Peanut sauce has a special place in Thailand, from royal cuisine to street food
Rich and pure but never overpowering, our ready-to-use peanut sauce is the spicy sidekick of satay, a grilled delight of skewered meat or fish, and also brings a tangy warmth to salads, tofu, noodles or wraps
@shahnm Last month I ate some curry sauce that had a “best by” date from 2010 and it was fine. I doubt they’d ever go outright bad as long as the packaging remains undamaged.
@brennyn@shahnm Yeah, capsaicin is produced as a pesticide, so it makes sense that it would act as a good preservative. Usually plenty of it in Thai sauces (though these are mild—wonder if it’s “Thai mild,” which would be on the spicy end of the American scale, or “American mild,” which would be on the flavorless end of the Thai scale).
I was all hyped up for the euphoric feeling of missing an IRK when the site was down at 12:00. But here I am spending 4 times as much, as I’m giving these a try (6 each of red and coconut curry).
@jeffcohen@Kyeh And the time prior to that, with the Escalating To Absurdity pricing. The final round was amusing to watch, as people reflexively hit the Buy button and then, realizing that the price was in three digits, hurriedly went back and cancelled that sucker. The number sold kept bouncing up and down, and the map of states where the purchasers were located kept having places shift back to “Nope”.
@volcs0 Don’t see the ingredient list, but it’s a safe bet at least the peanut sauce isn’t. Thai peanut sauce is basically just peanut butter and fish sauce (and maybe soy sauce). Fish sauce is in lots of other Thai dishes in unexpected places, too; even if it doesn’t taste fishy, it may still have it.
@volcs0 Looks like at least the peanut and the coconut one are vegan, according to the Amazon listing. Not aure if the one Meh sells are the exact same recipie though.
@picciano It’s “best by,” and the Coconut & Peanut sauces are best by February. Most agree that these will be good for many months after the dating. This is why we’re selling 12 for nearly the price of 1
@troy For once, I’m with you on that. I’ve had a number of Thai curry packs get forgotten on the shelf past their sell-by date, and so far all of them have been OK when finally opened. I haven’t seen this brand before, but I can go through four of them before the sell-by easily, and that’s enough to get my money’s worth even if they really don’t keep much longer.
@picciano Best by is just that when the product is still per the mfg most fresh and flavorful. Its not bad a day or month later. Most shelf stable preserved foods will last months to years past a labeled best by date. You may find the food to be lacking in flavor or texture, but its still edible. I’ve found sauces 3yrs past best by and tasted, they were fine, albeit maybe not as fresh or flavorful as a new item.
@outdoorslife@picciano For things that are truly shelf stable, the best-by date is often exactly two years after the date of packing; almost nothing sold as food in the US is allowed to have a longer store-shelf period. But conversely, processors also know that they don’t have to make their product any more stable than two years’ worth, so they often will cheapen down to spec where they can. The problem is that you never know which paradigm applies…
@outdoorslife It’s sold out for pretty much everyone, but a few have been held back for VMPs (those who have been paying $5 a month since before the current membership program).
Let me just say that these are very good and I hope meh gets them again! My family tried both the red and coconut curries. They are mild and quite delicious with a little doctoring (mostly adding salt, although I added a bunch of fresh lime juice to the red curry). The only one who thought they were a bit spicy is my 8 year-old, who is kind of a spice baby.
Here’s a photo of a red curry with red pepper, tofu, mushroom, onion, cilantro and lime juice over Thai rice noodles. So good!
@btwonder I like them too! I also hope Meh gets them again, although I’m not that optimistic. But I’d be interested in more of this kind of food over all the so-called energy bars/drinks and huge quantities of packaged
snacks. Please, Meh?
Chiming in also with 2 thumbs up! Got to the deal late and got 6 Red and 5 coconut curry. We love both varieties! I sauteed sliced chicken slices with fresh garlic after a dry rub of regular powdered curry before adding the sauce. I let it reduce a bit simmering. Served over coconut rice. Great with Jasmine rice as well. Delicious and you can taste all the ingredients. I’ll be looking for these again also!
I made up several sealed bags of sous vide chicken with just salt, pepper and carlic as seasoning, and now I can have decent red curry with chicken in five minutes whenever I want it. Score!
Product: Pick-your-12-Pack: Watcharee’s Thai Sauces (Red Curry, Coconut Curry, or Peanut)
Condition: New
Red Curry Sauce
Coconut Curry Sauce
Peanut Sauce
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
12 for $215.52 at Amazon
$186.48 for 84oz at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Jan 2 - Thursday, Jan 5
Curry up and speed up the web server!!
Way to saucy for me
These will be past their “best by” dates shortly before they get delivered… Any idea how long they might be “second best” for…?
@shahnm a while
@shahnm Guessing they’re salty enough to last a while. I would probably eat them myself within 6 months and fridge them just in case.
@shahnm Maybe freezing these would extend the shelf life!?
@shahnm I would use them for at least two years past the date. I don’t think they’d ever really go bad.
@shahnm Last month I ate some curry sauce that had a “best by” date from 2010 and it was fine. I doubt they’d ever go outright bad as long as the packaging remains undamaged.
@brennyn @shahnm Yeah, capsaicin is produced as a pesticide, so it makes sense that it would act as a good preservative. Usually plenty of it in Thai sauces (though these are mild—wonder if it’s “Thai mild,” which would be on the spicy end of the American scale, or “American mild,” which would be on the flavorless end of the Thai scale).
Why no choice of 4 of each, so we could try all of them?
@Achromatter they come in cases of 6. Considered 18-packs, but that just seemed like too much sauce for the dating.
@Achromatter @troy Should’ve done the 6packs then, would’ve like to try 2.
@Telanis you can choose two different sauces upon ordering
@troy I don’t date outside my culinary sphere in any event.
appropriate order name
/giphy glorious-yummy-leftovers

Hm… appropriate for this time of year or christian-centric propaganda?
/giphy cherubic-merry-snowplow

I’m not gonna make a stupid comment about getting sauced in thailand
@mexicantacos Phuket, do it anyway.
I could never come close to the food my Indian colleagues are able to make.
@hchavers Considering these are at least “Thai-inspired,” I guess you’d be willing to say it’s all “Greek to you?”
@hchavers @mehvid1 I am not in the mood to contemplate red curry gyro, TYVM.
What the fark do
“Clean ingredients” and
“Good manufacturing process” mean
@thechinglish Those are sustainable phrases…
@thechinglish What’s scarier is contemplating what they imply that they are competing with, if they think they need to make statements like that.
To curry favor, favor curry.
@werehatrack Tim Curry?
Stop pricing stuff at 99 cents - this time I mean it!
Anybody want a curry peanut?
/image Fezzik and Inigo

Nice way to use my last $5 off code from the IRK experiment
@thechinglish Me too!
I was all hyped up for the euphoric feeling of missing an IRK when the site was down at 12:00. But here I am spending 4 times as much, as I’m giving these a try (6 each of red and coconut curry).
/giphy freezing-beloved-chocolate

Only twice as much, nowadays - you must have missed the last few Mehrathons (not counting last time with the ridiculous $50 Irk.)
@jeffcohen @Kyeh And the time prior to that, with the Escalating To Absurdity pricing. The final round was amusing to watch, as people reflexively hit the Buy button and then, realizing that the price was in three digits, hurriedly went back and cancelled that sucker. The number sold kept bouncing up and down, and the map of states where the purchasers were located kept having places shift back to “Nope”.
@jeffcohen Chocolate would have been nice!
/image I could bathe in Thai sauce

@datruandi PSA: Bathing in Thai sauce may affect your social life.
@mehcuda67 For some, it might improve their chances of having one.
@mehcuda67 delicious social life
/giphy overcast-joyful-partridge

Peanut and Red combo
Haven’t bought anything on meh for a while, so I’m primed and ready for this nearly-expired food!
/giphy kind-naughty-reindeer

You can eat your Thai to get curry sauce; I’m gonna drink Mai Tai to hurry and get sauced.
@phendrick You’re gonna thai one on?
@eeterrific …because there was a requirement that somebody had to say it.
/giphy blustery-sharing-gingerbread

/giphy angelic-mirthful-pickle

/showme amazing-terrific-reindeer
Them’s some mighty peculiar antlers.
@werehatrack Looks like whoever Thai’d them was sauced.
So, from what I can tell, not of these are vegan?
@volcs0 Don’t see the ingredient list, but it’s a safe bet at least the peanut sauce isn’t. Thai peanut sauce is basically just peanut butter and fish sauce (and maybe soy sauce). Fish sauce is in lots of other Thai dishes in unexpected places, too; even if it doesn’t taste fishy, it may still have it.
@volcs0 Looks like at least the peanut and the coconut one are vegan, according to the Amazon listing. Not aure if the one Meh sells are the exact same recipie though.
/showme ancient-playful-inn
/giphy ancient-playful-inn

/showme iguanas-covering-the-ground
The /showme command is a member feature. Join membership to try it out.
@jtsarnak But here’s how it might have come out…

/giphy dickensian-terrific-friends

Look at the eyes! RUN!
Expires in a week? No thanks.
@picciano It’s “best by,” and the Coconut & Peanut sauces are best by February. Most agree that these will be good for many months after the dating. This is why we’re selling 12 for nearly the price of 1
@troy For once, I’m with you on that. I’ve had a number of Thai curry packs get forgotten on the shelf past their sell-by date, and so far all of them have been OK when finally opened. I haven’t seen this brand before, but I can go through four of them before the sell-by easily, and that’s enough to get my money’s worth even if they really don’t keep much longer.
@picciano Best by is just that when the product is still per the mfg most fresh and flavorful. Its not bad a day or month later. Most shelf stable preserved foods will last months to years past a labeled best by date. You may find the food to be lacking in flavor or texture, but its still edible. I’ve found sauces 3yrs past best by and tasted, they were fine, albeit maybe not as fresh or flavorful as a new item.
@outdoorslife @picciano For things that are truly shelf stable, the best-by date is often exactly two years after the date of packing; almost nothing sold as food in the US is allowed to have a longer store-shelf period. But conversely, processors also know that they don’t have to make their product any more stable than two years’ worth, so they often will cheapen down to spec where they can. The problem is that you never know which paradigm applies…
You going to have any more later today or is it a hard sold out today?!
@outdoorslife It’s sold out for pretty much everyone, but a few have been held back for VMPs (those who have been paying $5 a month since before the current membership program).
damn I missed it!!!
Incredible! Finally something I would have bought, used, and enjoyed. Didn’t check my email 'till 4pm, and SOLD OUT. Darn!
/showme terrific-mirthful-greetings
Disappointed to miss out on the Georgia Red. . . . happy to hear it’s available though.
Let me just say that these are very good and I hope meh gets them again! My family tried both the red and coconut curries. They are mild and quite delicious with a little doctoring (mostly adding salt, although I added a bunch of fresh lime juice to the red curry). The only one who thought they were a bit spicy is my 8 year-old, who is kind of a spice baby.
Here’s a photo of a red curry with red pepper, tofu, mushroom, onion, cilantro and lime juice over Thai rice noodles. So good!
@btwonder I like them too! I also hope Meh gets them again, although I’m not that optimistic. But I’d be interested in more of this kind of food over all the so-called energy bars/drinks and huge quantities of packaged
snacks. Please, Meh?
Chiming in also with 2 thumbs up! Got to the deal late and got 6 Red and 5 coconut curry. We love both varieties! I sauteed sliced chicken slices with fresh garlic after a dry rub of regular powdered curry before adding the sauce. I let it reduce a bit simmering. Served over coconut rice. Great with Jasmine rice as well. Delicious and you can taste all the ingredients. I’ll be looking for these again also!
I made up several sealed bags of sous vide chicken with just salt, pepper and carlic as seasoning, and now I can have decent red curry with chicken in five minutes whenever I want it. Score!
@werehatrack Mmmmm I love carlic