Thread rules. New posts have to be made when you’re drunk. You’re the judge of what counts as drunk for you. You can reply to other people’s posts no matter what your state is.
@f00l I kind of figured you knew (and forgot that he mentioned it in the beginning) but I also figured that if all goes according to plan this thread will be a hotbed of drunken confusion so…
When I listen to a lot of the shit that got me through my formative years, that decision quickly becomes regrettable. Nirvana has held up, though, Cobain really was doing some powerful work. Damn shame.
@f00l I’m skeptical of how this will work. If one is drunk, will they have the capacity to remember this thread and go post? That’s asking a lot of the soused.
Well, if someone makes new threads containing one post each since they can’t remember that this thread exists, can’t the posts just get moved by a mehmployee?
John Wayne as Davy Crockett - 7-8 min clip. 1960 film.
He doesn’t completely suck either
Final battle 13 min
Whole film in a tiny box for some reason
Never saw the newer film. Anyone seen it?
Riding a trained stunt horse from a gallop to a fall is something. Even if you can see both the riders and the horses setting up for the fall as the horse runs. The riders’ balances and postures adjust and the horses’ gaits and balances shift and the reining changes a bit.
Mel Brooks wanted him to do the Waco Kid in Blazing Saddles.
Wayne read the script and laughed all nite. Or so I read somewhere.
Then he went to Brooks and said “I can’t do this - I’m John Wayne. But I’ll be first in line to see this film.”
If your Mom and Dad would worry about what intoxicants you take (if they knew), or whether you should be seen in public in that mental state, I vote that it counts for this thread.
@f00l Full disclosure - I have lightened my drinking considerably over the last year and now limit myself to one shot of vodka with breakfast, a couple of drinks at lunch (when I actually eat lunch - and it isn’t that often - I typically only eat once a day, a late supper) and I won’t continue to drink every night at home after work but I do drink a couple at dinner . . . But my THC intake has skyrocketed. I routinely consume one, maybe two Cheeba Chews (175mg THC) during the day and average two a night, one before dinner and one after. Sometimes I’ll also have a high content (THC infused) beverage used as a mixer. Conversely, my opioid use has lessened dramatically. I was on a shit-ton of morphine after a recent accident (during my goat month here actually) and I’ve been in perpetual pain since. I’ve always smoked for recreation, and still do occasionally, but the edibles have been a gift from <insert your higher power here> when it comes to pain mitigation / management.
The shot with breakfast is a leftover from when I was a young teen and I was around my Russian grandfather on his farm. He’d typically have two or three shots before milking the cows and four or five or even more at lunch. I couldn’t keep up with him at night - no one could. But I suppose it is where I get a lot of my tolerance. And genetically I’m blessed with a good / strong liver. Other than grandfather’s vodka habit from Russia, there is no family predisposition to alcoholism and I do have the variant of the CYP2E1 gene that many researchers agree probably explains why I can drink more than others and not feel as drunk but yet stop drinking all-together when I feel like it.
Many Europeans drink with breakfast, and alcohol consumption is looked upon very differently in other cultures - it probably helps to keep a lot of Mediterranean people as healthy as they are. Do I drink too much? Fuck yes. But I’m getting old, and I have to die of something, and the clock ticking in general is going to get me long before my drinking will.
@Pavlov Ever try supreme CBD kush? I started growing it for the wife’s cramps, but I actually really like it too. I’d say for pain killing it’s comparable to a valium/opiate combo, but without the physical dependency.
Re your TL:DR
it was too short. You know I love text.
My own TL:DR about the stuff below: personal thoughts. Not worth much? Read whatcha want.
Re intoxicant intake:
Goddam Sam!
Yeah the genes may help. I don’t know if I have any such. I rarely take any intoxicants other than caffeine and sometimes some prescribed neurotransmitter booster shit if I’m in the mood. THC would knock me flat nowadays. Alcohol is for social. Whatever.
But once upon a time decades ago I may have kept up with you for a few years.
My theory is that if your body is ok and your family thing is ok and your career/biz is ok then you prob know what you’re doing and are managing fine.
I know the Europeans think our sobriety is nuts. Uncivilized. Heard a story about some English folks who wondered if a host family member was an alcoholic just because they weren’t served wine at a home dinner on Long Island.
But the Europeans didn’t go to the moon or invent the internet. And the Chinese just may just eat them. So, arguments can go either way.
Re: accident.
I saw the original thread and messages. Fucking mind-blowing. But at the time, my life felt way more like crap, and I was letting severe social anxiety and depression make my decisions, and wasn’t posting here, except v rarely, and felt too unknown and out of place to say much. Besides, a month or more till you’d see it anyway.
When I think of your accident - I wonder if that exact moment was as horrible physically as when the Federal Bldg in OK came down on people who survived. Or how it was for people pulled out of earthquake rubble. These are the only analogies I have.
I figured you that you had to have continuing pain after that - got a bro who is an anesthesiologist.
I salute you for not showing that ongoing pain much. I suppose not admitting to the ongoing pain - ever - would be bad - isolating - but admitting too much and you’re focusing on the pain, and focusing less on trying to keep going. Takes some guts I think.
So Salud.
Re your biz:
Sounds awesome.
Really awesome.
Even tho I’m not sure what sort of film services you provide.
@Pantheist I’ve tried several high CDB strains and also have tried high CBD edibles which are said to contain only trace THC. My body prefers / reacts positively when THC is on the higher side of the equation in the end product.
@baqui63 A local research facility was sequencing my son for pain / anti-depressant prescribing purposes (at his neurologist’s recommendation) and they sequenced me and the wife also. I got into a huge conversation with the research fellow about CYP2E1 and he added it and we got results back for all three of us. I believe 23andme includes it in their $200 test.
@Pavlov I waiver on the marijuana legality thing, but I watched something about Portland and it kind of changed my mind. If Georgia would make it legal, and the citizens would be as responsible as the citizens for Portland, I would so be voting Yes(if I got a vote). I am constantly told that it would be awesome for my back. I had some issues prior to, but then I was thrown from my horse and the issues prior to tripled. I take pain meds everyday that work somewhat but I’ve heard just from you now that THC works much better. So fingers crossed I can get my fellow bible belters to see it would not be anymore destructive than alcohol and then I can try it out for myself. Although I did try some mary ja wanna back in the day and it did nothing for me. I don’t have the best lungs, they hate smoke so I guess I’d have to eat my meds. So better back, and worse scale…sigh.
Hope you get some relief soon. I’ll be thinking of you. (and saying some prayers to the higher power of my choice(I liked that!)
@mehbee I can toss ya my cannabutter recipe if ya ever want it so you can eat cookies instead of smoke. I personally like joints because it helps moderate my usage- I have to spend time rolling it, get bundled up, go outside, etc. You probably have better self control than me though.
What’s the story with all these name brand refined differentiated products with exact dosing info?
Mail order?
“Your local guy”?
It doesn’t put you in a hazy place? It doesn’t kill the will to work all day and nite when you’re into something?
The best, cleanest - felt like you stepped into a clarity mirror - stuff I ever got was in the Philippines - some Thai that came over the Peace Corps network of those days. Long time ago - Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Field were still US bases. But no one knew exactly what was in the Thai. It was weed, after all.
the last time I tried it, decades ago now, instant regret - way too strong, I was unaccustomed, and I knew my mind wouldn’t work properly according to my intentions for perhaps two days. Was so annoyed with self that I had been too curious.
You both seem to be talking precise dosing and known quality, familiar products with exact composition, like a known vineyard, or a known source of ibuprofen. THC pros and cons.
What are the high vs low THC pros and cons?
What is this world of exact familiar accessible products, that feel like they’re upscale, designed, marketed? Where does someone come across these?
Have no desire to take up this practice. Unless life really really changes anyway. Am curious tho.
It’s a long way from harsh Mexican Happy Dope at $5 a lid.
@f00l I’m in the middle of something and not reading this whole thing right now, but I grow and in maine for 100 bucks you can get 6 samples of your weed tested for cannabinoids/flavinoids.
edit: i will read the whole thing in 20 mins. sorry if i jumped the gun
@f00l Ok, so for me: Growing costs me about $50/month in electricity, $75/grow cycle in soil, bat shit, and fish carcasses. I can get seeds for free, cheap, or for 10-20/seed. Since I can take cuttings, if I take 12 seeds, take cuttings before they flower, then grow them out I can get whatever phenotype I like best and grow it repeatedly. In the long run the seed cost is inconsequential so there is no reason not to go for the expensive selectively bred seeds. When it comes to substances other than alcohol, I am absolutely a snob about what I put in my body because the effects vary so widely and I can be. For me high cbd/low thc just kills my motivation without being particularly enjoyable, high thc/low cbd is fun and energetic, but can be racy if I smoke too much, and 1:1 ratio is relaxing and gives me waves of warmness, but I can still be productive.
@f00l There is no exact dosing possible with mass manufactured edibles as you only have what the manufacturer states the THC / CBD content infused is, and whether or not it was indica or sativa. They generally don’t QA test a ton unless they are huge, like Dixie or Cheeba. But you never really know - you take them at their word. I buy high THC to CBD ratio and generally the higher the stated level of THC in a trusted brand the better my chances of getting a good product. Everyone reacts differently to THC and CBD and combos - I cut a single “chew” up and dose it in thirds over a couple of hours to alleviate pain. No, I don’t generally feel near the same high from edibles as from smoking - but that’s just me. Some people will completely fucking trip ass balls on edibles, but I usually do not. I’m more productive with the drug than without, as I am not in pain.
@f00l Legally in a state where it’s illegal? I don’t think it’s happening, but I haven’t really looked. Seeds you can buy online from other countries and worst case scenario you get a letter from customs saying they were confiscated (although I’ve never actually heard of even that happening outside of forums online).
You aren’t going to get anything illegal under federal law through US mail legally, and as far as I know there aren’t any states that say it’s legal to carry it across state lines.
@f00l This is the first place I’ve lived where it’s been legal and I haven’t looked at the law elsewhere. Here it’s been medical for awhile- you get a certificate from a doctor- they don’t call it a prescription because that can cause issues with medical license-there are quite a few whose entire practice is writing the certificates. From there you have three options- you can grow up to 6 plants for yourself, you can go to a caregiver and let them grow for you (to become a caregiver it’s 300 bucks/year/patient for up to 5 patients), or you can go to a dispensary. Good caregivers and all dispensaries get their shit tested with chromatography and post the results- I personally save the printout in case anyone asks, and I’d imagine most others actually getting the tests done do the same.
Starting next year we’re going to have marijuana social clubs and retail stores for recreational use and they will all be required to have their product tested and percentages listed, but that’s new so I don’t know much about it yet
@f00l of course the whole certificate/caregiver thing is kinda silly now unless you want another individual (not a larger business) to grow for you since everyone is allowed 6 flowering plants, 12 non-flowering plants, and unlimited seedlings starting Jan 9. I imagine chromatography costs will get cheaper too with increased demand.
@f00l THC edibles are available in most all states that allow for some form of legalized pot, both medicinal and recreational shops will carry them. But, this varies by state. The recreational side may be a bit lower in THC per unit sold and will absolutely be more expensive. There are many online retailers that will ship CBD only edibles anywhere in the US. Shipping THC edibles out of a state that allows them by law is not as risky as shipping bud, but it is still illegal. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.
Stone cold sober here, but since FL approved medical marijuana, and the amendment takes effect on Jan. 3, I am following the topic with deep interest. I’ve fallen behind on the SNPs associated with alcohol and THC. However, I have my downloaded data from a few DNA testing companies, and Promethease is my friend. Maybe I can focus long enough to read my reports all the way through.
For those who do not allow tobacco smoking indoors, do you also not allow HTC products to be smoked indoors? What are the commonplace social and family rules for that?
@f00l I have a very sensitive sense of smell. For me there’s no smoking indoors, period. If you want to vaporize plant matter that’s fine, but if you want to vaporize that shit that’s in polypropylene glycol it better not be heavily perfumed (it all is)
@f00l I have asthma. No smoking, no incense, and air filtration machines run 24/7 here. In pollen season we use HEPA filters. Edibles will be my only option.
@f00l no cigarettes, no drugs. My partner uses electronic cigarettes and I don’t mind them because he uses flavors that actually smell good.
The smell of burning weed is disgusting to me, just like cigarettes. I hate when I have to stand next to someone that’s been smoking. I hate it even more when I go to a concert and get forced to smell it.
@f00l I was at a party a few months ago, and when it was winding down, I kept smelling weed at random times. Finally I noticed a guy taking single hits off a pipe in the middle of the house. I was probably pretty rude, but I told him to take that shit outside. I thought he was more rude for not asking if people minded that he smoked it inside.
I don’t give a shit if people smoke, I just don’t want it around me.
I know my reaction is probably worse because I had a terrible experience with it in my teen years and decided I would never do it again.
When I’m around my mom, and she wants to smoke cigarettes, I’ll flat out tell her that it stinks. She is not allowed to even smoke in my car. It makes me want to vomit. I hate going to places that allow smoking because it makes my hair stink and I have to wash my hair. I have really long hair, so I don’t wash it everyday. So I try to avoid any place with cigarettes unless my hair needs washing.
Luckily there’s local billiards place that has a non smoking room… But you still have to stand in the cigarette riddled bar if you want to get drinks and to get the billiard balls.
yeas. and celebrations in ogeneral iof other things.
What’s her name? Pics? OMG don’t tell me you shacked up with ____ and I’m so far out of the gossip loop I didn’t know. Sheeeeeit. If that’s the case I better rearrange my priorities in life . . . JUST SAYIN’!
@f00l it’s weird… But I burn incense quite often. I’m picky about my incense though. Only certain scents are ok. I bought some that was too smoky, which was a bummer, because it smelled awesome.
@RiotDemon When my mom was in the care facility (she had health issues due to her drinking), early one sunday morning (as we were still in bed, it wasn’t even seven), the phone rings. It was the facility where she lived.
“You give your mama cigarettes?”
Uh, no. Why?
She found some somewhere and lit up in her bed. The patient in the bed next to her was on oxygen. They had to evacuate the area.
When I asked mom about it, she said “I did? Where did I get cigarettes? I must have stolen them from someone.” (Her mind was gone.)
I don’t doubt that one of her well meaning friends slipped her a couple when they visited.
@Pantheist haha. I tried rereading the chain to figure out where someone mentioned photos or something where you might be asking for an Instagram account.
Came back from a rugby banquet-- drunk. These daily video musical skits are really undervalued. I hope you all realize The genius behind it. They don’t belong by on this daily deal website.
@matthew What the fuck. I just called my mom and aunt to wish them happy late Chanukah (and appologzed for being so busy lately in my message) before my uncle told me that it doesn’t start until the 24th. I love your videos, but you are a dick for misleading me.
@PlacidPenguin@riotdemon december is a nicely quiet month. i’m on-call for night support this month, it’d be funny if i got a call tonight, but it is a very quiet month globally. i work in the logistics industry, and by december most of the xmas shopping trade has already been completed, so users have already had most of their software problems. goes to watch tesla coils
@RiotDemon I saw Tesla coils play music at a science museum. The room was a giant Faraday cage. They even had a keyboard attached to it. We had to wear hearing protection. Totally amazing.
@sammydog01 I’m totally jealous. I went looking to see if there is any exhibits in Florida. The only place I found was a museum that was closed. All of the other mentions were about colleges having demonstrations anywhere from 3-10 years ago.
Must keep searching.
I just confirmed that if you leave the window with the delete button open you can delete things even after 5 minutes have passed. I wonder if you cna at any time if you save the link.
anwyho I salvaged this from antother thread, this seemed like a better place since I qualify
Didn’t watch movies. Went outside and walked and talked all night. Only a few times. After the first time you’ve got the idea. Didn’t ever do it just for novelty.
Don’t forget how hard that stuff is on you, mentally and physically, just in terms of the amphetamine-type qualities. Bad bad bad. It’s a beast. And can do damage, instantly or over time. And can really do damage emotionally. And once it’s going there’s no shutoff save time or the ER that I know of.
And that’s all assuming it’s a decent experience. There were plenty of experiences that weren’t decent. Dangerous in so many ways.
PS if anyone cares, the “more drugs” quote was a joke from the Movie League thread. And I wasn’t recommending.
So, I’ve been trying to convince the wife to make paintings of her series “Really big acorn, tiny little squirrel” and to sell them on etsy or some other such shit. Don’t judge the first one, as it was us taking turns making small parts of a picture without knowing what the other was thinking, and between innate disability and injury I am incapable of making nice drawings.
@Pantheist my scanner did a bad job. and my trying to edit contrast/brightness right now wnt poorly. I also somehow lost two scan.s But! honest feedback!
What kind? Is she gonna have to take a lot of loans to get there? Perhaps mention this to @kidsandliz and @Pavlov, who know that world.
Getting a PhD today - depending on the area, and whether you are superstar material and whether you are funded or borrowing - is a real /8ball of a question. Many PhD’s never get decent work in their fields.
@f00l English- I think she’s more into it because she loves to write than anything else, although there are some schools up here that pay their professors pretty well (I know bates is something like 180k/year, bowdoin and colby are probably in the same ballpark). Undergrad her school meets 100% of need-based aid using grants, which is nice because we’re poor as fuck. Grad school who knows, but at least I’ll be done with my degree and have a real job by then.
@Pantheist Grad school doesn’t do needs based financial aid. At a decent program PhD students usually get a small stipend (under $20,000/year sometimes significantly so - STEM tends to pay more than humanities) for 1/2 time work (teaching, grading, helping faculty with research in some departments) and at least a partial tuition remission (usually out of state tuition if a state school plus some of the in state tuition, or at a non-profit private school some of the tuition) but not usually part of the fees (which can add up quickly). There are some merit based awards (fellowships) but those are rare.
Stay away from the for profits as most of those degrees aren’t worth the paper they are written on, they are busy putting them out of business and most state and private (non-profit) universities won’t hire their grads for faculty positions. Also there is no aid there at all - you just end up with a zillion dollars in student loans.
There is an over supply of English PhD’s so getting a job at a college or university will be hard - even harder if she didn’t go to a top school (which means likely not local). Many, many English PhD’s work as adjuncts which means the pay sucks (you can be paid as little as $1500 a course - I am being paid $2001-2500 depending on the school although one state school paid me $4500 - but then they hired a full time person so no more good pay - this is for 3 credits under the semester system so adjust accordingly for the quarter system), job security sucks, you share your office and desk with a cast of thousands… With the rules about how part time you have to be to exclude you from benefits (adjuncts are used for flexibility and to save money so they do not want to give you any benefits) usually you are limited to 1-2 courses a term at any school. Often there is no summer work as an adjunct as fewer classes are offered in the summer and full time faculty get first dibs on those. Teaching online often/usually pays less than face to face and has even less job security.
Entrance into a reputable program requires good entrance exam scores (and so a school that does not require them is suspect with respect to reputation). Those exams are based on a limited universe of information so it is worth studying for them as they are achievement tests, not intelligence tests - and so the “smart” person studies for them.
Age discrimination is alive and well in higher ed at especially at the assistant professor, to a lessor degree the associate professor level and at the full professor if you want to change schools (unless you have a good reputation in the field). Community colleges again, operate somewhat differently (and often you can get a full time job their with only a masters).
Look at the Chronicle of Higher Education for pay at different schools (averaged across fields - English ranks near the bottom of the pay scale), and then they also have average in different fields (typically averaging across all schools and level of faculty). So if English is only 45% of the average faculty pay (it is often one of the 3 lowest paying fields in higher ed), multiply the assistant professor pay at a particular school by 0.45 to get a rough idea of what the English department pays assistant professors (the average salaries for the schools you mentioned are very high likely because those are high status schools - check what they are for low status schools; also be sure that that is for assistant professors and not all faculty combined; and adjust for how low paying English is compared to almost any other department). Community colleges are a different kettle of fish in how they pay faculty (and what they consider important in hiring for that matter) however when teaching english the odds of multiple sections of remedial english goes way up and if that not what she wants to do, well then that would likely not be a good employment choice unless the other option is starving.
Usually you do not get hired at the same school you get your PhD at (yes I ended a sentence with “at” so call out the grammar nazis). If someone is geographically area bound this is a huge issue. And also that then creates the temptation to get an online PhD. See earlier comments about the inadvisability of doing that. The only exception might be a state or well known non-profit school where the online degree is indistinguishable (with respect to what the department is called and there is no notation anywhere you are doing this online - but be aware where you live will give you away with respect to that if it is far from home; lack of an assistantship would be a clue…) from an in person degree. Most state and non-profit universities will not hire someone with an online PhD. Community colleges are a bit less picky as they primarily look at teaching, but without past teaching experience or an assistantship with teaching included (as is usually the case), it will be much harder to get a community college job.
PhD programs are typically full time programs. The “part time” ones are typically the for profit online ones.
Haven’t even touched the “research, publish or perish” issue - that also varies by school, its reputation, the field… with respect to what is required (or not - teaching schools tend to focus primarily on teaching skills, major universities and high status schools tend to focus more on the publish aspect) and what is deemed “acceptable”.
Do not mean to discourage your wife (or anyone else for that matter)… but you need to walk into this with your eyes open. Like any profession they have their quirks. If you can live with that then great - move forward. I, personally, am in a bind due to a rather major gap in my vitae due to cancers. That does not go over well. I have yet to find a decent explanation (that is truthful) that doesn’t cause more problems - lets see - cancer (yeah that goes over well, so will it come back and then we have to fill those classes temporarily what a pain that will be - and of course it is against the law to ask), “family issues that required me to be area bound” (still doesn’t explain the no job part of the gap, sort of explains the part time, adjunct jobs work, and the question arises just what kind of family issues and will they happen again)… you get picture. Then I am on the wrong side of 40 (age discrimination is alive and well in higher ed) to be still an assistant professor (I had another career first so even if I only offer up on my vitae when I got my PhD and leave off a lot of work by consolidating it into a short outside field description, no specific employers and no dates, it is hard to hide my age when many applications have an online component that want to know when you graduated from high school)…
Of course many people train to do what they love regardless of other issues and job outlook, many manage to get jobs despite the grim outlook in some fields and many defy the odds… the trouble is that you likely don’t know in advance if you will be one of them - BUT you can do things to stack the odds in your favor (like going best reputation school you can get into even if it is across the country, study for the entrance exam like it is the most important final exam of your life - and to date that will be true. Comps will be the most important final of your life later into the program).
I’d suggest she talk to faculty who teach English and get their opinions, advice, etc., what the career options are if she can’t get a university job after getting the degree, what they think is the best way to stack the odds in her favor to get a faculty position when she is done, what the current salary ranges are, the current job outlook is, etc.
@Kidsandliz I appreciate the advice. Even though it does sound bleak, I’m not going to discourage her from doing something she loves. That’s why I picked my major based solely on the job outlook and pay- it’s just a happy coincidence that I like it. Her undergrad is one of the little ivies which we’re hoping will help her chances for grad school. Definitely moving for that since there are no good universities in Maine, but I should be able to get a job as a software developer anywhere we go and I don’t mind moving for a few years. It’ll be an adventure.
@Pantheist It is bleak for English and a handful of other fields. That is great you can move. Her outlook for doing what she wants to do is so much better when not tied down by dual career couple and geographic issues and she can make the best choices for her career without having to factor in someone else’s needs.
My best advice to increase her odds to having the career she wants is get into the the highest status program (in grad school you go by program, not necessarily university) she can get into with the most influential (in her area) advisor she can get. That will dramatically increase her odds. Dramatically. If she doesn’t know which programs and people then have her ask around in English departments for suggestions about this, look online to see if there are any rankings of which programs appear to be higher ranking. Look to see where faculty went to school at a particular school. Usually your job is a step down in status from where you got your degree (on the assistant professor level - higher up it depends on more things than that).
Also if you have the spare cash she should take the Kaplan (or other) review class. The class itself is not what it is important - it is access to all their resources and using them a good 10-12 hours a week for 3ish months until the entire test is so routine nothing in the test is seen as a challenge anymore (remember this is an achievement test with a limited universe of knowledge to learn), your score you get when you take their practice tests tops out And be sure she works quickly when taking practice tests as there is a thing called time entrainment and if you start doing something quickly you will be more likely to continue doing it quickly and vise versa - these tests also are set up that you can’t finish them if you don’t work quickly (and if you have been taking your time on the tests, it is much harder to work quickly when taking it for real). If no spare cash for that then use all the free resources she can get her hands on. In a field as competitive and over populated as English is, the score on this matters if she is looking at entrance into a higher status program.
Oh and if at some point she gets discouraged while in a program (as nearly everyone does) - remind her that there were good reasons why she started the program; the fact that she can’t think of any of them right now is not good enough reason to quit (I had to remind myself of that on occasion too). You usually eventually get over your funk. If she lands in an abusive department (speaking from experience here) it requires repeating that to yourself far more often than if she lands in a supportive department. Living though an abusive department is painful (transferring out is viewed as a big negative so you just have to suck it up) but it is temporary. And then when you get out, where ever you end up, you try not to treat people how you were treated despite the tendency of faculty to re-create the kind of hazing that went on in some of their programs in the program wherever they now work. I know I did for my PhD students all sorts of things I wish had been done for me - not that some of them appreciated it (rather they took it for granted it this is how is should be) - but then again they didn’t have the reference point I had. Because, after all, that is what we should (in my opinion) do as faculty - try to make the experience for students a good one regardless of the shortcomings of the program we came out of.
@panthiest - I can tell you this much based on my own knowledge, which does not compare to someone who actually lived and worked in this world:
I had a stipend from the school and graded papers or filled in stuff sometimes. I also borrowed $ because NYC is expensive. It was all much much cheaper in those days. I never finished the program, and this was a while ago. I had a great time, but the more I went up the ladder, the more I could kid see I really didn’t want what was at the top - assuming I was one of the talented and lucky ones who had a shot.
The reputation of the particular graduate program is the biggest thing that matters in terms of whether someone can get an academic career after their PhD. As @kidsandliz said, for profit schools and online schools are worthless for this - for profit schools are just plain worthless anyway. Online schools are more about “personal enrichment” or helping with credentials in careers outside academia.
I knew people who went to very serious programs in my field - Brandeis and Rice and Arizona and NYU - who took forever to get onto tenure track more than a decade each, many never did - and then finally got jobs at places that weren’t stellar and didn’t pay all that well. and weren’t all that great to work at - in spite of all these people publishing decent work regularly along the way. And my field was math, which gets a lot of NSF funding and other govt $. I would bet that most people who got into a PhD program in math the same year I did and finished their degrees would up coding or working in the financial/insurance industries or other tech fields or teaching at jr college in the wider world and never taught at 4-year college level or only worked a short time in a University setting. The opportunities just weren’t there and thus is for a field that’s supposedly in demand.
I know someone else who does French medieval history, culture, and literature. She got her PhD at McGill. She toiled for years in garbage jobs and got a tenure track position only after well more than a decade. Even tho she published decent stuff regularly. Even tho she had a stipend in grad school, she has an enormous weight in student loans from combined undergrad and grad school. She believes she will never pay off those loans - she has some sort of insanely reduced payment schedule based on ability to pay, and does special summer work in various places to get bits of loan forgiveness. I don’t know all the details.
Almost everyone I knew sent to grad school because they love learning and they love the subject matter. And even tho you were poor and the program could be awful and the dissertation could be a horror story, you still loved it. And then, assuming you managed to get a university career, unless you had a notable reputation in your field, or came from the best programs and got hired into the best programs, your life as a professor might have very little to do with the subject you love. It can be just high-paid dridge work, even you happen to be one of the lucky few who lands good jobs. And if you don’t land a good job, it will be low-paid drudge work and possible continual employment and financial insecurity.
The supply of qualified PhDs is always greater than the demand, often considerably greater, and English lit will have the very worst hiring ratios of all. In English lit, it will be the people who got degrees from perhaps the top-ten or top-twenty programs who get almost all the tenure track jobs, I would suspect. If you can get your PhD from Harvard or Princeton or UC Berkeley or Ann Arbor, you’ll likely be fine.
So if someone, even with a stipend, goes into debt to get a degree, you gotta ask yourself - how do I pay these debts assuming I never get a decent paying academic job? Because the odds of that aren’t so low even if you are quite good.
If someone loves literature, there are other notable career options. The publishing industry still soaks up quite a few people, as do other “chattering class” jobs in other urban areas. Hollywood, and local tv and radio absorb some of these. I suspect a significant # of grad students eventually find themselves back in school yet again: this time, law school, or communications. Communications majors, even with just a masters, can often make excellent $ in private industry if they are very careful with their careers. Many of these people also wind up as journalists or in writing/editing fields adjunct to journalism - one can make a decent career out of non-fiction books on a given area - say health or politics - that sell, esp if the person is getting published on the web in “name” places or can get stuff into the good magazines like The Atlantic or The New Yorker. Any many try their hand at fiction.
If you wife loves English and writing, she might do as well or better creating her own career out of writing than going into academia. These are areas when contacts are key. You start with some, branch out, keep going, get all the info you can. Keep meeting people, keep trading info. I know of one person who graduated from UVA in something “soft” - English or journalism or history - who got some reporting gigs for blogs thru college contacts, which turned into reporting gigs for magazines, which turned into a serious career as a political journalist. He’s doing very well and has gotten interviews and written profiles which landed his work squarely in the national eye and got him onto national network news discussion shows. And he’s under 40. But he’s also, clearly, a star.
Again, not to be a killjoy. Just eyes wide open. The life you want and the career you get will be two very different things. For many people, the better portions of the “ivory tower” vanish the day they get their PhD. And then if what you find doesn’t even pay decently or you can’t get hired - well, these are things to consider and plan for before you apply to grad school, not after.
The best sources of info on getting hired will be the newly anc recently hired in the field. They will have friends and know the landscape.
What is this test you are talking about? The only thing I ever took was the GRE. But that was long ago.
@f00l Sounds like some solid advice there too. I know she also likes the idea of writing for a career, especially since that would probably have a bit more flexibility when she wants kids. I know that probably won’t require a PhD, but like you mentioned she loves learning. Either way, we’ve got a long way to go before she has it so who knows where we’ll end up. Good to have the hard truths available from the start for sure. Gotta say, meh is an interesting place.
Aside from doing really good work in school, prob the best thing one can do at that stage is start getting connections. Perhaps not so easy in Maine?
Meet people in related areas, make friends, meet their friends. Not in a mercenary way. Could be worth gold someday.
Tried coming up with a theme song for a nonexistent show based off of this picture.
Failed miserably.
Then I realized I was on the wrong thread here. And I still hadn’t posted the picture.
I don’t really recall posting this.
However, I’ll stand by it.
Speaking of which witch is which, I never really watched Stand by Me from beginning to end.
Though if parodies by Family Guy count, then I have watched it numerous times.
Although in that case, then I have watched Star Wars numerous times.
I have some questions about Star Wars, but it’s probably best if I don’t ask them and just keep them to myself.
Which reminds me, anybody wanna come over for some ice cream cake in a pie shell? The ice cream is good, though the pie shell tastes borderline. It might be because it’s been in the freezer for a couple of weeks. That’s not my fault.
I looked at the news. Instantly depressed. Wife is asleep so I can watch anything I want. Decided to go with the animaniacs as the anti-news. I wish this was still relevant. Is there a modern animaniacs?
There was a recent irk video about now entering the phase where death becomes more noticeable/real. I just realized I’m actually in a low point with death- had lots in late-teens to very early 20’s, and now almost none. I’m sure it’ll pick up again in 20 years or so, but I’m loving this lull in the inverted bell curve.
If all online forums had the option to delete posts after more than 5 minutes, anyone who cared enough to follow me around the internet would know more about me than I’d like.
So like haven’t been drinking recently…just downed a bottle of meh red. Ordered 45$ of thai food and like why I’m so full. This security system looks cool but rather costly…like i have insurance please steal my stuff but i just moved to a sketchy neighborhood so hmmm
At some point in the last month I took the third test to intern at a petroleum company. It was completely against my morals, but the pay for 3 months would be more than I currently make in a year so that would have been nice. Didd well on the firstr two parts, then took waaaaay too long on the third so I’m sure I bombed it. Dunno whether to be sad that I fucked up that opportunity for moneys or happy that it’s one fewer ethical dilemma that I’ll choose the wrong answer on.
@compunaut haha I’m trying to get one The petroleum company would have paid more than I listed, but pretty sure I fucked that up Maybe I can find another similar deal. So far most of em have said at the end of a successful internship I can get a job offer for after graduation, but none have said that’s mandatory.
An internship is job training for white collar and professional careers.
Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways but not as rigorous as apprenticeships for professions, trade and vocational jobs, but the term is open to broad interpretation. Interns may be college or university students, high school students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are usually temporary. Generally, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the student and an organization. Some interns find permanent, paid employment with the organizations for which they worked upon completion of the internship. This can be a significant benefit to the employer as experienced interns often need little or no training when they begin regular employment. Unlike a trainee program, employment at the completion of an internship is not guaranteed.
@compunaut I’m aware of what an internship is. Fact remains that the only ones I’ve seen for software engineering that don’t pay are part time for non-profits.
The interns that join us are almost always college students between their jr & sr years. I don’t work in IT/software, but the interns I do see aren’t yet really ready for professional-level engineering work, but all benefit from (and generally enjoy) exposure to a ‘real’ technical & manufacturing environment: lab work, help w/ trade studies, assist shop foremen, etc. The experience is a pretty good boost to landing a job after graduation - they make their $$ once they are hired.
@jbartus You may be right, but according to folks I know in HR, we’d never actually put them on payroll - too many benefit accruals & tax implications.
Only other alternative might be month-to-month contract labor agreement. Doesn’t currently have the resume bump/hiring cachet of ‘Summer Intern for XXYY Aerospace’, but perhaps that will start changing.
“Students who have had a paid internship are much more likely to have received a job offer than those students whose work experience has been in an unpaid internship,” the report said, noting that 65.4 percent of the class of 2014 who had completed a paid internship at a for-profit company received a job offer prior to graduation.
In contrast, only 39.5 percent of students who had unpaid internships received a job offer, slightly higher than the offer rate for students with no internship experience at all (38.6 percent).
@PantHeist that’s where the ethics implications come in where companies are abusing college students to get free labor under the guise of work experience.
@PantHeist@jbartus A very interesting article. But it doesn’t really mention which industries offer paid vs unpaid internships. In the engineering/mfg field, there’s no way we’re letting a non-degreed student do ‘free labor’ that an experienced professional would otherwise do - too much risk. The work they are assigned are very short-term tasks; think more along the lines of a technically savvy temp.
Now I can perhaps see the argument that that they deserve at least min wage in addition to the job experience, but as said above there are all kinds implications when adding to payroll (mostly negative for the company).
@compunaut Part of the issue with the free labor argument isn’t that the student is doing work that a person with a degree would do- it’s that they’re doing work that would otherwise be done by entry level employees without a degree.
@compunaut@PantHeist nailed it on the head. The 25% disparity between hire rates is largely attributable to companies using the unpaid interns to avoid having to pay entry level employees to do the same work.
@PantHeist That’s what I’m saying - on the technical side, all our employees (even ‘entry level’) have engineering or other technical degrees. Just about the only workers without a degree are the represented/union factory people. The interns are NOT doing the same jobs that ‘entry level’ engineers are doing; they’re not really equipped to handle it and aren’t on the job long enough to learn it.
Our newly hired engineers are assigned to a product/program and a specific discipline/team. They will stay in that assignment for 3yr or more, ‘paired’ up with more experienced folks, gradually given tasks of increasing responsibility & importance. They aren’t shuffled around to new tasks, in new groups, every 3-4wks doing relatively low-level (tho still ‘technical’) work that college juniors can do with little challenge.
@jbartus Perhaps thats true in some industries or employment categories. For us, nobody else is getting hired to do those intern tasks, except possibly a temp.
There is a significant benefit for former interns who are hired: They start at a ‘grade’ of Engineer instead of Associate Engineer. That’s like an immediate promotion to the next pay tier 1-2yr early.
@compunaut nobody else is getting hired to do those tasks because you have unpaid interns to do them. Otherwise your company would either hire someone to cover those tasks or give them to the entry level guys. Sure they don’t do it right now, cause they have interns, and the degree holders are more valuable elsewhere but without unpaid interns someone would have to do them, the tasks don’t just disappear into the ether.
@jbartus Unfortunately, someone does NOT have to do them; those tasks will simply go undone.
I’ve worked in this industry for over 30yr, at multiple sites. It’s a very high-cost business, so even with massive budgets there’s always more jobs to do than people, time, & money. It’s about prioritizing the most important jobs at just the time they’re needed.
The cost of hiring any salaried workers (please remember that there are many benefit structures beyond the paycheck) could not be justified for the assortment of these short term, low-level tasks.
Note: There’s no slave trade for engineering interns; they willingly sign on knowing it’s unpaid. There are undoubtedly many reasonable reasons to do so.
@compunaut yeah, all of the paid positions are taken and they’re told it’s important to help them get hired after they get their overpriced piece of paper.
If my credit doesn’t fuck me, I got an internship that pays 3x what my job I’ve had for 3 years does. They’ve also got an amazingly high percentage of interns who accept job offers, so fingers crossed. I’ll have to leave Maine, but for full time software engineers they pay double what employers do here, and cost of living is 25% lower.
@compunaut Thanks
Job pays more, comes with a signing bonus, has performance bonuses, requires my degree to be completed, and I’d imagine it’s harder to get rid of an actual employee.
Internship I’ll be paired with a mentor who will guide me through things, and (I’d imagine) check my work. I’m told a lot of my time will be spent in training. Also, if they decide it’s not a good fit they can just not make me a job offer and I’ll be out in about 3 months. Sort of a long working interview, and if I get an offer I’ll be considered the same as an employee who has been there for a year when I start.
@Adios Feel free to ignore me, but I have to ask. I gather that you’re an intelligent person, and that you voted for trump. I’m not sure if your overall values tend toward democratic party or republican, but I get the feeling that you’re a utilitarian overall. I think you liked sanders more than either major candidate, as I did. Before you go, any chance I could hear what you believe in to slake my own curiosity? It seems that very few people read this thread, and it’s decidedly less judgey than most since I’ve set the standard pretty low.
@PantHeist honestly I would prefer to just exist in a political vacuum for the foreseeable future. Your overall assessment is not far off but that’s about all I really want to say at this time.
Thanks though for your interest in having a non-judgmental dialogue!
I went outside and all the birds were warning each other about me. Do you think they all understand each other or are they all like us and other mammals where it’s just noise
@PlacidPenguin Yeah, I assume that they have a broader range than us since I think they typically have at most one language per species, but I wonder if they can communicate between species. I know lots of birds (and chipmunks) all have the same alarm peep, but how far do you think it goes?
Financial question bordering on ethics was presented to me. I’m a horrible person to ask, so I just outsourced it.
Think I have an ethical responsibility to tell the person who asked me the question that I outsourced the question? Or would it be more of a “what they don’t know won’t hurt them” scenario?
@PantHeist@f00l they are dressed like assassins from the Assassin’s Creed video games. The characters are essentially parkour experts that scale buildings to escape or to drop in unknowingly on their victims. You play a character from the current timeline that is a descendant from one of these assassins. You go back in time (in a way) to find out information from the past.
Leonard Bernstein gave a series of engaging open lectures on the development of the western tradition of musical languages at Harvard University in 1973. These lectures were intended for the curious, not for a specialized audience, despite the description below copied from the Youtube uploader.
The playlist is here:
This amazing lecture series (The unanswered Question ), is actually an interdisciplinary overview about the evolution of Western European classical music from Bach through the 20th century crisis and beyond a bit . Mr. Bernstein uses linguistics namely Chomskian Linguistics to provide a framework to illustrate how music and all the arts evolved toward greater and greater levels of ambiguity/expressivity over history until the 20th century crisis . He manages this impressive feat of popular education , by dividing music into; Phonology (the study of sound); Syntax (the study of structure) and; Semantics (the study of meaning)
I wanted to listen to that crazy lady play violin and had to look extensively for this threda. Bump fpr ,y own convience and im shiitgsaced oif notjong else
@f00l you know me. I work 40 hrs/week and am taking 18 credits. I nede mhy time with the brain disabeled or I;ll sink into depressijn. Without substabcedxs it ovreanalayzes eeeeeverything
Today is goung to be awesome. Yesterday was everything I could have hoped for )(besides productive). Today I woke up at 415am, drank, watched the sun rinse, now all I need to do is optimize some shit I already wrote and already have the gui looking good for., I hate that making the GUI look good is often the trickiest part.
You’ll see a woman
hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets
coming round
tryin’ to sound like Charlie Manson
I think this soda is rotten. Disgustng. I’,m just guna ea t a lemon for a chaser. Does anyone else eat whole lemons? I couldn’t eat the rind on it’s ownm, but it does balancethe pulp nicely/.
Despite owing the company a few thousand bucks, I somehow psased my internal security scan and background check! Now it’s just a question of whether I can get some shit expunged from the FBI database before they fingerpritn me.
@PlacidPenguin Haha interesting. That actually might explain something for me. I got my prints checked on my own to see what was on there- the cop who did it mentioned that I had a “bizarre wear pattern” on my right thumb and first finger. I used to be really into print photography, and also never used tongs. Dunno if it makes a difference, but I used a lot of selenium toner as well.
@PlacidPenguin i was thinking it meant you could be in MI, MN, IL, OH, NY, CA, SD, ND, SC, NC, CT, WY, OR, WA, FL, GA, ID, MS, AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, DE, HI, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, OK, PA, RI, MO, MT, NE, ME, MA, MD and exspessially AA
For refernce I was born in 1987. I think this song sums up my generation.
@Pantheist that cigarette ruins his cool. Times have changed.
You guys - your generation - ain’t done yet.
(Omg his song composition skills were exquisite.)
@f00l Agreed - though ‘Plateau’ is a Meat Puppets song.
I know. Re Meat Puppets, he says that on stage. But every time I see a vid of him I am reminded.
Fucker had to shoot himself.
@f00l I kind of figured you knew (and forgot that he mentioned it in the beginning) but I also figured that if all goes according to plan this thread will be a hotbed of drunken confusion so…
When I listen to a lot of the shit that got me through my formative years, that decision quickly becomes regrettable. Nirvana has held up, though, Cobain really was doing some powerful work. Damn shame.
Everyone listens to a percentage of shit during their formative years.
Nirvana is for the ages.
@f00l @brhfl somehow i managed to miss him, until it was too late
I am currently pseudo-drunk and I support this thread.
@f00l ^_^ It’s all I’ve ever wanted
@f00l I’m skeptical of how this will work. If one is drunk, will they have the capacity to remember this thread and go post? That’s asking a lot of the soused.
@pitamuffin @f00l
Well, if someone makes new threads containing one post each since they can’t remember that this thread exists, can’t the posts just get moved by a mehmployee?
@pitamuffin I can’t be the only one who sometimes putzes around the internet when I’m drunk.
Of course you’re not. Why else do you think cat memes and cat videos exist?
We must all be the Disciplined-Drunk.
Remember the Thread.
Remember the Thread.
Remember the Thread.
Remember the Thread.
Remember the Thread.
Or tie a red thread around something.
@PlacidPenguin I thought that was because our furry overlords demanded that it be so
"Furry Overlords"
In caps. Show some respect.
Be careful not to tie it to yourself since inevitably you’ll forget it’s there, and you’ll be affecting blood flow.
As everyone knows, normal blood flow is important.
And by blood flow I mean blood circulation.
Glad you clarified re “blood flow”.
Nobody go all “Cobain”, y’all hear?
What else cou…
@f00l I think this might end up more like Remember the Alamo…without the umm…dying.
John Wayne as Davy Crockett - 7-8 min clip. 1960 film.
He doesn’t completely suck either
Final battle 13 min
Whole film in a tiny box for some reason
Never saw the newer film. Anyone seen it?
Riding a trained stunt horse from a gallop to a fall is something. Even if you can see both the riders and the horses setting up for the fall as the horse runs. The riders’ balances and postures adjust and the horses’ gaits and balances shift and the reining changes a bit.
@f00l The Duke NEVER sucks!
Yeah Wayne’s great at his thing.
Mel Brooks wanted him to do the Waco Kid in Blazing Saddles.
Wayne read the script and laughed all nite. Or so I read somewhere.
Then he went to Brooks and said “I can’t do this - I’m John Wayne. But I’ll be first in line to see this film.”
@f00l drunk at 8:43am, you’re my hero
Perhaps just deranged.
See the thread about whether someone reads manuals or not.
@f00l TD;DR
Damn words.
Does posting while on Ambien count? I’ve woken up to messages I’ve made just before falling asleep that are ridiculous and I have no memory of.
@Fuzzalini Yeah, that shit made me hallucinate- I’ll count it
If your Mom and Dad would worry about what intoxicants you take (if they knew), or whether you should be seen in public in that mental state, I vote that it counts for this thread.
Makes it easy for me. I always belong here.
@Pantheist I’m usually high on life, does that count? Or are people always saying For the life of me, what are you high on…danggit I can’t remember.
You’re good.
@mehbee a talking goat said you’re good- I wouldn’t worry
@Fuzzalini Ambien is a special kind of drunk.
So you’re drunk?
Nah, I don’t drink during the week.
In your case, I think the normal neurotransmitters are intoxicants.
@PlacidPenguin During which week do you not drink? By definition you do drink during the other 51.
Rather than me posting in this thread nightly, just assume when you see my userID that I’m drunk. Again.
Wouldn’t that imply there are sober moments?
@PlacidPenguin They break through every now and then. They are easily put down.
Meh Intoxicants Game:
Is @Pavlov drunk or stoned? Or both?
Instruction to player:
Regarding the question above: Guess which.
Correct? Increase the player’s intoxication.
Incorrect? Increase the player’s intoxication.
Uncertain? Player gets wasted.
@f00l Full disclosure - I have lightened my drinking considerably over the last year and now limit myself to one shot of vodka with breakfast, a couple of drinks at lunch (when I actually eat lunch - and it isn’t that often - I typically only eat once a day, a late supper) and I won’t continue to drink every night at home after work but I do drink a couple at dinner . . . But my THC intake has skyrocketed. I routinely consume one, maybe two Cheeba Chews (175mg THC) during the day and average two a night, one before dinner and one after. Sometimes I’ll also have a high content (THC infused) beverage used as a mixer. Conversely, my opioid use has lessened dramatically. I was on a shit-ton of morphine after a recent accident (during my goat month here actually) and I’ve been in perpetual pain since. I’ve always smoked for recreation, and still do occasionally, but the edibles have been a gift from <insert your higher power here> when it comes to pain mitigation / management.
The shot with breakfast is a leftover from when I was a young teen and I was around my Russian grandfather on his farm. He’d typically have two or three shots before milking the cows and four or five or even more at lunch. I couldn’t keep up with him at night - no one could. But I suppose it is where I get a lot of my tolerance. And genetically I’m blessed with a good / strong liver. Other than grandfather’s vodka habit from Russia, there is no family predisposition to alcoholism and I do have the variant of the CYP2E1 gene that many researchers agree probably explains why I can drink more than others and not feel as drunk but yet stop drinking all-together when I feel like it.
Many Europeans drink with breakfast, and alcohol consumption is looked upon very differently in other cultures - it probably helps to keep a lot of Mediterranean people as healthy as they are. Do I drink too much? Fuck yes. But I’m getting old, and I have to die of something, and the clock ticking in general is going to get me long before my drinking will.
Sorry for the TLDR.
@Pavlov Ever try supreme CBD kush? I started growing it for the wife’s cramps, but I actually really like it too. I’d say for pain killing it’s comparable to a valium/opiate combo, but without the physical dependency.
@Pavlov Hmmm… How does one go about finding out which flavor of CYP2E1 one has?
I’ve always had a fairly high tolerance for alcohol and wonder if my CYP2E1 might explain it.
Re your TL:DR
it was too short. You know I love text.
My own TL:DR about the stuff below: personal thoughts. Not worth much? Read whatcha want.
Re intoxicant intake:
Goddam Sam!
Yeah the genes may help. I don’t know if I have any such. I rarely take any intoxicants other than caffeine and sometimes some prescribed neurotransmitter booster shit if I’m in the mood. THC would knock me flat nowadays. Alcohol is for social. Whatever.
But once upon a time decades ago I may have kept up with you for a few years.
My theory is that if your body is ok and your family thing is ok and your career/biz is ok then you prob know what you’re doing and are managing fine.
I know the Europeans think our sobriety is nuts. Uncivilized. Heard a story about some English folks who wondered if a host family member was an alcoholic just because they weren’t served wine at a home dinner on Long Island.
But the Europeans didn’t go to the moon or invent the internet. And the Chinese just may just eat them. So, arguments can go either way.
Re: accident.
I saw the original thread and messages. Fucking mind-blowing. But at the time, my life felt way more like crap, and I was letting severe social anxiety and depression make my decisions, and wasn’t posting here, except v rarely, and felt too unknown and out of place to say much. Besides, a month or more till you’d see it anyway.
When I think of your accident - I wonder if that exact moment was as horrible physically as when the Federal Bldg in OK came down on people who survived. Or how it was for people pulled out of earthquake rubble. These are the only analogies I have.
I figured you that you had to have continuing pain after that - got a bro who is an anesthesiologist.
I salute you for not showing that ongoing pain much. I suppose not admitting to the ongoing pain - ever - would be bad - isolating - but admitting too much and you’re focusing on the pain, and focusing less on trying to keep going. Takes some guts I think.
So Salud.
Re your biz:
Sounds awesome.
Really awesome.
Even tho I’m not sure what sort of film services you provide.
TL;DR: shit, right?
@Pantheist I’ve tried several high CDB strains and also have tried high CBD edibles which are said to contain only trace THC. My body prefers / reacts positively when THC is on the higher side of the equation in the end product.
@baqui63 A local research facility was sequencing my son for pain / anti-depressant prescribing purposes (at his neurologist’s recommendation) and they sequenced me and the wife also. I got into a huge conversation with the research fellow about CYP2E1 and he added it and we got results back for all three of us. I believe 23andme includes it in their $200 test.
@f00l Thanks. Nope, not TLDR this time. But your propensity for TLDR did account for part of why you’ve been goated, so there is that . . .
@Pavlov fair enough- supreme cbd kush is 9.5/9.5 - super lemon haze would probably be more your way- 27.something/<.1
Some people got weed; some people got words.
TL;DR: too short;didn’t read
@Pavlov I waiver on the marijuana legality thing, but I watched something about Portland and it kind of changed my mind. If Georgia would make it legal, and the citizens would be as responsible as the citizens for Portland, I would so be voting Yes(if I got a vote). I am constantly told that it would be awesome for my back. I had some issues prior to, but then I was thrown from my horse and the issues prior to tripled. I take pain meds everyday that work somewhat but I’ve heard just from you now that THC works much better. So fingers crossed I can get my fellow bible belters to see it would not be anymore destructive than alcohol and then I can try it out for myself. Although I did try some mary ja wanna back in the day and it did nothing for me. I don’t have the best lungs, they hate smoke so I guess I’d have to eat my meds. So better back, and worse scale…sigh.
Hope you get some relief soon. I’ll be thinking of you. (and saying some prayers to the higher power of my choice(I liked that!)
@mehbee I can toss ya my cannabutter recipe if ya ever want it so you can eat cookies instead of smoke. I personally like joints because it helps moderate my usage- I have to spend time rolling it, get bundled up, go outside, etc. You probably have better self control than me though.
I’ve never been to a THC cafe or shop.
What’s the story with all these name brand refined differentiated products with exact dosing info?
Mail order?
“Your local guy”?
It doesn’t put you in a hazy place? It doesn’t kill the will to work all day and nite when you’re into something?
The best, cleanest - felt like you stepped into a clarity mirror - stuff I ever got was in the Philippines - some Thai that came over the Peace Corps network of those days. Long time ago - Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Field were still US bases. But no one knew exactly what was in the Thai. It was weed, after all.
the last time I tried it, decades ago now, instant regret - way too strong, I was unaccustomed, and I knew my mind wouldn’t work properly according to my intentions for perhaps two days. Was so annoyed with self that I had been too curious.
You both seem to be talking precise dosing and known quality, familiar products with exact composition, like a known vineyard, or a known source of ibuprofen. THC pros and cons.
What are the high vs low THC pros and cons?
What is this world of exact familiar accessible products, that feel like they’re upscale, designed, marketed? Where does someone come across these?
Have no desire to take up this practice. Unless life really really changes anyway. Am curious tho.
It’s a long way from harsh Mexican Happy Dope at $5 a lid.
@f00l I’m in the middle of something and not reading this whole thing right now, but I grow and in maine for 100 bucks you can get 6 samples of your weed tested for cannabinoids/flavinoids.
edit: i will read the whole thing in 20 mins. sorry if i jumped the gun
@f00l Ok, so for me: Growing costs me about $50/month in electricity, $75/grow cycle in soil, bat shit, and fish carcasses. I can get seeds for free, cheap, or for 10-20/seed. Since I can take cuttings, if I take 12 seeds, take cuttings before they flower, then grow them out I can get whatever phenotype I like best and grow it repeatedly. In the long run the seed cost is inconsequential so there is no reason not to go for the expensive selectively bred seeds. When it comes to substances other than alcohol, I am absolutely a snob about what I put in my body because the effects vary so widely and I can be. For me high cbd/low thc just kills my motivation without being particularly enjoyable, high thc/low cbd is fun and energetic, but can be racy if I smoke too much, and 1:1 ratio is relaxing and gives me waves of warmness, but I can still be productive.
@f00l There is no exact dosing possible with mass manufactured edibles as you only have what the manufacturer states the THC / CBD content infused is, and whether or not it was indica or sativa. They generally don’t QA test a ton unless they are huge, like Dixie or Cheeba. But you never really know - you take them at their word. I buy high THC to CBD ratio and generally the higher the stated level of THC in a trusted brand the better my chances of getting a good product. Everyone reacts differently to THC and CBD and combos - I cut a single “chew” up and dose it in thirds over a couple of hours to alleviate pain. No, I don’t generally feel near the same high from edibles as from smoking - but that’s just me. Some people will completely fucking trip ass balls on edibles, but I usually do not. I’m more productive with the drug than without, as I am not in pain.
The brand name stuff - where besides Amsterdam is this sold legally? Do they mail order into other states? Is it prescription?
@f00l Legally in a state where it’s illegal? I don’t think it’s happening, but I haven’t really looked. Seeds you can buy online from other countries and worst case scenario you get a letter from customs saying they were confiscated (although I’ve never actually heard of even that happening outside of forums online).
You aren’t going to get anything illegal under federal law through US mail legally, and as far as I know there aren’t any states that say it’s legal to carry it across state lines.
I was just wondering what the biz scope was and how the above ground easy-use packaged product part of the industry operates.
Is it prescription in the places they do allow sales?
@f00l This is the first place I’ve lived where it’s been legal and I haven’t looked at the law elsewhere. Here it’s been medical for awhile- you get a certificate from a doctor- they don’t call it a prescription because that can cause issues with medical license-there are quite a few whose entire practice is writing the certificates. From there you have three options- you can grow up to 6 plants for yourself, you can go to a caregiver and let them grow for you (to become a caregiver it’s 300 bucks/year/patient for up to 5 patients), or you can go to a dispensary. Good caregivers and all dispensaries get their shit tested with chromatography and post the results- I personally save the printout in case anyone asks, and I’d imagine most others actually getting the tests done do the same.
Starting next year we’re going to have marijuana social clubs and retail stores for recreational use and they will all be required to have their product tested and percentages listed, but that’s new so I don’t know much about it yet
@f00l of course the whole certificate/caregiver thing is kinda silly now unless you want another individual (not a larger business) to grow for you since everyone is allowed 6 flowering plants, 12 non-flowering plants, and unlimited seedlings starting Jan 9. I imagine chromatography costs will get cheaper too with increased demand.
@f00l THC edibles are available in most all states that allow for some form of legalized pot, both medicinal and recreational shops will carry them. But, this varies by state. The recreational side may be a bit lower in THC per unit sold and will absolutely be more expensive. There are many online retailers that will ship CBD only edibles anywhere in the US. Shipping THC edibles out of a state that allows them by law is not as risky as shipping bud, but it is still illegal. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.
@PlacidPenguin when @pavlov is not posting you can assume the Meh.tizen is not drunk or passed out
I thank that is TS;DR
Just found this post by @Pavlov. Glad to see that 10 months later, the same stuff is happening.
@PlacidPenguin I still go back and read that sappy, wonderful post from time to time…
I have a link to it in my Meh bookmark folder on my phone.
@PlacidPenguin yea, i remember reading some of that but i think i may have been TD;TR
/youtube too drunk to read
Stone cold sober here, but since FL approved medical marijuana, and the amendment takes effect on Jan. 3, I am following the topic with deep interest. I’ve fallen behind on the SNPs associated with alcohol and THC. However, I have my downloaded data from a few DNA testing companies, and Promethease is my friend. Maybe I can focus long enough to read my reports all the way through.
Would weed of the right variety help your focus? So you could concentrate on the test results to find how suited you are for weed?
@f00l It hasn’t in past. However, that was unknown quality, and long ago. I look forward to this coming- hey look, a butterfly!
For those who do not allow tobacco smoking indoors, do you also not allow HTC products to be smoked indoors? What are the commonplace social and family rules for that?
@f00l I have a very sensitive sense of smell. For me there’s no smoking indoors, period. If you want to vaporize plant matter that’s fine, but if you want to vaporize that shit that’s in polypropylene glycol it better not be heavily perfumed (it all is)
@f00l Like the cell phones? It’s the Samsungs that explode all the time, right?
dammit. @mikey beat me to it. an hour ago. in my defense, i was drinking.
@f00l I have asthma. No smoking, no incense, and air filtration machines run 24/7 here. In pollen season we use HEPA filters. Edibles will be my only option.
@f00l no cigarettes, no drugs. My partner uses electronic cigarettes and I don’t mind them because he uses flavors that actually smell good.
The smell of burning weed is disgusting to me, just like cigarettes. I hate when I have to stand next to someone that’s been smoking. I hate it even more when I go to a concert and get forced to smell it.
@f00l I was at a party a few months ago, and when it was winding down, I kept smelling weed at random times. Finally I noticed a guy taking single hits off a pipe in the middle of the house. I was probably pretty rude, but I told him to take that shit outside. I thought he was more rude for not asking if people minded that he smoked it inside.
I don’t give a shit if people smoke, I just don’t want it around me.
I know my reaction is probably worse because I had a terrible experience with it in my teen years and decided I would never do it again.
When I’m around my mom, and she wants to smoke cigarettes, I’ll flat out tell her that it stinks. She is not allowed to even smoke in my car. It makes me want to vomit. I hate going to places that allow smoking because it makes my hair stink and I have to wash my hair. I have really long hair, so I don’t wash it everyday. So I try to avoid any place with cigarettes unless my hair needs washing.
Luckily there’s local billiards place that has a non smoking room… But you still have to stand in the cigarette riddled bar if you want to get drinks and to get the billiard balls.
Phones that explode are so rude. That why we will be friends with them but not let them into the family.
@carl669 you seem to have a major drinking thing going. Holiday celebrations?
@RiotDemon just so i’m clear on this, do you like being around smoke?
i suggest you use the asthma card at will to get fools to stop doing that in your presence, or just avoid those places
@f00l yeas. and celebrations in ogeneral iof other things.
What’s her name? Pics? OMG don’t tell me you shacked up with ____ and I’m so far out of the gossip loop I didn’t know. Sheeeeeit. If that’s the case I better rearrange my priorities in life . . . JUST SAYIN’!
@Pavlov no shacking up. just happy other shit moving along and brought to closure sooner rather than later.
ugh, damn friends make me drink. come to chicago sucka! thar be booze here!
@f00l no smoke indoors. Too smelly, and gets all over everything. I will smoke a cigar in the garage.
No one in my family ever smoked - well I smoked various alt substances when young, never tobacco. Unlike BC, I inhaled some.
And now I hardly know anyone who smokes. So I was curious about the common rules weed vs tobacco for people who deal with one or the other.
RE indoor smoke, I hate it. Would love not even having candles indoors, but won’t say anything or leave the premises over those - can ignore them.
Fuck. You could celebrate a bit harder, ya know.
@f00l i could, but I’ll be killing enough brain cells this month as it is.
How do you measure the monthly brain cell quota?
In order to get an accurate measure, do you gotta be wasted?
@f00l i think the ISO standard is 7 brain cells killed per shot of 80 proof liquor.
Good to know.
Hang on. Is the ISO up to date? You aren’t going retro are you?
@carl669 You’re just streamlining things
@f00l isn’t the ISO always up to date? if not, i may have to refactor my brain cell killing calculations.
@Pantheist exactly! i’m forcing my brain to be more efficient. that’s my story and i’m sticking to it.
Stacking to it.
@Yoda_Daenerys I avoid most places. I’m pretty introverted. I don’t want to lie about asthma. I’d rather people just not be rude jerks around me, haha
@f00l it’s weird… But I burn incense quite often. I’m picky about my incense though. Only certain scents are ok. I bought some that was too smoky, which was a bummer, because it smelled awesome.
@RiotDemon When my mom was in the care facility (she had health issues due to her drinking), early one sunday morning (as we were still in bed, it wasn’t even seven), the phone rings. It was the facility where she lived.
“You give your mama cigarettes?”
Uh, no. Why?
She found some somewhere and lit up in her bed. The patient in the bed next to her was on oxygen. They had to evacuate the area.
When I asked mom about it, she said “I did? Where did I get cigarettes? I must have stolen them from someone.” (Her mind was gone.)
I don’t doubt that one of her well meaning friends slipped her a couple when they visited.
@RiotDemon instagram!
@Pantheist what about it?
@RiotDemon no idea. I was shitfaced when I wrote that.
@Pantheist haha. I tried rereading the chain to figure out where someone mentioned photos or something where you might be asking for an Instagram account.
@RiotDemon sorry about that! I have an instagram account, but it’s primarily for seeing pictures of cats and plants.
@Pantheist no worries. My Instagram is primarily to look at photos of beautiful men.
@RiotDemon lol
Came back from a rugby banquet-- drunk. These daily video musical skits are really undervalued. I hope you all realize The genius behind it. They don’t belong by on this daily deal website.
@Kevin They are on youtube too…
@Kevin rugby is a drinking sport with a tackling problem. hashtagwasahooker hashtagiuseprops hashtagruinedmybody
@matthew What the fuck. I just called my mom and aunt to wish them happy late Chanukah (and appologzed for being so busy lately in my message) before my uncle told me that it doesn’t start until the 24th. I love your videos, but you are a dick for misleading me.
Found that extra hilarious.
As Goat I accept responsibility for your not knowing when Chanukah starts and believing some random source on the web.
Btw, you came to the right thread to post that.
I blame you that @Pantheist didn’t just do this:

I accept responsibility for @Pantheist’s failure to Google which is mandatory in this empire.
@f00l I am drunk as fuck, or I would have. You shouldn’t have made calypso 12.99/1.75L
All apologies.
i’ve been drinking a while, probably drunk by now, i don’t have anything interesting to say, tho
what have you guys been up to?
Nothing really.
December is the quietest month for me (nothing urgent which needs to be done).
@meh watched 40 minutes of singing Tesla coils. Linked the video in the random thread.
@PlacidPenguin @riotdemon december is a nicely quiet month. i’m on-call for night support this month, it’d be funny if i got a call tonight, but it is a very quiet month globally. i work in the logistics industry, and by december most of the xmas shopping trade has already been completed, so users have already had most of their software problems. goes to watch tesla coils
@RiotDemon I saw Tesla coils play music at a science museum. The room was a giant Faraday cage. They even had a keyboard attached to it. We had to wear hearing protection. Totally amazing.
Since you’re not sure if you are drunk, as Goat I take responsibility for that.
@sammydog01 I’m totally jealous. I went looking to see if there is any exhibits in Florida. The only place I found was a museum that was closed.
All of the other mentions were about colleges having demonstrations anywhere from 3-10 years ago.
Must keep searching.
@RiotDemon If you are ever in Rochester, NY you need to check it out. Not that I recommend a trip to Rochester.
@sammydog01 @RiotDemon
More exciting places in NY.
@PlacidPenguin Yep, I agree- Schenectady is the place to be.
I take the blame for there being far too few Tesla Coil concerts.
I drank a lot of money but they won’t let me pay because I guess my brother in law owns the pub or something.
@katylava That’s so sad.
So what you’re saying is, if we go there and say we’re mehmbers of Meh, they’ll make us pay?
@PlacidPenguin i can’t follow that.sentence.
Meehan’s st Augustine Florida
@katylava I can’t follow @PlacidPenguin’s sentences and I’m sober.
@Barney @katylava
I can’t follow @PlacidPenguin’s sentences either.
@katylava they let you leave texas?
@katylava Hey, that’s right down the road! If I go there and tell them I’m you, can I drink free?
@f00l the goat, who will never get to see @f00l’a profile, approves of all this drinking. Go for another round.
I take the blame for your unintelligibility.
I apologize for stating that I will never see my profile.
@PlacidPenguin made a liar of me.
I apologize for that also.
@f00l Oh, did you want to see a goat profile? Okay!
I apologize for setting myself up for that. I am to blame.
Seems @OldCatLady and @f00l got together and made a @f00l out of @f00l.
@OldCatLady, I promise to keep providing opportunities.
I just confirmed that if you leave the window with the delete button open you can delete things even after 5 minutes have passed. I wonder if you cna at any time if you save the link.
anwyho I salvaged this from antother thread, this seemed like a better place since I qualify
Ever take acid and watch the dark crystal? It’s an experience.
Never even seen The Dark Crystal.
Perhaps I should take the Fifth on taking acid?
Didn’t watch movies. Went outside and walked and talked all night. Only a few times. After the first time you’ve got the idea. Didn’t ever do it just for novelty.
Don’t forget how hard that stuff is on you, mentally and physically, just in terms of the amphetamine-type qualities. Bad bad bad. It’s a beast. And can do damage, instantly or over time. And can really do damage emotionally. And once it’s going there’s no shutoff save time or the ER that I know of.
And that’s all assuming it’s a decent experience. There were plenty of experiences that weren’t decent. Dangerous in so many ways.
PS if anyone cares, the “more drugs” quote was a joke from the Movie League thread. And I wasn’t recommending.
So, I’ve been trying to convince the wife to make paintings of her series “Really big acorn, tiny little squirrel” and to sell them on etsy or some other such shit. Don’t judge the first one, as it was us taking turns making small parts of a picture without knowing what the other was thinking, and between innate disability and injury I am incapable of making nice drawings.
@Pantheist my scanner did a bad job. and my trying to edit contrast/brightness right now wnt poorly. I also somehow lost two scan.s But! honest feedback!
It appears your wife can draw.
Perhaps if you have a decent scanner and a cutting machine like this
Perhaps she can do stuff.
And talk w @lisaviolet who is good with this stuff and knows how to turn ideas into exiting things.
@Pantheist you should print a copy of it and color it in when drunk.
@f00l haha I’m not goiung to spend hundreds on an automated exacto knife
@RiotDemon this plan I like
You would if it meant volume sales.
Not knowing the ways of crafting, cannot predict.
@f00l meh, she wants to be a professor. You think I’m busy- at least I’ll be done with schooling in a bit over a year
What kind? Is she gonna have to take a lot of loans to get there? Perhaps mention this to @kidsandliz and @Pavlov, who know that world.
Getting a PhD today - depending on the area, and whether you are superstar material and whether you are funded or borrowing - is a real /8ball of a question. Many PhD’s never get decent work in their fields.
@f00l English- I think she’s more into it because she loves to write than anything else, although there are some schools up here that pay their professors pretty well (I know bates is something like 180k/year, bowdoin and colby are probably in the same ballpark). Undergrad her school meets 100% of need-based aid using grants, which is nice because we’re poor as fuck. Grad school who knows, but at least I’ll be done with my degree and have a real job by then.
@Pantheist googled it out of curiosity- bowdoin is 180, bates is 160, colby is 100.
@Pantheist scratch that. colby is 174. I was looking at assistant professor salary. In my defense it was 4am and I was finishing a c++ final project.
@Pantheist Grad school doesn’t do needs based financial aid. At a decent program PhD students usually get a small stipend (under $20,000/year sometimes significantly so - STEM tends to pay more than humanities) for 1/2 time work (teaching, grading, helping faculty with research in some departments) and at least a partial tuition remission (usually out of state tuition if a state school plus some of the in state tuition, or at a non-profit private school some of the tuition) but not usually part of the fees (which can add up quickly). There are some merit based awards (fellowships) but those are rare.
Stay away from the for profits as most of those degrees aren’t worth the paper they are written on, they are busy putting them out of business and most state and private (non-profit) universities won’t hire their grads for faculty positions. Also there is no aid there at all - you just end up with a zillion dollars in student loans.
There is an over supply of English PhD’s so getting a job at a college or university will be hard - even harder if she didn’t go to a top school (which means likely not local). Many, many English PhD’s work as adjuncts which means the pay sucks (you can be paid as little as $1500 a course - I am being paid $2001-2500 depending on the school although one state school paid me $4500 - but then they hired a full time person so no more good pay - this is for 3 credits under the semester system so adjust accordingly for the quarter system), job security sucks, you share your office and desk with a cast of thousands… With the rules about how part time you have to be to exclude you from benefits (adjuncts are used for flexibility and to save money so they do not want to give you any benefits) usually you are limited to 1-2 courses a term at any school. Often there is no summer work as an adjunct as fewer classes are offered in the summer and full time faculty get first dibs on those. Teaching online often/usually pays less than face to face and has even less job security.
Entrance into a reputable program requires good entrance exam scores (and so a school that does not require them is suspect with respect to reputation). Those exams are based on a limited universe of information so it is worth studying for them as they are achievement tests, not intelligence tests - and so the “smart” person studies for them.
Age discrimination is alive and well in higher ed at especially at the assistant professor, to a lessor degree the associate professor level and at the full professor if you want to change schools (unless you have a good reputation in the field). Community colleges again, operate somewhat differently (and often you can get a full time job their with only a masters).
Look at the Chronicle of Higher Education for pay at different schools (averaged across fields - English ranks near the bottom of the pay scale), and then they also have average in different fields (typically averaging across all schools and level of faculty). So if English is only 45% of the average faculty pay (it is often one of the 3 lowest paying fields in higher ed), multiply the assistant professor pay at a particular school by 0.45 to get a rough idea of what the English department pays assistant professors (the average salaries for the schools you mentioned are very high likely because those are high status schools - check what they are for low status schools; also be sure that that is for assistant professors and not all faculty combined; and adjust for how low paying English is compared to almost any other department). Community colleges are a different kettle of fish in how they pay faculty (and what they consider important in hiring for that matter) however when teaching english the odds of multiple sections of remedial english goes way up and if that not what she wants to do, well then that would likely not be a good employment choice unless the other option is starving.
Usually you do not get hired at the same school you get your PhD at (yes I ended a sentence with “at” so call out the grammar nazis). If someone is geographically area bound this is a huge issue. And also that then creates the temptation to get an online PhD. See earlier comments about the inadvisability of doing that. The only exception might be a state or well known non-profit school where the online degree is indistinguishable (with respect to what the department is called and there is no notation anywhere you are doing this online - but be aware where you live will give you away with respect to that if it is far from home; lack of an assistantship would be a clue…) from an in person degree. Most state and non-profit universities will not hire someone with an online PhD. Community colleges are a bit less picky as they primarily look at teaching, but without past teaching experience or an assistantship with teaching included (as is usually the case), it will be much harder to get a community college job.
PhD programs are typically full time programs. The “part time” ones are typically the for profit online ones.
Haven’t even touched the “research, publish or perish” issue - that also varies by school, its reputation, the field… with respect to what is required (or not - teaching schools tend to focus primarily on teaching skills, major universities and high status schools tend to focus more on the publish aspect) and what is deemed “acceptable”.
Do not mean to discourage your wife (or anyone else for that matter)… but you need to walk into this with your eyes open. Like any profession they have their quirks. If you can live with that then great - move forward. I, personally, am in a bind due to a rather major gap in my vitae due to cancers. That does not go over well. I have yet to find a decent explanation (that is truthful) that doesn’t cause more problems - lets see - cancer (yeah that goes over well, so will it come back and then we have to fill those classes temporarily what a pain that will be - and of course it is against the law to ask), “family issues that required me to be area bound” (still doesn’t explain the no job part of the gap, sort of explains the part time, adjunct jobs work, and the question arises just what kind of family issues and will they happen again)… you get picture. Then I am on the wrong side of 40 (age discrimination is alive and well in higher ed) to be still an assistant professor (I had another career first so even if I only offer up on my vitae when I got my PhD and leave off a lot of work by consolidating it into a short outside field description, no specific employers and no dates, it is hard to hide my age when many applications have an online component that want to know when you graduated from high school)…
Of course many people train to do what they love regardless of other issues and job outlook, many manage to get jobs despite the grim outlook in some fields and many defy the odds… the trouble is that you likely don’t know in advance if you will be one of them - BUT you can do things to stack the odds in your favor (like going best reputation school you can get into even if it is across the country, study for the entrance exam like it is the most important final exam of your life - and to date that will be true. Comps will be the most important final of your life later into the program).
I’d suggest she talk to faculty who teach English and get their opinions, advice, etc., what the career options are if she can’t get a university job after getting the degree, what they think is the best way to stack the odds in her favor to get a faculty position when she is done, what the current salary ranges are, the current job outlook is, etc.
@Kidsandliz I appreciate the advice. Even though it does sound bleak, I’m not going to discourage her from doing something she loves. That’s why I picked my major based solely on the job outlook and pay- it’s just a happy coincidence that I like it. Her undergrad is one of the little ivies which we’re hoping will help her chances for grad school. Definitely moving for that since there are no good universities in Maine, but I should be able to get a job as a software developer anywhere we go and I don’t mind moving for a few years. It’ll be an adventure.
@Pantheist It is bleak for English and a handful of other fields. That is great you can move. Her outlook for doing what she wants to do is so much better when not tied down by dual career couple and geographic issues and she can make the best choices for her career without having to factor in someone else’s needs.
My best advice to increase her odds to having the career she wants is get into the the highest status program (in grad school you go by program, not necessarily university) she can get into with the most influential (in her area) advisor she can get. That will dramatically increase her odds. Dramatically. If she doesn’t know which programs and people then have her ask around in English departments for suggestions about this, look online to see if there are any rankings of which programs appear to be higher ranking. Look to see where faculty went to school at a particular school. Usually your job is a step down in status from where you got your degree (on the assistant professor level - higher up it depends on more things than that).
Also if you have the spare cash she should take the Kaplan (or other) review class. The class itself is not what it is important - it is access to all their resources and using them a good 10-12 hours a week for 3ish months until the entire test is so routine nothing in the test is seen as a challenge anymore (remember this is an achievement test with a limited universe of knowledge to learn), your score you get when you take their practice tests tops out And be sure she works quickly when taking practice tests as there is a thing called time entrainment and if you start doing something quickly you will be more likely to continue doing it quickly and vise versa - these tests also are set up that you can’t finish them if you don’t work quickly (and if you have been taking your time on the tests, it is much harder to work quickly when taking it for real). If no spare cash for that then use all the free resources she can get her hands on. In a field as competitive and over populated as English is, the score on this matters if she is looking at entrance into a higher status program.
Oh and if at some point she gets discouraged while in a program (as nearly everyone does) - remind her that there were good reasons why she started the program; the fact that she can’t think of any of them right now is not good enough reason to quit (I had to remind myself of that on occasion too). You usually eventually get over your funk. If she lands in an abusive department (speaking from experience here) it requires repeating that to yourself far more often than if she lands in a supportive department. Living though an abusive department is painful (transferring out is viewed as a big negative so you just have to suck it up) but it is temporary. And then when you get out, where ever you end up, you try not to treat people how you were treated despite the tendency of faculty to re-create the kind of hazing that went on in some of their programs in the program wherever they now work. I know I did for my PhD students all sorts of things I wish had been done for me - not that some of them appreciated it (rather they took it for granted it this is how is should be) - but then again they didn’t have the reference point I had. Because, after all, that is what we should (in my opinion) do as faculty - try to make the experience for students a good one regardless of the shortcomings of the program we came out of.
Good luck to her.
@Kidsandliz Sounds like great advice to me
Thanks for taking the time to write all of that up. I’ll pass it along.
Wow @kidsandliz that was great!
@panthiest - I can tell you this much based on my own knowledge, which does not compare to someone who actually lived and worked in this world:
I had a stipend from the school and graded papers or filled in stuff sometimes. I also borrowed $ because NYC is expensive. It was all much much cheaper in those days. I never finished the program, and this was a while ago. I had a great time, but the more I went up the ladder, the more I could kid see I really didn’t want what was at the top - assuming I was one of the talented and lucky ones who had a shot.
The reputation of the particular graduate program is the biggest thing that matters in terms of whether someone can get an academic career after their PhD. As @kidsandliz said, for profit schools and online schools are worthless for this - for profit schools are just plain worthless anyway. Online schools are more about “personal enrichment” or helping with credentials in careers outside academia.
I knew people who went to very serious programs in my field - Brandeis and Rice and Arizona and NYU - who took forever to get onto tenure track more than a decade each, many never did - and then finally got jobs at places that weren’t stellar and didn’t pay all that well. and weren’t all that great to work at - in spite of all these people publishing decent work regularly along the way. And my field was math, which gets a lot of NSF funding and other govt $. I would bet that most people who got into a PhD program in math the same year I did and finished their degrees would up coding or working in the financial/insurance industries or other tech fields or teaching at jr college in the wider world and never taught at 4-year college level or only worked a short time in a University setting. The opportunities just weren’t there and thus is for a field that’s supposedly in demand.
I know someone else who does French medieval history, culture, and literature. She got her PhD at McGill. She toiled for years in garbage jobs and got a tenure track position only after well more than a decade. Even tho she published decent stuff regularly. Even tho she had a stipend in grad school, she has an enormous weight in student loans from combined undergrad and grad school. She believes she will never pay off those loans - she has some sort of insanely reduced payment schedule based on ability to pay, and does special summer work in various places to get bits of loan forgiveness. I don’t know all the details.
Almost everyone I knew sent to grad school because they love learning and they love the subject matter. And even tho you were poor and the program could be awful and the dissertation could be a horror story, you still loved it. And then, assuming you managed to get a university career, unless you had a notable reputation in your field, or came from the best programs and got hired into the best programs, your life as a professor might have very little to do with the subject you love. It can be just high-paid dridge work, even you happen to be one of the lucky few who lands good jobs. And if you don’t land a good job, it will be low-paid drudge work and possible continual employment and financial insecurity.
The supply of qualified PhDs is always greater than the demand, often considerably greater, and English lit will have the very worst hiring ratios of all. In English lit, it will be the people who got degrees from perhaps the top-ten or top-twenty programs who get almost all the tenure track jobs, I would suspect. If you can get your PhD from Harvard or Princeton or UC Berkeley or Ann Arbor, you’ll likely be fine.
So if someone, even with a stipend, goes into debt to get a degree, you gotta ask yourself - how do I pay these debts assuming I never get a decent paying academic job? Because the odds of that aren’t so low even if you are quite good.
If someone loves literature, there are other notable career options. The publishing industry still soaks up quite a few people, as do other “chattering class” jobs in other urban areas. Hollywood, and local tv and radio absorb some of these. I suspect a significant # of grad students eventually find themselves back in school yet again: this time, law school, or communications. Communications majors, even with just a masters, can often make excellent $ in private industry if they are very careful with their careers. Many of these people also wind up as journalists or in writing/editing fields adjunct to journalism - one can make a decent career out of non-fiction books on a given area - say health or politics - that sell, esp if the person is getting published on the web in “name” places or can get stuff into the good magazines like The Atlantic or The New Yorker. Any many try their hand at fiction.
If you wife loves English and writing, she might do as well or better creating her own career out of writing than going into academia. These are areas when contacts are key. You start with some, branch out, keep going, get all the info you can. Keep meeting people, keep trading info. I know of one person who graduated from UVA in something “soft” - English or journalism or history - who got some reporting gigs for blogs thru college contacts, which turned into reporting gigs for magazines, which turned into a serious career as a political journalist. He’s doing very well and has gotten interviews and written profiles which landed his work squarely in the national eye and got him onto national network news discussion shows. And he’s under 40. But he’s also, clearly, a star.
Again, not to be a killjoy. Just eyes wide open. The life you want and the career you get will be two very different things. For many people, the better portions of the “ivory tower” vanish the day they get their PhD. And then if what you find doesn’t even pay decently or you can’t get hired - well, these are things to consider and plan for before you apply to grad school, not after.
The best sources of info on getting hired will be the newly anc recently hired in the field. They will have friends and know the landscape.
What is this test you are talking about? The only thing I ever took was the GRE. But that was long ago.
@f00l Typically GRE
@f00l Sounds like some solid advice there too. I know she also likes the idea of writing for a career, especially since that would probably have a bit more flexibility when she wants kids. I know that probably won’t require a PhD, but like you mentioned she loves learning. Either way, we’ve got a long way to go before she has it so who knows where we’ll end up. Good to have the hard truths available from the start for sure. Gotta say, meh is an interesting place.
Aside from doing really good work in school, prob the best thing one can do at that stage is start getting connections. Perhaps not so easy in Maine?
Meet people in related areas, make friends, meet their friends. Not in a mercenary way. Could be worth gold someday.
Tried coming up with a theme song for a nonexistent show based off of this picture.
Failed miserably.
Then I realized I was on the wrong thread here. And I still hadn’t posted the picture.
I don’t really recall posting this.
However, I’ll stand by it.
Speaking of which witch is which, I never really watched Stand by Me from beginning to end.
Though if parodies by Family Guy count, then I have watched it numerous times.
Although in that case, then I have watched Star Wars numerous times.
I have some questions about Star Wars, but it’s probably best if I don’t ask them and just keep them to myself.
Which reminds me, anybody wanna come over for some ice cream cake in a pie shell? The ice cream is good, though the pie shell tastes borderline. It might be because it’s been in the freezer for a couple of weeks. That’s not my fault.
Only if someone gives me a ride. Too tired to drive it straight thru by myself.
Did you know that if you remove the underscore from your name, you’d be left an alcoholic?
Ya think?
Been toying with the possibility for a while, finally reach a verdict.
@PlacidPenguin Woah, that’s insane!
I know. It’s somewhat clever.
Fuck @carl669, he didn’t get as drunk as he made us to believe he would.
@f00l i tried. i really did. it was not meant to be.
/8ball will i get drunk again before the end of the year?
Outlook good
I looked at the news. Instantly depressed. Wife is asleep so I can watch anything I want. Decided to go with the animaniacs as the anti-news. I wish this was still relevant. Is there a modern animaniacs?
@Pantheist @narfcake
I may eventually open my Animaniacs box set.
Although I believe that @narfcake already has an open box set.
@PlacidPenguin I hope so. I don’t know what @narfcake actually refers to, but every time I see it I think of Pinky.
@Pantheist narf refers to what Pinky says… Maybe he likes cake as well. Not sure if it’s the band or the food, lol
@RiotDemon now I’m sad. Less relatable to our political mess, but cheerier…
@Pantheist What @RiotDemon said.

/image narf (Pinky)
/image cake
(@PlacidPenguin is also correct.)
@narfcake This makes my night.
@narfcake that cake looks delicious.
Had to watch this for work. How the fuck is it a thing?
@Pantheist that looks lame as fuck.
@RiotDemon apt.
@Pantheist @RiotDemon
Hey, I shared that on Discord yesterday morning.
So? Not everyone here has been to the Discord chat.
@shruggie yeah, dunno what that is.
@shruggie discord seems kinda pointless honestly when we can have all the same discussions here. I can understand using it for private messages.
why the fuck am i currently mixing vodka with coke zero??? wghat the fuck is wrong with me?
@carl669 use rum and vanilla coke zero instead
You’re so drunk it no longer matters?
@CaptAmehrican so noted. thank you.
@carl669 we need more gifs of him.
@RiotDemon who is tit?
@RiotDemon it. who is it?
@carl669 Eric Northman from True Blood.
There was a recent irk video about now entering the phase where death becomes more noticeable/real. I just realized I’m actually in a low point with death- had lots in late-teens to very early 20’s, and now almost none. I’m sure it’ll pick up again in 20 years or so, but I’m loving this lull in the inverted bell curve.
hamburher helper ain’t shit. it;s jsut easier to making the fucking hamburger alone. fuck that hanburher pasta shit.
@carl669 How can you hate on Hamburger Helper??? It is the food of gods.

/image hanburher
/image Han bur her
jjesus ficking shitballs. babadook. what the fuck??!~?!?!?!
@carl669 You do have enough sense not to drive when you’ve been drinking, don’t you? I worry about you.
@Barney no drivning. i;ve pieked up enough people from drunk driving crashes to know better,.
@carl669 Good, and if I were you, I wouldn’t try walking either.
Sit, Ubu, Sit. Good dog!
@carl669 drunk Carl must not have auto correct, lol
@RiotDemon we dont need no stinking splelling!@
@carl669 I didn’t mind the movie, but it wasn’t nearly as creepy as everyone made me think
@Pantheist maybe it helps if you’re drunk?
If all online forums had the option to delete posts after more than 5 minutes, anyone who cared enough to follow me around the internet would know more about me than I’d like.
I don’t really like musicals outside of galavant and porn, but holy shit- this is awesome.
You posted in the drunk thread. Are you wasted now, and that’s why you posted in this thread?
Do you find Hamilton awesome only when wasted?
Or awesome all the time, wasted or sober?
Or awesome all the time because you are wasted all the time?
@f00l in a manner of speaking, maybe, no idea, nope.

So like haven’t been drinking recently…just downed a bottle of meh red. Ordered 45$ of thai food and like why I’m so full. This security system looks cool but rather costly…like i have insurance please steal my stuff but i just moved to a sketchy neighborhood so hmmm
@connorbush What did you get and how spicy?
@Pantheist panag curry with pork medium. Yellow curry with chicken spicy. Wonton soup. And kanom jeep… I’M ONE PERSON WHAT WAS I THINKING.?!
@connorbush you type much better than i do when drunk.
@connorbush You ate a Jeep?
@sammydog01 jeeb* dang auto correct
At some point in the last month I took the third test to intern at a petroleum company. It was completely against my morals, but the pay for 3 months would be more than I currently make in a year so that would have been nice. Didd well on the firstr two parts, then took waaaaay too long on the third so I’m sure I bombed it. Dunno whether to be sad that I fucked up that opportunity for moneys or happy that it’s one fewer ethical dilemma that I’ll choose the wrong answer on.
@Pantheist They would pay you as an intern? That’s not how it goes where I work…
@compunaut Yup. Pay in my area is 18-20/hr, a couple places that would also provide me with housing have told me 5-6k/month.
Man, I think you need to latch onto THAT. What’s the deal at the end of the intern period? Are you tied in or free to go?
@compunaut haha I’m trying to get one
The petroleum company would have paid more than I listed, but pretty sure I fucked that up
Maybe I can find another similar deal. So far most of em have said at the end of a successful internship I can get a job offer for after graduation, but none have said that’s mandatory.
@compunaut if you don’t mind my asking, what industry are you in?
@PantHeist Aerospace
@compunaut and they don’t pay interns? Crazy.
@PantHeist Emphasis added is mine:
@compunaut I’m aware of what an internship is. Fact remains that the only ones I’ve seen for software engineering that don’t pay are part time for non-profits.
The interns that join us are almost always college students between their jr & sr years. I don’t work in IT/software, but the interns I do see aren’t yet really ready for professional-level engineering work, but all benefit from (and generally enjoy) exposure to a ‘real’ technical & manufacturing environment: lab work, help w/ trade studies, assist shop foremen, etc. The experience is a pretty good boost to landing a job after graduation - they make their $$ once they are hired.
@compunaut unpaid internships are rapidly disappearing due the questionable legality and ethics thereof. They’re around but they’re dying out fast.
@jbartus You may be right, but according to folks I know in HR, we’d never actually put them on payroll - too many benefit accruals & tax implications.
Only other alternative might be month-to-month contract labor agreement. Doesn’t currently have the resume bump/hiring cachet of ‘Summer Intern for XXYY Aerospace’, but perhaps that will start changing.
In contrast, only 39.5 percent of students who had unpaid internships received a job offer, slightly higher than the offer rate for students with no internship experience at all (38.6 percent).
@PantHeist that’s where the ethics implications come in where companies are abusing college students to get free labor under the guise of work experience.
@PantHeist @jbartus A very interesting article. But it doesn’t really mention which industries offer paid vs unpaid internships. In the engineering/mfg field, there’s no way we’re letting a non-degreed student do ‘free labor’ that an experienced professional would otherwise do - too much risk. The work they are assigned are very short-term tasks; think more along the lines of a technically savvy temp.
Now I can perhaps see the argument that that they deserve at least min wage in addition to the job experience, but as said above there are all kinds implications when adding to payroll (mostly negative for the company).
@compunaut Part of the issue with the free labor argument isn’t that the student is doing work that a person with a degree would do- it’s that they’re doing work that would otherwise be done by entry level employees without a degree.
@compunaut @PantHeist nailed it on the head. The 25% disparity between hire rates is largely attributable to companies using the unpaid interns to avoid having to pay entry level employees to do the same work.
@PantHeist That’s what I’m saying - on the technical side, all our employees (even ‘entry level’) have engineering or other technical degrees. Just about the only workers without a degree are the represented/union factory people. The interns are NOT doing the same jobs that ‘entry level’ engineers are doing; they’re not really equipped to handle it and aren’t on the job long enough to learn it.
Our newly hired engineers are assigned to a product/program and a specific discipline/team. They will stay in that assignment for 3yr or more, ‘paired’ up with more experienced folks, gradually given tasks of increasing responsibility & importance. They aren’t shuffled around to new tasks, in new groups, every 3-4wks doing relatively low-level (tho still ‘technical’) work that college juniors can do with little challenge.
@jbartus Perhaps thats true in some industries or employment categories. For us, nobody else is getting hired to do those intern tasks, except possibly a temp.
There is a significant benefit for former interns who are hired: They start at a ‘grade’ of Engineer instead of Associate Engineer. That’s like an immediate promotion to the next pay tier 1-2yr early.
@compunaut nobody else is getting hired to do those tasks because you have unpaid interns to do them. Otherwise your company would either hire someone to cover those tasks or give them to the entry level guys. Sure they don’t do it right now, cause they have interns, and the degree holders are more valuable elsewhere but without unpaid interns someone would have to do them, the tasks don’t just disappear into the ether.
@jbartus Unfortunately, someone does NOT have to do them; those tasks will simply go undone.
I’ve worked in this industry for over 30yr, at multiple sites. It’s a very high-cost business, so even with massive budgets there’s always more jobs to do than people, time, & money. It’s about prioritizing the most important jobs at just the time they’re needed.
The cost of hiring any salaried workers (please remember that there are many benefit structures beyond the paycheck) could not be justified for the assortment of these short term, low-level tasks.
Note: There’s no slave trade for engineering interns; they willingly sign on knowing it’s unpaid. There are undoubtedly many reasonable reasons to do so.
@compunaut yeah, all of the paid positions are taken and they’re told it’s important to help them get hired after they get their overpriced piece of paper.
If my credit doesn’t fuck me, I got an internship that pays 3x what my job I’ve had for 3 years does. They’ve also got an amazingly high percentage of interns who accept job offers, so fingers crossed. I’ll have to leave Maine, but for full time software engineers they pay double what employers do here, and cost of living is 25% lower.
Where, and does that mess with your and your wife’s undergrad edu progressions?
@f00l I’ll email you after my nap, and there’s an ivy league school in the area that has been trying to recruit her.
@PantHeist Congrats!
So, what’s the difference between a paid internship & actually getting hired?
@compunaut Thanks
Job pays more, comes with a signing bonus, has performance bonuses, requires my degree to be completed, and I’d imagine it’s harder to get rid of an actual employee.
Internship I’ll be paired with a mentor who will guide me through things, and (I’d imagine) check my work. I’m told a lot of my time will be spent in training. Also, if they decide it’s not a good fit they can just not make me a job offer and I’ll be out in about 3 months. Sort of a long working interview, and if I get an offer I’ll be considered the same as an employee who has been there for a year when I start.
@Adios Feel free to ignore me, but I have to ask. I gather that you’re an intelligent person, and that you voted for trump. I’m not sure if your overall values tend toward democratic party or republican, but I get the feeling that you’re a utilitarian overall. I think you liked sanders more than either major candidate, as I did. Before you go, any chance I could hear what you believe in to slake my own curiosity? It seems that very few people read this thread, and it’s decidedly less judgey than most since I’ve set the standard pretty low.
@PantHeist honestly I would prefer to just exist in a political vacuum for the foreseeable future. Your overall assessment is not far off but that’s about all I really want to say at this time.
Thanks though for your interest in having a non-judgmental dialogue!
Understand wanting to get your head out of it for a while. I did that about 3 weeks ago. Can be good for the soul.
Otoh you are a Pats fan …
@Adios Fair nuff, don’t be too long!
Fuckin Bob Ross. You nut.
u talk too much, where is my glass?
@SebastianSoul you don’t talk enough. I prefer to listen but hate silence when there are people I don’t know well nearby.
I went outside and all the birds were warning each other about me. Do you think they all understand each other or are they all like us and other mammals where it’s just noise
Well, we know that animals can communicate with each other using motions and noises.
Why can’t it be that birds talk?
Of course, would it be a standardized language, or would it be like humans and languages, that unless you understand it it’s just noise.
@PlacidPenguin Yeah, I assume that they have a broader range than us since I think they typically have at most one language per species, but I wonder if they can communicate between species. I know lots of birds (and chipmunks) all have the same alarm peep, but how far do you think it goes?
Well I’m a penguin and I’m talking to you.
They just speak in another language.
I want to hear Paganini play. I hear he had mutant fingers and sold his soul to the devil. WHo’s got the delorean?v
@PantHeist I thought it was Robert Johnson done sold his soul to the devil
/youtube Robert Johnson
Now that’s two of my favs.
Re Souls and the Devil.
They all do. Small ways or large. As do the rest of us.
When the result is sublime, I’m listening.
@compunaut I’ll have to check my ledger, but he is damn good.
Still stuck on the Paganini kick, but this lady is amazing. (Despite the weird cross poorly wrapped in bubble wrap thing she has going on)
@PantHeist I’ve tried teaching myself violin for a long time, but watching her left hand makes me feel like it’s a lost cause.
@f00l glad you enjoyed
Wound up listening to her for hours
@f00l Awesome
She’s crazy talented.
@PantHeist the cross didn’t bother me. For some reason the face cloth did though.
The only violinist I really listen to is Lindsey Stirling.
/youtube Lindsey Stirling Skyrim
@RiotDemon Her videos are great. only person who says they do dubstep that i consider a musician.
Financial question bordering on ethics was presented to me. I’m a horrible person to ask, so I just outsourced it.
Think I have an ethical responsibility to tell the person who asked me the question that I outsourced the question? Or would it be more of a “what they don’t know won’t hurt them” scenario?
Depends on if it’s important. I tend to usually mention source of info.
What’s that from?
Wonderful insanity.
And Paris.
@f00l I don’t know that it’s from anything besides some people on youtube I happened to run into.
edit: run into on youtube. Notout in the world
@PantHeist @f00l they are dressed like assassins from the Assassin’s Creed video games. The characters are essentially parkour experts that scale buildings to escape or to drop in unknowingly on their victims. You play a character from the current timeline that is a descendant from one of these assassins. You go back in time (in a way) to find out information from the past.
/giphy assassins creed eagle

@RiotDemon I mean that’s cool, but it isn’t the same as doing it physically.
@PantHeist I don’t know about you, but I can’t scale buildings or jump from ten stories up into a hay pile.
@RiotDemon I definitely cannot, but that is why I liked the video. I generally don’t watch people do things I can do myself.
Why did dtgis meh wine taste so good? I should probably hydrate so I don’t have a massive headache
@Alien88 Vodka has water in it!
@PantHeist so does whisky. And scotxh. And fsck bell… mmmmm I wish they delivered
Why does autocorrect not work when replying to a thread??? This is a conspiracy. Sad!
Good song.
Leonard Bernstein gave a series of engaging open lectures on the development of the western tradition of musical languages at Harvard University in 1973. These lectures were intended for the curious, not for a specialized audience, despite the description below copied from the Youtube uploader.
The playlist is here:
I wanted to listen to that crazy lady play violin and had to look extensively for this threda. Bump fpr ,y own convience and im shiitgsaced oif notjong else
You sound great.
@f00l My compadre!
@f00l you know me. I work 40 hrs/week and am taking 18 credits. I nede mhy time with the brain disabeled or I;ll sink into depressijn. Without substabcedxs it ovreanalayzes eeeeeverything
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

/giphy wasted
@Pantheist yeeee boyyyy
@f00l Saw this in my email, thought I must have posted something awful. Pleasantly surprised.
The dream is as real as the memory, so scared!
@xxxSandy Were you the villain?
I am more drunk than all of you put together.
Familiy in town for a baby shower is an excellent reason to get completely plaster.ed Just sayin’.
Mommy to be restrained herself and acted responsibly. Daddy to be did also.
The rest of us are under no such constraints.
We behaved like classy undergraduates on a bender.
Other parents to be aren’t here and they didn’t get drunk.
We older folks are free to get as drunk as we fucking please. Babies will be here soon. That rocks. Deal with it.
@f00l speak for yourself!
I know a little to much about the subject of that song.
It snowed in people’s faces a lot. Ya know, the wind and all.
Rough day. Feeln down.
@Pantheist sorry. I know how you feel.
/me hands you a virtual drink of your choosing
@RiotDemon virtual smirtual. gimme a real rye or jameson old fashioned

@Pantheist omg wtf is that?
@RiotDemon baby stingrays
Even though I havent’; smoked in ~4 years, marlboro still loves me
You may want to inform them that there’s blue scribbling over your address, and as such are unable to verify it.
Today is goung to be awesome. Yesterday was everything I could have hoped for )(besides productive). Today I woke up at 415am, drank, watched the sun rinse, now all I need to do is optimize some shit I already wrote and already have the gui looking good for., I hate that making the GUI look good is often the trickiest part.
since you all definitely want to know whayt I’m curently listening to…
You’ll see a woman
hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets
coming round
tryin’ to sound like Charlie Manson
and, somehow, this song is happier. Also applies to my life to an extent that would be very upsetting to you if you were sane. Good thing you’re not.
Shhh. I’m asleep. But I’m still listening anyway.
@f00l more dubliners?
The wee hours were a throwback for me last night.
All about this guy for some reason or other:
I think this soda is rotten. Disgustng. I’,m just guna ea t a lemon for a chaser. Does anyone else eat whole lemons? I couldn’t eat the rind on it’s ownm, but it does balancethe pulp nicely/.
edit: I do this sober too.
@Pantheist no. Citrus rinds are way too bitter.
@RiotDemon I think they go well with the sourness
Despite owing the company a few thousand bucks, I somehow psased my internal security scan and background check! Now it’s just a question of whether I can get some shit expunged from the FBI database before they fingerpritn me.
Rooting for you there.
@PlacidPenguin Haha interesting. That actually might explain something for me. I got my prints checked on my own to see what was on there- the cop who did it mentioned that I had a “bizarre wear pattern” on my right thumb and first finger. I used to be really into print photography, and also never used tongs. Dunno if it makes a difference, but I used a lot of selenium toner as well.
@f00l Thanks
this is a super long thread, are all the aMeh.rican and Meh.xican Meh.tizens following the rules?
i yam
Which rules?
@PlacidPenguin see OP
I’m still trying to figure out what @Pantheist meant by:
State of sobriety? One’s physical state (i.e physical wellbeing)? Psychological state? Emotional state?
Location state?
@PlacidPenguin use context
@Yoda_Daenerys For the most part, I think so.
@PlacidPenguin i was thinking it meant you could be in MI, MN, IL, OH, NY, CA, SD, ND, SC, NC, CT, WY, OR, WA, FL, GA, ID, MS, AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, DE, HI, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, OK, PA, RI, MO, MT, NE, ME, MA, MD and exspessially AA
What about the other 9 states?
@PlacidPenguin states of what? like inebriation, rage, despair, sobriety, NH, NJ, NM, NV, TN, VT - which others am i missing?
@PlacidPenguin oh yea, and i also forgot states of confusion and matter
Hey, fuckface! I guess that’s @pavlov? Listen to this shit.
@everyonelse you too.
If you’re lucky you’ll get to hear @polksaladannie sing this one day.
(lyrics: )
@SluggerOtoole I only sing for you, Slugger. You know that!
@PolkSaladAnnie It depends how close your BAC is to mine.
@SluggerOtoole Oh, sure… but there are only so many Janis Joplin and Melodic songs to know.
@PlacidPenguin He’s in charge of technology and printers. You can see his photo on the Mediocre home page.

/giphy I’m not a stalker, really
I drank too much wine while painting wine and now I think I’m at a sports bar?
When you can’t hear the music, figure skating / ice dancing just looks deranged.