@chienfou@stolicat Hi guys!!! Sorry out yesterday w a MIGRAINE!!! So stolicat is mostly right. My team was eliminated, so I have not been actively watching.
That said, of course I have an opinion. I would like to see the Rangers or TBL win this year. My division has Colorado (owned by Kronke and Kradi is a dirty player) and Edmonton (Kane, need I say more). Both players I mentioned are dirty and should not be playing in the NHL. If a team supports them, then let karma bite them in the ass!
@chienfou@stolicat@tinamarie1974 Right Figured that…but I’m on east coast.Are most mid west to west coast? Going by time stamps on posts and locations mentioned.Just curious,not phishing
I’m all for the Oilers in the western finals, despite that they just went down 0-3, because I like the Canadian anthem and, you know, Gretzky.
The singer who did the anthems gave a very nice but perfunctory version of the Star Spangled Banner, then when he did Oh Canada, he sang the first verse then let the crowd finish the rest. Heartwarming to see that many people smiling and happy to be singing their anthem. And everyone stayed on time and on key!
@stolicat Ah yes…The Great One.His ability to “see” a bigger picture and sense how a play would unfold,was almost eerie.Spot on passes to the open man with no indication to the defense of his intentions.A level of intuitiveness never seen before,and possibly never again.Oh…and a pretty good skater in general
@Ignorant Very bold and I agree with CO. hoisting the cup this year,but a couple things that give me pause.Avalanche power play is nonexistent,and the Rangers thus far have been great in inclement weather…surviving a “Hurricane” and dodging “Lightening” strikes.They are clawing their way thru like they did in 2014 (yes…lost in five)but look at the Penguins series.When they are on,they’re on.Less passing more shooting is my prescription,but WTF do I know.If they survive the Lightening,an Avalanche will bury them (my prediction).Tampa Bay does not have the sharp crisp execution of the past two years,but to be the first three-peat in 40 years is on the mind of every single one of them.They have a shot at history,and they just may rise high enough to make it.
@Ignorant@lichme I root against all Florida teams just so I don’t have to hear that blow hole Gov DeDumbass blather about what a great state Flori(duh) is.
@detailer hockey = game played on ice by players with roid-rage chasing around a frozen puck; mediated by referees (who are actually practicing to moderate political debates)
horse = 4-legged animal
puck = that frozen rubber thing in the hockey game
Paging @Tinamarie1974
@chienfou the Blues were eliminated earlier in the playoffs, so I think she may not be interested.
@chienfou @stolicat Hi guys!!! Sorry out yesterday w a MIGRAINE!!! So stolicat is mostly right. My team was eliminated, so I have not been actively watching.
That said, of course I have an opinion. I would like to see the Rangers or TBL win this year. My division has Colorado (owned by Kronke and Kradi is a dirty player) and Edmonton (Kane, need I say more). Both players I mentioned are dirty and should not be playing in the NHL. If a team supports them, then let karma bite them in the ass!
Kardi https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/looking-back-maple-leafs-nazem-kadris-lengthy-suspension-history/
Article us not current. There have been more fines/suspension since it was written. We wont talk about what happened to Bennington recently
@chienfou @stolicat
Also, @detailer, thanks for the topic! Not a lot of hockey fans around here.

@chienfou @stolicat @tinamarie1974 You’re welcome.Where does most of this witty band of misfits reside? I see posts several hours old before 9AM ET.
@chienfou @detailer @stolicat I believe most of us are in the US
@chienfou @stolicat @tinamarie1974 Right Figured that…but I’m on east coast.Are most mid west to west coast? Going by time stamps on posts and locations mentioned.Just curious,not phishing
@chienfou @detailer @stolicat oh, sorry! Honestly I think there is a pretty good mix.
Many of us stay up until the product changes at 11:00 pm CST/12:00 EST.
@detailer @stolicat @tinamarie1974
though some of us (cough, cough) are at work at that time…
@chienfou @detailer @stolicat
I’m all for the Oilers in the western finals, despite that they just went down 0-3, because I like the Canadian anthem and, you know, Gretzky.
The singer who did the anthems gave a very nice but perfunctory version of the Star Spangled Banner, then when he did Oh Canada, he sang the first verse then let the crowd finish the rest. Heartwarming to see that many people smiling and happy to be singing their anthem. And everyone stayed on time and on key!
@stolicat Ah yes…The Great One.His ability to “see” a bigger picture and sense how a play would unfold,was almost eerie.Spot on passes to the open man with no indication to the defense of his intentions.A level of intuitiveness never seen before,and possibly never again.Oh…and a pretty good skater in general
Avalanche and Lightning with the Avalanche taking it in 5.
@Ignorant Very bold and I agree with CO. hoisting the cup this year,but a couple things that give me pause.Avalanche power play is nonexistent,and the Rangers thus far have been great in inclement weather…surviving a “Hurricane” and dodging “Lightening” strikes.They are clawing their way thru like they did in 2014 (yes…lost in five)but look at the Penguins series.When they are on,they’re on.Less passing more shooting is my prescription,but WTF do I know.If they survive the Lightening,an Avalanche will bury them (my prediction).Tampa Bay does not have the sharp crisp execution of the past two years,but to be the first three-peat in 40 years is on the mind of every single one of them.They have a shot at history,and they just may rise high enough to make it.
Looking good so far.
@Ignorant I want Colorado to win, just because I don’t like TBL for eliminating TOR, tale as old as time.
@lichme that’s as good a reason as any to want a team to lose.
@Ignorant @lichme I root against all Florida teams just so I don’t have to hear that blow hole Gov DeDumbass blather about what a great state Flori(duh) is.
Amen @ DeDumbass!
@Ignorant off by one. Congrats to the Avalanche and their fans.
@Ignorant Wow…great prediction none the less.So…what do you know about horses?
Literally none

Bolts in 7!
@llangley yeah, baby!!!
@llangley @tinamarie1974

@Kyeh @llangley oohhhh its on!!!

so much HO rsepu CKEY in this thread…
@phendrick Translation please
hockey = game played on ice by players with roid-rage chasing around a frozen puck; mediated by referees (who are actually practicing to moderate political debates)
horse = 4-legged animal
puck = that frozen rubber thing in the hockey game
horsepucky = what this thread is full of
horsepucky = short version of horse pucky, also called horse hockey, also known as polo (but the puck has defrosted by then)
Did anyone else notice that today’s main page - and in fact today’s sale item itself - were in Avalanche colors?!