Ring Wired 1080P Video Doorbell Plus (Formerly Pro)

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Tricky "Treats": a Meh-rathon

“I knew all your costumes before you even rang the doorbell,” said Mrs. Mayberry, handing each in the group of trick-or-treaters a Ring Doorbell. “And now you can too!”

“Yeah, we know,” said one of them, dressed as Thor.

“It’s 2024, everyone has a video doorbell,” said another, dressed as Beetlejuice.

“And I just caught you two being little shits on mine,” said Mrs. Mayberry with a smile. “And now, I’m going to use the footage to go viral on TikTok. Thanks, suckers!”

They could still hear her laughing maniacally after she slammed the door shut in their faces.

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