@grammarsheriff@TehMaliron And there is a grand tradition in the food industry which is an homage to the miswisdom that “stuff that’s good for you is usually not the same stuff that tastes excellent, so it’s perfectly normal for the most nutritional foods to be pretty awful to eat.” Kale is a perfect example of something which adheres to that dictum.
Organic cane sugar is still sucrose, and therefore 50% fructose when it gets digested. I’m trying really hard to cut that out of my intake stream. Pass.
@werehatrack Heh, my dad sweetens things almost exclusively with fructose.
(can’t have most disaccharides for enzyme reasons, and dislikes most alternative sweeteners)
@agnesnutter@Telanis Fructose is much harder on the liver (directly) and arteries (indirectly). The pancreas barely knows that it exists, except for the brain signal causing a release of insulin following a “sweet stuff incoming” sensory input. Glucose acts directly on the pancreas to cause that release, and it’s bigger and longer-lasting. That’s why fructose has a lower glycemic rating than sucrose or glucose. The glycemic number is not the whole story…
@melonscoop The nominal serving size is just 35g. That’s about 1.2 ounces, which lines up pretty well with the stated “six servings per container” shown on the nutrition label.
The vast majority of kid-style cereals are mostly air and carbs, and much of the carb load is sugar. These are only about one-third sugar, which is less terrible than some, but nothing to get ecstatic about.
@awk@mediocrebot The onion Chex are not terrible as a snack, or as a cooking ingredient to impart green onion flavor, they just are terrible as a breakfast cereal to douse with milk and scoop from a bowl.
@awk@mediocrebot@werehatrack They look like green cutworms (or lawn grubs) to me. yum.
Unfortunately showme doesn’t seem to have much experience with either (see below).
@bigmeh But the main ingredient is starch! That converts to sugar later so instead of having a blood sugar spike you have a constant blood sugar flood. That’s healthy, right?
@bigmeh@Telanis Eh, what the hell, here goes.
Sucrose (ordinary sugar) evolves to a 50/50 split of glucose and fructose in the gut. Most starches convert to glucose alone. Excess glucose causes an insulin spike, which shuts down fat metabolism and engages both fat storage and glucose metabolism until all of the glucose and insulin is used up - and the insulin tends to persist past the end of the glucose take-down, producing the “sugar crash”. But fructose metabolizes more slowly in the liver instead, and (among other things) causes the creation and release of VLDL particles. Those are now understood to be the primary bad actor in arterial plaque formation, and are strongly suspected of being responsible for other plaques as well. Most of this has been well understood for a century or more, but Well-Known And Highly Respected People in the nutrition field loudly denounced any attempt to point out the obvious connection between obesity and sugars, starches, and fructose in particular for a very long time, and their version of nutrition gospel still persists today. (And it should be noted that these are greatly simplified generalizations, and should not be assumed to be 100% correct for any specific individual.)
@robson The only information I could find is that it’s manufactured for OffLimits Inc in New York. There’s no source. They do mention that they import ingredients like the Pandan flavor.
I bought a box of the pandan flavor (because how often do you see pandan-flavored things in America?) from Sprouts for I think $8. It was…meh. Like stale Kix with half the sweetness and a very, very mild custardy pandan flavor which was nothing more than an afterthought.
I ate most of the box only out of guilt for how much I paid for the damn thing, which I think amounted to 3 or 4 bowls.
@werehatrack not only do I don’t remember, but I feel like I read the copy on boxes more closely than most and never got pinged to a place of manufacture.
The product box here only indicates the company HQ in NY.
I’ve been seeing these at Grocery Outlet and have been tempted to try them out. I think I’d rather get a single box to try out rather than 6, but it’s fun to see a GrossOut/Meh crossover item!
@phendrick The map says that orders have been placed from three different counties in Texas at this point, so presumably they are not completely forbidden. On the other hand, there’s a possibility that it may be by local option. You might just be in a hippie cereal dry county.
A long time ago while I was in my last couple semesters in college I got recruited on campus & started my first office job. This was in a large cubical in an “engineering room” with 3 other cubes. I had a problem. A smelly, noisy problem.
Each morning I would eat a couple bowls of shredded wheat cereal (with a banana!) as I was told over & over that “healthy whole grains” to start your day. After a couple years I had developed quite a reputation for a gassy guy, a reputation that I never shook even after I realized what the problem was…
Lactose intolerance! No cereal, no milk, no farts. Not only that but having cereal at 7AM meant I was ready for lunch at 9AM. It turns out that cereal as breakfast just didn’t get stick, I would be starving all morning.
So no thanks, cereal sucks. Big sugar hit, followed by a big crash. Plus I completely lost my taste for milk. Even the smell turns my stomach now.
Meh - what is the fascination with trying to sell off brand, often nearly expired, gross food?? I know initially you bought snacks airlines were dumping during early covid, but to keep it up with so many disgusting things (at least airlines stuff was generally decent) puzzles me.
@Kidsandliz You can only sell bluetooth speakers to the same audience once or twice, but you can sell gross foods to the same audience every couple of weeks.
@Kidsandliz You underestimate people’s willingness to buy and eat gross things. I, for example, would buy mild curry flavour pot noodles if the price was right, even though I know they are gross.
There are so many things wrong with this product that I saw its mass market failure coming a mile away. The (by now boilerplate) laundry list of health food attributes, the quirky, almost hipster branding, and the fact that it’s a third the size yet nearly three times the cost of most ‘standard’ cereal all adds up to a product that was essentially destined to crash and burn. Are there people out there who will buy this stuff? Absolutely. Will they be enough to sustain this brand long-term? Not a chance.
I’ll stick to my old favorite - Raw Bits oat hulls and wheat chaff. It’s not for everyone; it’s available by invitation only. Send your resume (along with two references) to their selection committee to see if you qualify for Raw . . . Bits.
“with no benefits beyond an ingredient list where nothing ends in -ide, -trate, or -flavin.”
So this is potentially less nutritive than standard cereal? Since it’s missing riboflavin (vitamin B2), commonly one of the “enrichments” in enriched flour.
I saw these in the store and was excited but turned off by the price. Now on closer inspection seeing how sweet they are, I can’t bring myself to try them because the sugar’s too high and I’m too old to have that much sugar I still appreciate what they’re trying
I suspected that they’d put pandan and coconut together because that’s the way the world works. I’m so glad I was right! If you’re a pandan/coconut addict like me, you won’t be disappointed in the flavor.
I bought these on here after reading some reviews and I like them. I have tried all 3 flavors and they’re tasty. I don’t buy cereal so this was a fun thing to eat.
The strawberry reminds me of Strawberry Quick… mmmmm haven’t had that flavor in a loooooooooong time
Product: 6-Pack: OffLimits Offensively Delicious Cereal
Condition: New
Flex Cinnamon
Spark Strawberry
Zombie Pandan (vanilla)
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$47.94 (for 6) at OffLimits
$47.94 (for 6) at Amazon
4 / 5 Star Reviews At Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 19 - Wednesday, Feb 21
The best way to start the day for any cereal killer!!
/giphy cereal killer

/showme a delicious serial killer
@mediocrebot Why does showme have such a good concept of a deranged cannibalistic serial killer?
Are these any good, or do they leave that waxy taste in your mouth like magic spoon cereal does, or off brand Trix?
@TehMaliron If you find out, you have my condolences…
@TehMaliron they are simultaneously not great but also don’t use any of the GI-abusing pseudo-sugars like Magic Spoon.
@grammarsheriff @TehMaliron And there is a grand tradition in the food industry which is an homage to the miswisdom that “stuff that’s good for you is usually not the same stuff that tastes excellent, so it’s perfectly normal for the most nutritional foods to be pretty awful to eat.” Kale is a perfect example of something which adheres to that dictum.
Organic cane sugar is still sucrose, and therefore 50% fructose when it gets digested. I’m trying really hard to cut that out of my intake stream. Pass.
@werehatrack Heh, my dad sweetens things almost exclusively with fructose.
(can’t have most disaccharides for enzyme reasons, and dislikes most alternative sweeteners)
@agnesnutter @werehatrack RIP his pancreas
@agnesnutter @Telanis Fructose is much harder on the liver (directly) and arteries (indirectly). The pancreas barely knows that it exists, except for the brain signal causing a release of insulin following a “sweet stuff incoming” sensory input. Glucose acts directly on the pancreas to cause that release, and it’s bigger and longer-lasting. That’s why fructose has a lower glycemic rating than sucrose or glucose. The glycemic number is not the whole story…
7.5oz of cereal per box = 1.5 bowls of breakfast?
@melonscoop 6 servings of ¾ cup in each box.
So ounces of weight, not liquid volume.
@melonscoop The nominal serving size is just 35g. That’s about 1.2 ounces, which lines up pretty well with the stated “six servings per container” shown on the nutrition label.
The vast majority of kid-style cereals are mostly air and carbs, and much of the carb load is sugar. These are only about one-third sugar, which is less terrible than some, but nothing to get ecstatic about.
Sure, why not.
/showme pale-joyful-coriander cereal
@mediocrebot that’s even more horrifying than Onion Chex
/image onion chex

@awk @mediocrebot The onion Chex are not terrible as a snack, or as a cooking ingredient to impart green onion flavor, they just are terrible as a breakfast cereal to douse with milk and scoop from a bowl.
@mediocrebot @werehatrack But how would they compare to the Cilantro Crunch pictured above?
@awk @mediocrebot @werehatrack They look like green cutworms (or lawn grubs) to me. yum.
Unfortunately showme doesn’t seem to have much experience with either (see below).
@awk @mediocrebot @werehatrack Onion Chex seems like it could be really good in a special Chexmix flavor
Pandan flavor sounds interesting, but are these boxes really similar in size to Pop Tarts?
@globbriel They’re bigger than most Pop-Tart packs.
When you have Strawberry Cereal at the hippie commune you call home.
Over 30% added sugar. No thanks.
@bigmeh But the main ingredient is starch! That converts to sugar later so instead of having a blood sugar spike you have a constant blood sugar flood. That’s healthy, right?
@Telanis Not sure it works that way but feel free to let me know
@bigmeh @Telanis Eh, what the hell, here goes.
Sucrose (ordinary sugar) evolves to a 50/50 split of glucose and fructose in the gut. Most starches convert to glucose alone. Excess glucose causes an insulin spike, which shuts down fat metabolism and engages both fat storage and glucose metabolism until all of the glucose and insulin is used up - and the insulin tends to persist past the end of the glucose take-down, producing the “sugar crash”. But fructose metabolizes more slowly in the liver instead, and (among other things) causes the creation and release of VLDL particles. Those are now understood to be the primary bad actor in arterial plaque formation, and are strongly suspected of being responsible for other plaques as well. Most of this has been well understood for a century or more, but Well-Known And Highly Respected People in the nutrition field loudly denounced any attempt to point out the obvious connection between obesity and sugars, starches, and fructose in particular for a very long time, and their version of nutrition gospel still persists today. (And it should be noted that these are greatly simplified generalizations, and should not be assumed to be 100% correct for any specific individual.)
Where are these from? You never show the box where it says “product of …” or “made in …”
@robson The only information I could find is that it’s manufactured for OffLimits Inc in New York. There’s no source. They do mention that they import ingredients like the Pandan flavor.
I get the message I can’t have these. And no, the reverse psychology did not work.
@troy Is there a missing state in the shipping list?
@hchavers @werehatrack Nope, no missing states… @hchavers could you share a screenshot for us? Thank you!
@hchavers @troy @werehatrack
@troy @ybmuG D’Oh!
I bought a box of the pandan flavor (because how often do you see pandan-flavored things in America?) from Sprouts for I think $8. It was…meh. Like stale Kix with half the sweetness and a very, very mild custardy pandan flavor which was nothing more than an afterthought.
I ate most of the box only out of guilt for how much I paid for the damn thing, which I think amounted to 3 or 4 bowls.
@grammarsheriff Do you recall whether the box said where they were made?
@werehatrack not only do I don’t remember, but I feel like I read the copy on boxes more closely than most and never got pinged to a place of manufacture.
The product box here only indicates the company HQ in NY.
Okay, this made me laugh a little - it just seems so absolutely perfect for Meh.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen this here:
@Kyeh Reminds me of Colon Blow
I’ve been seeing these at Grocery Outlet and have been tempted to try them out. I think I’d rather get a single box to try out rather than 6, but it’s fun to see a GrossOut/Meh crossover item!
/showme a cereal bowl full of green cutworms
@mediocrebot sigh.
/showme a cereal bowl full of green lawn grubs
@mediocrebot sigh again.
I need more protein than 2g! How can you call something “flex” and not have it packed with protein?!
/giphy emotional-warn-pretzel

Thought about getting these, then saw they’re off limits.
So will wait until they’re legalized in Texas.
@phendrick The map says that orders have been placed from three different counties in Texas at this point, so presumably they are not completely forbidden. On the other hand, there’s a possibility that it may be by local option. You might just be in a hippie cereal dry county.
@werehatrack You probably nailed it, since none of those orders were from the Panhandle or west Texas.
In the meantime, I will get my dietary needs of rice powder from those Snap, Crackle, and Pop dudes. I have some marshmallows to use up anyway.
On a side note (speaking of cereals), a little humor to bowl everyone over:
Meh cereal?
They’re g-r-r-r-r-r-O-K
A long time ago while I was in my last couple semesters in college I got recruited on campus & started my first office job. This was in a large cubical in an “engineering room” with 3 other cubes. I had a problem. A smelly, noisy problem.
Each morning I would eat a couple bowls of shredded wheat cereal (with a banana!) as I was told over & over that “healthy whole grains” to start your day. After a couple years I had developed quite a reputation for a gassy guy, a reputation that I never shook even after I realized what the problem was…
Lactose intolerance! No cereal, no milk, no farts. Not only that but having cereal at 7AM meant I was ready for lunch at 9AM. It turns out that cereal as breakfast just didn’t get stick, I would be starving all morning.
So no thanks, cereal sucks. Big sugar hit, followed by a big crash. Plus I completely lost my taste for milk. Even the smell turns my stomach now.
Meh - what is the fascination with trying to sell off brand, often nearly expired, gross food?? I know initially you bought snacks airlines were dumping during early covid, but to keep it up with so many disgusting things (at least airlines stuff was generally decent) puzzles me.
@Kidsandliz You can only sell bluetooth speakers to the same audience once or twice, but you can sell gross foods to the same audience every couple of weeks.
@ravenblack And if it is gross it will only be bought once by that audience. At least with bluetooth speakers you might buy two of them to pair them.
@Kidsandliz it’s simply because the suppliers were offloading their surplus nearly-expired food at ridiculously low prices.
Meh gladly takes it off their hands and offers it to us at a price to make a tidy profit.
Everybody’s happy… at least until some of us occasionally come to realize it’s called “Meh” for good reason.
@richrauch don’t you mean until we taste it and discover why it didn’t sell to begin with?
@Kidsandliz You underestimate people’s willingness to buy and eat gross things. I, for example, would buy mild curry flavour pot noodles if the price was right, even though I know they are gross.
There are so many things wrong with this product that I saw its mass market failure coming a mile away. The (by now boilerplate) laundry list of health food attributes, the quirky, almost hipster branding, and the fact that it’s a third the size yet nearly three times the cost of most ‘standard’ cereal all adds up to a product that was essentially destined to crash and burn. Are there people out there who will buy this stuff? Absolutely. Will they be enough to sustain this brand long-term? Not a chance.
@PooltoyWolf Well said!
@Kyeh Practicing my Internet writing skills. Did it work? Was I believable? LOL!
@PooltoyWolf I’d have called it spot-on, no question.
@PooltoyWolf Excellent!
@Kyeh @werehatrack Thanks hahaha
I’ll stick to my old favorite - Raw Bits oat hulls and wheat chaff. It’s not for everyone; it’s available by invitation only. Send your resume (along with two references) to their selection committee to see if you qualify for Raw . . . Bits.
@rpstrong I’m told it’s a very popular in Lake Wobegon.
@werehatrack Especially so with above average children.
“with no benefits beyond an ingredient list where nothing ends in -ide, -trate, or -flavin.”
So this is potentially less nutritive than standard cereal? Since it’s missing riboflavin (vitamin B2), commonly one of the “enrichments” in enriched flour.
Ok, cool.
I saw these in the store and was excited but turned off by the price. Now on closer inspection seeing how sweet they are, I can’t bring myself to try them because the sugar’s too high and I’m too old to have that much sugar
I still appreciate what they’re trying
Tempted, but still too much money for this.
@Trinityscrew Agreed. The $3 extra for a variety was a hard pass for all. I don’t want six boxes of any cereal. Not even Cocoa Puffs…probably.
Each box is about 10x7x2", and they’re only 2/3 full. tastes like Kix with cinnamon added. ok
Got mine yesterday, they’re pretty good, nothing special.
Pandan & Coconut!
I suspected that they’d put pandan and coconut together because that’s the way the world works. I’m so glad I was right! If you’re a pandan/coconut addict like me, you won’t be disappointed in the flavor.
This makes me wish I’d tried it.
I’ve never had pandan but I love coconut.
I bought these on here after reading some reviews and I like them. I have tried all 3 flavors and they’re tasty. I don’t buy cereal so this was a fun thing to eat.
The strawberry reminds me of Strawberry Quick… mmmmm haven’t had that flavor in a loooooooooong time