Cool free stuff for tool geeks.
24I just found out that Starrett will send you all sorts of free stuff just for asking, including their wall chart of conversions and drill sizes. I ordered a handful of their drill & tap conversion pocket cards and a notebook.
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thanks for posting, i just ordered some too!
Years ago I inherited one of the pocket cards in a toolbox I took over at work. It was invaluable when I was doing a lot of fabrication work. The silly little card actually became something of a prized possession, and it’s been jealously guarded.
I haven’t needed it very often in recent years, but I was doing a project at home a couple of days ago, and was wishing I had it here. So I went looking for one on the Intertubes. I was about ready to buy some off of Ebay when I stumbled across a forum discussion somewhere that had the info on getting them for free from the source. So I figured I’d spread the news, and undercut the Ebay scalpers as well.
Though I don’t really have a need for it, if I had the wall space I’d have ordered the wall chart too. Maybe I’m weird, but I just think it’s cool. Another reason to build that garage, I guess.
@blaineg And just now I realized I should have ordered one for my friend’s garage!
I’m considering getting one for my office. I work at a software company.
or I could create my own “Fractions and Single Precision Floating Points Decimal Equivalents” chart and get it printed full size.
@fibrs86 If you’ve been to their website, you’ve seen that there are also PDFs of all the charts & cards. Go DIY!
I ordered the wall chart, the pocket cards and even the tool poster…also the “made in America” poster thing because my shop IS in America.
Thank you. This will replace the chart I made for use at my hydraulic paper cutter.
@rtjhnstn curious what a hydraulic paper cutter is needed for (beyond the obvious “cutting paper”)
@tightwad there are a few more words… cutting lots of paper very straight all at once
@tightwad Cutting a lot of paper consistently.
Thank you for keeping me from having to go grab the Pocket Ref off the shelf. Will stick this to a magnet to live on the garage fridge. Perfect!