And you suck for clipping his bit.
I think that happens on your end. We suck for letting the bit go on too long, maybe.
@matthew Fuck that, gmail sucks for clipping it. You suck for not making it longer.
I for one want to see these memos.
There was one that really made me laugh the way gmail clipped it, but now I can’t find it, so maybe I was just drunk.
I’m a huge fan of clipping. Their new Sci Fi concept album is awesome!
@MrGlass Sub Pop should be the official record label of Meh. Their tagline says it all: We’re not the best, but we’re pretty good.
Go home cat. You are drunk. We need more: /giphy "Everything is Awesome"
I would post a screenshot, but I already deleted the email. I’m torn between Glen and EIAbot.
@DrunkCat I went and read the email- I assumed since you complained that it was worth reading. Nope.
@sammydog01 Why must you be an enemy to humour.
@DrunkCat Humor? More like tumor!
@ELUNO Tumor more like two more!
@DrunkCat Well played sir.
@DrunkCat @ELUNO /giphy tumor for two
So who writes these things? They really don’t feel like Jason.
@sammydog01 Ahem… just what exactly does Jason feel like?
@compunaut Squishy?
@sammydog01 I think that’s a burn on poor Jason… /giphy burn
What I don’t get is why the emails that Chinface sends are written so poorly, but the messages he (it?) types are written properly?
@cinoclav You may be overthinking this a bit.
Also, Chinface has a mustache, so I’m guessing he’s probably a he.
@rv617 I’ve seen plenty of women with mustaches. Unfortunately…
@cinoclav It truly is unfortunate when a woman doesn’t live up to society’s bullshit beauty standards, isn’t it?
@brhfl No, it’s truly unfortunate that some women have an actual medical condition called hirsutism.
I hate having my bit clipped.
@SSteve Which bit getting clipped hurts the most?
/giphy first cut is the deepest
I think that happens on your end. We suck for letting the bit go on too long, maybe.
@matthew Fuck that, gmail sucks for clipping it. You suck for not making it longer.
I for one want to see these memos.
There was one that really made me laugh the way gmail clipped it, but now I can’t find it, so maybe I was just drunk.
I’m a huge fan of clipping. Their new Sci Fi concept album is awesome!
@MrGlass Sub Pop should be the official record label of Meh. Their tagline says it all: We’re not the best, but we’re pretty good.
Go home cat. You are drunk.

We need more:
/giphy "Everything is Awesome"

I would post a screenshot, but I already deleted the email. I’m torn between Glen and EIAbot.
@DrunkCat I went and read the email- I assumed since you complained that it was worth reading. Nope.
@sammydog01 Why must you be an enemy to humour.
@DrunkCat Humor? More like tumor!
@ELUNO Tumor more like two more!
@DrunkCat Well played sir.

/giphy tumor for two
So who writes these things? They really don’t feel like Jason.
@sammydog01 Ahem… just what exactly does Jason feel like?
@compunaut Squishy?
I think that’s a burn on poor Jason…

/giphy burn
What I don’t get is why the emails that Chinface sends are written so poorly, but the messages he (it?) types are written properly?
@cinoclav You may be overthinking this a bit.
Also, Chinface has a mustache, so I’m guessing he’s probably a he.
@rv617 I’ve seen plenty of women with mustaches. Unfortunately…
@cinoclav It truly is unfortunate when a woman doesn’t live up to society’s bullshit beauty standards, isn’t it?
@brhfl No, it’s truly unfortunate that some women have an actual medical condition called hirsutism.
I hate having my bit clipped.
Which bit getting clipped hurts the most?
/giphy first cut is the deepest