko? – OR, you could go back to the top of this thread and read in the description the approximate date as to when this Fuko will be delivered.
@Barney Ooh, I hope mine comes Christmas Eve, just like Santa brought it!
@Barney Haha I think you misunderstood me (or I wasn’t clear).
It has nothing to do with me being impatient or not knowing when it would be delivered. Merely that, in my order page it still says “processing” and in my bank account the charge is still labeled as “pending” for some reason (the funds are there and things purchased after it have processed fine) so I was wondering if something was up.
I was interpreting “processing” as “still processing payment” and not “oh my GOD WHY HAVEN’T THEY SENT IT TO ME YET”
It reads processing until the item is shipped.
@zachary Don’t worry, you’re good. They are probably still frantically putting floor sweepings in the boxes. It stays at processing until it ships.
@sammydog01 Or it could come after Christmas Eve and you can pretend that Santa got lost.
@sammydog01 Thanks, gotcha. I was reading it in terms of my bank website (horrible idea). That makes sense.
Which you would think I would know by now… this isn’t my first Fuku/o. Although it’s my first in a while so I’m blaming it on that.
Or maybe it’s because I started drinking at work early? Who can say.
@Barney Heh, I was just about to say “I edited my post to not sound like an asshole” but then you edited yours which kind of makes this whole post worthless.
@zachary I think we both might be a little worthless.
So, how bad/unlucky do you think this one will be? Worst Fuko ever?

Don’t we say that about every fuko?
Shipped already, Meh? Estimated delivery 12/15? I’d say stop exceeding expectations but I’m sure that’ll be taken care of when I open my 2.2 lb, 14x9x6 box of disappointment.
@shellzy What state do you live in? I’m trying to figure out if they are still trying the crazy experiment of getting everyone’s fuko to them about the same time. If you don’t want to give your state, do you live far from Texas?
The 2.2 lb number is a placeholder. The weight will change (usually) at one of the Fed Ex stops.
Good luck with your Fuko!
@Barney I’m in MA. So maybe?
And thanks – I thought the 2.2 sounded super familiar but it’s been a long, long while since I’ve done this thing.
Mine just shipped. Currently in MD.
It’s here. So Meh. Honestly, I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I’ve never got anything worthwhile in 3 BOCs and now this bag.
Meh stress puck
Blue Bubba cup (added to the 2 I already bought)
Now panic and freak out mug (my favorite item)
Marvel something thingee
Meta POS used watch with no charger clip and dirt stains on the band
Meh Coozee
Sorry for potatoe quality pic but it wasn’t worth retaking the picture. Good luck and thanks Meh!
@meh_loki Was your freak out mug purple or blue? You really should have posted your fuko in the reveal thread, but @Ignorant did it for you. In fact, if I were you, I’d start a brand new reveal thread, because that honor usually goes to the person who receives their fuko first and the reveal thread that is there now is getting so bloated with off topic remarks.
Edit: Most of my pics are “potatoe” quality.
@Barney I think you have a little extra something theree I miss Dan Quayle.
@meh_loki I just printed what you did.
Dan Quayle will live forever in potato history.
Pretty good haul for my first fuko.
@TimeStalker2022 Nice! What’s the watch thingy?
@TimeStalker2022 - Keep an eye on that hubperson. They have a history of multiplying.
@TimeStalker2022 very nice! If you’re looking for the reveal thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/brand-new-fuko-reveal-thread-because-barney-said-so
Dyson Animal (refurbished), hub dude, iPhone case. Pretty psyched about my fuko overall
@kerryzero nice fuku! If you’re looking for the reveal thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/brand-new-fuko-reveal-thread-because-barney-said-so
Oops thanks @jbartus
@kerryzero de nada! It’s certainly not a mandated thing or anything but it’s where most of them are!
I got a fuku coozie, ceramic bank, white meh puck, superhero cup, and a working Izon wifi camera. Not too bad… thanks Meh!
Hey all - please head over to the REVEAL THREAD to post your mehrry hauls of junk.
Best schwag yet
@tinkleondabeach I just saw this here. Let me know if you still have the pebble.
@Ellipse I still have it, still want it? Send me $8 BTC I’ll ship to you USPS priority.
@Ellipse bruh u still want it or can i toss
@tinkleondabeach That looks like a Metawatch not a Pebble.
@sammydog01 yeah i got that
Happy to see you with correct kanji! Bad Luck Bag, Fu ko bukuro.
Posting this now since I finally figured out what was wrong with the Dyson Vacuum I was sent.
Tuskan Raider
Broken glass
Duck headed fireplace set.
Dyson Animal Vacuum (Was at 50% functionality, now 100%)
a shirt
The Fukobukuro Bag
Soda coozy
Looks like the person who refurbished the Dyson had failed to put the COV Link assembly back on the change over valve properly. I knew something was wrong with it but since I didn’t have much use (At the time of receipt) of the full vacuum mode I didn’t realize that only the accessory tube was providing suction until last night.
1 hour of work later, it is now functioning properly. Best bag I have ever gotten. Totally worth $5
@AlecWallace Congrats. Great Fuko!