Explain Your Username! {Necropost}
15Hey fellow Mehricans, WTF does your username/nickname/handle mean? I’m always intrigued by what people choose to go by on these online forums. Some of your usernames are pretty easy to figure out (@JonT @Matthew @Dave @BillLehecka @DaveInSocal etc). But some others I am stumped by.
I’ll go first. Mine isn’t all that exciting. jsh139 was the login name that I was given at Penn State many moons ago. They basically just take your initials and tack three random numbers on the end. I’ve been using it on most places online because it’s short, easy for me to remember, and is almost never taken.
So, now that I have shared, how about you?
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Some things are better left a mystery.
@rockblossom NICE TRY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blossom_Rock
@JonT Oh, I like that! Except for that whole "died in 1978" part. Being dead sucks.
Once Meh becomes huge, everyone will be shocked to see a simple user name.
Mine's just the same as I am on Woot. I probably could have dropped the e, but I figured I'd just carry it over from there for continuity. Or should I say, continuit-E.
@curtise I pronounce your name "Cur-Teese." Sounds fancier.
@jenny When I lived in France, that's how it was pronounced!
Mine is my childhood nickname. I dunno, it's always just kind of stuck with me.
Fairly self-explanatory - this is Blue, she's a dog.
@bluedog Not this guy?
@The_Baron My Blue is cuter, but I wouldn't mind having an original Blue Dog painting also.
@bluedog Blue is beautiful!
@jimmyd103 Thank you!!!
@tightwad Merriam-Webster says "self-explanatory".
@bluedog You really expect a @tightwad to spend money on some fancy dictionary?
I'm also perpetually late for things.
@TaRDy I loves Greg the Bunny. I really need to rewatch that. "That wasn't a birthday party. That was an intervention."
@TaRDy That's awesome. I like this.
Most people believe my name is Jane TV. It's actually Janet V. Janet is not my name.
I always think of this whenever the name Janet is brought up.
@janetv if it's not Jane tv...and Janet isn't your name...do you have an unhealthy obsession with Janet Varney? Are you secretly Chris Hardwick and you never got over her?
@wilstev I AM secretly Chris Hardwick! I'm so surprised you got that. Now I need to change screennames.
@janetv Sorry Janet V you will always be Jane TV to me. Because I will forget.
@caffeine_dude if it helps you sleep at night. if it makes you feel any better, i go by Jane TV on my livestream.
14 year old version of myself thought this was hilarious. 30 year old version of myself is quite meh about it.
@TheAlmighty1 and yet you kept it :P
@CowboyDann Duh, because it's meh.
BillLehecka is really an alias. My real name is D.B. Cooper. I love skydiving and I'm always surrounded by money.
My name is Erin. There were always several Erin's in classes, each with a random spelling. My mother was not that creative so I got the plain vanilla version. One very boring day I decided to see how crazy of a spelling I could come up with.
@airynne I went to school with an Erin who insisted on spelling it Æryn. She has since grown up, started a family, and seems to have grown into her real name, spelled Erin.
@airynne People always spell my name your way....and I'm a guy.
I like purple, dogs, and cats. I'm not very creative, so that was the best I could come up with years ago.
@PurplePawprints Aww, it's creative. I like your name!
@Cinoclav Thanks! :-)
@PurplePawprints I thought it might be from the
Animal Rescue Site. You can go on there once a day and click the purple box and they give free dog food to shelters. Their logo is purple paws.
When I was 14 or so I wanted a silly username that no one would use so I didn't have to have numbers after my name so I googled silly words and one of them was Snickersnee which means a knife. Which sounded right to me so I went for that.
@Snickersnee Very to the point. Thank you.
@DaveInSoCal http://instantrimshot.com
@jsh139 Awww-some place to hang out, I think this link might just be my latest obsession. I’ve already spent way to much time listening to cock-a-doodle-doo’s and other random farm animal sounds I learned in pre-k!
I was the last person to register here and everything else was already taken.
My name is Marcus. I work for mediocre. We created a site called meh. I used my advanced intellect to transplant the a & r in my real name into an e & h in my user name as a play on words. I is creative.
My name is David and I live in Southern California. We like to abbrev things out here, so I shortened "David who lives in the part of California (a state in America) known as Southern California." I think it was a good move.
It means proud Nubian warrior in language of my people
@unoriginal26 I like imagining that you were that unoriginal that you just kept trying numbers until FINALLY! 26!
@wilstev Or unoriginal1–unoriginal25 are his shill accounts so he can score even more speaker docks.
@wilstev I had to ask 2 people for a random number, because well...
Jon was already taken by some jerk so I had to add a T because I felt like I was under pressure to pick a name quickly.
Now it's too late to change it.
@JonT And to think you could have gone with JonNotAJerk.
@JonT @pitamuffin or JonNotTheGoat?
@JonT It's never too late to change your name.
@JonT I like your name, Jont.
@janetv thanks JaneT……v
@JonT All a part of my nefarious plan. You're welcome.
I was a stand-in and body double for all of the Conan movies and the name just kinda stuck ;)

@conandlibrarian I'm pretty sure there is a youtube video of you really explaining it....
@TaRDy Kudos, you beat me to it.
@conandlibrarian Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System?
@BillLehecka Actually, I had the name first. They based that character after me ;)
@TaRDy That video is of the super cool ConanTHElibrarian, I am the nerdy ConanDlibrarian
@TaRDy Nice find. Busted!
@conandlibrarian You already told us that you are the same person:
Self Imposed Meh Buying Moratorium
Family name. There are at least 100 of us 'Jimmys'. So to make communication at the yearly family reunion easier, we are designated by 'Jimmy' followed by the first initial in our last name and a number. Certainly not a cool as @bluedog though.
apparently, i like eating human hands.
@carl669 OMGOMGOMGOMG Llamas with hats!! Thought I was the ONLY nerd in the world who knew of them!!! CAAAAAAARRRRRRRLLLLllllll.......
@carl669 Hide yo people, hide yo hands!
@carl669 I see (and hear) that this is related to Charlie the Unicorn. Apparently I'm not doing nearly enough of the pharma.
K is a Special K since I was late to this party. Kickstopper or something ;-). Demo is short for two different words.
@KDemo "developer mojo"? "downtown emo"? "destination: moon"? "department of moccasins?"
@katylava - yeah, that! I pick number 4. Mine is political, but yours are WAY better.
@KDemo Delectable Monarch? That's political.
@TaRDy - why, thank you!, but no. I figure 15 guesses left.
continuity with woot. also self esteem issues.
@no1 We still don't know if it is no one or number one. You might have too much self esteem.
@smilingjack Maybe it's Stuart Smalley's version of self-esteem.
@bluedyn Gosh darn it, people like him.
It's a nickname I got when I was living in Bulgaria based on my last name...
Met some girls in middle school who didn't like my first name (middle schoolers are weird), so they asked what my middle name was. They decided they didn't like that either but knew someone with that name that always had Trailmix. I don't think anyone else actually knows the story.
@Trailmix That may win for unique origins.
@Trailmix I'm jealous. I never had a nickname bestowed upon me. And trailmix is not a bad one to have.
@jenny Isn't Jenny a nickname? Anyway, it could have been worse. My first name is Jennifer (stopped using it in grade 4) and the nickname my dad gave me was Jennaboo. I'm super glad that didn't stick.
@PurplePawprints Jenny is supposed to be a nickname for Jennifer isn't it? But it's my actual name. :\ My mom actually considered the name Penny.
@jenny Oh wow. Well, it could have been much worse. Your mom could have tried to be super 'cre8ive and youneek' like so many parents today. There's something to be said for not going too far outside the box. I hated my first name and was glad I had a semi-decent middle name to fall back on, at least. ETA: Apparently, "it could have been worse" shows up in my vocabulary way too much. I shall have to work on that.
@PurplePawprints I could go by my middle name- Joy, but my Mom goes by Joy. Her name is actually Belle Joy but she hates the name Belle.
@PurplePawprints Haha. I find that I use "It probably bothers me more than it should," now because of darn Irk!
@jenny Wow, her mom really did a number on her with that first and middle set. Both names would be fine on their own, but together... Anyway, I hope you didn't think I was implying anything negative about your name, earlier. Jenny is perfectly fine, of course. It was just super common when I was growing up and I didn't want to be the 4th Jennifer/Jenny in my class. :-)
@PurplePawprints Nah, you're right. No offense taken. Surprisingly though, I was often the only Jenny in class. There were more Jennifers. PS- Hope you got a Fuku...bag!
@jenny I did! I'm going to assume you did also since they aren't sold out yet. It's going to be a great day, I can tell already!
@PurplePawprints I did! My husband also did, as he has his own VMP account, and it's fun to compare Mehs.
bluedyn is the name I made up for my mecha when I used to play Armored Core. Blue is my favorite color, and dyn was bastardized out of the word Savin I spotted on a box while I was making up the name. I got all grandiose when telling it to people - bluedyn is like white noise - but really it's just original nonsense.
For the most part, anywhere on the internet you find this it's me.
@bluedyn I used to work for a software company. DYN was the place we put all of the active, changing ("dynamic") data (vs. STA [static] and a few others). I just had to say that because every time I see your screen name it takes me back.
aka Baron_Von_D aka Baron Von Danger aka Dr. Danger.
Feels like a "Guild of Calamitous Intent" kind of name, whatevz. It is just my go-to name I register, since it is usually available.
Well I (for one) like seeing these explanations very much.
Cool thread idea.
@wilstev oh and also AOL created my username when they started and my family signed up. Michaelangelo (the best ninja turtle) was already taken and so their state-of-the-art tech said "here I'll mash together your first and last names." Kept it for simplicity ever since. You'd be surprised how many wilstevs there are around that aren't me. I guess all the other aol suggestions to similarly named lasted across sites for everyone else and they jumped at the chance to not be wilstev2 or some other clone.
@wilstev Totally made up version: https://meh.com/forum/topics/pretend-to-get-to-know-these-people
@JonT Now I feel dumb. I completely forgot about that thread :P
@jsh139 Don't feel dumb! That thread was for made up things, this is the space where we get to talk about ourselves and not someone else. That's always fun!
@wilstev You didn't explain yours!
@JonT I did though, I replied to my post with my long-winded AOL story.
@JonT That's alright. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure it's Casey Studer's fault.
My last name is studer and my first name is casey.
studer + casey - asey = studerc
I blame myself for not coming up with something cooler.
@studerc brb stealing your identity.
@studerc Well, whose fault is that?
@studerc Awww hell. All this time I thought your first name was Stu and Derc was part of your last name. I like my version better, so please change your name.
@bluedog I also thought this! I'm still reeling from this news.
@JonT @bluedog it's @studerc's fault it wasn't what you expected
@studerc If you blame yourself, won't that create some sort of paradoxical hole in the space-time continuum?! Better not try it.
@jsh139 however ripping a hole in the space time continuum would be the ultimate thing to blame on me...
@studerc This is true. Something to aspire to!
@studerc I always thought it stood for Stud Erc (abbrevation for Eric)
@LadyLeela Pretty much me too, except I thought he was being a more sophisticated version of Irk.
All my favorite fiction book/movie plot-lines involve a main character with amnesia. I needed something that would remind me of my name, in case I forget. I think my last name is "C", though by studerc's example, that could be my first name.
I do proofreading for court reporters. One of my clients had a three-year-old daughter that always talked of going to the pooflady's house. It stuck.
@pooflady this is my favorite story
No one will ever figure mine out.
@parodymandotcom -heyyy....WAAAIT a minute.....
I answered incoming sales calls quickly as (technician turned) eager sales rep. Fastest to phone + "ThisIsMatt" = Snap nickname. Named my first company for a "Snap's Micro" geek pun. Played World of Warcraft with coworkers; Snap was taken, thought Snapster was funny because of Napster.
haha, just found this a coworker had screen grabbed me saying something profound - maybe circa 2002?

@snapster That's a great screenshot! I can't figure out what game it is, and I've played most MMOs since 2000... It's really frustrating.
@Eris oh I forgot but you're right this wasn't WoW - I bet this is that Star Wars MMO? I think it was same time period.
Ok yeah I think Star Wars Galaxies circa 2003. Makes sense, we were building the first Woot site so that was a purposeful exclamation.
@snapster Yup! Definitely SWG.
@snapster/what’s the
mean/stand for?
Now that THAT’s solved, where did the octopus come from
Google “Breakfast octopus.”
My family decided to call my Jack. Then one Christmas I became smilingjack.
I guess I was grumpy. I'm not even a guy.
don'twantaname was because I'm awful at names. I don't remember them. I never named my toys. I didn't even name my son until the dept of health called for the name on the birth certificate. (btw, he liked the name I picked better than the one his dad picked. I used his dad's choice. Too bad he couldn't tell me when he was a week old)
@smilingjack I am thoroughly confused. So......you're a cross-dressing mom who never smiles and doesn't like her son's name? Lol.
@jsh139 Well, since I do wear mens tee shirts....maybe. Or maybe I don't quite express myself clearly.
It's literally my name. But my name comes from the Greek goddess of Chaos/Discord. It fits me very well >:)
I've used Cinoclav for so long that I don't even recall how the first half of it (Cino) truly came to be. It was part of a nickname someone else had made up. The 'clav' (the a is pronounced like ahh) part of it evolved from a nickname we had been calling my now dearly departed cat. He was sick when young and had to take the antiobiotic Clavamox. Eventually it evolved into calling him Clavie. Many moons ago those two nicknames combined into one super powerful Cinoclav. Not to your surprise, I've never created an account anywhere and found it to be already taken.
I swear i've seen this thread before...But...
earlyre - in a Similar Manner to the OP - was my Username @ my first college attempt, (first 5 letters of last name+First & Middle Initial) it was easy to remember, so i used it for my first email account (still in use today)
earlyre@hotmail.com (back when Hotmail was it's own entity, not an MS Division) and i still use earlyre or variations all over the web. Pretty much if you see an earlyre ANYWHERE online, it's me.
I've played the trumpet for 20 years. About 16 or so years ago, when I was in middle school, I went to sign up for my first email account (Rocketmail!) and needed a user name. My dad and I talked about it a bit and he mentioned Bill Chase, the famous trumpet player. I thought that the name was rather appropriate, so I tried getting the user name billchase. Unfortunately, someone else had already taken it. Not knowing what to do, I put the number 2 on the end of it and have been using it ever since. Oh, how different things would be these days if someone hadn't taken billchase @ rocketmail.com before me back in the '90s...
Mine was something a bully called me in grade school and I always hated it. I decided to make it a username in early 2000's and take the power back. Thanks Scott Frearson (great bully name).
@denboy that is a perfect bully name. Glad you took the power back and embraced it.
@denboy Yeah, that name instantly brings to mind Scut Farkus.
Mine is from a line in the movie Encino Man. I use it as a tribute to a pet that passes a few years ago (a boxer, Betty for short). Also shell out $10 a year for the URL as a tribute.
@bettynugs Livin' Large in Idaho!
@daver Technically now on the East Coast. Have yet to change the splash screen... Thanks for the shout out though!
My mother always said "I love you" to me in Czech as a kid. I've used it for a very long time. Its never taken on any website, ever. I wanted to change it, but any time I register somewhere with a different name, I quickly forget said name.
@milujite Aw, that's sweet. :-)
I tried to pick something easy to remember. However password escape me! This is the model of our houseboat. I can never remember username and password everybody wants one everybody wants one different.
Speediedelivery comes from Speedy Delivery the phrase used by Mr. McFeely on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. The correct spelling was taken the first time I tried to use it. I work for the post office so it seemed fitting.
@speediedelivery I'm a big fan of Fred and the show, but there's something not quite right about that guy "McFeely" and his creepy name. Sorry. I'm sure you're swell.
@joelmw You may be on to something, since McFeely and a Pedobear freaked out this kid.

@joelmw @bluedyn Oddly enough I didn't like Fred or the show much. I first used this name on a sales site and the name hinted that the item might get delivered quick. Along with the USPS connection it just fit. The name I use other places was not taken but a regular here has a one letter off name. It seemed like a good reason to switch to this name here. It was not meant to sit in judgement of smartpost, really.
@speediedelivery Too late. @joelmw and I already associate you with inappropriate behavior and kids.
When I was 13 and really outgoing I thought it was creative to be bashless instead of bashful. It stuck for 20 years as my handle.
@bashless I like it, solid username.
Childhood nickname stemming from my constant backtalk and sarcasm. Punishing me didn't work, hitting me didn't work, (I'd make some comment, every time.) So my mom started saying, "What does Thumper say?" and I was supposed to respond with, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nuffin' at all." My usual response was, "Bir-duh!" or "Greens, greens, are a special treat. They make long ears and great, big feet... but is sure is awful stuff to eat!"
Her hope was that the lesson would sink in over time. It did. I tattoo'd Thumper on my shoulder to remind me of that lesson.
Your words should have a point, that doesn't mean they must be a sword.
@Thumperchick - Suuu-perb. In "real life" I go by "Missy". Has absolutely NOTHING in common with my actual birth name, but I have been "Missy" my entire life. That's even the name I use with a couple financial institutions and how I sign my checks. I am "Missy" because all anyone ever heard when I was growing up was "Do that ONE MORE TIME, Little Missy, and I'll (insert punishment here)!!!" or "Just try that again miss Missy and see if I don't turn this car around and take you home!!" etc.
@Thumperchick I admit: yours was one of the names I was most curious about. Thanks for not disappointing. :-)
@Thumperchick I wondered if it had anything to do with Thumper. Sometimes my parents called me thumper when I was little, but it had more to do with all the kicking I did before I was born.
Whats that over there? Bogie, 9 o'clock
@Moose You're actually correct. The origination of my username came from a girl in college who used to call me Bradly Bogart (a twist from Humphrey Bogart obviously). Then over time it evolved into Bogie, just as Humphrey's nickname did. I helped run our local paintball community so the other bogey fit well. I also started playing more golf, which again, bogie seemed to fit nicely. It's now the license plate (Gasp) on my car too for the whole world to see.
In high school, I was changing usernames constantly as I kept getting bored with them. Early in college I needed a username for something and didn't like any of the ones I had collected so far. I was teaching myself Yiddish at the time and was already somewhat conversational in German and came up with a variation of this name. I'm short and kleine is the word for "little" or "small" in both languages so it seemed to fit. Later on I figured out that the second half of the name I was using was a little abrasive for universal use and switched it out for leh which is just a diminutive suffix. So literally translated, my name just means "little little" but it has stuck.
@Kleineleh 1) What was the abrasive version? 2) If you like small Dutch beers, you could always drink a Kleineken...
@curtise it used the word shikse. I didn't realize it was still considered vulgar to some people
@Kleineleh I also didn't realise that was a particularly charged word... I thought it just meant a non-Jewish girl... It was even a thing in Seinfeld!
Shikse appeal...
@curtise Traditionally, it has been used to imply a bit of a slur, but I didn't really think it was that big of a deal either. I created the name for an online parsha study and the rabbi who ran it used to call me "shikseleh." But once in awhile people would be adamant that I should not be calling myself that so I eventually dropped it
I acquired a Korat cat from Thailand, a breed known for having a heart shaped face. I was working at an ad agency at the time on the "I Love New York" campaign, which had a heart in the logo. Hence my new kitty became Heartny, because it was easier to pronounce than iheartny. Although, the latter ended up being his registered pedigree name. Everyone knows that pet names make the best usernames, hence I am heartny. He doesn't mind, especially since he has already crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and wasn't very internet savvy.
Angela, my high school girlfriend, was half Italian and half Guatemalan. Her mother, the Guatemalan half, pronounced my name "es-Steve" (as in "Esteban"). When I became a DJ on KUSF in 1998 I used "S Steve" as my on-air name. If anyone ever asked me what the "S" stood for, I would tell them it was the same as the "S" in Harry S Truman. (No one ever asked me what the "S" stood for.) When I signed up for an account on The WELL I figured I'd use my on-air name as my username. I've been using it ever since. Every now and then, I'll find it is already taken (like at Woot and at Twitter) and that makes me sad. I wasn't early enough on meh to get a K in front of my name, but at least I got my name.
I am an avid gamer and would play Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for hours in the local Sega City that was a part of the movie theater I worked at. Since me and several co-workers were friends with the guys who ran the arcade, we would get free credits on the machine so we could level up and take on more powerful enemies. As you might guess, I always picked the Jester owing to my goofy, and prankish/trickster nature. Good times, great fun, and I was known as the Jester. Funny thing though, I usually picked Green Jester, but somehow Blue Jester stuck as a nickname. I've been that or JesterofRoanoke on whatever online platform I have signed up on since.

@bluejester great game, I liked the jester too
@bluejester @JonT Jester was also my go to. Such a great game. I played a lot of it on Gamecube
Ocean person here.
But everything ocean related was taken on the net, or so it seemed. Cetacean is an order of marine mammals. With that in mind, I used the spelling of "cea" for "sea" and added a "g" from my name spelled phonetically.
When I went to sign up for Woot I blanked and delayed signing up. I finally dug up this old moniker and used it again. And now it seems here to stay.
Not an exciting story, but can't you see that it works for me to just let it be..... ceagee.
My first name is Mary. In college I was a DJ on our FM station and used the on-air name "Scary Mary." For many years afterwards it stuck as a nickname. When I started doing stuff on the Internet I'd always use "scarymary." Back in the early 2000s I was trying to create an account to play Age of Empires online, and "scarymary" was taken. They had one of those things that will generate a user name for you, and one of the choices was "groovymarlin." It means nothing, I just liked the sound of it, and have been using it ever since for EVERYTHING. That's the day scarymary became groovymarlin, and left her college days behind.
@Groovymarlin A coming of age story. I like it. See, this is what it's all about, folks.
@Groovymarlin But I miss being a college radio DJ!
@jqubed Did you ever tell us when you were on the internet?
@Groovymarlin My sister in law is called Scary Mary. Are all you Mary's scary???
@smilingjack It's been my experience (as a Mary) that yes, most of us are pretty scary. :)
Every time I try to do something on any computer, first thing, I always have to have a user name and a password... every place, every time... Hell, I can't remember all of those dam things!!!
My name is from woot but is a derivative of my hacker name from my 'hacking days' (Do not worry. shortly after 9/11 the government showed me some of their cards and scared me away from the scene).

None of your damn business.
@xenophod Tell us, or we shall hold these adorable kitties hostage!
@Cinoclav They're already dead...
@Cinoclav Damn. Shit just got real.
@xenophod Does this need to be updated? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Xenophod
@Cinoclav Nah, I'm still 34.
My mother used to call me "Rusty Lizard". I have no idea where the f* that came from...but I eventually figured out I'm happiest laying on a rock, in the sun, while I'm hiking the mountain ranges so I changed it to RangeLizard. By the way...I live in North Texas...anyone notice there are no mountains here? Yeah...me too....
In third grade, I moved to a new school and some kid thought my name was Moose. My name is Will, which doesn't even kind of rhyme, so I was never clear on why he thought my name was Moose, but it's been my nickname and username ever since.
@Moose I thought you were @moosezilla, using a shortened version of her name; this whole time. Oops...
Simple, Hamilton Porter is a legend!

@TheGreatHambino for that reference you get an ass hat <3 <3
@jimmyd103 Very glad to see the asshat catching on <3
Well since this username is pretty self-explanatory, I will explain my other moniker- A Bitter Woman. I started using this as a gamertag because while playing Halo (3 I think) I always had males talking crap to me (you must be fat, you must be ugly, etc) because I would often win. As a woman, winning at a vidja game against a male is unforgivable. Anyway, one day after losing to my team some guy said, "Ugh. She must be a bitter f*cking woman with no life." Since all of that didn't fit into a gamertag, I decided to just go with A Bitter Woman. Now when they die by my hand, they see, "You were killed by A Bitter Woman." Not to be mistaken for "A Biter Woman," as has happened in the past.
Also, some day I want to get that as a Meh badge- Kickstarter Backer, VMP and A Bitter Woman.
@jenny Maybe you inspired this!
@JonT Better than this, though, amiright?
@jsh139 I love Flying Dog though, so I'd take it.
@JonT That is all I should ever drink from this point forward. @jsh139 Haha! If only gamertags could include swear words!
@jenny BTW, is your phone number 867-5309? I saw that written on a wall once...
@JonT It's pretty good as far as Belgian IPAs go. BeerAdvocate doesn't rate it very high, but I like it.
@jsh139 I think BeerAdvocate should be renamed BeerSnob. I absolutely love beer and enjoy trying as many different kinds as possible, but I think it's really easy for enthusiasts to become snobs. Maybe I'm the plebeian for not noticing these things but "olive oil sheen, luxurious and creamy light khaki head, that stays and stays forever. Leaves thick frothy sheeting on the glass and rings of thick lace. Heavy/pungent tropical fruit/hop nose." (actual review of that beer) sounds like nonsense to me. I just like beer and how it tastes.
@JonT @jsh139 A fun little piece on the only guy in the country who can approve beer bottle labels, in case you haven't seen it: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/12/meet-the-beer-bottle-dictator.html
@JonT Haha, I hear ya. People are very ritzy-titsy about their beers. I don't read the reviews on there much. I will glance at the ratings on a beer to get a general idea though of how it stacks up to others in the same category.
@editorkid That's crazy. I found myself checking the Url to see if I was reading The Onion.
@jsh139 tehehehe.... "ritzy-titsy"....... hehehehehe.....
@jsh139 But the comments are cool because all of the industry types stand up for him, even the anonymous ones. When I posted that link on Facebook, though, not that I do anything with beer but consume it, but I framed it in the context of this link... http://www.timeout.com/chicago/blog/time-to-grow-up-breweries
@jsh139 Currently living MD, we love flying dog! Raging B is good in a pinch, but nothing beats The Truth!
Now that's a beer I gotta try, even if just for the racy label!
ummm...double amputee. i have no legzz
@Nolegzz I bet you have the best Halloween costumes.
i blame @studerc for my username (which i've had for about 16 years now)
@carl669 sorry...
I am half Moldovan. I wear red pants.
I have this username because it's the one I picked when I signed up.
My name is Paul and I'm a huge Beatles fan.
@walruspl I thought it said "walruspls" as in, walrus please!
@walruspl Sorry, not getting it. Do you have another clue for us all?
@SSteve Yes. See, in this song John sings, 'well here's another.... wait a minute!
My name starts with two of the same letters and I was a young impressionable youth when I first saw these commercials. skip to :20 if you're impatient
My mother named me Golkram but that's always taken. I just reverse it.
me (no H)
@menoaitch I got this one the 3rd reading. Clever.
So I went with this one. Or I used to practice in the dark arts of politics. But let's go with the first one because I found an image for it.
@oppodude but...your username isn't Bort at all.
@JonT I just wanted to use that pic. All the Barts were taken? Except I'm not a Bart. It's funny in my head.
@oppodude No, there were was not a spot for Bart, on the licence plate tree, the joke was Bart is so unusual there was no Bart slot empty or full, but there was a Bort. Then Bart said under his breath who the hell names his kid Bort?' Then the kid asks for a plate the mom calls for her son Bort, and a guy in the store is also Bort. (Bart was having a bad day) For give me if I am wrong it has been several years since I saw this episode.
@caffeine_dude I concede. I just really wanted to use that picture. I have it in my mind and then I bend the facts to justify it. It's perfectly cromulent.
@oppodude "have it in your mind and bend the facts to justify it" so you were definitely in politics, then?
@JonT I can neither confirm nor deny it.
I played Rites of Passage MUD and needed something quick, so I picked a name that phonetically makes no since because everyone pronounces it Zar-us. I guess the "o" is silent?
I'm Joel, middle initial M, last initial W. I like all of my names. "Joel" is just odd enough, it's Jewish and it's a primal declaration of the identity of God (which means something to me even when I'm feeling like an atheist). I also like that there's a kind of symmetry with M and W. I won't bore you with the details of what's awesome about my surnames and middle name, since you're probably bored already. But, a note: most of the parents I know mean something when they name their kids; it always surprise me that so few people either understand the significance of their own names or have interpolated meaning into them.
I think the first place I grabbed the username was my first email account (ha, Juno dialup, before they even did internet) and I've tried to get it everywhere since. I managed to get Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, etc.; a couple of major failures are Gmail and Microsoft Live. Usually if I don't get "joelmw," I try "joelmwww" or "joelmwwww," because "www."
Oh, and I'm all about identity and owning what you say. I both eschew and mostly despise anonymity. Mostly I find that it fosters a lack of accountability and general assholeishness. I believe in being a specific, known asshole. There are exceptions--not any good ones for me, but, yaknow, if you're living in fear of violence or the authorities or whatever, okay, you get to be anonymous; I can appreciate that. Otherwise, don't be a punk. So, hey, mad respect to the other folks who fully occupy a username. I ain't hidin', yo. :-)
TL;DR: I'm Joel.
@joelmw no, tl:dr you fingered your dog.
I'm a CPA and live in Texas. "Quill" is a derogatory term a Canadian acquaintance used to describe my profession after I came up on the plus side of a business deal (he was on the other side).
My initials are all Js (congratulations winners) jjj=j³
I was going to be jcubed, but someone beat me to it on slashdot a long time ago. Q is a cooler letter anyway.
@jqubed OMG
@jqubed P.S.: I bet you've never gotten that before.
@editorkid Actually, no, but maybe he's the one who got jcubed. My name is John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt.
@jqubed Thanks for the earworm.
@pooflady You would not believe how popular I was in kindergarten.
@jqubed That's my name too!!
Mine...boring. My cats nickname, followed by her actual name. It's OK, on woot it's just as bad...yet another cats name, but that one went to the rainbow bridge in 2009, so I figured I better use the still living cats names for a while. I don't think she cares that I did....though she does seem to demand some extra attention and goodies, lol
@SavvySapphire My username at woot is MeAndSecoya. Secoya was the name of the dog I had back in the late 90s when I first got on the internet and needed usernames. He passed in 99, but I still used it for years and years because I'd gotten used to it and I felt bad about changing to anything else.
Mine is inspired by a great Monty Python song....
@somf69 This makes me happy. But don't be coy; some of these kids will have no idea what you're talking about.
@somf69 So let me help with that:
@somf69 I immediately think of Bryan Adam's Summer of '69 when I look at your name. Not a bad thing, that song has some amazingly good memories for me.
Mine is kind of a hard one to explain, but i'll try. I am not named after an Australian kids show. My name is a reference to a Futurama episode where bender calls Fry "Wiggles" (S3E9 Birdbot of Ice-Catraz). We watched this episode early in a bachelor party. Later that night I somehow managed to trip and almost fall into a bonfire when the groom to be caught me, he called me Wiggles in the process. That night, my named morphed into "Crazy Eyes O'Houlihan McWiggles", but Wiggles just stuck. I know it sounds like I was stone drunk, but I swear, I wasn't.
@Wiggles One of my favorite episodes! Sound effects added to lessen tragedy
Hexxed is just a variation on Hex, which was my nickname through all of college. It originated after I fell off the side of a building from a story and a half up (a different story itself) and that, combined with my past of having been hit by 5 cars, been in an accident with a drunk driver, and had 3 concussions in under a year (unrelated to all the preceding incidents) made my friends decide I was cursed. Hex is easier to say that Curse, so it became my name. By the time I graduated all of my co-workers and bosses had been calling me Hex exclusively for years so that if anyone actually called me by my real name, it confused people.
I still had someone show up to my wedding last year who still exclusively calls me Hex.
@hexxed I would have guessed you were fluent in Base 16.
@joelmw I'm incredibly unfluent in all programming languages despite having taken some classes when I was younger.
@hexxed I am the only person that calls my husband by his birth name. Everyone else calls him by his nickname. It’s his fault, he introduced himself to me by his real name.
That sounds like a lot of injuries to get. I’ve been hit by 2 drunk drivers and a couple not drunk. Every time I’ve been in an accident it’s because someone was turning left into my lane (they were facing me from the opposite direction).
It’s crazy what the human body can survive.
Hi, I'm Medz. It's short, rolls off the tongue, and it's different than my woot username because I wanted to start fresh. (like transferring to a new school) It's also Zdem backwards, so there is that.
add 'llee' to the end and it's just my name -- i couldn't think of a better way to identify myself.
@katylava Lava sounds more awesome anyway
@katylava Changes the inflection, too, I'm guessing? Your last name is not "lah-vah-lee", right? Probably "lah-valley"?
@jsh139 correct. rhymes with "the valley".
@katylava and here I thought you were going to say it was lovely { lavallee}
A friend had a dog named "Barney". Barney was a beagle, which (sort of) rhymes with "sea gull". So he called it "Seag". My user name's like that, but not really.
My name is Danny Mann so iamdmann 'just works'.
Many moons ago, I signed up for an AOL Instant Messenger account and DaytonaTurbo was taken. It was my first car. Shitty spelling was the quickest route to a unique name.
My mom accidentally called me Elizadeath one time. I liked it. The sentiment matched my outfit.
@elizadeath That's kinda cool!
@elizadeath so metal

Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None. Bogie's character's self description in African Queen, and a line in the jazz standard "I don't know enough about you".
Mine is....wait for it....wait for it, you are about to be hit with a creativity overload....my username is my initials. Be jealous.
@VD I've always wanted to name my kid Venereal Disease. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
On here I go by KoolHandJoe because of my love for the movie Cool Hand Luke and my name Joe… and I misspelled Cool to attempt to be internet trendy… I am also know in the interweb wilderness as TheHauntedScotsman because of my macabre creations and other creepy shenanigans and goings on that I get into.
I was around before Google… so I’m old. so is my username. When I first started on the internet I would try to use Amber or AmberS (my original hotmail was amber_r_s) but I found that those user names were usual and therefore, not very available pretty early on. So I took the A off and became mbers … at some point short user names were not allowed.
Ironically am posting this on his birthday, Dr. Suess has always been a favorite author of mine and so in Dr. Suess style I became mbersiam (Amber S I am, without the A). I’ve kept it even though I am now married because it is usually available as logins.
I first started posting online on August 1, 1996. Trapped a cat in our garage rafters and wanted to get him in to the vet.
Since there were so many variations of “dianne”, I wanted a name that wasn’t so common. So, I went with one of our cat’s names. Lisa (after Lisa Simpson, we had a Bart and a Maggie) and Violet (my mom’s name, she was responsible for us having the kitten in the first place).
And that’s how I got my name.
I got no help for the rafter kitty, named Red Rafter. I fed and watered him (and cleaned the litter box that was in the rafters) via ladder for over a year before he came down on his own volition.
@lisaviolet Wow! That is some true dedication, what a lucky cat. But I know you put a lot of care and effort into cat rescuing.
And here I thought your name really was Lisa.
Hey there Meh-nites,
I believe my nick to be pretty transparent. It shows up mostly in two iterations: SscootzZ and SscoootzZ. Somewhere(s) I experienced account lockout and along came Ssco0otzZ. But most commonly, SscoootzZ. My IRL is Scott — never guessed it, yeh?
When PSN booted up I came in with the former nom de guerre and a fondness for racing and flying games. Ahhh, the amazements of the PSX and my YA mind — Air Combat, Warhawk, Gran Turismo, Crash Team Racing, oooh and Grand Theft Auto… squirrel!
So it felt like a good fit, no? But when I got over to XBL, I found I’d come in second and so settled on SscoootzZ. Meh — c’est le guerre! Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Thanks for reading. I’ve enjoyed reading others’ stories. @jsh139 — great query!
When I was a little kid, a LONG, LONG time ago, my Grandad used to call me his ‘Tad’ (little one) or ‘Tadlem’. It stuck as a family nick for me. A lot of friends and co-workers call me ‘Tad’, as well.
The 43 is an age thing. Not that I’m 43 NOW, but I was THEN. lol
Many years ago, back when we had to access the internet via two tin cans tied together with a string, I was a student at Georgia Tech. GA Tech assigned computer system user names/email addresses based on your student post office box + a letter which they incremented for every user of that box (because lots of people didn’t get out in four years so sometimes multiple people shared the same post office box). This was also about the time that they realized that it wasn’t a great idea to use a student’s social security number as your student number but they hadn’t figured out something better. So we used our “GT number” for most anything that required a unique non-name based identifier. For five(ish) years, I was gt0163c. When I got out (you don’t “graduate” from Georgia Tech, you “get out”.) I continued to use that as my username. It’s relatively short, hardly ever taken and I occasionally get fun messages from other people with GT connections who recognize my username as a GT number.
It’s a combination of my last name and the undisputed, best cartoon character to ever be imagined, Optimus Prime.
I’m the crazy aunt that the familial offspring love to hang with. Plus…you got it!..my birth year.
@AuntMean67 Generation X forever!
I spent about 10 seconds coming up with a variation on “meh” that would help me remember my login for a weird site I expected to visit only rarely.
@macromeh That’s kind of the same way I came up with mine. I didn’t expect it to get seen much at all.
I have no idea why I picked my username but it’s something I’ve been using for a long time. I know I originally tried to pick star and that was taken so I just picked a couple sets of numbers I would remember. I think they were keno/lotto numbers I used to play a lot. It turns out 22 is the date of one of my good friends bdays too.
I like aliases that I don’t identify with. Thought of a farmer character man, figured, sure, that’ll do.
My full handle is actually CannonFodder. Because games used to limit you to eight characters (Yeah I know!) it was shortened to Fodder. This was because it was I became in every new game that I played. I’ve probably been using Fodder since '99 or 2000. The first game where I used it online in a multiplayer environment was World War II Online in June of 2001.
Oh, ah, I used it in a PocketPC forum; my then-wife (now ex) referred to the gadget as my “brain” and I kept it in my pocket. Then it got used again and re-used and it keeps resurfacing somehow. Of course, a smartphone replaced the stand-alone PDA long ago, and of course I keep all my lists and appointments in it, so still a spare brain in my pocket.
@PocketBrain Which forum? I used to run one.
Aximsite, and associated sites.
Every few years this thread starts…
Here ya go!
Since I wasn’t here when the original thread was started… Nickname was given to me by friends when I started competing in the cooking contests at the The Great State Fair of Texas. And before anyone asks, not the fried crap that you see on tv. That’s the vendors. The contests I enter are amateur chefs only. Most are for baking but there are some that like my ex described as “real food”