Phase2 Energy PowerBlock 500W Portable Power Station
- Serious power
- No, like a lot of power
- Perfect for a blackout, historically large or not
- Don’t forget the IRK!

Welcome to the Time Meh-chine (A Mehrathon)
With every new offer, a fresh spin in our Time Meh-chine takes us to a random point in history to see how products would fare throughout history. Buckle up, and remember not to disrupt the primary timeline!
What is it? Basically a powerbank on steroids
When is it? 1965
Trip Report: Just a bunch of young Boomers living in the moment, not a cell phone in sight .Even if they weren’t in the midst of a historically gigantic blackout, they still couldn’t have tweeted about it. We did let them plug in their weird beige computers, though.