@rileyper no, it will not. I have the meta which i bought here for $48, absolutely love it. Great deal, great watch. You can't talk on it, but who cares.
@ryanj17347 Would consider it if the battery life wasn't such crap. Plus I'm a proud kickstarter of a pebble time and owner of martian notifier whatever smartwatch meh sold on black Friday.
@thekenya I have one and the battery life is fine. I usually have like 30% left at the end of the day. Drop it on the dock while I sleep and it charges like 90% in an hour. It really isn't a big deal unless sleep tracking is a deal breaker. Even then, I've heard of people sleeping with it and getting enough charge while they just get ready in the morning.
@thismyusername nope. Bought a "like new" used one from Amazon cause I'm a cheap whore. It's coming from the amazon warehouse so that makes me feel confident about it.
However, if you're not a dedicated i-person, if you have ever even thought of owning an android device, you're not cool and Siri wont acknowledge your existence.
You might have cool friends that Siri is willing to speak to. Perhaps they can ask Siri on your behalf.
There is a possibility that you will never qualify for a personal Siri relationship. Some people quite dont have any cool no matter what.
@FroodyFrog yea I was on the fence as well, but my ol' 5, while still working fine in general, is starting to feel a bit long in the tooth... so I went for it!
Currently loving my N5 (my first Nexus device was the Nexus S 4G, but sadly I couldn't wait several weeks for the next one (which turned out to be the 5 based on my upgrade schedule), so last year, missing having a Nexus as my daily driver, I got the 5, and can only stick with Nexus now).
My biggest fear of switching to Fi though is that I'll miss my unlimited everything plan, although then again, I don't take advantage of it, seeing as I'm on wifi most of the time anyways.
Oh well, someone else pays my bill, so that's not SUCH a concern, although I either want the 5X, or whatever this year's crop offers.
@thekenya I've had one for a while. I work 24 hour shifts and am away from the charger the whole time. The battery was getting home with about 20% before I set the screen to only come on when I touch the watch. It gets home around 50% now. Plenty of battery.
@FroodyFrog don't switch... I didn't... I am just doing the 1 month then dropping it... I love the idea of Fi but $20 a month for voice is crazy in this day and age.
(hint don't use your main google login to order, make a new one, that way you don't mess up your google voice etc)
Ironically, all I'd really need though is the $30/month plan. (I don't really call people, I prefer to text)
When the Fi discount was announced, I saw quite a few people online discussing if they could join for 1 month using the discount, and then switch back.
@Cujo1809@DarkHuD Or $35 more if you use the Target card for the extra 5% off. I'm almost tempted as I could swing into Delaware and save the sales tax but I don't need it and I'd rather wait for the next gen.
@cjrhoades Sales tax typically isn't included as a factor when discussing prices online as it differs everywhere. In my case, I can be in Delaware in 15 minutes and pay no sales tax at all. As it is, you may have to pay sales tax if you order from meh too, as long as you live in Texas or California.
@cjrhoades For beginners, regardless of whether meh charges you sales tax or not, you're still supposed to pay it if you live in a state that charges it. As for them not charging it, like I said, they do where they have established business practices.
Q: Is my purchase taxable? A: If you’re shipping to Texas or California, we’ll add the sales tax to your order. Most other states say you’re supposed to report and pay tax on out-of-state purchases. Whether you do that or not is your problem.
@cinoclav Sales tax is a state tax, collected by a merchant (Meh in this case) then remitted to the state. If the merchant does not collect it the resident should file a use tax return in the state of residence. I live in Utah, and for individuals it's actually on the individual income tax return. Nothing to do with the IRS (Federal Government).
@bsavage86 You people are making way too much out of a joke. I'm well aware it's a state tax, hence the reason I mentioned Texas and California. My point (which was in jest) was that the IRS could be monitoring someone's tax habits. If you're going to cheat on your state taxes you're likely to be cheating on your federal taxes...
The Powerball drawing on March 30, 2005 produced 110 second-prize winners. The total payout to these winners was $19.4 million, with 89 winners receiving $100,000 each, while the other 21 winners received $500,000 each as they were Power Play selections.
MUSL officials initially suspected fraud or a reporting error. However, all 110 winners had played numbers from fortune cookies made by Wonton Food Inc. of Long Island City, New York. The factory had printed the numbers "22, 28, 32, 33, 39, 40" on thousands of fortunes. The "40" in the fortune did not match the Powerball number, 42. None of the employees of Wonton Food played those numbers; at the time, the closest game member was Connecticut.[39] Since the ticket holders had won as result of a coincidence rather than foul play, the payouts were made.[40]
Had the fortune cookie given 42 as the Powerball number, these winners would have shared the $25 million jackpot: each $227,272 annuity or $122,727 cash (before witholdings).[41] The fortune on the inspiring cookie read: "All the preparation you've done will finally be paying off."
I had a 1st gen Nike Fuel Band and 1st gen Fitbit. Now wear an Apple Watch.
Personal opinion, it's a lot easier to just charge it every night, by routine, than to start scrutinizing the battery indicator on Day 3, then wondering if I'd get 4, 5, 7 days out of it.
Yeah, could have charged it every night. But those batteries weren't super smart. Topping off in theory shouldn't have hurt battery life, but in practice it did. Went through 5 Fuel Bands via Nike's warranty before they finally refunded my $$. Fitbit wasn't much better.
Had Apple Watch for a year now. End of the day battery life is almost always 55%. Might drop off a cliff after year 2, who knows?
@MehnofLaMehncha I get uh... don't know. Seems solar G-Shocks have quite the age range for their batteries. I've had mine for about 2 years now so I guess I should revisit this thread in a few more years to update this comment.
@thismyusername@justan79 ...well, except that the Apple Watch will probably survive a dunk in the pool. I don't know whether or not the PT has similar properties.
@michabaile PT claims 30 meters underwater if you don't press it buttons while submerged , apple watch claims it's safe only for washing your hands and the rain.
Isn't Target selling these for $249/299 new for the same sport models? Not too much savings for being refurbed, and requires an iOS device to even work. Not sure if my ipod touch would be enough for it.
@dcNate Plus use Target RED card for an additional 5% off as well. That makes a new one $237.49 or $284.99 for a 12-month warranty and a 60-day Target return window. Best Buy has same price as well and you can get 5% RewardZone too.
These were new for $250 at target so many times over the holiday season.
I'll be waiting for Gen 2 of the mass marketed smart watches though. The battery life and lack of functionality of gen 1 is sort of a no-go at this (and higher) price(s).
I see how you're angling for my cash just hours before I get to sink it into a new iPhone that'll be announced tomorrow. Oh, it's smart. Get those Apple fanboys good while they have a wad o' cash sitting in their discretionary Apple purchase pocket, in the dead of the east coast night when our thoughts are clouded with sleep... and other stuff.
IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. I don't think. Please. Let it not work.
Wait. New Apple announcements tomorrow, and a new watch shortly will drop this watches price soon with a apple warranty. Requires a iPhone 5s or 6 to function fully.
@craigcush There's not going to be a new watch announcement for at least 6 months. The event tomorrow will focus on the new 4" iPhone, new watchbands, and probably new Macbooks.
Hmm. A non-certified refurbished Apple Watch may be more disadvantageous than other non-certified refurbished products, considering that it's something you wear exposed all day. Especially because they're IPX7 (somewhat water resistant) certified, and that may well be compromised when the case is opened, as may well be the case with a refurb. Unless we know who's doing the refurbishment and whether to trust them to restore all the seals properly, I'm not so sure about this…
Decent price, but I think I'll continue pulling my iPhone from my pocket to do everything this can. I just haven't reached the necessary level of lazy to want this.
@RogerWilco It is more about not needing to pull your phone out. I can glance at my watch to see if the email or text is worth bothering to pull my phone out.
You pull out your phone to check the time? Lazy. Real men poke a stick in the ground pointed at the sun, wait 15 minutes, then measure the angle between the stick and the shadow.
Meh is not anticipating my needs. Tonight my 10 year old TV turned into a zebra with multicolored stripes. The board isn't available any more. I need a 55"+ smart TV. You cannot possibly imagine how little I need an Apple watch.
@f00l Agree. I have two Rokus and they work fine, and the Maxell sound deck, and a couple of smart remotes. I don't see the need for 4K Ultra HD. Guess I'll go look at Best and Sears and Sam's. IF a Roku Smart TV makes the list, that's good.
I have like 6 or 7 mechanical watches, so I'm too big of a snob to buy a smart watch. I'd rather I have to send my watches out every 2-5 years for a professional cleaning and servicing that may cost hundreds of dollars. That's right, a full service costs about as much as today's deal, and I have to have 6 or 7 of them. Feel bad for me.
I feel bad that you have trouble distinguishing between 6 and 7.
Try the trick with the tick marks when you count them. After 4, you do a diagonal across them all, so you know you're at 5. One more than that is 6, and two more would be 7.
Well, crap. I just bought the same thing on that other site ten days ago for $20 more (plus tax & shipping). Pretty sure it has the same not-official warranty situation. However, when I plug-in my serial# at http://checkcoverage.apple.com, it says I'm covered under Apple's Limited Warranty.
@sg96e9va Absolutely. My 42mm usually has 40% remaining when I go to bed and put it on the charger. You'd have to be a very heavy user to knock it out completely in a 16 hour period. Battery usage will probably be higher than normal for the first week as you play with it a lot because it's new but will settle down when it becomes more routine.
May be good for those who live in the i-world, but if I were in that situation, I'd pay the few extra bucks for a new one from Target.
Side note: it still amuses me how badly Apple lost the design battle for the first generation of their watches. The square face is already dated, and offerings from Huawei, Motorola, and LG all look better/more refined.
@ScottN That's purely opinion on the looks... I still think it's the best way to go. Round looks best, but only with an analog clock. This is a smart watch, so square makes sense when you're displaying information. And I don't think it looks bad by any means... I'd bet my left foot that the next one will be square too.
@TBoneZeOriginal I can say from experience it's not just me: in the few months I've had my Huawei smartwatch, I've had probably two dozen strangers ask me what it is after seeing the screen light up. About 75% of them have said something along the lines of "All I'd seen was the Apple watch, and I don't like the square screen."
I agree function trumps form, but as a lifelong watch guy, I think having a smartwatch that looks like a traditional piece is nice, and I haven't noticed any issues displaying the appropriate information on the screen; it just takes some UI adjustment/innovation.
@ScottN I couldn't disagree more. A circular watch face doesn't make sense to display text on. Yeah, you CAN do it, but that's not what is best. Apple Watch has the highest approval rating of any smart watch, so I feel like the people who hate on the square screen aren't the same people who would ever buy it to begin with. They're mostly people who prefer Android smart watches and just say circular is better because that's what they have.
@TBoneZeOriginal I'm not sure how a square is inherently better for text. Pictures, sure, but not text, especially for the amount of text in normal notifications and if the screen size and PPI are good enough to keep the text small.
I'm not saying a square screen is awful; it's fine for those who want to advertise they're wearing a smartwatch. My design comment was based on the fact I find it amusing a brand that claims to be an innovator released something in 2015 that looks like a more-rounded Android Wear/Sony smartwatch from 2014.
I used the LG G Watch for a year, and now the Huawei Watch for 4 months. While it is true that for some things square might be ideal, a FULL circular display (i.e NOT the Moto 360) definitely has an appeal.
Sure, letters on notifications might be cut off when they'd otherwise display perfectly on a square face, but considering that I scroll through the cards anyways, that's not really something which bothers me.
@ScottN When I wore my G Watch for a year, I had people ask me about it. (And even for months before the Apple Watch was released, people thought it was it, or worse, the "iWatch".). My HWatch looks gorgeous, and I don't have people bugging me about it.
As a side note, I like having a keyboard on my watch, and while on my G Watch, I had a version of Minuum on it, on my HWatch I have a keyboard which borders the entire screen, so some kinds of apps are more ideal on a (full) circle display.
Apple is expected to introduce the iPocketWatch in Q3 2016. It will have a laser-etched scroll design with mechanical hands that point to numbers on the face representing the time of day. Like Meh's current offering, it's a kind of a throwback to a bygone era. In this case, late 1800s, early 1900s. It will have a modern quartz movement, acrylic bezel, and come in two colors. Price is expected to be $299.
@Not_Ken_M ... and they'll call it "revolutionary" and "magical", and act like they invented the idea. However, it won't be compatible with any of your current pockets so you'll have to spend additional hundreds on their iPants to make it work.
@hallmike But their new iPants will become a defacto Apple-users standard and everyone will want one. The aftermarket will rush to get the iPants accessories released only to find that some of them catch fire when exposed to, well, air.
@timgray bestbuy has the 38mm for $249 and the 42mm for $299.
That's only $50 more expensive than meh, make that $45 more expensive since bestbuy is offering free shipping. It's also new, and has a one year warranty.
No matter how you slice it, big price bummer today, versus if meh sold these yesterday...
I feel so bad for Woot. I mean Meh. New ones start at $250 at Target and Apple just lowered their price too. Wah wah. I was hoping deep down that some people needed this and it would miraculously sell out and a purchasing manager won't get fired.
Got my 42mm space grey watch today. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. Theres a big scratch on the screen, a scratch on the case, and two chips on the back. I previously bought a refurb Apple watch from cowboom and it was in much better condition.
@Thumperchick I did about the charger. I'm hoping they'll send me a real one or give a partial refund so I can buy one. I bought this watch as a gift for my dad and he looked it over and didn't mind the scratches too much. The one on the screen is invisible most of the time and the rest are on the back.
@cjrhoades lol, that is a terrible knockoff. maybe even Apple would exchange that thing for a real one. They have been known for going out of their way at the Apple Stores for taking care of things if one shows up with a messed up cord (but I don't know about this kind of situation)...
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 3/29 - 4/1
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Apple Watch Sport
1x Sport band
1x Charging cable
42mm space gray front
42mm space gray 3/4
42mm space gray side
42mm space gray back
42mm silver front
42mm silver 3/4
42mm silver side
42mm silver back
38mm space gray front
38mm space gray 3/4
38mm space gray side
38mm space gray back
38mm silver front
38mm silver 3/4
38mm silver side
38mm silver back
Apples and Oranges
Price Comparison
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Does this work with my android phone?
@rileyper No
@rileyper Yes, it will function right next to your android phone
I can't bear to watch.
@rileyper get the Pebble, it is great with android, you missed it a few days ago here, $90 NEW
Calling various Time Lords.
@Birdheh I love my pebble steel. I have an IPhone and an Android my Pebble works with both at the same time.
@rileyper no, it will not. I have the meta which i bought here for $48, absolutely love it. Great deal, great watch. You can't talk on it, but who cares.
@Birdheh Did not, just didn't get it cause I kickstarted the Time watch.
@don i was just checking out that watch very cool.
I don't know what to do
@thekenya If I dident already have one I would be all over this. I have a 42mm sg.
Ask Siri
@ryanj17347 Would consider it if the battery life wasn't such crap. Plus I'm a proud kickstarter of a pebble time and owner of martian notifier whatever smartwatch meh sold on black Friday.
@f00l Does my buggy One Plusone or incoming Nexus 5X have siri intergration?
iOS to android ... that's Apples to oranges
Or Apples to lollipops, or whatever we're on now
Marshmallow, though technically we've had N builds for a few weeks.
@thekenya mmmm 5x... waiting on mine too.. did you do the Fi discount?
@thekenya I have one and the battery life is fine. I usually have like 30% left at the end of the day. Drop it on the dock while I sleep and it charges like 90% in an hour. It really isn't a big deal unless sleep tracking is a deal breaker. Even then, I've heard of people sleeping with it and getting enough charge while they just get ready in the morning.
@thismyusername nope. Bought a "like new" used one from Amazon cause I'm a cheap whore. It's coming from the amazon warehouse so that makes me feel confident about it.
Wait until Tuesday. Watch 2 comes out tomorrow.
You heard it here first! Or 47th!
(Actually, probably just new bands tomorrow. New watch in fall with iPhone 7.)
Siri is everywhere. Siri knows all.
However, if you're not a dedicated i-person, if you have ever even thought of owning an android device, you're not cool and Siri wont acknowledge your existence.
You might have cool friends that Siri is willing to speak to. Perhaps they can ask Siri on your behalf.
There is a possibility that you will never qualify for a personal Siri relationship. Some people quite dont have any cool no matter what.
@thismyusername I was thinking about taking advantage of the Fi discount. Then I hesitated a bit, and now I'm back to waiting.
@thekenya I might get the 42 mm silver and spray paint it gold.
Have the Nexus 6, love it. Love big screens. No battery probs.
PS i use my Nexus 6 and my Note 4 to call Siri and act like annoying 8 year olds.
@FroodyFrog yea I was on the fence as well, but my ol' 5, while still working fine in general, is starting to feel a bit long in the tooth... so I went for it!
Currently loving my N5 (my first Nexus device was the Nexus S 4G, but sadly I couldn't wait several weeks for the next one (which turned out to be the 5 based on my upgrade schedule), so last year, missing having a Nexus as my daily driver, I got the 5, and can only stick with Nexus now).
My biggest fear of switching to Fi though is that I'll miss my unlimited everything plan, although then again, I don't take advantage of it, seeing as I'm on wifi most of the time anyways.
Oh well, someone else pays my bill, so that's not SUCH a concern, although I either want the 5X, or whatever this year's crop offers.
@Divinite yellow gold or Rose Gold?
@thekenya I've had one for a while. I work 24 hour shifts and am away from the charger the whole time. The battery was getting home with about 20% before I set the screen to only come on when I touch the watch. It gets home around 50% now. Plenty of battery.
@FroodyFrog don't switch... I didn't... I am just doing the 1 month then dropping it... I love the idea of Fi but $20 a month for voice is crazy in this day and age.
(hint don't use your main google login to order, make a new one, that way you don't mess up your google voice etc)
Ironically, all I'd really need though is the $30/month plan. (I don't really call people, I prefer to text)
When the Fi discount was announced, I saw quite a few people online discussing if they could join for 1 month using the discount, and then switch back.
Talk about legal loopholes.
@FroodyFrog don't switch back.. don't cancel anything... do it as an additional service.... then the cancel is clean. :)
They are still covering their costs at $250 (well $270) .
I'll probably just wait for the price to go down, and then get it without Fi. Less for me to remember to do.
So we have an install base of like, what, 7, then?
@nadroj the rose looks very pink
@thekenya no
@thekenya sadly I cant keep my pebble time steel connected to my phone... sold it for $250 to buy the apple watch.
@nadroj Probs yellow, rose seems odd for a guy, imo.
@Stallion On second thought, 1st gen, this will be crap almost instantly......
Wow this will go quick
@jmoor783 Quicker if you go to Target.com and buy one new, for the same price.
@DarkHuD you mean $50 more at target.
@Cujo1809 @DarkHuD Or $35 more if you use the Target card for the extra 5% off. I'm almost tempted as I could swing into Delaware and save the sales tax but I don't need it and I'd rather wait for the next gen.
Good price for a refurb with a warranty. They can be had cheaper elsewhere but not with a warranty.
@cjrhoades NEW ones with full warranty at Target.
@agis4god Yeah but that's $50 more. Can get a couple nice knockoff bands for it on Amazon for that much.
@cjrhoades Target card for an extra 5% off so $35 more. Well worth it to have the Apple warranty if you want this model.
@cinoclav You forgot to factor in sales tax.
@cjrhoades Sales tax typically isn't included as a factor when discussing prices online as it differs everywhere. In my case, I can be in Delaware in 15 minutes and pay no sales tax at all. As it is, you may have to pay sales tax if you order from meh too, as long as you live in Texas or California.
@cinoclav Sales tax is always a factor for me and Meh is one of the very few places that doesn't charge it.
@cjrhoades For beginners, regardless of whether meh charges you sales tax or not, you're still supposed to pay it if you live in a state that charges it. As for them not charging it, like I said, they do where they have established business practices.
@cinoclav I'm well aware. I choose not to pay it when I'm not forced to.
@cjrhoades I can just sense the IRS foaming at the mouth while monitoring meh forums.
@cinoclav Good on them if they catch me from posts here. I wouldn't even be mad.
@cinoclav Sales tax is a state tax, collected by a merchant (Meh in this case) then remitted to the state. If the merchant does not collect it the resident should file a use tax return in the state of residence. I live in Utah, and for individuals it's actually on the individual income tax return. Nothing to do with the IRS (Federal Government).
@bsavage86 You people are making way too much out of a joke. I'm well aware it's a state tax, hence the reason I mentioned Texas and California. My point (which was in jest) was that the IRS could be monitoring someone's tax habits. If you're going to cheat on your state taxes you're likely to be cheating on your federal taxes...
There it is, I called it! https://meh.com/forum/topics/apple-watch-sport
Now to deal with IMAP...
@mehdaf Ok, now tell me the winning power ball numbers
@Stallion the power ball will be 55
On a Wikipedia tangent:
The Powerball drawing on March 30, 2005 produced 110 second-prize winners. The total payout to these winners was $19.4 million, with 89 winners receiving $100,000 each, while the other 21 winners received $500,000 each as they were Power Play selections.
MUSL officials initially suspected fraud or a reporting error. However, all 110 winners had played numbers from fortune cookies made by Wonton Food Inc. of Long Island City, New York. The factory had printed the numbers "22, 28, 32, 33, 39, 40" on thousands of fortunes. The "40" in the fortune did not match the Powerball number, 42. None of the employees of Wonton Food played those numbers; at the time, the closest game member was Connecticut.[39] Since the ticket holders had won as result of a coincidence rather than foul play, the payouts were made.[40]
Had the fortune cookie given 42 as the Powerball number, these winners would have shared the $25 million jackpot: each $227,272 annuity or $122,727 cash (before witholdings).[41] The fortune on the inspiring cookie read: "All the preparation you've done will finally be paying off."
18 hours battery life? I get 48 from mine.
@grmeyer It depends entirely on how often you look at it and how many notifications you receive. I can usually get 24 hours out of my 42mm.
48? I get 43,800 on my Casio g-shock. Why are we bragging about 4 days?
I had a 1st gen Nike Fuel Band and 1st gen Fitbit. Now wear an Apple Watch.
Personal opinion, it's a lot easier to just charge it every night, by routine, than to start scrutinizing the battery indicator on Day 3, then wondering if I'd get 4, 5, 7 days out of it.
Yeah, could have charged it every night. But those batteries weren't super smart. Topping off in theory shouldn't have hurt battery life, but in practice it did. Went through 5 Fuel Bands via Nike's warranty before they finally refunded my $$. Fitbit wasn't much better.
Had Apple Watch for a year now. End of the day battery life is almost always 55%. Might drop off a cliff after year 2, who knows?
My G-Shock is most beloved watch in collection.
@MehnofLaMehncha I get uh... don't know. Seems solar G-Shocks have quite the age range for their batteries. I've had mine for about 2 years now so I guess I should revisit this thread in a few more years to update this comment.
Daaaaaaamn Meh. Not bad, not bad at all. Too bad I run Android, and am enjoying the hell out of my $35 Martian
@smigit2002 Agreed. If this were a moto 360 though....
You'd rather Moto 360 over the Huawei Watch?
@FroodyFrog Ohhhhh man I didn't even know this existed. For 400 dollars though, it's not worth it. I'll keep my Martian.
$400? I paid $125 practically brand new. hehe
But...but...but...I jut bought that pebble one...
@justan79 now think how much better you will feel when you get pushed in a pool and destroy $90 worth of watch instead of $200 of refurbed watch
@thismyusername @justan79 ...well, except that the Apple Watch will probably survive a dunk in the pool. I don't know whether or not the PT has similar properties.
@michabailey perhaps an apple refurb, who can say with this one?
@michabaile PT claims 30 meters underwater if you don't press it buttons while submerged , apple watch claims it's safe only for washing your hands and the rain.
Swam in mine all last summer.
Also swam with my iPhone in my pocket. No damage, except sometimes the keyboard sticccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
Since I am one of the incredibly few Apple fans without an iPhone… that makes this a Meh for me.
Isn't Target selling these for $249/299 new for the same sport models? Not too much savings for being refurbed, and requires an iOS device to even work. Not sure if my ipod touch would be enough for it.
@dcNate i came here to ask the same thing... http://m.target.com/c/apple-watch-electronics-featured-brands/-/N-4xudd#navigation=true&category=1966001&view_type=medium&sort_by=PriceLow&facets=d_item_type_all%3ASmart+Watch&offset=0&pageCount=60&page=1&response_group=Items%2CVariationSummary&zone=PLP&isLeaf=true&custom_price=false&min_price=from&max_price=to?clkid=4caa62a7Nb56d31cd762795d44c290ab0&lnm=79373&afid=Slickdeals+LLC&ref=tgt_adv_xasd0002
@dcNate It requires an iPhone 5 or later running iOS 8 or later. your iPod won't work with it.
@dcNate mehhhhhhhhhhhh you're right http://m.target.com/p/apple-42mm-space-gray-aluminum-case-with-black-sport-band/-/A-16867626
@dcNate same here! Not a deal at all here. I'll take the new one from target for $50 more!
@dcNate Plus use Target RED card for an additional 5% off as well. That makes a new one $237.49 or $284.99 for a 12-month warranty and a 60-day Target return window. Best Buy has same price as well and you can get 5% RewardZone too.
Also, Target's version of Apple Care is cheaper and easier. No Genius Bar appt.
Bath... I'd use it to monitor my sleep. I'll bathe in neoprene... What's the code word to get one for free?
@BillLehecka Lol
@BillLehecka for free is the only way I'd want this.
And on the eve of an Apple announcement... Does Meh know something we don't?
@curtise All rumors point to just more watchbands announced at this event. No Apple Watch 2 yet.
@curtise Yea brand new apple watches will drop to $199.99 hahaha [for realz i don't know]
@curtise Well, they guessed well. Great exploitation of a 13.5 hour window. ;^)
50$ more from Target right now and it's brand new with full warranty. pass
Watch me pass on this. Time will show I'm right.
Mehbe at $90.... mehbe.....
(worst case that would be $1 a day right?
What, not modeled on a baby arm? For shame!!
These were new for $250 at target so many times over the holiday season.
I'll be waiting for Gen 2 of the mass marketed smart watches though. The battery life and lack of functionality of gen 1 is sort of a no-go at this (and higher) price(s).
One of the more impressive items for Meh to put up. Mehbe the price could be better though.
I see how you're angling for my cash just hours before I get to sink it into a new iPhone that'll be announced tomorrow. Oh, it's smart. Get those Apple fanboys good while they have a wad o' cash sitting in their discretionary Apple purchase pocket, in the dead of the east coast night when our thoughts are clouded with sleep... and other stuff.
IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. I don't think. Please. Let it not work.
If we could afford apple products, we wouldn't be on meh.
Wait. New Apple announcements tomorrow, and a new watch shortly will drop this watches price soon with a apple warranty.
Requires a iPhone 5s or 6 to function fully.
@craigcush There's not going to be a new watch announcement for at least 6 months. The event tomorrow will focus on the new 4" iPhone, new watchbands, and probably new Macbooks.
Hmm. A non-certified refurbished Apple Watch may be more disadvantageous than other non-certified refurbished products, considering that it's something you wear exposed all day. Especially because they're IPX7 (somewhat water resistant) certified, and that may well be compromised when the case is opened, as may well be the case with a refurb. Unless we know who's doing the refurbishment and whether to trust them to restore all the seals properly, I'm not so sure about this…
Agreed. Not something I'd trust with a 3rd party to repair.
I was half tempted but not low enough for impulse buying. For anyone else interested you can also buy one new for 50 Bucks more.
@kcimpulse Yeah, Poor timing by meh here.
Decent price, but I think I'll continue pulling my iPhone from my pocket to do everything this can. I just haven't reached the necessary level of lazy to want this.
@RogerWilco Do you also get up to manually change the channel on your TV? Convenience doesn't always mean lazy.
@RogerWilco It is more about not needing to pull your phone out. I can glance at my watch to see if the email or text is worth bothering to pull my phone out.
Let's all make fun of RogerWilco cause he isn't COOL enough to have a smart watch...
You pull out your phone to check the time? Lazy. Real men poke a stick in the ground pointed at the sun, wait 15 minutes, then measure the angle between the stick and the shadow.
Plus some people just like watches
Meh is not anticipating my needs. Tonight my 10 year old TV turned into a zebra with multicolored stripes. The board isn't available any more. I need a 55"+ smart TV. You cannot possibly imagine how little I need an Apple watch.
@OldCatLady if you can get a better deal without the "smart"... go that route.
You need a dumb tv w a smart dongle such as s Chromecast or Roku.
Smart TV interfaces can be insecure and the manufacturer often dont nother parching holes.
@f00l Agree. I have two Rokus and they work fine, and the Maxell sound deck, and a couple of smart remotes. I don't see the need for 4K Ultra HD. Guess I'll go look at Best and Sears and Sam's. IF a Roku Smart TV makes the list, that's good.
@OldCatLady You need an Apple Watch + a very large magnifying glass.
Can be unsecure? Try, are intentionally unsecure.
For people with a little time on their hands err wrist
@AttyVette Orange you seeing what Meh did here?
I'm already enough of a slave to technology, I don't need to literally strap it to my body.
@awk Awww. Who doesn't love a good strap-on?
That attitude will save you when they come out with the Logan's Run collars
I'd rather have a Band 2. That thing is way more functional, loaded with sensors, and works with any mobile OS.
Then get one
Problem solved
I have like 6 or 7 mechanical watches, so I'm too big of a snob to buy a smart watch. I'd rather I have to send my watches out every 2-5 years for a professional cleaning and servicing that may cost hundreds of dollars. That's right, a full service costs about as much as today's deal, and I have to have 6 or 7 of them. Feel bad for me.
I feel bad that you have trouble distinguishing between 6 and 7.
Try the trick with the tick marks when you count them. After 4, you do a diagonal across them all, so you know you're at 5. One more than that is 6, and two more would be 7.
ummmm...... no, 50 bucks more and you get a freaking new one -__- and longer warranty
@bacon4jason only chicks and gay dudes wear white watches
Damn, those are downright fugly!
They must be really useful for someone to actually strap one on in public. A $32 Timex from Walmart is a helluva lot better looking.
And conveniently, Woot has bands and stands for it.
For another $900, here's a good looking watch:
This week both Target and Best Buy have new in the sealed factoryboxfor only $50 more.
These watches are amazing
Well, crap. I just bought the same thing on that other site ten days ago for $20 more (plus tax & shipping).
Pretty sure it has the same not-official warranty situation. However, when I plug-in my serial# at http://checkcoverage.apple.com, it says I'm covered under Apple's Limited Warranty.
I'm too smart to spend my time watching this.
Does the battery last a day with moderate interaction (10 - 20 times a day?
@sg96e9va Absolutely. My 42mm usually has 40% remaining when I go to bed and put it on the charger. You'd have to be a very heavy user to knock it out completely in a 16 hour period. Battery usage will probably be higher than normal for the first week as you play with it a lot because it's new but will settle down when it becomes more routine.
@cjrhoades @sg96e9va Also reducing motion has helped... I've found the 42mm has a "Better" battery from what I've seen.
@sohmageek It does in fact have a larger battery than the 38mm.
lol sell these before a new one comes out
@xEBRONx no new apple watch announced nor was one expected.
May be good for those who live in the i-world, but if I were in that situation, I'd pay the few extra bucks for a new one from Target.
Side note: it still amuses me how badly Apple lost the design battle for the first generation of their watches. The square face is already dated, and offerings from Huawei, Motorola, and LG all look better/more refined.
@ScottN That's purely opinion on the looks... I still think it's the best way to go. Round looks best, but only with an analog clock. This is a smart watch, so square makes sense when you're displaying information. And I don't think it looks bad by any means... I'd bet my left foot that the next one will be square too.
@TBoneZeOriginal I can say from experience it's not just me: in the few months I've had my Huawei smartwatch, I've had probably two dozen strangers ask me what it is after seeing the screen light up. About 75% of them have said something along the lines of "All I'd seen was the Apple watch, and I don't like the square screen."
I agree function trumps form, but as a lifelong watch guy, I think having a smartwatch that looks like a traditional piece is nice, and I haven't noticed any issues displaying the appropriate information on the screen; it just takes some UI adjustment/innovation.
@ScottN I couldn't disagree more. A circular watch face doesn't make sense to display text on. Yeah, you CAN do it, but that's not what is best. Apple Watch has the highest approval rating of any smart watch, so I feel like the people who hate on the square screen aren't the same people who would ever buy it to begin with. They're mostly people who prefer Android smart watches and just say circular is better because that's what they have.
@TBoneZeOriginal I'm not sure how a square is inherently better for text. Pictures, sure, but not text, especially for the amount of text in normal notifications and if the screen size and PPI are good enough to keep the text small.
I'm not saying a square screen is awful; it's fine for those who want to advertise they're wearing a smartwatch. My design comment was based on the fact I find it amusing a brand that claims to be an innovator released something in 2015 that looks like a more-rounded Android Wear/Sony smartwatch from 2014.
I used the LG G Watch for a year, and now the Huawei Watch for 4 months. While it is true that for some things square might be ideal, a FULL circular display (i.e NOT the Moto 360) definitely has an appeal.
Sure, letters on notifications might be cut off when they'd otherwise display perfectly on a square face, but considering that I scroll through the cards anyways, that's not really something which bothers me.
@ScottN When I wore my G Watch for a year, I had people ask me about it. (And even for months before the Apple Watch was released, people thought it was it, or worse, the "iWatch".). My HWatch looks gorgeous, and I don't have people bugging me about it.
As a side note, I like having a keyboard on my watch, and while on my G Watch, I had a version of Minuum on it, on my HWatch I have a keyboard which borders the entire screen, so some kinds of apps are more ideal on a (full) circle display.
Apple is expected to introduce the iPocketWatch in Q3 2016. It will have a laser-etched scroll design with mechanical hands that point to numbers on the face representing the time of day. Like Meh's current offering, it's a kind of a throwback to a bygone era. In this case, late 1800s, early 1900s. It will have a modern quartz movement, acrylic bezel, and come in two colors. Price is expected to be $299.
@Not_Ken_M ... and they'll call it "revolutionary" and "magical", and act like they invented the idea. However, it won't be compatible with any of your current pockets so you'll have to spend additional hundreds on their iPants to make it work.
@hallmike But their new iPants will become a defacto Apple-users standard and everyone will want one. The aftermarket will rush to get the iPants accessories released only to find that some of them catch fire when exposed to, well, air.
Hrm. I think I see a new price comparison...
lol Apple just confirmed the price is $299 for a new one starting today...
@mehdaf the new tiny one. $350 for the large one still so it's still $100 cheaper.
@timgray bestbuy has the 38mm for $249 and the 42mm for $299.
That's only $50 more expensive than meh, make that $45 more expensive since bestbuy is offering free shipping. It's also new, and has a one year warranty.
No matter how you slice it, big price bummer today, versus if meh sold these yesterday...
Apple watch dropped to 299 MSRP today :) I Guess it's not as much of a sale... I wonder what the Apple refurbs will go for when this is done....
Hmmm... They lowered the price of the Apple Watch... No new model. That kind of stinks...
I'll tell you what Meh, give me an Apple Watch, and I'll proudly wear it with a Meh face.
Plz update list price thx
Meh getting double taken on this deal, first thinking its certified, and now the price drop
Whomp Whomp
Ouch. I was thinking this would be a sell out but then again the announcement was today...
how long does it take to process an order?
@SuperManJr I bet if you read the Specs up above, you will see the estimated delivery date.
Just saw on the nightly news that Apple is dropping the price of these..along with introducing some smaller gear.
I'm holding out for the third generation watch just like I did with the iPhone and iPad.
I feel so bad for Woot. I mean Meh. New ones start at $250 at Target and Apple just lowered their price too. Wah wah. I was hoping deep down that some people needed this and it would miraculously sell out and a purchasing manager won't get fired.
@5665150 Since this didn't sell out I am hoping that if I manage to score a fuku that it will contain one of these
The longer this takes to ship, the more regret I have about not buying a brand new one.
@aaronoutlaw I totally agree. I'd be happier if I had a tracking number by now. I'm half tempted to reverse the charge and cancel.
@aaronoutlaw Mine came in the mail yesterday, and it still says "Processing"!
@Bochez what the heck? Really?
@aaronoutlaw yep! Wearing it now!
@MEHcus - did these (apple watches) ship out and the tracking just didn't get updated?
@Thumperchick Correct, working on getting that fixed
Got my 42mm space grey watch today. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. Theres a big scratch on the screen, a scratch on the case, and two chips on the back. I previously bought a refurb Apple watch from cowboom and it was in much better condition.
@cjrhoades And it came with this grimy knockoff power supply. Could probably start a fire with this thing:

@cjrhoades you should hit up meh.com/support
@Thumperchick I did about the charger. I'm hoping they'll send me a real one or give a partial refund so I can buy one. I bought this watch as a gift for my dad and he looked it over and didn't mind the scratches too much. The one on the screen is invisible most of the time and the rest are on the back.
@cjrhoades lol, that is a terrible knockoff. maybe even Apple would exchange that thing for a real one. They have been known for going out of their way at the Apple Stores for taking care of things if one shows up with a messed up cord (but I don't know about this kind of situation)...
@fjp999 I wish there was an Apple store nearby. Closest one is a nearly 2 hour round trip.
@cjrhoades that is my issue also. I aways have to do mail in repairs which is a real hassle!
@cjrhoades Just to update the charger situation, Meh is taking care of it.