(And a Very) Happy Birthday @Barney
21I apologize if this ends up a bit longer than I planned @Barney, but that’s too bad for one (or more) of us.
I’m sorry that there’s a lack of a purple majority, but I blame @f00l for that.
Just remember this as you realize that you’re getting old (er), it’s not the cake that counts, but how you choose to look at your birthday and your advancement through life in wisdom or some other aspect of life.
If that cake isn’t good enough for you though, how about a gif of something taking a donut?
And if none of the above is good, just remember that things could always be worse.
I guess what I’m trying to say is:
May the increase in the number which represents the full years which you’ve experienced on this planet come with a nice big heaping dose of joy, wonder, and happiness (and some better looking cake).
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/image “happy purple!”
/image happy purple birthday
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas
Happy birthday, Barney!
@Barney, is today really your birthday?
Hope it’s a good one! You deserve the best.
Is this post sufficient?
/giphy "more purple"
/image “moar purple”
awww @Barney… what would we do without our favorite purple spokesperson?
Happy Birthday!
/giphy purple birthday
dammit! @narfcake already used this gif.
/giphy purple birthday
Hope your birthday is filled with a little magic!
Happy birthday beautiful girl.
Happy birthday
/giphy purple birthday
Happy birthday, @barney! ☮️
/giphy Happy Barney Birthday!
/image purple purple purple
/image “purple Kansas”
Happy birthday @Barney!
Happy birthday, @Barney!
Oh dear, oh dear, I kinda thought we were no longer doing the birthday wishes exchange thingy. This really surprised me, @PlacidPenguin (thank you for your kind words). And thank you, my friends, for remembering me. This year I’m having one of those “big” birthdays, but I’m not telling which one.
Mom and I had Christmas together at the nursing home. I had purchased a couple of pairs of the Kozy Soles slippers for her, but the Rat one got canceled. While I was disappointed, it turned out okay, because I’ve now purchased one of the turquoise t-shirts for her. Mom’s going to be wheeling around the home in a very meh style.
Lady loves the new slippers. She thinks that they are pillows meant especially for her. She sits on them at the foot of Mom’s wheelchair like the princess she thinks she is. I’ve been trying to get a picture of the two of them for you to see, but Lady jumps down every time I move to take one. In the meantime, just imagine Ronald McDonald’s granny sitting in a wheelchair with a dog on her big pillowy feet. Yep, that’s my Mama!
Here’s wishing all of you a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and the bestest New Year.
Apparently I didn’t get the memo. I blame @f00l.
@PlacidPenguin That sounds good to me.
@f00l will take the blame
@Barney’s birthday with Lady
And Mom on Xmas.
/image “Purple Christmas”
@f00l This is one of your best purples.
/giphy purple
@Barney Happy Birthday!
@duodec How are you doing? And your dad?
Happy slightly belated birthday, @Barney! I’m glad that you made it nice for your mom and I hope that you had someone to spoil you, too. You deserve it!
@PurplePawprints Aw, I’m okay, but I miss you. I wish you would hang out a little more with us.
And we could use more news re purple hair too!
Happy birthday
/giphy Purple celebration
@mehbee ok that didn’t come out purple but I’m leaving it cause it’s pretty.
I’m either a day late or 364 days early. Either way, Happy Birthday to my favorite @Barney
@cinoclav You’re early. I guess you can check this off of your things-to-do list for 2017.
Edit: You’re still my favorite @cinoclav.
/giphy "purple awe"
@Barney I’m a little concerned you don’t know any other Cinoclavs. But I still you!
@cinoclav That makes you #1 in my life!
@Barney @cinoclav
But can someone be #1 if they’re the only one?
Just curious how this works.
Easy peasy.
Don’t you mean
"Easy peasy purple squeegee"?
@PlacidPenguin Lol. Yeah, that too.