2017 resolutions
12i made mine early. i’ve put a lot of thought into these and i think i set the expectation low enough that i simply can’t fail.
- think of new year’s resolutions for 2023.
- monetize my ability to never get hangovers.
- consistently pronounce “cinnamon” correctly.
- figure out how much is left on this movie gift card from 3 years ago.
- learn to function without splelchecker.
there’s more, but those are my top priorities. what do you all have?
- 25 comments, 131 replies
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@narfcake damn you pixelated people!
Arrange so that less total shit goes down.
I don’t have really high hopes on that.
@f00l sooo… you’re installing questionably refurbished toilets?
Language has its ethereal and metaphoric modes.
But to address your need for clarification:
Perhaps I’ll become a “breatharian”.
I can’t get a decent image to load.
I feel that resolutions should be possibly achievable. As such, I don’t make them.
@PlacidPenguin so you’re resolving not to make any resolutions?
I feel a paradox coming on.
@PlacidPenguin There is a reason I haven’t done as much for my resolutions in the past… However I have to kick some arse and get some stuff done…
Hit Refresh on my social circle. Hopefully Meetup.com will provide some useful leads.
@moondrake that’s a pretty big F5 key.
Dunno what you’re into besides gaming … am a bit surprised that the gamers didn’t offer more in terms of personal depth and awareness.
I know people who’ve had good results from walking, running, reading, and gardening groups.
@f00l Around here, those groups are full of old women. Older than me, even. Gaming and cons are full of millennials who believe they invented SF and gaming. I’m still looking, like @moondrake.
The running groups are full of only old women? Not around here, or not always.
And plenty old women are serious badasses anyway. Which means I prob like them much.
How about the lazy cyclist groups? The ones that stop every two blocks cause there’s a bar?
@f00l No cycling paths in my area. The running and walking groups are located about 15 miles away, in neighborhoods with parks. I’m off a two lane road with deep ditches, winding through trailer parks, river bottoms with occasional pulloff areas suitable for launching boats, and adjoining a light industrial area, crossed by railroad tracks. Within a one-mile stretch, there are a Moose lodge, an Elks lodge, and a Fleet Reserve club. I need to move.
The cycling thing I was thinking of is a once or twice a month bar crawl at a moderate pace in easy terrain and “no rider left behind” philosophy. Worth getting a vehicle bike rack for. I need to install mine.
I’ve lived in Texas and visited Florida. I’ve seen the South. And lived down those roads. I get it.
There’s something to be said for those sorts of gravel roads. And almost all the people - in Texas anyway - are honest and generous and kind and private and respectful.
They are not always widely read. And I don’t discuss religion or politics or books or the news with someone unless I’m pretty sure I have a feel for them.
I don’t care if we agree or not. I care if that person can talk w me about hit button stuff without talking about me to other people carelessly.
And I just don’t want to get into conversations I’m then desperate to escape from - that may put me at risk of future conversations I’m even more desperate to escape from - or worse, inspire someone I see fairly often toward religious or political conversion attempts.
@f00l I left out the public housing apartment complexes, between the Elks and Moose lodges. Roadkill on the 2-lane routinely includes armadillo, possum, raccoon, turtle, and last year a deer took on a truck. They both lost, and the truck went into the ditch. Walking along the road is not a good idea.
@f00l Ah, the two lane road is paved, not gravel, and there are next to no single family houses along it. This means vehicles go 50 mph along a very twisty road, which in places has trees leaning over to form a tunnel. No streetlights, except in the housing developments and apartment complexes. I’m going to research a new place to live. That’s a resolution.
Yeah, if you value longevity.
@f00l Sadly, meetup doesn’t seem to have too much, the fitness groups look too serious and most of the social ones are inactive. There’s a good looking gaming group in a neighboring city/state but it would be an hour each way. There are actually a lot of interesting groups in this neighboring city, less than a tenth our size but still far more social and artsy. Not the first time I wished I could load my car up on a trailer and haul it across the state line to NM. I’m wary of having strangers to the house, but if I can locate a neutral place to play I may try to start one myself. Board gaming is enjoying a rennaissance so I might be able to stir up some interest. I wouldn’t mind joining a walking group when the sun starts sticking around longer. I know there are walking groups organized by the City’s Health Department, so I could probably connect through them.
@moondrake Do you have a sizable shopping mall within an easy driving distance? Most of these days host walking groups; perhaps connecting to one of them might lead you to other groups of interest?
Every city has walking and jogging and running clubs and groups. They have different groups for various levels of ambition. There is a usually a group - or more than one - for the people who prefer an easy-going lazybum approach.
If you’re up for this, google it or check the info at the best running store in the city.
@moondrake @f00l I found the Walk Florida site, www.walkflorida.org/Walk_Florida/Walk_Florida.html, which is a member of the American Volkssport Association, http://www.ava.org/. I might actually look into this. The problem is that in FL, outdoor walking is only feasible about three months a year.
Think walking in early mornings most of the year.
@OldCatLady Wimp
@f00l only in mosquito controlled areas. Either that or you have to slather on that godawful GI insect repellent. Skeeters in the Glades laughed at Deet.
Those Walk Florida people live in Florida. Surely they’ve worked out some sort of detente with the insects, if they’re still up for walking.
Spent some time in Florida. The skeeters were a big problem if you were sitting or standing still. And at sunset. And they own the glades.
My hatred of them in itself never repelled them.
@cranky1950 Wimps R Us here. I don’t do mornings, either, except for sitting on the patio admiring birds and stuff. Outrunning mosquitoes requires serious bug dope and effort. Now I’m thinking yoga, because I know I enjoy it. Just have to find good teachers. And show up.
@OldCatLady I have very short legs and I used to walk quite slowly. When I got serious about walking for exercise, I taught myself to walk very fast. It’s a trick involving rolling the down foot heel to toe as I propel forward, stepping off the very end of one toe onto the heel of the other foot in a long stride. Simba was my pace setter, his legs are almost as long as mine and he has four of them, so I set my pace so he had to trot lightly to keep up. It takes some getting used to, at first I could only maintain it for a block or two then switched to my regular flat, short stride. Eventually Simba and I were participating in 5ks, actually coming in in the middle of the pack of runners, way ahead of all the walkers, maintaining a steady pace of 4.2mph. Our desert mosquitoes aren’t the raptors you have in Florida, but when I was walking at pace I was never bitten, only when I stopped. I think a fast walking pace defeats their target identification + target acquisition + flight speed window.
1920 x 1080, same as last year.
@rockblossom no 4k?
@carl669 Still too expensive. Better resolution resolution for 2018? Mehbe.
@rockblossom 3840x2160… I thought it was hype but turns out its very nice.
@djslack @rockblossom

I don’t know where to begin, so I won’t.
We could fast forward to where you realize that making the resolutions was a waste of time…
Continue losing weight, don’t put it back on. Hope that all the good people have either died already or just don’t.
@cinoclav I have decided I don’t love a single artist and won’t until I see some easing up in 2017.
Seeing how bad 2016 was, 2017 certainly has ro be better (fingers crossed). And seeing that I just bought a guitar today, I would say learning to play it is somewhere on the list.
@mfladd Learn to play this…because certainly even a guitar weeps when you touch it.
And not gently?
@f00l Can a guitar violently sob? That’s what I imagine?
@KittySprinkles Lol. Are you saying it wasn’t consensual?! Not true!
(p.s. I have my first lesson today. I will bring a kleenex.)
@mfladd Well you told me before you like a water based lube but tears seem hardly enough. Just make sure she’s a legal…guitar.
And aren’t the Kleenex for when you’re playing solo?
(original by Randall Munroe)
Fewer bodies left in my wake. Or at least finding new hiding spots for them
@KittySprinkles i always assumed you just turned the bodies into chili and fed them to your enemies.
wait a fucking minute. is that why you keep sending me chili??
@KittySprinkles Some of us make larger ripples across this ocean of life.
Sucks for those that can’t swim.
. . . and for us, when we fall in.
@carl669 Try it with tortilla chips. They go well with the tears.
@Pavlov And some of us like to hold the heads under until the bubbles stop
@KittySprinkles I like you more and more every day.
I think your guitar gently grins sadistically.
@f00l I do feel that doing terrifying things with an air of gentleness or a sly smile just adds to the horror. Yay, the horror!
@KittySprinkles I am walking over those dismembered bodies, cause I am still standing and ready for war, Bitch!
You’re the person who invented standing in somebody else’s kitchen running a blade between their fingers slowly with a smirk on their face. (Creepy music optional.)
I can tell.
@PlacidPenguin It’s like you know me
@mfladd Uh huh…yaaaawn.
@KittySprinkles Yawn all you want, bitch.

This tipped me off once upon a time. Not that I needed to see that to understand.
@KittySprinkles You call that a final battle? Merely a flesh wound.

Getting a job would be good.
@AnnaB work is vastly over rated
I’m opening a fitness club called “Resolutions”. It will have the finest equipment money can buy for the first two weeks, after which I’ll fire sale that shit and turn it into a titty bar.
You mean for 2 weeks there won’t be drinks? Blasphemous!
@Pavlov - There’s gotta be a way to combine the two ventures?
Mothra wants to promo headline dance at your place once the bar gets started.
She’s picky about who she eats tho.
@KDemo A fitness bar and humidor. What;s not to like
. . . aren’t they all though.
@Pavlov They all claim to be. But a couple cocktails later, they don’t care how much protein shake you toss at them
@Pavlov That should work perfectly since New Year’s people buying memberships will probably only use the membership for the first two weeks and then return to their slovenly ways.
You’re giving people too much credit.
Although I suppose it depends on if we’re taking about the US of A, or everybody else.
If she thinks someone looks tasty, she’ll finish the plate.
@f00l Ah, one can only dream
Mothra finishing the plate is likely a little more thorough than you are imagining.
@f00l I’m not complaining
Ok. Sorry to hear about the DeathWish, but I guess the experience will have its moments.
@Pavlov Please call it HoleCycle . I mean, soulcycle’s logo could easily be altered.
I plan to make a complete list of all my passwords and keep it handy near the computer.
@KDemo I have an excel doc on my computer with web page links, usernames, password hints, and secret question hints for most sites I frequent that require a password. I also keep info like my frequent flyer/cruiser numbers and a handful of hard to obtain business phone numbers in there. It’s a page in my personal accounts tracking excel doc. The document is password protected with a unique password. I back that thing up to an external hd every 3mos.
I don’t write mine down and can’t remember them and they’re not even in LastPass cause I’m too paranoid.
Usually pretty secure.
So… How do you remember them? Wait, you don’t. So are they saved somewhere (other than the sites which they are for) ?
@PlacidPenguin Na man, you just have to remember the email you used to set them up.
Actually I guess a lot.
@KDemo @moondrake Lastpass! For the love of all that is good!
@KDemo Let me suggest a slight change to that otherwise good plan- make sure all your passwords are different (you’re writing them down now, so you can make them longer and more random).
@KDemo Thanks for the reminder! I need to update all my passwords from “password2016” to “password2017”!
Kinda surprised that that password doesn’t crack the list of most obvious passwords which people use.
@PlacidPenguin too many numbers
1234567 is too many numbers?
Good, no one can crack my passwords.
@f00l Man, how can you remember all that?
I try to go with nursery rhymes. It’s tough.
@f00l I intersperse profanity and slang from other languages. Still waiting for a reason to use ‘pericolississimo’. It’s from a road sign.
@PlacidPenguin At work we had to change our passwords every 30 days and one of my coworkers simply could not remember hers (brilliant lady but older and not computer proficient). So I taught her how to change it on the first of each month to the name of the month; January, February, etc. Even if she forgot to change it, it was still the previous month, no recall needed. Not a very secure password, but she didn’t have access to sensitive data.
@moondrake I have to change my password often at work as well. I just keep using the same word and adding a number. Sometimes I’ll roll back over to 01. Right now I’m on 42.
@jbartus I used LastPass many years ago, but eventually decided I wasn’t sure I could trust it (plus it snuck Bonsai Buddy in the door with it and I had hell’s own time eradicating that pest). It would be useful if I was sure I could trust it but would not replace my current method which is portable and extremely easy to update.
@moondrake I can’t speak to their past practices with bundleware or whatever but that’s a non-issue these days and it’s far far more secure than an Excel file.
Unless the Excel file is in a triple encrypted zip file on a micro SD card carried around in a case taped onto one’s body.
But if you could access the micro SD card (and get to the file) if you were to meet me, I’d gladly sit back and let you do what you want with the file.
And where do you keep the backup of the file on the storage taped to your body, assuming there is one?
I am thinking of using a legal document vault available to me thru a family member. Supposedly quite secure, but I want to know more before I decide. This law firm had a notable IT staff (not just one person) and all supposedly have security clearances related to defense and give work.
Not sure how I would update the file.
Fwiw, I understand is that this sort of vault gets trusted by hedge funds and large insurance companies and near-billionaires.
But I still want to know more.
Assuming there’s a backup, or assuming that the first one exists?
Also, I know it’s the wrong thread, but I blame you for the fact that the left earbud of my favorite (and only pair of) earbuds just stopped working. Now I have to look for a new pair which is a good fit.
Assuming that there is a backup, where might you keep it? Not specifically where - just what general characteristics of the location.
Bank vault?
Home machine?
Wallet sized portable storage, hidden where only you know to look!
What sort of characteristics would be on the checklist of the choice of place where your secret backup of the triple-encrypted file hides?
Broken earbuds are
A huge pain. @f00l likes LG
Tones. Convenient.
@PlacidPenguin I bought some IMetal ones because 1. The community at Woot recommended them 2. They came with three sizes of rubber ends, I use very small ones, and 3. They have a lifetime warranty and Woot folks said they mean it. I had broken several pair previously, so that seemed like a good investment. They have good sound (but I am not an audiophile), fit comfortably, stay in, and I haven’t broken or lost them yet.
Thanks for the suggestion, but as I told @f00l, I only use flat earbuds.
I have issues with the other kind.
It’s quite difficult for earbuds to really be audiophile because so much depends not only on the design and manufacture and component quality, but also on the individual fit.
I have to jam my LG Tones deep into my ears to get bass and resonance and detail (even they they’re not audiophile). And they won’t stay in place. And jamming them makes them more isolating than I want when I’m moving around. And I don’t like how they feel when I jam them in.
People who want audiophile from buds are either gonna have to spend a huge amount and then possibly still not be satisfied, or get custom fit ones. Think $$$$. Many hundreds, perhaps even near $1K.
The LG’s are good enough for day casual use without being force-jammed into my ears. They’re fine for audiobooks and podcasts and some music to fit the moment’s mood. That’s all I ask.
The form factor is incredible. Most usable ever. The manufacturing is good also - some of mine are 2-3 years old?
LG tones are widely counterfeited, and the fakes are not worth even $.01.
I get genuine ones, refurnished and returns, from newegg. Pretty cheap. I get new ear tips for them. I also find them on sale every so far often.
The other “name” ones that look like the LG Tones (i.e. Samsung) are fine also.
Survive the Trump presidency
@Cerridwyn Trump has to survive the Trump presidency. Acting like the village idiot isn’t gonna cut it in the long run.
@cranky1950 I’d like to believe that is true, but so far it has not proven to be.
@moondrake if the past decade is any guide, he’ll probably be reelected
If I HAD to make a resolution, it would be to catch up on my movie watch list.
You laugh, but for the last few years I’ve been saying that.
It’s harder than it sounds, because every time I want to do this, I end up adding movies and removing others. Also, I keep on having shows which I want to watch.
If it’s not obvious, I’m not planning many things for 2017.
I mean to do something about the huge areas of my existence that are completely useless and disorganized.
Perhaps I’ll stare at them. Or ignore them.
Or you could glare at them.
Just don’t make them SEP.
Making them SEP sounds like a positive move. What are the downsides?
How familiar are guy with the Chaos Theory?
Used to mess with it a good bit. Liked it.
Mainly continue things I am currently working on.
I’m going to say it here… Resolutions:
I’m officially admitting that I’m retired (apparently something I hadn’t actually come to terms with). I’ve been cleaning out computer parts that I will NEVER use (and in some cases, are a pure mystery as to what they were, and why I even had them). I have three boxes:
I’m about to go through all those dead computers (I have an even dozen), attempt to retrieve data from the hard drives, and then put those drives in a special pile. Once I’ve reached a point where I’m sure I’m done with the drives, they all go to a place where I can watch them have a hole punched through, and then proceed on to hazmat.
I retired Feb 1, 2006. It’s time to let it all go. Well, except for the working machines. I just picked up a nice server with two nics; who knows? I might get wireless going, just for entertainment.
Hey, I might be old, but das blinkenlights still make me happy. :-}
@Shrdlu I know I’ve mentioned this on the forums before, but seriously consider iFixit’s device donation program in your cleanup efforts: https://www.ifixit.com/Info/Device_Donations.
The students do amazing work.
Also, the Internet Archive would love all of your computer materials- either physically or a digital copy (CDs, floppies, manuals, magazines, etc).
Not sure where you’re located, but if it’s in the Northeast area, I can give you the name of a great recycler/refurbisher/data destruction firm.
@dashcloud There won’t be anything useful to donate in that way. The Internet Archive long ago got anything interesting from the ancient times (including a full set of 2600, from the first issue).
I trust the folks who’ll be destroying the hard drives. I will be there, physically, watching a hole get punched, in each and every one. There’s nothing useful left, and plenty of local kids and organizations if there was.
Thanks very much for the thoughts. :-}
What kind of typewriter?
@f00l It’s not one you (or most folks) would want. It isn’t old enough to be interesting, and it isn’t new enough to be worth much. It probably needs a new ribbon, too.
I used it to fill out those rare forms that could only be typed. I’m sure I haven’t used it in close to twenty years. I doubt that I used it more than 3 or 4 times in any given year, either. It’s just been gathering dust, and it’s not worth the postage to TX.
I actually short-circuited the need for even having it when I spent the $$ for a copy of Acrobat that could accept a scanned form, and make it editable. Game over, because by then, forms with carbon were vanishing. Thankfully.
Yeah I figured it wouldn’t be worth it.
Would like to have a a Selectric.
Because awesome. I’m sure I could get one around here.
I would use it perhaps once in 20 years or less I’m sure.
Would also like to have one of those ultra-rugged indestructible portable typewriters that war reporters used in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. I figure that would come in handy after civilization gets destroyed. Assuming I can get paper and ribbons for it.
Perhaps we can invent a way to turn cockroaches into typewriter ribbons and and fire ants into standard paper after the end-of-technology once we’re all living in caves.
@f00l You’ll be right in line with the Rude-Talking Copper-Plated Gargoyle (Sam Bee’s term). It is now advocating couriers for transmission of sensitive information. I foresee a huge demand for carrier pigeons, and am building a dovecote now.
I will resolve to practice moderation in moderation.
My resolution is to be better at following through with completing projects, etc. Usually, I start off well, b
#4 in the OP is checked off. $3.43 left on that gift card. 2 days into the new year and i’ve alredy got 20% of my list done.
fuck yeah!
@carl669 I think you should work on #2 or #3 next. If you get both of those done by July, the last half of the year should be a piece of cake. Heck, even if you only did those this year, I’d call the year a success.
@sligett i don’t know. #3 is a tough one. i also have the same problem with the word “tylenol”. i thought about having both words on my list, but that just seemed like too much to tackle in a single year.
I resolve to be the best Positivity Goat Meh has ever seen!
Positivity Goat
@jbartus Then you better start posting some photos of men in kilts.
@OldCatLady! Check this out! Look what @jbartus will do for the asking!
Hey, @jbartus - are any of those pix of you?
@f00l oh yeah I’m totally the second one
@f00l …what? Sorry, I couldn’t scroll down for some reason. It’s like my screen was stuck.
I resolve to not buy any more speakers.
@sammydog01 Not even the Dolby Atmos ones?
@sammydog01 how did the dancing robot work out??
Until next week?
@RiotDemon Oh yeah, it was awful. I still owe you a YouTube video.
@dashcloud The Atmos ones are probably out of my price range anyway.
@f00l Until forever. Unless they have the pig ones. I never got a pig speaker.
@sammydog01 that’s too bad. Was looking forward to it being cool.
@sammydog01 So can you resolve to buy fewer speakers? I have a pig speaker, and it’s still among my favorites. I had it boxed up to donate- but can’t do it. And today I just ordered the VTech Bluetooth Rechargeable Speaker on MorningSave, because I have no will power.
@OldCatLady I’ll see. I have way more speakers than I know what to do with. But a few of them worked out really well so it’s not a total loss. I love my BEM with the charging station and my JBL mini.
@OldCatLady Didn’t cave at midnight. Yay for me!
@sammydog01 So far, so good here, too. If they go to MorningSave, where all good VMP mehmembers get an additional 10% off plus free shipping, I may have to think again.
I resolve to sleep alone in a cave till 2018.

@mfladd at least make it a good cave. you deserve that much.
@mfladd Here’s a cave for you.
But if you do decide you want company…
@KittySprinkles Yes!!! Thank you.
@mfladd That’s a really neat looking cat cave. I want!!