@PooltoyWolf Although, if someone was conceived at 5:30ᴀᴍ, I suspected the parents might be awake enough to start the day. They just probably wouldn’t want to. Which, I guess, is what they were trying to get at.
Verb started as a subscription service. I see that they are now on the shelf in my local Kroger. I was a subscriber. The flavors are pretty good, overall. But I don’t know about the ‘less sugar’ thing - I had a cinnamon roll flavor that was pretty sweet - but otherwise good. They probably need to have some sugar to offset the caffeine. I stopped only b/c the most infrequent shipment was a dozen bars a month and I did not eat them that quickly - got tired of postponing shipments and quit. I’ve never had any of these flavors, though…
@giorgitd I was a subscriber to these a few years ago, too. I also found them pretty sweet. The other thing I remember is that they didn’t have much protein which kind of bummed me out.
Re: the write-up. I love mornings! There are dozens of us! I drink espresso not because I need it to not feel miserable, but because it’s delicious and a fun hobby.
That said, I DO also need to drink it to not feel miserable, but that’s due to my caffeine dependence and is beside the point.
I was absolutely one of those bound-out-of-bed-in-the-morning types. But it was mostly because of anxiety. Then I had kids, and didn’t sleep for about 15 years.
Sometime after 2012, I noticed that all the non-chocolate, non-peanut health bars basically disappeared. I remember hiking Mt. Whitney with a backpack full of cherry and apricot Clif Bars. Now, I can’t find a single one that isn’t "peanut butter-chocolate or “chocolatey-peanut flavor” or “double chocolate mocha with peanut sprinkles” or “mint chocolate chip” or “chocolate peanut butter cup”, etc… I’m so sick of chocolate/peanut flavor permutations that I get a little pukey just thinking about trying to cram one of these down with no drink.
@Gilliat I agree with all that you said. I feel this way about all of the birthday cake flavored bars and other such protein products made to taste like funfetti. Awful.
@Gilliat@natasha_natasha Larabars come in a lot of non-chocolate and non-peanut butter flavors. I’ve liked the lemon and blueberry ones; I haven’t tried them all.
@Gilliat@Kyeh@natasha_natasha Larabars are also sugar free unless you get one of the flavours with chocolate chips.
Not shown in that image are some of the newer flavours like the Orange sorbet.
@Gilliat@Kyeh@natasha_natasha The Orange sorbet is pretty good. I have found that around here Target has the widest selection available. The Chocolate Raspberry Truffle is also very tasty but is slightly ruined by the crunchy raspberry seeds.
Naturally occurring sugars are nowhere near as bad for you as refined sugars. I love Clif bars and they have a lot of great flavours but they also use sugar as an ingredient.
I have simply have grown to hate Chocolate+X and Peanut+X flavors in general. It’s like all the flavor engineers everywhere suddenly just gave up and decided to features these ingredients in 90% of their bars. Even your truffle example contains G-D chocolate!
@Gilliat That is way less flavours than they used to have. Most places did not stock anything outside the chocolate, peanut, peanut butter or chocolate peanut butter Clif bars.
The one bicycle shop outside Santos near Ocala, Fla. used to have almost every flavour of Clif including some of the limited editions.
Thanks for the tip about Larabars. Looks like 50% of the flavors have no chocolate or peanut, so they are ahead of the pack. Some of these look really interesting: https://www.larabar.com/our-products/larabar
@burnsgolf This sale is over. But for an active sale, after you hit the BUY button on the product page, in the dialog that comes up, immediately below the “Payment Settings” box there is a clickable link in fine print that will enable you to enter a code (you can only use one per order). When not accepted, you have to “remove” it before you can enter a different one. You can use your VMP discount at SideDeals, MorningSave, or CaseMates, but not on Meh items; other codes might be valid though.
Product: 64-Pack: VERB Caffeinated Snack Bars
Model: 850043221371, 850043221432, 850043221104
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$110.00-$115.40 (for 64) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Dec 14 - Monday, Dec 18
Food again?
This verb tastes like noun.
Tried them or just being funny?
@mehvid1 Just being funny.
@yakkoTDI And not an adverb in sight (probably because nobody knows what the hell they are for, anymore).
@phendrick Tech corporations control all the adverb servers.
@phendrick @yakkoTDI Adverbs are words that end in “-ly”, like “smelly” or “fly”.
@phendrick @yakkoTDI I hadn’t noticed all the adverbs missing, because I normally don’t even see them. My browser has an adverb blocker.
@yakkoTDI But aren’t you one of these people they’re saying don’t exist?
And needing no caffeine either!
@phendrick @xobzoo @yakkoTDI Don’t forget, Chrome is planning to kill/cripple adverb blockers next year.
@awk @yakkoTDI As an adjective, “f-ly” would describe @carl669
NGL I’m hungry and if I could get these instantly I’d buy some…but since I have to wait I shall pass
“Not to be confused with: NOUN codeine bars”
Link, please.
@mehvid1 Anxiously awaiting those Noun bars…
Ugh. No.
Probably tastes adjective.
@awk ate one and it gave me a bad case of gerund
@awk @ybmuG Nothing is pluperfect now.
@awk They’ll make you reverberate.
Do these balance out decaffeinated coffee?
@phendrick And a diet coke.
oh c’mon, give us a variety pack without the peanuts
you do edibles your way and I’ll do edibles my way and we’ll figure out why the walls are breathing later.
Should the dog really be fetching the box with chocolate in it?
Also, in the writeup, I believe ‘conception’ was probably meant to be ‘perception’.
@PooltoyWolf Although, if someone was conceived at 5:30ᴀᴍ, I suspected the parents might be awake enough to start the day. They just probably wouldn’t want to. Which, I guess, is what they were trying to get at.
Give us what we want, give us CalorieMate.
I want the NOUN codeine bars you mentioned. With those, the calories don’t matter.
A certain verb comes to mind every time meh sells something like this.
Verb started as a subscription service. I see that they are now on the shelf in my local Kroger. I was a subscriber. The flavors are pretty good, overall. But I don’t know about the ‘less sugar’ thing - I had a cinnamon roll flavor that was pretty sweet - but otherwise good. They probably need to have some sugar to offset the caffeine. I stopped only b/c the most infrequent shipment was a dozen bars a month and I did not eat them that quickly - got tired of postponing shipments and quit. I’ve never had any of these flavors, though…
@giorgitd I was a subscriber to these a few years ago, too. I also found them pretty sweet. The other thing I remember is that they didn’t have much protein which kind of bummed me out.
Re: the write-up. I love mornings! There are dozens of us! I drink espresso not because I need it to not feel miserable, but because it’s delicious and a fun hobby.
That said, I DO also need to drink it to not feel miserable, but that’s due to my caffeine dependence and is beside the point.
Why don’t they show a picture of the actual unwrapped bars themselves?
What are they hiding?
The ingredients in these sound pretty harmless. At least no inulin!
@BarnacleBobbie Bars can be seen on the nutrition & ingredient links in the specs
@troy Nope. They just show pictures of the wrappers, not the actual bars themselves.
@BarnacleBobbie Nope. Look a little closer - there is a cutaway showing the bar.
I was absolutely one of those bound-out-of-bed-in-the-morning types. But it was mostly because of anxiety. Then I had kids, and didn’t sleep for about 15 years.
meh.com - where terrible ideas in snack food come to die
@Pufferfishy they must sell well though, because this last year or so, Meh has really been selling a lot.
@OnionSoup @Pufferfishy Or maybe that means no other resellers want them.
i guess there is a reason you do no provide ingredients or nutritional values.
@clarion47 Ingredients & Nutrition info is in the specs
Sometime after 2012, I noticed that all the non-chocolate, non-peanut health bars basically disappeared. I remember hiking Mt. Whitney with a backpack full of cherry and apricot Clif Bars. Now, I can’t find a single one that isn’t "peanut butter-chocolate or “chocolatey-peanut flavor” or “double chocolate mocha with peanut sprinkles” or “mint chocolate chip” or “chocolate peanut butter cup”, etc… I’m so sick of chocolate/peanut flavor permutations that I get a little pukey just thinking about trying to cram one of these down with no drink.
@Gilliat I agree with all that you said. I feel this way about all of the birthday cake flavored bars and other such protein products made to taste like funfetti. Awful.
@Gilliat @natasha_natasha Larabars come in a lot of non-chocolate and non-peanut butter flavors. I’ve liked the lemon and blueberry ones; I haven’t tried them all.
@Gilliat @Kyeh @natasha_natasha Larabars are also sugar free unless you get one of the flavours with chocolate chips.
Not shown in that image are some of the newer flavours like the Orange sorbet.
@Gilliat @natasha_natasha @yakkoTDI
I saw that flavor online and I want to try it? Have you had it?
@Gilliat @natasha_natasha @yakkoTDI
No added sugar, just sugar already existing in the fruits (which can include raisins and dates)
@Gilliat @Kyeh @natasha_natasha The Orange sorbet is pretty good. I have found that around here Target has the widest selection available. The Chocolate Raspberry Truffle is also very tasty but is slightly ruined by the crunchy raspberry seeds.
Naturally occurring sugars are nowhere near as bad for you as refined sugars. I love Clif bars and they have a lot of great flavours but they also use sugar as an ingredient.
@Gilliat @Kyeh @natasha_natasha @yakkoTDI Have you tried Bobo’s?
@Gilliat @natasha_natasha @yakkoTDI @ybmuG I tried one and didn’t like it much …
Yup, I haven’t had Clif bars since 2012 actually, but the immediate reason is this!: https://shop.clifbar.com/collections/clif-bar-flavors
I have simply have grown to hate Chocolate+X and Peanut+X flavors in general. It’s like all the flavor engineers everywhere suddenly just gave up and decided to features these ingredients in 90% of their bars. Even your truffle example contains G-D chocolate!
@Gilliat That is way less flavours than they used to have. Most places did not stock anything outside the chocolate, peanut, peanut butter or chocolate peanut butter Clif bars.
The one bicycle shop outside Santos near Ocala, Fla. used to have almost every flavour of Clif including some of the limited editions.
Thanks for the tip about Larabars. Looks like 50% of the flavors have no chocolate or peanut, so they are ahead of the pack. Some of these look really interesting: https://www.larabar.com/our-products/larabar
@Gilliat I hope you like them! As @yakkoTDI said, Target seems to have a lot of the flavors.
how do I enter a coupon code
@burnsgolf This sale is over. But for an active sale, after you hit the BUY button on the product page, in the dialog that comes up, immediately below the “Payment Settings” box there is a clickable link in fine print that will enable you to enter a code (you can only use one per order). When not accepted, you have to “remove” it before you can enter a different one. You can use your VMP discount at SideDeals, MorningSave, or CaseMates, but not on Meh items; other codes might be valid though.