A gift of goat (December 2018 nominations)
14All good things must come to an end, and so must @jst1ofknd month of being blamed and unblamed.
So who in the commehnity is deserving of the gift of goatdom?
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All good things must come to an end, and so must @jst1ofknd month of being blamed and unblamed.
So who in the commehnity is deserving of the gift of goatdom?
There are many reasons that @tnhillbillygal should be elected GoaT, but the latest one is for purchasing a $50 BagOfCarrots in hopes of getting something good - only a GoaT would actually believe it won’t be disappointing.

@mfladd Yeah, what a dumb thing to do @tnhillbillygal. You deserve to be Goated.
@mfladd Eventhough I am 92% I’m not the only meh’er to fall for that bit of marketing, there is no excuse for my purchase, lol. I also plan to stay up until midnight in the hopes of Meh having an above normal meh standards for Cyber Monday. Guess I’m an optimist! At least for this season.

/giphy guilty as charged
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal Well, she did shoot @djslack in the back.
@djslack @mfladd @sammydog01 I guess I am at least 7% guilty for making that game go so awry that @Moose hasn’t let us play anymore.
Disappointed tonight? Wait till your $50 Bag of Coal arrives.

@mfladd Until it arrives and is opened, I shall think of it as Schrödinger’s crap. It might still be wonderful until I open it!


@mfladd Guess who got in on WTF pricing this morning, lol. $1 for a wireless keyboard and mouse is a good deal at least, right?
@tnhillbillygal Holy Shit! Congrats!
This may also be a sign of a new shopping addiction.

That said, I am all about the deal! Carry on!

@mfladd @tnhillbillygal Yes! it could be the best box you have ever received!
@moonhat @tnhillbillygal Or the worst.
@Barney @moonhat

/giphy The World May Never Know
Well, I was expecting the Tootsie Roll Owl but I guess Conor will do. They’ve not even shipped it yet so it could be getting better by the minute! (or worse by the minute but I’m being optimistic for my $50!)
@mfladd just to update you, the placeholder weight is 10.1 lbs.
@tnhillbillygal Luckily, that may mean nothing at all. Hold on to hope.
Oh, who am I kidding - just consider it fun!
@mfladd I have had regular craps with 5 lb come in at 15 lbs before so this one might be 30 lbs! It is scheduled to be here tomorrow so time will tell!
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal
Mad respect here.
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal And if you never open it, you will never be disappointed.
We will be though.
@blaineg @mfladd Yeah, the plan as of now is to open it when the hubbie gets home from work tomorrow. May have to video it, lol.
@tnhillbillygal YES! As long as you can video it quickly.
@sammydog01 quickly?
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal

@tnhillbillygal Is it here yet? Is it here yet? IS IT HERE YET???
@sammydog01 Not yet! UPS has run early here every day until today. That’s about how it usually goes when I am anxious for crap!
@mfladd @sammydog01 It has been opened!
![enter image description here][2]
The Bose Soundsports were definitely worth the price paid! I actually don’t have a need for them as I don’t use in the ear audio devices so I’ve got them listed to sell in the hopes of selling them and then using the funds to buy the hubbie an older generation gopro for Christmas. If anybody here wants a good deal on these or wants to trade for a gopro, let me know and I’ll shoot you the ebay link
The kids each found stuff they wanted in the box and the rams long sleeve thing will actually fit my husband which is outstanding and rare! The blanket I used as a background was also in the box and I really like it! Happy all the way around!
I think I did pretty well with my crap!
@mfladd @sammydog01
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal If you are happy that is all that matters.
Congrats on your haul!!!
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal Nice blanket! Is it soft? It looks soft.
@mfladd @sammydog01 It is super soft
@mfladd @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Ooh! You got the Some Motivation Required shirt! (It looks like a shirt, unless it’s something else.) It’s a lot of fun. People stare at your boobs, then they laugh. Good haul, certainly.
@mfladd @OldCatLady @sammydog01 It’s actually a trucker style hat! I’m a little confused as to the discoloration on the foamy stuff but…
Nominated and seconded… all in favor raise your hands?
@JnKL you are nominating yourself?
@thismyusername not at all. My comment was to support tnhillbillygal in her quest to be the next GoaT!
@JnKL well I don’t want to worry you, but you have 8 votes right now
@thismyusername honestly, if hillbilly gal didn’t have 20plus votes, I’d be pretty worried!
@JnKL @thismyusername
Whoa now. I am GoaT for life! Didn’t ya’ll see I put that in several of my posts and not one mehtizen objected!
The mehtional color is PURPLE!
/giphy Long Live Purple

@jst1ofknd I blame @jst1ofknd for this post. At least until Friday.
And batteries shall always be refrigerated!! By order of the GoaT!
@jst1ofknd I love purple.
HA! I knew it!
But people didn’t listen, did they? Now they are stuck with me, aren’t they?
Read in creepy half whisper…
I nominate @CindyWilson11 because we all need a little bit of SPAM in our lives.
/giphy SPAM post

@jst1ofknd That fucking bitch. I’ve already zapped her fucking spam more than once.
@jst1ofknd @narfcake and now they’re gone.

/giphy poof
@narfcake @Thumperchick
I miss her already.
@jst1ofknd No you don’t.
I blame the current goat that @mike808 hasn’t been nominated yet.
Accepted as GoaT for life.
I nominate @Tittheir because of SPAM!
@jst1ofknd What spam?

/giphy zapped
I’m bad with interpreting social cues/interaction in general, but even worse in written form (which is why I generally avoid forums). So can someone please explain this “gift of goat” thing to me?
@zinimusprime Every month, the community nominates a different mehmber to be the scapegoat of the month here. Nearly anything that goes wrong (or right) can be blamed (or unblamed) on the said scapegoat.
Scapegoat of the Month – A Brief History
At the beginning of the month, the nominee with the most votes gets goated. Although there’s a dedicated thread, the blames and unblames can happen anywhere on the forums here.
@zinimusprime Don’t avoid us!

/giphy come play with us
@narfcake @zinimusprime
That’s the way it used to be before this month and I successfully won my bid as GoaT for life!
@jst1ofknd @narfcake @zinimusprime