Meh Logo Shirt

  • We begin the Meh-rathon with a shirt
  • We end it with a shirt
  • Them’s the rules (for now)
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Mayor Werewolf: A Spooktacular Meh-rathon

Dale chuckled. “I guess you’re right, Henry.” He turned to the mayor, Craig, and Claire, fishing something out of his pocket. “I was wondering if you all could do me a favor on your way home.”

“Sure,” Claire said.

“Take these keys,” he said holding out a set to her. “They’ll unlock my home office. Check my calendar and cancel all my invisible dog fence consultations for tomorrow morning.”

“Okay,” Claire said. “But why?”

“Because I might need to sleep in,” Dale said. “After all, I’ve got a feeling tonight’s going to be a long night!”

And then they all laughed and high fived.

Freeze frame.

The end.

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