Does This Look Infested?
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I was whittling a nice piece of ash when I found this in it:
The ovular tunnel is about a quarter inch long:
The organism is about five millimeters long, (hopefully) dead and a bit dried out.
I’m thinking this could be an Emerald Ash Borer.
The insect is an invasive species in northeastern North America.
What do you think it is?
/image what’s that bug
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No stripes. It could be the common ash hole borer.
Yep. Definitely a common ash hole.
@mehcuda67 @mike808
/image rimshot
Creamy colored larvae of the Banded Ash Borer and their kin go by the name of roundheaded borers.
@medz what is my coupon code for winning?
@medz “ash hole” of course. I thought you knew.
/image rimshot
That looks just like it! Cool
@medz Definitely looks like an invasive species.
Whew…thought it said infeCted…