@mikibell Yes, I'm a Christmas baby. Thanks for the birthday wish shout out and the purple cake. (My other cake was a cupcake with one candle. Nope, I'm not telling my age!
@mikibell December birthdays all stink IMO...mine was December 20 and trust me..you never get a birthday party with friends attending when you are growing up , as everyone was on Christmas break..plus all your presents were wrapped in Christmas paper
@AttyVette I am sorry.. I have a SIL and a friend whose birthdays are also on the 20th.. We would make an afternoon of the 20th, pasta, drinks, shopping. We also made a rule no Christmas wrapping paper for birthdays.
Ho! Ho! Ho! from Santa Barney. I got to hand out presents at Mom's nursing home this afternoon. It really warmed my heart. In fact, I think my heart grew three sizes today. So, to all of you here, to all I hold dear (all of you), thanks for the birthday wishes. And may all of you have the bestest, upcoming New Year.
As the sister of a December 25th birthday girl, I'm sorry so many people get presents on your birthday! But I'm glad you never have to go to school or work on your birthday (probably)!
@Barney If you think about it, a bunch of your meh friends are all in one meh room together celebrating you on your birthday… it's kind of like a little meh party…!
That's beautiful!
@dashcloud i wish I could take credit! Googled purple birthday cake ;)
@mikibell Yes, I'm a Christmas baby. Thanks for the birthday wish shout out and the purple cake. (My other cake was a cupcake with one candle. Nope, I'm not telling my age!
@barney Is that cake the color I think it is?
@sligett Yes, it's purple and we all know how much I LOVE purple.
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to my pen-pal!
@looseneck And you better be nice to me for the rest of the day because I still have your address...
@Barney I knew I should have sent you a present :)
@looseneck Nah, FedEx wouldn't have gotten it here in time. :)
poor @Barney a December 25th birthday?
1/2 the presents? I'm so sorry :(
Happy Birthday!
@thismyusername I could be wrong, but I think @barney mentioned it when there was discussion of December birthdays.
@thismyusername I was supposed to be a New Year's baby. No one told me if I came early on Christmas that I'd get 1/2 the prezzies. ;)
@mikibell December birthdays all stink IMO...mine was December 20 and trust me..you never get a birthday party with friends attending when you are growing up , as everyone was on Christmas break..plus all your presents were wrapped in Christmas paper
@AttyVette Aww, it's not all bad is it? Here's a little prezzie for your birthday.
Happy Purple Birthday!
@AttyVette I am sorry.. I have a SIL and a friend whose birthdays are also on the 20th.. We would make an afternoon of the 20th, pasta, drinks, shopping. We also made a rule no Christmas wrapping paper for birthdays.
Happy Purple and Merry Purple! Or is it Purple Birthday and Purple Christmas!? Or maybe just Purple Purple and Purple Purple!
@narfcake Let's just celebrate and make it purple, purple, purple!
@sammydog01 We might get a bit shafted, but that's okay, because we are special. :)
Happy Birthday @Barney!!! I hope you have some wonderful purple birthday plans.
@Thumperchick I did and will share with everyone in just a little bit.
Merry birthday happy Christmas @barney.
May your day be joyful your heart light and your own personal new year filled with wonder
@ceagee That's very nice and, no, I cannot loan you any money so that you can get back home from your trip. :)
@Barney maybe I will have to stay. 😉
Oh In my dreams I would. Now for THAT I would need you to send money !
@Barney I ended up staying anyways because Chicago❄️💨. ( see Dallas storm thread) I may need you to bail me out after all !😉
@ceagee Happy to help you out. Just tell me where I can send m $1.98 in pennies.
Happy Birthday @Barney! I found what you need!
@zdunklee What a wonderful color! I'm waiting in my driveway for you to deliver it.
Happy Barneymas!
@DaveInSoCal Isn't it wonderful that Barneymas is a national holiday?
I wanted to add - I think you and this guy have something in common!

@Thumperchick But... But... I lost all of that weight and now people even say that I'm skinny.
@Barney aww, no! It's Frosty's birthday, too!! That's what you have in common.
@Thumperchick Hey, I knew that. I was just pulling your leg. :)
@KDemo Aww, such pretty purple sparklies. Thank you.
Ho! Ho! Ho! from Santa Barney. I got to hand out presents at Mom's nursing home this afternoon. It really warmed my heart. In fact, I think my heart grew three sizes today.
So, to all of you here, to all I hold dear (all of you), thanks for the birthday wishes. And may all of you have the bestest, upcoming New Year.
Fa la la la la -- la la la -- la!
happy purpday
@Lotsofgoats And I thank you!
Aww, Happy Birthday to my very favorite @Barney! Hoping the coming year brings you all sorts of purpley goodness!
@cinoclav Aww, you're my favorite @cinoclav.
Happy Purple Birthday @Barney!
@heartny Thanks! I think I'm going to go into purple overload. :)
Happy birthday, my fellow lover of purple! I'm glad you've had a nice day so far and hope you're being treated extra special, @Barney.
@PurplePawprints Thank you my sister in purple. I had a wonderful day.
merry happy Christmas birthday @Barney!
@carl669 Aww, and you said that without using the "F" word.
@Barney Furple.
@narfcake Wash your mouth out!
@Barney Mmmmmrph! Sorry!
Also, I'm apologizing for not wearing a purple shirt today.

@brhfl Aww, my first purple birthday banner.
As the sister of a December 25th birthday girl, I'm sorry so many people get presents on your birthday! But I'm glad you never have to go to school or work on your birthday (probably)!
@mossygreen Actually, I like my Christmas birthday except for never having had a birthday party on my actual birth date. But that's no biggie deal.
@Barney If you think about it, a bunch of your meh friends are all in one meh room together celebrating you on your birthday… it's kind of like a little meh party…!
@brhfl Yeah, that's right and it gives me the warm purple fuzzies.
@Barney we had cake and everything!
@Barney It's like EVERYBODY'S celebrating your birthday!
Christmas is over and so is my birthday. Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody!
@Barney There's still an hour of your birthday left in California. Happy Birthday Barney!
@Pamela You were right. But it's definitely over now. :)
Then i wish you a Very Purple New Year!
@f00l And a happy purple New Year to you, too!
Happy belated birthday!
If enough people find out late as I did, you could end up celebrating your birthday into February and beyond!
@baqui63 Actually, you are the first to wish me happy birthday for 2016. Thanks!
@Barney Yes, that was my plan!
@baqui63 That's a most excellent plan.
@Kidsandliz Haha! I've never had a birthday cake flash me.
First time for everything. ;)
@Kidsandliz Yikes! I just had a purple seizure.
@heartny Hey there is yellow and white in there too (grin)- the yellow being the flame on the christmas tree candles. Besides @barney loves purple.
Happy (belated) birthday, @Barney!
@Pavlov A belated thank you for your belated birthday wishes--
Ok, at this time, it could be said that anyone else who wants to wish @barney a happy birthday would be fashionably late (within reason of course).
Any takers?
Happy birthday, @Barney. A pony seemed prosaic:
@joelmw It's purple! How'd you guess that's my favorite color?
Hey, @barney… I certainly didn’t bring you happiness and joy this year.
@mikibell We’ve both been rowing this leaky boat this year. Here’s hoping 2017 will be better for both of us.