Can we please, please, please have an ignore function?
14On topics?
Please? Pleasepleasepleaseplease?
You’ve got a couple of folks at the bar pushing one another and they’re annoying most of the other people just sitting and enjoying their drinks.
And just when things settle down, they have to start it up again.
- 7 comments, 15 replies
- Comment
Please advise your fellow traveler @Felton10 to consider exercising a bit of personal restraint. As I said before, if Meh is going to feature political threads, it’s going to go both ways.
@onlyonetruth and that is a fair statement. I cannot speak for the rest of the forum, but I do not personally enjoy the back and forth regardless of if it is pro Biden or Trump (in alphabetical order)
@onlyonetruth @tinamarie1974

/image puppies
@onlyonetruth @tinamarie1974 @zinimusprime We need a puppies vs kittens fight.

/giphy kittens for the win
@onlyonetruth @sammydog01 @zinimusprime
/giphy puppys vs kittens

“On topics”
And also on individual users.
There are a few who have a 90% or better probability of annoying me, as well as kicking the proverbial hornet’s nest and eliciting further vitriolic replies. I’ll forgo the 10% or fewer of times that they actually have some useful information to put out.
And also give the option to mute any replies to comments from ignored users.
Please, please, with
sugarstroopwafels on it.@phendrick I was going to star that but realized I might be on your list.
@phendrick @sammydog01 I am on your list, but I agree and will star it.
BTW, I did buy a package of stroopwafels at HEB (8 for $3.57) and … they’re OK, maybe they will grow on me after I’ve had a few more, before the Meh ones get here. They reminded me more of slightly soggy graham crackers, than anything else I could compare them to. (I used to love gc’s, but don’t buy them much anymore.)
@onlyonetruth And, which list do you think you might be on?
jk – star away
I quite often star yours, not that I nec. agree with you, but that you seem to seriously try to offer up something with some reasoning behind it. Most of the dribble on here seems to be based on blind emotion, more than anything else.
I think our nation/society would be better off if people voted more with their heads than their hearts, and considered long-term consequences of various political outlooks. (A sentiment seemed to be shared by our founders, when they set up the senate vs the house, with their different representations and terms. They recognized the danger of a mob mentality. What would they think about current events?)
@phendrick I would like to give you an award of some sort for this comment. As I seem to be fresh out of those, would you settle for a simple thank you?
@onlyonetruth I think my whole life is about settling :>) No left over IRK items?
But, yes.
And a note on
mythe mutee’s profile showing how many users have mutedmethe mutee.Or perhaps ban the two or three trouble makers for the next 50 days
@CaptAmehrican Unfortunately I’d imagine they will just make more ID’s for themselves and come back.
@CaptAmehrican If I could just put threads on ignore, that would most likely take care of the problem for me. Because the worst offenders (as I think of them), only post in those threads.
Of course, there are those people who have to turn EVERYTHING into something political, so it would be nice so not see that any longer, as well.
Putting on time out? That would involve the mods. I’d rather be able to make my own choices who’s posts to see and who’s not to see. For some people, they enjoy watching the fights. I’m not one of them.
I was once a planet. Then I got ignored. Be careful with that power.
@PlutoIsAPlanet You’ll always be a planet to me. Fuck the deniers!
/youtube jonathan coulton i’m your moon
I honestly don’t get it - why does anyone need a button to ignore a comment/commenter? I don’t find it particularly difficult to skip the ones I don’t care to read/reply to. Am I missing something?
@macromeh because they keep getting bumped to the top.
Hey guys, can we call it cancelled instead of muted. That sounds more current.

/giphy cancelled