Man I was so dissapointed to get the sold out message. I figured my daughter could put this next to her Nicholas Cage one. I showed it to her and she is dissapointed too. I found others online, but they cost more.
I’m impressed that someone thought to take the chafing personality of DeVito*, and the chafing texture of sequins, and combine them into something on which an unsuspecting person might place their face.
That’s some upper-tier sadism right there.
*DeVito is quite the lovable troll; he just has a slew of characters that are written to chafe like a cheesegrater on diaper rash.
What’s in the box?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Feb 2 - Monday, Feb 8
@raccoon81 the pillow? the price? or that 20 of them sold out in a couple minutes?
@ybmuG To have his face pop up on you like that. Even just the photo for the sale jolted me.
And yes, that 20 people decided this is something they needed.
/image weird-quaint-celery
/giphy weird-quaint-celery
Oh God… I must.
/giphy vicious-soft-garlic
I was about to say “I love Danny DeVito as much as the next guy, but I can’t see buying this”
But then I saw they sold out, so maybe I don’t love Danny DeVito as much as the next guy.
@SnakeJG I CLEARLY don’t love Danny DeVito as much as at least 20 of the next guys…
Man I was so dissapointed to get the sold out message. I figured my daughter could put this next to her Nicholas Cage one. I showed it to her and she is dissapointed too. I found others online, but they cost more.
I’m impressed that someone thought to take the chafing personality of DeVito*, and the chafing texture of sequins, and combine them into something on which an unsuspecting person might place their face.
That’s some upper-tier sadism right there.
*DeVito is quite the lovable troll; he just has a slew of characters that are written to chafe like a cheesegrater on diaper rash.
@brainmist A perfect assessment - you think they meant it that way?
Yeah, probably giving someone too much credit for “thought”…
This would make a great gag gift.
What in the random gift ideas is this?
See, this is what I came to Meh for originally.