Olympia USA 8-Pocket 22" Rolling Duffel Bag

  • A duffel bag? With wheels? Now we’ve seen everything!
  • Handle fully retracts
  • 8 convenient pockets
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can sit dutifully next to you as you enjoy a $40 margarita at the O’Hare Frontera
see more product specs

Let's Roll

Air travel sucks.

We know, we know. We should warn you before we issue such a searing hot take so that you might gird your figurative loins and/or preemptively clutch your figurative pearls. And yet, despite the controversial nature of this opinion, we stand by it.

Seriously, though, do we even need to lay out the reasons air travel sucks? Probably not. But guess what? We’re going to anyway.

There’s the price, obviously. It’s always exorbitant to fly anywhere, regardless of how remote or not remote your destination may be. But thankfully, our friends at the airline companies and booking websites have introduced new budget options. Now, you can choose a flight that is within a window of take-off times, and you can opt for a special row that has even less cushioning on the seats and a tiny amount of legroom and requires you to pay extra for any basic amenity.

But it’s all worth it! Because you can get one of these budget-ass flights for the low, low price of… what you would’ve paid for a normal seat before they introduced these options.

And, by the way, that high price? It’s only going to get higher as you pay $105 for a burrito and a margarita from the airport Chili’s that will definitely metabolize into severe gastric discomfort somewhere over one of the Great Lakes.

Then there are the zones. Then there are the people who at stand up and crowd the boarding area 40 minutes before their zone is called. Then there are the delays and cancellations caused by “weather” somewhere 6000 miles away, thus meaning the airlines don’t have to compensate you for the inconvenience. Then there are roughly a million minor issues we have not discussed yet: everything from, ‘the light’s out over my seat so I can’t read’ to ‘There’s an issue with the heat so the plane is roughly 99 degrees inside’ to… whatever.

But, there remains one good part of air travel, and it’s this:

It feels pretty cool to walk really fast through an airport pulling a rolling bag behind you.

And you can do that with THIS BAG!

So get one.

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