I got Smash Bros on WiiU, but was not the happy recipient of a 3DS. The wife and I got a waffle maker, which was nice, but admittedly was a bit low on the totem pole of hoped for gifts. But still, happy with what I got and grateful to be alive and celebrating Christmas with the family, so there is that.
I had to answer kinda, cause I got lots of great gifts, some great meals...but I also got sick. And...this not being able to breathe without it hurting is not something I wanted for Christmas. But, thanks for asking...now, someone please wave their magic wand and make me feel better already!~
@JonT THanks for the attempt, but apparently I ended up with a sinus infection...although a doctors visit and some antibiotics and I'll be feeling fine in no time!~ Ohhhh....magic wand!!!
i got a peaceful christmas (which is the only thing i really wanted); the family troublemaker did not attend our gathering so everyone was able to enjoy the day w/out walking on eggshells.
I got some great gifts - new pots and pans was the best. But I answered kinda because I lost something personal and intangible. (Yes, I am going to leave it that vague and not answer questions about it. Vagueposting FTW)
I almost ruined it for myself getting frustrated over stupid stuff and being upset over things outside of my control. In the end though, I got over myself and was able to spend the day visiting lots of family that I don't get to see very often.
@Kleineleh Yes, after five hours of cooking 8 dishes plus 2 cakes, I went ballistic because I couldn't find the can of cranberry sauce I'd bought the day before. I made cranberries from scratch for Thanksgiving and decided I was going to cut one little corner and buy canned for Christmas, spent half an hour scouring the store for a can of whole-berry sauce (plenty of jelly, but they were down to 3 cans of whole berry) and then it apparently didn't make it home from the store with me. My friends were offering to go looking for an open store 10 minutes before Christmas dinner because I was having such a tantrum about the damned cranberry sauce (which was really about being stressed and tired and disappointed that I hadn't made it from scratch again), but I searched through all the cabinets and found a can in the back left over from last year. The irony is that I am the only one that eats it, and I could have had chutney or homemade jelly instead, I have lots of that on hand. It was just that one little thing that sets you off when you are primed for it.
@Kleineleh@moondrake My moment like that this week was over my husband adding water to my stew in the crockpot. It really is just that tiny, almost insignificant thing that pokes the hole in your stress balloon.
I got a new toaster oven, which is what I dropped a broad hint for when my BFF complained he couldn't find me anything nice for Christmas. #2 BFF got me 3 expansions for Domain, which we have been playing a lot. Another friend got me an expansion for Carcasonne. And BFF #1 and 2 pitched in together and bought me an art fair tent, so I can leave my art on site if the site is reasonably secure. I feel bad because I got them nice stuff, but not as nice as all that. Most importantly, I got to spend a lot of time with all my friends and my mom over the holiday week.
Oh, and a very odd gift from the universe-- my new neighbors went all out decorating their yards for Christmas, inspiring me to put up some lights but I felt like I wasn't rising to the occasion. I couldn't think of what to add without spending a lot of money though. I headed out to do some last minute shopping on the 24th and two blocks from my house there was a live Christmas tree with stand just lying in the middle of the intersection. I stood it up and looked around for someone to come running out yelling, "Hey, that's my Christmas tree!" but the whole neighborhood was quiet. So I sort of suspended it from my Honda Civic Coupe trunk latch with my dog leash and rolled slowly back home. I had some extra tree trimmings so I decorated it nicely and set it up in the middle of my yard. My little front yard went from a couple of strings of lights to a nicely decorated space just like that.
@mehjohnson I had bought a new stove just before Thanksgiving and when they got there they said my 70 year old hookups wouldn't work with a modern stove and I'd have to have a plumber come and change the gas lines. So I am stuck with my 50+ y.o. stove. I am hoping the new toaster oven has some of the features yours does (I haven't gotten it yet, he had a bear of a time finding a white one to match my kitchen so it's still in transit). I'd like to use it for some real cooking, rather than just for heating up pizza and making sugar toast.
@moondrake I feel ya. I have an odd landlord situation, but it's good because pit bull and no lease. But a limping fridge and non-working oven. Range is good, but I'm a home-made dough guy. So the big toaster is great after making tiny toaster-oven-tray size pizzas which wouldn't cook right. This one has convection, etc as well. Massive portion increase yay!
Got a really nice portable Jacuzzi along with a portable electric radiator, to heat up the FROG while working on documents. Kinda hard to type with gloves!
My end of year summary on vaping ҈҈Ѿ Being delighted with the meh mail gifts. ҈Ѿ No drama for this mama. ҈Ѿ Being grateful for having a sound living space and someone very special to me to share it with besides umpteen kittehs.
I got a Copy of a videogame i already bought myself (forgot to delete it from amazon wish list DOH!!), a copy of a book i've wanted for about 2 years now both from my brother-from-another-mother, my sister and her kids got me 10 passes to the movie theater near them (hint hint) My Uncle got me a nice sweater, Mom &Dad, went a bit overboard: a new watch, $50 gas card, $50 to gift card to our local Movie theater, and $50 in Tim Horton's giftcards.
then today i wake up and see my brother(from the same mother and father) sent me $100 gift certificate to thinkgeek. with which i purchased 3 things from my wish list.(with a bit of my own $$ as well ) 1) Union Jack Tardis Tee 2)12 foot 4th Doctor Scarf 3) StarTrek TNG Uniform Hoodie (Operations Gold)
and while all that stuff is nice, to me the best part was watching my Niece and Nephew open their gifts, and see the looks on their faces. She's nearly 6, and like all little girls LOVES stuffed animals, and also loves dragons. I Picked up Toothless from the "How to Train Your Dragon" movies when he was at Build a Bear over the Summer. (She Hasn't Put him down yet since Christmas Eve) for My Nephew, I Happened to Win a PS4 from Taco Bell a couple Months Back, and having already purchased an Xbone for myself, had no need for it. checked with my sister, and she said it was ok to give it to him. it came with a copy of Destiny, and I added an extra Controller and a copy of the latest Madden game.
the Look of sheer Disbelief on his face when he opened the box was priceless. (jaw drops)....that's....a...PS4.... (Me) Yes it is.
@earlyre The best thing I ever won was from Taco Bell. A very nice heavy leather "bomber" jacket. It was the second prize in a national contest, and I only entered once. The same day I packed the entry box with about 20 entries for a local drawing at the same Taco Bell and won nothing. Thought it was kind of funny. The jacket is good quality, I have been wearing it during the winter for more than 30 years and it is in the same condition as when I got it.
I got Smash Bros on WiiU, but was not the happy recipient of a 3DS. The wife and I got a waffle maker, which was nice, but admittedly was a bit low on the totem pole of hoped for gifts. But still, happy with what I got and grateful to be alive and celebrating Christmas with the family, so there is that.
I had to answer kinda, cause I got lots of great gifts, some great meals...but I also got sick. And...this not being able to breathe without it hurting is not something I wanted for Christmas. But, thanks for asking...now, someone please wave their magic wand and make me feel better already!~
@JonT THanks for the attempt, but apparently I ended up with a sinus infection...although a doctors visit and some antibiotics and I'll be feeling fine in no time!~ Ohhhh....magic wand!!!
Got plenty of money, but I don't want anything money can buy. With family for the last time for a while, though, so I'm content.
i got a peaceful christmas (which is the only thing i really wanted); the family troublemaker did not attend our gathering so everyone was able to enjoy the day w/out walking on eggshells.
I got some great gifts - new pots and pans was the best. But I answered kinda because I lost something personal and intangible.
(Yes, I am going to leave it that vague and not answer questions about it. Vagueposting FTW)
Facebook post: "UGH I'M SO MAD RIGHT NOW"
Comment: "Oh no, what happened??"
"I don't wanna talk about it..."
In all seriousness though, sorry to hear that. Losing something like that is always tough.
@Thumperchick was it your sense of wonderment at all things new and shiny?
@pmulry Nah, that's still pretty firmly in place.
@Thumperchick Was it your belief in Santa Claus? 'Cause he's real, you know, if you want him to be.
I got two free months of VMP! Beat that y'all - oh, wait..
My first holiday season since 2010 without being sick/recovering from surgery. It's been wonderful.
Great Christmas, only thing left on the wishlist is a Bluetooth speaker. Not looking to spend $80, so now I'm just praying to the Meh gods!
All I really wanted was family time and I got that. Maybe a little too much.
Among other things, I got my copy of Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt for Sega Genesis, so I was happy.
Also, got a custom-made 6 pack beer/soda holder, which looks awesome.
@dashcloud Sounds neat, 6 pack pics?
Made oof wood, with copper handle, and the bottlecaps on each side are removeable.
@dashcloud Sweet. Would match nicely with a similar woodwright style toolbox in the other hand for "work"!
I almost ruined it for myself getting frustrated over stupid stuff and being upset over things outside of my control. In the end though, I got over myself and was able to spend the day visiting lots of family that I don't get to see very often.
@Kleineleh Yes, after five hours of cooking 8 dishes plus 2 cakes, I went ballistic because I couldn't find the can of cranberry sauce I'd bought the day before. I made cranberries from scratch for Thanksgiving and decided I was going to cut one little corner and buy canned for Christmas, spent half an hour scouring the store for a can of whole-berry sauce (plenty of jelly, but they were down to 3 cans of whole berry) and then it apparently didn't make it home from the store with me. My friends were offering to go looking for an open store 10 minutes before Christmas dinner because I was having such a tantrum about the damned cranberry sauce (which was really about being stressed and tired and disappointed that I hadn't made it from scratch again), but I searched through all the cabinets and found a can in the back left over from last year. The irony is that I am the only one that eats it, and I could have had chutney or homemade jelly instead, I have lots of that on hand. It was just that one little thing that sets you off when you are primed for it.
@moondrake Xanax moment.
@Kleineleh @moondrake My moment like that this week was over my husband adding water to my stew in the crockpot. It really is just that tiny, almost insignificant thing that pokes the hole in your stress balloon.
Yes, a relaxing day, just the hubs, me and meh.
I got a new toaster oven, which is what I dropped a broad hint for when my BFF complained he couldn't find me anything nice for Christmas. #2 BFF got me 3 expansions for Domain, which we have been playing a lot. Another friend got me an expansion for Carcasonne. And BFF #1 and 2 pitched in together and bought me an art fair tent, so I can leave my art on site if the site is reasonably secure. I feel bad because I got them nice stuff, but not as nice as all that. Most importantly, I got to spend a lot of time with all my friends and my mom over the holiday week.

@moondrake I also got a toaster oven, and Dragon Age 'expansions'!
Oh, and a very odd gift from the universe-- my new neighbors went all out decorating their yards for Christmas, inspiring me to put up some lights but I felt like I wasn't rising to the occasion. I couldn't think of what to add without spending a lot of money though. I headed out to do some last minute shopping on the 24th and two blocks from my house there was a live Christmas tree with stand just lying in the middle of the intersection. I stood it up and looked around for someone to come running out yelling, "Hey, that's my Christmas tree!" but the whole neighborhood was quiet. So I sort of suspended it from my Honda Civic Coupe trunk latch with my dog leash and rolled slowly back home. I had some extra tree trimmings so I decorated it nicely and set it up in the middle of my yard. My little front yard went from a couple of strings of lights to a nicely decorated space just like that.
I'm glad I also got a toaster oven, nice big one. Can do two 12" pizzas, or chicken etc. rotisserie. Multiple meals already done in it.
Also nice relaxing day with just gf and pooch.
@mehjohnson I had bought a new stove just before Thanksgiving and when they got there they said my 70 year old hookups wouldn't work with a modern stove and I'd have to have a plumber come and change the gas lines. So I am stuck with my 50+ y.o. stove. I am hoping the new toaster oven has some of the features yours does (I haven't gotten it yet, he had a bear of a time finding a white one to match my kitchen so it's still in transit). I'd like to use it for some real cooking, rather than just for heating up pizza and making sugar toast.
@moondrake I feel ya. I have an odd landlord situation, but it's good because pit bull and no lease. But a limping fridge and non-working oven. Range is good, but I'm a home-made dough guy. So the big toaster is great after making tiny toaster-oven-tray size pizzas which wouldn't cook right. This one has convection, etc as well. Massive portion increase yay!
Got a really nice portable Jacuzzi along with a portable electric radiator, to heat up the FROG while working on documents. Kinda hard to type with gloves!
Great day relaxing with the family.
My end of year summary on vaping
҈҈Ѿ Being delighted with the meh mail gifts.
҈Ѿ No drama for this mama.
҈Ѿ Being grateful for having a sound living space and someone very special to me to share it with besides umpteen kittehs.
@Dave @JonT @pflats
Wiper blades and a hitch cover, along with gift certificates for my hair salon, favorite salad place, and 2 mani/pedis. Hubby did good!
I got a Copy of a videogame i already bought myself (forgot to delete it from amazon wish list DOH!!), a copy of a book i've wanted for about 2 years now both from my brother-from-another-mother,
my sister and her kids got me 10 passes to the movie theater near them (hint hint)
My Uncle got me a nice sweater,
Mom &Dad, went a bit overboard:
a new watch, $50 gas card, $50 to gift card to our local Movie theater, and $50 in Tim Horton's giftcards.
then today i wake up and see my brother(from the same mother and father) sent me $100 gift certificate to thinkgeek. with which i purchased 3 things from my wish list.(with a bit of my own $$ as well )
1) Union Jack Tardis Tee
2)12 foot 4th Doctor Scarf
3) StarTrek TNG Uniform Hoodie (Operations Gold)
and while all that stuff is nice, to me the best part was watching my Niece and Nephew open their gifts, and see the looks on their faces.
She's nearly 6, and like all little girls LOVES stuffed animals, and also loves dragons. I Picked up Toothless from the "How to Train Your Dragon" movies when he was at Build a Bear over the Summer. (She Hasn't Put him down yet since Christmas Eve)
for My Nephew, I Happened to Win a PS4 from Taco Bell a couple Months Back, and having already purchased an Xbone for myself, had no need for it. checked with my sister, and she said it was ok to give it to him.
it came with a copy of Destiny, and I added an extra Controller and a copy of the latest Madden game.
the Look of sheer Disbelief on his face when he opened the box was priceless.
(jaw drops)....that's....a...PS4.... (Me) Yes it is.
@earlyre Good on you for checking with your sister first.
@moondrake if she had said no, it probably would have gone into a toys for tots barrel.
@earlyre The best thing I ever won was from Taco Bell. A very nice heavy leather "bomber" jacket. It was the second prize in a national contest, and I only entered once. The same day I packed the entry box with about 20 entries for a local drawing at the same Taco Bell and won nothing. Thought it was kind of funny. The jacket is good quality, I have been wearing it during the winter for more than 30 years and it is in the same condition as when I got it.