Amazon's Review Policy Change


On October 3rd, Amazon updated its Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions in regards to reviews and included the following:

Additionally, you may not provide compensation (including free or
discounted products) for a review. Review solicitations that ask for
only positive reviews or that offer compensation are prohibited.

I remember there being a bit of a debate regarding the proliferation of compensated reviews and how they skewed the Amazon review system.

The sites that recruited “reviewers” for these discounted/free items in exchange for reviews are now scrambling to keep their business model afloat. Amz Review Trader is trying to rebrand as “ART” - but are losing sellers quickly - as the draw to provide the discount is much lower without some guarantee of a review.

I’m pretty sure most will agree that this will, at least somewhat, improve the review landscape at Amazon. Or is it too little, too late?