2-for-Who: Buy Eveready LED Lights - Get Insteon IP Cameras?


Dear Meh,

I am a fan of Meh's marketing ideal, so I picked MediocreLab name. However, I am not a Meh lab rat, and my home is not a Meh warehouse. Please do not shower me with random Valentine's gifts - like XL socks.

I bought (a) 2-for-Tuesday: Eveready Compact LED Area Lights on 2/24.

Meh sent me (b) 2-for-Tuesday: Insteon IP Wireless Cameras from 2/17.

Imagine when next big earthquake knocks out all power grids in California. Do I need (a) LED lights on batteries or (b) IP cameras w/o electricity?

I need LED lights (not IP cameras). Please send me LED lights. Do you want the IP cameras back? Please pay me return shipping.

If Meh warehouse is full, I can help you dump on Crazy-List or Flea-Bay - (a) is selling for $16-30 each, and (b) is selling for $54-110 each.

Sincerely yours,
