True & Tidy SPRAY-250 Spray Mop with Refillable Bottle

  • Fill the spray bottle with whatever cleaning solution you want
  • It’s built to get into tough-to-reach places
  • The easier the thing is to use, the more likely you are to use it
  • Model: 5PR4Y-1T-D0NT-54Y-1T
see more product specs


Regular maintenance. It’s the key to, like, everything in the world.

If you brush your teeth two minutes twice a day and floss, you’ll likely have fewer issues at the dentist’s office. And if you clean the dishes after you finish eating, you won’t have a big smelly pile of plates in the sink come the end of the week. If you exercise regularly, your heart works better. And if you give your floors a quick mopping at regular intervals, you’re less likely to end up on your hands and knees scrubbing at some gnarly gunky build-up between the tiles of your kitchen floor.

It’s all so simple!

And yet, for some reason, we rarely do regular maintenance, opting instead to put things off until the situation can no longer be ignored. That is, unless we have one of two things:

  1. a strong will, and a sense of longterm big picture thinking that allows us to assess tasks not just on their own, but in the context of how we’ve spent our time in the past, and how we desire to spend it in the future;


  1. some dope gadgets/appliances!

Think about how much easier it is to brush for two minutes when you’ve got a toothbrush that times out each quadrant for you. Dishes instantly become less of a hassle with a good dishwasher. It’s not so difficult to get some miles in when you’ve got a stationary bike pointed at a television streaming whatever trashy new soap-opera-dressed-up-as-prestige-TV Netflix has put out. And it’s easier to keep your hard floors clean with this True & Tidy Spray Mop.

Will it be able to tackle the basement floor that’s been left untouched for nearly six years? Probably not. But, with its simple design, its easy spray trigger, and its bottle that can be filled with whatever cleaning solution you want, it takes much less effort than a traditional soak-and-strain mop, which means you’re more likely to use it with some frequency.

So get one and get cleaning your floors on the regular without breaking a sweat.

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