I am not preggers, (that ship sailed a long time ago) but I crossed the prosperous-fickle-boundary and bought one anyway. I have chronic pain that keeps me awake; maybe this pillow could help me get a little more comfortable while trying to sleep.
That Bedjet sounds a bit wacky, but I’m curious about how well it works too.
Also, if you need their “dual zone” option because the two people have such radically different preference in temps… then they really should just sleep in different beds. Just sayin’
@haydesigner I have a bedjet and it is amazing. I get hot at night and my wife and I sleep with different comforters. It has changed the way I sleep. Can’t recommend enough.
@sammydog01, @mike808, @haydesigner, @stolicat@MKarell, I got the Bedjet 3 from Kickstarter so it was $255. I had a Brookstone fan but it wasn’t very sturdy and the fan wasn’t that powerful so this option was perfect. The video RiotDemon posted is pretty accurate (including the heavy instructions booklet).
With this version, they combined the app remote with a physical remote (although I did download a separate app for firmware updates). With it, I can set the intensity of the “jet”, the timer (10 hours default; 12 hours max), and the temperature so I can make it as cold as 67 degrees or as hot as 109 degrees. Setup was pretty simple; I attached a hose to the main unit (the only maintenance is checking the filter every 3 months) and took off some height brackets to have the vent at level with the mattress. I put it near the left corner of the mattress so I know I would not accidentally kick it like I have with the Brookstone fan.
It does sound like a Jet taking off, but remember you can control the speed of the fan if it’s too loud. Air rippled under the sheet as promised ( I used my own bed sheet; the zone sheets have a built in opening for the vent ). I just need to find the right spot for the vent so it travels up the middle of the bed (not so much on my feet) but I slept well, nevertheless.
One con of the Bedjet: The power cord is too short. The main idea is to store the unit under the bed and run the cord to the wall. For my room, the cord is short by a couple of feet so I have the unit on the outside of the bed. The directions say you cannot use an extension cord; however, the coil hose can be extended so I will play with positions to see if I can solve the cord problem. The site also offers an 8 foot hose but I don’t think I will need it.
I’m always looking for ways to sleep better so anytime Meh sells a sleep item, I’m always interested. It just so happened the Bedjet arrived Saturday and I had to try it right away.
@JT954 Thanks! Living in the desert I’m always looking for ways to keep cool without taking out a 2nd mortgage … that looks AMAZING. Where is BedJet sold, since I missed it here & on Kickstarter?
Why the dual unit is more expensive than just getting 2x the single units and saving $100 in the process is beyond me.
A weighted blanket roll in the middle should be enough (or maybe one if these body pillows), since even when you pony up the extra dough for the dual unit, the split sheet/comforter is extra.
Correction. The Dual unit includes the split zone comforter, which is … $100. So, $400+$400+100 is the sale/same price for the bundle as separate.
Still, almost a grand is a lot of A/C bills in the alternative. I’m in my local power company’s “Green Power” program (Ameren), so 100% of my electricity is renewable (wind). Doing my part, slackers.
@MKarell Keep in mind that this draws from air in the room so it may not get as cool as you want if the air in your room doesn’t have enough to circulate the desired temperature. I set mine to 71 degrees and the temp was around 75 when I woke up so results will vary.
@JT954 Thanks for letting me know. I probably wouldn’t want actual chilled air under the sheet, but given that I’d almost never use the heat I’m reconsidering the price. Still, it’s a pretty neat invention
@haydesigner@JT954@mike808@MKarell@sammydog01 The whole “don’t use this with an extension cord” thing is to keep people from using it with one of those flimsy little un-grounded cords from the supermarket, which will melt or catch on fire with any sort of higher amperage load. If you use a short cord with the same gauge as your house wiring (typically 14 to 12 gauge) you’ll be fine. You can get short (3 or 4 ft) heavy gauge grounded appliance extension cords meant for use with washing machines and dryers at most hardware stores.
@stolicat I managed to move the unit underneath the front of the bed before it gets to the metal rail. Adjusted the hose so it’s blowing from the foot of the mattress and it is PERFECT. I found my solution and had an even better night’s rest. No additional wiring needed.
I am a side sleeper, and I very much like and prefer to sleep with a body pillow. Unfortunately, most body pillows are quite soft, like a normal head pillow. I need one that is very firm.
IKEA used to sell a 3’ long round firm pillow (and pillowcase) that was just awesome for me. Sadly, they stop selling them a few years ago, and I haven’t found anything even close to replace it.
@haydesigner You should try a buckwheat pillow. You fill it as firm as you like.
I used to have a body pillow from beans72.com, where I’ve gotten all my buckwheat pillows from. You can get bags of replacement hulls from them too. They flatten from use and tend to lose their cooling power over time - about a year. 100% natural. Best pillows you’ll ever have.
@haydesigner While not a body pillow I had the same experience with IKEA with my head pillow. Still have not found a replacement I like as well. Lesson learned - if you find a pillow that is perfect buy extra!
Im a 42 year old guy, side sleeper, with a knee issue. I used this after my wife had our first baby. Worked great for my head and knees. quickly purchased my own for $80 off Amazon
They last about a year of daily use until they flatten.
I was pissed for $80!! Im pleased for $12. In for one
@Gypsigirl213 Look at it this way - the first thing you buy each month would cost the same anyway if you were still paying for a membership. So now you can /buy and not feel guilty.
We are 36 wks pregnant (today!)–can confirm, this style of pillow was a lifesaver for my wife. Our dog sure likes to curl up in it when she gets the chance, too!
What’s in the Box?
1x Body support pillow
Price Comparison
$30+ (for similar) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Apparently you don’t even have to be pregnant to use this, ridiculous.
/giphy pillow

It’s June 9, 2019.
@jsh139 Um…no…no everywhere.
@therealjrn that’s what my phone says
@jsh139 Not for another 31 minutes or so.
/giphy stupid time zones

Like a pillow, but soft under your whole body? I think that’s called a mattress.
That is a pretty sweet deal, but my wife says we are done having babies.
Finally!!! I can finally afford that love doll I always dreamed of!!!
Guess they ain’t flying out of Morning Save at eighteen bucks a pop.
The other night I dreamed I ate a big white pretzel. When I woke up my Dpillow was gone!
I am not preggers, (that ship sailed a long time ago) but I crossed the prosperous-fickle-boundary and bought one anyway. I have chronic pain that keeps me awake; maybe this pillow could help me get a little more comfortable while trying to sleep.
How much is the pillowcase?
@notsofancy $14 https://www.amazon.com/KWLET-Pregnancy-Pillow-Maternity-Pillowcase/dp/B07NSMJ9M6
I’m actually setting up my BedJet right now so I will pass on today’s deal.
@JT954 I’m not sure why that’s relevant but that bedjet thing sounds great! Let us know, OK?
@JT954 @sammydog01 Yes, please leave a review of the BedJet.
That Bedjet sounds a bit wacky, but I’m curious about how well it works too.
Also, if you need their “dual zone” option because the two people have such radically different preference in temps… then they really should just sleep in different beds. Just sayin’
@JT954 @mike808 @sammydog01 That’s a really well written and produced promo video - I’m almost ready to buy it based on that alone. Let’s hear a review.
@JT954 @mike808 @sammydog01 @stolicat that was a fun video. I watched this review recently:
/youtube freakinreviews bedjet
Too pricy for me.
@haydesigner I have a bedjet and it is amazing. I get hot at night and my wife and I sleep with different comforters. It has changed the way I sleep. Can’t recommend enough.
Dude is that for real?? MUST HAVE!!
@sammydog01, @mike808, @haydesigner, @stolicat @MKarell, I got the Bedjet 3 from Kickstarter so it was $255. I had a Brookstone fan but it wasn’t very sturdy and the fan wasn’t that powerful so this option was perfect. The video RiotDemon posted is pretty accurate (including the heavy instructions booklet).
With this version, they combined the app remote with a physical remote (although I did download a separate app for firmware updates). With it, I can set the intensity of the “jet”, the timer (10 hours default; 12 hours max), and the temperature so I can make it as cold as 67 degrees or as hot as 109 degrees. Setup was pretty simple; I attached a hose to the main unit (the only maintenance is checking the filter every 3 months) and took off some height brackets to have the vent at level with the mattress. I put it near the left corner of the mattress so I know I would not accidentally kick it like I have with the Brookstone fan.
It does sound like a Jet taking off, but remember you can control the speed of the fan if it’s too loud. Air rippled under the sheet as promised ( I used my own bed sheet; the zone sheets have a built in opening for the vent ). I just need to find the right spot for the vent so it travels up the middle of the bed (not so much on my feet) but I slept well, nevertheless.
One con of the Bedjet: The power cord is too short. The main idea is to store the unit under the bed and run the cord to the wall. For my room, the cord is short by a couple of feet so I have the unit on the outside of the bed. The directions say you cannot use an extension cord; however, the coil hose can be extended so I will play with positions to see if I can solve the cord problem. The site also offers an 8 foot hose but I don’t think I will need it.
I’m always looking for ways to sleep better so anytime Meh sells a sleep item, I’m always interested. It just so happened the Bedjet arrived Saturday and I had to try it right away.
@JT954 Thanks! Living in the desert I’m always looking for ways to keep cool without taking out a 2nd mortgage … that looks AMAZING. Where is BedJet sold, since I missed it here & on Kickstarter?
@MKarell Um, bedjet.com.
@haydesigner @JT954 @MKarell @sammydog01 @stolicat
Holy hell, they’re pricey.
The V3 pre-order discount is $400, and get this - the dual-control units are $900! On Sale!
Why the dual unit is more expensive than just getting 2x the single units and saving $100 in the process is beyond me.
A weighted blanket roll in the middle should be enough (or maybe one if these body pillows), since even when you pony up the extra dough for the dual unit, the split sheet/comforter is extra.
/image pooh bear meme

@haydesigner @JT954 @MKarell @sammydog01 @stolicat
Correction. The Dual unit includes the split zone comforter, which is … $100. So, $400+$400+100 is the sale/same price for the bundle as separate.
Still, almost a grand is a lot of A/C bills in the alternative. I’m in my local power company’s “Green Power” program (Ameren), so 100% of my electricity is renewable (wind). Doing my part, slackers.
@MKarell Keep in mind that this draws from air in the room so it may not get as cool as you want if the air in your room doesn’t have enough to circulate the desired temperature. I set mine to 71 degrees and the temp was around 75 when I woke up so results will vary.
@JT954 Thanks for letting me know. I probably wouldn’t want actual chilled air under the sheet, but given that I’d almost never use the heat I’m reconsidering the price. Still, it’s a pretty neat invention
@haydesigner @JT954 @mike808 @MKarell @sammydog01 The whole “don’t use this with an extension cord” thing is to keep people from using it with one of those flimsy little un-grounded cords from the supermarket, which will melt or catch on fire with any sort of higher amperage load. If you use a short cord with the same gauge as your house wiring (typically 14 to 12 gauge) you’ll be fine. You can get short (3 or 4 ft) heavy gauge grounded appliance extension cords meant for use with washing machines and dryers at most hardware stores.
@stolicat I managed to move the unit underneath the front of the bed before it gets to the metal rail. Adjusted the hose so it’s blowing from the foot of the mattress and it is PERFECT. I found my solution and had an even better night’s rest. No additional wiring needed.
I wasn’t expecting this.
This is the “nice item” that was advertised a couple months ago?
No way I getting my wife a replacement for this hunk of softness.
@hchavers Here I thought you were going to say here you were not going to get your wife pregnant to then need this pillow.
The dimensions make no sense at all. 57x30x7? Huh? Sure doesn’t look like that in the pictures.
@bigmeh 30" wide/across when it’s rolled on the ends?
7" tall
What is with the black claws the pregnant lady has?
@Fen_Star I was noticing the same thing. And the fact that it looks more like a basketball under her shirt than an actual baby bump.
I paid like $60 for my wife’s Snoogle. This is a great deal… too bad we already have a Snoogle stored away somewhere.
It’s my birthday, so I figured why not start things off right with a meh purchase!
@janelane1980 happy birthday Jane. You’re pregnant!
So can we tell how many meh members are expecting a baby based on the sales stats?
@Kidsandliz I’m just fat.
@Fen_Star @Kidsandliz yeah. Single fathers of food babies.
I am a side sleeper, and I very much like and prefer to sleep with a body pillow. Unfortunately, most body pillows are quite soft, like a normal head pillow. I need one that is very firm.
IKEA used to sell a 3’ long round firm pillow (and pillowcase) that was just awesome for me. Sadly, they stop selling them a few years ago, and I haven’t found anything even close to replace it.
@haydesigner You should try a buckwheat pillow. You fill it as firm as you like.
I used to have a body pillow from beans72.com, where I’ve gotten all my buckwheat pillows from. You can get bags of replacement hulls from them too. They flatten from use and tend to lose their cooling power over time - about a year. 100% natural. Best pillows you’ll ever have.
I knew I could count on @mediocrebot!
@haydesigner While not a body pillow I had the same experience with IKEA with my head pillow. Still have not found a replacement I like as well. Lesson learned - if you find a pillow that is perfect buy extra!
@mike808, I tried a buckwheat pillow for a while many years ago. It was too… crunchy.
Im a 42 year old guy, side sleeper, with a knee issue. I used this after my wife had our first baby. Worked great for my head and knees. quickly purchased my own for $80 off Amazon
They last about a year of daily use until they flatten.
I was pissed for $80!! Im pleased for $12. In for one
@audiocontr - Man, you just about sold me. Now if only they had a Glennn-shaped pillowcase…
/buy -q 2
@Seeds It worked! Your order number is: expensive-able-tail
/image expensive able tail

/giphy expensive able tail

I was hoping for something crappy since I had to let my membership for free shipping go. This is definitely one thing I would’ve bought. Sigh.
@Gypsigirl213 Look at it this way - the first thing you buy each month would cost the same anyway if you were still paying for a membership. So now you can /buy and not feel guilty.
Perfect for all you banana-shaped waifu lovers.
We are 36 wks pregnant (today!)–can confirm, this style of pillow was a lifesaver for my wife. Our dog sure likes to curl up in it when she gets the chance, too!
@KingThursday are you also carrying a baby? Are you a seahorse? Then we aren’t pregnant. She is.
just what I need feeling like I’m sleeping with an anaconda
I just spent like 40 bucks on one of these for my wife. I wonder if there’s a difference.
@dam091 ah, screw it.
/giphy alert-chubby-tramp

@dam091 There’s a huge difference. 28 dollars
@cinoclav @dam091 No comment on the order number. Nope, not me.
@cinoclav well yes, that’s true. And other differences? You know, quality related?
@dam091 I’ll let you know when your wife lets me use hers.
/giphy jittery-negligible-jellyfish

@mOONmOON It worked! Your order number is: beastly-confident-wall
/image beastly confident wall

I generally assume anything good enough for pregnant women is good enough for a fat guy. In for 2.
/giphy elicit-vast-scale

Sooooo no creepy anime imaginary gf pillow case? NODEAL!
@goldnectar not sure what that’s about, but here u go

/image anime pillowcase
@goldnectar what in the world is this about?

/image anime pillow case uncensored
@jdude727 It worked! Your order number is: normal-wanted-salsa
/image normal wanted salsa

@TimW It worked! Your order number is: bald-aboard-tongue
/image bald aboard tongue

Woo hoo! It shipped…, and it’s already in Grapevine, Tx…
Stuck in Grapevine, Texas with those Memphis Blues again!!!
This was/is great after my hysterectomy last Wednesday. Suggest rebranding for anti-maternity.