It’s A Speaker Dock & Sunglasses. Deal With It.

We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon
  • Lousy speaker dock + cheap sunglasses + Internet = hilarity
  • Lenses are polarized, like our community’s response to this joke bundle
  • Puts the “deal” in “deal with it”
  • And then takes it right back out again
discuss this deal

"Deal sites" must die.

Whaaa? When we only sell one item per day, why would we waste an entire day on a pointless offer like this? A crappy speaker dock and a pair of sunglasses, bundled together to make a played-out meme reference: is that any way to run a deal site?

No, because “deal sites” are bullshit.

Without a community around them, we mean. When they cultivate a wacky just-us-deal-nerds image, but insist on a one-way relationship with their customers just as alienating as Big Retail: “shut up while we push product at you.” Meh is a community that happens to have a deal attached. Without the community, we’d basically be Groupon with vastly better copywriting.

No doubt, the deals pay the bills. We love it when people buy stuff from us. We love putting a kick-ass deal together. But just look at the real estate we give to this story, and that video over there, and the forum links, compared to the holy product photo and title and buy button. That’s no accident. When we were concocting Meh’s DNA, we very intentionally made “Internet” the dominant gene and “store” the recessive one. Content and community come first.

And to prove it, here’s a lame deal that won’t make us any money. The speaker dock is the same piece of garbage that inspired our original profane rant about stupid sucky speaker docks. The sunglasses aren’t anything special, either. But put them together and it’s funny! Kind of! If you look at it from the right angle! And possibly after ingesting the right substances!

Consider today a day off from shopping. Check out the video. Answer the poll. Most of all, get into the community and shoot the shit. Tell us how idiotic and insane we are for shooting ourselves in the foot with bad ideas like today’s bundle. “Deal with it” by making your feelings known and finding common cause with your fellow disappointed shoppers. That’s what you can do in a community. Anything else is just a deal site.

Our Community →

So far today...

  • 55827 of you visited.
  • 28% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 6744 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 697 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $14007 total.
  • (including shipping)

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