My teen daughter has gotten random Hamilton songs stuck in my head. I will ne sitting at work, minding my own business, when all of the sudden a song from the musical will pop in and I am stuck with it the rest of the day.
@lisaviolet I have found that I don’t even have to hear it. If someone just mentions it, my own internal music player puts it on repeat. So I have only myself to blame for the next week or two…
First of all thank all of you for the wonderful songs repeating through my head all day long. Being old and “uncool,” I only recently found out about this 3-year-old video recently. It’s quite funny in my opinion but definitely would not leave my brain for several days.
No! No! No! I am not going to listen to that clip. I am not familiar with the song and fear that ear worms are contagious! (grin).
@Kidsandliz this is a super fun song. super, I tell you, SUPER. And Samuel L. Jackson sings.

/giphy It’s a trick. Right?
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet I forgot about that scene. It is pretty wonderful. He is a very funny man.
I was going to drop this in another thread that got locked.
The best form of recycling is reuse!
@mehcuda67 I like that song.
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.

/giphy mic drop
@mike808 can’t believe how long that took!!
@mike808 Must have broke when you dropped it because it doesn’t work.
@mike808 I have never, ever, heard that song.
Should I consider myself fortunate for that?
@lisaviolet Youtube views are almost 8 Billion.
/youtube baby shark 10 hour
The Mehrathon song.
My teen daughter has gotten random Hamilton songs stuck in my head. I will ne sitting at work, minding my own business, when all of the sudden a song from the musical will pop in and I am stuck with it the rest of the day.
@cf1 No. Just no. You cannot play.
Ah, crap, here it comes…and just behind it - there’s Mrs Jones lovely daughter…
@lisaviolet I have found that I don’t even have to hear it. If someone just mentions it, my own internal music player puts it on repeat. So I have only myself to blame for the next week or two…
@cf1 I love Herman’s Hermits
This one is driving me crazy - I didn’t used to mind it but now I can’t stand it anymore.
@Kyeh However I do like his story, and the attention he got from Mick Fleetwood & others, and the free truck full of Ocean Spray.
First of all thank all of you for the wonderful songs repeating through my head all day long. Being old and “uncool,” I only recently found out about this 3-year-old video recently. It’s quite funny in my opinion but definitely would not leave my brain for several days.