Entertain Me
17Here’s the deal. I’m looking for fun, entertaining content, cool gifs, links to cool stuff, informative things, podcast recommendations, and just general great stuff. If you post something that gets people talking, I’ll start handing out Fukos left and right.
Make it happen.
- 81 comments, 182 replies
- Comment
There once was a company called woot,
It used to be a hoot.
It was bought out by the 'zon
Now all the fun is gone
A billion deals are whack
But Matt and the crew are back
To give us just one deal
Yes, this shit’s for real
So buy and buy and buy some more
Because meh.com just turned four
So, how should you guys celebrate?
You should give some stuff away
No seriously, give it to me
I’ll take it, if it’s free
Oh that lichme, he’s a jerk
Don’t believe me, just ask irk
But as for meh, you deserve something too
You guys are awesome, we love the things you do
So have a party, make some noise
Get wasted, all the girls and boys
Sell more stuff, deals, and junk
Drink more beer, get more drunk
Raise a glass, and say a cheer
Then do it all again next year.
Happy Birthday Meh
This image is a jpg. It doesn’t move.
@rockblossom This is a gif. It moves.
@medz 0, finally 1 that I can see!
@llangley Do you see anything else besides the 0?
@medz I see two 0’s, and an 11
@lichme You have astigmatism?
@medz It’s been about 15 years since I had an eye exam, it’s possibly.
If I look at it close up, I see two overlapping numbers (and parts of a third)
If I pull my head away, I see a single 1/0
@lichme Hmmm… I see a single 0 on the left and 1 on the right as the image pans over. Can’t get myself to see the double numbers.
@lichme @medz @llangley
But you can see this in stereo, right?
@lichme @medz I see blue and yellow stuff that makes my eyes hurt.
@medz When I see the single digits, they pan
(0 from left to right, then back: 1 from right to left then back)
@medz yep, the 1
@medz I spent so much time looking at those things in the 90s that to this day I can just look at them and see the stereoscopic effect. I think those things did shit to me…
@medz @shahnm I assume you also eat your Snickers bars with a fork and knife?
/image mr pitt magic eye
@lichme @medz It depends on how “deep” you focus your eyes. I don’t know how else to explain it, but if you only “overlap” it once, you see one “1” and one “0”
If you focus your eyes deeper into the image, you can overlap it further and get up to four 1’s and 0’s. If the image were wider, or the repetitions in it were narrower, you could get more.
@rockblossom I swear it’s moving!
@savvysapphire Open the image full-size in a new tab. It will coil and wiggle even more, but it is just your brain playing a joke on you - because brains have an odd sense of humor.
@rockblossom oh sweet I love it. I like that my brain likes to mess with me!
@Dweezle @lichme @medz
It seems that I all not deep then.
@Dweezle @f00l @lichme @medz
All I can get my brain to see is a bunch of images of a chicken face-palming (beak-winging?).
@ChadP Many thanks!
@narfcake perpetual motion machine.
@ChadP Thank you!
/giphy hot-voiceless-desire
@narfcake This is one of many reasons my cats aren’t allowed in the bathroom.
Well not only being told in court that you are dead, but losing the appeal as well, certainly raises some interesting questions.
On the bright side for him, last week they decided he was, in fact, living after all.
@PlacidPenguin how did they not know he was still alive, as it was a dead giveaway?
Sadly, it’s happened in the US as well.
Full disclosure - I won one for sub-naming the new IRK bag, so . . .
Pretty sure this meets aforementioned requirements:
And there’s always this:
Was supposed to be moving…
/image corndog loop animated
@ChadP WOO HOO you are easily amused! And I am so happy to be getting my first Fuko!
This site is always a good time waster for me.
@stardate820926 I prefer this site: www.newwoot.com
Podcasts worth your time:
Great apps that I use all the time:
Crafting machine worth the $ (if you don’t like crafting, that’s fine, we can’t be friends, but you can still look at the image of cool stuff I made and be jealous):
And that’s just some cool things I had in mind. If I come up with more, you’ll be the first to know.
@debraae and Sword and Scale is great podcast
@moonhat Thanks, I’ll check it out!
@debraae if you like crime stuff, and creepy true tales, you’ll love it
@moonhat Yes, and YES! I’m in for sure
@ChadP What?!? That’s AWESOME! Thank you!
But why would you want a Furby musical instrument? Not really sure, but here is the soundtrack to all your nightmares.
Plus, the Apprehension Engine.
For all your special films…
Hex Fever is still one of my favorite games. Thanks to @bingo for originally sharing it back in 2015.
@capguncowboy I feel like you should have to give me a fuko for this one.
Because race
carvan.Okay, so there’s this really trippy site I found years ago, you just have to keep playing around with stuff to get to the next page or level or whatever. I can’t even explain it. Just see for yourself. euh
@ChadP Aw, yay! Thanks!
(Wait… Why have you not been goat yet?)
@lichme 17
@lichme order of operations. 15.
An alternatively acceptable answer would be:
Irk + Glen + Fuku/Fuko = A whole lot of disappointment.
Is it 60 disappointments?
@lichme 15, right? (Yeah, I had some help.)
@lichme 5+1x10=15
Answer Here
@lichme 26 as 5 (irk) plus 1 ( one irk sock) plus the fuko bag (10)is 26
@lichme @shahnm it’s only 16 because it’s only showing one sock in the last example not two—so sock it to me as the saying went on Laugh In back in the day…5 plus 1 plus 10 is 16
@lichme awwww i was trying to correct the math showing it as 16 not 26 and time ran out so posted it again saying 16 - one irk worth 5 points, I irk sock so only 2 points and I fuko bag worth 10 points (debatable so total 16)
@lichme lol I still screwed writing it up…that’s what I get for typing with one hand using the iPad while talking on my cellphone at the same time…I meant I to type irk sock is only one point but wrote instead “so only 2” grrr …
@AttyVette close, but not all addition, there is multiplication in there too.
A look back at a classic - Gangham Style!
@mfladd I fucking love this song so hard.
@mfladd I liked that stupid song so much that I bought the dance in PShome when that was a thing.
@RiotDemon I found a version just for you.
@mfladd I watched the whole rube Goldberg video wondering why you linked that, haha.
Leo is great. I follow him on YouTube. I don’t think he’s done a cover that I didn’t like.
@mfladd @RiotDemon Leo does some amazing shit. Love him.
Beware the Octopus!
@mfladd Is that the literal octopussy?
@shahnm Why yes, Mr. Bond!
@mfladd Beware the Mighty Septopus!
@ChadP You are too kind, Mr. P!
@mfladd you FINALLY get one!!!
Meh is a website, you see,
Who ships you old crap for a fee.
When you see it you’ll want it,
When you get it you’ll say “shit”,
And hate that you’re a VMP.
Here is some cool things:
The first is technically a car commercial, but ignoring that it is really clever
Then there is Theo Janse’s stuff that is wind powered and walks on the beach
Article https://www.boredpanda.com/sculptures-that-walk-on-the-wind/
Marble machines/rolling ball sculptures are always fun:
These play music
(kind of long)
The “regular” kind
Little desk top one:
Go to 1 min to see the entire thing in one shot
The forth are some really cool kinetic wall sculptures
Click on each of them and you will get to pages where you see videos. I like best the ones that remind me of birds, for example,
But there are all different kinds on there like, for example,
@Kidsandliz this post was very long.
Just saw this beauty:
@therealjrn I don’t totally agree with the message. I’m a believer in the idea that most people think they can’t achieve anything, so they aim in the middle, and that’s what makes competition for middle jobs, middle living, middle-of-the-road stuff so fierce. Meanwhile, competition at the top and bottom is quite light. Anyway.
@ChadP Thank you!
The Random Deepak Chopra
“Experiential truth relies on the progressive expansion of experiences”
“The web of life differentiates into the mechanics of abstract beauty”
“Intuition transcends the barrier of photons”
My favorite youtubers Kyde & Eric turned me onto this group from Japan and it is a great time suck to go and watch a bunch of their videos whether you understand a word of it or not.
< src=“” >
< src=“”>
/giphy many thanks
She brings gifts at all hours.
Sorry for the poor quality, I am not good at videos. Pictures just do not capture the full experience.
No one’s more entertaining than this guy.
Hey, have you guys seen those bad lip reading videos? They’re pretty wild. You should totally check them out.
@ChadP do whispers cause an alert like posts do?
@thismyusername you will get an email about a whisper that is 5 minutes old as long as you haven’t refreshed that forum thread in those 5 minutes. The thread will not show bold and at the top of the screen though if only a whisper was added to it.
@ChadP Enjoy the trip, see you in a week or two: https://www.oddee.com/
@ChadP Wait, should I be scared since you said you were sending one for the Color Irk thread too? Do I need a bigger trash can? Either way, thank you (I think?)!
here’s a Valentine’s day card I made for the boy to take to school.
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl
I heard this on the radio recently. It’s pretty great.
@Seeds so so so good.
@ChadP right? And thank you!
I really think this picture is some of my best work:
/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/wet-t-shirt-2
Wet T-Shirt
Price: $15.00
Condition: Probably New
@ChadP thanks! I am glad you were amused!
One of my favorite news stories from 2017:
“New Hampshire Republicans Accidentally Pass Law Allowing Pregnant Women To Kill People”
Yup, that happened!
/youtube too many cooks
@ACraigL I have a Smarf shirt.
(Didn’t pay full price, of course.)
@narfcake Ha! Awesome!
@ACraigL Damn it, going to be singing the chorus for the rest of the day.
Did you know that male platypus are poisonous? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus_venom
@sprockett01 also that bananas aren’t the same. http://mentalfloss.com/article/26691/these-arent-your-grandparents-bananas
@sprockett01 p.s.s. the mental floss site is pretty cool.
@sprockett01 this is pretty nifty as well. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/amp22063129/spiders-can-harness-electric-fields-to-fly/
@sprockett01 So Perry could have just poisoned Dr. Doofenshmirtz in the first roller coaster one and ended it all right then?
@zachdecker yeah only if it was Perry’s mating season.
I have wasted a fair amount of time on this:
The eyeballing game
pretty much all of Matthias’ site is cool, as is his youtube channel.
@ChadP thanks!
tho, in full disclosure, I won/purchased a Fuko in the 8am bunch.
so, maybe now I’ll get two full of used napkins & empty soda cans . . .
time will tell.
An oldie but a goodie
/giphy pillsbury dough boy pooping
@ChadP oh wow! Thank you!
I already got a fuko, not trying for one, but there’s lots of fun trivia in the responses in this tweet from Paris Hilton.
@lisaviolet not trying you say.
@lichme Horrifying. I also think I remember when that was out.
@ACraigL They are still making them. I bought one for my daughter 2 months ago, although it’s nothing like I remember it. Toys aren’t built like they used to be.
@lichme How has that theme song not spawned a million dirty memes?
@lichme I watch old commercials from time to time. This one is nuts.
@ChadPSo go to Corvette Forum and read off topic sections. People post all sorts of things and some of its really funny. www.corvetteforum.com New and improved random gifs, etc.
You can read the thread postings without joining the forum btw.
@AttyVette @ChadP it posted while I was trying to correct your screen name…
@AttyVette that stuff is crazy. I frequent a couple forums and they have similar weirdness.
@ChadP thank you - u are the best
Automatic ball launcher that dog uses
@AttyVette This is fantastic!
Did you know that cats are afraid of cucumbers? Well, even if you already knew that - who doesn’t love watching cat videos?
@debraae funny…not funny for the cats though
@AttyVette Absolutely true!!! Sorry, I should have prefaced that post with “I have two cats and would NEVER do this to them”…
@debraae I didn’t think they were your cats lol just thought whoa…those cats really don’t like those cucumbers
Young deer trying to learn how to play volleyball…must be more of the soccer type
@AttyVette How can that deer be playing volleyball without an official volleyball uniform?
@ChadP oh deer I don’t know
@ChadP this could blow your mind …
@AttyVette And that’s why OSHA mandates tire inflation cages.
Hello Internet Podcast
A new episode every two or three weeks, or so.
@ChadP Thank you!
/giphy Fuko is dead
Guy passing his beer
Funny gif
@AttyVette omg! Not sure which is funnier, the fact that he moves his belly and the monkey on his shirt moves…or the faces he makes
@savvysapphire cute cat…
@AttyVette Thank you. Jet was dreaming of becoming Irk I think, but he couldn’t quite get the teeth right lol
Cat telling a joke to a dog
Apparently everyone has a beach body
@savvysapphire lol ain’t it the truth.
How to react when the wheel fails while on the track …
@narfcake can you say tread lightly here?
@narfcake that’s great.
how I felt trying to get last Fukoburo only to get continual green loading line signaling I was going to be outta luck -as usual.
@savvysapphire meh too although my hair is on top of my head so technically on my mind
Ok Meh’ers we must get people talking and then fukos will be thrown out left and right as stated above—(well actually they do that already when we all clamored to purchase them on Meh’s 4th birthday as they go out fast left and right). Anyways spread the word far and wide and get mehers in here talking about our posted stuff and we can be winners ( or losers depending upon how you look at it) of more fukos!
@AttyVette ah. Talking? That terrifies me lol! Though I like this gif
Yeah, wat @AttyVette said
@debraae @savvysapphire thanks for the reply —yes @savvysapphire I thought this child was adorable and couldn’t help but post this gif!
@AttyVette I love this!! I have a video of my tot booty shaking while drinking out of a cup…but this is next level…I need her to step up her game…lol
@ChadP - Are you not entertained?
@kdemo Not even a little bit. Yikes.
@ChadP - Fair enough.
Watching the BVI Soggy Dollar Bar webcam while at work and dreaming of being there…
@moonhat wow that is beautiful water and beautiful beach area…that could be very entertaining when people start drinking a lot and you can watch them via the webcam
@AttyVette supposedly that bar is where the painkiller cocktail originated from
/image painkiller cocktail
@AttyVette @moonhat
It’s kinda hard to drink Pusser’s Rum any other way after you’ve had this stealthy, exceptionally smooth cocktail
[Dog gone it]
Come on mehers, let’s get this party started and dance dog gone it!
@ChadP ok and I quote what you said above…”If you post something that gets people talking, I’ll start handing out Fukos left and right.” So here it is so please start handing out the fukos to all of us in here now…this is it what you asked for and is shown in the attached gif![A cell phone —][1]
The answer is——a cell phone ringing and then people answering it gets people talking of course! Very simple and it’s true too so please start passing out the fukos
@AttyVette ![another cell phone gif][1]
@AttyVette @ChadP one more cell phone gif-[definately gets people talking when they answer it or call someone else on it]
@AttyVette @ChadP The girls and I are watching. We have been talking all evening. Is the mute stuck on?
@speediedelivery lol maybe so
@speediedelivery they are too cute! I love how one is a bit more petite, and one is a bit rounder. Beauties.
@moonhat The little black one was a stray we couldn’t resist. She is about 6 pounds. The big girl is a rescue and is close to 20 pounds. We also have the bigger ones mom and she is a sleek 8 pounds. They are all brats but fun.
@speediedelivery well they are lovely ladies who are lucky they live with you!
Was there ever a better song cue? Am I the only obsessive Soft Cell fan here?
@ChadP Aw, thanks! I assume all credit goes to Marc Almond’s slow-motion turn to the camera and wink while holding an oversized note symbol in the middle of the video.
“I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don’t exist."
Seems like you are only handing them out left
@lichme right you are
@lichme write
@ChadP @lichme
@chad - My gosh you gave out a lot of them! Thank you so much!
@Kidsandliz yes he did. And. Maybe it’s for the best that I didn’t get a lot of people talking lol!! I’m still in love with the non-moving pic that looked like it was moving. But then, I’m also easily amused
@Kidsandliz @savvysapphire and lucky for us, so is @chadp!
@ChadP @Kidsandliz @llangley yeah. However I think I’m more easily amused he didn’t seem impressed with what I posted…and yet I was laughing at it. But, again, that’s a good thing. It means almost anything keeps me from festering in a bad mood lol! This thread was very entertaining, even kept me out of trouble for a few hours lol!!
Wow! Thanks.
(rereads the cautionary rule)
I think.
similar to AmyVette’s mention of the OT at Corvette forum, “t3h OT” at North American Subaru Impreza Owner’s Club (nasioc.com) is pretty entertaining.
it’s also fairly insular/inbred at times, so I STRONGLY suggest lurking a while (then a while longer) before posting.
as it says on the forum menu
t3h OT
“political playground” sub forum is to be avoided at all costs.
unless you’re the sort who enjoys shrieking your views repeatedly while others do the same.
then, knock yourself out.
but, the fact that they needed to be put in an area away from everyone else should be a clue . . .
Being an Ultimate Frisbee player, this highlight video appealed to me. Hope you enjoy.
/youtube Pro Ultimate is Back
There’s a Dallas team to enjoy: Dallas Roughnecks
This thread is crashing my phone so I can’t say thanks on my post.
Can’t wait to see the variety of fukos that will be passed out from this thread!
Thanks @ChadP!
Three cheers for @ChadP !! Hip hip , hip hip Hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray— you were extremely generous with the Fukos and we thank you
@AttyVette Enthusiastically seconded!
@AttyVette @mossygreen Thirded!
An oldie but still in my mind, “the most most important image ever taken” The only thing to make me feel full of hope and heartbroken at the same time.
@aliciamarquis Had not seen this. Seriously cool. Thanks for posting this.
Everyone has seen this by now, right?
@medz also, thanks for fixing my corn dog loop, I may owe you a half a Fuko…
@llangley Don’t you worry about ol’ medz. I’ve already got some fuko coming to me.
@medz That’s gross.
/giphy dear God why
Fuck it. I’m leaving that gross gif.
@medz @RiotDemon NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
Worst Mariachi Band Ever. This kills me everytime I see it.
Call Me Maybe: Dolphins Cheerleaders vs U.S. Military
Do your eyes look left, or right?
@mfladd right.
I’ve been out of town touring colleges for the past couple of days but thinking of you guys. I found something cool and had to share it.
We were in the visitor’s center at Winston-Salem, NC, birthplace of R.J. Reynolds tobacco. There was an old cigarette machine and I was just telling my daughter, see that, those were all over the place when I was a kid, then I noticed it said “Art-O-Mat.” And one of the levers had a drawing of a doggie. A DOGGIE! So I threw a twenty at the lady and said GIVE ME TOKENS!
The first piece of artwork was I don’t even know- it was in the wrong slot. Then we got 3 doggies!
I love my doggies! Or doggie and a half. Anyone want a thing made out of trash found at a lake in Minnesota? It’s art, apparently.
@sammydog01 that’s so cool!!
@sammydog01 apparently it’s a thing
I MUST find one of these!!
@sammydog01 @stardate820926 I didn’t realize they were still doing this! I’m kind of shocked that there are only two left in IL and neither is in Chicago. I could get to Crystal Lake, though.
The doggies are super-cute.
@stardate820926 I heard about it before- I think it was from here. If not I would have walked right by it for a fourth time.
@mossygreen @stardate820926 The lady said that they are all over Winston-Salem. There’s one in town I still haven’t checked out.
@mossygreen @sammydog01 @stardate820926
I have peeps in Crystal Lake.
@compunaut @mossygreen @stardate820926 Take cash for art next time you go!
Turns out it sounded familiar not only because I read about it here but because I responded that I would track a machine down.
@sammydog01 There’s an art-o-mat at my favorite brunch place in PDX. I should throw money at it some time!
@neuroticsilence I would love to see what you got!
Is it too late to be entertaining? I’ve got some entertaining entertainment to entertain you with but I can’t get it off my PC onto my phone to upload until tonight. (And I can’t upload from that PC)