@Moose My puppy would vote for junebug. Or frog. Or wait, was that a leaf? My oldest would vote for chicken. Yes, that chicken that you’re eating. The middle would leave the voting booth for peace from the puppy.
I think that puts us about where we’ve gotten ourselves already, so why not?
Usage: /meme --template template [--top "top text"] [--bottom "bottom text"] [--font font]
https://memegen.link/api/templates/aag: Ancient Aliens Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ackbar: It's A Trap!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/afraid: Afraid to Ask Andy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/alwaysonbeat: Drake Always On Beat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ants: Do You Want Ants?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome: Socially Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome-awkward: Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward: Socially Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward-awesome: Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bad: You Should Feel Bad
https://memegen.link/api/templates/badchoice: Milk Was a Bad Choice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bd: Butthurt Dweller
https://memegen.link/api/templates/biw: Baby Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/blb: Bad Luck Brian
https://memegen.link/api/templates/boat: I Should Buy a Boat Cat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/both: Why Not Both?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bs: This is Bull, Shark
https://memegen.link/api/templates/buzz: X, X Everywhere
https://memegen.link/api/templates/captain: I am the Captain Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cb: Confession Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cbg: Comic Book Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/center: What is this, a Center for Ants?!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ch: Captain Hindsight
https://memegen.link/api/templates/chosen: You Were the Chosen One!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/crazypills: I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dodgson: See? Nobody Cares
https://memegen.link/api/templates/doge: Doge
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dsm: Dating Site Murderer
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dwight: Schrute Facts
https://memegen.link/api/templates/elf: You Sit on a Throne of Lies
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ermg: Ermahgerd
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fa: Forever Alone
https://memegen.link/api/templates/facepalm: Facepalm
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fbf: Foul Bachelor Frog
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fetch: Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fmr: Fuck Me, Right?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fry: Futurama Fry
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fwp: First World Problems
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ggg: Good Guy Greg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hagrid: I Should Not Have Said That
https://memegen.link/api/templates/happening: It's Happening
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hipster: Hipster Barista
https://memegen.link/api/templates/icanhas: I Can Has Cheezburger?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/imsorry: Oh, I'm Sorry, I Thought This Was America
https://memegen.link/api/templates/inigo: Inigo Montoya
https://memegen.link/api/templates/interesting: The Most Interesting Man in the World
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ive: Jony Ive Redesigns Things
https://memegen.link/api/templates/iw: Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jetpack: Nothing To Do Here
https://memegen.link/api/templates/joker: It's Simple, Kill the Batman
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jw: Probably Not a Good Idea
https://memegen.link/api/templates/keanu: Conspiracy Keanu
https://memegen.link/api/templates/kermit: But That's None of My Business
https://memegen.link/api/templates/live: Do It Live!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ll: Laughing Lizard
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mb: Member Berries
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mmm: Minor Mistake Marvin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/money: Shut Up and Take My Money!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mordor: One Does Not Simply Walk into Mordor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/morpheus: Matrix Morpheus
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mw: I Guarantee It
https://memegen.link/api/templates/nice: So I Got That Goin' For Me, Which is Nice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/noidea: I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oag: Overly Attached Girlfriend
https://memegen.link/api/templates/officespace: That Would Be Great
https://memegen.link/api/templates/older: An Older Code Sir, But It Checks Out
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oprah: Oprah You Get a Car
https://memegen.link/api/templates/patrick: Push it somewhere else Patrick
https://memegen.link/api/templates/philosoraptor: Philosoraptor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/red: Oh, Is That What We're Going to Do Today?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/regret: I Immediately Regret This Decision!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/remembers: Pepperidge Farm Remembers
https://memegen.link/api/templates/rollsafe: Roll Safe
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-biden: Sad Joe Biden
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-boehner: Sad John Boehner
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-bush: Sad George Bush
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-clinton: Sad Bill Clinton
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-obama: Sad Barack Obama
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sadfrog: Sad Frog / Feels Bad Man
https://memegen.link/api/templates/saltbae: Salt Bae
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sarcasticbear: Sarcastic Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sb: Scumbag Brain
https://memegen.link/api/templates/scc: Sudden Clarity Clarence
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sf: Sealed Fate
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ski: Super Cool Ski Instructor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/snek: Skeptical Snake
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohappy: I Would Be So Happy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohot: So Hot Right Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ss: Scumbag Steve
https://memegen.link/api/templates/success: Success Kid
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tenguy: 10 Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/toohigh: The Rent Is Too Damn High
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tried: At Least You Tried
https://memegen.link/api/templates/winter: Winter is coming
https://memegen.link/api/templates/wonka: Condescending Wonka
https://memegen.link/api/templates/xy: X all the Y
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yallgot: Y'all Got Any More of Them
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yodawg: Xzibit Yo Dawg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yuno: Y U NO Guy
Usage: /meme --template template [--top "top text"] [--bottom "bottom text"] [--font font]
https://memegen.link/api/templates/aag: Ancient Aliens Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ackbar: It's A Trap!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/afraid: Afraid to Ask Andy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/alwaysonbeat: Drake Always On Beat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ants: Do You Want Ants?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome: Socially Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome-awkward: Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward: Socially Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward-awesome: Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bad: You Should Feel Bad
https://memegen.link/api/templates/badchoice: Milk Was a Bad Choice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bd: Butthurt Dweller
https://memegen.link/api/templates/biw: Baby Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/blb: Bad Luck Brian
https://memegen.link/api/templates/boat: I Should Buy a Boat Cat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/both: Why Not Both?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bs: This is Bull, Shark
https://memegen.link/api/templates/buzz: X, X Everywhere
https://memegen.link/api/templates/captain: I am the Captain Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cb: Confession Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cbg: Comic Book Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/center: What is this, a Center for Ants?!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ch: Captain Hindsight
https://memegen.link/api/templates/chosen: You Were the Chosen One!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/crazypills: I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dodgson: See? Nobody Cares
https://memegen.link/api/templates/doge: Doge
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dsm: Dating Site Murderer
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dwight: Schrute Facts
https://memegen.link/api/templates/elf: You Sit on a Throne of Lies
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ermg: Ermahgerd
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fa: Forever Alone
https://memegen.link/api/templates/facepalm: Facepalm
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fbf: Foul Bachelor Frog
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fetch: Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fmr: Fuck Me, Right?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fry: Futurama Fry
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fwp: First World Problems
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ggg: Good Guy Greg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hagrid: I Should Not Have Said That
https://memegen.link/api/templates/happening: It's Happening
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hipster: Hipster Barista
https://memegen.link/api/templates/icanhas: I Can Has Cheezburger?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/imsorry: Oh, I'm Sorry, I Thought This Was America
https://memegen.link/api/templates/inigo: Inigo Montoya
https://memegen.link/api/templates/interesting: The Most Interesting Man in the World
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ive: Jony Ive Redesigns Things
https://memegen.link/api/templates/iw: Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jetpack: Nothing To Do Here
https://memegen.link/api/templates/joker: It's Simple, Kill the Batman
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jw: Probably Not a Good Idea
https://memegen.link/api/templates/keanu: Conspiracy Keanu
https://memegen.link/api/templates/kermit: But That's None of My Business
https://memegen.link/api/templates/live: Do It Live!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ll: Laughing Lizard
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mb: Member Berries
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mmm: Minor Mistake Marvin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/money: Shut Up and Take My Money!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mordor: One Does Not Simply Walk into Mordor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/morpheus: Matrix Morpheus
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mw: I Guarantee It
https://memegen.link/api/templates/nice: So I Got That Goin' For Me, Which is Nice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/noidea: I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oag: Overly Attached Girlfriend
https://memegen.link/api/templates/officespace: That Would Be Great
https://memegen.link/api/templates/older: An Older Code Sir, But It Checks Out
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oprah: Oprah You Get a Car
https://memegen.link/api/templates/patrick: Push it somewhere else Patrick
https://memegen.link/api/templates/philosoraptor: Philosoraptor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/red: Oh, Is That What We're Going to Do Today?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/regret: I Immediately Regret This Decision!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/remembers: Pepperidge Farm Remembers
https://memegen.link/api/templates/rollsafe: Roll Safe
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-biden: Sad Joe Biden
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-boehner: Sad John Boehner
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-bush: Sad George Bush
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-clinton: Sad Bill Clinton
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-obama: Sad Barack Obama
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sadfrog: Sad Frog / Feels Bad Man
https://memegen.link/api/templates/saltbae: Salt Bae
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sarcasticbear: Sarcastic Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sb: Scumbag Brain
https://memegen.link/api/templates/scc: Sudden Clarity Clarence
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sf: Sealed Fate
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ski: Super Cool Ski Instructor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/snek: Skeptical Snake
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohappy: I Would Be So Happy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohot: So Hot Right Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ss: Scumbag Steve
https://memegen.link/api/templates/success: Success Kid
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tenguy: 10 Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/toohigh: The Rent Is Too Damn High
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tried: At Least You Tried
https://memegen.link/api/templates/winter: Winter is coming
https://memegen.link/api/templates/wonka: Condescending Wonka
https://memegen.link/api/templates/xy: X all the Y
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yallgot: Y'all Got Any More of Them
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yodawg: Xzibit Yo Dawg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yuno: Y U NO Guy
Usage: /meme --template template [--top "top text"] [--bottom "bottom text"] [--font font]
https://memegen.link/api/templates/aag: Ancient Aliens Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ackbar: It's A Trap!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/afraid: Afraid to Ask Andy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/alwaysonbeat: Drake Always On Beat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ants: Do You Want Ants?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome: Socially Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awesome-awkward: Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward: Socially Awkward Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/awkward-awesome: Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bad: You Should Feel Bad
https://memegen.link/api/templates/badchoice: Milk Was a Bad Choice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bd: Butthurt Dweller
https://memegen.link/api/templates/biw: Baby Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/blb: Bad Luck Brian
https://memegen.link/api/templates/boat: I Should Buy a Boat Cat
https://memegen.link/api/templates/both: Why Not Both?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/bs: This is Bull, Shark
https://memegen.link/api/templates/buzz: X, X Everywhere
https://memegen.link/api/templates/captain: I am the Captain Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cb: Confession Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/cbg: Comic Book Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/center: What is this, a Center for Ants?!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ch: Captain Hindsight
https://memegen.link/api/templates/chosen: You Were the Chosen One!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/crazypills: I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dodgson: See? Nobody Cares
https://memegen.link/api/templates/doge: Doge
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dsm: Dating Site Murderer
https://memegen.link/api/templates/dwight: Schrute Facts
https://memegen.link/api/templates/elf: You Sit on a Throne of Lies
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ermg: Ermahgerd
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fa: Forever Alone
https://memegen.link/api/templates/facepalm: Facepalm
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fbf: Foul Bachelor Frog
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fetch: Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fmr: Fuck Me, Right?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fry: Futurama Fry
https://memegen.link/api/templates/fwp: First World Problems
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ggg: Good Guy Greg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hagrid: I Should Not Have Said That
https://memegen.link/api/templates/happening: It's Happening
https://memegen.link/api/templates/hipster: Hipster Barista
https://memegen.link/api/templates/icanhas: I Can Has Cheezburger?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/imsorry: Oh, I'm Sorry, I Thought This Was America
https://memegen.link/api/templates/inigo: Inigo Montoya
https://memegen.link/api/templates/interesting: The Most Interesting Man in the World
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ive: Jony Ive Redesigns Things
https://memegen.link/api/templates/iw: Insanity Wolf
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jetpack: Nothing To Do Here
https://memegen.link/api/templates/joker: It's Simple, Kill the Batman
https://memegen.link/api/templates/jw: Probably Not a Good Idea
https://memegen.link/api/templates/keanu: Conspiracy Keanu
https://memegen.link/api/templates/kermit: But That's None of My Business
https://memegen.link/api/templates/live: Do It Live!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ll: Laughing Lizard
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mb: Member Berries
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mmm: Minor Mistake Marvin
https://memegen.link/api/templates/money: Shut Up and Take My Money!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mordor: One Does Not Simply Walk into Mordor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/morpheus: Matrix Morpheus
https://memegen.link/api/templates/mw: I Guarantee It
https://memegen.link/api/templates/nice: So I Got That Goin' For Me, Which is Nice
https://memegen.link/api/templates/noidea: I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oag: Overly Attached Girlfriend
https://memegen.link/api/templates/officespace: That Would Be Great
https://memegen.link/api/templates/older: An Older Code Sir, But It Checks Out
https://memegen.link/api/templates/oprah: Oprah You Get a Car
https://memegen.link/api/templates/patrick: Push it somewhere else Patrick
https://memegen.link/api/templates/philosoraptor: Philosoraptor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/red: Oh, Is That What We're Going to Do Today?
https://memegen.link/api/templates/regret: I Immediately Regret This Decision!
https://memegen.link/api/templates/remembers: Pepperidge Farm Remembers
https://memegen.link/api/templates/rollsafe: Roll Safe
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-biden: Sad Joe Biden
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-boehner: Sad John Boehner
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-bush: Sad George Bush
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-clinton: Sad Bill Clinton
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sad-obama: Sad Barack Obama
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sadfrog: Sad Frog / Feels Bad Man
https://memegen.link/api/templates/saltbae: Salt Bae
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sarcasticbear: Sarcastic Bear
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sb: Scumbag Brain
https://memegen.link/api/templates/scc: Sudden Clarity Clarence
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sf: Sealed Fate
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ski: Super Cool Ski Instructor
https://memegen.link/api/templates/snek: Skeptical Snake
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohappy: I Would Be So Happy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/sohot: So Hot Right Now
https://memegen.link/api/templates/ss: Scumbag Steve
https://memegen.link/api/templates/success: Success Kid
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tenguy: 10 Guy
https://memegen.link/api/templates/toohigh: The Rent Is Too Damn High
https://memegen.link/api/templates/tried: At Least You Tried
https://memegen.link/api/templates/winter: Winter is coming
https://memegen.link/api/templates/wonka: Condescending Wonka
https://memegen.link/api/templates/xy: X all the Y
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yallgot: Y'all Got Any More of Them
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yodawg: Xzibit Yo Dawg
https://memegen.link/api/templates/yuno: Y U NO Guy
@shawn It’s very cool to be able to generate memes on the fly (and presumably tag users within them) but the syntax is difficult to remember at first. You almost have to screw it up, post it, read the template list and usage, then edit it to correct the meme. That or have your announcement reference open in another tab.
A meme-only search that works like giphy for memes as @tizio was trying to use it last night could be fun but could also be pointless.
@Bayamonprieto77 kids available? is this something new? like uberkids? I don’t think I’ll be buying stock in that.
It’s way after 11pm, so I’m way looney I supose. I wonder waht causes that?
Whenever I see that image, I can’t help but think of that guy walking his dog in, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
ok, nighty nite!
Has meh changed or is it me? I remember I took you to a Nine Inch Nails concert and you were the only one in white, (with a white belt too, shudder!). You loved me from the start, but it took a while for me. But then it started growing every day, and I watched you turn from sorta homely to “the most beautiful person in the world” every day. And I watched it happen and you seemed nonplussed. (to possibly be continued).
@whiskeyish somehow I think a shorter leash is fine. They probably have that law to keep people from using those retractable leashes because a lot of people that use them let their dog run wherever.
Material better suited to slice off fingers. I almost lost my middle (or is that the plan?!?!). This should be sold as a light up cheese slicer – nothing else is safe. Half the lights stopped working after a few weeks anyway.
What’s in the Box?
1x Leash
1x Flashlight with carabiner
1x Micro USB to USB charging cable
Puppy puppy, burning bright
In the sidewalks of the night
What weak mortal brings me the mail
Can dodge your teeth and paws and tail?
When the jowls threw down their spit
and the baggies pick’d up your shit
Do I smile and pat your head?
Do I forgive when you must shed?
Puppy puppy, burning bright
In the yard, with bright red light
Price Comparison
$24.99 at Amazon
90 Day 4id
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Light up ball-gag not included.
Leash me alone
My ex would’ve loved this.
@awk she does actually
Speaking from personal knowledge?
@f00l Actually, I thought it was common knowledge
Could these be integrated into a TRON halloween costume rather than be used as a dog leash?

@curtise no. That would be redonk.
What’s up everybody? I think dogs should vote!

@Moose My puppy would vote for junebug. Or frog. Or wait, was that a leaf? My oldest would vote for chicken. Yes, that chicken that you’re eating. The middle would leave the voting booth for peace from the puppy.
I think that puts us about where we’ve gotten ourselves already, so why not?
I immediately thought this was a glow in the dark jump rope, I was about to hit the buy button.
/giphy conan sad

Ask and the internet provides
@ConAndLibrarian Isn’t any rope you jump over a jump rope?
I literally just got in from a walk with the pupper and thought, “I need a light up leash or collar.”
Perfect timing. Also, good pricing. This is definitely my max price. Thanks meh!
Guess these didn’t do so well over on woot?
screw it, in for one

/giphy innate-gusty-cheese
@smigit2002 re: wootStalker price was $17.99
@smigit2002 Oh I remember Woot back in the day. What the heck happened to them ?
@jmbunkin they apparently devolved…
My dog says…

From: http://collapse.news/2017-04-06-man-survives-71-days-in-the-desert-by-eating-frogs-and-leeches.html
In for 2
@PhysAssist Wow. Gives two new meanings to “dingo’s breakfast” (originally cited in an Australian alt dictionary as “a piss and a good look around”).
Fancy a leech, mate?
Sup, dog
/meme noticeable-paranoid-move
@tizio whoa, I hacked the Gibson.
@tizio What fresh hell is this?!?!?!?
/meme wat-the-derp
@tizio I’m pretty sure you just hacked a government server. Let us know what you find.

/giphy hackers
@tizio it works like this:
Also, fucking awesome discovery! (Unless it was mentioned elsewhere and I missed it, this is the first I’ve seen of it.)

@djslack truth. Also, it doesn’t work like this:
/meme truffle shuffle
Dear meh. I broked your webs. Sowwy.

/giphy sorry dog

I’m an idiot. It was clearly announced last August

And I had been there and starred a post in that thread. Ugh, my brain sucks.
@tizio Obviously the dog learned nothing from the hare. Turtle always wins. Poor poor doggy.
@djslack It was a fun experiment but clearly hasn’t caught on. I’m going to remove it in a future release.
@shawn It’s very cool to be able to generate memes on the fly (and presumably tag users within them) but the syntax is difficult to remember at first. You almost have to screw it up, post it, read the template list and usage, then edit it to correct the meme. That or have your announcement reference open in another tab.
A meme-only search that works like giphy for memes as @tizio was trying to use it last night could be fun but could also be pointless.
@tizio that’s pretty phenomenal.
can you give me the link to the irk-dog breeder?
5 stars. Would breed again.
Sowwy. Had to.
/giphy frosted-whimsical-firefly

Thought it could make cool tent lights, but batt life is a bit mehh
Might have to get a dog just so I can justify buying one of each.
@mehcuda67 Or leash your kid…
/giphy cuddly-grueling-mole

@AmazingChicken That was totally lazy giphy. You only checked the first word and did an iffy job with that.
It worked!
Your order number is: dashing-sugary-dad
@Bayamonprieto77 not that there’s anything wrong with that
@ThatsHeadly Of course it is- Who’s he running from???
@Bayamonprieto77 I think he’s running to!
Also, why so defensive?
@wew Its my right. Anymore questions?
@Bayamonprieto77 yeah, um. well. like. Do you have a date for the prom?
@wew you have kids available?
@Bayamonprieto77 kids available? is this something new? like uberkids? I don’t think I’ll be buying stock in that.
It’s way after 11pm, so I’m way looney I supose. I wonder waht causes that?
Whenever I see that image, I can’t help but think of that guy walking his dog in, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
ok, nighty nite!
Has meh changed or is it me? I remember I took you to a Nine Inch Nails concert and you were the only one in white, (with a white belt too, shudder!). You loved me from the start, but it took a while for me. But then it started growing every day, and I watched you turn from sorta homely to “the most beautiful person in the world” every day. And I watched it happen and you seemed nonplussed. (to possibly be continued).
@f00l I get so weird after 11. Which means by 12, I’m about 3/4 nuts. It’s nothing like when I used to be on ambien though.
only 4 ft, meh
@rrichmon Same, city law here is a 6 foot fixed leash only, so I can’t.
@whiskeyish somehow I think a shorter leash is fine. They probably have that law to keep people from using those retractable leashes because a lot of people that use them let their dog run wherever.
How strong are these? Are they good for big dogs? The bedroom? A wild pack of Tasmanian devils?
@sohmageek They will prob break pretty quickly if your dogs pull. Ours did that I got from somewhere else.
I’ll wait for a Two for Tuesday @ $10 and I’m in…
Wish it were longer but…

/giphy thematic-violent-flesh
How do I buy the Irk on a leash??

/giphy imaginary-assertive-winter
Thank you Bob Berman for enlightening me on scotopic vision.
Only one state with zero sales. Any guesses?
Material better suited to slice off fingers. I almost lost my middle (or is that the plan?!?!). This should be sold as a light up cheese slicer – nothing else is safe. Half the lights stopped working after a few weeks anyway.